Is the International Convergence of Capital 1 Adequacy Regulation Desirable? 2 Viral V. Acharya New York University Keywords: Bank regulation, Capital adequacy, Closure policy, Risk-shifting, Financial integration, International spillovers. J.E.L. Classi(cid:12)cation Codes: G21, G28, G38, E58, D62. First Draft: 24th March, 2000 This Draft: 22nd May, 2001 1 Thispaperisanessay inmy dissertationtitled\Banks, SystemicRisk,andDesignofPrudential Regulation." The suggestions of an anonymous referee and Rick Green (editor) have been very valuable. I have bene(cid:12)ted from encouragement and guidance of Yakov Amihud, Douglas Gale, Marty Gruber, Kose John, Anthony Saunders, Marti Subrahmanyam, and Rangarajan Sundaram. I am especially indebted to Rangarajan Sundaram for introducing me to the topic. I am also grateful to Deepak Agrawal, Edward Altman, Mitchell Berlin, Sreedhar Bharath, Alberto Bisin, Robert Bliss, Menachem Brenner, Steve Brown, Qiang Dai, Kenneth Garbade, Anthony Lynch, Paolo Pasquariello, Alex Shapiro, William Silber, Anand Srinivasan, Jayanthi Sunder, Narayanan Vaghul,LawrenceWhite,andtheseminarparticipantsattheIMF,fortheircommentsandfeedback. I also acknowledge the help of Mickey Bhatia and Blythe Masters of J.P.Morgan; Lev Borodovsky of CSFB; and, Erik Larson and Mitch Stengel of the OCC, for enriching my understanding of the various institutions of bank regulation. All errors remain my own. 2 Contact: Stern School of Business, New York University, 44 West 4th St., Suite 9-180, NY, NY { 10012. Tel: 212{998{0316 Fax: 212{995{4233 e{mail: [email protected] Abstract Weexaminethemeritsofhavinginternationalconvergence ofbankcapitalrequirements in the presence of divergent closure policies of di(cid:11)erent central banks. In an optimal regulatory design, the level of bank capital requirement varies with forbearance in central bank’s closure policy. The lack of such variation leads to spillovers from more forbearing to less forbearing regimes, reducing the pro(cid:12)ts of banks in less forbearing regimes. In equilibrium, the central banks of these initially less forbearing regimes may adopt greater forbearance as well giving rise to a regression towards the worst closure policy. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............1 1 Introduction We study the joint design of two bank regulatory mechanisms: capital requirements, the ex-ante mechanism to prevent bank failures, and closure policy, the ex-post mechanism to manage bank failures. At the heart of our paper is a simple but fundamental point: ex-post policiesdistort ex-ante incentives, and hence, design of ex-ante mechanism must take account ofany feedback fromex-postpolicies. Weshow thatthe optimaldesignofcapitalrequirement should betiedtotheextent offorbearanceexercised by thecentral bank’s closurepolicy. This calls into question the merits of creating a \level-playing (cid:12)eld" in capital requirements, as proposed and implemented by the Basel Accord of 1988. We show that such cross-border standardization is, in general, desirable only if accompanied by standardization of closure policies as well. When banks operate across borders, lack of overall standardization gives rise to inter- national spillovers from more forbearing regimes to less forbearing regimes. Banks of more forbearing regimes have greater risk-taking incentives, which in equilibrium reduces the prof- its of banks in the less forbearing regimes. Since these latter banks might be forced to \exit," their central banks may adopt greater forbearance as well. The result is a \race to the bot- tom" where all central banks converge towards the worst level of forbearance. Intriguingly thus, convergence of capital requirements does tend to produce a level-playing (cid:12)eld, however one with excessive forbearance. This outcome has a greater potentialto destabilizethe global economy compared to the one of no convergence on any regulatory mechanisms at all. We develop an in(cid:12)nite-horizon single-economy banking model in general equilibrium. Banks are \special" in making loans but borrow competitively from depositors. Deposits take the form of a standard debt contract. The con(cid:13)ict of interest between bankowners (eq- uityholders)anddepositorsgivesrise torisk-shiftingincentiveswhere bankowners maychoose a level of risk that is greater than the optimal risk for the bank as a whole (Proposition 1). If banks are closed when they do not meet the promised payments on their deposits, there is a loss of continuation value for both bankowners and depositors. The central bank, the regulator, designs regulation to maximize the total value of the bank, i.e., the sum of the values of bank’s equity and deposits. The optimal design takes account of the risk-taking incentives of bankowners and the losses arising from bank failures. The central bank can choose to close or bail out the failed banks, and also require that banks hold a minimum level of capital in the form of outside equity. On the one hand, bail outsinducemoralhazardandaccentuate therisk-shiftingincentives. Ontheotherhand, they increase the future continuation or \charter-value" of bankowners and induce risk-avoidance incentives. The inter-temporal tradeo(cid:11) between the moral hazard and the preservation of continuation value, implies that, in general, it is ex-ante optimal for the central bank to adopt a mixed policy where it closes failed banks with a non-zero probability. This ex-ante Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............2 optimalpolicyhowever failstobe ex-postoptimal: onceabankhasfailed,itisalwaysoptimal to bail it out. This time-inconsistency of central bank’s optimal closure policy creates room for regulatory forbearance (Proposition 2). Requiring that banks hold a minimum amount of equity capital \bu(cid:11)ers" them from fail- 1 ures, andatthe same time, itbeingoutsideequity leadstodilutioncosts for the bankowners. Crucially,the optimalcapitalrequirementistied tothe extent offorbearance practisedby the regulator. At moderate to high levels of forbearance, optimal capital requirement increases with an increase in forbearance so as to mitigate risk-shifting incentives. However, at low levels of forbearance and with steep dilution cost of capital, it may be optimal to reduce 2 capital with an increase in forbearance so as to enhance risk-avoidance incentives. This variation of optimal capital requirement with forbearance means that one size does not (cid:12)t all (Proposition 3), casting doubt over the desirability of uniform capital requirements for all nations even as their central banks adopt divergent closure policies. To explore the implications of such a divergence, we employ a two-economy general equi- librium model of (cid:12)nancial integration. Banks operate across borders in making loans and in taking deposits. They hold a uniform amount of capital, but enjoy the forbearance exercised by the central bank of their \home" country. We show that there is a spillover from more forbearing regime to the less forbearing one. In general equilibrium, (cid:12)nancial integration gives rise to a common \world interest rate" that a(cid:11)ects the cost of borrowing for both sets of banks. As banks of the more forbearing regime take greater risk, the world interest rate rises. This increases the cost of borrowing for banks of the less forbearing regime, squeezing their pro(cid:12)ts, and reducing their charter-values. Such spillovers increase in the heterogeneity amongst the regimes according to their (i) regulatory forbearance; (ii) size of banking sector measured as deposit base; and (iii) risk-taking incentives of bankowners (Proposition 4). We argue that such heterogeneity in regulatory forbearance can arise due to a \regula- tory capture," the political economy aspect of regulation design. Central banks, in general, maximize a weighted average of the welfare of their \interest groups," viz. bankowners and depositors. A greater weight on the welfare of bankowners leads a central bank to exercise excessive forbearance towards its banks, increasing the spillover to banks in other regimes. How would a central bank aligned less with its bankowners respond to this international spillover when it is constrained not to adjust capital requirements? We demonstrate that if heterogeneity in regulatory objectives of di(cid:11)erent central banks is high, the resulting spillover drives the banks of less forbearing regime to their reservation values. In order to avoid their 1 We assume that the private level of capital for bank’s equityholders is lower than the socially optimal level due to this dilution cost. 2 This non-monotone relationship between optimal capital requirement and central bank’s forbearance in a multi-period setting is counter to the standard intuition one obtains from a single-period setting where continuation value e(cid:11)ects do not arise. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............3 exit,the centralbankofthisregimealsoadoptsgreaterforbearanceinequilibrium. Whenthis occurs, regulatory forbearances behave as strategic complements. The resulting equilibrium is one with a \regression towards the worst" forbearance (Proposition 5). The essence of our argument is that with internationalbanking operations, each regulator imposes an externality on the welfare of other regimes. In the absence of complete coordi- nation amongst regulators, some of these externalities remain uninternalized. Importantly, coordination on some arms of regulation but not on others, eliminates an important weapon from the arsenal of regulators who wish to counteract the spillovers from worse regulated banks. Thus, reminiscent of theory of the second-best, a step towards complete coordination can be more harmful than no step at all. We conclude by discussing the relevance of our results for the current debate on creating a centralized lender-of-last-resort in the European Monetary Union. Section 2 discusses related literature. Section 3 analyzes the single-economy model. Sec- tion 4 analyzes the multiple-economy model. Section 5 concludes. All proofs are contained in the appendix. 2 Related literature We study the joint design of capital requirements and closure policy for banks in a single economy, later extending the analysis to multiple economies. To our knowledge, this is the 3 (cid:12)rst attempt to combine all these features in a uni(cid:12)ed framework. Theoretically, a few studies have underlined the importance of jointly designing di(cid:11)erent arms of bank regulation. Acharya and Dreyfus (1989) advocate a linkage between the design of closure policies and the deposit insurance premium scheme, and Davies and McManus (1991) suggest that the extent of monitoringof a bank should be tied to the level of strictness of its closure policy. These papers however do not consider capital requirements and are developed in single-economy contexts. The calculation of deposit insurance premia and the monitoring of bank risk-taking vary widely across nations, whereas the capital adequacy regulation has moved uniformly towards a 8% or a value-at-risk type rule. This makes the focus of our paper particularly germane. 3 We abstract from the micro-motives for banking such as delegated monitoring of Diamond (1984), and liquidity provision of Diamond and Dybvig (1983). A summary of the seminal papers in regulationbased on micro-theory of banks can be found in Dewatripont and Tirole (1993), and Freixas and Rochet (1997). In some recent work, Gorton and Winton (1999) delineate what are the private and the social costs of bank capital in a general equilibrium model of bank regulation. Diamond and Rajan (2000) build a theory of bank capital based on the liquidity creation by banks, the costs of (cid:12)nancial distress, and the incentive e(cid:11)ects of capital on the banks’ collection of loans. An alternative approach to bank regulation exploits the owner/managercon(cid:13)ict as in John, Senbet, and Saunders (2000). Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............4 Our result on regression to the worst regulation is closest in spirit to Dell’Ariccia and Marquez (2000) who focus exclusively on competition among regulators in setting capital requirements. They show that Nash competition reduces regulatory standards relative to a centralized solution. There is a subtle di(cid:11)erence however between our main result and theirs: our claim is that if regulators implement centralized solutions on some aspect, but fail to coordinate on others, then the (cid:12)nal outcome may be worse than that under no coordination 4 at all. The interplay of di(cid:11)erent regulatory arms is central to our paper. Empirical evidence in support of international spillovers can be found in Peek and Rosen- gren (1997, 2000) who document that loan supply shocks emanating from Japan had real spillover e(cid:11)ects on economic activity in the U.S. through the Japanese bank penetration of the U.S. markets. Wagster (1988) (cid:12)nds that the ostensible purpose of the Basel Accord of 1988 to \level the playing (cid:12)eld" by eliminating a funding-cost advantage of Japanese banks was not achieved. Japanese bank shareholders gained 31:63% but the gains for shareholders of non-Japanese banks were insigni(cid:12)cant. Scott and Iwahara (1994) reinforce this (cid:12)nding attributing it to di(cid:11)erences between the U.S. and Japan in safety net policies. 3 Single economy model Our model builds upon the Allen and Gale (2000a) model of bubbles and crises, a two- date single-economy model of risk-shifting by investors who borrow money from lenders. We extend the modeltoincorporate(i)in(cid:12)nitehorizonwithrepeated one-periodinvestments; (ii) closurepolicyandcapitalrequirement asregulatorymechanisms; and (iii)multipleeconomies to study international spillovers. 3.1 Unregulated case We (cid:12)rst describe the model for the unregulated single economy case. Banks and depositors: The economy consists of a single banking sector with a single consumption good at each date t = 0;1;:::;1. (cid:15) There is a continuum of homogeneous banks, owned by risk-neutral intermediaries (re- ferred to as bankowners or equityholders), who have no wealth of their own. 4 Kane (2000), however, argues that technological improvements in o(cid:11)-shore (cid:12)nancial regulation force the domesticregulationstodiscreditineÆcientregulatorystrategies. Ourresultsarenotinconsistentwithsuchan outcome. Technologicalinnovation in regulation is bene(cid:12)cial to the regulated but has no social cost. On the otherhand,excessiveregulatoryforbearanceinourtheoryentailsthecostofgreaterinstability. Competition in technological innovation and competition in regulatory forbearance thus produce di(cid:11)erent outcomes. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............5 (cid:15) There is a continuum of risk-neutral depositors with D units to invest in each period and no investment opportunities. Hence, they lend their goods to banks. Bankowners and depositors have a common time-preference rate of (cid:12) 2 (0;1). Deposits take the form of a simple debt contract with a promised deposit rate that is not contingent on the size of deposit or on asset returns. Costly state veri(cid:12)cation as in Townsend (1979) 5 or Gale and Hellwig (1985) justi(cid:12)es such a simple debt contract. Since deposits cannot be conditioned on their size, they are inelastic and banks can borrow as much as they like at going rate of interest. Upon borrowing, bankowners solve a portfolio problem choosing the extent of investment in a safe asset and a risky asset. Safe asset: The safe asset pays a (cid:12)xed return r, in each period to investors. We interpret the safe asset as capital goods leased to the corporate sector (or riskless corporate debt). Competition in market for capital goods ensures that the rate of return on the safe asset is the marginal product of capital. We assume a neo-classical diminishing-returns-to-scale 0 00 0 0 production technology f(x), f (x) > 0, f (x) < 0, f (0) = 1, f (1) = 0, 8x > 0, and f(x) 0 continuous. The equilibriumrate of return is given by r = f (x), x being the total investment in the safe asset in current period. Risky asset: The risky asset is to be interpreted as bank investments that have variable returns. These could be loans to manufacturers, retailers, home-owners, etc. Each bank has 6 a local or a spatial monopolyover a set of entrepreneurs to whom itlends. The entrepreneurs holding the risky asset (a claim to their business pro(cid:12)ts) supply it to the bank in exchange 7 for good. For simplicity, the risky investments of di(cid:11)erent banks are perfectly correlated. The risky asset gives a gross return R next period on a unit of investment this period. The return R is assumed to be random. In particular, R (cid:24) h((cid:1)) over [0;Rmax] with mean R(cid:22). We assume that there is reward for bearing risk, i.e., R(cid:22) > r in each period. Note that both safe and risky assets are \loans" and any short-sales are ruled out. Costs of risky investments: Bankowners incur a non-pecuniary cost of investing in the risky asset. We want to introduce costs in a way that restricts the size of individualportfolios (a kind of e(cid:11)ort-aversion) and at the same time ensures that banks make positive expected 5 The lack of secondary trading in deposits also prevents deposit rates from being conditional upon ob- servablebank characteristics. This feature of deposits, asdistinct from tradedbank-notes (e.g. subordinated debt), has been noted by Gorton (1985) and Gorton and Mullineaux (1987). 6 Such monopolies can also be justi(cid:12)ed on the basis of information that banks obtain about borrowersby virtue of their being \inside lenders," as in Rajan (1992) and Sharpe (1990). 7 That is to say, each bank is holding a well-diversi(cid:12)ed portfolio that bears only systematic risks. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............6 8 pro(cid:12)ts. Pecuniary costs can be dealt with some diÆculty, but assuming non-pecuniary costs leads to a simple analysis and lets us illustrate our results in a succinct manner. The cost 0 0 00 function c(x) satis(cid:12)es the neo-classical assumptions: c(0) = 0, c(0) = 0, c(x) > 0, c (x) > 0, 8x > 0, and c(x) continuous. These increasing costs generate diminishing-returns-to-scalefor banks from risky investments as well. Investment choice of banks: We assume that bankowners consume in each period all pro(cid:12)ts generated in that period (if any), and similarly, depositors consume in each period any return on their deposits in that period (if any). This lets us examine each period of investment and consider its repetition in the in(cid:12)nite horizon, a simpli(cid:12)cation that keeps the problem tractable by reducing it to a stationary dynamic program. As discussed before, exclusive contracts required to discriminate between banks, or be- tween depositors, based on some observable characteristics are too costly to write. Hence, we considerthesymmetriccompetitiveequilibriumwhereallbanks, assumed smallandidentical, choose the same portfolio,and alldepositors charge the same rate of interest. Let XS and XR be the representative bank’s investments in the safe and the risky asset, respectively. Let rD and rS be the promised return on deposits and the return on safe asset, respectively. Then, the equilibrium is given by (XS;XR;rD;rS) where (i) (XS;XR) maximizes bankowners’ value given rD and rS; (ii) aggregate budget constraint is satis(cid:12)ed: XS +XR = D; (iii) short-sales 0 constraint is not violated: XS;XR (cid:21) 0; and (iv) market for safe asset clears: rS = f (XS). To characterize the equilibrium,note that when the realized return on bank’s investments is lower than the promised return to its depositors, the bank is in default. The deposit claim 9 being a \hard" claim cannot be renegotiated. A bank in default is closed and any returns on its investments are captured by the depositors. We consider bank bail outs later when we discuss regulation. Thus, there isdefaultat the end ofaperiodwhen rSXS+RXR < rD(XS+ c XS XR), i.e., when risky asset return is below a threshold return, R < R (cid:17) rD+(rD(cid:0)rS)(cid:1) XR. c As a result, for R < R , the bankowners get nothing. Then, each period expected payo(cid:11) of bankowners is given by Rmax v(XS;XR;rD;rS) = [(rS (cid:0)rD)XS +(R(cid:0)rD)XR] h(R)dR(cid:0)c(XR): (3.1) c R Z Denoting the continuation value of bankowners as V, their portfolio problem is: Rmax max XS; XR v(XS;XR;rD;rS)+(cid:12) V h(R)dR : (3.2) c R Z 8 These could be thought of as costs of loan initiation. Models that allow banks to choose the level of deposits often assume that the cost of deposits is increasing and convex in their level, e.g., Blum (1999). 9 Diamond and Rajan(2000), forexample, justify this on the basis of a collective actionor acoordination problembetweendisperseddepositorsinthepresenceofasequentialserviceconstraintinthedepositcontract. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............7 It follows that in any equilibrium, the contracted rate of interest on deposits, rD, must 10 be equal to the rate of return on the safe asset, rS. We denote this common rate as simply r. Under this simpli(cid:12)cation, bankowners’ each period expected payo(cid:11) is Rmax v(r;XR) = (R(cid:0)r)XR h(R)dR(cid:0)c(XR); (3.3) r Z where the safe investment, XS, has dropped out from the bankowners’ payo(cid:11) and is deter- mined from the aggregate budget constraint as residual investment, XS = D(cid:0)XR. (cid:3) Denoting the solution to bankowners’ portfolio problem in equation (3.2) as X^R(r), the (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) 0 equilibriumisdeterminedby the(cid:12)xed-point[r ;XR], where XR = X^R(r ), andr = f (XS) = 0 (cid:3) f [D (cid:0) XR]. We assume that the deposit base is suÆciently large (D is large), or that the net return on risky asset diminishes with scale suÆciently quickly (c((cid:1)) is convex enough), so 11 as to ensure an interior choice of XR, and in turn, a solution to this (cid:12)xed-point problem. Finally, the simple nature of deposit contract prevents bankowners from committing to inter-temporal investment decisions. Hence, the investment policy in each future period is sub-game perfect, so that in equilibrium Rmax Rmax 2 2 V = v(r;XR)+(cid:12) v(r;XR) h(R)dR+(cid:12) v(r;XR) h(R)dR +::: r r Z (cid:20)Z (cid:21) v(r;XR) (cid:3) = Rmax ; with XR = X^R(r); as above: (3.4) 1(cid:0)(cid:12) r h(R)dR R We wish to compare the bankowners’ investment choice with the investment choice that maximizes the value of the bank as a whole, i.e., the sum of the value of depositors’ claim 10 The argument is as follows: (i) If rD > rS, then bankowners lose with certainty (rD (cid:0)rS) on each unit c of safe investment, and since R increases in XS, they fail often as well. Thus, it is optimal for bankowners 0 to make no investment in the safe asset at all, i.e., XS = 0. In equilibrium, however rS = f (0) = 1, and banks must (cid:12)nd it optimal to invest in the safe asset, a contradiction. (ii) On the other hand, if rD < rS, then bankowners have access to a free arbitrage technology and earn with certainty (rD (cid:0)rS) on each unit of safe investment. Thus, their demand responsefor safe investments is in(cid:12)nite. This must violate either the short-sales constraint (XR (cid:21) 0) or the aggregate budget constraint (XS +XR = D), and hence, cannot be an equilibrium. Thus, the only possibility in equilibrium is that rD =rS. 11 Note that with a positivelevelof riskyinvestment, thereis default in at leastsome statesand hence, the expectedrateofreturnondepositsissmallerthanrD,thepromisedrateofreturn. Ifthedepositorscouldin- rD vestdirectlyinthesafeasset,theywouldchargeahigherratesuchthatrS =rD(cid:1)Pr[R>rD]+ 0 Rh(R)dR: The safe investments currently made by banks would be made by depositors instead. The details of this ex- R tension are available from the author upon request. What drives our results is the equityholder-bondholder con(cid:13)ict which arises in models with standard debt contract, as long as a pre-commitment of (the entire set of) investment policies of equityholders is not feasible. Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?..............8 and the value of bank’s equity. Denote the expected payo(cid:11) for the whole bank in each period as w(r;XR) and the expected continuation value as W. Then, w(r;XR) = rXS +R(cid:22)XR (cid:0)c(XR) = rD+(R(cid:22) (cid:0)r)XR (cid:0)c(XR); (3.5) and for an investment policy XR, w(r;XR) W = Rmax : (3.6) 1(cid:0)(cid:12) r h(R)dR Denotingthe solutioRntobank-valuemaximizationproblem asX^Ro(r), the equilibrium[ro;XRo] is given by ro = f0[D(cid:0)XRo], where XRo = X^Ro(r). 3.2 Risk-shifting incentives of bankowners This brings us to the classic problem of \risk-shifting" or \asset-substitution" by equityhold- ers, studied in corporate (cid:12)nance by Jensen and Meckling (1976), Green (1984), John and John (1993), etc., and in credit-rationing by Stiglitz and Weiss (1981). Proposition 1 (Risk-shifting) The bankowners invest more in risky asset than is optimal (cid:3) o for bank-value maximization, i.e., XR > XR. In equilibrium, the likelihood of bank’s default (cid:3) o is greater than in the benchmark case of bank-value maximization, i.e., r > r . In the presence of a simple debt contract, bankowners do not bear the cost of a low return on their investments. This truncation of payo(cid:11) leads to a preference for risk. Formally, the Rmax 0 (cid:12)rst order condition to bankowners’ maximization(3.2) is r (R(cid:0)r)h(R)dR(cid:0)c(XR) = 0, which can be rewritten in a more convenient form as R r 0 R(cid:22) + (r(cid:0)R)h(R)dR = r+c(XR): (3.7) 0 Z LHS represents the marginalbene(cid:12)t to bankowners froma unitofrisky investment: the mean r return, R(cid:22), plus the \option" term, (r (cid:0)R)h(R)dR. RHS represents the marginal cost to 0 bankowners of a unit of risky investment: the cost of borrowingplus the cost of makingloans. R On the other hand, the (cid:12)rm-value maximization ignores the transfers between depositors and equityholders. The (cid:12)rst order condition for the bank-value maximization problem is 0 R(cid:22) = r+c(XR); (3.8) where the marginal bene(cid:12)t from a unit of investment is simply the mean return, R(cid:22) without the additional\option" term present in equityholders’ maximization(equation 3.7) is absent.