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4 IS THE LOCAL BUBBLE DEAD? 0 0 2 DieterBreitschwerdt,1 &DonaldP.Cox,2 n 1 a Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rExtraterrestrischePhysik,Giessenbachstraße, Postfach1312, 85741 J Garching,Germany 2 1 DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofWisconsin-Madison,1150UniversityAve.,Madison,WI 2 53706,USA 1 v Abstract We give a summary of the current state of Local Bubble research, resulting 8 2 from the discussions of a dedicated panel meeting. After more than 25 years 4 of intense observational and theoretical work, weare stillfar froma coherent 1 picture, although a probable one emerges at the horizon. A multi-supernova 0 originseemstobethebestguess,withnon-equilibriumcoolingandsoftX-ray 4 emissionaccompanyingitsexpansion. Inadditionourvantagepointmayforceus 0 toacceptasubstantialbutquantitativelyunknowncontributionfromheliospheric h/ emission. p - Keywords: LocalBubble,softX-rays,superbubbles,LocalFluff,InterstellarMedium o r t 1. Introduction s a : The Local Bubble Panel Session took place on the last day of the Galactic v Tertuliameeting,andthereforelotsofnewexcitingideasthatwerespreaddur- i X ingthemeetingneededeagerlytobediscussed. Oneofthemwasasuggestion r put forward by Rosine Lallement, who together with her collaborator Barry a Welsh, had investigated the possible contribution to the soft X-ray emission fromchargeexchangereactionsofsolarwindhighionizationstageswithhelio- sphericplasma,aprocessthathadbeensuccessfullyappliedtoX-rayemission ofcomets(Lisseetal. 1996;Cravensetal. 1997). Wewilldiscussthisinmore detailbelow. OnthewholethepaneldiscussionontheLocalBubblewassome- whatchaotic owingtoactiveparticipation fromthefloorandabelated sudden discovery thatourdeparture fromtheconference hallwassoonrequired. This discussionwasnominallyledbyDieterBreitschwerdt(whohadpreparedalist of topics with the somewhat provocative title: “Is the Local Bubble Dead?”) andDonCox(whoplayedadvocatusdiaboliwhenevernecessary),andanum- berofinteresting pointswereraised. Nowwiththeleisureofwritingthemup, perhapswecanmakethesignificance moretransparent. 2 IstheLocalBubbledead? One way of organizing the material is via the questions and puzzles that remain,though perhaps forabroader audience, asurveyoftheideascurrently afloat would be a better way to begin. Many of the issues were discussed at length by Cox and Reynolds (1987). The continuing development of Don’s perspective is pretty well summarized in three subsequent papers, one on the natureofthehotgaswithintheLocalBubble(SmithandCox,2001),oneona possibleoriginofthewarmLocalFluffwithinthehotbubble(CoxandHelenius, 2003),andonewhichdiscussesthepossibilitythatthewholeeffortisahouseof cards(Cox,2003). Dieterhaswrittenafewreviewpapers(Breitschwerdt1996, 2001), emphasizing the problems of explaining EUV and soft X-ray spectra by the conventional Local Hot Bubble model, which is based on collisional ionizational equilibrium (CIE), and also a paper on the possible origin of the bubble (Bergho¨fer & Breitschwerdt 2002). Many others have contributed to the effort to understand the local interstellar medium ingeneral and the Local Bubble in particular. Dieter organized a whole conference on the subject in Garching in 1997. Participants at the Granada conference who have wrestled withthesubjectincludeatleast(weapologizeforanyincompleteness): Avillez, Beckman, Breitschwerdt, Cox, Edelstein, Gry, Hartquist, Helenius, Hurwitz, Korpela, Kuntz, Lallement, Ma´iz-Apella´niz, McCammon, Reynolds, Sanders, Shelton,Welsh. Mostofthesearepeoplewhoactuallymeasurethings,andhave sometruthtotell. OnepersonnotattheGranadameeting,PriscillaFrisch,has writtenextensivelyontheobservationalmaterialavailableconcerningthelocal region. This should be a sufficient list from which to start a literature search shouldonewish. 2. The Situation in General Terms SoftX-raysreachtheEarthinapatternthatshowsadistinctanti-correlation, inparticularof1/4keVphotonswiththedistributionoflocalinterstellarmate- rial(seeFig.1forNaiabsorption linestudiesandRosineLallement’supdated figure at this conference with a much larger number of stars). The emission isdiffuse, meaning thatitdoes notarise from acollection ofunresolved point sources. The pattern is roughly what might be expected from extragalactic emission, absorbed by galactic interstellar material, except: A) it does not go tozerointhegalacticmidplane,andB)theverylowestenergyX-raysoughtto be much more absorbed, but instead show a very similar distribution. There- fore there must be a local source of diffuse emission. Attempts to localize the source of the emission have used shadowing by intervening material of putatively known distance. McCammon’s thesis work showed that it arose closerthantheMagellanicClouds. ShadowingexperimentsdonewithROSAT, EUVE,andasreported byDieteratthismeetingwithXMM-NEWTON,have had more restrictive results. At high galactic latitude, there are clouds of ma- TheSituationinGeneralTerms 3 terial several hundred parsecs from the Sun that shadow part of the X-ray emission. So, some arises within the first few hundred parsecs (and much closer at lower latitudes where absorbing and/or abutting walls of interstellar material are much closer) and at high latitude, part arises from further away. Thismoredistantemissionisvery patchyoverthesky,andistheorigin (2p0c0) (l=90) (y) 20(0pc)NGP (z) oftheideathattheMilkyWayhasa 100 100 GC (l=0) (x) patchydistribution ofhotgaswithin 0 GC (l=0) (x) 0 -(2p0c0) -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200(pc) its“halo.” Thewordhaloisinquotes -100 -100 becauseDonthinksofthediskofthe -200 -200 (a) (b) Galaxyasreachingupakiloparsecor NGP (z) moreandthatthisemissionislikely 20(0pc) found within it, not in somevast re- 100 (Scnoonwtadmeinn aette adl . L(1H9B9 8re) gLioocnasl) Hot Bubble radius Wλ(D2)=10m¯ contour trace(ibid.) gionbeyond. Thisparticularpointis -200 -100 00 100 2(l0=09(p0c) )(y) WWλλ((DD22))==2500mm¯¯ "" "" "" open to dispute, but will likely not -100 be settled until we have a better un- -200 (c) derstanding of why the very lowest energyemissiondoesnothaveasub- Figure 1. The local cavity as inferred from stantiallydifferentdistributiononthe NaiabsorptionlinestudiesbySfeiretal.(1999) sky. Itwasearlyonrealizedthatthis at different viewing angles. The different con- toursmarkdifferentNaiequivalentwidths,with emission resembled that from a hot 20m˚A correspondingtolog(Nai)=11.0cm−2 itnutreerostferlloaurgphllays1m0a6 Kw.itPhlaasmteamepmerias-- orNH ≈ 2×1019cm−2. Thethicksolidline represents the contour of the Local Bubble ac- sionmodelsbasedonCIEsuggested cordingtoROSATPSPCobservationsbySnow- that the surface brightness could be denetal.(1998). achieved inavolume extending 100 pc with a thermal pressure comparable to that expected in a large hot cavity in equilibrium with its surroundings, p/k ∼ 10,000 −20,000cm−3K. The so-called “displacement” orLocalHotBubble(LHB)”model, putforwardal- mostsimultaneously byWisconsin(Sandersetal. 1977)andaJapanesegroup (TanakaandBleeker1977)couldexplainsatisfactorilyatthattimethelocalsoft X-ray emission by claiming that all of the emission in the 1/4 keV band was due to a hot plasma of ∼ 106 K and ne ∼ 5×10−3cm−3, displacing neutral surrounding gas1. Aroughly contemporaneous result wasthat absorption line studieswerefindingthattheregionaroundtheSuninfacthasverylittleinter- stellar material for the nearest hundred parsecs or so, depending on direction. (As mentioned above, the papers by Lallement and by Welsh at this meeting 1WhenthefirstROSATshadowoftheDracoNebulawasdiscovered(Snowdenetal. 1991,Burrows& Mendenhall1991)itbecameevidentthatroughly50%ofthe1/4keVemissionwasarisingfrombeyondthe cloud,i.e.ataminimumdistanceof300pcandthusfarbeyondtheLocalBubble. 4 IstheLocalBubbledead? showthecurrent stateofmapping thatcavity.) Thecavity hasaveryirregular geometry, but extends to several tens of parsecs in the galactic midplane and opensathigh(andlow)galacticlatitudeswhereitextendsfurtherthanhasbeen mappedsofar,severalhundredparsecs(seeFig.1). And,itispreciselyinthose seeminglyopendirections thatEUVEwasabletodetectextragalactic objects. 3. “The Devil is in the Details” Becauseofitsextremefaintnessandthetechnologicallimitationsonspectral resolution, the soft X-ray background has been slow to reveal its full spectral character. Themeasurementsareoftencomparedwiththoseexpectedfromhot plasmaswithsolarabundances,bycalculatingCIEemissionspectra(vs. Tand absorbing column) and folding the latter through the instrumental response. Best fits are made in the usual way, with one or two emitting temperature components. Thespectrathatproducedthebestfitstothe1/4keVX-raysalso predictedsofteremission,particularlyaverybrightironcomplexaround72eV. Theyalso predicted little oxygen K-shell emission. Several attempts to verify thebrightnessofthesoftironlinesfailedtodetectthem,untilfinallytheyseemto havebeenseenbyXQCatroughly1/7thoftheinitiallyanticipatedbrightness– see paper by McCammon in this volume. To continue spectral fitting in the above way, one must assume that iron, at least, and possibly other elements remainsomewhatdepletedintheirabundancesinthehotgas. (SmithandCox, 2001, showed that this is feasible so long as the gas has not been heated too manytimes.) ThespectralresultsofDXS,ontheotherhandcannotbefitvery well by this process (Sanders et al. 1998), seeming to require considerable improvement in the plasma modeling codes or, perhaps an alternative source typeforasignificant fractionoftheemission–more belowonthispoint. Atthehigherenergiesofthe3/4keVband,Snowdenetal. (1993)analyzed ROSATPSPCdatatowardsMBM12,commonlybelievedtobeamediumlati- tudecloudwithintheLocalBubbleatadistancedof58±5< d < 90±12pc (Heartyetal.2000;butseerecentphotometricanalysisofMdwarfsbyLuhman (2001)whoplaceitoutto275pcjusttoaddmoredevilishdetailstothepuzzle). Theyfoundthatallofthe3/4keVbandemissionseemedtocomefrombeyond the cloud, and set a fairly strong upper limit to the foreground emission, that attributed to the hot Local Bubble, and to its temperature (found as described above). Ontheotherhand,together withMichaelFreyberg, Dieterreanalyzed these data, as well as data from the Aquila molecular cloud, which is one of the darkest nearby regions of the diffuse X-ray sky, and located in almost the opposite direction. On the basis of these data, including higher energies than analyzed by Snowden et al., they derived a new value for a local component whichiskT = 0.18 keV(∼ 2.1×106 K),much higher than previous values. Therewasclearlycauseforsomedisagreement. “TheDevilisintheDetails” 5 ThelatestXMM-NewtonobservationsdonebythegroupinGarching(MPE) show the presence of emission near 0.56 keV and 0.65 keV (indicating Ovii and Oviii, respectively) for all targets, situated in different directions and at differentdistancesandlatitudesinthesky,e.g.MBM12,G133-69(inthesouth- ernhemisphere),NorthGalacticPoleRift(NGP)andtheOphiuchusmolecular cloud (see Figs. 2 and 3). This is fully consistent with the X-ray quantum calorimeter(XQC)results(seeFig.4)byMcCammonetal. (2002). Although the spectral resolution of XQC is much higher than of the EPIC pn camera, theshortdurationofthesoundingrocketflightrequiredobservingaregionthat covered both Local Bubble and Galactic halo. The shadowing observed, for example in Fig. 2 allowed separation of the local and distant emission, and a two component spectral fit to the foreground yields temperatures of 0.08 and 0.14keV,respectively. Figure 3. Spectra (in counts/s/keV) to- wardstheOphiuchuscloudasderivedfrom two 20 ksec XMM-Newton EPIC pn ob- servations. Emission line complexes are clearlydistinguishableat0.5−0.7,and∼ 0.9keV,andtoaminorextentat∼0.3keV. Figure2. Mosaicofthreeindividual The on-cloud pointing (lower curve) con- pointings of the Ophiuchus molecular tainsmainlyemissionfromtheLocalBub- cloud,showingthefirstXMM-Newton ble, while the off-cloud (upper curve) ob- X-ray shadow (in the range 0.5−0.9 servation has also significant contributions keV). There is a clear anticorrelation fromtheLoopIsuperbubbleshowingupas between soft X-ray emission and the 0.8−0.9keVemission(Fe-Lcomplex),and overlaid IRAS 100µm contours. The arisingfromhighertemperaturesthere. colorcodingrepresentstheX-rayinten- sitywithwhitebeingthemaximum. The bottom line at present appears to be that the spectrum has less emis- sion from the iron complex around 72 eV, other characteristics suggestive of maybesomedepletion ofrefractory elements, andsomewhatmoreoxygen K- 6 IstheLocalBubbledead? shell emission than expected from a contemporary single temperature solar abundance plasmamodelassumingCIEthatfitsbestthesofteremission. Robin Shelton reminded us of more problems lurking in the back by men- tioning recent FUSE (905 < λ < 1195˚A) data: inside the Local Bubble the 2σ upper limit on the surface brightness of Ovi (resonance line emission at λλ1032,1038˚A) isextremely low, atmost530 and 500phcm−2s−1sr−1,re- spectively (Shelton 2003), in disagreement with all current models. She also thinksthatsuchalowlimitwouldruleoutthepossibility, putforwardbyJohn Raymond atthisconference, toexplain the complicated spectra by asuperpo- sition of different X-ray emitting and absorbing chunks of gas within the line ofsight. 4. Whence the Local Bubble DeterminingthespectrumofthesoftX-raybackgroundisjustafirststepin tryingtounderstandtheoriginandthefurtherevolutionofthebubble. Models are needed too. The energy content of the hot gas bubble (The Local Bubble, as distinct from The Local Cavity) described before is roughly that of one supernova,andvariousmodelsforthereheatingofaportionoftheLocalCavity by a relatively recent supernova have been made. The earliest models, as the onebyCox&Anderson(1982),assumedthattheremnantwasyoung,about105 yearsold,sothatitsexpansionvelocitywouldgiveapostshocktemperatureof 106 K.Thosemodelswerefoundtohavevariousproblemsandgraduallygave way to attempts to model the bubble as more like a “Slavin Bubble”, the old hot remnant of a supernova explosion (cf. also Innes & Hartquist, 1984) that haslargely equilibrated inpressure withitssurroundings. TheSmithandCox (2001)paperreferredtoaboveisarecentversion. Thereheatingsupernovawas inferred tohaveoccurred roughly 3Myrago,somewhereinthevicinity ofthe Sun. Independentevidencefortheoccurrenceofsuchasupernova(cf. Knieet al.2 1999)wascitedwithglee. Untilrecently,thespectralconfirmationthatthe X-rayemissionactuallyarisesfromhotgashasbeenverypoor. Someexpected spectral lines have now been seen, but not all characteristics of the observed emission areconsistent withexisting modelsofhot gas. Encouraged bysome problems in the interpretation of data (e.g. the region of ”bizarre emptiness” as Don put it towards βCMa, or the thermal pressure imbalance between the LHB and the Local Fluff, a partially ionized cloudlet surrounding the solar system,aswellasaprobableinconsistency betweenEUVandsoftX-raydata) BreitschwerdtandSchmutzler(1994)seizeduponthisweaknesstoproposean 2Theseauthorshaveanalyzedtheferromanganesecrustofdeepoceanlayers,andfoundanenhancementof 60Feconsistentwithanexplosionatabout5Myrago. WhencetheLocalBubble 7 alternative model that bedevils3 us to this day. In this model, relatively high densitymaterialheatedbyoneormoresupernovaeexpandedveryrapidlyinto asurroundinglowdensityregion,coolingadiabaticallytolowtemperatureasit didso. Theexpansionwassorapidthathighstagesofionizationcharacteristic oftheinitially hightemperature were“frozen in”asoccurs intheSolarWind. Theyproposed that thesubsequent recombination ofthose high ions to bethe sourceofthesoftX-raybackground. Atellingfeatureofsucharecombination spectrum was expected to be the recombination continua, which at such low temperatures wouldresemble asymmetric emission lines attherecombination edges. One can get into quibbles about the likelihoods of vari- ous scenarios, but it is safer toexaminethepredictionsand the data and to try to under- stand what we are seeing. It islikelythattheBreitschwerdt and Schmutzler scenario has occurred somewhere. To de- cidewhetheritisrelatedtoour soft X-ray background, how- ever, we need good spectra. Thecurrentstatusofobtaining such spectra was summarized atthismeetingbyMcCammon Figure4. Highresolutionspectrumofthediffusesoft or Sanders, or both. We have X-raybackground (blackhistogram,arbitraryunits)in DXSandXQC,andwedesper- the 70 - 1000 eV energy range, taken with the XQC atelyneedaSMEXorMIDEX. spectrometerduringa100ssoundingrocketflight(Mc- Cammonetal. 2002). TheinstrumentFOVwasabout Nobodyisjustgoingtohandus 1srandcentredatl =90◦,b=60◦. Prominentemis- the data, even though detector sionlinesaremarked. TheDXSspectrumtakenfroma development has reached the regionneartheGalacticplane(Sandersetal. 2001)is pointthatthecrucialquestions superposed(greyorredlines,respectively,intheenergy canbeaddressed. range150−284eV)forcomparison. Meanwhile, the whole field hasbeencomplicatedbythestrongpossibilitythataBreitschwerdt-like mech- anism is operating to create much of the soft X-ray background within the Solar System! Those high stages of ionization in the Solar Wind mentioned earliercanundergochargeexchangeonneutralatoms,andthesubsequentcas- 3TheseareDon’swords;Dieteragreesthatthemodelissomewhatbold,owingtohisyouthatthattime,but stillbelievesthattheLocalBubblespectrumhastobesomekindof“non-equilibrium”,evenifitwereas extremeasproducedbySolarWindchargeexchangereactionsintheheliosphere. 8 IstheLocalBubbledead? cadecreatescopiousX-rays. Thismechanismisbelievedtoberesponsible for the extremely bright X-ray emission from comets in the inner Solar System. CometsdonotsupplytheonlyneutraltargetsforchargeexchangeintheSolar System,however. Therearenowstrong indications thatatemporally fluctuat- ing component that was spectrally indistinguishable by ROSAT from the soft X-raybackground (the“LongTermEnhancements”) derivesfromSolarWind charge exchange on the exosphere of the Earth! But the Earth is not the only other target. Using estimates of the charge exchange cross sections, it is easy tocalculate theapproximate levelofX-rayemission from charge exchange of Solar Wind ions encountering interplanetary neutrals (e.g. Cox, 1998). The answerisfrighteninglylarge! ThecurrentsituationispresentedinLallement’s paper in this volume, where she has integrated the solar wind flux against the interstellar distributions of hydrogen and helium, in the directions and for the timesatwhichROSATwasmakingthesurvey. Thisprovidesaspatialtemplate against which to measure the potential contamination. Her paper goes on to assume various normalizations, based onthe poorly knowncross sections and ionic populations, and then subtracts off the heliospheric contribution to see whatisleftoftheLocalBubble. Shepointsoutthatwhatisleftcorrelatesbet- ter with the structure of the spatial cavity (discussed above) than did the total SXRB. How much is she subtracting? Within the uncertainties, all of the SXRB in the galactic midplane could be heliospheric! This still leaves quite a lot at high(positiveandnegative)latitudesthatcan’tbeheliospheric,alongwithsome extendedregionsatlowerlatitudesthatcorrelatewiththesurroundingstructure. She seems to prefer to preserve the Local Bubble, perhaps to preserve those lobes aspartofit, andtherefore topropose subtracting only, say50to80% of theemissioninthelowestemissiondirections. Thisisasgoodandresponsible a guess as anyone can make at this time. We need both better heliospheric emissionmodelsandmeasuredspectra beforemuchprogress canbemade. Doesthisrequireadisastrouschangeinourview(s)ofthehotLocalBubble? She argues not. Suppose, for example, that in some low latitude directions the Local Bubble emission is only 25% of what we previously thought. As emissivitygoesasdensitysquared,itwouldimplythatthedensityandpressure were halved. At high latitudes, where the subtracted fraction is much less, a fourtimesgreaterpathlengthwouldberequiredtogettheobservedbrightness, andthe extension oftheLocalBubble tobeyond the shadowing clouds would be a fairly natural consequence. The total energy in hot gas may then exceed thatwhichonesupernovacouldsupply,butlivinginaverylargebubblemakes multiplesupernovae muchmorelikely. Dieter has ventured to construct such a model (Bergho¨fer & Breitschwerdt 2002), and interestingly, at around the same time a similar idea was put for- wardbyMa´iz-Apella´niz(2001),whoalsopresentedhisviewsduringthepanel Conclusions 9 session. Thebasics arevery simple. Ashasbeen mentioned above, theX-ray emissivityoftheLocalBubblecaneasilybeaccountedforbyoneortworecent supernovae, whereas it took considerably more explosions to blast the Local Cavityfreeofgas;about10-20supernovaecandothis. Buttherearenoearly type stars within the Local Bubble. On the other hand there are plenty in the nearby Sco-Cen association. Stellar kinematics data show that one or several moving groups of young stars have passed through the Local Bubble on their waytoSco-Cen. FittinganIMFappropriateforgalacticOBassociationstosuch agroup, Bergho¨fer & Breitschwerdt (2002) were able to calculate the sites of explosionsandtheintervalsbetweenthem. Recenthighresolutionsimulations onalargegrid(including thegalacticfountain, fordetailsseethecontribution of M. Avillez, this volume) and occurring in an inhomogeneous background, disturbedbypreviousgenerations ofsupernovaehaveshown(Avillez&Breit- schwerdt2003)thatboththemorphologyandthetimescalesoftheLocalBubble andtheLoopIsuperbubbles areconsistent withobservations. The numerical simulation presented of this activity was quite striking, and at several times appeared to show filaments or sheets of material intruding into the hot gas. Sometimes these appeared to be of the sort advocated by Frisch, material ejected from near the wall by recent explosion activity there. Atothertimes,theymayhavearisenfromshearflowsinthehighlyconvective medium. What could not bediscerned inthe time available waswhether they occasionallyderivedfromamechanismproposedrecentlybyCoxandHelenius (2003), filamentsofmaterial pulled from theboundary through thehot gasby magnetictension. Atleastoneofthepanelists thought thishadtobethecase. Distortedmagneticfieldsofthemagnitudeobservedintheinterstellarmedium areveryquicktostraighten themselvesoutwhentheyhaveverylittlematerial onthem,withonlyhydrodynamic dragthroughthesurroundings toslowthem down. Thisviewwasdiscussedbrieflyatoneofthesessionsandarguedagainst on the basis of the resulting ionization of helium and argon, compared to the observations. This led to discussion of the sorry state of our knowledge of lowtemperaturedielectronicrecombinationinparticular,andrecombinationof thingslikeargoningeneral. Enoughsmoke,andtheissuewaslefthanging. This question of the ionization in the Local Fluff fascinates a number of people, as does the issue of the apparent thermal pressure imbalance between the Local Fluff and the surrounding hot gas. Attempts to cure the latter with a strong magnetic field in the Fluff run into constraints from Voyager 1 not yet having encountered the Solar Wind termination shock. Having run out of space, wereferthereadertodiscussions ofthesematters inCoxandHelenius (2003). (Dieter wants to point out that neither of these problems exists in his bedeviling model,however.) 10 IstheLocalBubbledead? 5. Conclusions The Local Bubble is still an active and highly relevant research topic and will keep surprises for the people who venture to learn more about it. From timetotimetherewillbeboldattemptstogetridofit,asithashappenedinthe past, when it was thought to be an interarm region, or now, that some believe thatmuchofitsX-rayemissioncouldbeofheliospheric origin. Yetthecavity is still with us. We have both been working long enough in the field to think that theemblem forthe CityofPariswillalso hold forthe future oftheLocal Bubble: fluctuatnecmergitur! Acknowledgments DonCoxacknowledges supportofthisworkbyNASA’sAstrophysics The- ory Program under grant NAG5-12128. Dieter Breitschwerdt acknowledges support from the Bundesministerium fu¨r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) by the Deutsches Zentrum fu¨r Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) under grant 50 OR 0207andtheMax-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG).WewouldliketothankEmilio Alfaro, PepeFrancoand theSOCandLOCfororganizing anexciting confer- ence. 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