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Preview IS 9817: Sealing test for pressurized waveguide tubing and assemblies

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 9817 (1992): Sealing test for pressurized waveguide tubing and assemblies [LITD 6: Wires, Cables, Waveguides and Accessories] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 9817 : 1992 IEC Pub 261 ( 1989 ) ( wy gmhJT ) Indian Standard SEALING TEST FOR PRESSURIZED WAVEGUIDE TUBING AND ASSEMBLIES ( First Revision ) UDC 621*372*831-46: 26 20.16529 @J SlB 2991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Gronp4 September 1992 evaworciM stnenopmoC and seirosseccA lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTL 19 LANOITAN FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS hcihw is lacitnedi htiw CEI buP 261 ( 1989 ) gnilaeS‘ tset rof dezirusserp ediugevaw gnibut and ,’seilbmessa issued yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ( CEI ,) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards no eht noitadnemmocer fo eht evaworciM stnenopmoC and seirosseccA lanoitceS eettimmoC ( DTL 19 ) and lavorppa fo eht scinortcelE and noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC reverehW eht sdrow lanoitanretnI‘ ’dradnatS raeppa gnirrefer ot this standard, yeht dluohs eb daer as naidnI‘ .’dradnatS nI this detpoda standard, ecnerefer sraeppa ot niatrec lanoitanretnI Standards rof hcihw naidnI Standards osla .tsixe ehT gnidnopserroc naidnI Standards hcihw era ot eb detutitsbus ni rieht ecalp era detsil woleb gnola htiw rieht eerged fo ecnelaviuqe rof eht snoitide :detacidni International Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Standard Equivalence CEI buP 1-86 ( 1988 ) SI 9000 ( traP 1 ) : 1988 cisaB latnemnorivne yllacinhceT latnemnorivnE gnitset gnitset serudecorp rof cinortcele and lacirtcele tnelaviuqe traP 1 : lareneG and :smeti traP 1 lareneG ( trkj noisiver ) ecnadiug SI 9001 ( traP 1 ) : 1954 ecnadiuG rof -norivne yllacinhceT latnem :gnitset traP 1 lareneG tnelaviuqe CEI buP 71-2-86 ( )8791 SI 9000 ( traP ceS/Sl 1 ot 9 ) : 1,982 cisaB yllacinhceT tseT Q : gnilaeS latnemnorivne gnitset serudecorp rof cinortcele tnelaviuqe and lacirtcele :smeti traP 15 gnilaeS tset ylnO eht hsilgnE egaugnal txet ni eht lanoitanretnI dradnatS has neeb deniater elihw gnitpoda ti ni this naidnI .dradnatS IS 9817 : 1992 IEC Pub 261 ( 1989 ) Indian Standard SEALING TEST FOR PRESSURIZED WAVEGUIDE TUBING AND ASSEMBLIES ( First Revision ) 1. epocs sihT standard seificeps mrofinu gnirusaem sdohtem rof gnilaes stset rof dezirusserp ediugevaw stnenopmoc and .seilbmessa esehT gnirusaem sdohtem era deirrac tuo htiw drager ot ytitnauq and .ytilauq 2. tinU fo erusserp ehT gniwollof IS tinu fo erusserp is desu ni this standard: lacsaP .)aP( setoN 1. - I rab = 10” .aP 2. - roF esae ni lacitamehtam snoitaluclac ti si dednemmocer taht eht IS tinu lacsapolik (kPa) eb .desu 3. - l[ isp ]?ni/fbI = 6.895 X IO’ .aP 3. Test method A: Pressure drop during elapsed time (quantity test) ehT kael etar and eht etar fo erusserp ssol morf a ylbmessadelaes era denimreted yb gnirusaem eht egnahc ni eht lanretni erusserp gnirud a tset emit .lavretni yranoituaC .efon - ytefaS snoituacerp llahs eb nekat nehw gnisu tset sdohtem taht eriuqer a evitisop erusserp rof gnitset .stnenopmoc 3.1 Definitions of terms and symbols Leak rate ehT ytitnauq fo a yrd gas at a nevig erutarepmet that swolf hguorht a kael rep tinu fo emit and rof a nwonk ecnereffid fo erusserp ssorca eht kael ees( I CE noitacilbuP -2%6 .)71 Unit ehT cisab IS tinu rof kael etar is “Pascal cibuc ertem rep dnoces aP( . .“)s/’m ehT devired tinu “Pa . ”s/3mc is desu ni this standard: 1 Pa X m3/s = 6ol Pa X s/3mc = 10 rab X .s/3mc .etoN - gniruD eht tset ,doirep eht erusserp edisni eht tnenopmoc yam esaerced dna eht tneibma erusserp edistuo eht ediugevaw yam .etautculf nI all fo eseht ,stset yna rorre eud ot snoitairav ni eht erusserp laitnereffid gnisira morf eht evoba stceffe gnirud eht gnitset doirep sah neeb .detcelgen Gauge pressure ehT erusserp as nwohs yb a erusserp ,eguag that is eht tnuoma yb hcihw eht erusserp sdeecxe cirehpsomta .erusserp Standard atmospheric conditions A erutarepmet fo 293 K taht( sdnopserroc ot 20 “C), and a erusserp fo 101.3 kPa. esehT( -idnoc snoit era debircsed ni I CE noitacilbuP ).l-86 ( CEI egap 7 ) SI 9817 : 1992 CEI Pub 29i ( 1989 ) PO = dradnats erusserp (IO 1.3 kPa) ,P = i laiti cirehpsomta erusserp 2p = Yf lan cirehpsomta erusserp lcP = laitini eguag erusserp P lanif eguag erusserp e2 = laitini etulosba erusserp nihtiw eht ,ylbmessa detcerroc ot dradnats erutarepmet fo 293 K PI.0 = P 1.0 = lanif etulosba erusserp nihtiw eht ,ylbmessa detcerroc ot dradnats erutarepmet fo 293 K erusserp pord gnirud tset emit ,lavretni detcerroc ot dradnats erutarepmet fo 293 K PI.2 = laitini ediugevaw sag erutarepmet )K( T, = lanif ediugevaw sag erutarepmet )K( T2 = V = denibmoc emulov fo eht ylbmessa dna eht gnirusaem-erusserp sutarappa LR,, = leak ,etar detcerroc ot dradnats erutarepmet t = gnitset emit .lavretni l 3.2 Test procedure ezirusserP eht ylbmessa htiw ria ot eht deificeps eguag erusserp and tcennocsid eht ecruos fo .ria wollA tneiciffus emit rof eht lanretni erusserp ot emoceb elbats and neht drocer eht eguag erusserp ,,,P eht tneibma erusserp 1P and eht ediugevaw gas erutarepmet Tl. At eht dne fo eht tset emit ,lavretni drocer eht eguag erusserp Pe2, eht tneibma erusserp Pz and eht ediugevaw gas erutarepmet T2. trevnoC Pel and Pe2 ot eht gnidnopserroc etulosba seulav gnidrocca ot eht :ealumrof PI.0 = (P, + Pe ,) 293 Tl Pl.0 = (P* + %2) 293 7’2 )e etaluclaC eht detcerroc-erutarepmet erusserp pord Pl,2 gnirud eht tset emit lavretni morf eht noitaler : P 1.2 = 0.IP - p2.0 j To trevnoc erusserp ssol ot emulov fo ,kael esu eht :alumrof RL = 2.IP X v 501( Pa X 3md X ro.i-h 105 Pa X 3mc X )1-s C t Example: ehT denibmoc emulov fo a ediugevaw ylbmessa and its gnirusaem-erusserp apparatus is 8.195 .3md tI is dezirusserp htiw ria and eht laitini eguag gnidaer is 3.44 105 Pa. sihT gnidaer is nekat nehw eht cirehpsomta erusserp is 93 kPa and eht erutarepmet fo eht ediugevaw is 293 .K retfA 24 h, eht eguag erusserp has deppord ot 3.29 5ol Pa, eht cirehpsomta erusserp is 96 kPa and eht erutarepmet fo eht ediugevaw is 298 .K etaluclaC eht kael etar ni )01 Pa X .h/3md (3.44 X 5ol Pa + 0.93 XIOs )aP X 293 K = 4 3, x 5ol pa 0.IP = 293 K (3.29 X 5ol Pa + 0.96 X 5ol )aP X 293 K = 4 1g x 5o1 pa P2.0 = 298 K P I.1 = 4.37 X 105 Pa - 4.18 X 5OI Pa = 0.19 X 10s Pa RL = 3md591.8 _X 0.19 X 5ol Pa c = 6.49 X *-ol X 5ol Pa X dmVh 24h (IEC egap 9 ) 2 IS 9817 : 1992 IEC Pub 261 ( 1989 ) 3.3 Preferred test conditions Unless esiwrehto :deificeps - eht tset eguag erusserp Pel shall eb 5OI ;aP - eht tset emit lavretni shall eb 24 ;h - eht erusserp pord shall ton deecxe %5 fo eht tset eguag erusserp PeI nihtiw eht ;ediugevaw - eht mumixam elbissimrep oitar fo eht tnemerusaem apparatus emthov shall eb 0.1 ot that fo eht ediugevaw ylbmessa ;emulov - eht mumixam elbissimrep noitairav fo eht tneibma erutarepmet shall eb 2 5 .K 3.4 Summary of details which may need to be specified in the relevant specification erehW this tset is dedulcni ni eht tnaveler ,noitacificeps eht gniwollof sliated shall eb ,deificeps fi yeht reffid morf esualc-buS :3.3 - derised tset eguag erusserp P,, ;)aP( - derised tset emit ,lavretni ni ;sruoh - mumixam elbissimrep erusserp pord gnirud eht ,tset ylevitcepser mumixam elbissimrep kael ;etar - mumixam elbissimrep oitar fo eht emulov fo eht tnemerusaem apparatus ot that fo eht ediugevaw ylbmessa ;emulov - mumixam elbissimrep noitairav fo eht tneibma erutarepmet gnirud eht tset siht( erutarepmet noitairav noitatimil deen ton ylppa ot stset edam rednu dleif .)snoitidnoc 4. Test method B: Leak rate sihT tset serusaem eht kael etar fo dezirusserp ediugevaw gnibut and .seilbmessa 4.1 Definition, units of terms and symbols Standard atmospheric conditions A erutarepmet fo 20 “C 392( )K and a erusserp :fo 1.013 X 105 Pa = 1 erehpsomta [ 14.696 ]2ni/fbl Pressure Pascals .)aP( Leak Rate (LR,) ehT emulov fo ria detcerroc ot standard cirehpsomta ,snoitidnoc hcihw skael rep tinu fo emit morf a ediugevaw ylbmessa at tnatsnoc .erusserp tinU is: Pa X m3/s. Symbols ,’I = dradnats cirehpsomta erusserp - I :erehpsomta 310.1 X 5ol aP ,P = tset erusserp rep noitacificeps etulosbA( )erusserp )aP( 4.2 Test apparatus ehT tset apparatus is nwohs ni erugiF 1. 3 ( CEI egap )11 IS 7189 : 1992 IEC Pub 261 ( 1989 ) 4.3 Test procedure a) hctiwS tset egrup evlav B ot egrup .noitisop b) hctiwS erusserp egnar evlav A ot derised erusserp egnar .)wol-hgih( 4 Adjust rotaluger C ro D ot deificeps .erusserp 4 tcennoC tset .tinu 4 hctiwS egrup/tset evlav B ot tset .noitisop n wollA metsys ot .ezilibats ,;s etoN retemwolf G .gnidaer sihT is eht kael etar fo eht ediugevaw ylbmessa at tset .erusserp h) hctiwS egrup/tset evlav B ot egrup .noitisop )i tcerroC eht kael etar at eht tset erusserp ot eht gnidnopserroc eulav at standard cirehpsomta erusserp gnidrocca ot eht :alumrof LR, = PI X retemwolf gnidaer oT erusaem eht kael etar fo eht tset apparatus ,flesti etutitsbus a blank egnalf rof eht ylbmessa rednu tset and eunitnoc inorf esualc-buS 4.3. .etoN - ecnO eht tset erusserp sah neeb dehsilbatse ni ecnadrocca htiw eht ,noitacificxq all seilbmessa detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht emas noitaciliceps dna erusserp deen ylno ylpmoc htiw sesualc-buS 4.4 dna 4.5. erusserP pord at retemwolf si detcelgen dna rof a erom esicerp ,tnemerusaem tresni a erusserp eguag dniheb eht .retemwolf 4.4 Summary of details which may need to be specified in the relevant specification nehW this tset is dedulcni ni eht tnaveler ,noitacificeps eht gniwollof sliated shall eb -iceps :deif - derised tset ;erusserp - mumixam elbissimrep kael ;etar - tset emit .noitarud 4.5 Preferred test conditions - Unless esiwrehto ,deificeps eht mumixam elbissimrep erutarepmet noitairav shall eb & 5 ;K - eht tset emit noitarud is 300 s; - standard cirehpsomta .snoitidnoc 5. Test method C: Bubble test (quality test) ecniS skael tonnac eb detacol using tset dohtem A ro ,B eht elbbub tset is deyolpme ot etacol eht nigiro fo eht .skael 5.1 Test procedure a) tI is dednemmocer ot esu tfos retaw rof eht tset bath. Its erutarepmet shall ton yrav yb erom than f 2 K morf eht tneibma .erutarepmet b) ehT ylbmessa shall eb tes ot eht eguag tset erusserp as ,deriuqer taking otni tnuocca eht erusserp noitairav neewteb eht roiretni and roiretxe fo eht ylbmessa at eht tset .htped ehT roiretni eguag tset erusserp shall eb lauqe ot eht sum fo eht eguag erusserp and eht ciluardyh erusserp 1( rabm rep mc tset .)htped CEI( egap )31 4 SI 7189 : 1992 IEC Pub 261 ( 1989 ) ehT dezirusserp ylbmessa shall eb desremmi ni eht tset bath at eht etairporppa tset .htped ehT ria selbbub no eht ecafrus fo eht ylbmessa shall eb devomer yb snaem fo a brush. elbissoP skael ni eht tset ylbmessa nac eb detceted yb eht selbbub that egreme morf .ti ehT ytitnauq fo ria that sepacse morf a kael ni eht ylbmessa shall eb derusaem yb snaem fo a elbatius gnitcelloc ecived ees( I CE noitacilbuP -2-86 17, tseT Qa). retfA lavomer fo eht tset ylbmessa morf eht bath, ti shall eb ylreporp .deird ehT lanretni tset erusserp shall neht eb derewol ot cirehpsomta .erusserp 5.2 Preferred test conditions Unless esiwrehto :deificeps - eht tset eguag erusserp shall eb 5ol ;aP - tset emit lavretni shall eb 5 ;nim - ereht shall eb on selbbub gnirud eht .tset 5.3 Summary of details which may need to be specified in the relevant specification nehW this tset is dedulcni ni eht tnaveler ,noitacificeps eht gniwollof sliated shall eb deificeps fi yeht reffid morf esoht ni :2.5 tset ,diuqil unless tfos retaw is ;desu 7 tset emit ;lavretni - tset ,erutarepmet fi rehto than tneibma ;erutarepmet - tset eguag ;erusserp - mumixam elbissimrep emulov fo ;egakael fi ,elbacilppa noitamrofni tuoba gniyrd .erudecorp - 6. Test method D: Halogen leakage test (quality test) nehW tset sdohtem A, B ro C era ton ,lacitcarp eht negolah egakael tset is .dednemmocer tI is tsom elbatius rof eht noitcepsni fo ydaerla dellatsni .smetsys-enil sihT tset dohtem seod ton ,elbane ,revewoh esicerp gnirusaem stluser ot eb deniatbo no eht kael ,etar esuaceb hcus srotcaf as egakael eloh noitarlcgilnoc dnuor( ro ,)talf noitartnecnoc snoitairav hguorht ria ,stnerruc and eht epahs fo eht tset ylbmessa evah rieht .stceffe ehT negolah gas rotceted is an elbacilppa ecived rof eht negolah tset .dohtem roF this ,esoprup eht ediugevaw ylbmessa must eb dezirusserp htiw negolah hcus as tnaregirfer gas, ro a erutxim fo negolah gas and .ria . ehT kael is detacol yb gnivom eht rotceted eborp gnola eht ecafrus fo eht .ylbmessa ynA gnipacse gas lliw eb detacidni yb eht lortnoc .tinu negolaH gas srotceted evah a gnol esnopser ,emit os that gnitacol a kael yam eb .tluciffid ehT ssenlufesu fo negolah gas srotceted nac eb ylsuoires deriapmi fi eht latnemnorivne ria is detullop ,yb rof ,elpmaxe .ekoms gnipacsE negolah tset gas nac osla etanimatnoc eht erehpsomta fo eht tset moor and thus tceffa eht tset .stluser ,eroferehT eht tset moor dluohs syawla eb deria and eht gnillif and gniytpme fo eht ylbmessa dluohs eb enod ni a etarapes .moor ehT ytivitisnes fo eseht stnemurtsni is lanoitroporp ot eht noitartnecnoc fo eht tnaregirfer gas desu ot ezirusserp eht .ediugevaw nI ,lareneg eht noitacidni ycarucca is tnedneped nopu eht rotceted and eht epyt fo .egakael fI eht negolah egakael tset is ,deredro eht yrassecen sliated shall eb deerga nopu ,dnaherofeb and eht s’rerutcafunam snoitcurtsni dluohs eb nekat otni .tnuocca 5 (EC egap )51

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