Institute of Ethiopian Studies IS SYLLABLE WEIGHT DISTINCTION RELEVANT FOR AMHARIC STRESS ASSIGNMENT? Author(s): Alemayehu Haile Source: Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2 (December 1995), pp. 15-25 Published by: Institute of Ethiopian Studies Stable URL: Accessed: 29-09-2015 21:00 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Institute of Ethiopian Studies is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Ethiopian Studies. This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions IS SYLLABLE WEIGHT DISTINCTION RELEVANT FOR AMHARIC STRESS ASSIGNMENT? Alemayehu Haile Sincet hes eminalw orko fK han (1976) whiche stablishedth es yllablea s an important domainf ors omep honologicapl rocessesa, lot ofw orki n phonologyh as concentrated on thes tudyo ft hes yllableL. ibermana nd Prince( 1977), Clementsa nd Keyser( 1983) and Selkirk(1 982), amongo thersh, aveu sedt hes yllablei n theira nalysis. Hayes (1981) distinguishebde tweent wot ypeso f syllablesn, amely:l ighta nd heavy.O pen syllablesw iths hortv owels( i.e. CV) are considereda s lighta nd closed syllableso r open syllablesw ith long vowels (i.e. CVC or CW respectivelya)r e consideredh eavy.S treesa ssignmenrt ulesi n manyl anguagess eem to favourh eavy syllables. This papert riest o see thet ypeso fs yllablesin Amharica nd evaluatew hether stressa ssignmenits determinebdy syllablew eighto r not.T he findingm ayb e used as a piece of evidencet o provet hata lthoughs yllablew eighti s importanfto rt he stress assignmental gorithmin manyl anguages,s uch as English (cf. Chomskya nd Halle (1966) it is notr elevanitn Amharic. 1. Introduction The recognitioonf t hes yllablea s a phonologicadl omainw as a majorb reakthrougihn phonology1K.h an (1976) establishedth att hee xclusiono f the syllablew as a "serious omissioni n generativep honologya nd that manyp honologicalr ules only receive approximatfeo rmulatioinn termso ft hisn otion"(C lementsa nd Keyser( 1983: 1). Furtherr esearchin generativpe honologym ade it clear thats ome languages make use of the distinctionbe tweenH lighť and "heavy"s yllables.H yman (1975) indicatedt hath eavys yllablesa re thoseh avingg reaterq uantityo r weightt han light syllabes.I t is the internasl tructuroef the syllablest hatd eterminetsh eirw eight.H e (1985:6-7) representtsh reek indso fs yllablesa s follows: <l,a) * c> A h OR OR OR II I A. NN NN NNMM Il I II Ci Vi Ci Vi Vj Ci Vi Cj 15 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (la) representas syllable( a) whichi s made up of an onset( O) (i.e. Ci) and a rhyme (R) whichj jļit urni s made up of a nucleus( N) dominatinga shortv owel (Vi), (lb) is made up of an onseta nd a rhymew hichd ominatesa branchingn ucleus2(i ,e, Vi and Vj). (lc) is a syllablew itha n onseta nd a rhymew hichb ranchesin toa nucleusa nd a margino r a coda (M). By countingt he constituentws ithint he rhymet, he syllable representeidn (a) is consideredli ghtb ecause the rhymed oes not branch,( lb) and (lc), on theo therh and,a re heavys yllableso n accounto ft heirb ranchingr hymes. In the representationins (la), (lb) and (lc), the onseti s not consideredin determininwg eight.T he heavyv s. light distinctionis based only on the internal structuroef the rhyme". Thus in ordert o establisht he weighto f a syllable,o nlyi ts rhymei s "projecteda"n d the heavyv s. lightd istinctionis redefinedas one between branchingv s.n on-branching(H" yman1 985:7). A differenvti ewi s suggestedb yD avis (1988) whereh e showst hatt herea re languagesw hoseo nsetsm aya lso be importanitn determinintgh ep ositiono f stress(. See Davis (1988) ford etails).I t appearst hatm ost of the researchd one cm stressc onsiderst he rhymea nd not the onset and our discussionw ill also be limitedt o thec ompositioonf t her hymne odeo nly. It is acceptedi n Hayes (1981) and otherst hats yllablew eighti s importanfto r thes tressa ssignmenrtu lei n manyl anguages(,S ee Hayes( 1982) ford etails). 2 The Purpete oft hisp aper la Alemayehu( 1987:31), it was suggestedt hatA mharich as the followingl exical stressa ssignmenrtu le: 2) Lexical StressA ssignmenRtu le: Markt hep enultimatsey llableo ft hes temo fa lexicalu nita s theb earero f stresso r as them etricallsyt rongs yllable. An additionanl de ofe xtrametricaliwtyas also suggestedan d thati s stateda s follows: (3) Extrametricality: cr- > [EX1/- ]N fato therw ords,t hel ast syllableo f a nouno r an adjectives temi s extrametricwalh ich ■em thatt he stressa ssignmenrt ule is blindt o the finals yllableo f a noun or an adjectives tem( See Alemayehu(1 987) fora detailedd iscussiono f the stressr ule in Amharic). The purposeo f this paper is to see whethero r not the above rule can be modifiedb yt hew eighto f syllablesin environmenotts hert hant hep enultimateIf. it is foundo utt hats yllablew eightm attertso thes tressa ssignmenrtu le,t henA mharicw ill be typologicaliygr oupedw itht hose languagesw hichd istinguishb etweenl ighta nd heavys yllablesin theirs tressa ssignment. 16 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 3 SyllableT ypesi n Amharic Differenmt onosyllabiwc ordsw hichs howt hed ifferensty llablet ypeso f the language willb e givenb elow.T he firsts et of examplesc ontains yllablesw ithn o onsetb utw ith a branchingr hymew heret he nucleusa nd the margind ominatea shortv owel and a consonanrt espectively.3 (4) /af/' mouth' /at/ 'excrement' The syllables tructuroef t hesee xamplesm ayb e representeads in (5) below-: (5) a R >A N M I I V C I I a f /af/'m outh The followingm onosyllabiwc ordsc onsisto fs yllablesw itha n onseta nd a nucleusb ut withn o coda. (6) /na/ 'you(sg.m asculinec) ome' ' /ma/ 'who? The syllablesin thea boveu tterancems ayb e representeads in (7) below: (7) a A 0 R I N I C V 1 I n a /na/'c ome' The followingp rovides yllablet ypesd ifferenftr omt hea bovet wo. (8) /säw / 'man,h umanb eing' /lam/ 'cow' /k'ob/ 'hať /k'il/ 'stupid' /set/ 'female' 17 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions k'41/ 'gourd' /mut/ 'you(masculined)i e' The syllables tructurteh atc an be abstractefdr omt hea bovee xamplesa ppearst o have thef ollowingr epresentation: (9) ^ A I NN M 1 I C V c I I I sä w /saw/'m an The languagep rovidess till anothert ypeo f syllablea s the followingm onosyllabi9c wordsi ndicate. (10) /k'änd/ 'horn5 /tult/ 'a kindo fp lant' /gint'/ 'Scorpeon' ' /tank/ 'container''t ank /k'ent'/ 'style' /stnt/ 'how much/m any?' /sak' k'' 'belt' /suk'kV- 'shop' /hak'k'/ 'truth' /higg/ 'law' These exampless uggestt hatA mharich as a syllablet ypew hichm ayb e represeteads in (11) below: (H) a /' X' N M 1 A C V c c I- I ' ' k' ä n d /k'ä nd/' horn' Therea re otherm onosyllabiwc ordsw hichd isplaya differentyt peo f syllablef romt he ones showna bove.E xampleso ft hesea re thef ollowing: 18 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (12) /amd/ 'pillar' /and 'one' /arb/ 'friday' The followingsy llables tructurme ayb e abstractefdr omt hea bovee xamples (13) a ✓A N M I K V c c I I I a m d /amd/'p illar' These seem to represenatl l the syllablet ypeso f Amharicf oundi n monosyllabic words.T herei s stilla notherty peo fs yllablef oundi n disyllabicw ords. (14) /asa/ 'físh' [a + sa] /abal/ 'member' [a + bal] /asar/ 'suffering' [a + sar] The initials yllablesi n (14) containo nly a single vowel and this syllablem ay be representeads follows:- (15) a a I X' ROR i / I NN 11 NN I I I V C V a sa [a + sa] /asa/'f ish' In accordancew ith our definitiono f heavy and light syllables,w e may concludet hatt he syllabless howni n (7) and (15) are lighta s theyd o not have a branchingr hymwe hilet hosei n (5), (9), (11) and (13) are heavys incet heyc onsisto f branchingrh ymes. 4. Syllabificatioonf W ordsW ithM ore than One Syllable Clementsa nd Keyser (1983) suggestt hat syllablesa re identifieda s trees built followingce rtaino perationsI.n buildings yllablet ress,t hey( i.e. Clementsa d Keyser (1983:8-9)) introduceda C-V tieri n additiont o the syllablet ier and the terminal elementso r segmentos r bundleso f distinctivfee aturess pecifyingse gmentsO. thers 19 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (eg. Libermana nd Prince( 1977) and Hayes( 1981» have includeda n additionalle vel referretdo as them etricafl oot4F. or our purposeh ere,h oweverw, e will onlyu se the C-V tiera nd hencew e mayn otr efert o thef ootl evel. The C-V tier,a ccordingt o Clementsa nd Keyser( 1983:8-9) is a "levelw hich mediatesb etweent hes yllablet iera nd thes egmentatl ier".T he segmentd ominatedb y V is a syllablep eak and thatd ominatedb y C is a non-peakT. he C and V elements mayb e consideredas unitso n independenltin eso r tiers. FollowingC lementsa nd Keyser( 1983), thereforew, e may considers yllable treesa s consistingof t hreet iersa s thef ollowingtr eew ill illustrate: (16) Syllablet ier >> aa tx ON M I ' ' C-V tier > C V C I I 1 segmentatli er- >s ä w /saw/ To syllabifyw ords with more than one syllable,C lementsa nd Keyser (1983:37) suggestt hef ollowingp rinciples: (17) The OnsetF irstP rinciple: (a) Syllable-initicaol nsonantasr e maximizedt o thee xtentc onsistent witht hes yllables tructurceo nditiono ft hel anguagei n question. (b) subsequentlysy, llable-fincaol nsonantasr e maximizedt o the extentc onsistenwt itht hes yllables tructurceo nditiono ft hel anguage in qestion. They (1983:38) also suggestt hatt heset wop rincipleasp plya ccordingt o thef ollowing order: 18) (a) V-elementasr ep relinketdo thea 's (b) C -elementtso thel efta re adjoinedo ne byo ne as longa s the configuratiornes ultinagt each steps atisfieasl l relevantsy llable structurceo nditions. (c) SubsequenCt -elementtso ther ighta re adjoinedi n them anner describedin (b) above. Beforew e proceedt o the buildingo f syllablet rees followingt he above principlesw, e mayn eed to say a feww ordsa boutt he syllables tructurceo nditionso f AmharicI. n thed iscussiono ft hes yllablet ypeso f thisl anguage,w e have shownt hat thef ollowingar e thes eto fc ores yllables. 20 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (19) The SyllableT ypeso fA mharic (a) V (b) CV (c) CVC (d) VC (e) CVCC (f) VCC The vocalic elementi s the obligatoryc onstituenotf the syllable.T he onseta nd the margin( or the coda) are optional.T he onset consistso f maximallyo ne consonant whereast hem arginm ayc onsisto fo ne and maximallyt wo consonants equences.T he followingm ayt hereforbee considereda s the relevants yllables tructurceo nditiono f thel anguage. (20) The possibleS yllables tructuroef A mharic: 5 (C) V (C) (C) Withouft urthedri scussionw, e maya lso indicatet hatt het ypeC VCC is onlyf oundi n monsyllabiwc ordso r wordf inally. By usingt hep rinciplegs iveni n (18 a-c) and the syllables tructurceo ndition giveni n (20), we mays yllabiftyh ef ollowingw ordsa s follows: 21) a) get»nnät 'wealth' b)d ä m b ä ññ a 'client' C-V template CVCVCCVC CVCCVCCV V elementp relinkintgo a's a a a a a a ' ' ' ' ' ' C V CV CÇ VC cv ccv cc v ni! vi g ee tt ** nn äätt ddI]ää mmmbbääyffii/aa C-elementtso the lefta djoining a a a cr a a ' ' ' i ' ' CVCVCCVC cvccvc CV nu vi ii ivi getřnflt d ä m b ä ñ a 21 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions AdjoiningC -elementtso ther ight a O CT CT CT o A A' IK Ax >x cvcvccvc cvccvccv ni/ y/ 1 iiw vi getina t dämbäfia As we can observef romt hea bove trees,t hew ord/ getinnaits/ m adeu p of CV+ CVC + CVC whilet hew ord/ dSmbfiiifcioan/s istso f CVC+CVC + CV syllablesI.f we look at thes yllables equencei n termso ft heirw eightw, e findt hef ollowing: (22) aa)) CCTT CCTT CCTT bb)) CCTT CCTT CCTT A ÁÁřřkk AA h I ' i I I /''i' II ''''ll M' II ¡¡{{'''''' I gg ee,, ,,tt ** nn ää tt .. d ää mm b ää ffiiaa,, č-i - 1 L- 1- " - ,- ' ■ 1 <«-, - H-ļ-J L H H H H L Accordingt o the syllables tructurreu les suggesteda bove, the words/ getinnâta/n d /dämbäfifiwa/il l have theirl ast syllablem arkede xtrametricaasl theya re a nouna nd an adjectives temr espectivelyT.h e stressa ssignmentr ule will assign stresst o the penultimatsey llableo, f course,e xcludingt hee xtrametricsayl llablesT. his meanst hat we willb uilda left- headedt reet o determinteh ep ositiono fs tress. (23) a) getin[ nät]Ex dambaf[lñ aJEx The correctp ronounciatioonf thesew ordsi n theirc itationf ormw ill,t hereforbe,e as in (24) below: (24) a) getmnät b) dambafíña The syllablet hatr eceivess tressi n (23) a) is light.N oticet hatt hef ollowingsy llablei s heavya nd also noticet hatt hish eavys yllabled oes not receives tress.I f weightw ere importanitn Amharict, he seconds yllable,i nsteado f thef irsti,n (24 a) shouldh ave attractedst ressT. his suggestst hatt he syllablen ode is the onlyc onstituenptr ojected for the stressa ssigninga lgorithmT. his claim may furthebr e strengthenebdy the followingex amples. 22 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (25) /sämuna/ 'soap' Irä käbot/ 'a smallt ablef orp uttingon coffeec ups* /akimbalo/ 'a coverf ort heE thiopianp an1 /lominat/ fak indo fs oftd rink' /ink'ut'aatš' / 'newy ear' /t'imk'ät/ 'baptism* /angäbgabi/ burningi ssue' /tintkkare/ 'strength' /dik'ala/ 'illegitimatceh ild' /timatim/ 'tomato' Fromt he examplesi n (25), it is clear thats tressm ay be assignedt o all the seven vowelsi .e,t,*,a,äu,, o and e ift heyo ccuri n a stressablpe ositionw ithoupt ayingh eedt o theq ualityo f thef ollowing(o r the competingv) owel or to the syllables tructuriet is foundi n. Even thev owel whichi s claimedt o be epenthetiacn d hence not foundi n underlyingr epresentation(sse e Hayward (1986) and Alemayehu( 1991) for the discussiono f the epentheticv owel i) can be stressedi f insertedi n penultimate positions.T his may be illustratedb y syllabifyintgh e word /t'inikkare"/st rength**. Assumingt hatt he vowel i is an epentheticv owel, it may be suggestedt hat the underlyinCg- V templateo f the wordi s CCCCaCe. An epenthetivc owel is inserted followingth ef irstc onsonantto breakt heu nwantedc lusterr esultingin GiCCCaCe. A sequenceo f threec onsonantiss nota llowedi n Amharica nd hencea nothere penthetic vowelm ustb e insertedto breakt hed isallowedc lusterT. he epenthetivco welc ouldb e insertedin two possiblep ositionsr esultingin eitherC tC-èCCaCeo r OiCGtCaCe. In concrettee rmst, hec hoices eemst o be between/ t'inikkaraen/d torikkar.e T/h e second alternativies ill-formeadn d thisi ll-formednemssa yb e accountedf orb y thep rinciple of the "integritoyf geminates" discussedi n Hayward( 1986). The principles tresses thatg eminatesm ayn otb e splitteda t all and hencet he onlyl ocationa llowedf ort he epenthesiisn sertionis beforet heg eminatesT. his givesu s ther eading/ t'inikkareT/h. e word being a noun,w ill have its final syllablel abelled extrametrica(il. e. tintkka [re]Ex). The stressr ulet henb uildsa lefth eadedt reew hicha mounts to sayingt hat stressi s assignedo n thes econds yllableo f thew ord( t'imkkare)T. his showst hate ven an epenthetivco wel can bear stressi f it occursi n the properl ocationf ort he stress assigninga lgorithmW. e believet hatt hise xamples trengthenosu r claim thatc ontents of ther hymen ode are notc onsideredin the assignmenotf stressi n the language.I n otherw ordç,A mharics tressr ule considerst he syllablen ode withoutlo okinga t the contento ft her hymen odei n thec omputatioonf stressT. his meanst hatt he language is parametrizeads one whichd oes not make a distinctionbe tweenl ighta nd heavy 23 This content downloaded from on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:00:58 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions