EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 DOI10.1007/s11692-012-9166-7 RESEARCH ARTICLE Is the Evolution of Viviparity Accompanied by a Relative Increase in Maternal Abdomen Size in Lizards? Yan-Yan Sun • Yu Du • Jing Yang • Tian-Bao Fu • Chi-Xian Lin • Xiang Ji Received:23November2011/Accepted:4February2012/Publishedonline:24February2012 (cid:2)SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2012 Abstract Female reptiles with viviparous reproduction oviparous and viviparous females in one species pair, but should leave space for their eggs that reach the maximum was greater in viviparous females in the other two pairs mass and volume in the oviducts. Is the evolution of vivi- greaterinrelativeclutchmassandrelativelittermass.Inthe parity accompanied by a relative increase in maternal two Phrynocephalus species, viviparous females produced abdomensize,thusallowingviviparousfemalestoincrease heavier clutches than did oviparous females not by theamountofspaceforeggs?Toanswerthisquestion,we increasing the relative size of the abdomen, but by being compared morphology and reproductive output between morefullofeggs.Innoneofthethreespeciespairswasthe oviparousandviviparousspeciesusingthreepairsoflizards, maternal abdomen size greater in the viviparous species which included two Eremias, two Eutropis and two afteraccountingforbodysize.Ourdatashowthattheevo- Phrynocephalusspecieswithdifferentreproductivemodes. lutionofviviparityisnotaccompaniedbyarelativeincrease The two lizards in each pair differed morphologically, but in maternal abdomen size in lizards. Future work could weresimilarinthepatterns ofsexualdimorphisminabdo- usefully investigate other lineages of lizards to determine men and head sizes and the rates at which reproductive whetherourresultsaregeneralisabletoalllizards. output increased with maternal body and abdomen sizes. Postpartum females were heavier in viviparous species, Keywords Lizards (cid:2) Reproductive mode (cid:2) Morphology (cid:2) suggesting that the strategy adopted by females to allocate Reproductive output (cid:2) Body-volume constraint (cid:2) energytowardscompetingdemandsdiffersbetweenovipa- Sexual dimorphism rous and viviparous species. Reproductive output was increased in one viviparous species, but decreased in the othertwo,ascomparedwithcongenericoviparousspecies. Introduction The space requirement for eggs did not differ between Life-history traits differ among species, among popula- tions, and among individuals within a population. Such Y.-Y.Sun(cid:2)J.Yang(cid:2)T.-B.Fu(cid:2)X.Ji(&) differences are assumed to have been shaped by natural JiangsuKeyLaboratoryforBiodiversityandBiotechnology, selection, favoring the evolution of mechanisms and traits CollegeofLifeSciences,NanjingNormalUniversity, that maximize fitness, thus resulting in optimization or Nanjing210046,Jiangsu,China e-mail:[email protected] adaptation to the prevailing environmental conditions (Stearns 1992; Roff 2002; Pigliucci 2003). Studies of life- Y.-Y.Sun history variation at different levels address distinct but HangzhouKeyLaboratoryforAnimalAdaptationand complementary questions, and can provide a basis for Evolution,SchoolofLifeSciences,HangzhouNormal University,Hangzhou310036,Hangzhou,China understanding the causes and evolutionary processes for suchvariation.Reproductiveoutput,measuredasaproduct Y.Du(cid:2)C.-X.Lin ofoffspringsizeandnumber,whicharebothtightlylinked HainanKeyLaboratoryforHerpetologicalResearch,School to fitness, is a fundamental life-history trait that is subject ofLifeSciences,QiongzhouUniversity,Wuzhishan572200, Hainan,China totrade-offsandconstraints(Williams1966;Hirshfieldand 123 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 389 Tinkle 1975; Stearns 1992; Roff 2002; Shine 2005). Body morphology and reproductive output between oviparous size and shape are among the key determinants of repro- and viviparous species, better by using related species to ductive output in diverse animal taxa where selection on minimize bias from phylogenetic and/or ecological differ- these two morphological variables yields a strong corre- ences (Qualls and Shine 1995). lated response in reproductive output (Kaplan and Salthe In the present study, we used three pairs of lizards of 1979; Wickman and Karlsson 1989; Isaac 2005; Lourdais which eachincludedtwocongeneric species withdifferent et al. 2006; Goodman et al. 2009). reproductive modes to test the above hypothesis. The first Like many other animal taxa, lizards can be sexually pair included two Eremias lizards (Lacertidae), E. argus dimorphic in body size and shape, and in particular, two (oviparous) and E. multiocellata (viviparous) coexisting in aspects differing between the sexes are the greater relative Inner Mongolia, northern China. The second pair included headsizeinmalesandthegreaterrelativeabdomensizein two Eutropis (formerly the genus Mabuya) lizards (Scin- females(Bran˜a1996;Olssonetal.2002a;Coxetal.2003; cidae), Eu. longicaudata (oviparous) and Eu. multifasciata Kratochv´ıl et al. 2003; Pincheira-Donoso and Tregenza (viviparous) coexisting in Hainan, southern China. The 2011). The causes of sexual dimorphism are complex, but third pair included two Phrynocephalus lizards (Agami- most sexually dimorphic traits are believed to be directly dae), P. axillaris (oviparous) and P. forsythii (viviparous) linked to the reproductive role of each sex (Bulte´ et al. coexisting in Xinjiang, northwestern China. The two spe- 2008).Inlizards,forexample,thegreaterrelativeheadsize cies in each pair are similar ecologically in terms of habi- benefits males in bouts of male–male combat (Huyghe tat and thermal preferences, food habits and general et al. 2005; Lappin and Husak 2005; Shine 2005; see also behavior (Huang 1998;Zhao 1998a, b).For example,both Kratochv´ıl and Frynta 2002), and may have a secondary Eu. longicaudata and Eu. multifasciata are insectivorous, roleinamplifyingfoodnichedivergencebetweenthesexes use lowland habitats in forest edges, and mostly occur in and thus reducing intersexual resource competition (Bran˜a places with direct sun exposure (Huang 2006; Ji et al. 1996; Zhang and Ji 2004). In females, increased repro- 2006). Among these six species, only E. argus is a multi- ductive output may result from a relative increase in clutched species (Wang et al. 2011), females of the two abdomen size, which causes an increase in the amount of Eutropis species often reproduce once within a breeding abdominalspaceavailabletoholdeggs (VittandCongdon season (Huang 2006; Ji et al. 2006), and females of the 1978; Shine 1992; Olsson et al. 2002a; Goodman et al. remaining three species always reproduce once in a single 2009; Bleu et al. 2012). year (Li et al. 2006, 2011; Wang 2011). Most oviparous lizards lay eggs at embryonic stages grouping around Stage 30 in Dufaure and Hubert’s (1961) developmental series (Shine 1983; Andrews and Mathies Materials and Methods 2000). Pliable-shelled eggs laid by oviparous lizards and eggs retained in the oviducts both take up substantial AdultsEremiasargus(82femalesand92males)andadult amounts of water, and expand accordingly, during E. multiocellata (70 females and 75 males) were collected embryonic development (Vleck 1991; Qualls and Shine between April and May of 2007–2008 in an area between 1995; Qualls and Andrews 1999), with rapid water uptake Wulatehouqi (41(cid:3)270N, 106(cid:3)590E) and Baotou (41(cid:3)340N, taking place after Stage 30 (Shadrix et al. 1994; Ji and 108(cid:3)310E)inInnerMongolia.AdultEutropislongicaudata Zhang2001;Jietal.2002;Quetal.2011b).Althougheggs (24 females and 24 males) and adult Eu. multifasciata (78 in the oviducts absorb less water than eggs in the nests females and 44 males) were collected between March and because the ability of eggs to absorb water is constrained July of 2010–2011 in an area between Lingshui (18(cid:3)480N, physically in the oviducts (Sun 2009), viviparous females 110(cid:3)020E) and Ledong (18(cid:3)730N, 109(cid:3)170E) in Hainan. should leave space for their eggs that reach the maximum Adult Phrynocephalus axillaris (34 females and 34 males) mass and volume in the oviducts. This increase in space and adult P. forsythii (39 females and 30 males) were requirement reduces the maximum level of reproductive collected between May and June of 2010–2011 in an area output at which females are physically full of eggs. This between Aksu (41(cid:3)150N, 80(cid:3)290E) and Luntai (41(cid:3)770N, raises the question: is the evolution of viviparity accom- 84(cid:3)250E) in Xinjian. Males were released at their point of panied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size, capturefollowingthecollectionofmorphologicaldatawith thusallowingviviparousfemalestoincreasetheamountof Mitutoyo digital calipers. Measurements taken for each space available to hold eggs? If so, one may hypothesize individual included snout-vent length (SVL), abdomen that body plans should differ between oviparous and length (AL;the distance between thepointsofinsertion of viviparous females, and in particular, selection should thefore-andhind-limbs),headlength(HL;fromthesnout favor the evolution of a larger abdomen size in viviparous to the posterior edge of the skull for Phrynocephalus liz- females. To test this hypothesis, one needs to compare ards without the external auditory meatus, and to the 123 390 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 anterior edge of the external auditory meatus for other performed with Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft, Tulsa, USA). lizards) andhead width (HW, taken at the posterior endof Throughout this paper, values were presented as mean ± the mandible). standard error (SE), and the significance level was set at WetransportedEutropisfemalestoWuzhishan,andother a = 0.05. females to Nanjing. Between 6 and 10 individuals were housed in each 900 9 650 9 600 mm (length 9 width 9 height)communalcage,inanindooranimalholdingfacility. Results The cages contained a substrate of moist soil (Eutropis females)orsand(otherfemales),withlitterlayersandpieces Females didnotdiffer from males in mean SVL infour of of clay tiles provided as shelter and basking sites. Thermo- thesixspecies(ANOVA;allP[0.185);femaleswerethe regulatory opportunities were provided between 07:00 and smallersexinP.axillaris(F = 27.67,P\0.0001)but 1,66 19:00 hbya100 Wfull-spectrumlampsuspendedoverone the larger sex in P. forsythii (F = 62.16, P\0.0001) 1, 67 end of the cage; overnight temperatures followed indoor (Table 1).AL,HLandHWwerepositivelyrelatedtoSVL temperatures varying from 21 to 28(cid:3)C in Wuzhishan, and in each species 9 sex combination (linear regression from18to26(cid:3)CinNanjing.Mealworms(Tenebriomolitor) analysis; all P\0.0001). AL, HL and HW differed and house crickets (Achetusdomestica) dustedwith multiv- between the sexes (MANOVA on regression residuals of itaminsandmineralsandwaterwereprovideddaily,sothat the three variables against SVL; all P\0.0001), and excessfoodwasalwaysavailableinthecommunalcages. between the two species (all P\0.0001), in each species Females were isolated from each other using dividers pair.Thesex 9 speciesinteractionwasasignificantsource that created 400 9300 9 400 mm (Eutropis females) or of variation in these three variables in Eremias (Wilks’ 200 9 200 9 200 mm (other females) chambers in the k = 0.80, df = 3,313, P\0.0001) and Eutropis (Wilks’ casethattheylaideggsorgave birthduringthesame time k = 0.90, df = 3,164, P\0.001) lizards, but not in period in the same cage, such that eggs or neonates Phrynocephalus lizards (Wilks’ k = 0.97, df = 3,131, (= hatchlings in oviparous species) could be accurately P = 0.339). Females were larger in AL but smaller in HL allocatedtothemother.Noneofthesefemaleswasisolated and HW than males of the same SVL, and sexual differ- formorethan48 h,anda25 Wheatinglightwasmounted encesweremorepronouncedinALthaninHLandHW,in in each divider to allow thermoregulation. Eggs were col- allspecies(Fig. 1).NeitherinmalesnorinfemalesdidAL lected, measured and weighed less than 6 h post-laying, differbetweenP.axillarisandP.forsythiiafteraccounting andwerethenincubatedattemperaturesvaryingfrom26to for body size (ANCOVA with SVL as the covariate; both 30(cid:3)C. Hatchlings were collected, weighed and measured P[0.141)(Fig. 2).Intheothertwospeciespairs,ALwas less than 6 h post-hatching or post-parturition. Postpartum longer in the oviparous species in both females and females were weighed and measured, and were then malesafteraccountingforbodysize(ANCOVAwithSVL released at their point of capture, usually within 1 month asthecovariate;allP\0.001)(Fig. 2).SettingSVLatthe after oviposition or parturition. Relative clutch mass overall mean level for single species pairs, we found (RCM,foroviparousspecies)orrelativelittermass(RLM, that: (1) adult E. argus were longer in AL than adult forviviparousspecies)wascalculatedbydividingclutchor E. multiocellata by an average of 2.1 mm in males, and litter mass by the postpartum body mass (Shine 1992). To by an average of 0.6 mm in females; and (2) adult make data comparable between oviparous and viviparous Eu. longicaudata were longer in AL than adult Eu. multi- species, we defined reproductive output as the total wet fasciata by an average of 5.6 mm in males, and by an mass of hatchlings produced in a single reproductive average of 2.8 mm in females. episode. FemaleE.arguslaidthefirstclutchof2–6eggsbetween We used linear regressionanalysis,one-wayanalysisof May and June; female E. multiocellata produced a single variance (ANOVA), one-way analysis of covariance litter of 2–5 young between June and August. Of the 24 (ANCOVA),multivariateanalysisofvariance(MANOVA) female Eu. Longicaudata, 15 laid a single clutch of 5–9 and partial correlation analysis to analyze corresponding eggsbetweenAprilandJulyandtheremainingninedidnot data. The homogeneity of slopes was checked prior to lay eggs for unknown reason; female Eu. multifasciata using ANCOVA to examine differences in the adjusted produced a single litter of 3–9 young between March and means. Regression residuals were calculated and analyzed July. Female P. axillaris laid a single clutch of 2–4 eggs when allslopes differedfromzerobutwere unequal.Prior between May and July; female P. forsythii produced a to parametric analyses, we tested data for normality using singlelitterof2–8youngbetweenJuneandJuly(Table 2). the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and for homogeneity of Postpartum body mass was greater in the viviparous variances using the Bartlett’s test (univariate level) or the species in each of the three species pairs after accounting Box’s M test (multivariate level). Statistical analyses were for body size (ANCOVA with SVL as the covariate; all 123 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 391 3 3 1 1 P\0.03). Fecundity (clutch or litter size) was positively Males 30 47.7±0. 45.0–52.4 23.6±0. 21.5–28.6 12.4±0. 11.4–14.0 10.6±0. 9.9–12.2 r(eFliagt.ed4),toinmaaltlernsaplecSieVsL(l(iFneiga.r3r)e,garnesdsioton manaatelyrnsaisl; AaLll P\0.021) except E. multiocellata (both P[0.462). Pforsythii. Females 39 53.3±0.6 45.2–60.7 29.9±0.4 24.0–34.7 12.1±0.1 10.9–13.2 10.7±0.1 9.6–11.8 FFabeesccouulnnuddteiittyytwewramassshhiig(gAhheNerrOiniVnEAt.h;meuFolt1vi,iopc1ae5rl0olau=tsa6stph.6ea5cn,ieinsPEin=.at0hrg.e0u1tsw1i)no. Eutropis lizards, but lower in the oviparous species in the 4 3 1 2 uslizards Males 34 51.6±0. 46.1–56.5 25.5±0. 22.0–28.6 13.8±0. 11.3–15.9 11.8±0. 10.1–14.4 tbcwoovotharPPiah\trey;n0bo.o0ct0ehp4h)Paa\lnuds0r.l0eizl3aa)tridtveser,m(iAsn.NbCotOhVaAbswoliuthteS(VALNOasVtAhe; al Phrynoceph Paxillaris. Females 34 48.4±0.4 43.1–53.2 25.9±0.4 21.5–30.2 12.3±0.1 11.0–13.9 10.6±0.1 9.0–12.3 S(oluVintRLpeueap(trFrworiegdag.usr3ce)thsi,svigiaeohnneodruattonpinaumltythawsteiesa;rsvnaipavllolispAiPatLir\voeu(lFs0yi.g0srp.0eel54ac))ti.,eedisRnetioapnlrlmotdhsapueteecrcttinwiveaoesl 9 Phrynocephaluslizards,butlowerintheviviparousspecies dsspecies ata Males 44 109.2±0. 98.4–120.5 48.7±0.5 43.2–55.4 20.7±0.2 18.7–22.9 12.8±0.1 11.4–14.0 iPinat\eo;th0ae.0lrl2t)Pwa\onds0pr.ee0cl1ai)etisvteepram(iArssN.,CiAnONbVCoAtOhVwaAbitssholSwuVtietLh(AarseNpthOroeVdcuAoc;vtiaavrle-l zar sci 6 output as the covariate showed that: (1) maternal SVL thesixli umultifa. emales 8 09.1±0. 8.5–125.2 3.0±0.5 5.3–63.9 9.5±0.1 7.6–22.3 1.8±0.1 0.8–13.3 P(F\1, 104.900=011)1w6.e9r9e,gPre\ate0r.0i0n0t1h)eavnidviApaLro(uFs1,sp1e49ci=es6in2.3th0e, for E F 7 1 9 5 4 1 1 1 1 two Eremias lizards; (2) maternal SVL (F1, 90 = 0.07, ologicalvariablesmeasured Eutropislizards Eulongicaudata. aMalesFemales 2424 112.3±1.6114.7±1.3 100.1–128.0101.3–127.9 57.5±0.957.0±0.8 49.7–65.549.2–62.8 20.7±0.222.7±0.3 18.7–22.719.2–25.7 12.9±0.214.3±0.2 11.0–14.411.7–16.6 (tdPpaw(w3Fsiahf)=r1ofett,ehmur7rePe0m0aa.sht7ds=iebrg8erymon8pnn4di)eaao.fiynlt5cecad6meSrane,npVndanahPtsLtllasyAl=AvaudLabsLsirde0itt(a.whlw0Finbeza3o1leasec6,tero)gnd9dsvr0s(hieatFfoh=afr(iweietFgaer.3et1rte,sdw.5i8i)nag7o6.tn0nh,tAdEhia=fiPetNuc:clt3vaC=ur(.ino1t4Ovctp)90ilhVipy.,Rs0aoAbC5rPlroie3Mzlwut=)iawtsirttdededsh0riepsi.dd;n0emp6coanntai6nsheoost)dess-tt, ph differfromRLMinthetwoEremiaslizards(F = 0.05, ±SEandrange,formor Emultiocellata. FemalesMales 7075 61.6±0.560.8±0.5 55.1–72.755.0–77.1 32.1±0.328.5±0.3 26.2–38.924.2–37.3 12.9±0.114.6±0.1 11.9–14.411.1–16.4 9.1±0.110.0±0.1 8.2–10.18.7–11.7 inthelaboratory RlEPtPihzuC\r=ateHMrreoda00pst..cwo0i8(hsv02Fali0s6ip1ln1,)iasgz;)7rm.a0o(mr2uaTd=a)lsshlseeR2srs(0pCFwmt.eh7M1ac,ea7sian,e9dwnsP0eRap=\h(LselaiMngtn70cdre4.hee0a.ilan2n0ritnt00etg,o1rrhen)ePgtmh(erTt\aeagwnsasgsobs0iRmlo.ePo0Lnau0h2sMt0r1)sway.,1nan1e)ia4t;noi9lglcyaahteshynepieisddhn;agttwl(ahu3ilnoes)l s edasmean ds Males 92 56.8±0.4 47.1–67.6 28.4±0.2 21.4–36.5 13.3±0.1 10.8–15.9 9.0±0.1 7.6–11.0 15laidegg Pmm.eaasasnxioelulgatgwrisemiga(hsTseadbblyeth02e.)1.m1OeganninthhaEetc.hcaolrinngtguras,mryaa,nsdsthbebyym00e..20a4n8ggegiinng stics,express Eremiaslizar Eargus. Females 82 56.6±0.4 47.3–64.3 29.8±0.2 24.2–33.6 11.9±0.1 10.5–13.3 8.4±0.03 7.5–9.2 ongicaudata, rrEaeerulgoa.rutelseosdnssipgtooeinccmaiaeuansdtaea(lartynalslai(PslT;S[aaVblllL0e.P1i2n0\)7.th)H0r(.ae0Fte0cigh4v.l)ii,v3ni)bgp.uaHmtroanautsocssthswlipinnaegstchipmeroesases(iltsoiinvvweeipaalysr- Table1Descriptivestati N Snout-ventlength(mm) Abdomenlength(mm) Headlength(mm) Headwidth(mm) aEuLOfthe24female. tapos(mwApnonaeaoseNscilstyoOiiesvPvVsidiehspilA;rdya(ybar;nolornloeFutohlcPs1ate,t(\pePE1dhd5ui[a00f.tfl.oul0e=0ors4.mn)50g,b9al.ii0ebt4czet1ua)awr,turned(dnaPFesalonitt=gAa(.i)ALtnh40sNe).pti9.hneO1ectT3Vwtiohe)hAo,trsehe;(neelEmorinFvrrteeeiw1vama,bniorepi7atraow1ehsrvgaoe=irtuelpceinsazhs2rsal.aoii3tronnhud8ngdess, 123 392 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 Fig.1 Meanvalues(±SE)for regressionresidualsofabdomen length,headlengthandhead widthagainstsnout-ventlength. Solidbarsfemales;andopen barsmales.Numbersinthe figurearedifferencesinmean regressionresidualbetweenthe sexes P = 0.128).InthetwoEutropislizards,themeanhatchling the larger sex in abdomen size (AL) and males were the mass was greater in the oviparous species (ANOVA; largersexinheadsize(HLandHW),andALwassexually F = 10.89, P\0.002) (Table 2). Holding maternal more dimorphic than HL and HW, in all species (Fig. 1). 1, 91 SVL constant with a partial correlation analysis, we found Sexual differences in body-volume primarily result from a significant negative correlation between size (mass) and differencesinAL,asinnospeciesinvolvedinthisstudydo number of offspring in all species (all r\-0.24, and all the width and height of the abdomen differ between males P\0.04) except Eu. longicaudata (r = -0.02, t = 0.06, andnon-reproductivefemalesafteraccountingforSVL(Li df = 12, P = 0.956). 2009; Sun 2009; Wang 2011). These observations suggest that AL provides a good index of room available for eggs in both oviparous and viviparous species. The trade-off Discussion betweensizeandnumberofoffspringwassignificantinall species except Eu. longicaudata. The lack of such a trade- This study demonstrated for the first time male-biased off in Eu. longicaudata where females rarely reproduce sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in P. axillaris and female- twice in a single year might be due to the limited sample biased SSD in P. forsythii, and confirmed the lack of SSD size (Table 2), as female lizards reproducing less fre- inthetwoEremiaslizards(Lietal.2006;Liu2006).Male- quently are often found to tradeoff offspring size against biased SSD as reported previously for the two Eutropis number (Sinervo and Licht 1991; Olsson et al. 2002b; lizards(Huang2006;Jietal.2006)wasnotdetectedinthis Li et al. 2009, 2011; Qu et al. 2011a; Wang et al. 2011). study. Morphological data were collected previously from Postpartumfemaleswereheavierintheviviparousspecies 153 adult Eu. longicaudata (82 females and 71 males; in each of the three species pairs. The finding suggests that Huang2006)and313adultEu.multifasciata(189females the strategy adopted by reproducing females to allocate and124males;Jietal.2006),farmorethanthenumberof energy towards competing demands differs between ovipa- individuals measured in this study, thus allowing more rous and viviparous species. Energy available to a female accurate determination of the SSD pattern. Females were shouldbeallocatedtowardsthreemaincompetingdemands, 123 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 393 Fig.2 Linear regressions of abdomen length against snout-vent middle: Eutropis lizards; and plots on the right: Phrynocephalus lengthforfemalesandmales.Soliddotsoviparousspecies;opendots lizards. The regression equations and coefficients are given in the viviparous species; plots on the left: Eremias lizards; plots in the figure Table2 Descriptivestatistics,expressedasmean±SEandrange,forfemalereproductivetraitsofthesixlizardspecies Eremiaslizards Eutropislizards Phrynocephaluslizards E.argus E.multiocellata Eu.longicaudata Eu.multifasciata P.axillaris P.forsythii N 82 70 15 78 34 39 Maternalsnout-ventlength(mm) 56.5±0.4 61.6±0.5 113.6±2.1 109.1±0.6 48.4±0.4 53.3±0.6 47.3–64.3 55.1–72.7 100.1–128.0 98.5–125.2 43.1–53.2 45.2–60.7 Postpartumbodymass(g) 3.5±0.07 4.6±0.1 27.5±1.9 29.3±0.6 3.3±0.1 4.6±0.1 2.1–5.4 2.8–7.0 15.2–37.3 19.9–42.5 1.8–4.6 3.1–6.8 Clutchorlittersize 3.5±0.1 3.1±0.1 6.5±0.3 5.2±0.2 2.6±0.2 4.8±0.2 2–6 2–5 5–9 3–9 2–4 2–8 Eggmass(g) 0.40±0.01 – 1.40±0.05 – 0.53±0.02 – 0.24–0.63 1.11–1.91 0.32–0.71 Hatchlingmass(g) 0.51±0.01 0.51±0.01 1.16±0.05 1.05±0.01 0.61±0.02 0.57±0.01 0.30–0.80 0.33–0.69 0.92–1.65 0.77–1.35 0.37–0.82 0.46–0.70 Relativeclutchorlittermass 0.40±0.01 0.34±0.01 0.34±0.02 0.19±0.01 0.42±0.02 0.61±0.03 0.20–0.86 0.16–0.63 0.20–0.54 0.09–0.30 0.22–0.78 0.30–1.01 Reproductiveoutputa(g) 1.71±0.05 1.53±0.05 7.54±0.51 5.49±0.21 1.58±0.08 2.74±0.13 0.93–3.10 0.89–2.44 4.92–12.01 2.32–10.83 0.84–2.55 1.00–4.20 a Reproductiveoutputisdefinedasthetotalmassofhatchlingsproducedinsinglereproductiveepisode 123 394 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 Fig.3 Linear regressions of fecundity (clutch or litter size), repro- plotsontheright:Phrynocephaluslizards.Fortherelationshipsthat ductiveoutputandhatchlingmassagainstmaternalsnout-ventlength. aresignificant,theregressionequationsandcoefficientsaregivenin Solid dots oviparous species; open dots viviparous species; plots on thefigure the left: Eremias lizards; plots in the middle: Eutropis lizards; and maintenance, growth and reproduction. Reproduction has a postpartum body condition at the expense of current repro- lowerpriorityinenergyallocationinmanyanimals,andonly ductive investment, or devote more energy to fuel repro- is allowed after meeting the energetic requirements for duction attheexpenseofpostpartumbodycondition, likely maintenanceandgrowth(Congdonetal.1982;Lucas1996; reflects a strategy adopted by her to maximize lifetime McNab 2002; Kubicˇka and Kratochv´ıl 2009; Luo et al. reproductivesuccess.Ourdatashowthatviviparousfemales 2010). As the total energy available to any female is finite, aremorelikelytoadopttheformerstrategy,presumablydue shecannotimproveherpostpartumbodyconditionwithouta totheimportanceofpostpartumbodyconditionformaternal concomitant reduction in the amount of energy allocated fitness in viviparous females with more restricted opportu- towards reproduction. Thus,a female’sdecisiontoimprove nities to acquire energy, either as a consequence of the 123 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 395 Fig.4 Linear regressions of fecundity, reproductive output and lizards; plots in the middle: Eutropis lizards; and plots on the right: hatchlingmassagainstmaternalabdomenlength.Soliddotsoviparous Phrynocephaluslizards.Fortherelationshipsthataresignificant,the species; open dots viviparous species; plots on the left: Eremias regressionequationsandcoefficientsaregiveninthefigure reducedlocomotorcapacitywhentheyaregravid(Bauwens thansmalleronesinbothoviparousandviviparousspecies and Thoen 1981; Miles et al. 2000; Shine 2003; Kratochv´ıl (Fig. 3), thus validating the expectation that females and Kubicˇka 2007; Lin et al. 2008), or because gestation increase reproductive output by increasing body size shortenstheseasonsuitableforforaging. overall.However,contrarytowhatwasexpectedinnoneof Under the body-volume constraints hypothesis, females the three species pairs did we find that viviparous females areexpectedtobeunlikelytoincreasereproductiveoutput increased reproductive output by increasing the relative withoutincreasingbodysizeoveralland/ortherelativesize size of the abdomen. of the abdomen (Qualls and Shine 1995; Goodman et al. We found in the two Phrynocephalus lizards that 2009; Griffith 2009). Our data show that larger females reproductive output was greater in the viviparous species produce heavier clutches (offspring heavier in total mass) in both absolute (Table 2) and relative (Fig. 3) terms. 123 396 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 Fig.5 Linearregressionsofmaternalsnout-ventlengthandabdomen lizards. Regression lines in each plot were adjusted for two species lengthagainstreproductiveoutput.Soliddotsoviparousspecies;open with a common slope to facilitate comparisons. The corrected dotsviviparousspecies;plotsontheleft:Eremiaslizards;plotsinthe regressionequationsaregiveninthefigure middle: Eutropis lizards; and plots on the right: Phrynocephalus This result is similar to that reported for Lerista bou- be viewed as a way of allowing them to produce offspring gainvillii, a reproductively bimodal scincid lizard where heavier in total mass than female P. axillaris, as the linear viviparous females produce heavier clutches than their slope of reproductive output on maternal SVL did not conspecific oviparous females (Qualls and Shine 1995). differ between the two species (ANCOVA; F = 2.28, 1, 69 However, reproductive output could have been overesti- P = 0.136; Fig. 3). Sexual dimorphism in AL was less mated in the study of L. bougainvillii where it was calcu- evidentinP.forsythiithaninP.axillaris(Fig. 1),andinno lated by subtracting the mass of a female after parturition sex did the relative AL differed between P. forsythii and from her mass before parturition, including the mass of P. axillaris (Fig. 2). These observations suggest that fluids lost in the course of parturition (Qualls and Shine female P. forsythii produce offspring heavier in total mass 1995). Our study avoided this problem by defining repro- than female P. axillaris not by increasing the relative size ductiveoutputasthetotalmassofhatchlingsproducedina of the abdomen. Maternal AL was greater in P. forsythii single reproductive episode, thus providing stronger evi- thaninP.axillarisafteraccountingforreproductiveoutput dence that the evolution of viviparity can be accompanied (Fig. 5).Thisresulttogetherwiththelackofadifferencein byanincreaseinreproductiveoutputinlizards(Quallsand the relative maternal AL between the two species suggest Shine 1995). In viviparous lizards such as Sphenomorphus that female P. forsythii produce heavier clutches than indicus (Ji and Du 2000) and Phrynocephalus vlangalii female P. axillaris by being more full of eggs. (Zhang et al. 2005), female-biased SSD may results in Reproductive output was reduced in the viviparous increased reproductive output. We did find female-biased speciesintheothertwospeciespairs(Table 2;Fig. 3).Do SSDinP.forsythii,andthatfemaleP.forsythiiwerelarger viviparous females in these two species pairs compensate than female P. axillaris in SVL (Table 1). However, this for reduced reproductive output by increasing body size increase in overall body size in female P. forsythii cannot overall?Ouranswertothisquestionisnoforthreereasons. 123 EvolBiol(2012)39:388–399 397 First, if they could do so, the SSD pattern would differ P. axillaris (0.42), and relative litter mass was lower in between two Eremias lizards, and male-biased SSD would Eu.multifasciata(0.19)thaninE.multiocellata(0.34)and be less evident in Eu. multifasciata as compared with P.forsythii(0.61).Thus,thelackofasignificantdifferencein Eu. longicaudata. In opposition to these expectations, thespacerequirementforeggsbetweentheEutropislizards adults are not sexually dimorphic in body size in the two could be attributable to their lower levels of reproductive Eremiaslizards(Lietal.2006;Liu2006;Table 1),andthe investment. two Eutropis lizards display almost the same degree of In summary, our data show that the two lizards in each male-biased SSD in both absolute (males are larger than species pair differ morphologically, but are similar in the females by an average of 5 mm SVL in each species) patterns of sexual dimorphism in abdomen and head sizes and relative (1.044 in Eu. multifasciata, and 1.049 in and the rates at which reproductive output increases with Eu. longicaudata) terms (Huang 2006; Ji et al. 2006). maternalbodyandabdomensizes.Maternal AL(and thus, Second,theproportionsofvariationinreproductiveoutput body-volume)actsanimportantconstraintonreproductive explainedbymaternal SVL were lower inE.multiocellata output in both oviparous and viviparous species. Repro- (23%; Fig. 3) and Eu. multifasciata (35%; Fig. 3) than in ductiveoutputisincreasedinP.forsythii,butisreducedin P. vlangalii (49%; Zhang et al. 2005), P. forsythii (53%; E. multiocellata and Eu. multifasciata as compared with Fig. 3) and S. indicus (40%; Ji and Du 2000) with female- congeneric oviparous species. The three species pairs biased SSD, suggesting that reproductive output is com- comparedbelongtodifferentlineagesandoccurindifferent paratively less tightly related to maternal SVL in the climatic regions, thus allowing us to draw some general former two species. Third, as we found in the two conclusions of which the most interesting one is that the Phrynocephalus lizards, neither inthe two Eremias lizards evolution of viviparity is not accompanied by a relative (ANCOVA; F = 2.30, P = 0.132) nor in the two increaseinmaternalabdomensize.Futureworkcoulduse- 1, 148 Eutropislizards(ANCOVA;F = 0.44,P = 0.508)did fully investigate other lineages of lizards with both ovipa- 1,89 the linear slope of reproductive output on maternal SVL rous and viviparous species in a phylogenetic context to differ between oviparous and viviparous species (Fig. 3). determinewhetherourresultsaregeneralisabletoalllizards. What can be inferred from these observations is that the rateatwhichreproductiveoutputincreaseswithincreasing Acknowledgements Theworkwascarriedoutincompliancewiththe currentlawsonanimalwelfareandresearchinChina,andwassupported maternal SVL does not differ significantly between ovip- by grants from the Natural Science Foundation of China (30670281, arousandviviparousspeciesinthespeciespairscompared. 31060064and31071910),InnovativeTeamProjectofNanjingNormal EvidencefromEremiasandEutropislizardsshowsalso University (0319PM0902) and Priority Academic Program Develop- that viviparous females do not compensate for reduced ment of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (CXLX11_0885 and 2010BS0040)toJi’sgroup.WethankHongLi,Zheng-ChengLi,Hong- reproductive output by increasing the relative size of the LiangLu,LiMa,Qing-BoQiu,ZhengWang,Yan-QingWu,Hui-Qin abdomen. If they could do so, we would expect that YinandZong-ShiZhouforhelpduringtheresearch. maternal AL at a given body size would be greater in viviparous species than in their congeneric oviparous spe- cies. However, in opposition to our expectation, neither in thetwoEremiaslizardsnorinthetwoEutropislizardswas References the relative AL larger in the viviparous species in both males and females over the range of adult body sizes Andrews, R. M., & Mathies, T. (2000). Natural history of reptilian development:Constraintsontheevolutionofviviparity.BioSci- (Fig. 2). We did find in the two species pairs that sexual ence,50,227–238. dimorphisminALwasmorepronouncedintheviviparous Bauwens,D.,&Thoen,C.(1981).Escapetacticsandvulnerabilityto species (Fig. 1). However, in none of these two species predation associated with reproduction in the lizard Lacerta pairs was the inter-specific difference in AL greater in vivipara.TheJournalofAnimalEcology,50,733–743. 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