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IS 9780: Glass bottles for tomato ketchup PDF

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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 9780 (1992): Glass bottles for tomato ketchup [CHD 10: Glassware] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 9780 : 2991 ( ) TT$iT“ @MJT Indian Standard GLASSBOTTLESFORTOMATOKETCHUP- _ SPECIFICATION (F irst Revision ) UDC 621’798’147 [ 666’171 ] : 664’871’6 : 635’64 @ BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 1992 Price Groap 3 Glassware lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 10 FOREWORD sihT naidcJ dradcatS ( tsriF ncisiveR > was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards. retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht Glass srcniatncC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC MCPD 13 ( won a trap fo erawssalG lanoitceS )eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC sihT stardard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1981. ehT tneserp noisiver setaroprocni niatrec snoitacifidom to gnirb this standard ni enil htiw eht trerruc gnirutcafunam .secitcarp As ,hcus this desiver standard sedivorp rof selttob htiw muucav gul hsinif and htiw dual kcen .hsinif tI is tlef that ni the raen erutuf selttob htiw muucav gul hsinif yam eb derutcafunam ni eht .yrtnuoc roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffc ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT retrrrn fc tnacfingis deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht places deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 9780 : 1992 Indian Standard GLASSBOTTLESFORTOMATO KETCHUP - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) a 1 EPOCS 1.1 sihT standard syal nwod stnemeriuqer rof glass selttob rof gnikcap fo otamot .puhctek 2 SECNEREFER ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era eht yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard: i -la! \ IS No. J! 2303 : 1963 6654 : 1982 yrassolG fo smret gnitaler -II---- ot glass reniatnoc ( Jirst ! revision ) 6945 : 1973 edoC fo ecitcarp rof -gakcap ! gni glass and glassware ! 7511 noisnemiD rof kcen :sehsinif ( traP 6 ) : 1986 traP 6 Dual kcen hsinif ( first revision ) , ,+ t 7511 snoisnemiD rof kcen :sehsinif -d------4 ( traP 8 ) : 1986 traP 8 muucaV gul hsinif ( jirst revision ) Relationship Brimful Capacity ( C ) 7’9401 : 1983 dohteM fo tset rof eht /thgieW ]-[ W* 50 rn12 C < 180 lm T:z$ noitanimreted fo lufmirb yticapaC C yticapac fo glass sreniatnoc 180 lm ( C 6 1 000 lm 4.9 Min yb cirtemivarg dohtem 93 Max 11930 : 1986 sdohteM fo lamreht kcohs aiD/thgieH D H 1 50 lm < C< 1 000 lm 2 ot 4 [ stset rof glass sreniatnoc elgnA fo redluohS - 40” Min oC( 3 YGOLONIMRET 3.1 roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht ytilibatS [ $-- 1 0.22 Min snoitinifed nevig ni SI 6654 : 1982 shall .ylppa thgieW* fo eht eMb W ot b3 nekl.t ni ;g lufmirB yticapac fo eht elttab C ot :b nekat ni 4 EPAHS A’ND SNOISNEMID .sertilitnec 1 4.1 ehT epahs fo eht elttob shall eb as deerga ot FIG. DIMENSIONS OF BO~TLB neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus elihW nworc kroc zpyt erusolc and xvo ti a wercs gniyficeps eht epahs fo eht ,elttob eht -n:mid lanois pihsnoitaler as nevig ni .giF 1 shall ?b daerht gnimrofnoc ot SI 7511 ( trlP 6 ) : 1936 ro shall evah 33 mm muucav gul hsinif gnite:m .deniatniam ehT ngised fo eht elttob shnll :b eht lanoisnemid stnemeriuqer as nevig ni SI 7511 hcus that ereht si eerf wolf fo tnetnoc nehw eht elttob is .detlit ( traP 8 ) : 1986. erugiF 2 sevig zht snoisnzmid rof glass kcen hsinif rof 93’0 gul .pac 4.2 ehT wall ssenkciht fo eht ydob fo eht elttob shall eb 1.5 ,mm min. 6 STNEMERIUQER 5 KCEN HSINIF 6.1 lairetaM and pihsnamkroW 5.1 ehT puhctek selttob shall zb dedivorp htiw ehT selttob shall :b edam fo rzzlc g&s and _ dual kcen hsinif hcihw is elbapac fo taking a shall evah a htooms :cafrus tuohtiw ,skcarc 1 IS 0879 : 2991 if ::%92.62 SEALING SURFACE SEE NOTE I 0.38 ,nim A&.$+&AQ -_ NECK DIA BEA0 DIA q 4 BEAD DfA _ 1 A-A c-c PITCH 25.Lmm FOR THREADS 1. ehT 2.74 ecnatsid si ton lacitirc rof pac noitcnuf tub si detseggus rof dlom s’rekam .ecnadiug ehT 13.31 ecnatsid si eht daerht toor htped ot edivorp 13.21 htped at egap .enil 2. gnitacoL tod“ sniamer elbisiv retfa pac noitacilppa gniwohs noitisop fo pots tod dluohs ton etaloivni 15.24 mm htped ro daeb .retemaid 3. ’E‘ retemaid tsum eb deniatniam nwod ot tellif at refsnart .daeb 4. gnilaeS ecafrus tsum eb htooms dna eerf fo stcefed taht dluow tneverp a muucav laes gnieb edam ro -retni eref htiw noitator fo .erusolc 5. niatniaM ‘T’ retemaid ot a htped fo 13.6 morf 13.6 ot 15.24 retemaid yam eb ssel naht muminim tub ton retaerg naht .mumixam .GIF 2 SNOISNEMID ROF SSALG KCEN FINISH FOR $30 LUG CAP sharp segde ro .selbbub ehT selttob shall osla 6.1.3 Limit of Alkalinity eb eerf morf ,sdroc sretsilb and ,senots and as raf as ,elbissop eerf morf gnidaol marks as .llew nehW dedarg gnidrocca ot eht dohtem -serp debirc ni SI 2303 : 1963, eht glass fo eht elttob 6.1.1 ehT gnilaes ecafrus shall eb eerf morf shall mrofnoc ot epyT 4. enilriah skcarc ( split hsinif ) and tnenimorp maes marks. 6.2 gnilaennA 6.1.2 ehT selttob shall eb llew demrof htiw a ehT selttob shall eb llew delaenna and shall ton mrofinu noitubirtsid fo glass all revo eht walls niatnoc strains erom than that nwohs yb eerht and eht ,esab gnidiova yna egde at eht .mottob standard strain discs. 2 P SI 0879 : 1992 6.5.2 ecnareloT no retemaid ( ytilavo dedulcni ) 6.3 Thermal Stock Resistance ehT selttob nehw detcejbus ot eht lamreht kcohs OT = & ( 5’0 + 210’0 D ) tset gnidrocca ot SI 11930 ; 1986 shall ton wohs yna elbisiv skcarc ro egamad retfa eht .tset ehT 6.5.3 Tolerance on Verticality erutarepmet ecnereffid ( 1f - )3f rof eht lamreht ehT epahs fo eht elttob shall eb hcus that nehw kcohs tset shall eb tpek at 43”C, gnipeek tpek no a talf ecafrus eht gnilaes ecafrus shall eb eht rewol bath erutarepmet ( pt ) at moor lellarap ot eht .esab A lacitrev enil hguorht .erutarepmet eht ertnec fo eht elcric demrof yb~ eht edisni kcen gninepo shall pass hguorht eht ertnec fo 6.4 lufmirB yticapaC eht elcric debircsed yb eht mottob gnitser ehT lufmirb yticapac fo eht selttob nehw dekcehc .ecafrus ehT mumixam elbissimrep noitairav at moor erutarepmet fo 27 & 2°C gnidrocca ot ni ytilacitrev nehw detset gnidrocca ot eht SI 10497 : 1983 shall eb as nevig ni elbaT 1. dohtem nevig ni xennA A shall eb 5’1 .mm elbaT 1 Brimful Capacity of Tomato 7 GNIKCAP AND GNIKRAM Ketcbop Bottles 7.1 gnikcaP Nominal Brimful Net Contents Mass of Capacity Capacity of Tomato Bottles ehT selttob shall eb dekcap ni ecnadrocca htiw Ketchup eht senilediug nevig ni SI 6945 : 1973. ml ml g 500 515 & 7 500 385g* 14 I 000 1 020 & 10 1 000 510 -f 25 7.2 Marking hcaE elttob shall eb dekram yltnenamrep and 6.5 lanoisnemiD secnareloT ylbigel no its ecafrus htiw eht :gniwollof ehT lanoisnemid secnarelot shall eb detaluclac )a its lanimon yticapac dewollof yb eht rettel yb eht ealumrof nevig ni 6.5.1 and 6.5.2. ehT ’lm‘ no eht ,edis laudividni seulav fo eht secnarelot gnitluser )b noitacidni fo eht ecruos fo erutcafunam morf eht gniwollof ealumrof shall eb dednuor at eht .mottob ot 1’0 .mm 8 GNILPMAS 6.5.1 ecnareloT no thgieh ’H‘ nehw derusaem yb eht erutxif nwohs ni .giF 3 shall ton deecxe 8.1 evitatneserpeR samples fo eht selttob shall eht stimil detaluclac yb eht gniwollof :ealumrof eb drawn and degdujda rof ytimrofnoc ot this 6’0 + 400’0 H ) standard as debircserp ni xennA TH = & ( B. ANNEX A j Ckzuse 6.5.3 ) TEST FOR VERTICALITY -OF BOTTLES talf etalp gnivah a tfahs detlob ot ti at thgir A-l GENERAL .elgna Adjust eht kcolb-V detnuom no eht tfahs sihT tset senimreted eht denibmoc tceffe A-l.1 ni hcus a rennam that ti is ni tcatnoc htiw eht fo eht tesffo fo htuom htiw eht ydob and eht retuo retemaid fo eht elttob at tuoba eht .elddim htuom gnieb at an elgna ot eht .ydob Adjust eno fo eht dial srotacidni dettif ot eht tfahs os that its gnirusaem tniop semoc ni 2-A YLBMESSA tcatnoc htiw eht retuo egde fo eht kcen fo eht elttob and that fo eht dnoces no eht pot fo eht 1.2-A ylbmessA rof eht noitanimreted fo gnilaes ecafrus rof gnirusaem eht thgieh fo eht ytilacitrev fo elttob shall eb as nwohs ni .giF 3. .elttob etatoR eht ,selttob gnipeek eht ydob syawla ni tcatnoc htiw eht .kcolb-V etoN nwod 3-A PROCEDURE eht mumixam noitcelfed noe eht .rotacidni 1.3-A lliF eht elttob htiw retaw ni redro ot evig 1.1.3-A flaH fo eht latot noitcelfed nwohs yb ti erom ytilibats and ecalp ti no its esab no eht eht rotacidni shall eb eht noitairav ni .ytilacitrev 3 SI 9780 : 1992 IAL !PdGlCAT ORS V-BLOCK HARDENED PIECE / \ IL-EASEL PLAT-E GRUB SCREW FIG. 3 YLBMESSA FOR GNITSET YTILACITREV AND THGIEH ANNEX B ( Clause 8.1 ) GNILPMAS FO SSALG SELTTOB B-l ELACS FO GNILPMAS shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw 1oc 1 and 3 fo elbaT 2. B-l.1 Lot 4.1-B fI eht glass selttob era dekcap ni a rebmun nI yna tnemngisnoc all eht glass selttob fo eht fo snotrac at tsael 30 tnecrep fo eht ,snotrac emas snoisnemid and derutcafunam rednu eht tcejbus ot a muminim fo 2 ,snotrac shall eb emas ,snoitidnoc shall eb depuorg rehtegot ot denepo rof gnitceles eht samples. etutitsnoc a .tol 2-B REBMUN FO STSET AND AIRETIRC 2.l-B selpmaS shall eb detset morf hcae tol rof FOR YTIMROFNOC gniniatrecsa eht ytimrofnoc fo eht selttob ot eht stnemeriuqer fo this .noitacificeps 1.2-B Visual and lanoisnemiD stnemeriuqeR 3.l-B ehT rebmun fo glass selttob ot eb detceles tseT rof eht lausiv and lanoisnemid -eriuqer ni eht elpmas sdneped no eht ezis fo eht tol and stnem ( 4.1, 6.1 and 6.5 ,) ,gnidulcxe ytinilakla 4 SI 9780 : 1992 tset rof gniniatrecsa eht ytimrofnoc fo eht tset srebmun rof eht dnoces ,egats eht tol shall eb shall eb edam no elpmas sreniatnoc detceles ni demeed ot evah deifsitas eseht .stnemeriuqer eno ro owt stages as eht esac yam eb Csee ,revewoH fi eht evitalumuc rebmun fo sevitcefed elbaT 2 .) is lauqe ot ro retaerg than eht gnidnopserroc noitcejer ,rebmun eht tol shall eb detcejer 1.1.2-B ehT elpmas selttob detceles ni eht tsrif tuohtiw rehtruf .gnitset egats shall eb denimaxe rof suoirav stnemeriuqer 2.2-B ytinilaklA and lamrehT kcohS ecnatsiseR deificeps rednu 4.1, 6.1 and 6.5. ynA elttob stseT gciliaf ot yfsitas eno ro erom fo eseht -eriuqer stnem shall eb demret as .evitcefed fI eht ehT tol gnivah neeb dnuof yrotcafsitas gnidrocca rebmun fo sevitcefed ni eht tsrif egats is less ot esualc 1.2-B shall eb rehtruf detcejbus ot than ro lauqe ot eht ecnatpecca rebmun eseht .stset enO tset shall eb detcudnoc rof )a( nevig ni- 1oc 5 fo elba-T 2, eht tol shall eb gninimreted ytinilakla fo eht class. roF lamreht .detpecca fI eht rebmun fo sevitcefed is lauqe kcohs ecnatsiser ,tset eht samples shall eb drawn ot ro retaerg than eht noitcejer rebmun )r( nevig as rep 1oC 7 fo elbaT 2. ehT samples rof htob ni 1oc 6 fo elbaT 2 eht tol shall eb .detcejer fI eseht stset shall eb nekat morf esoht ydaerla ti seil neewteb )a( and )r( rof eht tsrif ,egats a denimaxe and dnuof yrotcafsitas as rep .4.1-B dnoces elpmas fo ezis nevig ni 1oc 3 fo- elbaT 2 ehT tol shall eb deralced as gnimrofnoc ot eht shall eb .nek-at fI eht evitalumuc .on fo -cefed stnemeriuqer fo this ,noitacificeps fi ereht is on sevit is less than ro lauqe ot eht ecnatpecca eruliaf ni rehtie fo eseht ,stset esiwrehto .ton elbaT 2 elacS fo gnilpmaS and airetirC rof ytimrofnoC toL eziS egatS fo elpmaS elpmaS eziS evitalumuC noitcejeR elpmaS eziS rof elpmaS eziS ecna~o?rccA .oN lamrehT kcohS iac ecnatsiseR )1( )2( )3( )4( )5( ’,$ )7( up ot 50 tsriF egats 8 :1 0 ; 1 dnoceS egats 8 1 51 ,, 100 tsriF egats 13 :“6 0 : 3 dnoceS egats 13 3 101 ,, 300 tsriF egats :: 20 : 4 5 dnoceS egats 40 5 301 *, 500 tsriF egats 32 32 2 5 7 dnoceS egats 32 64 6 7 501 dna tsriF egats 50 50 3 7 10 evoba dnoceS egats 50 100 8 9

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