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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 8401 (1994): Alkyl benzene sulphonic acid (acid slurry) [CHD 25: Soaps and other Surface Active Agents] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 8401 : 1994 ’ Indian Standard ALKYL BENZENE SULPHONIC ACID ( ACID SLURRY ) - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) UDC 661.7157 @ BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARO NEW DELHI 110002 May 1994 Price Group 5 spaoS and rehtO ecafruS evitcA stnegA lanoitceS ,ettimmoC DHC 025 1 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF noisiveR ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht spaoS and rehtO ecafruS evitcA stnegA lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC lyklA enezneb hcihw is eht starting lairetam rof eht erutcafunam fo lykla enezneb cinohplus ,dica osla nwonk as dica yrruls ni ,edart is eht elgnis tsegral raw lairetam desu rof eht noitcudorp fo citehtnys stnegreted tuohguorht eht .dlrow citehtnyS stnegreted desab no lykla enezneb dnif evisnetxe noitacilppa as dlohesuoh and lairtsudni washing and gninaelc slairetam rehtie enola ro ni noitanibmoc htiw rehto cinoina ro cinoi-non ecafrus evitca .stnega ehT ralucelom mass fo lykla enezneb seirav morf 236 ot 256 gnidneped no eht ecruos fo .ylppus lyklA enezneb is detanohplus using ciruhplus ,dica muelo ro sulphur edixoirt ( ,OS ) gas. lyklA enezneb cinohplus dica derutcafunam yb eseht tnereffid sessecorp seirav ni evitca ,rettam eerf dica and osla ni ruoloc and .ytisocsiv lyklA enezneb is fo owt ,sepyt dehcnarb and .raenil ehT ytilibadargedoib fo raenil lykla enezneb is doog elihw that fo dehcnarb lykla enezneb is .roop nI ,aidnI ylno raenil lykla enezneb gnieb desu hguohtla ereht is on noitalsigel ot ban eht esu fo dehcnarb lykla .enezneb ehT noitcudorp of raenil lykla er;ezneb ni aidnI detrats ni eht raey 1979. woN eht yrtnuoc is fles tneiciffus ni raenil lykla .enezneb sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1977. ehT lacinhcet eettimmoc elbisnopser ni eht noitalumrof fo this standard dediced ot esiver .ti nI this ,noisiver eht tnemeriuqer rof gnikcap has neeb deifidom sediseb eht tnemdnema .oN 1 dehsilbup ni yluJ 1988 has neeb .detaroprocni ,oslA ni eht d3ht:m fo noitanimreted fo alkyl enezneb cinohplus ,dica eht ralucelom mass fo lykla enezneb has deifidom ot 235 ot 245. dicA yruhs is an tnatropmi etaidemretni raw lairetam rof erutcafunam fo dlohesuoh and lairtsudni citehtnys tnegreted ,sredwop sekac/stelbat and liquids. ehT snoitatimil fo soaps rof esu ni drah retaw saera del ot eht dipar tnempoleved fo citehtnys tnegreted .yrtsudni ehT egatrohs fo slio and ,staf eht main raw slairetam rof noitcudorp fo soaps, and esaercni ni rieht dnamed rof elbide sesoprup evah rehtruf depleh eht htworg fo citehtnys tnegreted yrtsudni ni .aidnI At tneserp ti is gnieb decudorp yb a egral rebmun fo units ni small elacs as llew as egral elacs .rotces ehT noitalumrof fo this standard was nekat up no a cificeps tseuqer morf tnempoleveD -simmoC ,renois llamS elacS ,seirtsudnI tnemnrevoG fo aidnI htiw a weiv ot gnitaluger eht ytilauq fo dica yrruls decudorp ni eht .yrtnuoc ehT noitisopmoc fo eht lacinhceT eettimmoC and eettimmocbuS elbisnopser rof eht noitalumrof fo this naidnI dradnatS is nevig ni xennA .G roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised)‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 4991:1048 Indian Standard ALKYL BENZENE SULPHONIC ACID ( ACID SLURRY ) - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE 5.2 ehT lairetam shall osla ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer debircserp ni elbaT 1. sihT standard sebircserp stnemeriuqer and sdohtem fo sampling and tset rof lykla enezneb 6 GNIKCAP AND GNIKRAM cinohplus dica ( dica yrruls .) 6.1 gnikcaP 2 SECNEREFER ehT lairetam shall eb dekcap ni enelyhteylop ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb era yrassecen sreniatnoc fo elbatius ,ezis ro yna rehto elbatius stcnujda ot this standard. lairetam ro as deerga ot neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus SI .oN Title NOTE - fI deilppus ni dlim ,leets ereht si doohilekil 286 : 1978 sdohteM fo sampling and tset fo lairetam gnitteg detanimatnoc htiw nori .selcitrap rof soaps ( jirst revision j 321 : 1964 noitacificepS rof etulosbo 6.2 Marking lohocla ( desiver ) ehT segakcap shall eb yleruces desolc and -ram 336 : 1976 noitacificepS rof rehte ( second dek htiw eht gniwollof :sralucitrap revision ) )a emaN and epyt fo eht ;lairetam 1070 : 1992 noitacificepS rof tnegaer edarg retaw ( third revision j )b noitacidnI fo ecruos fo ;erutcafunam 2263 : 1979 sdohteM fo noitaraperp fo -idni )c teN mass fo eht ;lairetam rotac snoitulos rof cirtemulov )d hctaB .oN ro tol .oN ni edoc ro -rehto sisylana (first revision ) ;esiw 7597 : 1974 yrassolG fo smret gnitaler ot )e htnoM and raey fo ;erutcafunam and ecafrus evitca stnega )f ESU DNAH SEVOLG ELIHW -DNAH 3 YGOLONIMRET .GNIL roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed 7 nevig ni SI 7597 : 1974 shall .ylppa SAMPLING 4 SEPYT 7.1 General ehT lareneg ,snoituacerp elacs fo sampling and ehT lairetam shall eb fo owt sepyt gnidneped no noitaraperp fo tset samples, shall eb as debircserp evitca rettam ,tnetnoc :yleman ni 3.1,3.2 and 3.3 as elbacilppa rof diuqil paos )a epyT 1, and ylevitcepser fo SI 286 : 1978. epyT 2. , b) 7.2 rebmuN fo Tests 5 STNEMERIUQER 7.2.1 stseT rof noitanimreted fo scitsiretcarahc nevig at lS .oN )i( and )ii( ni elbaT 1 shall eb 5.1 noitpircseD detcudnoc no hcae fo eht laudividni samples ehT lairetam shall eb ni eht mrof fo a -omoh .yletarapes suoeneg suocsiv ,diuqil ylisae elbaruop and shall ton etarapes otni owt .sreyal nehW dezilartuen 7.2.2 stseT rof noitanimreted fo all eht -niamer htiw alkali, ti shall mrof a etsap gnignar morf gni scitsiretcarahc shall eb detcudnoc no eht etihw ot maerc ni .ruoloc etisopmoc .elpmas 1 SI 1048 : 1994 1 Table Requirements for Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid ( Acid Slurry ) ( Clauses 5.2 and 8.1 ) Sl No. Characteristic Requirement for Method of Test r_--_*_ s ( Ref to Annex ) epyT 1 eM‘ 2 )1( (2) (3) (4) (9 0 evitcA rettam as lykla enezneb 95.0 85.0 A&B cinohplus ,dica tnecrep yb ,ssam Min )ii eerF lykla ,enezneb tnecrep yb 2.0 2.0 C ,ssam Max )iii eerF ciruhplus ,dica tnecrep yb 2.0 9.0 D ,ssam Max )vi ruoloC a) of 10 tnecrep lohocla c -ulos Rl+Y5 3 Y $ 0.5 R E noit ( ssam yb ssam ) ni 4/l ni llec no dnobivoL ,retemotniT ton darker naht )b of noitulos ni dellitsid water 950 700 F gniniatnoc 5 tnecrep evitca rettam no ttelK ,retemirolac Max ( ni ttelK ) SETON 1 ynA of the three sdohtem yam eb dewollof for enituor ,gnitset ,revewoh ni case of etupsid the dnobivoL retemotniT dohtem llahs eb the referee .dohtem 2 roF the esoprup of .noitaluclac the ralucelom ssam llahs eb nekat as 240. ___---------- .__.___ _ 7.3 Criteria for Conformity 7.3.2 For Composite Sample roF gniralced the ytimrofnoc of the tol ot the 7.3.1 For Individual Samples stnemeriuqer of other scitsiretcarahc denimreted roF each of the scitsiretcarahc hcihw has neeb no the etisopmoc ,elpmas the test stluser for denimreted no the laudividni selpmas ( 7.2.1 ) each of the scitsiretcarahc llahs yfsitas the the naem ( X) dna the egnar ( R ) of the test tnaveler .tnemeriuqer stluser llahs eb detaluclac as :swollof 8 TESTS ehT mus of test stluser 8.1 stseT ot etaulave scitsiretcarahc debircserp , )X(naeM = rebmuN of test stluser ni elbaT I llahs eb detcudnoc as debircserp in xennA A ot E. ecnerefeR ot tnaveler esualc of egnaR ( R ) = ehT ecnereffid neewteb the xennA B si nevig ni .10-A mumixam dna the -inim mum eulav of the test 8.2 ytilauQ of Reagents .stluser Unless deificeps ,esiwehto erup slacimehc dna dellitsid water ( see SI 1070 : 2991 ) llahs ,eb ehT tol llahs eb demeed as gnimrofnoc desu ni tests. ot the tnemeriuqer fi the noisserpxe ( 6.O-X R ) si greater naht or lauqe ot mumixam eulav nevig ETON - eruP‘ 9slacimehc llahs naem slacimehc that ni elbaT 1, dna ( X + 0.6 R ) si ssel naht or do ton niatnoc seitirupni hcihw affect the stluser of lauqe ot mumixam eulav nevig ni elbaT .I .sisylana 2 IS 8401 : 1994 ANNEX A [ TabZe 1, SI No. )i( ] DETERMINATION FO LYKLA ENEZNEB CINOHPLUS ACID A-0.1 GENERAL A-3.5 Standard Sodium Lauryl Sulphate Solu- tion - 0.004 M. nI eht dohtem ,debircserp eht ralucelom mass fo evitca rettam shall eb nekat desab no eht kcehC eht ytirup fo eht muidos lyruaJ etahplus ralucelom mass fo lykla enezneb as deralced yb as nevig ni 1.5.3-A and ylsuoenatlumis eraperp eht .reilppus sihT dohtem shall eb desu rof eht standard .noitulos enituor .sisylana roF erom etarucca ,stluser ralucelom mass fo muidos lykla enezneb -ohplus tin dica shall eb denimreted as debircserp ni 1.5.3-A Determination of Purity of Sodium Lauryl xennA B and neht desu ni gnitaluclac eht evitca Sulphate rettam tnetnoc yb this .dohtem hgieW ot eht tseraen 1 ,gm 5 f 0.2 g fo eht lairetam otni a lm-052 dnuor mottob ksaif htiw A-l OUTLINE OF THE METHOD ssalg-dnuorg .kcen Add yltcaxe 2.5 lm fo A-I.I A solution of the anionic detergent con- standard ciruhplus dica noitulos ( 1.0 N ) and gniniat dedda enelyhtem eulb is nekahs htiw xulfer rednu a retaw .resnednoc gniruD eht ,mroforolhc hcihw sevlossid eht enelyhtem eulb tsrif 5 ot 10 ,setunim eht noitulos lliw nekciht salt fo eht .tnegreted ehT erutxim is detartit and dnet ot maof ;ylgnorts lortnoc this yb htiw a evitca-cinoitac tnega ,hcihw retfa ti has gnivomer eht ecruos fo taeh and gnilriws eht denibmoc htiw all eht eerf cinoina tnegreted stnetnoc fo eht .ksalf nI redro ot diova -secxe snigeb ot ecalpsid enelyhtem eulb morf eht salt. evis ,gnimaof daetsni fo ,gnixuifer eht noitulos ehT dne tniop is nekat nehw tneiciffus enelyhtem yam eb tfel no a gniliob htab-retaw rof eno eulb has neeb decalpsid otni eht suoeuqa reyal .ruoh retfA a rehtruf 10 setunim eht noitulos ot ecudorp phases fo lauqe ruoloc .ytisnetni seifiralc and gnimaof .sesaec xlllfeR for a -ruf As eht noitcaer is ton ,cirtemoihciots ti is ther 1 .ruoh evomeR eht ecruos fo ,taeh looc laitnesse ot yrrac tuo noitazidradnats using a eht ksalf and ylluferac esnir eht resnednoc htiw nwonk cinoina tnegreted ralimis ni erutan ot lm fo lonahte dewollof yb .retaw Add a 30 eht .nwonknu wef spord fo eht nielahthplonehp noitulos and etartit htiw standard muidos edixordyh .noitulos ETON - setirolhcopyH dna setihpius erefretni htiw the noitceted of the dne tniop dna dluohs eb -nimile yrraC tuo a blank tset yb gnitartit 25 lm of ated yb the noitidda of suorref etahplus or oezordyh ciruhplus dica noitulos ( O-1 N ) htiw standard edixorep .ylevitcepser muidos edixordyh .noitulos A-2 APPARATUS ehT ytirup fo eht muidos 28.84 ( V _V, ) N A-2.1 Volumetric Flasks - 1 000,500 and 250 .lm lyrual etahplus = 1 n;, 2.2-A Stoppered Graduated Cylinder - 50 ml. erehw A-2.3 Graduated Cylinder - 50 .lm V, = emulov ni lm fo standard muidos edixordyh noitulos desu rof eht blank; 4.2-A Burette - 25 .lm 5.2-A Pipette - 10 .lm V, = emulov ni lm fo standard muidos edixordyh noitulos desu rof eht ;elpmas 6.2-A Beakers - 250 .lm N1 = ytilamroN fo standard muidos -ordyh 3-A STNEGAER edix ;noitulos and 1.3-A mroforolhC - yllacimehc .erup Ml = mass ni g fo muidos lyrual etahplus rednu .tset 2.3-A ciruplnS dicA 5 N noituloS ylluferaC add 134 lm fo ciruhplus dica ( evitaler 2.5.3-A Procedure ytisned 1.84 ) ot 300 lm fo retaw and etulid ot 1 .ertil Weigh to eht tseraen 1 ,gm neew,teb I * 14 and 1.16 g fo muidos lyrual etahplus and evlossid 3.3-A dradnatS ciruhpluS dicA - 1.0 N. ni 200 lm of water. refsnarT ot a dnuorg ssalg 4.3-A dradnatS muidoS edixordyH noituloS - dereppots 1 ertil kram-eno :cirtemulov ksali dna 1.0 N. etulid ot the kram htiw water. etaluclaC the IS 8401 : 1994 ,ytira!om T,, fo eht noitulos yb snaem fo eht A-4 PROCEDURE :alumrof ,ytirup tnecrep yb mass A-4.1 Standardization of Benzethonium Chloride M, x Ml = 288.4 x 100 Solution erehw A-4.1.1 ettepiP 10 lm fo standard muidos lyrual etahplus noitulos ( ees 5.3-A ) otni a lm-001 M, = mass ni g fo muidos lyrual etahplus detaudarg rednilyc dedivorp htiw a glass .nekat .reppots Add 15 lm fo mroforolhc and 25 lm 6.3-A Standard Benzethonium Chloride Solu- fo enelyhtem eulb tnegaer ot eht .rednilyc tion* - 0.004 M . ekahS .llew ehT mroforolhc reyal ( rewol ) shall eb deruoloc eulb ro hsineerg .eulb hgieW ot eht tseraen 1 gm neewteb 57-l and 1.85 g fo muinohtezneb edirolhc and evlossid 2.1.4-A Add morf eht etterub muinohtezneb ni .retaw refsnarT ot a dnuorg glass dereppots edirolhc noitulos ,ylwols yllaitini ni snoitrop fo 1 ertil kram-eno cirtemulov ksalf and etulid ot 0.2 .lm retfA hcae ,noitidda reppots eht -nilyc eht kram htiw .retaw ,red ekahs llew and wolla eht phases ot .etarapes yllaitinI eht mroforolhc esahp lliw eb deruoloc NOTES eulb ro hsineerg .eulb sdrawoT eht dne eht I nI redro ot eraperp a 0.004 M ,noitulos yrd eht ruoloc dluow start gnitargim ot eht suoeuqa muinohtezneb edirolhc at ,C”SOI hgiew 1.792 g ot eht .reyal etoN eht gnidaer at hcihw eht ruoloc tseraen 1 ,gm evlossid ni retaw dna etulid ot 1 .zrtil elihW ,gniyrd take erac ton ot esiar eht erutarepmet ytisnetni ni htob eht phases is eht emas nehw dnoyeb 105°C. deweiv rednu standard snoitidnoc fo ,thgil rof ,elpmaxe against a etihw nialecrop elit rednu 2 rehtO cinoitac ,stnegaer hcus sa lytec lyhtsmirt muinomma edimorb dna muinoklazneb ,edirolhc evig lamron .thgilyad stluser lacitnedi ot esoht deniatbo gnisu muinohtezneb .edirolhc revewoH eseht stset evah ton neeb deirrac 3.1.4-A etaluclaC eht ytiralom fo muinohtezneb tuo ni tneiciffus rebmun ot ekam ti elbissop ot etats edirolhc noitulos as :swollof taht eht tluser lliw eb lacitnedi on rettam tahw eht tcudorp ;desylana rof taht ,nosaer fi -ohtezneb ytiral7M fo muinohtezl~eb muin edirolhc si ton elbaliava ti si dettimrep ot esu 10 edirolhc ,noitulos T rehtona tnegaer dedivorp taht siht si detats ni eht T,= 1 tset .troper revewoH ni esac fo tbuod dna syawla VI ni esac fo a ,etupsid ylno muinohtezneb edirolhc erehw dluohs eb .desu ytiralom fo muidos lyrual etahplus Tl = A-3.7 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution ,noitulos and evlossiD 1 g fo nielahtahplonehp ni 100 lm fo emuloV ni lm fo muinohtezneb edirolhc 95 tnecrep ( v/v ) .lonahte VI = noitulos .dedda 8.3-A Methylene Blue Solution ( 0,005 Percent ) 2.4-A Determination of Anionic Active Matter evlossiD 0,05 g fo enelyhtem ,eulb 50 g fo muidos etahplus and 6.8 lm fo detartnecnoc ciruhplus Proceed as debircsed ni ,1.4-A taking 10 lm fo dica ni retaw and ekam up eht emulov ot 1 ertil eht elpmas noitulos ( 9.3-A ) daetsni fo muidos htiw .retaw lyrual etahplus .noitulos 1.8.3-A dexiM srotacidni era osla elbaliava and 3.4-A noitaluclaC yam eb .desu etaluclaC eht cinoina evitca rettam as lykla A-3.9 Sample Solution enezneb cinohplus dica as :swollof hgieW a elbatius ytitnauq fo eht elpmas -noc cinoinA evitca ,rettam ~~ ZV X ,T x 5 gniniat 100 ot 160 gm fo cinoina evitca rettam tnecrep yb mass Z rep 100 lm fo .noitulos roF this ekat an -orppa M, etairp ytitnauq fo elpmas and ezilartuen htiw erehw deriuqer ytitnauq fo muidos edixordyh noitulos ot teg muidos lykla enezneb .etanohplus tuobA ev = emulov ni lm fo minohtezneb edirolhc 1 g fo muidos lykla enezneb etanohplus rep noitulos ;dedda 500 lm fo eht noitulos is .elbatius ytiralom fo muinohtezneb edirolhc T, = * The lluf eman fo siht lacimehc si lyzneb lyhtemid noitulos ( ees 3.1.4-A ;) (p-2[-2 lytublyhtcmartet-?,3,1,1 ) -lyxohte-yxonehp mass ni g fo eht elpmas ;nekat and lyhte muinomma .etardyh-onomedirolhc .,HCC.,HC[ M, = &HC(C .,HCO,HC,HCO.,H,C ,),HC(N,HC CHD, ralucelom mass fo lykla enezneb sul- ]sH,C + .]O,H.-lC tI si yllaicremmoc dlos rednu M= cinohp dica nekat rof .noitaluclac eht eman enimayHS 1622’. 4 IS $401 : 1994 ANNEX B ( Clause A-0.1 ) DETERMINATION OF MOLECXJLAR MASS OF SULPHONIC ACID OR SODIUM SALT OF SULPHONIC ACID drah pmul htiw a glass dor denettalf at eno .dne B-l APPARATUS woM eht dilos rettam ot elttes and tnaced eht B-l.1 Beakers -- 150 and 1000 lm .yticapac toh cilohocla noitulos hguorht a deretnis glass retiB lennuf dettif ot a renhcuB ksalf ot hcihw 2.l-B Buchner Flask - 500 lm ,yticapac dettif noitcus is .deilppa taepeR eht cilohocla noitsegid htiw a deretnis glass retlif lennuf ( ytisorp 4 .) ni a ralimis rennam htiw 5 rehtruf evitucesnoc 3.l-B gnitaropavE nisaB 30 lm snoitrop fo gniliob lyhte .lohocla retliF hcae tcartxe ni nrut hguorht eht emas deretnis 4.l-B gnitarapeS slennuF - 1 000 lm .yticapac glass lennuf and, ,yllanif wash eht eudiser -eves lar semit htiw toh lyhte lohocla ot evomer all El.5 Steam-Bath eht lohocla .selbulos etaropavE eht denibmoc B-l.6 Wide-Mouthed Flat Bottomed Flask - etartlif ot a small klub ni an gnitaropave dish 200 lm .yticapac and refsnart ti ot a gnitarapes .lennuf esniR eht gnitaropave dish ecno htiw 50 lm fo 96 tnecrep 7.l-B Air-Oven - ylbareferP yllacirtcele detaeh lyhte lohocla and neht ruof semit htiw 50 lm htiw erutarepmet lortnoc .ecived snoitrop fo .retaw Add hcae wash ni nrut ot eht 2-B STNEGAER gnitarapes .lennuf Add 150 lm fo lyhteid .rehte lriwS yltneg ot erusne etauqeda ,gnixim and B-2.1 Caustic Soda Solution - 10 tnecrep .>v/m( wolla eht owt phases ot .etarapes Run ffo eht 2.2-B lyhtE lohoclA - 30 ,tnecrep 96 ,tnecrep suoeuqa cilohocla reyal otni a dnoces gnitarapes )v/v( and .etulosba ,lennuf and tcartxe eciwt htiw 75 lm snoitrop fo lyhteid .rehte refsnarT eht suoeuqa cilohocla 3.2-B lyhteiD rehtE esahp otni a ,rekaeb and enibmoc eht eerht rehte .stcartxe 4.2-B enotecA 5.2-B nielahthplonehP rotacidnI - eeS SI 2263 : 2.3-B ekaT eht denibmoc rehte stcartxe ni a 1979 naelc gnitarapes .lennuf Wash eerht semit htiw 6.2-B lyhteM egnarO rotacidnI - 0.1 tnecrep evisseccus 50 lm snoitrop fo 30 tnecrep lyhte ( v/m .) lohocla and neht htiw evisseccus 50 lm snoitrop fo retaw litnu eht rehte esahp is eerf morf -ocla 52.7 cirreF muinommA etahpluS rotacidnI - ;loh yllausu 7 ot 10 sehsaw-retaw era .yrassecen etarutaS .noitulos enibmoC all eht cilohocla and suoeuqa ,stcartxe ~-12.~ dradnatS ciruhpluS dicA - yletamixorppA ezilartuen ot nielahthplonehp and etaropave no a htab-maets litnu eht emulov is decuder ot * . tuoba 25 .lm Add an lauqe emulov fo etulosba 9.2-B dradnatS muinommA etanaycoihT -uloS lohocla and etaropave ot .ssenyrd ehT noitulos noit - yletamixorppA 0.1 N. shall niamer just knip ot nielahthplonehp -orht tuohgu .noitaropave oT erusne that eht eudiser 01.2-B cirtiN dicA - ,detartnecnoC evitaler is yletelpmoc ,suordyhna add 30 lm fo etulosba ytisned 1.42. lohocla and again etaropave ot .ssenyrd tcartxE 11.2-B enezneB-ortiN eht eudiser htiw 30 lm fo toh 96 tnecrep lvhte ,lohocla gnirrits and gnikaerb up eht dilos 21.2-B dradnatS revliS etartiN Solution - rettam ni eht dish htiw a glass .dor wollA eht yletamixorppA 0.1 N. dilos rettam ot elttes and tnaced eht toh -ocla ciloh noitulos hguorht a deretnis glass retlif 3-B PROCEDURE lennuf dettif ot a renhcuB ksalf ot hcihw noitcus 1.3-B hgieW tuoba 2 g fo eht lairetam otni a is .deilppa tcartxE eht eudiser ni eht dish htiw lm-051 .rekaeb evlossiD ni muminim xis rehtruf evitucesnoc 30 lm snoitrop fo toh quantity fo retaw and ezilartuen htiw citsuac ados -ulos 96 tnecrep lyhte .lohocla Pass hcae tcartxe ni .noit etaropavE no a htab-maets ot tsomla nrut hguorht eht deretnis glass .retlif ,yllaniF etelpmoc .ssenyrd tsegiD htiw 50 lm fo 96 -rep wash eht eudiser ni eht deretnis glass retlif eerht tnec lyhte lohocla yb gnitaeh no a htab-maets semit htiw tuoba 20 fo toh 96 tnecrep lyhte rof tuoba 2 .setunim ritS and kaerb lohocla morf eht tej fo a wash .elttob up any 5

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