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Index to /sis, Volume 98, 2007 Pagination according to issues March, pp. 1-224 September, pp. 447-674 June, pp. 225-446 December, pp. 675-000 AABOE, Asger Hartvig (Eloge), 796. Arnold, Ken, Cabinets for the Curious: Looking Back Abeles, Francine F., rev. of Crilly, Arthur Cayley, and at Early English Museums, rev., 828. Parshall, James Joseph Sylvester, 641. Astore, William J.. Observing God: Thomas Dick, Agostoni, Claudia, Monuments of Progress: Modern- Evangelicalism, and Popular Science in Victorian ization and Public Health in Mexico City, 1876- Britain and America, rev., 636. 1910, rev., 186. Astia, Miguel de; Roger French, A New World of Ani- Aisenberg, Andrew, rev. of Pelis, Charles Nicolle, mals; Early Modern Europeans on the Creatures of Pasteur’s Imperial Missionary, 654. Iberian America, rev., 380. Akbari, Suzanne Conklin, rev. of Denery, Seeing and Aucante, Vincent, La philosophie médicale de Des- Being Seen in the Later Medieval World, 377. cartes, rev., 623. Albala, Ken, rev. of Laurioux, Une histoire culinaire Austin, Suzanne, rev. of Bourdelais, Epidemics Laid du Moyen Age, 176. Low, 163. Alberti, Samuel J. M. M., rev. of Moser, Wondrous Averroés (Ibn RuSd), Commentaire moyen a@ la Rhé- Curiosities, 824. torique d‘Aristote: Edition critique du texte arabe et Albu, Emily, rev. of Scafi, Mapping Paradise, 817. traduction francaise, Vol. |: Introduction générale, Alder, Ken (America’s Two Gadgets: Of Bombs and Vol. 2: Edition et traduction, Vol. 3: Commentaire Polygraphs [Focus: Thick Things]), 124; (Introduc- du commentaire, ed. by Maroun Aouad, rev., 373. tion [Focus: Thick Things]), 80. Ayres, Peter, Harry Marshall Ward and the Fungal Allchin, Douglas, rev. of Bechtel, Discovering Cell Thread of Death, rev., 187. Mechanisms, 208. Allen, Garland E.; see Jane Maienschein. BaBINI, Valeria P., /] caso Murri: Una storia italiana, Althoff, William F., Drift Station: Arctic Outposts of rev., 637. Superpower Science, rev., 862. Bach, Thomas, rev. of Kleeberg, Theophysis, 849. American Catholicism’s Science Crisis and the Alber- Badino, Massimiliano, rev. of Steinle, Explorative Ex- tus Magnus Guild, 1953-1969, 695. perimente, 857. America’s Two Gadgets: Of Bombs and Polygraphs Baker, Brian; see John A. Cartwright. {Focus: Thick Things], 124. Bala, Arun, The Dialogue of Civilizations in the Birth Amsterdamska, Olga, rev. of Barnes, The Great Stink of Modern Science, rev., 829. of Paris and the Nineteenth-Century Struggle Ballenger, Jesse F., Self, Senility, and Alzheimer’s Dis- against Filth and Germs, 638. ease in Modern America: A History, rev., 396 Anderson, Julie: see Carsten Timmermann. Barnes, David S.. The Great Stink of Paris and the Anderson, Katharine, rev. of Arnold, The Tropics and Nineteenth-Century Struggle against Filth and the Traveling Gaze, 395. Germs, rev., 638 Andrew, Edward G., Patrons of Enlightenment. rev.. Barnes, Linda L., Needles, Herbs, Gods, and Ghosts: 380. China, Healing, and the West to 1848, rev., 161. Ankeny, Rachel A., rev. of Waldby and Mitchell, Tis- Barrera-Osorio, Antonio, Experiencing Nature: The sue Economies, 432. Spanish American Empire and the Early Scientific (Anna of Saxony) Becoming an Expert Practitioner: Revolution, rev., 380. Court Experimentalism and the Medical Skills of Barrow, Mark V., Jr.. rev. of Kohler, Al/ Creatures, Anna of Saxony (1532-1585), 23. 650. Aouad, Maroun; see Averroés (Ibn RuSd). Barth, Fredrik; Andre Gingrich: Robert Parkin; Sydel Applebaum, Wilbur (Letter to the Editor), 609. Silverman, One Discipline, Four Ways: British, Aragon Albillos, Santiago, E/ Zooldgico del Museo de German, French, and American Anthropology, tev.. Ciencias Naturales de Madrid: Mariano de la Paz 188. Graells (1809-1898), la Sociedad de Aclimatacion Bates, A. W., Emblematic Monsters: Unnatural Con- y los animals titiles, rev., 841. ceptions and Deformed Births in Early Modern Eu- Armstrong, Patrick, Darwin's Other Islands, rev., 635. rope, tev., 830. Arnold, David, The Tropics and the Traveling Gaze: Bauchspies, Wenda K.; Jennifer Croissant; Sal Res- India, Landscape, and Science, 1800-1856, tev., tivo, Science. Technology, and Society: A Socio- 395. logical Approach, rev., 882. 900 INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 Bechtel, William, Discovering Cell Mechanisms: The Boudia, Soraya, rev. of Poirier, Marie Curie et les con- Creation of Modern Cell Biology, rev., 208. quérants de l’‘atome, 1896-2006, 413. Beck, Naomi, rev. of Babini, // caso Murri, 637. Bourdelais, Patrice, Epidemics Laid Low: A History of Becoming an Expert Practitioner: Court Experimen- What Happened in Rich Countries, trans. by Bart K. talism and the Medical Skills of Anna of Saxony Holland, rev., 163. (1532-1585), 23. Bowden, A. J.; see G. J. H. McCall. Beidleman, Richard G., California's Frontier Natu- Bowker, Geoffrey C., rev. of Godin, Measurement and ralists, rev., 397. Statistics on Science and Technology, 403. Belanger, Dian Olson, Deep Freeze: The United Brain, Robert M., rev. of Larson, The Dark Side of States, the International Geophysical Year, and the Nature, 408. Origins of Antarctica’s Age of Science, rev., 862. Breidbach, Olaf, Goethes Metamorphosenlehre, rev., Bellamy, Matthew J., Profiting the Crown: Canada’s 831. Polymer Corporation, 1942—1990, rev., 864. Brigandt, Ingo, rev. of Stanford, Exceeding Our Beltran Mari, Antonio, Talento y poder: Historia de Grasp, 435. las relaciones entre Galileo y la Iglesia catolica, Brock, Adrian C. (ed.), /nternationalizing the History rev., 838. of Psychology, coll., 436. Ben-Chaim, Michael, Experimental Philosophy and Brock, David C. (ed.), Understanding Moore's Law: the Birth of Empirical Science, rev., 625. Four Decades of Innovation, coll., 887. Benjamin, Ludy T., Jr., A Brief History of Modern Psy- Brock, Emily, rev. of Beidleman, California's Frontier chology, rev., 842. Naturalists, 397. Beretta, Marco, rev. of Arnold, Cabinets for the Cu- Broks, Peter, Understanding Popular Science, rev.. rious, 828; (ed.), From Private to Public: Natural 662. Collections and Museums, rev., 162. Brooks, Nathan M.; see George N. Vlahakis. Berggren, J. L., rev. of King, In Synchrony with the Brown, Louis, The Department of Terrestrial Magnet- Heavens: Studies in Astronomical Timekeeping and ism, rev., 420. Instrumentation in Medieval Islamic Civilization, Brown Clark, Stephanie, rev. of Bates, Emblematic Vols. 1 and 2, 378. Monsters, 830. Berggren, J. L.; R.S.D. Thomas, Euclid’s Phaeno- Briickner, Martin, The Geographic Revolution in Early mena: A Translation and Study of a Hellenistic America: Maps, Literacy, and National Identity, Treatise in Spherical Astronomy, rev., 821. rev., 180. Bertomeu Sanchez, José Ram6n; Antonio Garcia Bel- Buhs, Joshua Blu, rev. of Sleigh, Six Legs Better, 855. mar, La revolucién quimica: Entre la historia y la Bullough, Vern L., rev. of McCauley, Who Shall Take memoria, rev., 839. Care of Our Sick? 200. Bertomeu Sanchez, José Ramon; Agusti Nieto-Galan Bulmer, Michael, Francis Galton: Pionofe Heererdit y (eds.), Chemistry, Medicine, and Crime: Mateu J. B. and Biometry, rev., 398. Orfila (1787-1853) and His Times, coll., 436. Burba, Juliet, rev. of Barth ef al., One Discipline, Four Besse, Jean-Marc; Marie-Claire Robic, rev. of Living- Ways, 188. stone and Withers (eds.), Geography and Revolu- Burkhardt, Richard W., Jr. (The Leopard in the Gar- tion, 409. den: Life in Close Quarters at the Muséum Betegh, Gabor, rev. of Carone, Plato's Cosmology and d'Histoire Naturelle), 675. Its Ethical Dimensions, 619. Burnett, D. Graham (Introduction: Cross-Examina- Beyler, Richard H., rev. of Sonnert, Einstein and Cul- tion? [Focus: Science and the Law]), 310; rev. of ture, 856. Heazle, Scientific Uncertainty and the Politics of “Beyond the Pale of Ordinary Criticism”: Eccentricity Whaling, 425. and the Fossil Books of Thomas Hawkins, 225. Burton, Dan, Nicole Oresme’s De visione stellarum Bhopal’s Trials of Knowledge and Ignorance [Focus: (On Seeing the Stars): A Critical Edition of Or- Science and the Law], 344. esme’s Treatise on Optics and Atmospheric Refrac- Biagioli, Mario, Galileo's Instruments of Credit: Tel- tion, with an Introduction, Commentary, and En- escopes, Images, Secrecy, rev., 179. glish Translation, rev., 825. Bijker, Wiebe E. (Dikes and Dams, Thick with Politics Biittner, Johannes; see Robin Keen. [Focus: Thick Things]), 109. Byers, Nina; Gary Williams (eds.), Out of the Shad- Binzley, Ronald A. (American Catholicism’s Science ows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Crisis and the Albertus Magnus Guild, 1953-1969), Physics, coll., 436. 695. Bynum, W. F.; Anne Hardy; Stephen Jacyna; Chris- Bird, Sharon R.; see Jill M. Bystydzienski. topher Lawrence; E. M. Tansey, The Western Medi- Blanes-Nadal, Georgina; see Lluis Garrigés-Oltra. cal Tradition, 1800 to 2000, rev., 813. Blass, Thomas, The Man Who Shocked the World: The Bystydzienski, Jill M.; Sharon R. Bird (eds.), Remov- Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram, rev., 865. ing Barriers: Women in Academic Science, Tech- Bleichmar, Daniela, rev. of Barrera-~Osorio, Experi- nology, Engineering, and Mathematics, coll., 887. encing Nature, and de Astia and French, A New World of Animals, 380. Capeppu, Antonio, Les vérités de la science: Pra- Borck, Cornelius, Hirnstréme: Eine Kulturgeschichte tique, récit, histoire: Le cas Pasteur, rev., 639. der Elektroenzephalographie, rev., 843. Caffey, David L., Frank Springer and New Mexico: INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 901 From the Colfax County War to the Emergence of | Cook, Harold J., Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Modern Santa Fe, rev., 189. Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age, Calder, Dale R.; see Lester D. Stephens. 809. Cafiizares-Esguerra, Jorge, rev. of Arag6n Albillos, E/ Cooper, Alix, nventing the Indigenous: Local Knowl- Zoolégico del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Ma- edge and Natural History in Early Modern Europe, drid, 841. rev., 833. Can We Get Our Materialism Back, Please? [Focus: Cooper, Michael; Michael Hunter (eds.), Robert Thick Things], 138. Hooke: Tercentennial Studies, rev., 626. Capria, Marco Mamone (ed.), Physics before and after Cormack, Lesley, rev. of Briickner, The Geographic Einstein, coll., 437. Revolution in Early America, 180. Carneiro, Ana, rev. of Bertomeu Sanchez and Garcia Corsi, Pietro; Jean Gayon; Gabriel Gohau; Stéphane Belmar, La revolucién quimica, 839. Tirard, Lamarck, philosophe de la nature, rev., 846. Carone, Gabriela Roxana, Plato's Cosmology and Its Cosmogram for Nuclear Things [Focus: Thick Ethical Dimensions, rev., 619. Things}, 100. Carozzi, Albert V., Horace-Bénédict de Saussure Cottingham, John, rev. of Jones, The Good Life in the (1740-1799): Un pionnier des sciences de la Terre, Scientific Revolution, 632. rev., 383. Cowen, David L. (Eloge), 351. Carroll, Victoria (“Beyond the Pale of Ordinary Criti- Craig, Patricia, The Department of Plant Biology, rev., cism”: Eccentricity and the Fossil Books of Thomas 165. Hawkins), 225; rev. of Astore, Observing God, 636. Crelinsten, Jeffrey, Einstein's Jury: The Race to Test Carson, Cathryn, rev. of Hentschel, Die Mentalitiit Relativity, rev., 399. deutscher Physiker in der friithen Nachkriegszeit Crilly, Tony, Arthur Cayley: Mathematician Laureate (1945-1949), 194. of the Victorian Age, rev., 641. Cartwright, John A.; Brian Baker, Literature and Sci- Croissant, Jennifer; see Wenda K. Bauchspies. ence: Social Impact and Interaction, rev., 164. Crosland, Maurice, The Language of Science: From Castelio-Lawless, Teresa, rev. of Fisher, Pierre Gas- the Vernacular to the Technical, rev., 627. sendi’s Philosophy and Science, 385. Crowther-Heyck, Kathleen, rev. of Williams, Ways of Celenza, Christopher S., rev. of Joost-Gaugier, Mea- Knowing in Early Modern Germany, 392. suring Heaven, 376. Cushman, Gregory T., rev. of Gonzdlez Bueno, Anto- Chadarevian, Soraya de, rev. of Lindee, Moments of nio José Cavanilles (1745-1804), 182. Truth in Genetic Medicine, 213. Chaplin, Joyce E., The First Scientific American: Ben- jamin Franklin and the Pursuit of Genius, rev., 832. Dau, Edward H.; see Christian Jacob. Charles, Loic, rev. of Reungoat, William Petty, 391. Daniel, Dane T., rev. of Szulakowska, The Sacrificial Chemla, Karine; Guo Shuchun, Les neuf chapitres: Le Body and the Day of Doom, 840. classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses Dappiano, Luigi; see Paola Giacomoni. commentaires, rev., 175. Darnell, Regna, rev. of Conn, History's Shadow, 844. Choi, Hyungsub, rev. of Shurkin, Broken Genius, 878. Darrigol, Olivier, Worlds of Flow: A History of Hy- Cirillo, Vincent J.; Karen Reeds (David L. Cowen, | drodynamics from the Bernoullis to Prandtl, rev., September 1909-14 April 2006), 351. 167. Clancey, Gregory, Earthquake Nation: The Cultural Daston, Lorraine [The History of Emergences)], rev. of Politics of Japanese Seismicity, 1868-1930, rev., Hacking, The Emergence of Probability, 801; see 190. also Katharine Park. Clark, J. F. M., rev. of Thorsheim, /nventing Pollution, Davenport, Anne, rev. of Seidengart, Dieu, |'univers 858. et la sphére infinie, 393. Clark, William, rev. of Frank and Gabler, Keconstruct- Davidovitch, Nadav, rev. of Offit, The Cutter Incident, ing the University, 870. 873. Clio Electric: Online Resources in Post-1750 History Davis, Edward B., rev. of Olson, Science and Religion, of Science, Medicine, and Technology 1450-1900, 617. Clio Electric: Primary Texts and Digital Research in Davis, Frederick R., rev. of Loo, States of Nature, 428. Pre-1750 History of Science, 150. Dawkins, Richard, The God Delusion, rev., 814. Clulee, Nicholas, rev. of Moran, Distilling Knowledge, Debs, Talal A.; Michael L. G. Redhead, Objectivity, 634. Invariance, and Convention: Symmetry in Physical Coen, Deborah R.; see James Rodger Fleming. Science, rev., 884. Colgrove, James, State of Immunity: The Politics of Decker, Hannah S., rev. of Maddox, Freud's Wizard, Vaccination in Twentieth-Century America, rev.. 853. 422. De Frenza, Lucia, / sonnambuli delle miniere: Amo- Conley, Tom; see Christian Jacob. retti, Fortis, Spallanzani_ e il _ dibattito Conlin, Michael F., rev. of Chaplin, The First Scientific sull'elettrometria organica e minerale in Italia American, 832. (1790-1816), rev., 628. Conn, Steven, History's Shadow: Native Americans DeGrandpre, Richard, The Cult of Pharmacology: and Historical Consciousness in the Nineteenth How America Became the World's Most Troubled Century, rev., 844. Drug Culture, rev., 866. 902 INDEX TO ISIS. VOLUME 98, 2007 DeLacy, Margaret, rev. of Finger, Doctor Franklin's Epe, Andrew, rev. of Waller, Leaps in the Dark, 618. Medicine, 181. Edgerton, David, Warfare State: Britain, 1920-1970, Delbourgo, James, A Most Amazing Scene of Wonders: rev., 210; The Shock of the Old: Technology and Electricity and Enlightenment in Early America, Global History since 1900, rev., 642. rev., 629. Edson, Evelyn, rev. of Obrist, La cosmologie médi- Denery, Dallas G., Il, Seeing and Being Seen in the évale, 177. Later Medieval World: Optics, Theology, and Reli- Eisenhardt, Peter; see Frank Linhard. gious Life, rev., 377. Eisenstaedt, Jean, The Curious History of Relativity: De Renzi, Silvia (Medical Expertise, Bodies, and the How Einstein's Theory of Gravity Was Lost and Law in Early Modern Courts [Focus: Science and Found Again, trans. by Arturo Sangalli, rev., 643. the Law]), 315. Elder, Donald C.; see Kerrie Dougherty. Despoix, Philippe, Le monde mesuré: Dispositifs de Elman, Benjamin A. (New Directions in the History of exploration a lage des Lumiéres, rev.. 384. Modern Science in China: Global Science and Com- DeVorkin, David H., rev. of Longair, The Cosmic Cen- parative History [Focus: Science and Modern tury, 661. China}), 517: A Cultural History of Modern Science Dewsbury, Donald A., Monkey Farm: A History of the in China, rev., 613. Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology, Orange Eloges, 143, 351, 602, 796. Park, Florida, 1930-1965, rev., 209. Elzinga, Aant, Einstein's Nobel Prize: A Glimpse be- Dick, Stephen J.; James E. Strick, The Living Uni- hind Closed Doors: The Archival Evidence, rev., verse: NASA and the Development of Astrobiology. 644. rev., 423. Enebakk, Vidar, rev. of Broks, Understanding Popular Di Gregorio, Mario A., From Here to Eternity: Ernst Science, 662. Haeckel and Scientific Faith, rev., 400. Espagnat, Bernard d’, On Physics and Philosophy, Dikes and Dams, Thick with Politics [Focus: Thick rev., 663. Things], 109. “Every Boy & Girl a Scientist”: Instruments for Chi!- Distorted Meridian [Focus: History of Science and dren in Interwar Britain, 266. Historical Novels], 788. Doel, Ronald E.; Thomas Séderqvist (eds.), The His- toriography of Contemporary Science, Technology, FAGAN, Brian M., Return to Babylon: Travelers, Ar- and Medicine: Writing Recent Science, rev., 867. chaeologists, and Monuments in Mesopotamia, rev., Dolan, Brian (Clio Electric: Online Resources in Post- 822. 1750 History of Science, Medicine, and Technol- Falcon, Andrea, Aristotle and the Science of Nature: ogy). Unity without Uniformity, rev.. 823. Dorland, Tamera: see Brett D. Steele. Fan, Fa-ti (Redrawing the Map: Science in Twentieth- Dérries, Matthias (ed.), Michael Frayn’s Copenhagen Century China [Focus: Science and Modern in Debate: Historical Essays and Documents on the China}), 524. 1941 Meeting between Niels Bohr and Werner Hei- Fangerau, Heiner; Karen Nolte (eds.), “Moderne” An- senberg, rev., 401. staltspsychiatrie im 19, und 20. Jahrhundert—Le- Dougherty, Kerrie; Donald C. Elder (eds.), History of gitimation und Kritik, coll., 888. Rocketry and Astronautics: Proceedings of the Fara, Patricia, rev. of Shteir and Lightman (eds.), Fig- Thirty-second History Symposium of the Interna- uring It Out, 819. tional Academy of Astronautics, Melbourne, Austra- Farber, Paul Lawrence, rev. of Beretta (ed.), From Pri- lia, 1998, coll., 888. vate to Public, 162. Downing, Lisa, rev. of Ben-Chaim, Experimental Phi- Faye, Cathy, rev. of Benjamin, A Brief History of Mod- losophy and the Birth of Empirical Science, 625. ern Psychology, 842 Driver, Felix, rev. of Despoix, Le monde mesuré, 384. Faye. Jan, rev. of Holton, Victory and Vexation in Sci- Dubow, Saul, A Commonwealth of Knowledge: Sci- ence, 660. ence, Sensibility, and White South Africa, 1820- Fedunkiw. Marianne P.. Rockefeller Foundation Fund- 2000, rev., 868. ing and Medical Education in Toronto, Montreal, Ducheyne, Steffen (Letter to the Editor), 354 and Halifax, rev., 645. Duffin, Jacalyn, Lovers and Livers: Disease Concepts Finger, Stanley, Doctor Franklin's Medicine, tev.. in History, rev., 168. 181. Duffin, Jacalyn; Arthur Sweetman (eds.), SARS in Finocchiaro, Maurice A., rev. of Beltran Mari, Talento Context: Memory, History, Policy, rev., 870. y poder, 838. Dugatkin, Lee Alan, The Altruism Equation: Seven Fisher, Saul, Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Sci- Scientists Search for the Origins of Goodness, tev.. ence: Atomism for Empiricists, rev., 385. 373. Fleck, Robert (Letter to the Editor), 610. Durbach, Nadia, rev. of Colgrove, State of Immunity, Fleming, James Rodger: Vladimir Jankovic: Deborah 422. R. Coen (eds.), Intimate Universality: Local and Dutch Commerce and the Origins of Modern Science. Global Themes in the History of Weather and Cli- 809. mate, rev., 846. Dyck, Erika, rev. of DeGrandpre, The Cult of Phar- Fliigel, Helmut W., Der Abgrund der Zeit: Die En- macology, 866. twicklung der Geohistorik, 1670—1830, rev.. 191. INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 903 Fontaine, Philippe, rev. of Steiner, L’école durkhei- Gillispie, Charles C. (The Distorted Meridian |Focus: mienne et l'économie, 418. History of Science and Historical Novels]), 788. Forensics of the Mind [Focus: Science and the Law], Gingras, Yves [Henri Poincaré: The Movie: The Un- 332. intended Consequences of Scientific Commemora- Forest, Denis, Histoire des aphasies: Une anatomie de tions}, rev. of Thomine (director), Tout est relatif, expression, rev., 402. Monsieur Poincaré! 366. Fortun, Mike, rev. of Stern, Eugenic Nation, 205. Gingrich, Andre; see Fredrik Barth. Fox, Mary Frank; Deborah G. Johnson; Sue V. Rosser Glitz, Marie; see Jane Maienschein. (eds.), Women, Gender, and Technology, coll., 437 Godin, Benoit, Measurement and Statistics on Science Frank, David John; Jay Gabler, Reconstructing the and Technology: 1920 to the Present, rev., 403. University: Worldwide Shifts in Academia in the Gohau, Gabriel; see Pietro Corsi. Twentieth Century, rev., 870. Golinski, Jan (Introduction [Focus: History of Science Franklin, Sarah, Dolly Mixtures: The Remaking of Ge- and Historical Novels]}), 755; rev. of Delbourgo, A nealogy, rev., 816. Most Amazing Scene of Wonders, 629, rev. of Flem- Frayling, Christopher, Mad, Bad, and Dangerous? The ing et al. (eds.), Intimate Universality, 846. Scientist and the Cinema, rev., 169. Gonzalez Bueno, Antonio, Antonio José Cavanilles French, Roger; see Miguel de Asta. (1745-1804): La pasion por la ciencia, rev., 182. Freyhofer, Horst H.. The Nuremberg Medical Trial: Goodfellow, Sarah, rev. of Sengoopta, The Most Secret The Holocaust and the Origin of the Nuremberg Quintessence of Life, 416. Medical Code, rev., 424. Gordin, Michael D.., rev. of Scerri, The Periodic Table. Friedman, Michael; Alfred Nordmann (eds.), The Kan- 666. tian Legacy in Nineteenth-Century Science, rev.. Gowland, Angus, The Worlds of Renaissance Melan- 646. choly: Robert Burton in Context, rev., 620. Friedrich, Christoph; see Rudolph Schmitz. Gradmann, Christoph, rev. of Borck, Hirnstréme, 843. Fritscher, Bernhard, rev. of Carozzi, Horace-Bénédict Grapi, Pere, rev. of Garrigés-Oltra et al., El color li- de Saussure (1740-1799), 383. quido, 647. Furth, Charlotte, rev. of Barnes, Needles, Herbs, Gods, Gray, Jeremy J., rev. of Roberts, King of Infinite Space, and Ghosts, 161. 875. Green Musselman, Elizabeth, Nervous Conditions: GaABLER, Jay: see David John Frank. Science and the Body Politic in Early Industrial (Galen) Observers, Objects, and the Embedded Eye: Britain, rev., 388. or, Seeing and Knowing in Ptolemy and Galen, 447. Green Musselman, Elizabeth; Karen A. Rader (Sylvia Galileo's Tidal Theory, 1. Freeman Wallace McGrath, 1937—2006), 602. Garber. Elizabeth, rev. of Edgerton, Warfare State, Gregory, Jane, rev. of Bauchspies et al., Science, Tech- 210. nology, and Society, Sismondo, An Introduction to Garber, Margaret, rev. of Newman, Atoms and Al- Science and Technology Studies, and Stehr and chemy, 389. Meja (eds.), Society and Knowledge, 882. Garcia Belmar, Antonio; see José Ramon Bertomeu Griffel, Frank, rev. of Averroés (Ibn RuSd), Commen- Sanchez. taire moyen @ la Rhétorique d’Aristote, Vols. 1-3. Garrigés-Oltra, Lluis; Carles Millan-Verdi; Georgina 373. Blanes-Nadal, E/ color liquido: Instrumentos y uti- Grob, Hart; Hans Hooijmaijers (eds.), Who Needs Sci- les de la colorimetria en el siglo XIX, rev., 647. entific Instruments, coll., 438. Gascoigne, John (“Getting a Fix”: The Longitude Phe- Gross, Alan G.., Starring the Text: The Place of Rheto- nomenon [Focus: History of Science and Historical ric in Science Studies, rev., 433 Novels]), 769. Grunden, Walter E., rev. of Low (ed.), Building a Mod- Gass, Gillian, rev. of Stephens and Calder, Seafaring ern Japan, and Low, Science and the Building of a Scientist, 658. New Japan, 197; Secret Weapons and World War Gates, Barbara T., rev. of Lear, Beatrix Potter, 651. Il; Japan in the Shadow of Big Science, rev., 193 Gaukroger, Stephen, rev. of LoLordo, Pierre Gassendi Guerraggio, Angelo; Pietro Nastasi, /talian Mathe- and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy, 837. matics between the Two World Wars, rev., 648. Gugerli, David; Patrick Kupper: Daniel Speich, Die Gausemeier, Bernd, Natiirliche Ordnungen und poli- tische Allianzen: Biologische und biochemische Zukunfismaschine: Konjunkturen der ETH Ziirich 1855-2005, rev., 211. Forschung an Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten, 1933 1945, rev., 192. Gunergun, Feza; see George N. Vlahakis. Gayon, Jean; see Pietro Corsi. Guntau, Martin, rev. of Touret and Visser (eds.), Dutch Gere, Cathy, rev. of Fagan, Return to Babylon, 822. Pioneers of the Earth Sciences, 206. Geschwind, Carl-Henry, rev. of Clancey, Earthquake Guo Shuchun: see Karine Chemla Nation, 190. “Getting a Fix”: The Longitude Phenomenon [Focus: HACHLER, Stefan; see Martin Stuber. History of Science and Historical Novels}, 769. Hacking, lan, The Emergence of Probability: A Phil- Giacomoni, Paola; Luigi Dappiano (eds.), Jacopo osophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Aconcio: Il pensiero scientifico e V'idea di toller- Induction, and Statistical Inference, rev., 801. anza, Coll., 889. Hall. Bert, rev. of Slade, Made to Break, 879. 904 INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 Hamm, Ernest (Letter to the Editor), 611. History of Emergences, 801. Hanegraaff, Wouter J. (ed.), Dictionary of Gnosis and History of Science and Historical Novels [Focus sec- Western Esotericism, 2 vols., rev., 170. tion}, 755. Hannaway, Caroline, rev. of Duffin, Lovers and Liv- Hoeg, Jerry; Kevin S. Larsen (eds.), Science, Litera- ers, 168. ture, and Film in the Hispanic World, coll., 889. Hannaway, Owen (Eloge), 143. Holland, Bart K.; see Patrice Bourdelais Hard, Mikael; Andrew Jamison, Hubris and Hybrids: Hollister-Short, Graham, rev. of Steele and Dorland A Cultural History of Technology and Science, rev., (eds.), The Heirs of Archimedes, 174. 614. Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, Reconceiving the Gene: Harding, Sandra, Science and Social Inequality: Femi- Seymour Benzer’s Adventures in Phage Genetics, nist and Postcolonial Issues, rev., 217. ed. by William C. Summers, rev., 212. Hardy, Anne, rev. of Podolsky, Pneumonia before An- Holthuis, Lipke B.; Theodore W. Pietsch, Les planches tibiotics, 412; see also W. F. Bynum. inédites de poissons et autres animaux marins de Harwood, Jonathan, rev. of Gausemeier, Natiirliche I'Indo-Ouest Pacifique d'Isaac Johannes Lamotius/ Ordnungen und politische Allianzen, 192; Technol- Isaac Johannes Lamotius (1646—c. 1718) and His ogy's Dilemma: Agricultural Colleges between Sci- Paintings of Indo—West Pacific Fishes and Other ence and Practice in Germany, 1860-1934, rev., Marine Animals, rev., 630. 404. Holton, Gerald, rev. of Eisenstaedt, The Curious His- Hatch, Robert Alan (Clio Electric: Primary Texts and tory of Relativity, 643; Victory and Vexation in Sci- Digital Research in Pre-1750 History of Science, ence: Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, and Others, rev., 150). 660. Haubold, Hans J. (Letter to the Editor), 799. Hong, Sungook, rev. of Grunden, Secret Weapons and (Hawkins) “Beyond the Pale of Ordinary Criticism”: World War II, 193. Eccentricity and the Fossil Books of Thomas Haw- Hooijmaijers, Hans; see Hart Grob. kins, 225. Hoppe, Brigitte, rev. of Keen, The Life and Work of Hayton, Darin, rev. of Kassell, Medicine and Magic in Friedrich Wéhler (1800-1882), 195; rev. of Elizabethan London, 826. Schmitz et al., Geschichte der Pharmazie, Vol. 2, Healey, Richard, rev. of Debs and Redhead, Objectiv- 818. ity, Invariance, and Convention, 884. Horn, Jeff, The Path Not Taken: French Industriali- Heazle, Michael, Scientific Uncertainty and the Poli- zation in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1830, rev., tics of Whaling, rev., 425. 836. Hecht, Gabrielle (A Cosmogram for Nuclear Things Hésle, Vittorio; Christian Illies (eds.), Darwinism and [Focus: Thick Things]), 100. Philosophy, rev., 664. Hecht, Hartmut; see Berthold Heinecke. HoBfeld, Uwe, Geschichte der biologischen Anthro- Heffernan, Michael, rev. of Yacher, The Role of Ge- pologie in Deutschland: Von den Anfiingen bis in ographer and Natural Scientist Henri Francois Pit- die Nachkriegszeit, rev., 171. tier (1857-1950) in the Evolution of Geography as Howarth, R. J.; see G. J. H. McCall. a Science in Costa Rica, 420. Heyrup, Jens, rev. of Rommevaux, Clavius, 621. Hehmeyer, Ingrid, rev. of Pormann and Savage-Smith, Hu, Danian (The Reception of Relativity in China [Fo- Medieval Islamic Medicine, 827. cus: Science and Modern China]), 539: rev. of El- Heinecke, Berthold; Hartmut Hecht (eds.), Am Mittel- man, A Cultural History of Modern Science in punkt der zwischen Hannover und Berlin vorfallen- China, 613. den Mitteilungen: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Huerta, Santiago (ed.), Essays in the History of the Hundisburg, coll., 889. Theory of Structures, in Honour of Jacques Hey- Henri Poincaré: The Movie: The Unintended Conse- man, coll., 890. quences of Scientific Commemorations, 366. Hughes, Thomas P., rev. of Edgerton, The Shock of the Henry, John, rev. of Pomata and Siraisi (eds.), Histo- Old, 642. ria, 390. Hull, David L., rev. of Dugatkin, The Altruism Equa- Hentschel, Klaus, rev. of Gugerli et al., Die Zukunfts- tion, 373. maschine, 211; Die Mentalitédt deutscher Physiker Huneman, Philippe, rev. of Friedman and Nordmann in der frithen Nachkriegszeit (1945-1949), rev., (eds.), The Kantian Legacy in Nineteenth-Century 194; GauBens unsichtbare Hand: Der Universitéits- Science, 646. Mechanicus und Maschinen-Inspector Moritz Mey- Hunter, Michael; see Michael Cooper. erstein: Ein Instrumentenbauer im 19. Jahrhundert, Huzel, James P., The Popularization of Malthus in rev., 649. Early Nineteenth-Century England: Martineau, Herbert, Sandra, rev. of Armstrong, Darwin's Other Cobbett, and the Pauper Press, rev., 847. Islands, 635. Herman, Ellen, rev. of Ballenger, Self, Senility, and ILLies, Christian; see Vittorio Hésle. Alzheimer’s Disease in Modern America, 396. Illy, Jozsef, rev. of Crelinsten, Einstein's Jury, 399. Hills, Richard L., James Watt, Vol. 1: His Time in Importance of Early Modern European Science and the Scotland, 1736—1774, Vol. 2: The Years of Toil, State of the Field, 361. 1775-1785, Vol. 3: Triumph through Adversity, Introduction [Focus: History of Science and Historical 1785-1819, rev., 834. Novels], 755. INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 905 Introduction [Focus: Thick Things], 80. Kim, Mi Gyung, rev. of McCormmach, Speculative Introduction: Cross-Examination? [Focus: Science and Truth, 386. the Law], 310. King, David A. (Asger Hartvig Aaboe [1922—2007}), 796; In Synchrony with the Heavens: Studies in As- JACKSON, Lynette A., Surfacing Up: Psychiatry and tronomical Timekeeping and Instrumentation in Me- dieval Islamic Civilization, Vol. 1: The Call of the Social Order in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1908-1968, rev., 405. Muezzin, Vol. 2: Instruments of Mass Calculation, rev., 378. Jackson, Mark, Allergy: The History of aM odern Mal- Kingsland, Sharon E. (Maintaining Continuity through ady, rev., 427. a Scientific Revolution: A Rereading of E. B. Wil- Jacob, Christian, The Sovereign Map: Theoretical Ap- son and T.H. Morgan on Sex Determination and proaches in Cartography throughout History, trans. Mendelism), 468. by Tom Conley, ed. by Edward H. Dahl, rev., 615. Kleeberg, Bernhard, Theophysis: Ernst Haeckels Phi- Jacob, Margaret C. [The Importance of Early Modern losophie des Naturganzen, rev., 849. European Science and the State of the Field], rev. Klein, Ursula, rev. of Miller, Discovering Water, 653. of Park and Daston (eds.), The Cambridge History Klestinec, Cynthia, rev. of McTavish, Childbirth and of Science, Vol. 3, 361; Strangers Nowhere in the the Display of Authority in Early Modern France, World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Mod- and Siegemund, The Court Midwife, 184. ern Europe, rev., 183. Knobloch, Eberhard, rev. of Serfati, La révolution Jacob, Margaret C.; Larry Stewart, Practical Matter: symbolique, 173. Newton's Science in the Service of Industry and Em- Kohler, Robert E., Al/ Creatures: Naturalists, Collec- pire, 1687-1851, rev., 631. tors, and Biodiversity, 1850-1950, rev., 650. Jacyna, Stephen; see W. F. Bynum. Kohistedt, Sally Gregory, rev. of Harding, Science and Jamison, Andrew; see Mikael Hard. Social Inequality, 217. Jankovic, Vladimir; see James Rodger Fleming. Kokowski, Michal (Letter to the Editor), 608. Jarrell, Richard A., rev. of Marché, Theaters of Time Kolchinsky, E. 1; M.B. Konashev (eds.), On the and Space, 214. Edge: Science in Russia in the End of the Nine- Jasanoff, Sheila (Bhopal’s Trials of Knowledge and teenth-Twentieth Century: Researches, Sources, Ignorance [Focus: Science and the Law]), 344. Historiography |in Russian}, coll., 438. Johnson, Deborah G.; see Mary Frank Fox. Konashev, M. B.; see E. I. Kolchinsky. Johnson, Monte Ransome, Aristotle on Teleology, rev., Kragh, Helge, rev. of Reinhardt, Shifting and Rear- 375. ranging, 413. Johnson, Stephen, rev. of Westwick, Into the Black, Kremer, Richard L., rev. of Hentschel, Gaufens un- 881. sichtbare Hand, 649. Jones, Margaret, Health Policy in Britain's Model Col- Kroker, Kenton, rev. of Jackson, Allergy, 427. ony: Ceylon (1900-1948), rev., 406. Kupper, Patrick; see David Gugerli. Jones, Matthew L., rev. of McKnight, The Religious Kursell, Julia, rev. of Rieger, Helmholtz Musicus, 854. Foundations of Francis Bacon's Thought, 387; The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution: Descartes, LACHAPELLE, Sofie, rev. of Lynn, Popular Science and Pascal, Leibniz, and the Cultivation of Virtue, rev., Public Opinion in Eighteenth-Century France, 633. 632. Landecker, Hannah, rev. of Ostherr, Cinematic Pro- Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L., Measuring Heaven: Py- phylaxis, 411. thagoras and His Influence on Thought and Art in Lang, Helen S., rev. of Johnson, Aristotle on Teleol- Antiquity and the Middle Ages, rev., 376. ogy, 375. Josefowicz, Diane Greco, rev. of Simpson, Figures of Langins, Janis, rev. of Horn, The Path Not Taken, 836. Thought, 417. Lanzoni, Susan, rev. of Forest, Histoire des aphasies, Josephson, Paul, rev. of Pollock, Stalin and the Soviet 402. Science Wars, 874. Larsen, Kevin S.; see Jerry Hoeg. Larson, Barbara, The Dark Side of Nature: Science, Society, and the Fantastic in the Work of Odilon KASSELL, Lauren, rev. of Hanegraaff (ed.), Dictionary Redon, rev., 408. of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, 170; Medicine Latour, Bruno (Can We Get Our Materialism Back, and Magic in Elizabethan London: Simon Forman: Please? [Focus: Thick Things]), 138. Astrologer, Alchemist, and Physician, rev., 826. Laubichler, Manfred D., rev. of Dérries (ed.), Michael Keen, Robin, The Life and Work of Friedrich Wéhler Frayn’s Copenhagen in Debate, 401. (1800-1882), ed. by Johannes Biittner, rev., 195. Laurioux, Bruno, Une histoire culinaire du: Moyen Keene, Melanie (“Every Boy & Girl a Scientist”: In- Age, rev., 176. struments for Children in Interwar Britain), 266. Lawrence, Christopher, rev. of Fedunkiw, Rockefeller Kevles, Daniel J. (Patents, Protections, and Privileges: Foundation Funding and Medical Education in To- The Establishment of Intellectual Property in Ani- ronto, Montreal, and Halifax, 645; see also W. F. mals and Plants [Focus: Science and the Law]}), 323. Bynum. Killen, Andreas, Berlin Electropolis: Shock, Nerves, Lawrence, Susan C., rev. of MacDonald, Human Re- and German Modernity, rev., 407. mains, 852. 906 INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 Lear, Linda, Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature, rev., 651. Matter, 631; Popular Science and Public Opinion Lederer, Susan E., rev. of Freyhofer, The Nuremberg in Eighteenth-Century France, rev., 633. Medical Trial, and Weindling, Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials, 424. Maat, Harro, rev. of Harwood, Technology's Di- Lefévre, Wolfgang, rev. of van den Heuvel, “De Huys- lemma, 404. bou,” 178. MacDonald, Helen, Human Remains: Dissection and Lehoux, Daryn (Observers, Objects, and the Embed- Its Histories, rev., 852. ded Eye; or, Seeing and Knowing in Ptolemy and Maddox, Brenda, Freud’s Wizard: Ernest Jones and Galen), 447. the Transformation of Psychoanalysis, rev., 853. Leopard in the Garden: Life in Close Quarters at the Maienschein, Jane, rev. of Holmes, Reconceiving the Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle, 675. Gene, 212; rev. of Franklin, Dolly Mixtures, 816. Leslie, Esther, Synthetic Worlds: Nature, Art, and the Maienschein, Jane; Marie Glitz; Garland E. Allen Chemical Industry, rev., 652. (eds.), The Department of Embryology, rev., 429. Letters to the Editor, 149, 354, 608, 799. Maintaining Continuity through a Scientific Revolu- Levere, Trevor, rev. of Crosland, The Language of Sci- tion: A Rereading ofE . B. Wilson and T. H. Morgan ence, 627. on Sex Determination and Mendelism, 468. Levinson, Mark (Letter to the Editor), 611. Malquias, Isabel Maria; see George N. Vlahakis. Levit, Georgy S., rev. of Di Gregorio, From Here to Mandelbrote, Scott, rev. of Schabas, The Natural Or- Eternity, 400. igins of Economics, 414. Liebersohn, Harry, The Travelers’ World: Europe to Marché, Jordan D., Il, rev. of McCray, Giant Tele- the Pacific, rev., 850. scopes, 215; Theaters of Time and Space: American Lienhard, Luc; see Martin Stuber. Planetaria, 1930-1970, rev., 214. Lightman, Bernard; see Ann B. Shteir. Margolis, Joseph: see Tom Rockmore. Lindee, Susan, Moments of Truth in Genetic Medicine, Markowitz, Gerald, rev. of Troesken, The Great Lead rev., 213. Water Pipe Disaster, 859. Lindley, David, Degrees Kelvin: A Tale of Genius, In- Mastorakou, Stamatina, rev. of Berggren and Thomas, vention, and Tragedy, rev., 851. Euclid’s Phaenomena, 821. Linguerri, Sandra, Vito Volterra e il Comitato Talas- Matthen, Mohan, rev. of Radder, The World Observed/ sografico Italiano: Imprese por aria e per mare The World Conceived, 885. nell'Italia Unita (1883-1930), rev., 196. Mazzotti, Massimo, rev. of Guerraggio and Nastasi, Linhard, Frank, rev. of Liitzen, Mechanistic Images in Italian Mathematics between the Two World Wars, Geometric Form, 199. 648. Linhard, Frank; Peter Eisenhardt (eds.), Notions of McCall, G. J. H.; A. J. Bowden; R. J. Howarth (eds.), Space and Time: Early Modern Concepts and Fun- The History of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Col- lections: Fireballs, Falls, and Finds, coli., 439. damental Theories, coll., 890. McCauley, Bernadette, Who Shall Take Care of Our Linker, Beth, rev. of Tilney, A Perfectly Striking De- Sick? Roman Catholic Sisters and the Development parture, 431. Little, Lester K. (ed.), Plague and the End of Antiquity: of Catholic Hospitals in New York City, rev., 200. McClellan, James E., Ill, rev. of Andrew, Patrons of The Pandemic of 541-750, coll., 891. Enlightenment, 380. Livingstone, David N.; Charles W. J. Withers (eds.), McConnell, Craig Sean, rev. of Frayling, Mad, Bad, Geography and Revolution, rev., 409. and Dangerous? 169. “-Logos,” “-Ismos,” and “-Ikos”: The Political Icon- McCormmach, Russell, Speculative Truth: Henry icity of Denominative Suffixes in Science (or, Pho- Cavendish, Natural Philosophy, and the Rise of nesthemic Tints and Taints in the Coining of Sci- Modern Theoretical Science, rev., 386. ence Domain Names), 290. McCray. W. Patrick, Giant Telescopes: Astronomical LoLordo, Antonia, Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Ambition and the Promise of Technology, rev., 215. Early Modern Philosophy, rev., 837. McEvoy, John G., rev. of Hills, James Watt, 3 vols., Longair, Malcolm S., The Cosmic Century: A History 834. of Astrophysics and Cosmology, rev., 661. McGrath, Sylvia Freeman Wallace (Eloge), 602. Loo, Tina, States of Nature: Conserving Canada’s McKnight, Stephen A., The Religious Foundations of Wildlife in the Twentieth Century, rev.,:428. Francis Bacon's Thought, rev., 387. Low, Morris (ed.), Building a Modern Japan: Science, McTavish, Lianne, Childbirth and the Display of Au- Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Eva and Be- thority in Early Modern France, rev., 184. yond, rev., 197; Science and the Building of a New Medical Expertise, Bodies, and the Law in Early Mod- Japan, rev., 197. ern Courts [Focus: Science and the Law], 315. Lucas, Matthew, rev. of Bellamy, Profiting the Crown, Meja, Volker; see Nico Stehr. 864. Merchant, Carolyn (Letter to the Editor), 354. Liitzen, Jesper, rev. of Voelke, Renaissance de la géo- Mijnhardt, Wijnand [Dutch Commerce and the Origins métrie non euclidienne entre 1860 et 1900, 861; of Modern Science], rev. of Cook, Matters of Ex- Mechanistic Images in Geometric Form: Heinrich change, 809. Hertz's Principles of Mechanics, rev., 199. Millan-Verdu, Carles; see Lluis Garrigés-Oltra. Lynn, Michael R., rev. of Jacob and Stewart, Practical Miller, David Philip, Discovering Water: James Watt, INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 Henry Cavendish, and the Nineteenth-Century Eloges, 143, 351, 602, 796 “Water Controversy,” rev., 653. HSS Annual Meeting, 2006, 597 Mills, James H., rev. of Jones, Health Policy in Brit- Sarton Medal Citation, 600 ain’s Model Colony, 406. Nicholson, lan, rev. of Blass, The Man Who Shocked Mitchell, Robert; see Catherine Waldby. the World, 865. Mitchell, Sandra D., rev. of Hésle and Illies (eds.), Nieto-Galan, Agusti, rev. of Leslie, Synthetic Worlds, Darwinism and Philosophy, 664. 652; see also José Ramoén Bertomeu Sanchez. Moleski, Martin X., S.J.; see William Taussig Scott. Nolte, Karen; see Heiner Fangerau. Molina, Natalia, Fit to Be Citizens? Public Health and Nordlund, Christer, rev. of Oldroyd, Earth, Water, Ice, Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939, rev., 201. and Fire, 616. Moran, Bruce T., rev. of Jacob, Strangers Nowhere in Nordmann, Alfred; see Michael Friedman. the World, 183; Distilling Knowledge: Alchemy, Numbers, Ronald L., The Creationists: From Scientific Chemistry, and the Scientific Revolution, rev., 634. Creationism to Intelligent Design, rev., 871. Moran, James E.; David Wright (eds.), Mental Health and Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives, OBERDAN, Thomas, rev. of d’Espagnat, On Physics coll., 891. and Philosophy, 663. Morat, Daniel, rev. of Killen, Berlin Electropolis, 407. Obrist, Barbara, La cosmologie médiévale: Textes et (Morgan) Maintaining Continuity through a Scientific images, Vol. |: Les fondements antiques, rev., 177. Revolution: A Rereading of E. B. Wilson and T. H. Observers, Objects, and the Embedded Eye: or, Seeing Morgan on Sex Determination and Mendelism, 468. and Knowing in Ptolemy and Galen, 447. Morus, Iwan Rhys, rev. of Underwood, The Work of the Sun, 207. Oestmann, Giinther; H. Darrel Rutkin: Kocku von Moser, Stephanie, Wondrous Curiosities: Ancient Stuckrad (eds.), Horoscopes and Public Spheres: Essays on the History of Astrology, rev., 172. Egypt at the British Museum, rev., 824. Offit, Paul A.. The Cutter Incident: How America’s Miiller, Ernst, Asthetische Religiositét und Kunstreli- gion in den Philosophien von der Aufkldrung bis First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine zum Ausgang des deutschen Idealismus, rev., 185. Crisis, rev., 873. Miiller-Jahncke, Wolf-Dieter; see Rudolph Schmitz. Ogawa, Mariko, rev. of Ayres, Harry Marshall Ward Miiller-Sievers, Helmut, rev. of Breidbach, Goethes and the Fungal Thread of Death, 187. Metamorphosenlehre, 831. Oldroyd, David R., Earth, Water, Ice, and Fire: Two Miiller-Strahl, Gerhard, Zell-Theorien organischer Hundred Years of Geological Research in the En- Materie: Ein Beitrag zu Bildung und Wandel einer glish Lake District, rev., 616. Olesko. Kathryn M. (The World We Have Lost: His- Elementarlehre der Lebenswissenschaften, rev., 202. tory as Art [Focus: History of Science and Historical Murky Waters: Thoughts on Desire, Utility, and the Novels]), 760. “Sea of Modern Science” |Focus: Science and Mod- Olson, Richard G., Science and Religion, 1450-1900; ern China], 584. From Copernicus to Darwin, rev., 617. Murphy, Michelle, Sick Building Syndrome and the On the Appropriate Use of Rose-Colored Glasses: Re- Problem of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, flections on Science in Socialist China [Focus: Sci- Technoscience, and Women Workers, rev., 430 ence and Modern China}, 571. Mylott, Anne, rev. of Miiller-Strahl, Zel/-Theorien or- Ostherr, Kirsten, Cinematic Prophylaxis: Globaliza- ganischer Materie, 202. tion and Contagion in the Discourse of World Health, rev., 411. Nasu, Linda, rev. of Molina, Fit to Be Citizens? 201. Nash, Stephen, rev. of Caffey, Frank Springer and PAOLONt, Giovanni, rev. of Vito Volterra e il Comitato New Mexico, 189. Talassografico Italiano, rev., 196. Nastasi, Pietro; see Angelo Guerraggio. Paradis, Jim, rev. of Cartwright and Baker, Literature Nature’s Agents or Agents of Empire? Entomological and Science, \64. Workers and Environmental Change during the Park, Katharine; Lorraine Daston (eds.), The Cam- Construction of the Panama Canal, 724. bridge History of Science, Vol. 3: Early Modern Sci- Navarro, Jaume, rev. of Lindley, Degrees Kelvin, 851. ence, rev., 361. Naylor, Ron (Galileo's Tidal Theory), 1. Parkin, Robert; see Fredrik Barth. Neuroses of the Stomach: Eating, Gender, and Psy- Parshall, Karen Hunger, James Joseph Sylvester: Jew- chopathology in French Medicine, 1800-1870, 54. ish Mathematician in a Victorian World, rev., 641. Newcomb, Sally, rev. of Fliigel, Der Abgrund der Zeit, Patents, Protections, and Privileges: The Establishment 191. of Intellectual Property in Animals and Plants [Fo- New Directions in the History of Modern Science in cus: Science and the Law}, 323. China: Global Science and Comparative History Paul, Harry W., rev. of Cadeddu, Les vérités de la sci- [Focus: Science and Modern China], 517. ence, 639. Newman, William R., Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry Pauly, Philip J.. rev. of Craig, The Department of Plant and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Rev- Biology, 165. olution, rev., 389. Pelis, Kim, Charles Nicolle, Pasteur’s Imperial Mis- News of the Profession sionary: Typhus and Tunisia, rev., 654. 908 INDEX TO ISIS, VOLUME 98, 2007 Pellegrin, Pierre, rev. of Falcon, Aristotle and the Sci- Reeves, Eileen, rev. of Biagioli, Galileo's Instruments ence of Nature, 823. of Credit, 179. Perini, Laura, rev. of Tufte, Beautiful Evidence, 667. Regourd, Frangois; see George N. Vlahakis. Pickstone, John V. (Working Knowledges Before and Reidy, Michael S., rev. of Sivasundaram, Nature and After circa 1800: Practices and Disciplines in the the Godly Empire, 655. History of Science, Technology, and Medicine), Reinhardt, Carsten, Shifting and Rearranging: Physi- 489. cal Methods and the Transformation of Modern Pieters, Toine, Interferon: The Science and Selling of Chemistry, rev., 413. a Miracle Drug, rev., 216. Rescher, Nicholas, What If? Thought Experimentation Pietsch, Theodore W.; see Lipke B. Holthuis. in Philosophy, rev., 218. Pingree, David (Eloge), 605. Restivo, Sal, rev. of Smith, Scandalous Knowledge, Pitt, Joseph C., rev. of Hard and Jamison, Hubris and 434; see also Wenda K. Bauchspies. Hybrids, 614. Reungoat, Sabine, William Petty: Observateur des iles Plofker, Kim (David Pingree, 1933-2005), 605. Britanniques, rev., 391. Podolsky, Scott H., Pneumonia before Antibiotics: Rheinberger, Hans-Jérg, Epistemologie des Konkre- Therapeutic Evolution and Evaluation in Twentieth- ten: Studien zur Geschichte der modernen Biologie, Century America, rev., 412. rev., 665. (Poincaré) Henri Poincaré: The Movie: The Unin- Richards, Joan L., rev. of Green Musselman, Nervous tended Consequences of Scientific Commemora- Conditions, 388. tions, 366. Richmond, Marsha L., rev. of Tuchman, Science Has Poirier, Jean-Pierre, Marie Curie et les conquérants de No Sex, 658. l'atome, 1896-2006, rev., 413. Rieger, Matthias, Helmholtz Musicus: Die Objectivi- Pollock, Ethan, Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars, erung der Musik im 19. Jahrhundert durch Helm- rev., 874. holtz’ Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, rev., 854. Pols, Hans, rev. of Jackson, Surfacing Up, 405. Roberts, Siobhan, King of Infinite Space: Donald Cox- Pomata, Gianna; Nancy G. Siraisi (eds.), Historia: Em- eter, the Man Who Saved Geometry, rev., 875. piricism and Erudition in Early Modern Europe, Robic, Marie-Claire; see Jean-Marc Besse. rev., 390. Rockmore, Tom; Joseph Margolis (eds.), History, His- Pormann, Peter E.; Emilie Savage-Smith, Medieval Is- toricity, and Science, coll., 439. ° lamic Medicine, rev., 827. Rodriguez, Julia, rev. of Agostoni, Monuments of Pro- Principe, Lawrence M. (Transmuting History [Focus: gress, 186. History of Science and Historical Novels]), 779. Rommevaux, Sabine, Clavius: Une clé pour Euclide Proctor, Robert N. (“-Logos,” “-Ismos,” and “-Ikos”: au XVle siécle, rev., 621. The Political Iconicity of Denominative Suffixes in Rosenberg, Alex, Darwinian Reductionism: Or, How Science (or, Phonesthemic Tints and Taints in the to Stop Worrying and Love Molecular Biology, rev., Coining of Science Domain Names), 290. 886. Rosser, Sue V.; see Mary Frank Fox. (Ptolemy) Observers, Objects, and the Embedded Eye: or, Seeing and Knowing in Ptolemy and Galen, 447. Rothenberg, Marc, rev. of Brown, The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, and Y oder, The Geophysical Pyenson, Lewis (Letter to the Editor), 800. Laboratery, 420. Rothschild, Lynn, rev. of Dick and Strick, The Living Quirke, Viviane, rev. of Pieters, Interferon, 216. Universe, 423. Rupke, Nicolaas A., Alexander von Humboldt: A Me- RABIN, Sheila J., rev. of Oestmann et al. (eds.), Hor- tabiography, rev., 203. oscopes and Public Spheres, 172. Ruse, Michael, rev. of Dawkins, The God Delusion, Radder, Hans, The World Observed/The World Con- 814. ceived, rev., 885. Rusnock, Andrea, rev. of Snowden, The Conquest of Rader, Karen A.; see Elizabeth Green Musselman. Malaria, 417. Rainger, Ronald, rev. of Maienschein et al. (eds.), The Rutherford, Donald (ed.), The Cambridge Companion Department of Embryology, 429; rev. of Belanger, to Early Modern Philosophy, coll., 891. Deep Freeze, and Althoff, Drift Station, 862. Rutkin, H. Darrel; see Giinther Oestmann. Rankin, Alisha (Becoming an Expert Practitioner: Court Experimentalism and the Medical Skills of SANDAGE, Allan, The Mount Wilson Observatory: Anna of Saxony [1532—1585]), 23. Breaking the Code of Cosmic Evolution, rev., 204. Raphals, Lisa, rev. of Chemla and Guo, Les neuf chap- Sangalli, Arturo; see Jean Eisenstaedt. itres, 175. Savage-Smith, Emilie; see Peter E. Pormann. Reception of Relativity in China [Focus: Science and Scafi, Alessandro, Mapping Paradise: A History of Modern China}, 539. Heaven on Earth, rev., 817. Redhead, Michael L. G.; see Talal A. Debs. Scerri, Eric R., The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Redrawing the Map: Science in Twentieth-Century Significance, rev., 666. China [Focus: Science and Modern China], 524. Schabas, Margaret, The Natural Origins of Economics, Reeds, Karen; see Vincent J. Cirillo. rev., 414. Rees, Amanda, rev. of Dewsbury, Monkey Farm, 209. Scharf, Sara T., rev. of Holthuis and Pietsch, Les

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