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Preview IS/ISO 18652: Building contruction machinery and quipment - external vibrators for concrete

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/ISO 18652 (2005): Building contruction machinery and quipment - external vibrators for concrete [MED 18: Construction Plant and Machinery] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ISIISO 18652 : 2005 (Superseding IS4656:1968) Indian Standard BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - EXTERNAL VIBRATORS FOR CONCRETE ICS 91.220 © BIS 2009 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN. 9 BAHA DUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI110002 March 2009 PriceGroup9 Construction PlantandMachinerySectional Committee, MED 18 NATIONALFOREWORD ThisIndianStandardwhichisidenticalwithISO18652:2005'Buildingconstructionmachineryandequipment - External vibrators for concrete' issued by the IntemationalOrganizationfor Standardization (ISO) was adoptedbytheBureauofIndianStandardsontherecommendationoftheConstructionPlantandMachinery SectionalCommitteeandapprovaloftheMechanicalEngineeringDivisionCouncil. Thisstandardsupersedes IS4656 :1968'Specificationforform vibratorsforconcrete'. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations.Certainterminologyandconventionsare,however,notidenticaltothose usedinIndianStandards. Attention isparticularlydrawn tothe following: a) Whereverthewords'InternationalStandard'appearreferringtothis standard,theyshouldbereadas 'IndianStandard'. b) Comma(.)hasbeenusedasadecimalmarkerintheIntemationalStandardwhileinIndianStandards, thecurrentpractice isto use apoint(.)asthedecimalmarker. Inthisadoptedstandard,referenceappearstothefollowingInternationalStandardsforwhichIndianStandards alsoexists. The correspondingIndian Standardswhich aretobesubstitutedintheirplaces arelisted below alongwiththeirdegreeofequivalencefortheeditions indicated: InternationalStandard Co"espondingIndianStandard DegreeofEquivalence ISO4414:1998Pneumaticfluidpower IS12725:2002 Pneumaticfluidpower Identical - General rules relating tosystems - General rules relating to systems (firstrevision) ISO6150:1988Pneumaticfluidpower IS15097:2002Pneumaticfluidpower do - Cylindrical quick-action couplings - Cylindricalquick-actioncouplingsfor for maximum working pressures of maximumworking pressuresof 10bar, 10bar,16barand25bar(1MPa.1.6 16barand25bar(1MPa,1.6MPaand MPaand2.5MPa)- Plugconnecting 2.5 MPa) - Plug connecting dimensions,specifications.application dimensions.specifications,application guidelinesandtesting guidelinesandtesting ISO 7241-1 : 1987 Hydraullic fluid IS 13614 (Part 1) : 1995 Hydraullic do power - Quick-action couplings fluid power- Quickaction couplings: Part1:Dimensionsandrequirements Part1Dimensionsandrequirements ISO8041 :1990 Human responseto IS 14737 : 2000 Human response to do vibration- Measuringinstrumentation vibration- Measuringinstrumentation IEC60034-1:2004Rotatingelectrical ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004 Rotating do machines - Part 1: Rating and electricalmachines:Part1Rating and performance performance IEC60034-5 :2006Rotatingelectrical ISIIEC 60034-5 : 2006 Rotating do machines - Part 5: Degrees of electricalmachines:Part5Degreesof protection provided by the integral protection provided by the integral designofrotatingelectricalmachines design of rotating electrical machines (IPcode)- Classification (IPcode) - Classification (Continuedonthirdcover) ISIISO 18652: 2005 Indian Standard BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT - EXTERNAL VIBRATORS FOR CONCRETE 1 Scope This International Standard defines terms and specifies the classification, performance requirements, test methods,designation andcommercial specifications ofexternalvibrators forconcrete (hereinafterreferredto as"vibrators").Itisapplicable onlytothosepower-drivenexternalvibrators usedfor compactingconcretemix byvibrationfromtheoutside. NOTE Theuseofexternalvibrators consistsintheirattachmenttofonns,vibration stands,vibrationtables,surface vibratorsandvibratingbeamsinordertocompacttheconcretemix. 2 Normativereferences The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(includinganyamendments)applies. ISO2398:1995, Rubberhose,textile-reinforced,forcompressedair- Specification ISO4414:1998,Pneumaticfluidpower-Generalrulesrelatingtosystems ISO6150:1988, Pneumatic fluid power- Cylindrical quick-action couplings for maximum workingpressures of 10bar, 16bar and 25bar (1MPa, 1,6MPa, and 2,5MPa)- Plug connecting dimensions, specifications, applicationguidelines andtesting ISO7241-1, Hydraulic fluidpower- Quick-action couplings- Part 1:Dimensionsandrequirements ISO8041, Humanresponse to vibration- Measuringinstrumentation ISO8331, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies- Guide to selection, storage, use and maintenance ISO11375:1998,Buildingconstructionmachineryandequipment- Termsanddefinitions ISO12100-2:2003, Safety ofmachinery-Basic concepts, general principlesfor design- Part2: Technical principles lEG60034-1:2004,Rotating electricalmachines- Part 1:Ratingandperformance lEG60034-5,Rotating electrical machines- Part 5:Degrees ofprotectionprovidedby the integral design of rotatingelectricalmachines(IPcode) - Classification lEG60204-1:2000,Safety ofmachinery- Electricalequipmentofmachines- Part 1:Generalrequirements lEG60745-1:2003, Hand-heldmotor-operatedelectrictods- Safety- Part 1:Generalrequirements 1 ISIISO 18652: 2005 3 Termsand definitions Forthepurposesofthisdocument,thetermsanddefinitionsgiveninISO11375andthefollowingapply. 3.1 electricexternalvibrator vibratorinwhichtheprimemoverisanelectricmotor NOTE Theelectric external vibratorismoved byasquirrel-eage, single- orthree-phaseinductionmotoronthe shaft endsofwhicheccentricout-of-balancemasses arefixed(forexamples, seeFigures A1 andA7). 3.2 pneumaticextemalvibrator vibratoroperatingontheprincipleofbearinglessturbinewithpneumaticdrive NOTE1 The pneumatic external vibrator has typically a rotary vibration generator in the form of a bushing or ball locatedinahousing,which rollsonafixed axle.Thevibratorsetiscomposed ofthe vibratoritself, supplyhose with on/off stopcock and various fixtures for use with metal and wooden-type shuttering. The on/offstopcock makes it possible to changethevibrationparameters. NOTE2 Forexamples,seeFlQuresA.2,A.3,A8andA9. 3.3 hydraulicexternalvibrator vibratorcomprisingarotatingeccentricmassdirectlycoupledtoaspeciallydesignedhydraulicmotor NOTE1 Thehydraulicexternalvibratorissuppliedby afeedercontaininghydraulicpump.pressureand flowcontrols, withtheaimofthepreciseregulation ofvibrationfrequencytosuitrequirements. NOTE2 Foranexample,seeFigureA.4. 3.'- high-frequencyexternalvibrator HFexternalvibrator vibratoroperatingatafrequency70Hzandabove NOTE High-frequencyelectricvibratorsaretypically squirrel-eageinductionmotors fedfromconvertors. 3.5 nonnalfrequencyexternalvibrator NFexternalvibrator vibratoroperatingat afrequencybelow70Hz NOTE Normal frequencyelectricvibrators are typically squirrek:ageinductionmotorssuppliedwith the currentofa networkfrequency. 3.6 externalvibratorofdirectedvibration vibratorforgenerationofdirectedvibrations NOTE Forexamples,seeFiguresA10.A.11andA.12. 3.7 singleexternalvibratorofdirectedvibration vibratorforgenerationoflinear,verticalvibrationsbyspecialfixingonthehinge NOTE Forexamples, seeFigures A10b)andA11. 2 I5nSO 18652: 2005 3.8 doubleexternalvibratorofdirectedvibration vibrator for generation of the linear directed vibrations and composed of two external vibrators rotating in oppositedirectionsandjoined byagear NOTE1 Thesevibrators maybedrivenbyanextemalmotororconsistoftwoinductionmotorsgearedtogetherand enclosedinacommonhousing. NOTE2 Forexamples,seeFiguresA.10a)andA12. 3.9 fixed externalvibrator vibratorfixedtothevibrating objectdirectlybymeanoftreads NOTE Forexamples,seeFiguresA1,A2andA5. 3.10 removableexternalvibrator yibratorfixedtothevibratingobjectindirectlybymeansofaquick-actionclamping andreleasingdevice NOTE Forexamples,seeFiguresA3,A6andA9. 3.11 externalvibratorwithexternalmotor vibratordrivenbyexternal electricmotororinternalcombustionengine 3.12 frequencyand voltageconverterforexternalvibrator unit usedfor electric supply of the external vibrator with frequency higher than in power network and safety voltage 3.13 high-and-normalfrequencygeneratingset unitcomposedofinternalcombustion engine,electricgeneratorandfrequencyconverter 4 Classification Vibratorsshallbeclassified accordingtofrequency,powersourceandstructure inaccordance withTable1. Table1- Classificationofexternalvibrators Class Frequency Powersource Structure Power W 25,35,50,75,100,150,200,250,400,550,750,1100, NF Normal Fixedtype 1500,1700,2200,30004000 Elec.tricmotor Removabletype 30,,400,550.750,1000.1500, HF High 2000,2500 Fixedtype P - Pneumatic - Removabletype Fixedtype H - Hydraulic - Removabletype 3 ISIISO 18652: 2005 5 Structure Avibrator's structuredependsonthe type ofdrive (electric,pneumatic,hydraulic),parameters (frequencyand centrifugal force) and the method of fixing tothe vibrating object. Examples of differentvibratorstructuresare showninAnnex A. 6 Performance requirements 6.1 Frequency Vibrators shall be classified according to their frequency, in accordance with Table 2,when subjected to the loadtestaccordingto8.2.Thevibrator'sfrequencyshall complywith thedata as declared byits manufaoturer. Table2- Frequencyofexternalvibrators Designation Frequency NF Below70Hz HF 70Hzandabove 6.2 Centrifugalforce A vibrator's prime movershall be sufficientto drive the device,without losing speed, such that the declared centrifugal force ismaintainedcontinuouslyunderthe maximum loadofintendeduse. 6.3 Rating time The rating time of a vibrator shall be continuous. For electric external vibrators, an intermittent duty (rating class) specifiedaccordingto IEC60034-1:2004, 3.2and4.2, and agreedbetweenthe supplierand purchaser ispermissible. Thedesignationofthesevibratorsshall correspondto IEC60745-1:2003,7.2. 6.4 Currentandpowerconsumption The current and power consumption of the electric vibrators, when subjected to a load according to 8.2, shouldcomplywithdata declaredbythe manufacturer. 6.5 Safety requirements 6.5.1 General External vibrators shall be designedand theircomponentsselected,applied,mountedand adjustedtoprovide safe operation. Inthe eventof afailure, the safety ofpersonnelshall be the prime consideration and damage toequipmentandenvironmentminimized.Possible modesoffailureand intendedoperations and use shall be considered. It is recommended that technical principles and specifications according to ISO 12100-2 for the design of vibratorsinrespectoftheir safety,be followedand used. 4 151150 18652: 2005 6.5.2 Electricexternalvibrators General These vibrators shall comply with the requirements of IEC60204-1 and IEC60034-1 unless otherwise specified in this International Standard and shall be constructed as far as possible in accordance with internationallyaccepted bestdesign practice.asappropriatetotheapplication. Degreeofprotection Thevibrator cabling should beprotected to atleast IP55 accordingto IEC60034-5 due to exposure towater cleaningandfinedust. Protectionagainstoverload Overloadprotection ofelectric external vibrators shallbeprovidedforeach unitrated atmore than0.5kW.For recommendations onoverload protection,seeIEC60204-1:2000,7.3. Thermalperformance The temperature rise of properly mounted vibrators should remain within the limits of the insulation class accordingtoIEC60034-1:2004,section 7. Earthing The vibrators shall be provided with means for connecting a protective conductor or an earth conductor. A performance ofthese means shallcomply withtherequirements ofIEC60034-1:2004. 10.1. Insulation resistance The insulation resistance measured at 500V d.c. between the power circuit conductors and the protective bondingcircuitshallnot belessthat 1MO.inaccordance with IEC60204-1:2000,19.3. Withstandvoltagetest The electric external vibrator shall withstand a test voltaye applied for a period of at least 1s between the conductorsofallcircuits andtheprotective bondi.ngcircuit.Thetestvoltage shall haveavalueoftwice therated supply voltageofthevibratoror1000V,whicheveristhegreater, beatafrequencyof50Hz,and besupplied from atransformerwithaminimum ratingof500VA. SeeIEC60034-1:2004,8.1orIEC60204-1:2000,19.4. 6.5.3 Pneumaticand hydraulicexternalvibrators Pneumaticandhydraulicvibrators shall demonstratecorrectoperation intheoperational test,and passthe pressuretestatthemaximum woriting pressureunderallconditionsofintended use. Leakageanddamage ofavibratorcomponent should notcauseafluidejectionhazard. 5

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