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IS 7233: Pesticide - 2, 4-D, Ethyl Ester Technical Specification PDF

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Preview IS 7233: Pesticide - 2, 4-D, Ethyl Ester Technical Specification

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 7233 (1991): Pesticide - 2, 4-D, Ethyl Ester Technical Specification [FAD 1: Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS-7233 : 1991 Indian Standard PESTICIDE - 2,4-D, ETHYL B;TER TECHNKAL SPECIFICATION c ( Second Revision) UDC 63295 @ BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ~MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG’ NEW DELHI 110002 vtbotcO 1991 Price Groop 2 sedicitseP lanoitceS ,eettimmcC CDAF1 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) saw detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI sdradnatS retfaeht tfard dezilanif yb eht sedicitseP lanoitceS eettimmoC dah neeb devorppa yb eht dooF dnaerutlucirgA noisiviD.licnuoC ,2 ,D-4 lyhte ,retse lacinhcet si eht tcudorp deniatbo yb eht noitacifiretse fo ,2 D-4 dna deyolpmeni eht noitaraperp fo ladicibreh.snoitalumrof ,2 D-4 lyhte ,retse lacinhcet si yllareneg derutcafunam ot niatnoc 09 (&necrep fo ,2 D-4lyhte m/m ) .retse ehT laciripme dna larutcurts ealumrof dna ralucelom ssam fo eht tcudorp era nevig:woleb Empirical Formula Structural Formula Molecular Mass / 9.842 02- CH -f2-- 0 CH -CHs Qt - Cl I \ lC sihT dradnats saw dehsilbup ni 4791 dna desiver ni .5891 sihT dnoces noisiver seificepsstnemeriuqer rof ,2 D-4 lyhte ,retse lacinhcet ,ylno hcihw si desu rof goirutcafunam snoitalumrof ekil ,CE PWdna .selunarg nI eht noitaraperp fo siht ,dradnats eud noitaredisnoc sah neeb nevig ot eht snoisivorp fo eht-itcesnI dna eht seluR demarf .rednuereht ,revewoH siht dradnats si detcejbus ot ehtsnoitcirtser cides Act, 1968 desopmi rednu eht tcA dna seluR reverehw.elbacilppa roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo siht dradnats si deilpmoc htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor ffoni ecnadroc chatiw SI 2~ : 0691 seluR‘- rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo-ingis tnacif secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas sa taht fo eht deificeps eulav nisiht standard. E991:3327SI Indian Standard PESTICIDE - 2,4--D, ETHYL ESTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) etaD fo erutcafunam dna etad fo;yripxe 1 SCOPE c> sihT dradnats sebircserp eht stnemeriuqer dna ,d hctaB;rebmun eht sdohtem fo gnilpmas dna tset rof ,2 D-4 e) ,2 D-4 ,tnetnoc tnecrep ( m/m ); lyhte ,retse.lacinhcet f) teN ssam fo eht ;stnetnocdna 2SECNEREFER )h ehT muminim yranoituac eciton sa -drom e hndtie 8691 dna,seluR Insecticides Act, ehT gniwollof naidnI sdradnatS are necessary stcnujda ot siht:dradnats Table 1 Requirements for 2, 4-D Ethyl Ester, SI .oN Title Technical 1070 : 1977 retaW rof lareneg yrotarobal esu ( esualC 2.3 ) ( second revision ) 6940 : 1982 sdohteM fo tsetrof sedicitsep dna rieht snoitalumrof _( first revision ) Sl Characteristic Require- Method NO. ment of Test, 8190 stnemeriuqeR rof gnikcap fo pesti- Ref to (Part ‘2) : :sedit Part 2 Liquid pesticides Annex 1988 of this (-second revision ) Standard 109-16 : 1989 sdohteM edarg fo.sedicitsep gnilpmas roflacinhcet (1) )2( (3) (4) Total extractable 2,4-D 86’0 A 3 REQUIREMENTS il ,tnetnoc tnecrep yb,ssam Min 3.1 Description ii) Free 2, 4-D content, per- 6’0 B ehT lairetam llahs eb thgil ot krad nworbraelc tnec yb ,ssam Max diuqil eerf morf suoenartxe seitirupmi ro -idda )iii 2,4-D ethyl ester content, 90’0 C tnecrep yb ,ssam niM tives. )vi gnitleM tniop fodetcartxe 136-140 D 3.2 The material shall also comply with the acid, “C stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT.1 )v retaW tnetnoc oT ssap E ehttset 3.3 Identity Test )iv Suspended solids content, 0’2 F When determined by the method prescribed tnecrep yb ,ssam Max - _ ni xennA ,it eht noitneter emit fo eht lairetam- llahs eb eht emas sa taht fo ecnereferdradnats 6GNILPMAS ,2 D-4 lyhte retse fo nwonk.ytirup GNIKCAP evitatneserpeR selpmas fo eht lairetam llahseb 4 nward sa debircserp ni SI 64901 : 1984. ehT lairetam llahs eb dekcap gnidrocca ot eht stnemeriuqer debircserp ni SI 0918 ( traP 2 ) : 7 TESTS 1988. 7.1 stseT llahs eb deirrac tuo yb eht sdohtem 5 MARKING derrefer ot ni 1oc 4 fo elbaT.1 ehT sreniatnoc llahs raeb ylbigel dnaylbiledni the following information in addition to any 2.7 Quality of Reagents other information as is necessary under the sselnU deificeps ,esiwrehto erup slacimehcdna dna seluR demarf -ereht Insecticides Act, 1968 :rednu dellitsid retaw ( ees SI 0701 : 1977 ) shall be deyolpme ni.stset )a emaN fo eht;lairetam NOTE - eruP‘ ’slacimehc llahs naem slacimehctaht )b noitacidnI tuoba eht ecruos fo -cafunam od ton niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluserfo ture; analysis. 1 IS 7233 : 1991 ANNEX A [ Table 1, fitem )i( J DETERMlNATION OF TOTAL EXTRACTABLE 2,4-D CONTENT funnel, add 3 ml of hydrochloric acid and A-l REAGENTS t_cartxe htiw eerht evisseccus 52 lm snoitropfo A-l.1 Isopropyl Ether or Diethyl Ether ,rehte dehsaw ylsuoiverp htiw etulid ilakla ot remove impurities. Combine the ether layers, Analytical reagent ( AR ) grade. gnihsaw ni htiw a llams ytitnauq fo ,rehtedna A-l.2 Ethanol hsaw eht denibmoc sreyal htiw evisseccus-rop snoit fo dellitsid retaw llit eerf morf ..sedirolhc Neutral, AR grade; alternatively, neutral metha- hsaW eht denibmoc retaw sgnihsaw htiw 5 lmfo nol, AR grade may be used. ether and add this to eh+ combined ether extracts. Wash the total ether solution into a A-l.3 Standard Lithium Hydroxide Solution lacinoc ,ksalf etaropave klub fo rehte dna dda 1 N, filter, if necessary during preparation. 60 ml of ethanol. Titrate with the standard muidos edixordyh noitulos gnisu lomyhtomorb A-l.4 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid eulb .rotacidni AR grade. 2.2.2-A yrraC tuo a knalb noitanimreted htiw A-l.5 Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution 06 lm fo lonahte dna 09 lm fo.rehte ~0.1 N. A-3 CALCULATION A-l.6 Bromothymol Blue Indicator Solution latoT elbatcartxe ,2 D-4 ,tnetnoc tnecrepyb mass 0.04 percent solution in alcohol ( m/m ). A-2 PROCEDURE = -,V( V,) x N x 0.221 x *g x ; A-2.1 Preparation of Sample Solution where Weigh accurately an amount of the sample con- taining 3.5 to 4.5 g of 2, 4-D into a 250-ml IV - ,emulov ni ,lm fo dradnatsmuidos conical flask fitted htiw a ssalg-dnuorg .tnioj edixordyh noitulos deriuqer rofeht ddA 52 lm fo eht dradnats muihtiledixordyh test; dna 01 lm fo .lohocla tiF a xulfer resnednocdna taeh ylsuorogiv rednu xulfer rof 2 .sruohlooC ,v = ,emulov ni ,lm fo dradnatsmuidos dna refsnart ot a lm-052 cirtemulov ksalf dna edixordyh noitulos deriuqer rofeht ekam pu eht emulov ot 052 lm htiwdellitsid knalb ;noitanimreted .retaw N = ytilamron fo eht dradnatsmuidos 2.2-A Volumetric Determination edixordyh ;noitulosdna A-2.2.1 ekaT tuo htiw a ettepip 05 lm touqilafo m= ,ssam ni ,g fo elpmas nekat rofeht the aqueous extract in a lm-052 separating test. ANNEX B [ Tuble 1, Item (ii) ] DETERMINATION OF FREE 2,4-D CONTENT B-l REAGENTS B-l.3 Bromothymol Blue Indicator Solution B-l.1 Ethanol 0.04 tnecrep noitulos ni lohocla ( m/v ). ,lartueN ylevitanretla ,lonahtem lartuen yam eb B-2 ERUDECORP .desu 1.2-B hgieW yletarucca tuoba 01 g fo eht -mas elp otni a lm-005 lacinoc ksalf dna evlossidni ~1.2 Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution 002 lm fo .lonahte looC ot ,C”o4 fi ,deriuqeryb 0.1 .N gnipeek eht ksalf no a htab-retaw-eci dnaetartit 2 IS 7233 : 1991 with the standard sodium hydroxide solution, erehw gnisu 1 lm fo lomyhtomorb eulb sa.rotacidni v, = ,emulov ni ,lm fo dradnatsmuidos ehT noitartit dluohs eb deirrac tuo yldipar ot edixordyh noitulos deriuqer rofeht eht tsrif ecnaraeppa fo neerg .ruoloc test; B-2.2 Carry out a blank determination with ,V = ,emulov ni ,lm fo dradnatsmuidos 002 lm fo ,lonahte 5 lm fo ylhse rdfeldieolblitsid hydroxide solution required for ,retaw dna 1 lm fo lomyhtomorb eulb.rotacidni b~ knal;noitanimreted 3-B NOITALUCLAC N =ytilamron of standard sodium edixordyh ;noitulosdna m = ,ssam ni ,g fo elpmas nekat rofeht test. ANNEX C - [ Table I , Item )iii( ] NOITANIMRETED FO D:4,2 LYHTE RETSETNETNOC C-1 NOITALUCLAC erehw A = total extractable 2, 4-D content ,2 D-4 lyhte retse tnetnoc = A( - )B x $$- ( e3e-sA ,) dna eerf ,2 D-4 tnetnoc ( ees 3-B .) B = ANNEX D [ TubZe 1, Item (iv) ] NOITANIMRETED FO GNITLEM TNIOP FO DETCARTXED-4,2 D-l GENERAL snoitrop fo .rehte dracsiD eht rehte sreyaldna dda 3 lm fo cirolhcordyh dica ot ehtsuoeuqa ,2 D-4 si detcartxe htiw rehte morf D-4,2lyhte layer. Extract with three successive 25 ml retse ,lacinhcet neht retfa ,gniyrd gnitlemtniop snoitrop fo rehte dna enibmoc eht rehtesreyal si.denimreted ni rehtona gnitarapes .lennuf hsaW htiw eerht evisseccus 52 lm snoitrop fo dellitsid retawdna D-2 REAGENTS discard the water washings. Shake the ether 1.2-DrehtE extract with about 5 g of anhydrous sodium etahplus dna retlif otni a lm-052 lacinoc.ksalf 2 .e2n-oDtecA or Benzene litsiD ffo eht .tnevlos ddA 3 lm fo enotecaro enezneb dna etaropave ti .ffo yrD eht eudiser D-2.3 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid rof eno ruoh ta.C°501 D-3 PROCEDURE D-3.1 refsnarT a 52 lm touqila fo ehtelpmas D-3.2 enimreteD eht gnitlem tniop fo ehtylenif noitulos ( ees 1.2-A ) ot a lm-ool separating deredwop eudiser sa rep eht dohtemdebircserp lennuf dna tcartxe htiw eerht evisseccus 52lm 6940 IS of 6 in : 1982. ANNEX E [ ‘Table -1, Item (v) ] DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT lacinoc ksalf dna evlossid ni 57 lm fo.eneulot E-l PROCEDURE ehT noitulos dluohs eb eerf morf elbisiv.retaw hgieW yletarucca tuoba 52 g fo eht elpmas nia 3 . IS 7233 : 1991 ANNEX F [ Tuble 1, Item )iv( ] DETERMINATION OF SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONTENl F-l PROCEDURE F-2 CALCULATION retliF eht noitulos deraperp sa debircsed ni dednepsuS sdilos,tnetnoc F-l ?il x 104 hguorht a derat ssalg-deretnis ,elbicurcgnihsaw tnecrep ybssam = - - eht ksalf htiw .eneulot hsaW eht eudiser nieht M where elbicurc htiw llams seititnauq fo .eneulot yrD eht elbicurc ot tnatsnoc ssam ta .C°501sserpxE m = mass, ni ,g fo eudiser tfel ni ,eht eht ssam fo eudiser sa a egatnecrep fo ehtssam ;elbicurcdna fo eht laitini.elpmas M = ,ssam ni ,g fq eht elpmas nekatrof eht tset ( ees F-l ). ANNEX G ( Clause 3.3 ) IDENTITY TEST G-l GENERAL sesaG dna gnidnopserroc wolf:setar ehT noitneter emit fo ,2 D-4 lyhte ,retse-inhcet negortiN ( reirrac) - 30 nim/lm lac si derapmoc htiw taht fo ecnereferdradnats ,2 D-4 lyhte retse no a sag diuqilhpargotamorhc negord y(H leuf) - 25 nim/lm equipped with a flame ionization detector ( DIF .) riA - 300 mm/lm 2-G SUTARAPPA 2.2-G ertilorciMegniryS G-2.1 Gas Liquid hpargotamorhC ( GLC ) deppiuqE htiw a DIF dna yam eb delpuoc ota 5-10 1~ .yticapac printer-plotter integrator. The operative cum sretemarap era detseggus ,woleb hcihw naceb 3-GERUDECORP ,degnahc ni yna rehto C LtGn,edmepyioulqpeme dedivorp noitazidradnats si :enod tcejnI 2.0 1~ fo 0.2 tnecrep ( ,2 D-4lyhte m/v ) nmuloC - ,ssalG 002 mc htgnel dna 6mm ester reference standard solution in acetone ,DI dekcap htiw 3 tnecrep VO 71no into the chromatograph and note down the brosomorhC PH-W ( 001-08 hsem ) noitneter emit fo eht kaep ni eht.margotamorhc Similarly, inject 2.0 1~ fo 2.0 tnecrep ( Temperature: m/v ) noitulos fo ,2 D-4 lyhte retse lacinhcetelpmas nmuloCnevo - 180°C dna eton nwod eht noitneter .emit ehTnoitneter noitcejnI trop - 250°C emit rof eht elpmas llahs eb lacitnedi htiwtaht Detector - 260°C fo eht ecnerefer dradnats ,2 D-4 lyhte.retse Standard Mark ehT esu fo eht dradnatS kraM si denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau of Idian dna eht seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS kraU no Stan&r& Act, 2986 products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been decudorp- ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo taht dradnats rednu a llew denifed metsysfo ,noitcepsm gnitset dna ytilauq lortnoc hcihw si desived dna desivrepus yb SIB dnadetarepo yb eht .recudorp dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof-noc ytimrof ot taht dradnats sa a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil for the use of the Standard Mark may be detnarg ot serutcafunam ro srecudorp yameb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI.sdradnatS

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