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IS/ISO 105-C07: Textiles - Tests for colour fasteness : Part C07 Colour fasteness to wet scrubbing of pigment textiles (superseding IS 11908) PDF

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Preview IS/ISO 105-C07: Textiles - Tests for colour fasteness : Part C07 Colour fasteness to wet scrubbing of pigment textiles (superseding IS 11908)

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS/ISO 105-C07 (1999): Textiles - Tests for colour fasteness : Part C07 Colour fasteness to wet scrubbing of pigment textiles (superseding IS 11908) [TXD 5: Chemical Methods of Test] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS/ISO 10S-C07: 1999 (Superseding IS11908:1986) ~NJl2/ JfFfCf) q ~ trT c)J ~ c)J Wa1UT {?II - Indian Standard TEXTILES - TESTS FOR COLOUR FASTNESS PART CO? COLOUR FASTNESS TO WET SCRUBBING OF PIGMENTTEXTILES ICS 59.080.01 © BIS2009 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 2009 Price Group 3 Chemical MethodsofTestSectionalCommittee,TXD05 NATIONAL FOREWORD This IndianStandard (part CO?) which is identical with ISO 105-CO? : 1999 'Textiles - Tests for colourfastness - Part CO?: Colour fastness to wet scrubbing of pigment printed textiles' issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Chemical Methods of Test Sectional Committee and approvaloftheTextileDivisionCouncil. This standard supersedes IS 11908 : 1986 'Method for determination of colour fastness of textile fabricstowetscrubbing'. Colourfastnessof dyedlprinted textile materials to various agencies during their further treatment or actual useisanimportantperformancerequirement from the viewpoint of the user or consumer. The various agenciestowhichtextile materialsmaybe subsequently subjected may include water,acids, alkalis, organic solvents, washing, laundering, drycleaning, perspiration, light, gaseous fumes, bleaching,rubbing,carbonizing,felting, etc andthe colour of textile materials should be fast tothese agencies and should not change considerably. The colour should also not bleed and stain the adjacent fabrics which are subjected to these agencies along with coloured fabrics. The colour fastness propertyofcolouredtextilesis, therefore, measured in terms of colour fastness ratingswith respect tochangeincolourandlorstainingofadjacentfabrics. Since colourfastnessisone of the most important requirement for export of textiles, it is considered essential that Indian Standards related to colour fastness are completely harmonized with InternationalStandards.ThevariousIndianStandardsoncolour fastness testing, are,therefore,being revised to align them with the corresponding International Standardsand are being published in PartsAtoZ. This standard is intended to test colour fastness of textile materials to domestic or commercial laundering procedures used for normal household articles. Industrial and hospital articles may be subjectedtosociallaunderingprocedureswhichmaybe severe insome respects. ThetextofISOStandardhasbeenapprovedassuitablefor publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention isparticularlydrawntothefollowing: a) Whereverthewords'InternationalStandard' appear referring to this standard,theyshould bereadas'IndianStandard'. b) Co~ma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standards, while in lndian Standards,thecurrentpracticeisto useapoint (.)as the decimal marker. In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standa~ds also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in their respectiveplaces,arelistedbelowalongwiththeirdegreeofequivalence for the editions indicated: InternationalStandard CorrespondingIndian Standard Degree of Equivalence ISO105-AO1: 1994Textiles- Tests for ISIISO 105-A01 : 1994 Textiles - Tests Identical colour fastness - Part A01: General for colour fastness: Part A01 General principles oftesting principlesoftesting ISO105-A02 : 1993Textiles- Testsfor ISIISO105-A02 : 1993 Textiles - Tests do colourfastness- Part A02: Grey scale for colour fastness: Part A02 Grey scale forassessmg changeincolour forassessingchange incolour (Continuedon thirdcover) ISIISO 10S-C07 : 1999 Indian Standard TEXTILES - TESTS FOR COLOUR FASTNESS PART C07 COLOUR FASTNESS TO WET SCRUBBING OF PIGMENTTEXTILES 1 Scope This part of ISO 105 describes a method for determining the colour fastness to wet scrubbinq of pigment dyed or pigment printed textiles ofallkinds. Thetest isnotapplicable toloose fibres. 2 Normative references The following standards contains provisions which. through reference in this text.constitute provisions of this part of ISO105.Atthetimeofpublication. theeditionsindicatedwerevalid.Allstandardsaresubject torevision andparties to agreements based on this part of ISO 105 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 105-A01:1994, Textiles- Testsforcolourfastness- PartA01:Generalprinciplesattesting. ISO105-A02:1993, Textiles- Testsforcolourfastness- PartA02:Greyscaleforassessingchange incolour. ISO 105-C01:1989. Textiles- Testsforcolourfastness- PartC01:Colourfastness towashing: Test1. ISO105-C06:1994, Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part COO: Colour fastness tocommercialand Industrial laundering. 3 Principle The test specimen is immersed in a soap solution or detergentsolution, scrubbed for a specified time with a brush thenrinsed and dried. The change incolourofthe testspecimenisassessedusing the grey scale. 4 Apparatus and reagents 4.1 Testing device, consisting of a means of wet scrubbing, moving to and fro in a straight line along a 100mm±10mm track on the test specimen with aforce of9,0N±0,2N, with approximatelyone complete to and oOl o fro cycle per second. The base board of the device islarge enough to clamp on a test specimen of not less than QN 80mm x 250 mm. z iii iii 4.2 Brush,consisting of five rows with 13tufts or 14tufts per row each with 16stiffpolyamidebristlesof 0.36mm pertuft.The tufts are cut toauniform length of 15mmand thedistancebetweentufts is4 mm.The brush permits a width of scrubbinq of 55mm ±2mm.Other brushes similar to the brush described above may be used as long as there isagreementbetween interestedparties and theparticularbrush used isreported. 1 ISIISO 105-C07: 1999 New brushes shal be blunted before use by saubbing the brush for at least 100cycles using abrasive or cloth paper (see note 2). Ifnecessaryrepeatuntil the brush surfaceis perf~aligned with~e abrasiveor cloth paper onthe baseboard. Dependingon the brush used, aresiduemaybenoticedonthe abrasivepaper. NOTE 1 Abrushcomplyingwithfollowing requirementshasbeenfoundsuitable: Lineardensity (offibre):102,8dtex Tensilestrength(offibre):0,032 5N(ev4,33 %) Breakingelongation(ofIibre):6,9%(ev12,8%) Modulusofelasticity(ofIibre): 0,0022NJdtex Presscapability(ofbrush):2,44kg(ev8%) Pulloutfrombrush(tuft):14,2N(ev18%) Pulloutfrombrush (single Iibre):0,8 N(ev38%) whereevisthecoefficientofvariation. NOTE2 Abrasive paper of 120mesh (0#) black aluminium oxide cloth has been found suitable. Ifotherabrasive paperis used,itshouldbereported. 4.3 Soap,withoutopticalbrightener.asspecifiedin4.2ofISO 105-C01:1989. 4.4 Sodiumperborate. 4.5 Referencedetergent Atleast twodifferentreferencedetergentsmaybeused: a) ECEreferencedetergent71.withoutopticalbrightener.or b) 1993AATCC standardreferencedetergentWOB. Botharespecified in4.4ofISO 10~C06:1994. Other detergentsmay beused asagreedbetweeninterestedpartiesand reportedinthe testreport. 4.6 Greyscale,forassessingchangeincolour, complyingwith ISO 10~A02:1993. 4.7 Grade3water, see8.1of ISO 10~A01:1994. 5 Test specimen 5.1 If the textile to be tested is a fabric, prepare one specimen not less than 80 mm x 250mm, with the long direction parallel tothe warp yams(or the directionof manufacture). Ifmulticolouredtextilesare to betested and all colours on the textile cannot be included in one specimen, prepare further test specimens and assess each colour separately. 5.2 If the textile to be tested is yam or thread.knit it into fabric to provide a specimen at least 80 mm x 250 mm. Theknitconstructionshouldbeagreedon betweenthe interestedpertcs.Ntematively, the yarn can bewound on a plastic plate.Theconstructionchosen can influencetest results. 6 Procedure Dissolve 5g of soap (4.3) and 29 sodium perborate (4.4) in 11 of water (4.7); or dissolve 49 detergent A (4.5) togetherwith 1gsodium perborate(4.4)or4gdetergentB(4.5)in1Iofwater(4.7). Pourabout2SOml of the preparedsoapsolutionor about250ml prepareddetergentsolution into aSOOml beaker, so that the ratio of solution to specimen is not less than 50:1. Raise the temperature of the solution to one of the alternativesgiven below and indicate thealternativeselectedinthe test report. 2 ISIISO 1OS-C07:1999 Alternativesoapordetergent solutiontemperatures: 27·C±3·C 41·C±3·C 49·C±3·C 60·C±3·C 70·C±3·C Immersethe specimen inthesolution for 1minuntilthoroughlywetted,thenremovethespecimenandSQueezeoff theexcesssolutionwithtwoglass rodsorothersuitablemeans.Placethesqueezedspecimenonthebaseboardof thetestingdevice (4.1)and fastenitontwoendsbydamps orothermeans,dependingonthetestdeviceusedso that the long direction of the specimen follows the track of the device. Keep fastened during scrubbing. Lay the brush (4.2) on the specimen and allow it to scrub to and fro along 8 100mm±10mm track either 25cycles, 50cycles or 100cycles with a force of 9,0N±0,2N. To keep the specimen wet. add approximately 10ml soap solutionor10mldetergent solutiontothespecimenafterevery25timesscrubbing. At completion of scrubbing, remove the specimen from the testing device and rinse it thoroughly with warm (approximately40·C ±3·C) water (4.7),thendry thespecimenbylayingon ahorizontal surfaceatatemperature notexceeding60·C. Cleanthe brush by removing any fibre,yam or threadandanysoapor detergent solution onthe tuftsbeforethe nexttest.Thebrushshould beexamined beforeuseandreplacedifexcessivelyworn. Assess the change in colour of the test specimen with the grey scale (4.6) after conditioning, according to ISO105-A02. 7 Test report Thetestreportshallincludethefollowinginformation: a) referencetothispartofISO105,Le.ISO105-C07; b) detailsofthesample tested; c) whichsoapordetergent solutionwasused; d) thebrushused,ifdifferentfromthatdescribedin4.2; e) thenumberofscrubs used; f) thetemperature selected; g) themakeandmodel number, ifavailable,ofthetestingdevice; h) thenumericalratingforchange incolourofthetestspecimen. 3 ISIISO 105-C07: 1999 NATIONAL ANNEX A (NationalForeword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Chemical Methods ofTest Sectional Committee,TXD 05 Organization Representstive(s) TextilesCommittee,Mumbai DR G.S. NADIGAR (Chainnan) SHRIE.VISHAMBHARAM(Alternate) Ahmedabad TextileIndustry'sResearch Association. REPRESENTATIVE Ahmedabad BapujiInstituteofEngineering&Technology,Davangere DR H.L.VIJAYAKUMAR DR K.MURUGESH BABU(Alternate) CentralInstituteforResearch onCotton Technology.Mumbai DR (MIss)C.R.RAJE DR R.H.BALASUBRAMANYA(Alternate) CentralPollutionControl Board, Delhi DR M.Q.ANSARI SHRINAYAGGARWAL (Alternate) Clariant (India)Ltd,Mumbai DR V.G.NAYAK DirectorateofStandardization,DepartmentofDefence LTCOL (DR)R.SHRrvAsTAvA ProductionandSupplies, NewDelhi LTCDR B.MANJUNATH(Alternate) IndianInstituteofCarpetTechnology, Bhadohi (U.P.) PROF (DR)K.K.GOSWAMI SHRIMATIBETTY DASGUPTA(Alternate) IndianJuteIndustries'Research Association, Kolkata SHRIN.C.SOM JayshreeTextiles,Rishra SHRI ABHEY NAIR SHRr PAWANSHARMA(Alternate) L.N.Chermcallndustr.es.Mumbai SHRI KETAN L.GANDHI ManiklalVermaTextile Institute.Bhilwara DR N.K.MATHUR Man-MadeTextile ResearchAssociation, Surat DR SANDEEPR.NAIK SHRIM.G.PATEL(Alternate) MinistryofDefence(DGQA).New Delhi SHRIP.P.NAIDU SHRIRAMAYADAV(Alternate) MinistryofDefence(R&D),NewDelhi SHRIS.C.JAIN Office oftheTextile Commissioner.Mumbai SHRIR.A.lAI. Rajasthan Spinning&WeavingMills Ltd,Bhilwara MAJ GENV. BAOHWAR SHRIVIJAYYAOAV(Alternate) Reliance IndustriesLtd,Mumbai SHAIP.K.BADAMI SHRISANJEEVISAANI(Alternate) SNDT Women'sUniversity.Mumbai DA(Ms)BHARATIA.PATWARDHAN Suditi IndustriesLtd.NaviMumbai SHAIR.CHINRAJ SHAIRAJENCRAGAIKWAD(Alternate) Sunil IndustriesLtd.Mumbai SHAIVINODG.LATH SHRIRAMESHKHAN~IA(Alternafe) Textiles&EngineeringInstitute,Ichalkaranji,DistrictKohlapur PAOFS.K.LAGA PROFS.S.CHINCHWADE(Alternate) 4 I8nSO105-C07:1999 Organization Representative(s) TheBombayMillc1Wners'Association,Mumbai SHRIMAHESHSHARMA TheBombayTextileResearchAssociation,Mumbai SHRfA.V.AFFINI SHRIB.S.ACHARYA(Altemate) TheSouthIndiaTextileResearchAssociation,Coimbatore REPRESENTATIVE TheSynthetics&ArtSilkMills'ResearchAssociation,Mumbai SHRIK.S.TARAPOREWALA SHRID.L.SHAH(Altemate) Tex-n-Lab,Thane SHRI ULLASNIMKAR SHRIS.VARDARAJAN(Altemate) VeermataJijabaiTechnologicalInstitute,Mumbai PROFK.D.GAWAND WoolResearchAssociation,Mumbai SHRIMATIG.P.RANE SHRfV.C.PANSE(Altemate) Inpersonalcapacity(2,ShriSidhi VinayakCo-operativeHousing SHRIM.D.DIXIT Society,Swantra VeerSavarkarMarg, Worti,Mumba/) BISDirectorateGeneral SHRIM.S.VERMA,DirectorandHead(Textiles) [RepresentingDirectorGeneral(Ex-officio)] MemberSecretary SHRIM.S.VERMA DirectorandHead(Textiles),BIS

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