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TH E CU LTU RA L HESPERIA 7I (2002) PagesI 4g-Igg BIOGRAPHY OF A CYC LA D I C G E Ot/\ ET R I C AM P H O RA ISLANDERSI N ATHENS AND THE P RE H I ST O R Y OF M ET I CS ABS TRACT This articlep resentst he life historyo f a large,r epairedE arlyI ronA ge am- phorai mportedt o Athens,f ragmentso f whichw ered iscoveredin 1939 in anda roundt he HephaisteionT. he contexto f the vessels uggestst hati t was usedi n a tomb.D ecoratedin an aarchaizings"ty ler eminiscenot f Protogeo- metric,t he amphorac anb e datedt o the LateG eometricp eriod.I t findsi ts closestp arallelso n Syros,a n islandh ithertol ittle knownf or its post-Early Cycladica ntiquitiesH. ow the amphoram adei ts wayt o Athensi s addressed, andd ifferentty peso f evidencep ointt o thee xistenceo f residenat liens( metics) in a periodb eforet he reformso f Solona ndK leisthenes. Amongt he surprisetsh atl ayb eneatht he buildingt hath as comet o be knowna s the Hephaisteio(nF ig.1 ), feww erem orec uriousth ana huge amphoraA, goraP 14819( Fig.2 ), assembleddu ringt he 1939e xcavation season.Vl incentD esboroughsa wt he fragmentast the time,a nds ome 1. The circumstancelesa dingt o the problemos f distinguishintgh e fabrics compriseda briefi ntroductiona, d e- appearancoef this articlep, ublisheda of variousC ycladicis landsA. fterh er scriptiono f the pot,a nda sectiono n decadea ftert he deatho f EvelynS mith- untimelyd eathi n 1992,I camea cross "Excavatioann dC ontext.T" he manu- son,r equirea wordo f explanationT.h is an unfinishedm anuscriphti ddeni n scriptl,i ttlem oret hana n introductory studyg rewo ut of a conversatiobne - one of the manyb oxeso f hern otes. draftw, asa mongt he lastp rojectEs velyn tweenE velyna ndm yselfi n the spring Entitled" OA M@OPETTEO f ANA- workedo n beforeh erd eath.E nough of 1988,a t whicht imet he amphora, ^ I^A" Anaxilas'asm phora-the survivedin the manuscripatn dn otest o AgoraP 14819,b ecamet he focuso f paperw asl . n two sect. lonsa, moun. tlng indicatet he basics tructuroef a paper. discussionO. vert he nextf ew years, to somee levenp ageso f double-spaced In the presenta rticlem, ucho f the Evelyns pentq uitea bit of timet hinking text.I n the samef olderw erem any . ntrocu ct. lona nc sect. on on excava. tlon aboutP 14819.I n hert ypicalf ashion, handwrittenno tes,p rimariloyn the andc ontexta, sw ell as the basicd escrip- she dissectedth e originatl renchn ote- phenomenono f an archaizinsgt ylei n tion of the vase,i s Evelyn'sw, ith my bookso f the Agoraa nds courede very laterG eometrica, nds everapl hoto- addendaa ndc orrigendao,f teni n those possiblec ontextl ot in ordert o recon- copieso f photographosf potsf rom sectionsm arkedb y Evelyna s requiring structt he contexto f the vessel.M ore- Athensa s illustrationTs.h erew ere,i n irther worko r elaborationT.h e Cy- over,s he acquaintehde rselfw ith the additionm, anyh andwrittenno teso n cladicc omplexitieosf the vasef ollow EarlyI ronA ge Cycladesa nd,d espite Naxosa ndo n Cycladicp otteryi n someo f Evelyn'ns otes;s o too the herm odesta ssertionth ats hew aso nly generala, s well as the transcriptioonf discussiono f the pot as a buriaul rn an "Atticm an"(s eeP apadopoulo1s9 94a, the inerary inscriptionof Anaxilaso f for an infant,a nds omem usingso n p. 564),s he delvedi nto the quagmiroe f Naxos AthenianK erameikoisn, v.I . howi t mayh avem adei ts wayt o Athens. scientifica nalysias ndp articularltyh e 388 (seeb elow)T. he manuscripitts elf This said,t he manuscripwt asv erym uch American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® www.jstor.org _ 8 1 - - - E = S a -_- * |X -* * * l 1 I i _ | F j-L Flfgruornet , 1. y T1h93e 6. HephCalosuteritoensy, Agoreaa st I50 JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS AND EVELYN L. SMITHSON yearsla ters uggestedb,y i mplicatioant l east,t hatt hep otw asa ni mporot f EastG reeko r islando rigina, ndS ubprotogeometirnic d ate.2A s an" iso- latedf ind"o f uncertaind atea ndw ithoutc losep aralleli,t attracteldit tle furthera ttentiona, ndi ts ungainlys ize, delicatee quilibriuma,n dh eavy plasterinrge legateidt eventualltyo thev irtuaol bliviono f theb acks, outh storeroomof the Stoao f Attalosw, iredt o thet ops helffors afety'ssa keA. chancec onversatiobne tweent he authorsin the springo f 1988 recalled the vesselt o minda nd,f ollowinga precariouvsi ewingi, t was brought downf romi ts loftyp osition. Althougho ne of the largestE arlyI ronA ge vesselsf romt he areao f thel aterA thenianA goraP, 14819r eceivedli ttlea ttentionA. problematic context( seeb elow)m eantt hati t couldb e datedo nlyo n theb asiso f style and,b ecauseit wasn ot clearlyr ecognizedas LateG eometricit, wasn ot includedin A goraV III.W hilet hep ot andi ts contextd o haves omeb ear- ing on the useo f the areab eforet herew ase vera n agoran earbyp,a rticu- larlyw ithr egardto the historyo f earlyb urialos n KolonosA goraiost,h e vesseli s latert hana nyi ntactg raveo n the plateauo r its westerns lopes. Moreoverin, thef rameworokf acceleratesdc holarlayc tivitya ndn ewd is- coverieisn islanda ndE astG reekG eometrico vert he pastf ew decades, AgoraP 14819i s a "problempi ece"th ats houldb e morew idelyk nownt o scholarsF. ort heser easonsi,t seemedd esirablteo presenitt at this time andi n this form,n ot leasti n the hopeo f findinga mores ecurep rove- niencea ndd atef ori t. The piecea ppeartso be Cycladic ratherth anE astG reek in ori- gin,p erhapfsr omt he islando f Syrosa, ndi ts date8 th century prob- B.C., unfinishedI., thereforeh, avet o assume 2. Desborough1 952,p . 34:" Curi- is no context."H e goeso n to compare responsibilitfyo r anys hortcomingosf ouslye noughf, ragmentos f a similar the vesselt o an unpublisheadm phora the finalr esulta nd,i ndeed,r esponsibil- amphora[l iket hosef rom8 th-century fromM elost hath ass emicircleosn the ity fort he decisiont o publisht his paper contextso n Thera]o f coarser edc lay, shouldera ndc ircleso n the belly( Des- in its currenfto rm.E velynw asa per- verym icaceousa, ppeara mongt he un- borough1 952,p . 34, n. 2), with a fectionista, ndI hopet he resultd oesn ot publishedm ateriaol f the AgoraE xca- furtherm entiono n p. 36. fallt oo farb elowh erh igh standards. vations( P 14819);u nfortunateltyh,e re CULTURAL BIOGRAPHY OF A GEOMETRIC AMPHORA I5I b ablyn o earlierth ant he thirdq uartera,c cordintgo the conventionachl ro- Figure2 . a) Late Geometricb elly- nology.A3 s such,t hev esselm ays ervea s a pointo f departurfeo ra nyd is- handleda mphoraA, thenianA gora cussiono f importedp otteryto EarlyI ronA ge Athens.4It alsop rovideas P 14819;b ) detailo f handle,a s pre- clearefro cuso n the phenomenoonf anE arlyI ronA ge" archaizinsgt"y le, served.C ourtesyA goraE xcavations thati s,o nea lludingto theP rotogeometrbicu, tp roduceidn theL ateG eo- metricp eriodI. n turningt o the particulahri storyo f this largep ot its culturabl iographySa lternativsec enariosa red iscussedi,n cludingt he movemenotf commoditieasn dp eopleB. eyondt his,t hev esselp rovideas potentiagl limpseo f the prehistoroyf a socialp henomenonth atw as to defineh istoricA thens.V arioutsh readso f evidencec onvergeto suggest the possibilityo f residenat liens metoikoai s theyc amet o be knowni n historicA thens not onlyi n the periodb eforeK leisthenebs,u ta rguably generationbse foreth er eformosf Solon,i n ane rab eforer ecordehdi story.6 3. At the timeo f herd eathE velyn 4. It is fairlyc leart hatc eramic geometrica ndG eometricim portsC; old- inclinedt owardt he viewt hatt he importst o EarlyI ronA ge Athens, streama ndC atling1 996, pp.393-409; amphorwa asN axiano n the basiso f especiallyd uringP rotogeometribcu, t alsoC oldstream19 90). comparandaav ailablaet the time;t hus alsod uringE arlya ndM iddleG eomet- 5. Therei s a growingli teraturoen the originatl itleo f herp aper", Anax- ric,w eree xceedinglrya re-comparable this subjectm, ucho f whichw as either ilas'sA mphora,w"a sa ppropriatfeo ra n to the importo f the proverbia"lo wlst o unknownto Smithsono, r appeareadf ter amphorba elievedt o comef romN axos, Athens."T his situationc ontrastws ith herd eath.E speciallyim portanat ret he the homelando f the laterm eticA nax- thata t anyn umbero f Aegeans ites, variousp apersin Appadura1i9 86, esp. ilas.N ow thatt he Naxianp rovenience sucha s Leflcandain dK nossost,o Kopytof1f 986, p.86; cf. Davis1 997; seemsl essl ikelyt, he old title slightly mentiono nlyt wo.T here,p ottery Gosdena ndM arshaX19 99, esp.p p. 169- missest he markA. lthoughI have importsa, lthoughn ot abundanitn 178. changedt he title,t he basict hrusto f comparisotno the localm ateriawl, ere 6. Foro verviewos f metoikoiin Athens, the originatl itlei s as immediatea nd neverthelescso mmono ccurrence(ss ee see Clerc1 893; Gauthier1 972, esp.c h. 3; directa sw henE velynp ennedi t. esp.L efkandiI , pp.3 47-354,f orP roto- Whitehead1 977; 1984. I52 JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS AND EVELYN L. SMITHSON Figure3 . Interioro f the cellao f the Hephaisteionf romt he east, showing late burialsu ndert he floor. CourtesyA goraE xcavations EXCAVATION AND CONTEXT Afters pendingtw o yearsc learingth e resto f KolonosA goraiosto bed- rock,7th e Agorae xcavatorrse turnedto the so-calledT heseionin Febru- aryo f 1939,t his time to removet he earthf illinga ndC hristianb urials fromw ithint hatb uilding(F ig.3 ) in ordert o studyi ts foundationcso, n- structionfi lling,a nda nyr emainsth atm ighth aves urvivedo f an earlier sanctuaroyn the site.W orkb eganw ithint he cellao n 20 Februaruyn, der the supervisioonf DorothyB urrT hompsonw, ith the collaboratioonf HomerA . Thompson.O8 n the veryf irstd ay" Protogeometrmic"at erial waso bservedin thed isturbelde velsi mmediatelbye neathth et ilef looring of the modern" museum(F" ig.4 ).9T wo daysl aterm ore" Protogeomet- ric!"w as recordedi,n cluding" considerabpleie ceso f a Protogeometric amphora.''Al°l l of these" Protogeometrficr"ag mentws eref romA gora P 14819,a ndi n thec ourseo fthe nextm onthe xploratiotno bedrockletdo the recoveryo f 165 pieceso f the pot, roughlya thirdo f it, the profile completeS. o remarkabwlea st hisp iecea ndd istinctiviet s fabricth atn ota singlep reservesdh erde scapedth ee xcavatordsi'l igencei;n 1988r eexami- nationo f the sherdl ots fromt he templea nd immediatesu rroundings yieldedn o additionaflr agments. 7. Shear1 936,p p. 14-16, 23-24; to theT hompsonso n pp.3 -4. at least1 934,f ora ntiquitiesst orage; 1937,p p.3 42-352.L imitedc leaning 9. Fort he so-calledT heseiona s see Papageorgiou-Vene1ta9s9 4,p .314; wasd onei n boths ectionsK K andI IO the "CentraAl rchaeologicMal useum," alsop . 115,f ig. 145.S ee furtherK av- in 1937,t he latterr eferrintgo Plateia 1834-1874,s ee Karouzou1 968, vadias1 890-1892,p p. 12-15;K okkou Theseion. pp.i x-xi.T he Hephaisteiown asd e- 1974,p . 104,n .2; Karo1 934,c ol. 146, 8. The resultsw erei ncorporated creed"CentraPlu blicM useumf or for the "Sammlunigm Theseion." intoW illiamB ell Dinsmoor'tsh or- Antiquitieso"n November1 3, 1834. 10. Referenceisn quotationm arks ough( 1941)s tudyo n the Hephai- The buildingw asf irstu seda s an exhi- aref romt he excavationno tebooks. steion,w ith speciala cknowledgment bitions pace,a ndl aterf, rom1 835u ntil CULTURAL BIOGRAPHY OF A GEOMETRIC AMPHORA I53 Figure4 . Interioro f the Hephais- teion, showingt he sculpturec ollec- tion of the then NationalM useum of Athens. Albumenp rint,P ascal Sebah,c a. 1870.T he Getty Research Institute,a cc. no. 92.R.84 (04.13.04). CourtesyG ettyR esearchIn stitute Someo f the fragmentosf P 14819,a llb uto ne of themj oiningw, ere foundi n eacho f the post-antiqulea yerws ithint he cella( Fig.3 ), "ing en- eraln eart he southd oor,"b uta t leastt wol ayi n the looseu pperf illingo f Christiangr ave4 5.11A singles herdc learlyd erivefsr omt he templec on- structiofni ll( layerIV ) thatr emaineodv erb edrocbke neathC hristiagnr ave 34.12It is likelyt hats omes herdsc ame,a s well,f roma pocketo f heavily burnedr ede arth( layerV l) overb edrockin the WestP eristyleb eneath Christiang rave4 .13N o fragmenot f P 14819i s knownt o haved erived fromt het hinl ayero f graye arth( layerV II)p reserveidn fours malpl atches overb edrockw ithint he cella. 11. Dinsmoor1 941,p . 5, fig. 1. style,U nderG raveX LI [= grave4 in beenr emoveda, ndt hati t wasm ore 12. See belowD. orothyT hompson Dinsmoor1 941].P rotogeometric-VI pieceso f P 14819.A t leastt wo other hads uggestedth att his mighth ave cent.B .C.," ands o enteredb y HAT in lots listeda s containing"Protogeo- beent he provenancoef the entirep ot. the sectionl ot-list;i t wast he onlyl ot metric"n owh aven othingi n them In fact,n o cuttingp reservewd ithin of 46 examinedin 1988t hatl ackeda thatc ouldh aveb eens o described. the templei s of suitables ize or con- fieldt icket.I t containedo nlys even One mayp resumet,h en,t hati n a figurationfo ri t. smalls herdsn, onec onceivablPyr oto- finale ffortt o recovera ll sherdso f 13.T his layerh asb eenr elatedt o geometrict,w o of themb lack-glaze, P 14819b eforem issingp ortionsw ere possibleP ersiand estructioinn the one fromt he handleo f a cup,T ypeC . filledo ut in plastert o stabilizeth e areas; ee Dinsmoor1 941,p p. 126-127. It seemsi mpossibleth atp ieces mendedv essela s preserved(1 939), This provenancwe oulds eemt he most describedb y theT hompsonsa s "Proto- a conservatohra dr evieweda ll KK likelye xplanatioonf certaina nomalies: geometricw" ouldn ot be readily lots listeda s containing"Proto- in 1939s ectionK K,l ot 476,w as identifiablefo, rb othh adh ad,b y 1939, geometric,a"n dt hata dditional packagedfo rp ermanenstt oragein a extensivee xperiencwe ith EarlyI ron piecesw erei n factf oundi n some larges turdym anilae nvelopes,t illi n- Age wellsa ndg ravesT. iny lots,s uch of them.S ucha n interventionm ight tacta ndf irmlyc laspedin 1988.T he as this,w erer egularlsyt oredi n smaller alsoa ccountf ort he accidentallo sso f envelopew asl abeled( DBT/HAT envelopeso, f two standardsi zes.O ne the fieldt icket,n ormallyse curely [= DorothyB urrT hompsona nd cano nlys urmiseth att he "Proto- fastened. HomerA . Thompson]") WestP eri- geometricm" ateriatlh eyn otedh ad I54 JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS AND EVELYN L. SMITHSON The sevens trataw ithint he templew ered ividedb y theT hompsons into threeg roupsw; ithine acht he rangeo f sherdsi n the largerlo ts is essentialltyh e same: Post-antiqu(el ayerIs- III):t hesel evelsc ontainepdo tteryth atw asp re- dominantlyB yzantinea ndT urkisha, longw ith a few Hellenistica nd Romanp iecesa, nda scatterinogf Protogeometrthicr oughC lassicaslh erds. The Christiabnu rialws eree itherd ugd owni ntot hesel ayerso r thel ayers hadf ormedo vero r werep lacedt o covert he tombsT. he burialsth em- selvesw ered ividedb y Dinsmoorin toM edievaal ndP rotestangtr aves.14 Of the formert,h e greatm ajoritoyf tombsb elongt o the periodb etween 1057a nd1 453.1O5 f the lattert,h e earliesits probabltyh ato f John A.D. Tweddelwl, hod iedo nJ uly2 5, 1799,w hilet he useo f the areaa s a burial groundp robablcya met o an end immediatelayf tert he outbreakof the Waro f Independence.16 Templec onstructiof nl ling (layersI V-V): thesel ayersc ontainedp re- dominantl6yt h- ande arly-5th-centumrya teriawl, ith onlya handfuol f piecesc ertainllya tert han4 80 Moret hanh alfo f thel otsc ontaineda B.C. few pieceso f Protogeometraicn dE arlyG eometricM; iddleG eometric sherdws erer areL, ateG eometrimc oren umerous.Thfiisll ingwads umped withint he rectangloef the peristylea s the foundationrso se.F oundation trenchefso rc ellaw allsp, orchesa, ndi nternaclo lonnadews erec utt hrough thisf illingm, ostlyt o, ord eeplyin to,b edrockt;h ep orosu nderpinninfogr the templep avemenct ut throughit to resto n bedrocko r on the firm burnedc rusto f the fews urvivindge positsth atp redateth e temple.17 Depositspredatingthteem ple( layerVs l-VII):t her ede artho f layerV l, oftenp reservinag t hickb urnedc rustc, ontaineda fairn umbero f burned sherdss,o meh eavilya ffectedb yt hef ireT. he softerg raye artho f layerV II containendo clearlyb urnedsh erdsA. partf romt hesep hysicadl ifferences, whicha res ignificantth, e materiarle coverefdr oml ayersV l andV IIw as verys imilarT. he majoritoyf fragmentws ereo f the 6th century with B.C., nothingc learlyla tert hanc a. 480 The earlyc omponenits substan- B.C. tial in nearlya ll the lots, and abouta thirdo f one lot was certainly ProtogeometrTicw. ol ots froml ayerV l fromt he weste nd containeda handfuol f LateH elladicI IICs herds,la8n do ne alongt he northp eristyle preservead f inep ieceo f earlyM ycenaean.T1h9e LH IIICm ateriails not surprisinign the contexto f nearbyg raveso f thatd ate,2b0u t this sample is now the earliespt otteryr ecoverefdr omt he plateauo r the northwest slopeso f KolonosA goraiosA. ll phaseso f Geometriac rer epresenteda , 14. Dinsmoor1 941,p p.6 -30. in Munich( seeK och1 955, p. 161, 18. KKl ot 466, SouthP eristyle 15. Dinsmoor1 941,p . 15. fig. 2; see alsop . 163, figs.7 -8; Bastea underg rave1 6, by the southwesat nta; 16. Dinsmoor1 941,p p. 16-17, 30. 2000, pp. 6-7, fig. 1).A s a monument, KKl ot 479, northwesct ornerP eri- Aftert he Waro f Independencteh e the buildingit self,a longw ith Plateia style. aTheseionw"o uldh aveb eena very Theseiouc, amet o occupya prominent 19. KKl ot 474, NorthP eristyle, unlikelylo cationf or a buriagl round placeb othp hysicallayn ds ymbolicalliyn underg rave2 9. The fragmenits of a becauseo f the importanciet had the newlyc reatedc apitaol f the nascent verticasl traph andle( W. 0.034 m), assumeda t thatt imei n the creationo f Greeks tate( Athensb ecamet he capital wellb urnishedf,i redl ightr eddish the modernc ityo f Athens.T his is of Greecei n 1834, followinge arlier brownt o lightr ed2 .5YR6 /4-6; the perhapms ostc learlyil lustratedin Peter provisionasle atso f governmenatt Aigina piecei s LH III A:1 at latest. von Hess'sp aintinge ntitledA rrival of andN auplias;e e Bastea2 000, pp. 6-14). 20. Especiallyg ravesD 6:3 and King Ottoo f Greecein Athenso nJ anuary 17. Dinsmoor1 941, pp. 3031, 65, D 7:1,b otho f whichc anb e assigned 12, 1835, nowi n the NeueP inakothek 126-127. to FinalM ycenaean/Submycenaean. CULTURAL BIOGRAPHY OF A GEOMETRIC AMPHORA I55 fairq uantityo f Late Geometrica nd Protoattica,s well as all stageso f black-figurMe. anyp iecesa rea mbitiouasn ds omea reo f highq uality. Noneo f thee arlym ateriadl erivingfr omt hesed epositiss , then,i n its originaclo ntexta, ndt hel ayeras ntedatintgh et empler epresenfitl lingt hat hadb eens preadto servea constructioonr landscapinpgr ojecot f the 5th century The sourceo, r sourceso, f thism ateriails arguableb,u ts ome B.C. of it camef romd isturbegdr aveso r cemeteryre fusea roundth em.W hile earthf ill elsewhereh as been shownt o haves ometimebs eenh auledi n froma distance,2ra1r elyis thed istancesu bstantiaaln, di n thisc asea ready sourcem ayh avel ainj ustt o the westa ndn orthweswt hereb edrockfa lls awayi,n placesa bruptlyfr, omt he templea rea.M oreovera, numbero f gravesw erep reserveadl ongt he westa ndn orthwessth ouldeor f the hill, andd ozenso f cuttingsfo rw hatw erec ertainloyt hers.2S2u rvivinbgu rials rangei n datef romt he closings tageso f LH IIICi ntoM iddleG eometric I,23b ut scatteredce meteryd ebriso verb edrocka roundth eml eavesl ittle doubtt hatb uriailn the areac ontinueda tl easti ntot hel ate8 th andp rob- ablyt hroughth e 7th century The latteris suggestedb y a fragmenotf B.C. a terracottpal astics naket hath ads urelyp eeledf roma LateG eometriocr EarlyP rotoattifcu nerarvya se.24 Sherdsin the templef illinga rem ostlys mallj,o insf ew,a nde venr e- constitutedfr agmentssm all;t he samei s generallytr ueo f the presumed cemeteryd ebrisr, einforcintgh e impressiotnh att hisi s indeedt he source of mosto f the sherdsb eneathth e HephaisteionT.h e sherdsa ssembleads P 14819a rea n exceptionS. o mucho f thev esseli s preserveda,l lb uto ne smalls herdjo iningt, hati t cannoth aveb eenm ovedf ar,a ndi ts survivaoln KolonoAs goraioiss virtualluyn imaginaboleu tsidea no riginacl ontexto f a graved eeplys unki ntob edrock.A25 l ikelys equencoe f eventst, herefore, is asf ollows: 1.T he potw asp robabluyp rootedb yb uilderos f the Hephais- teion.2I6f pieceso f it actuallyd erivef roml ayerV l, as seems probabl(es eea bove)t,h eg ravem usth aveb eend estroyeadt the beginningo f the 5th century The vesselm ayh ave B.C. 21. A goodb utr atherr aree xample presentedin a forthcominvgo lumei n the 25. While a welli s alsoa possible of fill havingb eenc arrieds ome AthenianA goras eries. sourcet, he earliespt re-Archaiwc ell on distanceis thato f the dumpedr oadf ill 23. The latestt omb,C 8:7 (Middle KolonosA goraiosis D 12:3( Middle of the mid-7thc entury besidet he GeometricI ), is locateda bout2 0 m GeometricI I/LateG eometricIa ),n early B.C. TholosC emeteryT. he deposit southwesot f the temple. 100 m to the southeasta, t the edgeo f the containeds herdst hatj oinedf ragments 24. The fragmendt erivesf roml ot easterns carps; ee Brann1 961,p p. 103- in the ProtoattiVc otived eposito n the KK4 61 (layerI V), underC hristian 114,w ell I; fort he dates ee Coldstream Areiopagosa,b out1 00 m to the gravesin the cella.T he incidenceo f such 1968,p . 22. It is alsow ortha ddingt hat southeastd: epositH 17:4,Y oung1 939, plastics nakesa ppeartso originatein the potsf oundi n wells,p articularltyh ose p. 10.A notherc asei s thato f sherds LateG eometricI Ib workshopo f the substantiallpyr eserved(i .e.,p eriod-of- joiningp yred ebrisi n graveH 16:6, PhiladelphiPa ainter( seeC oldstream use),a ren ormallysm allera, ndr arely whichw eref oundi n 4th-centuryB. C. 1968,p . 57) andc ontinuesth rought he exceeda heighto f 0.40 m. dumpedf illinga bovet hatd eposit,1 5 m careero f the AnalatosP aintert,h ati s, a 26. An earlieru prootingo f the vessel, to the south;s ee Smithson1 968,p p. chronologicaslp ano f ca. 725-675 B.C. thoughp ossibles, eemsu nlikelye,s pecial- 78-79. In bothc asest he distanceis not in the conventionaclh ronologyT.h e ly sincet he surfaceb reaksa ppearsh arp substantial. worko f the AnalatosP ainteri,n cluding andr elativeluy nwornr; einforcinpgl aster 22. The preservedgr avesa nd hydriawi ith snake-moldehda ndlesi,s nowc oan. ngt ze ent. lrel. nter. loro t t ze numerougs ravec uttingsw ill be fully fullyd iscussedb y Sheedy1 992. vesselp reventcs loseri nspection. I56 JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS AND EVELYN L. SMITHSON beeno riginalliyn oneo f the robbedb uriapl itsj usto utsidet he foundationosf thew estp eristyl(es eeb elow).27 2. The amphorwa asd eliberateblyr okenu p intos herdsa ndt ossed intoo r ontot he early-5th-century fill. B.C. 3. The sherdws ered ispersetdh roughth e Hephaisteiocno nstruction fillinge, ithere nteringa s a parto f the pre-templfei ll dumped withint he areao f the rectangloer churnedu p froml evels disturbebdy the Hephaisteiobnu ilders. 4. Christianb urialas ndr epairtso the churcht,o the extentt hatt hey penetrateadn dd isplacedco nstructiofnil lingo rp re-temple levelsd, rews omep iecesu p intop ost-antiquoer modernle vels. Ift he sequencoe f eventsp resentedh erei s soundt, hent he relevancto n- textsin andi mmediatelayr oundth eb uildingh elpt o pinpointth ep recise dateo f the constructioonf the HephaisteionT.h eys upplementth e "new evidencfeo rt he datingo f the temple"p reparebdy LucyT alcotta ndp re- sentedin Dinsmoor'sst udy,2p8r imarilbya sedo n the materiaflr omt he deposiotf w orkingch ipso f Pentelicm arblseo me3 3 m to thes outhwesotf thet emplea, nds uggesta Kimoniand atef ort heb uildingM. oreoverth, e locatioonf Christianb urialws ithint he cella( Fig.3 ) throwss omed oubt ont her estoratioann, de vent hev erye xistencoef thei nteriocro lonnades.29 As fort hei mmediatseu rroundinogfs t heb uildingi,t is wortha dding thatth eb edrockin the areao f theH ephaisteiown asd ugi ntof orn umer- ousE arlyI ronA geg ravesA. fewo f these,s ucha st he" FinaMl ycenaean/ Submycenaetaonm" bD 7:1( Fig.5 ), wered ugd eepi ntot he naturarlo ck andb,e ingw ells ealedin somec asese, scapedth ea ttentiono f laterb uilders ont he hill.3I0t wasv eryc ommonh, owevert,o findo n KolonoAs goraios largaer eaos f bedrockwitnhu meroudse stroyedlo, otedo, rd amagebdu rial pitws itha configuratioidne nticatlo theb etter-preservteodm bsn earby.31 Figur6e illustrateosn lya few of thesep its,a ndi t is highlyl ikelyt hat P1 4819d erivesfr oms ucha damagedto mb.A ssumingth e pot to have comfer oma tomb,a s seemsm ostl ikelyo, ne mayw ell asko f whatk ind anwd hose.B eforea ddressintgh eseq uestionsit, is importantto describe thev esselm oref ullya ndt o establisha,s fara s is possiblei,t s date,s ince chronolohgays a direcbt earingo n theq uestiono f preferrebdu riacl ustom inA thensa t anyg ivent imei n the EarlyI ronA ge. 27. As, for exampleo, ne on either fromS ounionf ormedp arto f an unpub- sidoef the thirdp eristylec olumnf rom lishedp aperp resentedb y Frederick thneo rth;g ravesD 7:1,D 7:6,a ndD Cooper( 1985)a t the AmericanS chool 7:l7a yw ithina distanceo f 4.0 m. of ClassicaSl tudieso n March2 7, 1985. Otheprit s anda n intactg raveD, 7:8, I amg ratefutlo FredC ooperf ors end- dottethde slopesf urtherto thew est ing me a copyo f his manuscript. ansdo uthwest. 30. Fort he latera ctivitya roundth e 28. Dinsmoor1 941,p p. 128-150. Hephaisteionin, cludingth e establish- 29. The lacko f an interiorc olon- mento f a landscapegda rdens, ee nadfoer t he Hephaisteionan dt he fact Thompson1 937. thtaht e statueb aset hatw asr estoredin 31. Forf ulld iscussiona ndd etails, thHee phaisteiown as movedt o Athens see Papadopoulofso, rthcoming. CULTURAL BIOGRAPHY OF A GEOMETRIC AMPHORA I57 Figure5 . Final Mycenaean/Sub- mycenaeant omb D 7:1, with cover slabp reservedin situ, dug deep into bedrock.F oundationso f the Hephaisteiono n the north side in backgroundC. ourtesyA goraE xcavations Figure6 . Emptyp its in bedrocki n sectorI lE (PlateiaT heseiou),i n the areao f the Hephaisteion( Kolonos Agoraios),r epresentinglo oted or destroyedE arlyI ronA ge tombs. CourtesyA goraE xcavations I58 JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS AND EVELYN L. SMITHSON (gerl@ g Figure7 . Agora P 14819. Scalec a. 1:7. DrawingA . Hooton TH E AMPH O RA AND ITS REPAIR Althoughn everf illlyp ublishedP, 14819h asb eenb rieflym entionedin moret hano nep ublication.I3t2 m ayb e describeads follows: P 14819:L argeb elly-handledam phora Figs.2 , 7 ImportedC, ycladicp, erhapsfr omS yros H. 0.730-0.740m ; I)iam.( base)0 .155 m; I)iam.( mouth)0 .203 m Reconstructefdr omm anyj oiningf ragmentps reservinag substantial parto f the amphorai,n cludinga portiono f the base,m ucho f the body, neck,r im,a ndp artso f bothh andlesA. bouta thirdo f the vesselp reserved, the profilec ompletem; issingp artsr estoredin plasterw, ith interiorh eavily coatedi n plastert o stabilizev essel.S urfacev eryw orni n partsp, articularly on upperb ody. Tallr ingf oot;u ndersidefl at.T allo voidb odyw, ith pointo f maximum diameterse t high.V erticanl eck,o ffsetf romb odyo n interiorb y a substan- tialt hickeningi,n dicatingth att he neckw as mades eparatelfyr omt he body ands ubsequentlayt tachedo r thatt he neckw ast hrowno nto the leather- 32. Dinsmoor1 941, p.126; hardb odyb y attachinga coil to the uppere dgeo f a finishedb odyT. he Desborough1 952, pp.34 and3 6; cylindricanl eckt erminateisn a plainr im,w ith the top edges moothedt o Oakeshott1 966, p.121, underaIsland Protogeometricw,"r onglys tateda s forma roundedli p.T he mouthi s not originatl o the vesselb ut hasb een "AgorPa 14189"S; mithson1 968, p.85, repaired(s eeb elow)T. woh orizontadl oubleh andlesa res et on the bodya t undern o. 1; Snodgras1s9 71, p.101, the pointo f greatestd iameterW. heelmarkps rominenot n necki nterior. n. 43; Papadopoulo1s9 98, p.115, n. 37.

coveries in island and East Greek Geometric over the past few decades, Athens." This situation contrasts with that at any number of Aegean sites, such as Leflcandi and Knossos, to mention only two. There, pottery imports, although was Melkarth; the cult of Aphrodite, with its sacred prostitutes,
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