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Islam: Questions And Answers - Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings: Transactions - Part 8 PDF

293 Pages·2007·2.09 MB·English
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ISLAM: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings: Transactions - Part 8 Volume 29 of a Series of Islamic Books by Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman i Islam: Questions And Answers Volume 29 Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings: Transactions - Part 8 i ii Islam: Questions And Answers Volume 29 Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings: Transactions - Part 8 Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman B.Sc., DipHE iii © Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman, 2004 ISBN for all volumes 1 86179 080 5 ISBN for volume 29 paperback 1 86179 464 9 ISBN for volume 29 hardback 1 86179 465 7 ISBN for volume 29 pdf eBook 1 86179 466 5 ISBN for volume 29 Microsoft eBook 1 86179 467 3 ISBN for volume 29 Palm eBook 1 86179 468 1 All Rights reserved British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A Catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Designed, Typeset and produced by: MSA Publication Limited, 4 Bello Close, Herne Hill, London SE24 9BW United Kingdom iv Contents Introduction ..............................................................................1 Chapter 1...................................................................................3 Transactions........................................................... 3 Employment for a Salary: General............................................................................3 49677: Where should he deposit his money in these times when riba is so widespread?................3 45018: Should he accept his father’s money that was earned from haraam sources?.......................5 45670: He used to take money without his parents’ knowledge; what should he do now?..........10 45016: He stole from his father and brother, and now regrets it.....................................................11 34591: Accepting gifts and donations from haraam wealth ..........................................................13 40234: He told the students to pay money towards classroom renovations and he gives them grades accordingly...........................................15 40245: He is trying to get out of paying back to the property bank on the grounds that he has a right in the bayt al-maal ..................................16 40468: Is it permissible for him to take the money left over by the students after a trip because he was not paid anything for supervising?..............................................................19 46645: He is not going to be transferred, so should he take the relocation costs?.........................20 34551: He died and left behind wealth on which he did not pay zakaah, and interest................22 40649: Do not betray the one who betrays you........25 42567: Ruling on participating in pension plans......29 40019: He pilfered some money and does not know how much, and he cannot repay it. What v should he do? ...........................................................30 40157: He is afraid that if he returns money that he stole before he was guided, he will be found out. What should he do?............................32 36788: Invitation to a dinner given by a riba-based bank ........................................................33 43100: He took some money unlawfully. How should he repent?.............................................34 39488: It is not permissible for your father to accept what is given to him because of his work....................................................................35 20695: What should be done with interest?.............38 20952: Can he accept money that comes from the lottery company? .......................................39 33695: What should a person who accumulated his wealth from haraam sources do?........................40 33852: Ruling on money earned from haraam sources......................................................................41 13710: Cheating at work to get extra travel expenses ...................................................................42 14367: Is it permissible to steal from the kuffaar?.....................................................................42 20062: He was given more money than he was entitled to ..........................................................46 21401: Well-off people taking things that are only for the poor from a kaafir state.........................48 31217: Can she use things that her father takes from work unlawfully?.............................................50 22399: Ruling on working for or buying magazines whose content is mostly haraam, as is the case with many women’s magazines, both Arabic and western...........................................52 25758: Ruling on taxes that are paid on goods ........54 1203: Taking an orphan’s property is stealing..........56 8872: He stole money and gave it to his father........57 12088: Kuwaitis being paid through the United Nations for the delay in compensation from vi the Iraqis...................................................................57 5559: Their father left behind haraam money..........59 7959: Lying to the government in order to receive assistance .....................................................60 4642: He had his beard shaved by the barber, then he repented – so should he pay the barber?......62 66: What to with income partly haram and partly halal.200697.66.html................................................62 29: Money earned from doing forbidden things.......63 Chapter 2.................................................................................65 Transactions......................................................... 65 Insurance .......................................................................65 21886: Insurance on credit cards..............................65 45656: How should they dispose of insurance money after their father’s death?..............................66 40336: Working for an insurance company..............67 39474: Benefitting from insurance...........................69 22933: Ruling on shares in a car insurance company ...................................................................72 9348: He works for a company that deals with insurance ..................................................................74 30740: Borrowing from one who stipulates life insurance as a condition of giving the loan........77 21559: Can the heirs benefit from compensation paid out by the car insurance?..................................79 21262: Should he appoint a kaafir lawyer to get his money from the insurance company?...........80 10805: Life insurance...............................................81 11361: Is it permissible to take out insurance to cover funeral expenses? .......................................82 8889: The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it.................................................83 1401: Working for A Company That Covers All Employees with Insurance .................................87 5392: Compulsory car insurance..............................88 4540: Ruling on accepting compensation for disability caused at a private school.........................89 vii Chapter 3.................................................................................92 Transactions......................................................... 92 Blood Money.................................................................92 40269: Husband forcing his wife to abort a pregnancy .................................................................92 12049: He killed a man then he committed suicide. Do the kin of his victim have any financial rights?........................................................94 9112: His father killed his mother; can he take the inheritance from him on the basis that it is diyah (blood money)?.................................95 Chapter 4.................................................................................97 Transactions......................................................... 97 Debts .............................................................................97 13945: It is permissible to waive part of a debt in return for bringing forward repayment.........97 33700: Should marriage be given priority over settling debts?.................................................100 26842: He let him off the debt and now he is asking for it to be paid........................................101 13180: Writing a debt and having it witnessed ......102 21626: He borrowed money and the person to whom it was owed has died, and he does not know how to repay it........................................106 3469: Which should he do first – go for Hajj or pay off his father’s debt?....................................108 6362: Paying a debt with a check which the vendor has not yet cashed.......................................108 5980: He has a debt for something haraam – should he repay it?...............................................109 5979: Too much debt..............................................111 5345: People borrow things and do not return them. What to do?........................................112 4693: Giving charity on behalf of others................114 3674: He has repented but he still owes money for music tapes .......................................................115 2806: If one can’t find the lender in order to viii repay a debt, what should one do? .........................116 58: Borrowing money from one whose income comprises haram money............................117 Chapter 5...............................................................................118 Transactions....................................................... 118 Felonies: General ........................................................118 40269: Husband forcing his wife to abort a pregnancy ...............................................................118 Question: ................................................................118 Answer: ..................................................................118 13317: Abortion of pregnancy resulting from rape................................................................120 12475: Rulings to do with abortion........................124 12289: Ruling on aborting a deformed foetus........126 11875: She had an abortion in the second month; does she have to offer any expiation?........129 48996: Her husband is going to divorce her and she is in the early stages of pregnancy. Can she have an abortion?......................................131 33683: Blood-money and expiation must be paid if one kills a kaafir who is protected by sharee’ah............................................................132 39502: A vehicle overturned in front of him and he hit it, and two people died ..........................136 42321: Ruling on aborting a pregnancy in the early stages .............................................................138 8894: Should we forgive the kuffaar if they harm us?.................................................................139 10923: Murder is one of the greatest of major sins ...............................................................149 12118: Abortion of physically deformed foetus......................................................................150 13319: Abortion after the soul has been breathed into the foetus ..........................................153 13331: Abortion of a foetus resulting from a zina relationship ..................................................155 ix

This book, Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings: General and Transactions - Part 8, is the twenty-ninth volume of a series of authoritative Islamic books entitled Islam: Questions And Answers.This Volume deals with Employment for a Salary, Insurance, Blood Money, Debts, Felonies, Killing by Mistake, Ma
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