Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Leonid Grinin Andrey Korotayev Arno Tausch Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy World System and World Values Perspectives Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Series editor Almas Heshmati, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of) This book series publishes monographs and edited volumes devoted to studies on the political, economic and social developments of the Middle East and North Africa(MENA).Volumescoverin-depthanalysesofindividualcountries,regions, casesandcomparativestudies,andtheyincludebothaspecificandageneralfocus onthelatestadvancesofthevariousaspectsofdevelopment.Itprovidesaplatform for researchers globally to carry out rigorous economic, social and political analyses,topromote,share,anddiscusscurrentquantitativeandanalyticalworkon issues, findings and perspectives in various areas of economics and development of the MENA region. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region allows for a deeper appreciation of the various past, present, and future issues around MENA’s development with high quality, peer reviewed contributions.The topicsmay include, butnot limited to: economics and business, natural resources, governance, politics, security and international relations, gender, culture, religion and society, economics and social development, reconstruction, and Jewish, Islamic, Arab, Iranian, Israeli, Kurdish and Turkish studies. Volumes published in the series will be important reading offering an original approach along theoretical lines supported empirically for researchers and students, as well as consultants and policy makers, interested in the development of the MENA region. More information about this series at Leonid Grinin Andrey Korotayev (cid:129) Arno Tausch Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy World System and World Values Perspectives With a Foreword by Dilshod Achilov 123 LeonidGrinin Arno Tausch National Research University Higher University of Innsbruck Schoolof EconomicsandInstitute Innsbruck, Austria ofOriental Studies ofthe Russian Academyof Sciences Moscow,Russia Andrey Korotayev National Research University Higher Schoolof EconomicsandInstitute ofOriental Studies ofthe Russian Academyof Sciences Moscow,Russia ISSN 2520-1239 ISSN 2520-1247 (electronic) Perspectives onDevelopment in theMiddle EastandNorth Africa(MENA) Region ISBN978-3-319-91076-5 ISBN978-3-319-91077-2 (eBook) LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018940424 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG,partofSpringerNature2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors, and the editorsare safeto assume that the adviceand informationin this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Foreword Islamic and Islamist resurgence, along with the evolving dynamics thereof, con- tinues to shape the increasingly complex political landscape of Muslim societies worldwide.WhilealothasbeenwrittenaboutwhyandhowIslamhasbeen(andis being) instrumentalized in politics—often coined as a phenomenon of “Islamism” or “Political Islam,” much confusion still remains in both public and academic circles. Westill lack athoroughunderstandingofIslamism’s intricate nuances and diverse manifestations in a rapidly changing and an ever-connected, techno-driven global village. Perhaps it is not surprising given the Islamism’s multilevel, multi- dimensional character. However, to date, little has been done to systematically unpack the complex dimensions of modern Islamism, particularly from its genesis to its becoming a dominant political force in the Muslim world. Furthermore, we still know little about (both current and prospective) dynamic challenges/ opportunities that diverse Islamist political actors (old and new) present both in domestic as well as in cross-national context. By directly addressing this lacuna, this monograph—by Profs. Grinin, Korotayev, and Tausch—enables the reader to better understand and contextualize whatmodernIslamismentailsandthewaysinwhichitgrappleswithsociopolitical challenges and opportunities in contemporary Muslim politics. Furthermore, the authors effectively probe the extent to which ordinary Muslims negotiate support for politically moderate and politically radical Islamism and how these attitudes havechangedovertime.Indoingso,thisvolumeaccomplishesthreecriticaltasks: (a) diagnosing the enduring and outstanding sociopolitical issues pertaining democratization, (b) explaining the genesis and contingencies of Islamist political ideology, and (c) forecasting the trajectory for potential triumphs and pitfalls of modern Islamist movements, particularly in the MENA region. Virtually all existing studies on modern Islamism acknowledge its complexity and multifaceted nature. Conceptual overgeneralizations as well as simplistic reductionism major pitfalls that hamper our understanding of a complex concept such as Islamism. To avoid these pitfalls, engaging in a painstaking dialogue between theory and empirical data is instrumental (Achilov 2016). Yet very few studies have attempted to unpack the intricate nuances of Political Islam by v vi Foreword engaging in rich qualitative-comparative as well as quantitative analyses in a diverse cross-national context (Achilov 2015). To this end, this book makes a timelycontributionthatadvancestheresearchfrontierontheevolvingdynamicsof Islamism from a comparative and cross-national perspective. In conceptualizing Islamism, the authors acknowledge that: IslamismisanideologyandmovementassociatedwiththepoliticizationofIslamandthe transformationoftheideasandvaluesofIslam(oftenintopoliticalslogansbutsometimes evenintopoliticalprograms).Yet,theideologicalrangeofpoliticalIslamistsisbroadand diverse. While the overarching puzzle of the book is to unpack the nexus among Islamism, Arab Spring, and evolving democratization patterns, the authors remarkably accomplish this goal by providing nuanced and contextualized narra- tives to the following, though not limited to, exhaustive questions: (cid:129) What is modern Islamism and in what ways it continues to evolve? (cid:129) How can we deconstruct and analyze the different dimensions of modern Islamist ideologies? (cid:129) What explains the divergence between moderate and radical forms of Islamist ideologyintheMuslimworld?Howdomodernizationeffectsandgenderparity fit into this equation? (cid:129) Towhatextenthastherecentwaveofrevolutionsshaped thesocietalvaluesin theMiddleEast?WhatdidtheArabSpringdeliverandinwhatwaysdiditfail? Who participated in the Arab Spring uprising? Short and long-term Implications? (cid:129) How, if any, will moderate political Islamism influence the democratization trajectoryinthepost-Arabspringspace?Underwhatconditionswillitsucceed and in what ways may it fail? (cid:129) How do ordinary Muslimsnegotiatethe tensions between supporting moderate versus radical Islamism? (cid:129) How do the emerging patterns and findings (from the analyses) help construct tangible paths forward toward promoting civil liberties and robust political rights in the Muslims world (particularly in the Middle East and North Africa [MENA])? This body of work presented by leading scholars who have written extensively on the subject sheds timely light to these pressing questions that help advance knowledge on deciphering the prospects of democratization in the Muslim world. Perhaps themost distinguishing aspect ofthis scholarship isthat the authors invite readers to view the familiar questions (that scholars have long grappled with) in a completely new and fresh light. The breadth of historical accounts as well as the scope of the contemporary issues are remarkably comprehensive. Said otherwise, theexplanatoryconditionsinvolveallmajordomainsoflifeincludingcivilsociety, political economy, human developmental metrics, critical historical junctures, internationalrelations (includingtheexogenousinterventionistpoliciesfrom),and, Foreword vii of course, domestic politics. In short, the readers will find robust explications for each of the abovementioned questions. As it becomes clear as you read on, the authors construct complex arguments that go beyond simplistic reductionism. Theoretically, the explanations are grounded on the World Systems theoretical framework. This framework helps drawsabigpictureoftheWorldpoliticsintermsofshiftingparadigmsofthepast decade. This is significant given that the social science literature has been largely silent on this matter. Particularly, the book makes a cohesive inquiry into the macrolevel, world order systemic analysis in terms of how Muslim states position themselves given the complex web of “clashing” international conflicts and com- peting strategic interests. Empirically, extensive individual-level survey data (also nested at the state-level aggregation) inform the findings. Finally, the emerging nexus between theory and empirical analyses serve as a foundation for the policy formulation in regard to the pressing questions listed above. The book is organized into two broad parts. The first half examines both diverging and converging patterns of genesis, diffusion, and evolution of modern Islamism: in this process, the complexities and Islamism is unpacked in greater detail.Uniquely,thebookengagesinacivilizationalcomparativeanalysisofIndia, China, and MENA through the World Systems theoretical lens. This novel theo- retical and methodological approach is both fresh and innovative which takes the reader through a previously uncharted territory of Muslim politics. By rightly highlighting that “Islamism not only spiritually but also functionally permeates the social fabric of society,” the volume explores this venue further and thereby addresses an uneasy task head-on: providing a context-rich elucidation of the characteristics, intelligibility, and practical sociopolitical functionalities of Islamism. The book successfully documents how diverse the Islamist actors are (and havebeen)who are notmerelyboundedin politicalaffairs; rather, previously less known aspects of Islamist diversity is expressively discussed. In so doing, both social bases, along with humanistic value systems, are accounted while the prevailing (and often simplistic) assumptions regarding Islamismaredebunked.Atthesametime,theauthorsdonotshyawayfromraising hard questions aboutshifting popular sentiments toward “moderate versus radical” Islamism.Whatmakesthisvolumedistinctfromotherstudiesonthefieldisthatthe proposedfunction-characteristictypology(e.g.,functionalities)ishighlyinnovative (i.e., novel) in terms of how diverse manifestation of Islamism is embodied in society at large. Furthermore,conductingacarefulandnuancedanalysisoftheArabSpringmass mobilizations,theauthorsalsopresentanelaboratesketchofpost-revolutionaryand post-voluntaryeventsthatunfoldedinEgyptaswellasinYemen,Libya,andSyria. The book also provides the primary source accounts in the post-revolution Egypt following Chap. 5 (“Letters from Tahrir”). These raw accounts (letters) of the events provide insightful, yet diverse context to the ongoing uneasy Egyptian struggle for democracy. viii Foreword The second part of the book presents rich empirical account of how Muslims negotiate the attitudinal sentiments toward radicalism, terrorism, relations with the West, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, and collective political mobilization (e.g., massprotestengagement).Impressively,theaccountofwhoactuallyparticipatedin the Arab Spring demonstrations, along with the individual demographic and political-ideological indicators, is well documented. The analyses and findings are grounded on empirical (e.g., factor analytical) examination of individual-level quantitativesurveydata(nestedatcountry-levels) primarilysourcedfromtheArab Barometer, Pew Research Center, World Values Survey, and other reputable databases. Central totheauthors’findingsistheemphasis that“itwilltake muchtime and hard work” to promote liberal values in the MENA region: “not instead of the Islamistonesbutincombinationwiththem.”Inotherwords,theauthorspositthat: …onlythroughmoderateIslamisminteractingwithsecularpoliticalforceswilltheIslamic worldbeabletoundergoaconsiderabletransformationofitssociety.Thisiscomplexand contradictory, but perhaps the only real path to social development for many Islamic countries. Relatedly,thevolumeeffectivelyillustrateswhytheuseofforceisinsufficientto combat radical and militarist Islamism and, in this regard, explicate how the politically moderate Islamist voices may triumph over radicalism organically. In doing so, the intervening exogenous factors (i.e., international variables, particu- larly stemming from the West) are not discounted. In my humble view, the book makesaprecisediagnosisthatthefutureofMuslimdemocratization(inwhichboth secularandIslamistforcesmaycoexistandcompeteelectorally)restsonpreventing misguided and ill-informed foreign interventions (particularly in the MENA region). Indeed,oneofthemostdistinctiveaccomplishmentsistheeffectiveassemblage of large volume of comparative-qualitative and path-breaking quantitative data. In addition to providing rich-contextualized explanations, the volume provides insightful forecasts based on the current sociopolitical trajectories (particularly in the MENA region). From this vantage, what makes this contributing particularly uniqueisthatthemonographofferstangible,realistic,andinnovativepolicyvenues thatcanhelpfosterconditionsconducivetobuildingpluralistsocietywithmoderate Islamism playing an instrumental role. This book is a product of scholarly collaboration (among three authors) reflecting years in the making. Each author brings a unique perspective in addressing the questions at hand. I applaud the authors for accomplishing such a timely project which will help advance the debate on evolving dynamics of democratization in the Muslim world. Dr. Dilshod Achilov Department of Political Science University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth, USA Foreword ix References Achilov D(2015)Whenactionsspeaklouderthanwords:examiningcollectivepoliticalprotests inCentralAsia.Democratization23(4):699–722 Achilov D (2016) Revisiting political Islam: explaining the nexus between political Islam and contentiouspoliticsintheArabWorld.SocSciQuarterly97(2):252–270