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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 9986 (1999): Benzaldehyde [PCD 9: Organic Chemicals Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediates] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 6899 : 1999 Indian Standard EDYHEDLAZNEB - NOITACIFICEPS ( First Revision ) ICS 71.080.80 0 BIS 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK B_HAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 August 1999 Price Group 4 cinagrO slacimehC )suoenallecsiM( lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DCP 9 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS tsriF( )noisiveR was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI retfa~,sdradnatS the draft dezilanif yb the cinagrO slacimehC )suoenallecsiM( lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the ,muelorteP laoC dna detaleR stcudorP noisiviD .licnuoC sihT dradnats was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1981. ehT eettimmoC elbisnopser for the noitaraperp of siht dradnats dediced ot esiver ti ni order ot teem the tneserp deen of the .yrtsudni nI the ,noisiver two grades evah neeb decudortni ,yleman edarG 1, ,CFF/eruP dna edarG 2, .lacinhceT ehT edarG 1 si yllareneg desu ni the erutcafunam of gniruovalf ,slairetam semufrep dna ,slacituecamrahp elihw edarG 2 lairetam si desu as a lacimehc etaidemretni for ,seyd sedicitsep dna osla tnevlos for ,slio ,sniser esolullec ethers, esolullec acetates dna .setartin nI siht noisiver ni noitidda ot the cirtemertit ,noitamitse CG dohtem has osla neeb deificeps for gninimreted the .ytirup tnemeriuqeR of detanirolhc sdnuopmoc evah neeb .deifidom roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav (revised)‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as fo~taht the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 9986 : 1999 Indian Standard EDYHEDLAZNEB - NOITACIFICEPS (First Revision ) 1 EPOCS 4.2 ehT lairetam llahs osla ylpmoc htiw the stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1, nehw tested gnidrocca sihT dradnats sebircserp the stnemeriuqer dna the ot the sdohtem debircserp ni sexennA A ot E. sdohtem of gnilpmas dna test for .edyhedlazneb 5 GNIKCAP DNA GNIKRAM 2 EVITAMRON SECNEREFER ehT gniwollof sdradnats niatnoc snoisivorp hcihw 5.1 gnikcaP ,hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text etutitsnoc the snoisivorp ehT lairetam llahs eb packed ni elbatius thgit-ria of the .dradnats tA the emit of ,noitacilbup the snoitide ,sreniatnoc hcus as ,snit ,syobrac smurd dna knat cars. detacidni were .dilav llA sdradnats are tcejbus ot noisiver dna seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no siht 5.2 gnikraM dradnats are degaruocne ot etagitsevni the ytilibissop Each reniatnoc llahs eb yleruces desolc after gnillif of gniylppa the tsom tnecer noitide of the sdradnats dna dekram htiw the gniwollof :noitamrofni detacidni :woleb a) emaN of the ;lairetam IS No. Title )b Mass of the lairetam ni the ;reniatnoc 266 : 1993 noitacificepS for ciruhplus dica c) s’rerutcafunaM eman dna sih dezingocer (third revision) 1070 : 1992 retaW tnegaer grade (third revision) ,kram-edart fi ;yna 2316 : 1990 Methods of noitaraperp of dradnats d) Lot or hctab ;rebmun snoitulos for cirtemirolac dna -ulov e) ;edarG dna cirtem sisylana f) Date of .erutcafunam 2631 : 1976 noitacificepS for lyporp-osi lohocla first revision) 5.2.1 BIS Certification Marking 4905 : 1968 Methods for modnar gnilpmas ehT reniatnoc yam osla dekrameb htiw the dradnatS 5298 : 1983 Method for noitanimreted of -litsid Mark. ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb noital egnar dna of noitallitsid dleiy the snoisivorp of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, (first revision) 1986 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht 3 SEDARG sliateD of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil for the esu of the dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot ehT lairetam llahs eb of the gniwollof two :sedarg srerutcafunam or ,srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf the a) edarG 1 CFF/eruP grade - tI si yllareneg uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS desu ni the erutcafunam of gniruovalf ,slairetam semufrep dna .slacituecamrahp 6 GNILPMAS )b edarG 2 lacinhceT grade - tI si yllareneg ehT sdohtem of gniraperp the test selpmas dna rieht desu ni the erutcafunam of seyd dna airetirc for ytimrofnoc llahs eb as debircserp ni .sedicitsep xennA .F 4 STNEMERIUQER 7 YTILAUQ FO STNEGAER 4.1 ehT lairetam llahs eb a sselruoloc ot elap wolley sselnU deificeps ,esiwrehto erup slacimehc dna diuqil gnivah ruodo gnilbmeser lio of rettib .sdnomla dellitsid water (see SI 1070) llahs eb desu ni test. IS 9986 : 1999 Table 1 Requirements for Benzaldehyde (Clauses 4.2 and F-4) IS Characteristic Requirement Methods of TesQ Ref to No. edarG 1 edarG 2 Annex IS .oN (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) )i ytiruP sa( ,)edyhedlazneB tnecrep yb ,ssam 5.89 0.89 A niWI ii) evitaleR ytisned ta C”72W72 I 40. 1 ot I 340, 040.1 ot 440.I B iii) ytidicA sa( ciozneb ,)dica tnecrep yb ,ssam 5.0 0.1 C xaM )vi )a detanirolhC dnuopmoc oT ssap eht tset D )b detanirolhC sdnuopmoc sa( ,)lC tnecrep - 1.0 E yb ,ssam xaM )v noitallitsiD egnar ehT ecnereffid neewteb 8925 eht serutarepmet gninnur stniop ta hcihw 3 dna 89 tnecrep fo eht emulov nekat evah neeb detcelloc llahs ton deecxe C°5 dna eht egnar llahs edulcni eht erutarepmet C°871 ANNEX A [Clause 4.2 and Table 1, Sl No. (i)] DETERMINATION OF PURITY l-A GENERAL stoppered, 250 ,lm demottob-talf ksalf dna ecudortni owT sdohtem evah neeb deificeps for gninimreted the 75 lm .of dradnats cilohocla enimalyxordyh ytirup of .edyhedlazneb Method A si the cirtemertit edirolhcordyh .noitulos Stopper the ksalf dna shake dohtem elihw Method B si the saG yhpargotamorhC .ylsuorogiv peeK ti at C°04 for 35 setunim dna neht .dohtem CG dohtem nac eb desu ni enituor ,sisylana etartit the stnetnoc htiw dradnats cilohocla muidos ,revewoh ni case of etupsid cirtemertit dohtem llahs edixordyh ,noitulos gnisu lonehpomorb eulb as eb the referee .dohtem .rotacidni ,ylralimiS yrrac tuo the knalb test. 2-A DOHTEM A - CIRTEMERTIT DOHTEM 3.2-A Calculation 1.2-A Reagents Purity (as beuzaldchyde), (v, _ v2) x N x 10.6 tnecrep yb ssam = A-2.1.1 Standard Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride M Solution (Alcoholic) where 1.0 N. ,v = emulov ni lm of dradnats cilohocla muidos edixordyh noitulos desu ni elpmas 2.1.2-A Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution ,noitartit (Alcoholic) ,v = emulov ni lm of dradnats cilohocla muidos 1.0 N. edixordyh noitulos desu for knalb -reted ,noitanim 3.1.2-A Bromophenol Blue Indicator N = ytilamron of dradnats cilohocla muidos A-2.2 Procedure edixordyh ,noitulos dna hgieW tuoba 2-l g of elpmaseht yletarucca ni a -ssalg M= ssam ni g of the lairetam nekat for test. 2 IS 9986 : 1999 A-3 METHOD B-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC reirraC wolf rate tsujdA ot evig a noitneter METHOD emit for edyhedlazneb neewteb 4 nim dna 6 nim A-3.1 Apparatus or 30 nim/lm leuF gases negordyH dna .ria wolF A-3.1.1 Gas Chromatograph rates for emalf noitazinoi Any gas hpargotamorhc dettif htiw a emalf noitazinoi llahs_rotceted eb detsujda detector dna elbapac of gniteem the deriuqer gnitarepo ot the slevel -mocer .snoitidnoc dednem yb the tnemurtsni srerutcafunam 2.1.3-A Integrator elpmaS eziS 0.2 1~ si dednemmocer cinortcelE rotargetni si dednemmocer tub other tub regral elpmas yam eb sdohtem of gnidrocer dna gnirusaem peak areas yam desu dedivorp that -sitas eb ,desu dedivorp that the ytivitisnes stnemeriuqer are yrotcaf noituloser si .tem deniatniam 3.1.3-A Recorder 2.3.3-A Method 2 - (Variant Method) A pirts chart recorder htiw a elacs of at tsael 250 mm nI siht dohtem elpmas si ot eb detcejni at a laitini dna a esnopser emit of ton erom naht eno dnoces for nevo erutarepmet of C°08 ni the gnimmargorp edom lluf elacs .noitcelfed of nevo erutarepmet htiw a erutarepmet tnemercni of nim/C”Ol dna sisylana si ot eb deunitnoc pu ot a lanif 4.1.3-A Packed Column nevo erutarepmet of C°002 for 5 .nim llA other sA per the snoitacificeps nevig :woleb gnitarepo sretemarap lliw eb emas as ni .1.3.3-A htgneL m2 ehT-ETON evoba sag cihpargotamorhc snoitidnoc era -seggus lairetaM of noitcurtsnoc SS/ssalG .evit ,revewoH rehto CG htiw tnereffid columns may be desu dedivorp snoitarbilac/noitazidradnats era enod retfa gnittes lanretnI retemaid mm2 pu cihpargotamorhc snoitidnoc rof eht deriuqer .noituloser diloS troppus brosomorhC PHW 4.3-A noitarbilaC Mesh ezis -08 100 Prepare dradnats citehtnys serutxim f-o edyhedlazneb diuqiL phase 10% o/001/03-ES 101-VO dna evitatneserper seitirupmi no ssam~a tnecrep .sisab tcejnI lla the evoba selpmas ni gas hpargotamorhc 2.3-A orciM Syringe dna get noituloser of lla the detseretni peaks of ytirupmi .erutxim tA the dne of each nur stop the yticapaC - 10 .IP rotargetni dna get the area, tnecrep of each .ytirupmi Draw noitarbilac sevruc for each ytirupmi dna A-3.3 Procedure etaluclac esnopser factor of each ytirupmi morf the owT sdohtem nac eb adopted for sisylana of noitarbilac .evruc edyhedlazneb .elpmas A-3.5 Calculation 1.3.3-A Method 1 (Isothermal Method) ehT rotargetni yllacitamotua setaluclac the area, nI siht dohtem the elpmas si ot eb desylana no CG at tnecrep of each laudividni ytirupmi as :swollof a dexif nevo erutarepmet ni na lamrehtosi rennam dna CG sisylana si ot eb deunitnoc llit lla the peaks A x 100 gnidnopserroc ot suoirav stneutitsnoc )seitirupmi( ,aerA tnecrep of ‘X’ = aerA of lla peaks gnidulcni niam peak of edyhedlazneb appears ni the .margotamorhc where Operating conditions A = aerA of tnenopmoc ‘X’ suoiraV gnitarepo snoitidnoc llahs eb deniatniam as ,aerA tnecrep of each ytirupmi nehw deilpitlum :swollof htiw esnopser factor lliw evig the lautca ssam tnecrep of the denrecnoc .ytirupmi rotcejnI erutarepmeT 225 f C°5 tnecrep ‘X’ = ,aerA tnecrep of ‘X’ x esnopseR Detector erutarepmeT 225 f C°5 factor nevO erutarepmeT 110*2”c yassA (as ,)edyhedlazneB tnecreP yb ssam = reirraC saG negortiN 100 - muS( of the lla ,ytirupmi .)tnecrep 3 IS 9986 : 1999 ANNEX B esualC[ 4.2 and Table 1, ZS .oN ])ii( DETERMINATION OF RELATIVE DENSITY B-l APPARATUS gnirb ot moor erutarepmet dna .hgiew ytpmE the retemonkyp or the evitaler ytisned ,elttob naelc dna B-l.1 Pyknometer or Relative Density Bottle yrd ,ti dna repeat the .noitarepo hiw the lairetam at 25 lm .yticapac 27 f 0.2”C. 3-B NOITALUCLAC B-l.2 Water-Bath deniatniam at 27 f 0.2”C. A-B evitaleR ytisned at 27”C/27’C = B_C 2-B ERUDECORP naelC dna yrd the retemonkyp or evitaler ytisned where .elttob hgieW ,ti llit ti htiw ylhserf deliob dellitsid A = mass ni g of the retemonkyp or evitaler water, ecalp ti ni the htab deniatniam at 27 f 0.2”C, ytisned elttob dellif htiw the ;lairetam dna wolla tneiciffus emit tuoba( 45 )nim ot niatta the erutarepmet of the .htab nehT tresni the yrallipac B = ssam ni g of the yrd retemonkyp or -aler evit ytisned ;elttob dna stopper hcihw has osla neeb thguorb ot 27 f .C°2 epiW the excess diuqil morf the stopper, evomer the c = ssam ni g of the retemonkyp or evitaler retemonkyp or the evitaler ytisned elttob morf the ,htab ytisned elttob dellif htiw water. ANNEX C esuZC[ 4.2 and Table 1, SZN o. ])iii( DETERMINATION OF ACIDITY C-l REAGENTS 3-C NOITALUCLAC C-l.1 Neutralized Ethanol/Methanol Solution ytidicA (as ciozneb ,)dica 1,,, x N, x 2l l2 tnecrep yb ssam = C-l.2 Standard Alcoholic KOH Solution - 0.1 N. M where 3.l-C Phenolphthalein Indicator V, = emulov ni lm of dradnats cilohocla muidos C-2 PROCEDURE edixordyh noitulos ;demusnoc ekaT tuoba 50 lm of dezilartuen lonahtem/lonahte N, = ytilamron of dradnats muidos edixordyh noitulos dna evlossid a 10 g elpmas yletarucca( ;noitulos dna )dehgiew ni .ti etartiT tsniaga cilohocla muissatop M = ssam ni g of the lairetam nekat for test. edixordyh noitulos gnisu nielahthplonehp as .rotacidni IS 9986 : 1999 ANNEX D esualC[ 4.2 dna Table 1, lS .oN (iv)(a)] TEST FOR CHLORINATED COMPOUNDS D-l OUTLINE OF THE METHOD two or three snrut dna dniw dnuora a niht ssa,lg rod. Heat the lioc ni the retuo eltnam of a nesnuB emalf sihT test sevres ot detect the ecneserp of snegolah ni litnu ti ceases ot trapmi yna ruoloc ot the .emalf wollA ynam cinagro .sdnuopmoc tI stsisnoc ni gnitaeh the the, eriw ot looc tahwemos ,dna elihw llits ,mraw pid ecnatsbus ni tcatnoc htiw erup copper edixo ni the the lioc otni a llams noitrop of the ecnatsbus ot eb nesnuB ;emalf the gnidnopserroc copper edilah si tested dna heat niaga ni the suonimul-non .emalf fI demrof ,hcihw gnieb ,elitalov strapmi na esnetni neerg the dnuopmoc sniatnoc a ,tneitele-negolah a neerg or or neerg-hsiulb ruoloc ot the eltnam of the .emalf neerg-hsiulb emalf lliw eb devresbo yllausu( after the laitini ykoms emalf has .)deraeppasid Before gnisu 2-D ERUDECORP the eriw for rehtona ,dnuopmoc heat ti litnu the hsuP eno dne of a 20 mc tuots copper eriw otni a cork lairetam morf the suoiverp test has neeb deyortsed dna siht( lliw evres as a .)redloh tA the other dne ekam the emalf si ton .deruoloc ANNEX E esualC[ 4.2 dna TabZe 1, Sl No. (iv)(b)] DETERMINATION OF CHLORINATED COMPOUNDS E-l OUTLINE OF THE METHOD 5.2-E Standard Silver Nitrate Solution ehT lairetam devlossid ni lyporp-osi lohocla si treated 0.1 N..(see SI 2316). htiw cillatem muidos dna .dexulfer rednU the E-2.6 Ferric Alum Indicator Solution snoitidnoc the yllacinagro dnuob enirolhc gets detrevnoc ot elbasinoi muidos .edirolhc ehT stnetnoc etarutaS or evlossid 8 g of cirref muinomma etahplus are nekat pu htiw water, deifidica dna treated htiw ni 400 lm of water gniniatnoc 3 ot 5 lm of detartnecnoc nwonk emulov of revlis etartin .noitulos ehT latot ciruhplus dica (see SI 266). enirolhc si neht denimreted morf the tnuoma of revlis E-2.7 Nitrobenzene etartin noitulos desu pu yb gnitartit the excess revlis etartin noitulos tsniaga dradnats muinomma E-2.8 Standard Ammonium ThiocyPnate Solution etanaycoiht noitulos gnisu cirref mula noitulos as 0.1 N (see SI 2316). .rotacidni 2-E STNEGAER 9.2-E Standard Ethanolic Sodium Hydroxide Solution 1.2-E iso-propyl Alcohol yletamixorppa 0.5 N. eerF morf .enirolhc gnimrofnoc ot SI 263 1. 3-E ERUDECORP E-2.2 Aqueous iso-propyl Alcohol ekaT 50 lm of lyporp-osi lohocla ni a 250 lm ksalf dna 50 tnecrep .)v/v( add 2 ot 3 g of lairetam yletarucca .dehgiew ddA 3 g of 3.2-E cillateM Sodium cillatem muidos ,ylwols llit there si on .noitcaer tcennoC the ksalf ot a xulfer resnednoc dna liob ylsuorogiv for ,erup ni the mrof of nobbir or tuc ni llams .seceip 1 ,ruoh gnikahs the ksalf ,yllanoisacco evlossid the 4.2-E Dilute Nitric Acid excess cillatem muidos yb ylsuoituac gnidda 10 lm of suoeuqa lyporp-osi lohocla hguorht the resnednoc at 1 : 3 (V/V) the rate of eno or two drops per .dnoces lioB for

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