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Keio University Symposia for Life Science and Medicine 6 Springer Japan KK Y. Fukuuchi, M. Tomita, A. Koto (Eds.) Ischemie Blood Flow in the Brain With 165 Figures, Including 8 in Color Springer Yasuo Fukuuchi, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology School of Medicine, Keio University 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan Minoru Tomita, M.D. Visiting Professor, Department of Neurology School of Medicine, Keio University 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan Atsuo Koto, M.D. Dean, Keio Junior College of Nursing and Professor, Department of Neurology School of Medicine, Keio University 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan ISBN 978-4-431-67990-5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ischemie blood flow in the brain I Y. Fukuuchi, M. Tomita, A. Koto (eds.). p.; cm. - (Keio University symposia for life science and medieine; 6) Includes bibliographieal references and index. ISBN 978-4-431-67990-5 ISBN 978-4-431-67899-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-67899-1 1. Cerebral ischemia-Congresses. 2. Blood flow-Congresses. 3. Cerebrovascular disease-Congresses. 1. Fukuuchi, Y. (Yasuo), 1937- II. Tomita, M. (Minoru) III. Koto, Atsuo, 1941- IV, Series. [DNLM: 1. Brain Ischemia-Congresses. 2. Blood-Brain Barrier-Congresses. 3. Cerebrovascular Accident-Congresses. 4. Cerebrovascular Disorders-Congresses. WL 355 1767 2000] RC388.5 .182 2000 616.8'1-dc21 00-041340 Printed on acid-free paper © Springer Japan 2001 Origina1ly published by Springer-Verlag Tokyo in 2001 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 2001 This work is subject to copyright. AU rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broad casting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publieation does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for information about drug dosage and appli cation thereof contained in this book. In every individual case the respective user must check its accu racy by consulting other pharmaceutiealliterature. SPIN: 10757421 Foreword Thisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofthesixthsymposiumofthe Keio University International Symposiafor LifeSciencesand Medicineunder thesponsorshipofthe Keio University Medical Science Fund.As stated in the address by the President of KeioUniversityattheopeningofthesymposium,thefundwasestablishedbythegen erous donation ofDr.MitsunadaSakaguchi.TheKeio UniversityInternational Sym posiafor LifeSciencesandMedicineconstituteoneofthecoreactivitiesofthefund. The objective is to contributeto the international communitybydeveloping human resources,promotingscientificknowledge,andencouragingmutualexchange.Every year, the Committee of the International Symposia for Life Sciences and Medicine selects the most interestingtopics for the symposium from applications received in responsetoacallforpaperstotheKeiomedicalcommunity.Thepublicationofthese proceedingsisintendedtopublicizeanddistributeinformationarisingfromthelively discussions ofthe most exciting and current issues during the symposium.We are gratefultoDr.MitsunadaSakaguchi,whomadethesymposiumpossible,themembers oftheprogramcommittee,andtheofficestaffwhosesupportguaranteedthesuccess ofthe symposium. Finally,we thank Springer-Verlag,Tokyo, for their assistance in publishingthiswork. AkimichiKaneko,M.D.,Ph.D. Chairman Committeeofthe InternationalSymposia for LifeSciencesandMedicine v Preface Stroke, especially ischemic stroke, is intractable. This Symposium was planned to investigate stroke from the mostfundamental aspects ofischemicblood flow in the brainbecausestrokeisessentiallyadiseaseofthevesselsand/orbloodflow.Toame liorateischemicsequelae,manipulationofthederangedflowbasedonpreciseknowl edge is considered crucial. The term"ischemic blood flow" in this Symposium was intended to mean not only sluggish flow which causes tissue ischemia,but also dis turbed flowwhichoccurs secondarilyto ischemictissue damage. Inresponseto ourinvitation,wewerehonoredtohave theparticipationof20dis tinguished guests from around the world.The titles oftheir papers led to a frame workfortheSymposiumthatcoveredthebuffycoat(glycocalyx) ofendothelialcells, the blood-brain barrier and permeability,gene expression,vascular reactivity,dys regulation, inflammatory deterioration, cortical spreading depression, edema, microvascularderangement,and pathology.Alongthese lines,ad hocabstracts were calledfor.We receivedalmostdoubletheschedulednumberofabstracts,fromwhich 35wereselected.Wemustapologizetotheauthorsofthe remainderoftheabstracts, whichcouldnotbeincludedintheSymposium,notbecauseoftheirqualitybutowing to thelimitationsimposedbyourstructuredframework. Through the kind cooperation of the participants, the Symposium ran very smoothlyandenjoyedan at-home atmosphere withexcellentpresentationsfollowed by fruitful discussions and thought-provoking comments. We were extremely satisfied with the Symposium, and the outcome was far better than we could have anticipated. This book contains the papers from all 20 guest speakers plus the 35 explained above.Wehavenotattemptedto revisethemanuscripts,becausewethoughtthatthe thrust ofthe contents might shift ifchangeswere requested. Instead,the reader can enjoytheunique,provocativequestionsandanswerspresentedduringthesessionsin the"onsitediscussions"followingeachpaper.Onexaminingthebook,thereadermay encounternewconcepts,aswellasratherunfamiliarorevendisputablepoints.Insuch cases,the authors should be contacteddirectly.Itwould bemuch appreciatedifany controversialissuescouldbereported to the Secretariat. We cannot adequately express our gratitude to Dr. Mitsunada Sakaguchi, an alumnusoftheSchoolofMedicine,KeioUniversity,forhisgenerousdonationwhich made possiblethe creationofthe Keio UniversityMedicalScience Fund.Wearealso VI Preface VII gratefulto the Committeeofthe InternationalSymposiafor LifeSciencesandMedi cine for selecting the present topic as the 6th Keio UniversityInternational Sympo sium.Wewouldliketotakethisopportunityalsotoexpressourdeepgratitudetothe Symposium secretaries,Hiroshi Ohin,Junko Shimane,and SachikoHosokawa.They havecopedwith atremendousvolumeofworkbefore,during,and after theSympo sium, often under a very tight schedule. We all were impressed by their skill and patience. February2000 Yasuo Fukuuchi MinoruTomita Atsuo Koto dor7.GregoryJ.del3.MayumiKajimura19.TimurD.Vlasov5.TetsuyaMatsuuraMichel32.Hiroyuki38.SuguruInao39.Nishimura45.David1.Wolf-DieterHeissJones58.JosephC. 6.PeterSanG.Hudetz1HallenbeckoKuroiwa2ristopherC.aharuSakoh44.TamikouesSeylaz557.Stephen ~~~ 1.RyuKurokawa2.IstvanSchiszler3.UlrichDirnagl4.GaryA.Rosenberg5.MakotoKaibara8.CostantinoIadecola9.MartinLauritzen10.RudolfGraf11.HisashiKitagawa12.AntalZoppo14.KortaroTanaka15.ToshihikoShimizu16.HiroyukiOtsuka17.MakotoSuematsu18.Johnc.20.JosephLaManna21.KennethMaiese22.KouichiOhta23.HaroldM.Swartz24.Toshihik26.HiroakiOoboshi27.IwaoKanno28.TakeshiHayashi29.ElmarBusch30.AtsuoKoto31.ChNakase33.JojiInamasu34.JohnH.Zhang35.HiroyukiOhshima36.HiroakiNaritomi37.Mas40.Sei-itsuMurota41.ShigeruNogawa42.MariaSpatz43.RumianaBakalovaNorioTanahashiW.Busija46.FerencBari47.EwaKozniewska48.ElisabethPinard49.OliverKempski50.Jacq52.YasuoFukuuchi53.LouisSokoloff54.MinoruTomita55.ShuChien56.PeterGaehtgensFenstermacher59.RajN.Kalaria60.WolfgangKuschinsky61.BarbroB.Johansson Contents v Foreword Preface VI ListofContributors XVI OpeningRemarks XIX Part 1 Honorary Lecture HistoricalReviewofDevelopmentsin the FieldofCerebralBloodFlow and Metabolism 1.Sokoloff 3 Part 2 Endothelium,Mechanosensors,Glycocalyx Mechanisms ofMechanochemicalTransduction inVascularCells S.Chienand J.Y.J.Shyy .. .. ... 13 Ultra LongRange ForcesBetweenMacroscopicBodies H.Ohshima 20 Roleofthe EndothelialSurfaceCoatinMicrovesselBloodFlow P.GaehtgensandA.R.Pries ......................................... 25 Blood-Brain Barrier: Role ofBrainEndothelialSurfaceChargeand Glycocalyx B.B.Johansson ..................................................... 33 TheRole ofthe EndothelialSurfaceCoatinMicrovascularPermeability C.C.Michel ........................................................ 39 x

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