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Ising Spin Glasses in dimension two; universality and non-universality P. H. Lundow1 and I. A. Campbell2 1Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Ume˚a University, SE-901 87, Sweden 2Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Universit´e Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier, France Followingnumerousearlierstudies,extensivesimulationsandanalysesweremadeonthecontinu- ousinteraction distribution Gaussian modeland thediscrete bimodal interaction distribution Ising Spin Glass (ISG) models in dimension two (P.H. Lundow and I.A. Campbell, Phys. Rev. E 93, 022119 (2016)). HerewefurtheranalysethebimodalandGaussian datatogetherwithdataontwo 7 other continuous interaction distribution 2D ISG models, the uniform and the Laplacian models, 1 andthreeotherdiscreteinteractiondistributionmodels,adilutedbimodalmodel,an”anti-diluted” 0 model, and a more exotic symmetric Poisson model. Comparisons between the three continuous 2 distribution models show that not only do they share the same exponent η ≡0 but that to within the present numerical precision they share the same critical exponent ν also, and so lie in a single n universalityclass. Ontheotherhandthecritical exponentsofthefourdiscretedistribution models a are not the same as those of the continuous distributions, and differ from one discrete distribution J model to another. Discrete distribution ISG models in dimension two have non-zero values of the 9 critical exponentη; they do not lie in a single universality class. ] n PACSnumbers: 75.50.Lk,05.50.+q,64.60.Cn,75.40.Cx n - s I. INTRODUCTION and ground state measurements [18, 19] showing that i d the anomalous dimension critical exponent η 0.20 in . both regimes, indicating that the bimodal mo≈del is not t The canonical dimension d = 2 Edwards-Anderson a in the same universality class as the continuous distri- m (EA) model Ising spin glasses (ISGs) on square lattices bution models. However, it has also been claimed that with either Gaussian or bimodal ( J) nearest neighbor - ± the bimodal model in the T > T∗(L) regime is in the d interactiondistributionshavebeenthesubjectofnumer- same universality class as the Gaussian model, because n ous studies over many years. Below we will refer in par- o ticulartoourownmeasurementsonthesetwomodels[1]. for the bimodal model : “fits... lead to values of η c that are very small, between 0 and 0.1, strongly sug- There are analytic arguments that these two archetype [ gestive of η = 0” [10], and “the data are not suffi- models (and by extension all 2D ISG models with other ciently precise to provide a precise determination of η, 1 distributions) have zero-temperature transitions [2, 3]. v After explaining the simulation and analysis tech- being consistent with a small value η ≤ 0.2, including 7 η =0”[20,21]. Recentlythe muchmoredefinitive state- niquesused,wefirstpresentdataontwoothercontinuous 9 ment has been made : ”we can safely summarize our distribution models : the uniform and the Laplacian in- 1 findings as η <0.02.” [9]. 2 teractiondistributionmodels, comparingwith the Gaus- | | 0 sian model. For the Gaussian model, where the interac- . tion distribution is continuous and the ground state for 1 each individual sample is unique, there is a general con- 0 WediscusstheBindercumulant/correlationlengthra- 7 sensus concerning the thermodynamic limit (ThL) criti- tio comparison approach [22] in the 2D context, as ap- 1 cal exponents : η 0, ν = 3.52(2) [4–9]. We find that plied to the continuous interaction distribution models ≡ : not only is the anomalous dimension critical exponent v and to the bimodal model, and then the Quotient ap- i η 0 for each of these three models as it must be, but proach used in Ref. [9] as applied to the bimodal model. X als≡o that the correlation length exponent is ν = 3.52(5) From both approaches we deduce estimates for the bi- ar forallthreemodelstowithintheprecisionofthepresent modalISGexponentsintheT >T∗(L)regimewhichare numerical data extrapolations. The data are thus com- fullycompatiblewithourpreviousconclusionsRef.[1]in- patible with all 2D continuous interaction distribution cluding η 0.20. models lying in a single universality class. ≈ For the 2D bimodal model the interaction distribu- tion is discrete and the ground state is highly degen- erate. There are two limiting regimes, with a size de- We then study three other discrete interaction distri- pendent crossover temperature T∗(L) [10], a T <T∗(L) butionmodels: adilutedbimodalISG,an”anti-diluted” ground state plus gap dominated regime and an effec- bimodal model and a symmetric Poisson model. Us- tively continuous energy level regime T > T∗(L). There ing the approach of Ref. [1] and the correlation length have been consistent estimates over decades from cor- ratio/Binder cumulant approach we conclude that each relation function measurements [11, 12], Monte Carlo discrete interaction model has a non-zero anomalous di- renormalization-group measurements [13], transfer ma- mensionexponentη andliesinanindividualuniversality trix calculations [14], numerical simulations [1, 15–17], class. 2 II. SIMULATIONS AND ANALYSIS 2.0 Simulations were carried out on square lattice Ising spin glasses (ISGs) with near neighbor interactions, up 1.8 to size L = 128 and with N = 213 = 8192 independent ) L samples at each size. Each of the 2D ISG models orders , 1.6 ( only at zero temperature. As in Ref. [1] where measure- n ments were made on the square lattice ISG models with dl 1.4 Gaussianandbimodalinteractiondistributions,thesam- )/ L ples were equilibrated using the Houdayer method [15] , 1.2 withfourreplicas;allthesimulationtechniquesareiden- ( n tical to those already described in detail in Ref. [1]. As dl 1.0 far as could be judged by reading off the figures shown in Ref. [9], all the raw Gaussian and bimodal data in 0.8 the [9] and [1] simulation sets are in full agreement with 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 each other to within the statistics. For the present data analysis, in addition to using T as the temperature scal- 1/ ( ,L) ing variable, which is a standard convention for models whichorderatzerotemperature,weuseτ =1/(1+β2), b FIG. 1. (Color on line) The logarithmic derivative of the whereβ =1/T,asthescalingvariable(seeRef.[1]). This SG susceptibility by the second moment correlation length variable is appropriate for ISGs with T = 0 because of c ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L) against theinversecorrelation length thesymmetrybetweenpositiveandnegativeinteractions 1/ξ(β,L) for the Laplacian model. L = 128, 96, 64, 48, 32 in the distributions, and because τb has the limits τb =0 (left to right). Green continuous curve: extrapolation. at T = 0, and τ = 1 at infinite temperature and so is b well adapted to the Wegner scaling approach [23]. For consistency,whenusingthisscalingvariablewescalenot β =(hJi2ji/T2)1/2. TheIsingspinsaresituatedonsimple the bare second moment correlation length ξ(τ ,L) but L Lgridswithperiodic boundaryconditions. Thespin b × the normalized correlation length ξ(τ ,L)/β following a overlapparameter is defined as usual by b general rule for ISGs in any dimension [24]. The nor- 1 malizedcorrelationlength(likethesusceptibilityχ(τb,L) q = Ld XSiASiB (1) and the normalized Binder cumulant g(τ ,L)L2), tends i b to 1 andnotto 0 atinfinite temperature;inconsequence where A and B indicate two copies of the same system the behavior of ξ(τb,L)/β over the entire temperature and the sum is over all sites. The Laplacian interac- range can be expressed to good precision using only a tion distribution is P(J) = √2exp( √2J ), and the − | | few finite Wegner correction terms. uniform interaction distribution is P(J) = 1/(2√3) for For any distribution, for samples of size L in the tem- √3 < J < √3. As in the Gaussian distribution, these perature range where L > 7ξ(τb,L) all observables are d−istributions are continuous in the region around J =0; practically independent o∼f L and so can be considered eachsamplehasauniquegroundstateandananomalous to be in the Thermodynamic limit (ThL) regime where dimension exponent η 0. observablevalues at finite L are equalto the infinite size We first show in ≡Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 y(β,L) = limit values. This regime can be readily identified by ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L) against x(β,L) = 1/ξ(β,L) for inspection of scaling plots. these two models; the data can be compared with the Inordertounderlinethevalidityoftheanalysisproce- data for the Gaussian model already shown in Ref. [1], dure which was used for the bimodal and Gaussian ISG Fig. 3. As must be the case for continuous distributions, data in Ref. [1] and which is again used below for the theThLenvelopeforthederivativeineachofthesemod- otherISGmodels,inAppendix Iwe applythe samepro- els is consistent with an extrapolation to y(β,L) = 2.0 ceduretotheFullyFrustrated(FF)Villainmodel,awell at zero temperature x(β,L) = 0, corresponding to the understood 2D Ising model with a strongly degenerate critical exponent η =0 in each model. groundstatewhichhasazerotemperatureferromagnetic In Fig. 3 we show the effective correlation length ex- ordering point and known critical behavior. ponents ν (β,L) = ∂ln[ξ(β,L)/β]/∂lnτ(β) as functions b of τ together for all sizes L and for all three continu- b ous distribution models. In Fig. 4 we show the effective III. THE 2D CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTION susceptibility exponents γ (β,L)=∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnτ(β) b ISG MODELS againfor all L and for all three models. We have carried outextrapolationsusingjustthesamepolynomialfitpro- The standard ISG Hamiltonian is = J S S cedure as explained in detail in [1] and in the Appendix. H −Pij ij i j with the near neighbor symmetric distributions normal- The extrapolated zero temperature critical exponent es- ized to J2 =1. The normalizedinverse temperature is timates are ν = 1.27(2) and γ = 3.52(5) for all three h iji b b 3 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.4 L)1.8 1.3 , 1.2 (1.7 1.1 dln1.6 L) 01..90 L)/1.5 (,b00..78 , b 0.6 (1.4 0.5 dln1.3 00..34 1.2 0.2 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1/ ( ,L) b FIG. 2. (Color on line) The derivative of the SG FIG. 3. (Color on line) The logarithmic deriva- susceptibility by the second moment correlation length tive of the normalized second moment correlation length ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L)against theinversecorrelation length ∂ln[ξ(τb)/β)]/∂lnτb for the uniform (top sets, green circles), 1/ξ(β,L)fortheuniformmodel. L=128,96,64, 48,32(left Gaussian (middle sets, red squares) and Laplacian (bottom to right). Green continuous curve: extrapolation. sets, blue triangles), L = 128, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 8 (left to right in each case). Dashed curves : fits. Arrows : exact infinitetemperature limits. models. For all models (continuous and discrete inter- action distributions) these critical exponents are related to the correlation length ν and anomalous dimension η criticalexponentsinthe traditionalT scalingconvention by ν = (ν 1)/2 and γ = ν(2 η)/2. The exact infi- b b − − 4.5 nite temperature limits are ν =2 K/3where K is the b − kurtosis of the interaction distribution, and γ =4 [1]. b Thusallthecriticalexponentestimatesforthesethree 4.0 non-degenerategroundstatemodelsarecompatiblewith η = 0 and ν = 3.52(2). We conclude that all two- L) 3.5 dimensionalnon-degenerate ground-stateISG models lie (b in a single universality class; not only is η = 0 which 3.0 must be true for this class of models, but also all criti- cal ν values appear to be identical within the statistical 2.5 and extrapolation errors. The strength and sign of the correctionstoscalingare,however,quitedifferentforthe different models. Again, with the τ scaling convention, 2.0 b 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 the correlation lengths with the leading Wegner scaling correctionsassumingaleadingcorrectionexponentθ =1 b are FIG.4. (Coloronline)Thelogarithmicderivativeofthespin ξ(τ )=(0.69/β)τ−1.28[1+0.49τ + ] (2) b b b ··· glasssusceptibility∂lnχ(τb)/∂lnτb fortheuniform(topsets, greencircles),Gaussian(middlesets,redsquares)andLapla- for the Gaussian model, cian(bottomsets,bluetriangles),L=128,96,64,48,32,24,8 (left to right in each case). Dashed curves : fits. Arrow : ξ(τ )=(1.13/β)τ−1.28[1 0.04τ + ] (3) b b − b ··· exact infinite temperaturelimit for all distributions. for the uniform model, and ξ(τ )=(0.25/β)τ−1.28[1+2.5τ + ] (4) b b b ··· inthe threemodels,the extrapolationsto criticalitylead for the Laplacian model. to consistent exponent values. A priori this implies that It can be noted that these data provide a validation forothermodelswherethesameextrapolationprocedure of the extrapolation procedure outlined in [1] and in the leadsto othercriticalexponentestimates,these different Appendix. Although the corrections are very different values can be considered to be reliable. 4 IV. CORRELATION LENGTH RATIO AND and Sokal [25], and gave ξ(β ,L)/L = 0.9050488292(4) c BINDER CUMULANT SCALING and U (β ) = 1.16792.... For the 2D Fully Frustrated 4 c model with η = 1/2, from simulations there is a criti- Universality in ISGs has been tested through compar- cal zero temperature end-point at ξ(0,L)/L = 0.49(1), ing plots of the Binder parameter g(β,L) against the U4(0,L) = 1.615(5) ([27] and see Appendix I), with secondmomentcorrelationlengthratioξ(β,L)/Lfordif- weak finite size effects. Numerical toroidal integrations ferent models, interpreted using finite size scaling argu- for critical points could in principle be carried out for ments (see for instance Ref. [22]). other η values. In 2D strip geometry at criticality Wewillconsiderthistypeofscalingplotinthe2Dcon- ξ(βc,L)/L = 1/(πη) [28]. The Ising, FF and η = 0 text. In this section we will use U (β,L) = 3 2g(β,L) values in square geometry correspond approximately to 4 ratherthang(β,L)tofacilitatecomparisonswi−thRef.[9]. ξ(βc,L)/L = 1/(4.4η) , and we can take this as a rough calibration for the estimation of the ISG η values from Quite generally the 2D correlation function (either a end-point ξ(0,L)/L estimates.(Unfortunately all other spin-spin correlation function for ferromagnets or a spin partially frustrated S = 1/2 2D Ising models have finite glass correlation function for ISGs) at distance r takes ordering temperatures and η = 1/4 like the Ising model the asymptotic form [29] so can give no further critical point information). G(β,r) r−ηexp[ r/Ξ(β)] (5) Fornon-zeroη ISGmodelswithTc =0onecanexpect ∼ − [U (0,L),ξ(0,L)/L] end-point limits for each L, with a 4 with possible small r finite size deviations, where Ξ(β) critical zero temperature end-point limit for infinite L is the exponential or “true” correlation length (not the whose location will be determined uniquely by η. second moment correlation length [26]). Dimensionless In Fig. 6, [U4(0,L),ξ(0,L)/L] scaling plots are com- observables Q(β,L) such as U (β,L) or ξ(β,L)/L will pared. In addition to a part of the η = 0 ISG universal 4 each be given by a general toroidal integral Q(β,L) = scalingcurveweshowthe2DIsingferromagnetTccritical LF (r)G(β,r)r2dr where F (r) is the appropriate point,andscalingdataforthe2DbimodalISG.TheIsing R Q Q ferromagnetη =0.25 critical point happens to lie rather function for the variable, or a ratio of integrals. close to the universal η =0 curve. For the bimodal ISG For any model with η =0 so G(β,r) exp[ r/Ξ(β)], ∼ − model, data for each L can be seen to leave a common at given β and L the integrals are entirely determined Ξ(β) dominated regime curve (which is similar to but by Ξ(β) and L so whatever the temperature variations distinct from the η =0 universalcurve)before smoothly of Ξ(β) for a particular model, plots of one dimension- attainingaweaklyLdependentend-point,corresponding less observable Q (β,L) against another dimensionless a to the T <T∗(L) ground state regime. The observation observableQ (β,L)willbe universal,independentofthe b that for each L this behavior is smooth and regular as model and of L, in agreementwith the generalISG scal- the temperature tends to zero, with a final bunching up ingrule[22]. Asthe2DmodelshaveT =0theuniversal c of data points when the ground state regime is reached, curvefor η =0 models willextendup to the criticalzero shows that the effective η in the T > T∗(L) regime and temperature limit [U (0,L) = 1,ξ(0,L)/L = ] for all 4 ∞ in the (weakly L-dependent) T < T∗(L) ground state L. regimeareessentiallythe same. Inother wordsthe state Themeasurementsontheη =0ISGmodelsshowthat degeneracy and hence η depends only mildly on temper- for small to moderate L and ξ(β)/L < 0.3, the U (β,L) 4 ature, right through the T∗(L) crossover. The series of against ξ(β,L)/L curves are not quite independent of end-points for increasing L will terminate at an infinite L, Fig. 5. The small L deviations can be ascribed to the L bimodal model end-point (see Ref. [17]) which is close presenceofpre-asymptoticcorrectionstoG(r). However, to but beyond the ferromagnetic Ising critical point, so for ξ(β)/L > 0.3, the U (β,L) against ξ(β,L)/L scaling 4 consistentwith a bimodal ISG η whichis lowerthan but curves for the Gaussian, uniform and Laplacian η = 0 close to η = 0.25. By inspection, the bimodal ISG data ISG models become identical and independent of L to are totally incompatible with a critical exponent η = 0. withinthestatistics,Fig.6. Onlyatverysmallsizes,L ≈ ThepositionoftheinfiniteLbimodalISGend-pointwill 4, are there still weak finite size deviations, which were be estimated below together with the positions for three seenalsoinRef.[9]forthe Gaussianmodel. The present other discrete interaction distribution 2D ISG models, datashowL=4deviationsforthe uniformmodelwhich Fig. 16. are very similar in strength to the Gaussian deviations; the Laplacian model deviations are rather weaker. Inanymodelwhereηisnotzero,atcriticalityΞ(β )= c and the critical observables will be given by integrals V. THE 2D BIMODAL ISG : THE QUOTIENT ∞with the asymptotic correlationfunction G(β ,r) r−η. APPROACH c ∼ (Asthisfunctiondivergesatr=0,itmusttakeupanap- propriate functional form such as G(β ,r) = 1/(1+rη) In Ref. [9] raw 2D Gaussian and bimodal ISG sim- c for small r, leading to small L corrections). The ex- ulation data broadly equivalent to Ref. [1] were gener- plicit infinite size critical toroidal integrals for the 2D ated; these were analysed using a Quotient approach, Ising ferromagnetwith η 1/4 were calculated by Salas with the normalized second moment correlation length ≡ 5 lowing the Quotient approach. Assume the basic T = 0 scaling expressions ξ(T) c 3.0 T−ν andχ(T) T−(2−η)ν,validnearthelargeL,T ∼0 ∼ → critical limit. At size L and temperature T, x(T,L) = ξ(T,L)/L T(x,L)−ν/L. 2.5 ∼ Then for size 2L at the same x and at temperature T′′(x,2L), ) L , 2.0 ξ(T′′,2L) T′′(x,2L)−ν ( x(T′′,2L)= = 4 U 2L 2L T(x,L)−ν = (6) 1.5 L with x(T,L) = x(T′′,2L) ; so T(x,L)−ν/T′′(x,2L)−ν = 1.0 2 i.e. the Quotient QT as defined in Ref. [9] tends to 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 ( ,L)/L T′′(x,2L) Q = =2−1/ν (7) T T(x,L) FIG. 5. (Color on line) Plot of the Binder cumulant in the large L limit. This expression is identical to the U4(β,L) against ξ(β,L)/L for the 2D Laplacian model from limit relation cited in Ref. [9] Eqn. (7), implying that ξ(β,L)/L = 0 to ξ(β,L)/L = 0.7. L = 48, 12, 6, 4 (top the limit derivation procedure followed was the same as to bottom). For all L the curves will extend to U4(β,L) = 1,ξ(β,L)/L=∞ at T =0. the present one. Using this expression, the Gaussian Q (0) = 0.82 large L intercept reported in Ref. [9] is T consistent with the accepted literature value ν =3.55(2) [4–8] for the Gaussian ISG critical exponent. Then χ(T,L) T−(2−η)ν 1.3 q2 (T,L)= = (8) h i L2 L2 ) With x = ξ(L,T)/L, from above T(x,L)−ν = ξ(T,L) = L , Lx(T,L), so ( 4 U T(x,L)−ν(2−η) (xL)(2−η) 1.2 q2 (x,L)= = h i L2 L2 =L(x,T)−ηx2−η (9) i.e. the Quotient Qq2 = q2 (x,2L)/ q2 (x,L) = 2−η in h i h i 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 thelargeLlimit. Thisisidenticaltotheexpressioncited in Ref. [9], Eqn. (D3). ( ,L)/L WecaninspectFigs.7and8forthebimodalISGQuo- tients with points compiled from the present numerical FIG.6. (Color online) Plot oftheBindercumulantU4(β,L) data; the figures are presented in just the same form against ξ(β,L)/L from ξ(β,L)/L = 0.6 to ξ(β,L)/L = 1.1. as Ref. [9] Fig. 7 upper and middle. As far as can be In the top curve, the 2D L = 12 Gaussian model (green cir- judgedbyreadingoffthe plotsinRef.[9],pointbypoint cles), the2D L=12 uniform model (brown squares) and the agreement between the present Quotients and those of 2D L=12 Laplacian model (blue triangles), all overlapping. Ref. [9] is excellent (as could be expected as the raw Lower set : the bimodal model, L = 12 red inverted trian- gles, L = 16 red triangles, L = 32 orange diamonds, L = 48 data should be essentially the same). The natural ex- black circles, L = 64 pink triangles. Critical point 2D Ising trapolations indicated in the present figures lead to bi- ferromagnet : open square. modalISGcriticalinfinite-LQuotientinterceptestimates QT(0) = 0.865(10) and Qq2(0) = 0.87(1). (No equiv- alent extrapolations of the bimodal Quotient data were x=ξ(T,L)/Lasthe scalingvariable. Itshouldbenoted made in Ref. [9], but if these had been made the in- that the Quotients inRef. [9]are atconstantx notQuo- tercept estimates would have been very similar to the tients at constant T as in for instance Ref. [30]. Un- present values). From the limit expressions above, these fortunately no derivations are givenin Ref. [9] for any of intercepts correspond to bimodal critical exponent esti- theimportantQuotientlimitexpressionswhicharecited. mates ν = 4.8(3) and η = 0.20(2), estimates which are Here we provide simple derivationsfor the Quotientlim- fully consistent with the bimodal exponents estimated its and we discuss plots made up of data formatted fol- through a completely independent analysis procedure in 6 Ref. [1]. In particular the value obtained for η is clearly non-zero. Finally, in Ref. [9] section VI and Appendix C an 0.90 observable g(x,T) is defined by g(x,T) = q2 (x = h i 0.4,T)/ q2 (x,T) averaged over T. (The factor [uˆ (T)]2 h i h 0.85 depends only on T and so cancels out in the ratio in Ref. [9] Fig. 3). Note that the q2 (x = 0.4,T) and q2 (x,T) in the definition of g(x,hT)icorrespond to 0.80 h i T the same T but at quite different L, say L(x,T) and Q L′′(0.4,T). 0.75 From the Quotient discussion for Qq2 above and as- suming some fixed T: q2 (x,T) = L(x,T)−ηx2−η and h i from the QT discussion L(x,T)=T(x,L)−ν/x(T,L). 0.70 So : T(x,L′′)−ν/x(T,L′′) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 q2 (x=0.4,T)=[zT(0.4,L}′|′)−ν/0.4{]−η0.42−η {-0.567} (2L) h i =[T(0.4,L′′)−ν]−η0.4η0.42−η =[T(0.4,L′′)−ν]−η0.42 (10) FIG. 7. (Color on line) The 2D bimodal Quotient QT(x,L) for x = ξ(L)/L values x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 (bottom to and top). The horizontal axis is (2L)−0.567 as in Ref. [9] (In this q2 (x,T)=[T(x,L)−ν/x(T,L)]−ηx2−η referencetheaxisisstatedtobe(L)−0.567 whichisincorrect). h i =[T(x,L)−ν]−ηxηx2−η =[T(x,L)−ν]−ηx2 (11) As T(0.4,L′′)=T(x,L), 1.00 g(x,T)= hq2i(0.4,T) =0.42x−2 = 0.16 (12) 0.95 q2 (x,T) x2 h i 0.90 at small x whatever η. The log-log g(x,T) against x 0.85 data plot shown in Ref. [9] Fig. 3 is entirely consistent 0.80 withthis simplerule(including the pre-factor0.16)from 2 q Q x =0.1 to about x =0.5 for both the Gaussian and the 0.75 bimodal models. 0.70 The relation g(x) 1/x2−η cited (with no derivation) ∼ 0.65 inRef.[9]isindisagreementwiththe presentderivation, and with the observed data shown in Ref. [9]. The con- 0.60 clusioninRef.[9]that η <0.02forthe2DbimodalISG 0.55 model, drawn principa|lly| from g(x,T) analyses, seems 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 to have been based on an incorrect expression and so is {-0.567} (2L) invalid. To summarize, when the Quotient analyses presented in Ref. [9] with the limit derivations given above are ap- FIG. 8. (Color on line) The 2D bimodal Quotient Qq2(x,L) plied to the bimodal simulation data, estimates for the for x = ξ(L)/L values x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 (bottom to top). The horizontal axis is (2L)−0.567 as in Ref. [9] (In this criticalexponentsinthebimodalISGmodelobtainedby referencetheaxisisstatedtobe(L)−0.567 whichisincorrect). extrapolations of Q(T) and Q(q2) to large L are consis- tentwiththoseobtainedfollowingtheanalysisprocedure usedinRef.[1]. Bothbimodalexponentsarequitediffer- ent from the values for the continuous distribution mod- ferent degenerate ground state models : a diluted bi- els. The g(x,T) data analysis provides no information modal model with a fraction p = 0.125 of the inter- on the critical exponents. actions set randomly to zero (a diluted bimodal model was already studied in Refs. [19, 31]), an ”anti-diluted” bimodal model where a fraction p = 0.2 of the interac- VI. DISCRETE INTERACTION tionsaresetrandomlytostrength 2J andtheremaining DISTRIBUTION ISGS fraction to J. Also we test a m±ore complex symmet- ± ricPoissonmodelwithaninteractiondistributionshown Having studied the standard2D bimodal model in [1], in Fig. 9; this model has probability λ|k|exp( λ)/2 for − wehavenowmadeequivalentmeasurementsonthreedif- strength (k/4)J, when k = 0, and probability exp( λ) 6 − 7 0.12 1 0.11 0.10 0 0.09 0.08 d 0.07 L)/ -1 J) 0.06 , p( 0.05 C(v-2 0.04 n dl 0.03 -3 0.02 0.01 0.00 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 J T FIG. 9. (Color on line) The interaction distribution for the FIG. 10. (Color on line) Diluted bimodal 2D ISG. Logarith- symmetric Poisson ISGmodel. mic derivative of the specific heat ∂lnCv(β,L)/∂β against T. Full points : L = 32, 24, 16, 12, 6, 4 (green, black, pink, red, blue, cyan; top to bottom on the right). Open points : bimodal 2D ISG L = 4 for comparison. Red line : when k =0, with λ=(√65 1)/2. y(x)=−2.1+2x, blue(lower) line y(x)=−4+2x. − These models have discrete interaction distributions andsocanbeexpectedtohavedegenerategroundstates; we do not, however,know the values of the ground state degeneracy. Logarithmic derivatives of the specific heat dataareshowninFigs.10,11and12inthesameformat, ∂lnCv/∂β against T, as that of the bimodal ISG model 0 in [1] Fig. 4 and of the FF model, Fig. 26 below. Again the discrete distribution data indicate crossovers for all d / models, with a T <T∗(L) ground state plus gap regime L) specific heat ofthe formC βBexp( Aβ) having B , v ∼ − ≈ (v 2. The effective gap parameter A 2.1 for the diluted C -1 ≈ n bimodal model, A ≈ 1.5 for the anti-diluted bimodal dl model, and A 0.5 for the symmetric Poisson model, ≈ so significantly smaller than the gap A = 4 of both the FF and pure bimodal models. Ref. [31] showed data on a perturbed FF model which were also interpreted as -2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 having a gap A weaker than 4. We do not dispose of large L data to low enough T to be able to establish the T limiting infinite size T > T∗(L) ThL form of C (T) for v these models. FIG. 11. (Color on line) ”Anti-diluted” bimodal 2D ISG. Ineachofthe discreteinteractionmodels,the normal- Logarithmic derivative of the specific heat ∂lnCv(β,L)/∂β izedcorrelationlengthsaturatesatanend-pointvalueat against T. Full points : L = 24, 12, 8, 6, 4 (brown, red, lowtemperatureforallL. Asanexamplethedataforthe black, blue, green; top to bottom on the right). Red line : symmetric Poisson model are shown in Fig. 13. Binder y(x)=−1.55+2x. cumulant U (β,L) againstnormalized correlationlength 4 ξ(β,L)/L plots are shown in Figs. 14 and 15 for the di- luted bimodal and anti-diluted bimodal models. As for interactionmodelsareallindifferentuniversalityclasses. thebimodalmodelthedatapointslieonacurvedistinct From the approximate calibration of the [ξ(L)/L] T=0 fromthecontinuousdistributionuniversalcurveandtend infinite L end-point values in terms of η above, we can to end-points for each L at zero temperature, behavior give estimates η 0.24, 0.21, 0.18, 0.14 respectively for ≈ characteristic of a non-zero exponent η. The end-point thebimodal,diluted,anti-dilutedandsymmetricPoisson valuesofξ(0,L)/Lforallfourdiscreteinteractionmodels models. Wecanremarkthattheendpointvalueslieclose are shown plotted against1/L in Fig. 16. The infinite L to but beyond the 2D Ising ferromagnet critical value, end-pointvalues estimatedbyextrapolationaredistinct, implying the ISG η values are all near to but somewhat indicating that the η values are distinct so the discrete below0.25. The η values areroughlyconsistentwith the 8 0 1.25 d ) )/ L L , , ( 1.20 4 ( U v C n -1 dl 1.15 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ( ,L)/L T FIG. 14. (Color on line) Diluted bimodal 2D ISG. The low FIG. 12. (Color on line) Symmetric Poisson 2D ISG. Loga- temperature Binder cumulant U4(β,L) against the normal- rithmicderivativeofthespecificheat∂lnCv(β,L)/∂βagainst ized correlation length ξ(β,L)/L. (L = 24 red squares, T. Full points : L=24, 12, 8, 6 (black, pink, red, blue; top L = 12 black triangles, L = 8 blue diamonds). For each to bottom on the right). Green line : y(x)=−0.45+2x. Lthedatapointsterminateatazerotemperatureend-point. For comparison, the universal continuous distribution curve isrepresentedbyL=12GaussianISGdata(upperset,green circles) which extend to infinity. 2 1.9 1.8 ture the estimate obtained was η 0.20). ≈ 1.7 In Figs. 20, 21, and 22 we show the effective exponent 1.6 νb(β,L) = ∂ln[ξ(β,L)/β]/∂lnτb for all sizes L for these L1.5 models, and in Figs. 23, 24 and 25 we show the effective / ) L exponents γ (β,L) = ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnτ . We have car- ,1.4 b b T ried out extrapolations using just the same polynomial (1.3 fit procedure as explained in [1] and in the Appendix in 1.2 ordertoestimatethezerotemperaturecriticalintercepts. The extrapolated critical exponent estimates for the 1.1 diluted bimodal model, the anti-diluted bimodal model, 1 and the symmetric Poisson model are ν = 1.40(2), b 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1.39(2),1.30(2)andγ =3.65(5),3.60(5),3.46(2)respec- T b tively, as compared with ν =1.9(1), γ =4.3(1) for the b b bimodal model [1]. These exponents are related to the FIG. 13. (Color on line) Symmetric Poisson 2D ISG. The correlationlengthcriticalexponentν inthetraditionalT normalizedcorrelationlengthξ(T,L)/LagainstT atlowtem- scalingconventionby ν =(ν 1)/2andγ =ν(2 η)/2 b b peratures. L=4, 6, 8, 12, 24 (top to bottom). [1]. Thusthecriticalexponent−estimatesforthede−gener- ategroundstatemodelsareconsistentwithη =0.155(5), ν = 3.8(1), η = 0.13(1), ν = 3.7(2), and η = 0.10(2), η estimates from a diferent approach given below. ν = 3.6(1) respectively, as compared with η = 0.20(2), In Figs. 17, 18 and 19 we show the y(β,L) = ν =4.8(1)forthebimodalmodel(andη =0,ν =3.55(2) ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L)againstx(β,L)=1/ξ(β,L)plots forthecontinuousdistributionmodels). Thedataforthe for the diluted bimodal, the ”anti-diluted” bimodal and bimodal model true correlation length at low tempera- thesymmetricPoissonmodel. Bymildextrapolationthe tures obtained by Merz and Chalker with a remarkable intercepts can be estimated to be y(x=0) 1.845, 1.87 networkmapping technique, Ref.[37] Fig.24,canbe ex- and 1.90 , i.e. η = 2 y(x = 0) 0.155≈(10), 0.13(1) trapolated to a critical exponent value ν 4.6 which is and 0.10(1) for these m−odels, weake≈r than the estimate consistent with the simulation estimate fo≈r the bimodal η = 0.20(2) for the bimodal model [1], but still far from value ν in Ref. [1]. zero. As in the bimodal ISG, there are overshoots as Althoughthesevaluesaresimilartoeachothertheyare functions of temperature for individual L curves. (In all different and all are quite distinct from the bimodal Ref. [19], for a diluted bimodal model at zero tempera- model estimates η =0.20(2),ν =4.8(3), [1]. 9 2.0 1.20 1.9 L)] ) T. L ( (,4 dln[1.8 U L)]/ T,1.7 ( 1.15 n[ dl 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.5 ( ,L)/L 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 1/ (T,L) FIG. 15. (Color on line) Anti-diluted bimodal 2D ISG. The low temperature Binder cumulant U4(β,L) against the nor- FIG. 17. (Color on line) Diluted bimodal 2D ISG. Logarith- malized correlation length ξ(β,L)/L. (L=12 red diamonds, mic derivative ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L) against 1/ξ(β,L) for L = 8 black triangles, L = 6 blue squares). For each L L=128, 96, 64, 48, 32 (black, pink, red, blue, green) left to the data points terminate at a zero temperature end-point. right. The continuous (green) curveis an extrapolated fit. For comparison, the universal continuous distribution curve isrepresentedbyL=12GaussianISGdata(upperset,green circles) which extendto infinity. 2.0 1.8 L)1.9 1.7 , ( 1.6 n1.8 1.5 dl )/ 1.4 L ,1.7 L1.3 ( )/1.2 n 0,L1.1 dl1.6 (1.0 0.9 1.5 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 1/ ( ,L) 0.6 0.5 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 FIG. 18. (Color on line) Anti-diluted bimodal 2D ISG. Log- arithmic derivative ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L) against 1/ξ(β,L) 1/L for L=128, 96, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12(left toright). The contin- uous(green) curveis an extrapolated fit. FIG.16. (Coloronline)Thesizedependentzerotemperature end-pointvaluesofξ(β,L)/Lforthefourdiscreteinteraction models : the symmetric Poisson model, the anti-diluted bi- ulation techniques and the analysis follow strictly those modal model, the diluted bimodal model, and the bimodal of Ref. [1] where results for the canonical 2D ISG bi- model, from top tobottom. modal (discrete) and Gaussian (continuous) interaction distribution models were reported. We have made ex- tensive simulation measurements up to size L = 128 on VII. CONCLUSIONS eachmodel,whichhavebeenanalysedusingthe2Dscal- ing parameter τ = 1/(1+β2) as in [1] as well as the b Weshowsimulationdataforthreecontinuousandfour traditional scaling parameter T. discrete interaction distribution 2D ISG models and for Inthe classofISGmodels with continuousinteraction the 2D fully frustrated Villain model (Appendix I). All distributions,inadditiontotheGaussiandistributionwe these models order only at zero temperature. The sim- havestudiedtheuniforminteractiondistributionandthe 10 2.0 1.8 ) )1.9 L , 1.7 ) ( b /dln(1.8 )/dln( 1.6 L)1.7 )/ 1.5 , L , ( ( 1.4 ( n1.6 n( dl dl 1.3 1.5 1.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1/ ( ,L) b FIG. 21. (Color on line) Anti-diluted bimodal 2D ISG. FIG. 19. (Color on line) Symmetric Poisson 2D ISG. Log- arithmic derivative ∂lnχ(β,L)/∂lnξ(β,L) against 1/ξ(β,L) Logarithmic derivative ∂ln[ξ(β,L)/β]/∂lnτb against τb for L = 128, 96, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12 (left to right). The con- for L=128, 96, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12, 8 (left to right). tinuous (green) curve is an extrapolated fit. The right hand side arrow indicates theexact infinitetemperature limit. 2.1 2.0 ) 1.6 b ) 1.9 b ( n n( 1.8 dl )/dl 1.7 )/)/ 1.5 L)/ 1.6 ,Lb , 1.5 ( 1.4 ( ( 1.4 n( dln 1.3 dl 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 b 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 b FIG. 20. (Color on line) Diluted bimodal 2D ISG. Logarith- mic derivative ∂ln[ξ(β,L)/β]/∂lnτb against τb for L = 128, FIG. 22. (Color on line) Symmetric Poisson 2D ISG. Log- 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 12 (left to right). The continuous (green) arithmic derivative ∂ln[ξ(β,L)/β]/∂lnτb against τb for L = curve is an extrapolated fit. The right hand side arrow indi- 128, 96, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12, 8 (left to right). The continu- cates the exact infinite temperaturelimit. ous (green) curve is an extrapolated fit. The right hand side arrow indicates theexact infinitetemperature limit. Laplacian interaction distribution. These models have non-degenerate ground states and as a consequence an temperature scaling convention), which is the accepted anomalous dimension exponent η 0. Except for very value for the Gaussian distribution 2D ISG [4–8]. This ≡ small sizes and high temperatures, for all η = 0 models resultis consistentwith allcontinuous interactiondistri- andforallL,BinderparameterU (β,L)againstnormal- bution 2D ISGs forming a single universality class. 4 izedsecondmomentcorrelationlengthξ(β,L)/Ldatalie The bimodal interaction 2D ISG, a diluted bimodal onasingleuniversalcurveextendingtothezerotemper- interaction 2D ISG, an ”anti-diluted” 2D ISG, a multi- ature limit [U4(L)=1,ξ(L)/L ]. peak2DISG,andthe2DFFmodel,allorderonlyatzero ≡∞ The present numerical data show that estimates for temperature,havediscrete interactiondistributions,and the critical second moment correlation length exponent have highly degenerate ground states. For each model for the continuous interaction distributions are all com- the specific heat data show crossovers at size depen- patible with ν = 3.55(2) (expressed in terms of the T denttemperaturesT∗(L) betweenaneffectively continu-

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