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IS 8016: Hand Trolley for Gas Cylinders (Oxygen and Dissolved Acetylene) for Industrial Use PDF

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Preview IS 8016: Hand Trolley for Gas Cylinders (Oxygen and Dissolved Acetylene) for Industrial Use

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 8016 (1996): Hand Trolley for Gas Cylinders (Oxygen and Dissolved Acetylene) for Industrial Use [MED 7: Material Handling Systems and Equipment] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” . Is8016:1996 (m3-m) Indian Standard DNAH YELLORT ROF SAG SREDNILYC NEGYXO( DNA DEVLOSSID )ENELYTECA ROF LAIRTSUDNI ESU - NOITACIFICEPS ( First Revision ) SCI 53.060 ; 23.020.30 0 SIB 1996 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS KANAM ,NAVAHB 9 RUDAHAB HAHS RAFAZ CRAM WEN lHLED 110002 ___ ._ ._-_ derewop-noN slairetaM gnildnaH tnempiuqE lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DMH 15 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS tsriF( )noisiveR was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht derewop-noN slairetaM gnildnaH tnempiuqE lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht yvaeH lacinahceM gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT naidnI dradnatS was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1976. sihT noisiver fo eht standard has neeb thguorb tuo ot align eht stnemeriuqer fo eht standard htiw eht tsetal secitcarp gnieb dewollof ni eht .yrtnuoc laicepS syellort era deriuqer rof gnitropsnart negyxo and enelyteca srednilyc nihtiw eht sesimerp fo eht nehwyrotcaf eht tcejbo no hcihw eht krow is ot eb deirrac tuo nac ton eb devom .ylisae esehT era fo tsubor tub thgil snoitcurtsnoc dednetni ot evig yrotcafsitas ecivres revo a gnol .doirep sihT standard srevoc ylno eht syellort dednetni rof esu edisni a yrotcaf and is ton elbacilppa rof gnitropsnart eht srednilyc revo a gnol ecnatsid ro revo cilbup .sdaor roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav .‘)desiver( ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 8016:1996 Indian Standard HANDTROLLEYFORGAS CYLINDERS (OXYGENANDDISSOLVED ACETYLENE) FORINDUSTRIALUSE-SPECIFICATION (F irst Revision ) 1 EPOCS 4 NOITCURTSNOC 4.1 emarF sihT naidnI dradnatS srevoc lapicnirp snoisnemid and stnemeriuqer rof hand yellort dednetni rof -ni ehT emarf shall eb edam tuo fo ralubut snoitces rood tnemevom fo negyxo and enelyteca gas gnimrofnoc ot SI 1239 traP( )1 : 1990, dedivorp srednilyc and is ton elbacilppa revo a gnol ecnatsid htiw elbatius mroftalp ot etadommocca owt and cilbup .sdaor srednilyc fo negyxo and .enelyteca 2 SECNEREFER 4.2 elxA 4.2.1 ehT elxa shall eb os denoitisop that ti dluow ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb era yrassecen eb elbissop ot ecnalab eht yellort elihw gnivom ti stcnujda ot this standard. and nehw eht yellort is tfel yranoitats ni lacitrev IS No. Title noitisop eht sleehw dluohs ton hcuot eht .dnuorg 5 : 1978 sruoloC rof ydaer dexim paints and slemane 4.2.2 ehT elxa shall eb edam morf dnuor bars -noc (third revision) gnimrof ot SI 2062 : 1992. 1239 Mild leets ,sebut tubulars and traP( )1 : 1990 rehto thguorw leets :sgnittif 4.3 eldnaH traP 1 Mild leets sebut htfif( ehT eldnah shall eb edam fo ralubut snoitces -noc revision) gnimrof ot SI 1239 traP( )1 : 1990. 2062 : 1992 leetS rof lareneg larutcurts -rup 4.4 gniruceS Chains noitacificepS-sesop htruof revision) ehT yellort shall eb dedivorp htiw owt sniahc 2074 : 1992 ydaeR dexim paint, ria ,gniyrd der elbatius rof gninetsaf owt srednilyc yltnednepedni cniz-edixo ,emorhc gnimirp nehw eht yellort is tfel yranoitats ni lacitrev -isop noit ro ni gniwem .noitisop (second revision) 2932 : 1994 ,lemanE ,citehtnys roiretxe )a( 4.5 looT xoll ,gnitaoc-rednu )b( gnihsinif fI deriuqer yb eht ,resahcrup eht loot xob yam eb (second revision) dedivorp rof gniyrrac lamron seirossecca ekil -dlew 7369 : 1983 noitacificepS rof sleehw and gni ,hcrot gas esoh and gas gnidlew / gnittuc .sloot srotsac (@St revision) snoisnemiD and ngised fo eht loot xob shall eb as deerga ot neewteb eht resahcrup and eht -cafunam 3 NGISED .rerut 3.1 A lacipyt ngised fo eht yellort rof gniyrrac 5 SNOISNEMID AND SECNARELOT srednilyc negyxo( and devlossid )enelyteca is nevig ni .giF 1 rof ecnadiug .ylno 5.1 ehT llarevo snoisnemid fo a 2 kN yellort era nevig ni .giF 1 rof ecnadiug .ylno 3.2 ehT yellort shall eb elbapac fo gnitadommocca rehtegot eno negyxo rednilyc and eno enelyteca 5.2 secnareloT no all llarevo snoisnemid fo eht ,rednilyc htob yletelpmoc .dellif yellort shall eb +5 .mm 6 DAOL CARRYING YTICAPAC 3.3 ehT yellort shall eb elbats nehw yranoitats with eht srednilyc ni lacitrev .noitisop ehT yellort shall eb elbapac fo gniyrrac 2 kN .daol 1 SI 8016 : 1996 7 SLEEHW 9.2 ehT yellort shall niamer elbats nehw yranoitals htiw eht srednilyc ni lacitrev .noitisop ehT sleehw desu ni eht yellort shall mrofnoc ot SI 7369 : 1983 rebbur deryt htiw elbatius gniraeb 9.3 ehT push eldnah shall withstand a muminim ,tnemegnarra as deerga ot neewteb eht resahcrup latnoziroh ecrof lauqe ot 230 N plus 2 tnecrep detar and eht .rerutcafunam yticapac tuohtiw gnikaerb ro yltnenamrep .gnidneb 8 PIHSNAMKROW AND HSINIF 10 MARRING 8.1 The yellort shall eb eerf morf warp ni larutcurts 10.1 ehT yellort shall eb dekram htiw eht gniwollof emarf .krow noitamrofni ni a elbisiv :noitisop 8.2 hcaE yellort shall eb eerf fo rust, ,elacsllim ,trid )a noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ;erutcafunam ,lio ,cte and ylhguoroht ,denaelc fi dedeen htiw )b daoL gniyrrac ,yticapac ni kN; lacimehc noitulos and .desnir yltneuqesbuS hcae )c s’rerutcafunaM laires ;rebmun and yellort shall eb nevig eno taoc fo der edixo remirp )d raeY fo .erutcafunam ees( SI 2074 : )2991 and neht owt staoc fo citehtnys lemane paint ees( SI 2932 : )4991 ni ruoloc / edahs 10.2 SIB noitacifitreC Marking as deerga ees( SI 5 : .)8791 ehT yellort yam osla eb dekram htiw eht dradnatS 8.3 ehT detniap ecafrus shall eb eerf morf Mark. ,selknirw ralugerri ,gnitniap ,gnippird ,sehctarcs seitiralugerri ni .gniruoloc 10.2.1 ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog 9 PERFORMANCE yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau of Indian Standards and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam Act, 1986 9.1 nehW eht yellort is desrevart revo a htooms .rednuereht ehT sliated fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw daor dedaol htiw 120 tnecrep fo elbissimrep -yrrac eht ecnecil rof eht esu fo dradnatS Mark yam eb gni ,daol eht sleehw shall nrut ylhtooms and satis- detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb .ylirotcaf deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards. Bureau of Indian Standards BIS si a yrotutats noitutitsni dehsilbatse rednu the Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986 ot etomorp suoinomrah tnempoleved of the seitivitca of ,noitazidradnats gnikram dna ytilauq noitacifitrec of goods dna gnidnetta ot detcennoc srettam ni the .yrtnuoc Copyright SIB has the thgirypoc of lla sti .snoitacilbup No part of these snoitacilbup yam eb decudorper ni yna mrof tuohtiw the roirp noissimrep ni gnitirw of .SIB sihT does ton edulcerp the free ,esu ni the esruoc of gnitnemelpmi the ,dradnats of yrassecen ,sliated hcus as slobmys dna ,sezis epyt or grade .snoitangised seiriuqnE gnitaler ot thgirypoc eb addressed ot the rotceriD ,)snoitacilbuP( .SIB Review of Indian Standards stnemdnemA are deussi ot sdradnats as the deen sesira no the sisab of .stnemmoc sdradnatS are osla deweiver ;yllacidoirep a dradnats gnola w$h stnemdnema si demriffaer nehw hcus weiver setacidni that on segnahc are ;dedeen fi the weiver setacidni that segnahc are ,dedeen ti si nekat pu for .noisiver sresU of naidnI sdradnatS dluohs niatrecsa that yeht are ni noissessop of the tsetal stnemdnema or noitide yb gnirrefer ot the tsetal eussi of SIB‘ ’koobdnaH dna sdradnatS‘ ylhtnoM .’snoitiddA sihT naidnI sdradnatS has neeb depoleved morf Dot : .oN HMD 15 ( 0172 ). Amendments Issued Since Publication .dnemA‘ No. Date of eussI txeT detceffA BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS sretrauqdaeH : kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg, New 200011-ihleD smargeleT : ahtsnaskanaM senohpeleT : 323 0131, 323 83 75, 323 94 02 nommoC( ot lla )seciffo lanoigeR seciffO : enohpeleT Y lartneC : kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg 1323 76 17 WEN IHLED 110002 323 38 41 nretsaE : 41/l .T.I.C emehcS IIV M, .P.I.V Road, alotkinaM 337 84 99, 337 85 61 ATTUCLAC 700054 337 86 26, 337 9120 nrehtroN : 0CS ,633-533 Sector ,A-43 HRAGIDNAHC 160022 i 60 60 38 2025 43 nrehtuoS : .T.I.C ,supmaC VI Cross Road, SARDAM 600113 i 235 235 02 15 16, 19, 235 235 04 23 42 15 nretseW : ,ayalakanaM E9 ,CDIM ,loraM irehdnA (East) 832 92 95, 832 78 58 lABMUM 400093 832 78 91, 832 78 92 sehcnarB : .DABADAMHA .gROLAGNAB .LAPOHB .RAWHSENABUHB .EROTABMIOC .DABADIRAF .DABAIZAHG .ITAHAWUG .DABAREDYH .RUPIAJ .RUPNAK .WONKCUL .ANTAP .MARUPAHTNANAVURIHT Prided at ,hpargotnirP New Delhi (INDIA).

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