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Is Mary Appearing Today? PDF

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Jacques Cabaud Is Mary Appearing Today? I Is Mary Appearing Today? by Jacques Cabaud Copyright © 2018 by Jacques Cabaud Designed by James Kent Ridley Published by Goodbooks Media Printed in the U.S.A. ISBN-13: 978-1717137470 ISBN-10: 1717137474 Quodcumque dixerit vobis facite. Do whatever he tells you. Jn 2:5 Hic est Filius meus dilectus in quo mihi bene conplacuit ipsum audite. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him. Mt. 17:5 3453 Aransas Corpus Christi, Texas, 78411 www.goodbookmedia.com II Dilectissimae filiae meae III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ------ ***** From En faveur des apparitions mariales contemporaines (Résiac, Montsûrs, 2003) came the nucleus from which Is Mary Appearing Today? evolved, first as the initial English version (Salvador Mundi Communications, Combermere, Canada, 2012). The latter. however, was as short-lived as what is beautiful. A new beginning had to be made. Progress in research warranted many additions. Most helpful have been Michael Meaney, and especially Carol Mills-Nichol and Marie Cabaud-Meaney, who read the manuscript and edited the text. In the present edition, Mr. James Ridley is responsible for what meets the eye: layout, programming, most of the illustrations, and much more, God bless him! IV When heaven speaks, should we not listen? " ... our decisive criteria is not to confuse the judgment bearing on the supernatural truth of the [apparitions] with [their] spiritual fruits." Cardinal Ratzinger This is the book of a true son of the Church. If some formulations are hazardous, or some mistakes were made, I regret them. Far from superfluous disputes, I have tried to foster a spirit of discernment ... "If these were silent, the very stones would cry out." In our times of little Faith, Jesus tells us: "Hearken to my Mother: do whatever she tells you." V TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .............................................................................. 1 FIRST PART............................................................................... 19 I Revelatio sufficit: ........................................................... 21 Revelation is enough II Revelatio sufficit (bis): ................................................... 25 Revelation is enough (bis) III Gamaliel dicit: .............................................................. 27 Thus speaks Gamaliel IV Gamaliel (bis), atque Maria, Mater desolata: ................ 31 Gamaliel (bis), and Mary, forsaken Mother V Beelzebub vincit: ............................................................ 41 Beelzebub wins out VI Deus non minatur: ......................................................... 47 God does not utter threats VII Malus suasor est timor: .................................................. 57 Fear is a bad counselor VIII De minimalismo: ........................................................... 67 On minimalism IX Charismatici sunt schismatici: ....................................... 69 Charismatics are potential schismatics X Dona Dei: ....................................................................... 73 God's gifts XI Sive rationalismus, sive superstitio: .............................. 75 Either rationalism or superstition XII Œconomia salutis: ......................................................... 77 The plan of salvation SECOND PART ......................................................................... 81 XIII Regina prophetarum: .................................................... 83 Queen of prophets XIV De ratione divina: ......................................................... 93 Concerning God's designs XV Tempus Antechristi: ..................................................... 105 The Time of the Antichrist XVI Arcus cælestis: ............................................................. 113 The Rainbow VI XVII Ut non intellegant: ................................................... 115 So that they do not understand XVIII Via parvula: ............................................................. 123 The little way XIX De more pharisaico: ................................................. 127 On pharisaism XX Post hoc, ergo propter hoc: ........................................ 135 After this, therefore, because of this XXI De sanationibus: ...................................................... 143 Concerning miraculous cures XXII De utilitate visionum: .............................................. 149 On the usefulness of apparitions XXIII Pecunia falsa expellit bonam: ................................... 151 Bad money drives out the good. XXIV Principatus rationis: ................................................. 157 The primacy of reason XXV De Maria nunquam satis: ......................................... 161 One can never insist too much on the greatness of Mary XXVI De gloriæ Mariæ: ...................................................... 165 Concerning Mary's glory XXVII Deus abconditus sive de absentia Dei: ..................... 167 The hidden God or of God 's absence XXVIII Mater et Magistra: .................................................... 169 Mary, Mother and Teacher XXIX Episcopus magister fidelium: ................................... 175 The bishop has authority over the faithful XXX In absentia nostra: .................................................... 181 In our absence XXXI Lex ecclesiæ: .............................................................. 183 The law of the Church THIRD PART .......................................................................... 187 XXXII In dubio: .................................................................... 189 In case of doubt, abstain! XXXIII "Distinguo ": .............................................................. 195 Let us distinguish XXXIV Pro quibus sunt apparitiones?: ................................. 199 For whom are the apparitions? XXXV In nomine Œcumenismi: .......................................... 203 In the name of Ecumenism VII XXXV Vetera præferanda sunt: ......................................... 207 What is old is preferable XXXVII Invisibilia præferanda sunt: .................................. 215 What is invisible is preferable XXXVIII Virginem tactilem esse non est credendum: ........... 231 It is unbelievable that the Virgin can be touched XXXIX Sunt miracula credenda?: ...................................... 235 Are miracles believable? XL Præteritum mensura presentis: .............................. 241 The past is the measure of the present XLI C redo quia absurdum: ........................................... 247 I believe because it is absurd XLII De reditu Christi: .................................................. 251 Concerning the return of Christ XLIII De magisterio ordinario: ....................................... 263 Concerning the ordinary magisterium XLIV De loco qui appelatur Medjugorje: ....................... 275 Concerning Medjugorje XLV Garrulitas res humana: .......................................... 279 Talkativeness is a human weakness CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 287 APPENDIX ........................................................................... 293 XLVI "Id non mihi opus est" atque de feminismo: .......... 295 "I do not need to"and concerning feminism XLVII De feminismo (bis): ................................................ 307 Concerning feminism (bis) XLVIII De Innocentibus: .................................................... 315 Concerning the Innocents XLIX In praxi: .................................................................. 319 In practice L Non patet de supernaturalitate: ............................... 325 Supernaturality not established LI Iudæi: ..................................................................... 331 "Salvation must come from the Jews" Index ...................................................................................... 333 Illustrations ........................................................................... 340 VIII As the reader will notice, the Latin titles have been freely translated. The translation will be repeated at the start of each chapter, on top of the page. Was not Latin maintained as the language of the liturgy by Vatican II? It was chosen here because of its density and power of suggestion, as a hommage to its past role, and as perhaps also the expression of a wish for its return. Keats was right: ‘’A thing of beauty is a joy forever”, even though my own attempts at resurrecting a dead language are probably more awkward than felicitous. Furthermore, for modern concepts such as minimalism, charismatics, rationalism, ecumenism, millenarianism, feminism, “Church Latin” was my only resource. IX The Annunciation by Maurice Denis X

set foot in church come back from Medjugorje as devout, practicing believers.” According to Leonard of Saint-Maurice, "most Christian adults incur damnation. as "the abomination of desolation" (24: 15): the living idol enthroned in repetition of Gospel truths in Mary 's messages. But all of th
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