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n/r^n > . r ^ I / A i ▲ . - iy ITO^fllin}® PS® & KB®SS®M . • Prepared by Darussalam Research Division >A \ f 4 JL I* uaurauui tile Etiquettes for '*<*+r#g1 Fi- t’ 'r-.y''1-.'iL* newborn Child -»" :SI a Prepared by Darussalam Research Division a DARUSSALAM DARUSSALAM A MULTILINGUAL 1NTL PUBLISHING HOUSE Riyadh, London, Houston, New York, Lahore ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ® fcJ*» jjU ^ No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. First Edition: January 2001 © Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2001 i King Fahd National Library Catalogmg-in-Pub. . < Maktaba Dar-us-Salam ! Islaamic etiquettes for a newborn chi: - I Translated by: Aqeel Walker. Riyadh. 32p., 12x17 cm ISBN 9960-717-74-■ 1-Islamic ethics. 1-Walker, Aqeel (trai<'-.; II-Title 212dc. 4589/21 Legal Deposit no.4589/21 ISBN 9960-717-74-7 Headquarter*: UJL PO Box:22743.Riyadh11416.KSA • London:DarussalamInternationalPublicationsLtd. Tel 0 0566-1-403396214 043432 P.O . Box 2155 5. L ondo n E10 6XQ WBEFoa-emxob.kas0s4i0th e9od 6pah6 rt-uTt1pse-.sl/4 /&a 0wl 2aFw1naw6vx5t td 9n0aa0rs9-uc6se6-i-s 1ca-ol4am6m 1s.4ca4o 8m3 • TB4Te3eilr:l6m: 0 0Ci7n0o9g4v4h4e7a-n1m3t2r0:y1 6A -R7l7-5oH03a6id d1aF, 8aaB8yxi9r:am h0Fi 0anP4xgu4.h b-a12lim2s01h8 -Bin791g520 35& O2 6D4U92i9Gs26ln bution AU5IBAL1A BranchesAAgents: • LakembaNSW.ICISGroundFloor165-171.HaidonSt tULA. Tel:(61-2)97584040Fax97584030 •• JAeJd-KdahhobTare lTe0l0 906069-626--637-18292489190F6a x6173448 M• AEL&AYOS BI AOOKS S DN B HD.-32 1 B 3rd Floor. Suna Kkx UAL KualaLumpurCityCenter50086 • Tel 00971-6-5511293 Fax 5511294 Tel 00603-21663433 Fax 459 72032 SINOAPORE PAIVSTAM e 5T0el L0o0w9e2r- 4M2a-l7l.2 L4a 0h0o2re4 Fax 7354072 •TSMeinlu:g s0al0mp6o5Cre-o4- n44v02e 46r4t9s82A44s. s3o4c8i a8t3io4n4 oFfaSxin 4g4a0p o6r7e24 •UTReradlh um0 B0a9an2zMa-4ra.2 r-Lk7ae1ht2.o0Gre0h5a4z nFiaSxtr e7e3t20703 S•R LTDLeaAlr:N u0lK 0KA9i4ta-b1 -65.8 N9 i0rm38a l FRaoxa: d0.0 C94o-lo1m-6b9o9- 47 67 UJjL &1MACT •Ho uston PO B ox79 194 Tx77279 • IslamPresen tation Committee Tel001 -713-7 220 419Fax 001- 713-7 220431 Enlig htm e ntBoo kSho p E-mai S a'.es©dar- us-salamcom P.O .Box:1613 .Saf at13017KUWAIT Website http//wwwdar-us-salam.com Tel:00965-2427383 • NewYork.572AtlanticAve.Brooklyn BANGLADESH TNeet w0 0Y1o-r7k1-181-621275 5925 • 3T0e tM 0a0b8t6o-l0a2 R-9o5a5d7. 2D14h.a Fkaa-x1 1000086-02-9559738 In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CONTENTS Introduction, .5 Some Practices from the Sunnah and Etiquettes For the Newborn Child 9 The Names that are Prohibited to Use. 14 The Names that are Disliked According to the Islaamic Law, Etiquette and Taste................... .15 Final Words to the Parents.............................. 21 In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful All praise is due to Allaah, Who provided you with a fertile wife and made you of those whose children will succeed them. How many men and women are barren and cannot have any children? Thus, this is a great blessing. "Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world." (18:46) Therefore, receive the gift of Allaah with happiness, delight, thanks and praise, whether the child is a boy or a girl. It a sufficient blessing for you that the child has all of its limbs, is normal in its growth, and free of illnesses. Therefore, Blessed be Allaah, the Best of creators, Who granted and bestowed by His munificence and His grace. 5 [0 • iUltfjjjJl] "He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills." (42:49-50) The Prophet & had four daughters born to him. When the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah, Ahmad bin Hanbal & had a daughter he said, "The Prophets were the fathers of daughters, and you already know what has been reported (in the hadeeths) concerning daughters." He meant, concerning the virtue in raising them and taking care of them. The practice of disliking the birth of daughters is from the customs of the pre-Islaamic days of ignorance. However, in Islaam they are from the means of attaining Paradise (in the hereafter). The Prophet & said, - Ct'Al Ml f j; C life [Tin —■ oljj] 6 Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach maturity, he and I will come on the Day of Judgement like this." And he joined his two fingers together. (Muslim) Raising and rearing sons is counted in the scale of your good deeds if you raise them properly. The Prophet & said, 14^* jS>j <j* ^1 ^ oli ISU ®aJ ^pJLj jJj jl® * ITVI: ^ (_$JuyJlj YAA • : ajta j>\j 1 \^ [rvr /Y : juJ j flA^: J *4 "When the son of Adam dies his deeds are cut off except for three." Among these three things he mentioned, "The righteous child who supplicates for him."1 The Prophet & also said, l The author did not reference this hadeeth. It was recorded in Muslim, Aboo Daawood, At-Tirmithee, An-Nasaa'ee, and Al- Bukhaaree in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad. Al-Albaanee confirmed its authenticity in Saheeh Al-Jaami' As-Sagheer, Vol. 1, no. 793. A.W. 7 ■/jjd 0.5 5ji <j 01» ljA Jjj lijJj jLaxjlI^L ; <Jjjjli ?IJla o * <\ /y : 0|jj] "Verily the servant will have his status elevated (on the Day of Judgement), so he will say, 'Oh my Lord! How did I get this?' Allaah will say,'By your son (or child) seeking forgiveness for you after you (died)."' (Ahmad)2 In increasing the number of children among the Ummah (followers) of Muhammad is the obvious benefit of producing those who will worship Allaah alone and establish the preservation of this religion and its propagation. The Messenger of Allaah said, (( dJolLjJl i Y • o • !; ^ 4 aJ JaiJJij Y t 0 i ^ 0 A /Y* oljj] [*^•'^1 ; la^L \ A £ *\; ^ ^>1 j 2 This hadeeth was graded good (Hasan) by Al-Albaanee. See As-Saheehah, no. 1598, Al-Mishkaat, no.2354, and Saheeh Ibn Maajah, no.2953. A.W. 8 "Marry the loving and fertile women, for indeed I hope to outnumber the other Prophets (i.e. their followers) with you on the Day of Judgement." (Ahmad)3 So congratulations to you for this blessed wife of yours, who gave birth to these daughters for you and provided you with these sons. Some Practices from the Sunnah and Etiquettes for the Newborn Child 1. Calling the Athaan in the ear of the child: Probably the reason for making the first Sunnah allowing the child to hear the call of truth is because the child will grow up with this sound being repeated in his ear five times a day. Thus, it is hoped that he will be of those who love it and rush to offer this great pillar (the obligatory prayer). This Athaan should be said in the right ear. It is reported from Aboo Raafi' that he said, "I saw the Messenger of Allaah 3s calling the 3 This hadeeth was graded authentic (Saheeh) by Shaikh AI- Albaanee in Saheeh Al-Jaami' As-Sagheer, Vol. 1, no. 2940. It was also recorded in Aboo Daawood and An-Nasaa'ee. A.W. 9

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