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IS 9127-1: Methods of Petrographic Analysis of Coal, Part 1: Definition of Terms Relating to Petrographic Analysis of Coal PDF

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Preview IS 9127-1: Methods of Petrographic Analysis of Coal, Part 1: Definition of Terms Relating to Petrographic Analysis of Coal

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 9127-1 (1992): Methods of Petrographic Analysis of Coal, Part 1: Definition of Terms Relating to Petrographic Analysis of Coal [PCD 7: Solid Mineral Fuels] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 9127 ( Part 1 ) : 1992 Indian Standard SDOHTEM FO CIHPARGORTEP SISYLANA FO LAOC PART 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS RELATING TO PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF COAL First Revision ) ( UDC 662’66 : 543’552’1 001’4 Q BIS 1992 UAERUB OP INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1992 Price Group 2 diloS lareniM sleuF lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DCP 7 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF )noisiveR was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the diloS lareniM sleuF lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the ,muelorteP laoC dna detaleR stcudorP noisiviD .licnuoC sihT dradnatS was tsrif deussi ni 1979. ehT eettimmoC elbisnopser for sti noitaraperp deweiver ni the thgil of the lanoitanretnI dradnatS dna the lanoitanretnI koobdnah of laoc yhpargortep dehsilbup yb PCCI dna dediced ot etaroprocni emos snoitacifidom ni order ot etadpu the .emas cihpargorteP sisvlana evah neeb dezingocer yllanoitanretni as tnatropmi ni the txetnoc of the ,siseneg lacitrev dna laretal ,noitairav ,ytiunitnoc msrhpromatem dna egasu of .laoc -orteporciM cihparg seiduts of na laudividni laoc edivorp hcir noitamrofni tuoba ytirutam )knar( of a laoc gnola htiw sti iarecam vis-a-vis larenim .noitubirtsid ehT ecnatcelfer of etinirtiv si a lufesu erusaem of laoc knar dna noitubirtsid of ecnatcelfer of etinirtiv gnola htiw sti larecam puorg sisylana nac evig noitamrofni tuoba the tnereffid lacimehc dna lacigolonhcet ruoivaheb of the .laoc laoC si na cinagro yratnemides rock, the ,lacisyhp lacimehc dna lacigolonhcet seitreporp of hcihw dneped nopu sti noitisopmoc dna sti ,knar that ,si degree of .msihpromatem tI si devired morf tnalp lairetam dna sti noitisopmoc si dellortnoc yb the erutan of the detisoped tnalp morf hcihw ti was demrof as llew yb sti noitidnoc of .noitisoped ekiL tsom rocks, laoc nac eb dedivid otni lareves yllacipocsorcim elbazingocer rock ,sepyt dellac .sepytohtil nehW denimaxe yllacipocsorcim these rock sepyt nac rehtruf eb dedividbus otni tnereffid elbaifitnedi ,seititne dellac ,slarecam that enifed dna lortnoc the laoc .sepyt ehT sdohtem for the cihpargortep sisylana of laoc are derevoc ni the gniwollof :strap Part 1 noitinifeD of smret Part 2 noitaraperP of laoc selpmas for cihpargortep sisylana Part 3 noitanimreteD of the larecam puorg noitisopmoc of suonimutib laoc dna eticarhtna Part 4 noitanimreteD of ohtilorcim epyt noitisopmoc of suonimutib laoc ( under preparation ) Part 5 lacipocsorciM noitanimreted of the ecnatcelfer of etinirtiv nI gnitalumrof siht ,dradnats eud noitaredisnoc has neeb nevig ot lanoitanretni noitanidro-oc gnoma the sdradnats dna secitcarp gniliaverp ni tnereffid seirtnuoc ni noitidda ot those gnitaler ot the secitcarp ni the dleif ni siht .yrtnuoc 0SI l/4047 : 1984 ‘Methods for the cihpargortep sisylana of suonimutib laoc dna eticarhtna - Part 1 : yrassolG of ,’smret deussi yb the lanoitanretnI noitazinagrO for noitazidradnatS ( 0SI ) dna osla morf the ecneirepxe devired morf the evitarepooc work of the lartneC leuF Research etutitsnI ( RlSC ), ,dabnahD the naidnI loohcS of ,seniM ,dabnahD etc. SI 9127 ( Part 1) : 1992 Indian Standard METHODS OF PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF COAL PART 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS RELATING TO PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF COAL First Revision ( ) 1 EPOCS NOTE - This ssecorp si characterized by the enrichment of the carbon content of the sututance and the diminution of the oxygen contents. With increasing coalification, volatile 1.1 sihT standard traP( )1 snialpxe and senifed eht matter content decreases and reflectance of the vitrinite smret that era desu ni noitcennoc htiw eht increases. Since peat, lignite and bituminous coal represent noitanimreted fo eht larecam puorg noitisopmoc fo successive stage of progressively higher rank in a transition laoc ni detcelfer etihw thgil and eht noitanimreted series, there are no natural boundaries between the stage that fo eht ecnatcelfer fo .etinirtiv have general application, although arbitrary limits may be applicable in individual coal basins. 1.1.1 ehT erutalcnemon and sdohtem gnitaler ot ecnecseroulf ypocsorcim fo slaoc and smret gnitaler 3.1.2 Peat ot eht cihpargortep sisylana fo taep ro etingil era tI is an ,detadilosnocnu suoecanobrac tnemides fo ton derevoc ni this standard. hgih erutsiom tnetnoc demrof yb eht noitalumucca fo yltrap desopmoced plant .sniamer 1.1.2 sihT standard is rehtien dednetni ot eb a evisneherpmoc yrassolg fo laoc cihpargortep NOTE - Peat deposits may become buried and consolidated ,ygolonimret ron seod ti tpmetta ot dnetxe tneiciffus and transformed into lignite or coal by the process of coalitication (see 3.1.1). noitamrofni ot wolla noitingocer fo all eht laoc stnenopmoc .debircsed nI this drager deliated 3.1.3 Lignite noitamrofni yam eb deniatbo morf eht lanoitanretnI etingiL is a ,elbitsubmoc suoecanobrac yratnemides koobdnaH fo laoC .yhpargorteP kcor demrof morf taep yb sisenegaid and 2 EVITAMRON SECNEREFER .msihpromatem yllacipocsageM ti is ,nworb llud and yltrap .yhtrae elihW rednu eht epocsorcim ti has egral ehT gniwollof standards sniatnoc snoisivorp hcihw erop emulov and nepo llec snemul and its noitacifileg is .erar hguorht ecnerefer ni eht ,txet etutitsnoc snoisivorp fo this standard. At eht emit fo noitacilbup eht snoitide detacidni erew .dilav llA standards era tcejbus ot 3.1.4 Coal noisiver and seitrap ot ,tnemeerga desab no this tI is a elbitsubmoc suoecanobrac yratnemides kcor standard era degaruocne ot etagitsevni eht ytilibissop demrof morf deretla plant sniamer rednu eht ecneulfni fo gniylppa eht tsom tnecer noitide fo eht standards fo erutarepmet and .erusserp detsil :woleb SI .oN Title 3.1.5 Coal Rank laoC knar is eht egats fo noitacifilaoc dehcaer yb 9127 sdohteM rof cihpargortep traP( )2 : 1979 sisylana fo :laoc traP 2 a nevig .laoc ehT knar fo a laoc is ton a yltcerid noitaraperP fo laoc samples rof elbarusaem .ytitnauq oT enifed ,ti ti is yrassecen cihpargortep sisylana ot refer ot a cificeps lacisyhp ro lacimehc ytreporp hcihw stibihxe egnahc gnirud eht esruoc fo 9127 sdohteM rof cihpargortep ,noitacifilaoc rof ,elpmaxe ecnatcelfer fo eht ,etinirtiv traP( )5 : 1986 sisylana fo :laoc traP 5 nobrac ,tnetnoc elitalov rettam ,tnetnoc .cte lacipocsorciM noitanimreted fo eht ecnatcelfer fo etinirtiv NOTE - The properties of the different coal maceral change according to different patterns with increase in coal rank and so ideally it is preferably to determine rank on one particular 3 SNOITINIFED maceral. Vitrinite is the best reference maceral because its characteristics change continuously with the course of 3.1 lareneG smreT coalification. It is an abundant constituent of most of the coals. 3.1.1 Coalification 3.2 Optical Terns The ssecorp yb hcihw eht lanigiro detnemides detcapmoc plant sniamer era demrofsnart morf taep 3.2.1 Reflectance otni etingil and yltneuqesbus otni laoc yb .msihpromatem ecnatcelfeR fo a dehsilop enalp ecafrus is desserpxe 1 SI 9127 ( Part 1) : 1992 as egatnecrep of yllamron tnedicni thgil hcihw si 3.3.2 Sub-maceral detcelfer morf that .ecafrus ecnatcelfeR si tnedneped nopu the evitcarfer dna evitprosba secidni of the A noisivid-bus of a larecam desab no thgils tnenopmoc dna the evitcarfer xedni of the gnidnuorrus lacigolohprom dna lacisyhp .secnereffid .muidem ehT ecnatcelfer tnemerusaem si yllamron deirrac tuo at htgnelevaw of 546 .mn ETON - noitamrofnI no eht noitpircsed dna seitreporp fo eht slarecam dna slarecambus yam eb deniatbo yb ecnerefer ETON - ecniS rehto ,srotcaf hcus sa eht htgnelevaw fo eht ot eht lanoitanretnI koobdnaH fo laoC .yhpargorteP thgil gnieb detcelfer dna eht ytilauq fo ecafrus hsilop osla ecneulfni eht ,tluser ecnatcelfer si derusaem rednu 3.3.3 Maceral Group ylluferac deificeps snoitidnoc ees[ IS 7219 traP( )2 : 9791 dna IS 7219 traP( )5 : .16891 ecniS etinirtiv yllausu sevaheb slarecaM yam eb deifissalc at lareves slevel of yllacitpo sa a laixainu evitagen latsyrc gnitibihxe ,yportosina stnemerusaem fo rehtie mumixam ecnatcelfer detaiverbba[ noitanimircsid gnidneped nopu the stnemeriuqer of sa .R l)xaM( ro modnar ecnatcelfer detaiverbba[ sa R (r)] yam .sisylana roF ynam snoitacilppa noitacifissalc otni eb .edam mumixaM ecnatcelfer si derusaem gnisu enalp ,daorb yllaciteneg detaler spuorg htiw ralimis seitreporp deziralop ,thgil eht nemiceps gnieb detator litnu eht si .etauqeda eerhT puorg slarecam are dezingocer mumixam ecnatcelfer si .devresbo modnaR ecnatcelfer si derusaem htiw eht resiralop devomer dna tuohtiw noitator fo morf naidnI ,slaoc these are ,etinirtiv etinixe dna eht .nemiceps ehT mret modnm‘ ’ecr&c%qr sah decalper eht etinitreni (see 4.1). mret egareva‘ ’ecnarcelfr ot diova yna elbissop noisufnoc gnisira morf eht gninaem fo eht drow ’egarevo‘ ni eht 3.3.4 Vitrinite lacitamehtam .esnes 3.2.2 Parasitic Reflection The mret secarbme a puorg of slarecam [see 3.3.4(a) ot (d)] devired morf the lanigiro llec seussit (wood, The egatnecrep of the tnedicni thgil gnihcaer the ,mredirep etc) of the stnalp morf hcihw the laoc was reilpitlumotohp morf snel yradnuob faces dna other .demrof gnitcelfer secafrus ni the .epocsorcim ETON - etinirtiV ylnommoc stibihxe eht ygolohprom fo eht tnalp sllec morf hcihw ti saw ,devired tub etinirtiv slarecam 3.2.3 Rejlectance Standard gnitanigiro morf eht noitadarged ro noitacifileg fo llec seussit yam evah a detinummoc ro suohproma .ecnaraeppa slarecaM A dehsilop ecafrus of a lairetam yllausu( )ssalg of fo eht etinirtiv puorg yllacipyt evah a etihvhyerg ruoloc ni nwonk ecnatcelfer hcihw si desu for gnitarbilac detcelfer .thgil ,yllamroN ecnatcelfer sesaercni ylsuounitnoc htiw gnisaercni .knar It si eht rojam tnenopmoc fo tsom .slaoc ecnatcelfer gnirusaem .tnempiuqe a> ETON - It si laitnesse taht eht ecnatcelfer dradnats steem Telinite - ralulleC serutcurts ni etinirtiv are tnegnirts stnemeriuqer htiw drager ot eht seitreporp fo eht semitemos elbisiv rednu ,epocsorcim lairetam fo hcihw ti si ,desopmoc dna eht yaw ni hcihw ti ylralucitrap ni wol knar .slaoc ehT llec sllaw si detnuom dna .deraperp ehT liated fo siht si debircsed ni are dellac .etinilet ehT llec seitivac are dellif IS 7219 traP( )5 : .6891 htiw ,etinilloc or ssel yltneuqerf htiw red&e, larenim ,rettam etc. eruP etinilet si rare. 3.2.4 Zero Standard A gnitcelfer-non dradnats desu for gnitarbilac b) Collinite - sihT mret si derived morf the keerG word ’alloK‘ hcihw snaem .leg etinilloC ecnatcelfer gnirusaem .tnempiuqe si the sselerutcurts tneutitsnoc of .etinirtiv 3.2.5 Specimen Block ’ nI etinirtiv gniwos ,erutcurts the sllec are yltneuqerf dellif htiw ,etinolloc elihw the llec laoC nemiceps ot eb .deiduts sihT yam eb ni the sllaw tsisnoc of .etinilet mrof of a dehsilop ,kcolb a kcolb,dilos detangerpmi htiw a rednib rehtie( etidlara or abuanrac wax) erofeb 4 Vitrodetrinite - etinirtiV nac rucco ni the mrof of .sutirted esehT stnemgarf yltsom gnihsilop or a etteuqirb of selcitrap of dehsurc laoc etanigiro morf stnalp or taep-cimuh selcitrap evitatneserper of the elpmas gnisu a rednib erofeb hcihw were degraded at a yrev ylrae stage. gnihsilop [see SI 9127 (Part 2) : 19791. 3.3 cihpargorteP smreT 4 Semi-Vitrinite - etinirtiv-imeS si a yrotisnart tnenopmoc neewteb setinirtiv dna 3.3.1 Macerals setinisufimes of the etinitretni puorg (see elbaT 1). tI shows yrev enif llec serutcurts slarecaM are the yllacipocsorcim elbazingocer or yam neve semitemos sselerutcurts dna laudividni cinagro stneutitsnoc of ,laoc parts devlove has a ecnatcelfer eulav of tuoba 0.2 ot 0.3 morf the tnereffid snagro dna seussit of the stnalp tnecrep rehgih naht that of the detaicossa morf hcihw the laoc was yllanigiro demrof yb the .setinirtiv process of .noitacifilaoc ETON - nI eht lanoitanretnI larecam noitacifissalc ,metsys ETON - slarecaM fo laoc era suogolana ot eht slarenim fo etinirtiv-imes si ton gnieb deredisnoc sa a etarapes larecam cinagroni ,skcor tub gnireffid morf meht ni taht slarecam evah puorg ro detnuoc yletarapes sa a .larecam tuB sa naidnI on citsiretcarahc latsyrc morf dna era ton tnatsnoc ni lacimehc anawdnoG slaoc niatnoc laitnatsbus tnuoma fo siht .noitisopmoc yehT era detaitnereffid morf eno rehtona ,tnenopmoc ,erofereht siht larecam sah neeb deredisnoc sa a yllacipocsorcim no eht sisab fo rieht secnereffid ni seitreporp tcnitsid puorg yb flesti dna detnuoc yletarapes rof lla lacitcarp ekil ,ruoloc ,ecnatcelfer ,ygolohprom .cte .sesoprup 2 SI 9127 ( Part 1) : 1992 3.3.5 Exinite feiler ni dehsilop ,secafrus ni tsartnoc ot the weak ot yrev weak feiler of the other .yteirav Spnrinite - The mret ’etinirops‘ si desu ot ehT llec snemul are yllamron ,diov ni emos etangised the sniks of spores dna snellop ni cases yeht are dellif htiw larenim .rettam nI .laoc erehT are two sepyt of seidobrops e.g. ynam cases the llec sllaw of etinisuforyp evah Mega - dna .sepocsorciM nI wol knar slaoc neeb derutcarf dna dehsup otni eno ,rehtona the etinirops skool dark dna htiw gnisaercni gnimrof ni ’negob‘ .erutcurts knar ti segnahc ot dark .yerg ehT ssenyarg semoceb yllaudarg relap dna dnoyeb 1.30 b) Semijhsinite - tI si a lanoitisnart laireiam ecnatcelfer there si on regnol yna ecnereffid neewteb etinisuf dna .etinilet tI syawla shows neewteb the yerg of etinirops dna that of rewol ecnatcelfer naht etinisuf dna si of thgil .etinirtiv hsiwolley or etihw .ruoloc stI ecnatcelfer seirav nihtiw ediw .stimil b) Cutinite - nI detcelfer thgil the retuo sreyal )selcituc( of the sevael ni laoc are ylisae 4 Mucrinite - tI si erom or ssel ,suohproma elbahsiugnitsid yb rieht shape, ruoloc or ralunarg-non dnuorg ssam of hgih .ssenthgirb ehT selcituc appear as llams or ecnatcelfer gniwohs ,on or yllacitcarp on ediw sdnab htiw or tuohtiw .segadneppa .erutcurts trapA morf etinircam gnirrucco as dnuorg ,ssam there osla srucco ylbairav dezis lc Resinite - nI ,slaoc setiniser appears yltsom detalosi setinircam htiw thgiarts or, erom as llec sgnillif tub nac osla rucco as sreyal ,ylnommoc dednuor .sruotnoc or ylenif .desrepsid nI lacitrev noitces etiniser seidob yllausu appear as llams ,lacirehps lavo 4 Inertodetrinite - tI stsisnoc of ylgnorts or eldnips shaped seidob or as .steldor tI gnitcelfer ralugna shaped enif /nekorb srucco semitemos as sgnillif of serussiforcim dehsurc ,selcitrap yllamron ssel naht 50 norcim dna sdiov as ti si yrev .diulf ,ezis of ,etinisuf ,etinisufimes ,etinircam etc. 4 Alginite - tI si a larecam hcihw ylno srucco Micrinite - tI si deziretcarahc yb dednuor ni niatrec cificeps .slaoc tI si ylerar dnuor shape. ehT ezis of the sniarg are ylnommoc ni lamron cimuh .slaoc tI nac ylisae eb tuoba eno norcim across. ehT ,hsiwolley elap dehsiugnitsid morf the other slarecam of the yerg ot etihw etinircim does ton show yna etinixe puorg yb the fact that ti appears etiuq feiler dna rucco as llec sgnillif ni ,etinirtiv dark no dehsilop secafrus rednu lio ,noisremmi tub ti yltneuqerf srucco ylenif desrepsid ni tub esuaceb of rieht ylemertxe wol .etinilloc ecnatcelfer seulav esolc ot those of yalc slarenim yeht yam eb nekatsim rehtie as Sclerotinite - The mret ’etinitorelcs‘ si larenim rettam or neve ytpme spaces ni the devired morf the Creek word ’sorelcs‘ hcihw laoc .xirtam ,revewoH gnisu tnecseroulf thgil snaem hard, ,digir .elttirb ehT mret yldetbuodnu sti noitacifitnedi si .reisae ’etinitorelcs‘ srevoc lla ylgnorts gnitcelfer lagnuf ,sniamer hcus as ,eahpyh ,ailecym 4 Liptodetrinite - tI si a evitcelloc mret for ,amyhcnethcelp spores dna .aitorelcs etinixe )etinitpil( stnenopmocor&m or tnereffid morf etinirtedotpiL yam tsisnoc of stnemgarf 3.3.7 Mineral Matter or noitadarged seudiser of spores, ,selcituc suoniser seidob or .eagla esehT ,stnenopmoc lareniM rettam si the cinagroni rettam that has emoceb htiw wol ecnatcelfer dna ,ecnecseroulf detaicossa htiw the cinagro tnalp lairetam gnirud sti esuaceb of rieht ylenif latirted ,noitidnoc siseneg dna tneuqesbus .noitacifilaoc yehT yam eb tonnac eb dengissa htiw ytniatrec ot yna of devired morf the cinagroni stneutitsnoc of the stnalp the other slarecam of the etinixe .puorg ,sevlesmeht or morf the noitaroprocni of slarenim htiw the tnalp lairetam gnirud .noitisoped ehT 3.3.6 Inertinite cipocsorcim ecnaraeppa of the larenim rettam lliw a> yrav gnidneped no the laudividni slarenim .tneserp Fusinite - A noitcnitsid si edam neewteb two sepyt of etinisuf no the sisab of rieht ETON - suoenartxE larenim rettam decudortni gnirud nigiro .ziv etinisuf-oryp dna .etinisufodarged gninim dna laoc noitaraperp yam osla eb tneserp ni a .elpmas htoB sepyt rucco ni peat as llew as ni nworb 4 NOITACIFISSALC FO SLARECAM .slaoc yehT are ylralucitrap nommoc ni suonimutib .slaoc riehT yllausu tnenimorp 4.1 slarecaM ralullec erutcurts dna hsiwolley ruoloc swolla etinisuforyp ot eb dehsiugnitsid morf etihw eerhT laremun spuorg are dezingocer (see 3.3.3). etinisufocargec hcihw has ssel llew devreserp larecaM spuorg dna rieht snoisivid-bus are nwohs ralullec .erutcurts etinisuforyP shows gnorts ni elbaT 1. 3 IS 9127 ( Part 1) : 1992 Table 1 Maceral Groups and Their Subdivisions (Clauses 3.3.4 and 4.1) Maceral Group MaceraJ Submaceral, Pyrofusinite, Inert&Be Fusinite Degradofusinite (1) (2) (3) etinirtiV etinileT etinileT etinilloC etinillocoleT etinillocoleG etinillocomseD etinillocopfoC etinirtedortiV etiuirtiv-imeS etinixE etiniropS etinituC etiniseR etiniglA etinirtedotpiL etinitrenI etinisuforyP etinisuF etinisufodargeD etinirciM etinircaM etinitorelcS etiairtedotrenI 4 I I I Standard Mark I ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb the snoisivorp of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no stcudorp derevoc yb na naidnI dradnatS syevnoc the ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw the stnemeriuqer of that dradnats rednu a llew denifed metsys of ,noitcepsni gnitset dna ytilauq lortnoc hcihw si desived dna desivrepus yb SIB dna operated yb the .recudorp dradnatS dekram stcudorp are osla ylsuounitnoc checked yb SIB for ytimrofnoc ot that dxdnats as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil for the esu of the dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam or srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf the uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS 1 I

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