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IS 9913: Code of Practice for Construction of Cross Drainage Works PDF

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Preview IS 9913: Code of Practice for Construction of Cross Drainage Works

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 9913 (2000): Code of Practice for Construction of Cross Drainage Works [WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 9913: 2000 ~11RC1? ~ Pi ~ ~ R"J:ITur Cf>1 ttfu ~ 31R.J:fR Chifi lfR7~) (WfTT Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CROSS DRAINAGE WORKS (First Revision) ICS 93 J60 <DB1S2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAKBHAVAN,9BAHADURSHAHZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October2000 PriceGroup3 AMENDMENT NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2005 TO IS 9913: 2000 CODEOFPRACTICEFOR CONSTRUCTIONOFCROSSDRAINAGEWORKS (FirstRevision) (Page2,clause9)- Substitutethefollowingfortheexistmgclause •9 MATERIALS 9.1 Concrete and ItS ingredients such as cement, pozzolana, coarse and fine aggregates, water and cherrucal rruxtures shall conform to the relevant requirementsofIS456 9.2 StoneandBrickMasonry Stone masonry mcludmg the stone and mortar shall conform to the relevant requirementsofIS8605 Forbnckmasonry, madditiontocommonburntclay building bncks conforrrung to IS 1077, pulvcnzcd fuel ash - hme bncks conformmg to IS 12894 and burntclay flyash bncks conformmgto IS 1,757 shallbeused MasonrymortarshallconformtoIS2250 9.3 RemforcementandPrestressingSteelReinforcementandPrestressingSteel ~hallconform10therelevantrequirementsof IS456 Other Materials- Other matenals like wife crates. etc, shall be as per the relevantdesignrequirements. (Page5,clause13.2) - Addanewsubclause13.3asmdicatedbelow IlJ.3 Pond ash confornung to IS 3812 (Part I) can also be used as backfill matenal • (Pogeti.AnnexA) - Substitute'IS 456 20oo'/or'IS 456 1978' and the corresponding title as 'Plain and remforced concrete- Code ofpracuce (fourth revIsIOn)' SubstitutethefollowingtitleorIS 1343 1980forthccxistmg Codeofpracuceforprestressedconcrete(fourth revtstonv AmendNo.ItoIS9913 :2000 Substitute 'IS 1888 1982'for 'IS 1888 1971'and the correspondingntlcas 'Methodofloadtcstonsoils(secondrevIsIOn)' Substitute'Structures'for 'structure'10themaintitleofIS3,70 Substitute'IS 3370 (Part 2) 1%5'for'IS3370(Part2) 1967' Substitutethefollowmg 10theutleofIS7784 (Part I) 1993 ,design'for'desigrung'. Delete thefollowmgstandards fromthelist '383 1970 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second reviSion)', and '[S 910, 1979 Specificationfor admixtures for concrete' Add the following Indian Standards along WIththeir biles 10 Annex Aat theappropnateplace ISNo Tille 'IS 1077 1992 •Commonburntclaybuild109bricks- Specification (fifth reVISIOn) IS2250 1981 Code of practice for preparanon and use of masonry mortars tfirstrevl~lOn) IS3812 (Part 1) Specificationforpulvenzedfuelash foruseaspozzolana 200, 10cement,cementmortarandconcrete IS8605 1977 Codeofpracticeforconstructionofmasonry indams IS12894 2002 Speciflcation for pulvenzed fuel ash-lime bncks (first reVISIOn) IS 13757 1993 Specificauonforburntclayflyash buildingbncks' (WRDI1) ReprographyUmt,BlS.NewDelhi,India 2 em"Dr.unageWorksSecuonalCornrruuee.WRD 17 IOREWORD rimIndian '>t<lndard(F,P,tRevrsion)w,ivadoptedhy the Bureau01IndianStandards,afterthe draftlmahzed hy the Crov-, Dr.unage Work' Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources DIVIsion Council Cro".dr<lln<lg..,work,are vtructure wlucharcconstructedto negotiatean alignedearnerchannelover,below or .uthe vamclevelof<Idrainage01anotherearnerchannel For thepurpo,..,ofthl'vtandard,crovsdrainagework,Includeaqueducts,superpawages,canalvyphons,level (,.fo,,,ng'.md vyphon aqueducts l-orgeneralfeature ot designof<.m"drmnagework" referencemay be madetoIS7784(Part I) Part2of IS7784deals withspecrncdcxrgn requirementsfor varioustypesoferos drainagework, In the light of cxpcncnce gained while applyrng the provivrons 01 the earlier version of this standard to pr,lLII<',llvnuauon-, changeshavebeenincorporatedInthl'rcvisron Itincludesguidclmesfor construcuonof .rqucduct-,where thevuperstructureISprestressed ThereI'no ISOstandardon thesubject ThISstandardhas beenpreparedbasedon mdrgenousmanufacturers' d.ua/practu.c-, prevalent mthe held10 India f-or thc purposeofdccidmgwhetheraparucularrequirementoftlns standardIScompliedwith,thehnalvalue, observed or calculated exprevsing the result ofa test or analysis, shall be rounded off 10 accordance with 1<;2 1960'Rule'lorroundingotlnurnerrcalvalue,(reviled)' Thenumber01srgmficantplace retained10the roundedoil valueshouldhe the samea,thatof the spccrficd value10 tlu-,standard IS9913 :2000 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OFCROSS DRAINAGEWORKS ( First Revision) 1~COPE to be uved by machmery/other vehrcles for the lormallonofcanalembankmentor for constructions The consrrucuon01acrosvdr.unagework;ofalarge of'heeros-dramagestructure '17e mcorpor.ucvnumerousacuvruev,each01which. In turn may havc to be planncd and executed 5 TRIAL PITS BORING- TESTING OF considcrmg <cvcr.rl pracuca! ,"ped' It may not be ~OILSAMPLES po,"hie to lover .III such srtuatrons in ,I smgl« 5.1 Static penetration testsshall he earnedoutat all "dnddrd 1hr- vtandard, therefore grves broad importantcomponentsoftheproposedstructure,that ~wdLJmc.,forlht.-pl.Jnnmg~mdt.on\truLlllmofcrovv " anunnenrs, pierv, wing waH" ell' Trial !lorIng, dr.un.rgework, <houldhemadeonabutrnentv,wrngwalls.ind onpIC" 2 REFERENCES ," suuabh. mterv.rlvand he earnedOUIup to vuuable depthbelowtoundauonlevel <;011vamplcsshouldhe Ilu, <t.md.irdv grvcn in Anncx A contain provrsron-, taken ,InJ tested lorobtarrungdata for uvem design WhH..h through reference In rhi-, text Lon...utute 01<tructurcs Sub SOIlwater level (rrumrnum and provisions01th"vt.mdnrd Atthc tunc01publu.auon, m.ixunum)should heascertained the cduions Indic.ucd were vahd All standards arc ,ub,ecl to revrvurn and partrcv 10 agreement- based 5.2 It clay seam' are met With at or below the on 1111, vt.mdard are encouraged to mvcvugatc the toundauon level.undisturbedsarnplev <hall be taken posvrbrluy01applyingthe mostrelentcduions01the and tevted lor engmcermg propertrc-, IOLiudIOg ,t,mdd"l,mdu.ated InAnnexA plavncuymdex,effectivestrevsparameter-(cohevron andangleofvhcanngresistam.e),total volublevohd-, ] TERMINOLOGY andscttlcrm.nt/swelhngcharacrcnsucs Incase01soils lorthe purpoveof thi-,standard,thedctuuuonsgiven Withlow bcanngC.lP.lclty,plateload beunng tl't<, a, IIIj<'441O(P,lrl I~/~el ~)shallapply prcvcrrbed InI<,Ill!!ll ,h,11Ialsoheconducted 4SITE 'iURVEYS 5.3 Jtrspreferable to avord locating the structure 10 the tollowrngareas, If 4.1 Be/ore takrng up thc execution. .I sill' plan 10,I -c.rlc 01 I III SODwrth contour-, at vuuablc interval-, a) 1\fault planeex"t<,mthetoundauon rrx.k m.", -hall be prepared covering ,III an,a not IL" th.m In the vicrrnty of the structure and" oru.nted 200 m all around the proposed structure .ind dilled untavourably from the pornt01view01stahrluy work, IIany HIgh Flood level (HFL) and Normal 01structure, /1000 Level (NFL)shall be marked Site, lor stores. h) Calcarcouvorswellingtype'Olbarepre-emeither bm-, storagespaceloraggregatesand otherrnaterial-, IntheJOintsmrocktoundauonsor mthlvu.rrnty b.uchmgandrmxmg01concrete workshop drsposal 01structureto lall wuhm the load heanng oIred. are.IS etc, should all be planned 'InJ marked on the dnd 'Ill' plan along With the outhnev 01 the revpecuve c) SOIh havmg low bearing capacuy or lugh -tructures settlementcharacterisncsoccur 42 Permanent benchmarks <hall be estnhlrshed rn 5.4 If the structure,are locatedmpldle, mentioned conerete/masonry on !lrm ground on either fldnk of In5.3(a),(b)dnd(c),detaIledstuolestorthl'tredtment the dram which the ,tructure " proposed to be to Improve 10unddtlOn condllton, ~houldhe l.lrrleO lonslructed.wellabovethe h'ghfloodlevelsandwell outunle"thelocationatthestruLlureILdn.:t1alIgnment beyondthecanalemb,mkmentmarglOs Thesebench can he economlcdlly ch.:tnged marks'hdll be aCluratelyconnected wllh the bench mark used orIgmallyforsurveyandmvestlgatlO'" 6 PRELIMINARY WORKS AND DIVERSION ARRANGEMENTS 4.3 fhepermanentbenchmarksshallbelocatedsoas tobeatlea,t50mawaytromthe routewh'chIShkely 6.1 Centreline oraxIShneplll.:tr, lorreference'shall IS9913:2000 heconstructedfrrmlyoneitherflank and aboveHFL 7 RING BUND AND DEWATERING Reference pillars for layout of work shall also he ARRANGEMENTS <uuably located 7.1 Whereanngbundoracofferdam rs10beformed, 6.2 Areaforthedrvposal01excavatedmaterialsshall the top level should be kept well above the normal bedelrned and marked floodlevelasperprOVISIOnsofIS9795(Part1) 6.3 Water requirement and us quality should be 7.2 Vanousalternauvesfordewatenng,forexample. avvevscd and vupply arrangements to meet thrs battery of well points, shallow tube wells, surface requirementshould be made purnpmg or gravity flow depending on the permeabihtyofthe strataand thetopography should 6.4 Adequate arrangements lor power, mcludmg beconsideredand most SUItableoneselected.Incase backup arr.mgcmentv dunng power failure shall be the pumped water I~ to be discharged through an made tor dewatermg and for other construction artrficialor natural dram, adequateslopesshould be .u.uvrnev ensured 6.5 Qu.rrrrevlorconstructionmatenalsand locauons 8 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE of other required materralv should be rdenntred and demarcated Posvibrluyofuse01alternativernaterralv 8.1Constructionscheduleshallbecarefullyprepared should he lully consrdcred to avord mterrupnon For carrymg out construction efficiently, modern techniques ofmanagement hke Program Evaluation durmg convtrucnon and Review Techniques (PERT) and Cntrcal Path 6.6 Rcqurrcmentslor -crccnmg,crushing,washmgof Method (CPM) 01 construcuon scheduling may be ,'ggreg,lle" bau.hmg and mixmg plants should be employedformajorworks ,,,,c,,edand arrangementsmadeaccordrngly 8.2 In cave ofsmall and non-perennial dram" the (,.7 Drvcrvion arrangements to SUit the constructron enureportron of sub-structurecan be tackled mone 'Lhcdule should he planned and Incorporated Inthe stretch and the work should be completed m one '<.-heduleon the h<l'" 01discharge data The scope season Formajorworkstheconstrucuonmay haveto wrlI depend on whether convtrucuon operauons <Ire heplannedIIImoreIhanoneworkingseason Insuch plannedon veuvonnl or annual work109 caves the structure should be broughtIII asafelevel before the onvet of monsoons The schedule for 6.1\ 1he cxc.wauon01the canal may he stoppedon removal ot construcuon machmery and equipment ellher "de ot the dram.igecrowmg (measured from betorctheonset01monsoonshouldbeSUitablyworked high tlood mark) a' vuggcvtcd below to Iacrtuatc out 1l1"~lngrrvcr/dr.un drvervron uf road,.md toprovide adequatevpacetorwork-platforms,,tdcklngmatenals 8.3 Itthe\l7L01thestructure" largeand Itcannotbe aml equipmentand lor uunor,hiltinthealignmentof completedmoneworkingseason,It,<ubstructuremay the L<lIl,II/,tructurerequired, II any hedividedintosuchsegmentswhichcan becompleted IIIoneworkingseasonsothatdewatcnngand clearing ,I) lor rivcrv/dr.nnvhavmgdischnrgesIe"than 100 ofvilt/rnuckdeposued dunngramscan beobviated eunice. - ISO10, 8.4 Wherecutoffwallsor pilehnesare specified10 h) lor nvcrv/dr.un-, h.rvmg drschargcs IOU 10100 the drawmgs, the same arc to he executed and cumecv- ,00m. and protected adequately trom mcrdental scour due to floods occurrmgdunng the construction penod L) fornvcrvdramshavingdischargesmorethan100 cumcc - 50010 9 MATERIALS 6.9 Feruporary ro.idway lor the movement 01 9.1 Cement m.uhmery across the nver/drain may he termed The cement used shall be any 01 those specified In heyond the work area 01 the upstream ur the IS456 downvtrc.un protecuon work of the structure, so th,1I11maynotmterterewiththeexecution01thework 9.2 Aggregates 9.2.1 AllaggregatesshallconformtoIS381 6.10 Sultu.rcntquanntyofconstrucuonmatenaland cquiprncmshallhestored/stackedoneitherflank well 9.2.2 Coarse and frne aggregates shall be batched "hove HFL Storage of materials should be as per separatelyasperdesignrequirementsof theconcrete IS40K2 mix 2 IS9913:2000 9.3 OtherMaterials 10.6.3 Thesoundnessofbottom plugshouldbetested bydewateringthe wellby5mbelowthe surrounding Other materials hke bncks, stones, WIrecrates, etc, waterlevel and checkingthe rrveofwater Therateof should be as perrelevantdevrgnrequirements nseshouldbe less than 100 mmlh Incasethe rateI~ 9.4 Water higher.suitableremedial measuressh..1lbe taken Waterused for rruxmgandcunngshouldconformto 10.6.4 Theconcretingofbouorn plugshall be done the requirementsgrvenanIS 456 by trermeor otherapproved methodand not by 'kip box 9.5 AdmixturesforConcrete 9.5.1 Admixtures may be used with the approval of 10.7 PIle toundations are generally notprovided III caseof aqueducts Piles, where unavoidable, should theengmeer-in chargeafteradequatetestmg not he provided within the flood zone ofthe fiver 9.5.2 TheadmixtureshallconformtoIS 9101 WIthdeepscour 9.6 ReinforcementandPrestressingSteel 11 PIERS.ABUTMENTS&SUPERSTRUCTURE Reinforcementandprestressingsteelshallconformto 11.1 Piers and abutments may he solid, or cellular thc requirementsof 1<;456 type Thenurumumthicknev,01w.illsvh..11be600m 10 FOUNDATIONANDFLOORCONCRETE The c.onstructron IOlllh should he kept to the rrurnmum..nd should he avoided rnthe splash zone 10.1WhereIeastblc.the toundauonconcrete'hallbe I' 11.2 Trestletypeframesfor <uhxtructurcshall not h" laidIII'Inglepour II It notposvrbletotay concrete ..llowed withrnthe flood Toneot the river 'II one pour the floor 'h,11I be divrded Into "olllpartrnentsandprovidedwith suitableconstruction 11.3 Where abutrncntv piers nr b..rrcls arc (0 be jOlllh The concrete vhould be laid an layers 01 constructed m stone masonry, the facing shall he 100rnrnor'0and vuttrcrcntprecautron-,'hallbetaken coursed rubble..nd the hearung 111random masonry 10ensureproper bondingof pours Thesurtaceshall Inc,I'e01bnck rn..sonry,'electedbru.kv or concrete generally be vand blasted or thoroughly cleaned and block, 01 vutlrcrent strength rrux moulded on layervofcementvlurry 01sufticrentconvistencyshall vrbraungtablevhallbeusedIIIthe rn.ivonry InC<1~C,,1 be laid beforeplacingsubsequentpou" It.1layerI' concrete construction suttrcrent care ,h,,11he taken left unfuushcd dt the end 01 the season, the dowel, forsmoothfiruvhofformedsurface..ndproperbondrng and ,e,ll,may also be providedas required betweensuccevvrveliltsshould heensured "orlarge work> construction joint-, may be provided and 10.2 If lorany rca.onconcrcungI'to be stopped an adequate precautions taken to ensure ,Igood bond the middleof the h..v.It,h,,11be telt111,tep'not levs WIthtreshconcrete I! necc.svarypnorlaboratorytrml than 150mmandepth Whenthe workI'resumed,the of bonding method should he Carried out <urtaceot the oldconcreteshallberoughenedwellby chiselhng,thoroughly cleanedand " layerofcement 11.4Incaseofbnckmasonryconstruction thesurface groutworkedwell 11110thesurfaceot the oldconcrete shouldbeplasteredWIthI 'cement<andmortarwhere beforenewconcrete"Lud overIt velocity exceeds 2 m/s otherwise thcve should be cementpointed Incaseofstonern..vonry, pernuvsrble 10.3 Wcartngcoat concreteas spccitred'hall be lard velocity may be higher Gramte may be adopted In whilethe baseconcrete"sullgreenand 1I0ttully set pIer;,and abutment, lorhighervelocrucs 10.4 In case of c.oncrcung of thrck secuon 11.5 For'pan"Ie"than'0rn.thetopolthemasonry anangementsfor heatdrssipauon shall be made ,Ihutmentand plef\'hould be prOVIdedWith;,ultahly 10.5 Forcon,oltdatmgconuete,unmerslonv,brato" de'lgnedconcretehedhlo"kand twoCOdlSof"'ph"ltIC ,I>perI~1558,h,,11be u~ed p..mts "pphed overItbeforelaying rool ,l"n Where the rool ,lab I' nol monol,tlllc With concrete 10.6 Well Foundations abutment/pier "nd latd 'epdrately two lO.lh 01 10.6.1 Foundatl<lllssupportang the ,uper,trueture01 asphdltlC pmntlgrdft pdper/appropn,lte beanng Idrge works Incated In deep water ch'mnels 'hdll m..tenal should be placed over It hefore I,tymg the t.ompn~ehber..lly dlmen'lOnt:d c"lsson~ The outer rool ,I..h01the drUlnage barref For ldrge'pam Ihe dIameter shall be large and preferably not Ie" than de~lgnef\'lfrangementofbeanng~~houldbe,Idhered 6 m with the mlOlmum thlekne~sofcaIsson wall ,I' to(seeFIg I) onemetre 11.6 PlacingofBearing~ 10.6.2 For caisson, resung on rock. proper squdre Beanng' are proVided '0 Ihat the heanng ,Iresse, ,eatingshould he en,ured mduced 10 the ,uh~tructure ,lfe wllllIn penn""ble

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