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IS 8471: Acetylene Generators - Requirements(Amalgamation of IS 8471(Part 1 to 5) PDF

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Preview IS 8471: Acetylene Generators - Requirements(Amalgamation of IS 8471(Part 1 to 5)

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 8471 (2003): Acetylene Generators - Requirements(Amalgamation of IS 8471(Part 1 to 5) [MED 16: Gas Cylinders] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 8471:2003 Indian Standard ACETYLENE GENERATORS — REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) lCS23.020.30; 25.160.20 @ BIS2003 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 2003 Price Group 5 Gas Cylinders Sectional Committee, ME 16 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) wasadopted bythe Bureau.ofIndian Standards, afterthe draft finalized by the GasCylinders Sectional Committee had been approved bythe Mechanical Engineering Divisional Council. Generation of acetylene gas isregulated under the Carbide of Calcium Rules, 1937 ofthe Government of India, asamended from time totime. This standard hasbeen prepared inconsultation and agreement with the statutory authorities under those rules. Acetylene generators were earlier covered in following five parts and were published in 1977: Part 1 Low pressure, stationary, of water to carbide, and carbide towater type Part 2 Low pressure, portable, of water to carbide type Part 3 Low pressure, portable, of carbide to water type Part 4 Medium pressure, stationary, ofwater to carbide, and carbide to water type Part 5 Medium pressure, portable, of water to carbide, and carbide to water type Since various items given inthese standards were identical innature, therefore inorder tomake them more user friendly, these standards have been amalgamated into asingle standard. The composition of the Committee responsible forthe preparation ofthis standard isgiven inAnnex A. For the purpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement of this standard iscomplied with the final value, observed orcalculated, expressing theresultofatestoranalysis,shallberounded offinaccordance withIS2: 1960 ‘Rules forrounding offnumerical values (revised’. Thenumber ofsignificant places retained intherounded off value should be the same asthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. IS 8471:2003 Indian Standard ACETYLENE GENERATORS — REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) 1SCOPE ISNo. Title 2825:1969 Code for unfired pressure vessels 1.1 This standard covers the requirement of design, 8452:1977 Glossary of terms used in acetylene construction, performance andtesting ofportable and generators stationary, automatic andnon-automatic, lowpressure 11006:1984 Specification for flash back arrestor andmedium pressure acetylene generators ofwater to (flame arrestor) carbide type or carbide to water type to be employed for generation of acetylene for use in oxy-acetylene 3 TERMINOLOGY welding and cutting systems orcylinder filling and/or For the purpose of this standard, definitions given in any other chemical process. IS.8452shall apply. 1.2 For portable generators maximum gas generation capacity shall be limited to 3.2 m3/h,and shall-have a 4 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE total calcium carbide holding capacity of less than 4.1 Acetyiene generator pressure shall be regulated 20 kg. within limits ofthe working-pressure. 1.3 Stationary generators are divided into two 4.2 The temperature of any external part of the categories: apparatus at 130percent of the rated capacity and at a) Small: having a maximum production themaximum pressure shallnot exceed 80”C.The gas capacity of 5m’lh of gas, and temperature at the outlet of the generator shall not exceed 75°C. b) Large: having production capacity morethan 5m’lh of acetylene gas. 4.3 Generators ofthe displacement type inwhich the acetylene isgenerated byintermittent contact between 2 REFERENCES waterandcarbidesuspended inabasketholder orother The following standards listed below contain contrivance, shall not be considered satisfactory. provisions, which through reference in this text 4.4 a) Working Pressure — The maximum pressure constitute provision of this standard. At the time of atwhichthegenerator isoperated throughout publication, the editions indicated were valid. All itsservice life. standards are subject to revis ion and parties to agreements based on this standard a re encouraged to b) Design Pressure — Thepressure atwhich the generator shall be designed. The design investigate the possibility of applying the most recent pressure shall be 110percent ofthe working editions of the standards indicated below: pressure. ISNo. Title c) Test Pressure — The pressure at which the 513:1994 Cold-rolled low carbon steel sheets generatorwillbetested.Thetestpressure shall and strips ~ourth revision) be 200 percent ofthe design pressure. 2002:1992 Steel plates for pressure vessels for 4.4.1 Maximum working, design andtest pressure are intermediate and high temperature given below: service including boilers (second revision) S1 Type Maximum Working Design Pressure Temperature Test Pressure No. Pressure kPa (g) kPa (g) “c kPa (g) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) i) Low pressure generators 14.71 16.18 80 32 ii) Medium pressure generators 138 152 80 304 1 1S8471 :2003 5 RATED CAPACITY 6.8 Generators shall be so constructed that the accidental siphoning ofwater will be impossible. 5.1 Generators shallbeofsuch design andconstruction that they shall produce acetylene atthe rated capacity 6.9 Floats shall not be used, except where failure to duringcontinuous operation having maximum working operate will result only in rendering the generator pressure and/or volume fluctuation of 10percent. inoperative. S02The recovery ofthe acetylene gasshall notbeless 6.10 Gauge or sight-glasses are not recommended, than 90 percent of the yield rate of the carbide used. butwheretheir useisessential fortheproper operation ofthe generator, they may be given consideration for 5.3 Measurement of recovery of acetylene gas low pressure generators only and when properly generated of capacity 5 m3/h or less shall be carried protected against the continuous escape of acetylene out for any new generator or new design or in the event of breakage and where the acceptability modification in the design at manufacturer’s works of application has been determined. only. Measurement of recovery of acetylene gas for 6.11 Mechanisms and other generator parts not generators having capacity above 5m3/hshallbedone specifically covered herein shallbeofsuchdesign and at apermanent installation approved by the statutcxy/ materials as to assure dependable performance, and competent authority. shall be properly protected against mechanical injury 5.4 Wherethe acetylene capacity cannot otherwise be and corrosion. ascertained for.a carbide-to-water type generator, the 6.12 Generators shall be provided with good quality capacity rating shall &dinarily be 62 litres/kg of water-fill valves, residue drain valves and acetylene carbide charged perhour andthemaximum ratingshall shut-off valves conforming to relevant Indian be 125litres/kg of carbide charged per hour. Standards, wherever possible. No additional valves shall be used if, when opened, they allow the escape 6 ASSEMBLY AND CONSTRUCTION ofacetylene orpermit parts tobedrained, unless such 6.1 Generators shall be assembled in aworkman like valves are essential to the proper operation of the manner to ensure stability, durability and safety. generator and cannot be left open inadvertently. 6.2 Sheet-metaljoints ofchambers underpressureshall 6.13 Forportable generators having carbide capacity be welded brazed or lock-seamed and sweated with up to and including 15 kg shall be provided with solder. Filler metal employed shall not contain more suitable carrying handles atconvenient locations. than 70 percent copper by mass. 7 MATERIAL AND PROTECTIVE COATING 6.3 Parts, including piping, attached to the generator 7.1 Metal parts shall bemade of steel conforming to shall be brazed in place when necessary. IS513 or IS2002 or equivalent. 6.4 Bottoms of generator shells shall not rest directly 7.2 Copper shall not be used in the construction of onthefloororfoundation andshallbereinforced, when acetylene-handling parts. Suitable alloys, including necessary,toensure sufficient strength. Bottomsupport brass,maybeusedintheconstruction ofexterior parts, rings, when used, shall be provided with ventilation such asstuffing boxes, valves, etc. The use of copper openings. alloys in the construction of interior parts shall be 6.5 Flash back arrestor (water seal type) shall be so avoided unless the copper content of such alloy does arranged that they may be maintained at the proper not exceed 70percent. level under a~lconditions of service, irrespective of 7.3 Steelsheet andcastingsshall bepainted orcoated the use of water for generating purposes, and that the toretard corrosion. nomlal levelmaybe determined. Wateroverflows shall be visible. 8 GENERATING CHAMBER 6.6 Suitablemeans shallbeprovided fordrainingwater 8.1 Water to Carbide Type Generator seals likely to become thickened by the deposit of 8.1.1 Thewater capacity ofthe generating chamber of residue and for replenishing the water supply. the generator shall be such that on decomposition of 6.7 Condensation from all parts shall drain to such a the carbide onreaction with water, the sludge formed point that the accumulation will not interfere with the remains within the carb”ideholders unless the water passage of acetylene or with the operation of the and calcium carbide are both introduced in a pre- generator, or come incontact with carbide incarbide determined ratio one to the other. In the latter case holder. ratio of water to carbide shall be such as to always 2 IS 8471:2003 give a fluid sludge while keeping the temperature diameter 5percent larger than those indicated shall be below that specified in 4.4. The sludge being more made ofthe next heavier sheet specified: voluminous than the calcium carbide, the charge of Inside Diameter of the Sheet Thickness carbide should never occupy more than 75percent of Cylindrical Shell Minimum the total available space inthe carbide holders. mm mm 8.1.2 Each generating chamber shall be connected to (1] (2) gasspace orgasholder insuchamanner that itwill, at alltimes, give connection either tothe gasholder orto 450 or less 1.25 the safety pressure relief vent pipe leading to 475 to600 1.60 atmosphere. 625 to900 2.00 925 to 1225 2.50 -8.1.3The design of the generator shall be such that I 250 to 1525 3.15 thefeeding ofwater tothe gasgenerator chamber shall I 550to 1825 4.00 be automatically controlled bythe gas volume or gas pressure in the gas holder and that under no 8.7 Thethickness ofsteel sheet used inthe bottom of circumstances the water shall be allowed to overflow generating chamber orforthedished ends shall benot into the carbide holders. lessthan the thickness ofthe shell and preferably of a 8.2 Carbide to Water Type Generator greater thickness inaccordance with 1S2825. 8.2.1 The water capacity ofthe generating chamber of 8.8 in all calcium carbide to water generating plants, carbide towater type generators shatl besuch that not provision shallbemade fortheremoval oftheresulting lessthan 8litresofwater isprovided foreachkilogram sludge, sothat solid matter cannot collect to such an of carbide which can be introduced into the carbide extent asto reduce dangerously the water capacity of holder unless the water and calcium carbide are both generating chamber. Opening of adequate size shall introduced continuously in a predetermined ratio of’ be provided for inspection or removal of all deposits one tothe other. The carbide capacity forthis purpose from the generating chamber. istaken as the entire space inthe holder, which may 8.9 [n a generating plant in which the generating beoccupied by carbide. chamber is automatically filled with water, the level 8.2.2 Bottoms of generating chambers shall be so towhich itshallbefilled-maybe suitably marked. Ina designed that the residue will drain readily through generating plant in which the level of the liquid is the residue valve. Suitable means shall beprovided to automatically maintained during generation, means facilitate theremoval ofresidue. Agitators, when used, shallbeprovidedtocheckthattheliquidisatthecorrect shall be substantially mounted and arranged soasnot level before the plant is started and is being so to strike the shell or other parts. Agitator is maintained whilst the plant isworking. recommended in case of carbid e to water type generator for better efficiency. 8.10 The generating chamber shall be capable of venting outside of the building before access can be 8.3 The design and operation ofthe generator shallbe hadtothe carbide-fill opening unless other means are such that when the recharging instructions are provided toprevent thedangerous escapeofacetylene, followed, the introduction of air into the generating tofacilitate theremoval ofresidue, there-filling ofthe chamber isminimized in so far aspracticable. generator with water and the purging of air-acetylene 8.4 Covers of generating chambers shall be securely mixtures. fastened to hold them in place. The cover shall be sufficiently strongtowithstand thestressesofclamping 9 CARBIDE HOLDER or bolting itinplace. 9.1 The carbide holder shallbe of such design that 8.5 Hand holes, if any, in generating chambers shall when tilled according toinstructions, itwill contain at be properly secured unless equipped with suitable least the rated amount of carbide. interference designed toprevent thefeeding ofcarbide 9.2 Thetotal amount ofcarbide thatcanbeintroduced and to vent the generator before removal of the hand intothe holder ofacarbide towater type generator, to hole cover. fill all available space shall be not more than 8.6Thethickness ofsteelsheetusedintheconstruction 1 kg/8 Iitre of water contained in the generating of the generating chamber assembly shall be not less chamber. For water to -carbide type generator, thanthatspecified below, based on-theinsidediameter to fill all available space, it shall be not more than of the cylindrical shell. Generator shell having a 1 kg/4 litre of water contained in the generating 3 1S8471 :2003 chamber, unlessthewater andcalciumcarbide areboth 10.2 Fe?edmechanisms shall allow continuous run of introduced continuous]y in apredetermined ratio one the grade of carbide for which the generator has been tothe other. designed. It is recommended that a run of all commercial sizesofcarbide bemade impossible. This NOrE —Incaseofwatertocarbidegeneratortheresiduallime is to prevent hazards due to use of smaller or larger occupiesalargevolumethanthecarbide.Theholdershouldbe designed to hold all the residue of lime paste on complete sizes of carbide for which the generator has not been reaction. The holder shouldbe somarked that overfilling of designed, but which might be used, ifthe proper size carbideiseliminated, isnot available. 9.,3 Fill-opening shall be so located and shall be of 10.3 The level from which carbide is fed into the such”size that itispossible to introduce conveniently generating chamber shallbemore than 250mm above the total quantity of carbide for which the holder is the normal generating chamber water level. designed. 10.4Afeedmechanism actuated bytherise and fallof 9.4 For water to carbide type generators, the carbide agasbell shall be arranged sothat feeding of carbide holder shall be so arranged that the charge of carbide will startbefore thebell isnot lessthan 15cmfrom its may be removed in case of necessity. landed position and the carbide feeding mechanism 9.5 Carbide holders shallbe ofgalvanized steelshee$ should stop before the gas holder reaches the upper or in-iieu thereof where uncoated -steel is used, the limit of its travel, which might permit the escape of entireoutside surface shallbecoatedwithsuitablerust- gas from the holder. resistant paint. 10.5 Where a generator (carbide to water type) 9.6Carbideholders orportions ofholdersnotsubjected incorporates amechanically operated sludge agitator topressure shall beofnot lessthan 0.8mm thick steel or agitators and ifitisfound necessary to incorporate sheet for capacities up to and including 50kg andnot thisagitator forthesafeandefficient working, carbide lessthan 0.9 mm thickness for capacities over 50kg. feed mechanism shall be so designed that the carbide cannot becharged intothechamber unless theagitator 9.7 Steel sheet used in the construction of carbide is in operation or goes into operation simultaneously holders subjected to pressure shall be of a thickness with the charging of carbide. not lessthan that specified in8.6. 11 AUTOMATIC SAFETY RELIEF VALV-E 9.8 Carbide holders mounted directly onthegenerating 11.1 To ensure that excessive pressure isrelieved, an chamber shall be secured in place rigidly to resist automatic safetyvalveorwatersealtypeofsafetyrelief stresses imposed by service condition. device shallbeprovided. Incase ofgenerators having 9.9 Where the carbide holder istobeisolated from the carbide capacity lessthan 50kg, a single relief valve generator so as to be charged, the isolation shall be or device may be provided on the hydraulic back- either automatic or itshall not b epossible to open the pressure valve. This relief valve or device shall be so holder until the isolation iscomple te. mounted that pressure, both from the generating chamber aswell asthehydraulic back-pressure valve, 9.10 In those generators where, during the charging shall be relieved automatically. In case of generators pericid, air has direct access to the gas storage or having 50 kg or more carbide capacity, tsvonumbers generating chamber, the carbide charge shall not of automatic safety relief, one each on the generating exceed 135 kg and means shall be provided for chamber and on the hydraulic back-pressure valve, displacing the air, orotherwise safely venting anyair- shall be provided. acetylene mixtures. The space inthe generating plant to which air has access during the charging process 11.2 The location of the safety relief shall be such shall be as small as is consistent with the proper thatchoking orclogging bycarbide residue isavoided working of the plant. andthattheacetylenegashasfreeaccesstoitforescape to the atmosphere. 9.11 The generator shall besodesigned that acarbide holder cannot beopened orremoved forcharging until 11.3 When a single relief valve is used, a passage the pressure has been released. having anareanot lessthan that of a20 mm diameter circleshallbeprovided onthegenerating chamber and 10 CARBIDE FEED MECHANISM hydraulic back-pressure valve, between the acetylene 10.1 The feed of carbide shall be so controlled that inlet’within the generator and the outer of the relief under conditions of normal operation more acetylene valve. cannot be generated than can be carried off by the 11.4 Generating chamber relief valves shall be safety relief without excessive rise of pressure. adjusted for start to discharge gas at a pressure 4 IS 8471:2003 10percent above the working pressure as stated on 13SCRUBBERS AND FILTERS the name plate of generator, or at 152kPa, whichever 13.1 Scrubbers and filters, when used as an integral islower. These valves shallautomatically againclosed part, shall becompatible with the requirements of the completely at a pressure which is not more than generator, 15percent below thepressure atwhich theycommence to open. The valve shall be legibly marked with the 13.2 Such parts shall not have hand holes, which can maximum setpressure atwhich the relief device shall be opened without first shutting off the acetylene open automatically. supply, except where an interference arrangement is provided to assure the proper sequence of operation. 11.5 When awater-seal type of relief isprovided the When the outlet tothe service line isconnected to the relief valve in accordance with 11.4 may not be cover plate of filter, or when the cover is properly necessary. The water-seal shall beprovided either on secured, no interference arrangement isrequired. the generator or on the hydraulic back-pressure valve so as to prevent rise in pressure in the generator 14 SHAFT AND STEM SEALS exceeding twice the maximum working pressure or 152 kPa, whichever is lower. When a single water- 1’4.1Ventedchambers abovesuchparts asdiaphragms seal isprovided the passage shall have minimum area are not considered acetylene holding chambers of acircle having adiameter of 25 mm. necessarily requiring theuseofrotating shatls orstems with seals, in which case the openings for shafts or 11.6 No shut-off valve shall be used in the piping stems shall be close fitting. connecting safety relief with generator. 14.2 Shaft and stem seals shall be of aproper design 11.7 The gasoutlet including safety valve outlet shall to preclude leakage and to provide continued reliable be provided in such a way that their effect cannot be service. impaired ordestroyed byhumidity, lime, choking and clogging. 15GASKETS AND DIAPHRAGMS 12FLASH-BACK ARREST(3R 15.1 Gaskets and diaphragms shall be of high-grade natural orsynthetic rubber compatible with acetylene. 12.1 A device shall be provided to prevent back- pressure ofairoroxygen orthepropagation ofaflash- 15.2 Diaphragms shall be backed or supported.as far back in the piping system being transmitted into the aspracticable to prevent undue distension. generator. This device shall be of hydraulic type or equivalent. 15.3 Devices using diaphragms, the injury to which mightallowescapeofacetylene, shallbeprovided with 12.2 Steel sheet used in the construction shall be of asuitable housing to prevent gas from escaping. This not lessthan 2.0 mm thickness. When uncoated steel housing shallbedesigned forconnection ofventpiping sheet less than 2.5 mm thickness is used, the interior leading to the outside ofthe building. surface shall be given a heavy coat of suitable rust- resistant paint. 15.4 Where joints are not frequently opened, as between boltedflanges, flatgasketswith flatseatsmay 12.3 Removable covers, when used on hydraulic beused. Whenonly one surface isrounded, itshall be chambers, shall be properly secured. the lower one sothat carbide or other material isnot 12.4 Hydraulic back-pressure valve shall be so likely to lodge thereon and interfere with proper arranged that excessive amounts of moisture will not closure. be carried away by the out flowing acetylene, which 16PIPING would lower the water level rapidly. 16.1 Seamless steelpiping and steel or malleable iron 12.5 The design shall besuch asto facilitate filling of the hydraulic chamber with water, tothe proper level. fittings shall be used. 12:6 The effective depth of the water-seal in the 16.2 Pipe connections to sheet metal parts sha~lbe hydraulic chamber and the volume of water in the made soasto secure asubstantial and teak-tight jofnt. chamber shall beadequate toprovide aneffective seal They may be welded or brazed. They may be made under all conditions of generator service. with threaded flanges welded, brazed or riveted in place. They maybemade with locknuts onboth sides 12.7 If the flash-back arrestor is not capable of of the sheet. Flanges, if riveted, shall be secured by preventing a reversal of flow, a separate non-return not lessthan three rivets. Flanges and lock nuts shall valve shall also be provided. fit closely to the contour of the sheet. Riveted joints 12.8 The flash-back arrestor shall be designed, and those employing lock nuts shall be thoroughly manufactured and tested according to IS 11006. sweated with solder. 5

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