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Preview IS 7193: glass fibre base bitumen felts

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 7193 (1994): glass fibre base bitumen felts [CED 41: Waterproofing and Damp-Proofing] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 7193 : 1994 (Reaffirmed2009) Indian Standard GLASS FIBRE BASE BITUMEN FELTS — SPECIFICATION ( First Revision) SecondReprint NOVEMBER2006 (Including AmendmentNo. I) UDC 691.165:666.198.211 BlS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI 110002 July 1994 PriceGroup 4 AMENDMENT NO. 1 AUGUST 1999 TO IS 7193: 1994 GLASS FIBRE BASE BITUMEN FELTS - SPECIFICATION (FirstRevision) (Page 1,Tobie 1,SINo.1. col3)- Substitute'40gperm2' for '40e~r/m-~,. (Poge1,Table 1,51No.4, col4)- Substitute'C-S'for'c-r. (Page 1,Table1,51No. S,col4)- Substitute'C-6'for'C-4'. (Poge1,cialise4.1,secondsentence)- Substitute'coatant'for'constant'. (Page 2,clause8.1.1, line1)- Delete thewords 'typeand'. rPage2, Table 3,SINo. (vi),col2 )- Substitute'Waterabsorption, Mar'for 'WaInabsorption'. ( Page3, clause lO.I(c) I - Substitute 'Grade of the glass fibre base bitumenfelts;'for'Typeandgradeoftbeglassfibrebasebitumenfelts.' ( Page5,Annex C, clauseC-l, heading) - Substitute 'METHOJ)S 0." rrEST .--OR l·":Sl"ING WEIGlfT OF GLASS FIBRE TISSUE' for rssr ....on '~II~l"HOI)S 0 .... l"ESl'ING DENSll"Y 0." GLASS ."IBRE TISSUE-. (Page 6,clauseC.J,heading)- Substitute'METHODS OF TESTFOR "rES1·ING BREAKJNG S"rREN(;l"H 0." GLASS FIBRE TISSUE' for 'METHOI)S0."TESTFOI{"rESl''1NGTENSILESTRENGTHOFGLASS FIBREl"ISSUE'. (Ptlge 7,clauseC-4)- Delete andrenumbertbesubsequentclauses. (Page8,clausec-7)- Delete. (CEO41) Printedat: PrabhatOffsetPress.NewDelhi-z Water.Prooflnland Damp-Proofin,Sectional Committee,CED41 FOREWORD ThisIndianStandard(First Revision) was adoptedby the Bureauof Indian Standards, after the draftfinalized bythe Water·Proofingand Damp-Prootlos SectionalCommittee had been approved byCivilBQaineering DivisionCouncil, Glassfibre bitumenfelts are suitablefor use for water-proofing and damp-prooiDIin buildiap and othersituations wherepenetration of moisture isto be stopped. This standard specifle.the requirements for glass fibre base bitumen felts. It is an adjunct to IS 1322: 1993 Speci8catioD for bitumenfeltsfor water-proofing and damp-proofing (fourth ,,,Islon). Thisisthefirstrevision ofthe standard. In this standard testinl methods to ascertainthe physi or cal properties ,lass fibre tissuehavebeenadded. Allreferences havealsc beenupdated to take care of latest revision ofthe referred standards. In the formulation ofthis standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination amoDI thestandardsandpracticesprevailing in different countries in addition to relatiDsit to the practicesin the field in this country. The committee responsible for the formulation ofthis standard isliven inAnnexA. For the rurpose ofdecidingwhether a particular requirementofthis standard is complied with, or the ftDa value, observed or calculated, expressing the result a test or analysis, shallbe rounded offin accordance withIS2: 1960 'Rulesfor rounding off numerical values (,.,lIed )~. ne numberofsignificant placesretained in the rounded offvalue should bethe lame as that of the specified valuein this standard. IS 7193: 19H Indian Standard GLASS FIBRE BASE BITUMEN FELTS SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE 1978 and penetration of not lessthan 7at 25°C whentested in accordance with IS 1203 : 1978. Thisstandardcovers the requirement for self The constant shall consist of finelydividedinert finished glassfibre base bitumen felts used for filler. The proportion of mineral inert filler water-proofingand damp-proofing. willdepend upon the type and the weight of felt manufactured;but shall not exceed40per ZREFERENCES cent by weightof the coating material, Z.1 TheIndianStandards listed in AnnexBare necessaryadjuncts to this standard. 4.3 MiDeralFiller 3 CLASSIFICATION It shall consist of finely divided suitable inert mineral matter whichis insolublein water and 3.1 Glass fibre base felts shall comprise the passesthrough 75microns IS Sieve [see IS 460 followinggrades: ( Part 1) : 1985 ]. a) Grade I - Talcum,mica or sandsurface 4.4 Mineral PowderforSurfacing glassfibre base bitumen felts for water-proofing. 4.4.1 Mineral powdershallbepowdered mineral matter such as talc or mica passing through b) Grade 2- Talcum, micaor sand surfaced 600micronsISSieve[see IS460(Part 1): 1985]_ glass fibre base bitumen felts Sand passing through 250 microns IS Sieve for damp-proofing. [lee IS460( Part I ) : 1985 ] may also be used. 4 MATERIALS 4.4.2 Weight .4.1 BIMMembrue The weightof the surfacing material shall be as Thefibre glasstissue shallbe thin flexible uni follows: formly bonded mat, composed of chemically resistantborosilicate staple glass fibres, distri a) Mica 1-2 to 2·0kg/tOml buted in a random open porous structure, b) Talc powder I·Sto 2-25 kg/IOm' bonded together with a thermosetting resin ( phenolic type). The physical properties of e) Sand 3to 5kg/IOml the membrane shall beas giveninTable 1. 5 MANUFACTURE Table 1 RequlremeotsofGlassFibre Tissue The bitumen glass fibre base felt consists of a 81 Clwaderlltlm Reqal~'Dtl Methodof continuous mat of resin bonded glass fibres No. Test, treated with bitumen. The coatant shall be Refereace uniformly applied. The resultant coated felt (1) W. h (2) . (3) (4) shallbegivensuperficial application of mineral I ell t per unit 40I per/m- c.i area,Mill powderto prevent the layer of the coated felt 2 Nominalthickness O·5011lIn:I:O·t mm C·2 stickingtogether in the roll. This also gives 3 BreakiDIatren.tb, 45kifper 150mm C-3 useful protection against the affectsof the sun 4 MPoIr"osity 0·6mm to 1·9rom C-4 and when laid on roofs does not needfUIther 5 Temperature Shallbeunaffected C·4 treatment. reailtanco underload in hot , DIMENSIONS ANDWEIGHf bitumen at 280°C roroneminute '.1 DlllleDSloDS 4.Z Bitamea Unless otherwise specified, glass fibre basefelt It shall havea softening point of not lessthan shallbesupplied in widths of one metre and 10SoC when testedinaccordance with IS 1 205: generallyin lengthsof I m, 10mand 20m. 1 IS7193 : 1994 '.2 WeJabt from the same batch of manufacture, in one consignment shallconstitute a Jot. The weight of the ingredientsused inthe manu facture ofglassfibre felts for 10rotshall not be The conformity ofthelot to therequire lessthan those specified inTable2. mentsof this standard shallbe determined OD the basisofthe inspection and tests carried out Table 2 Miaimum Weight ofGlass Fibre on the samples selected from the lot. Base Bitumen Feltsfor 10m2 8.1.2 The number of rolls to be selected flom 81 Type01Pelt Untreated Coatsnt TotalWeightInDry a lot shalldepend upon the size of the lot and No. Bale Condition Including shallbeinaccordancewith coIl ofTable4. SurfacingMaterials (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) These rolls shall be selected at random kg kg kg from the lot, and in order to ensure randomness of selection, procedures given in IS4905: 1968 i) Grade 1 0·4 IS·] 18·0 maybefollowed. ii) Grade 2 04 22·0 25·0 l'able4 SampleSize andCriterioD forCODrorallty '.2.1 Method [(Clauses 6.2.1,8.1.2,,and 8.1,4(a )] For determining the weight, select at random the numberofglassfibre felt rolls as indicated or No.oftheRoll No. Rolls Permissible Sub-Sample in col 2ofTable 4. The randomness of selec In theLot tobeSelected No.or SizeNo. or tion is ensured by following the procedureas intheSample Defectl,e Rolli to be specified in IS 4905 : 1968. The averageweights Rolls Selected of the rolls selectedaboveshall then be taken (J) (2) (3) (4) to representthe weight of the rolls in the con Up to 100 5 0 2 signment and the weight for 10 ml computed fromthis weight. 101 to 150 8 0 3 lSI to 300 13 0 4 7 OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF GLASS 301 to 500 20 1 S FIBREFELTS SOl to 1000 32 2 6 7.1 Bitumen felts when tested in accordance 1001 to 3000 SO 3 8 with the appropriate tests shall conform to the 3001and above 80 S 10 requirementsgiven inTable 3. 8.1.3 TestSamples andNumber ofTests 8 SAMPLING ANDCRITERIA FOR Allthe rolls ofselection in8.1.1 shall be CONFORMITY inspectedfor width, length and visible external 8.1 SampliDI defects. The number of rolls to be tested for 8.1.1 Lot breaking strength, pliability, storage sticking, Allthe rollsof the same type and grade and heat resistance, waterabsorption, and pressure Table3 RequirementsofGlassFibreFelts (Clause 7.1 ) 81No. Properties Requirements Referenceto I) Breaking strength, Minkl a) WarpSO IS 13826(Part 1) : 1993 b) Weft 30 ii) Pliabilitytest a) Rollshall notshowcrackson unrolling IS13826(Part 2) :1993 b) Consider any surface rupture exceeding Smmin lengthas failure iii) Storage .tickins Thetest piecesshallbe examinedafter cooling, IS 13826 (Part3) : 1~3 After release of load, the layers of felt be capableof being separated withoutdamaging iv) Pre.sure head Thetest piecesshall shownosign of leakage IS13826(Part 4)~ 1993 V) Heat resistance The test pieces aha11 show no silo of IS13826(Part 5): 1993 melting ofbitumencompound vi) Water absorption 2percent IS13826( Part 6) :1993 2 IS 7193 : 1994 head, shall be in accordance with col4 of shall satisfy all the requirements ofthe Table4. These rollsshallbetaken at random characteristic individually. from those inspected under and found satisfactory for dimensions. From each ofthese 9 PACKING rolls, one test sampleof 3m long and the full Unlessotherwise specified, glassfibrebasebitu width of the felt shallbe cut out for preparing menfelts shallbesecurelypacked in rolls. The test specimens. Test samplesshall not be taken bitumenfelts need not be wound on core but from damaged portion of the roll, if any. The required number of test specimens shall be shall be securelywrapped in a craft paper of the same width as the fabric. The wrapper taken from each of the test sample and subjec shall completely encircle the roll and shall be ted to the corresponding tests. pasted at the overlap in a manner that will 8.1.4 Criteriafor Conformity prevent it from opening out. The ends of the roll need not be covered. Thelot shall be considered to bein conformity withthe requirements of the standard if the 10 MARKING followingconditions are satisfied: 10.1 Each package shall be legiblyand indelibly a) The numberof rolls found defective with marked with the following: respect to any characteristic mentioned in does not exceed the corres a) Identification of the source of manu facture; ponding number givenin col 3ofTable 4. b) From the observed valuesofthe breakngi b) The country of maufacture; x strength, the average and the range R c) Type and grade of the glass fibre base are calculated for each direction ( that is, bitumen felts; warpway and weftway ) separately, and the value of the expressionx-O·6 R is d) Length, widthand weightof the roll; and foundto begreater than or equal to the e) Batch number in code and date of applicable specified value. manufacture. NOTES 1 Average x isthe value obtained by dividing 10.1 DISCertificationMarking theSum ofthe observed valuesbythe number ofobserved values. Each package may also be marked with the Standard Mark. 2 Range Ris the differencebetween the maxi. mum and minimumin aset of observed values. 10.1.1 Theuseof the Standard Markisgoverned c) All the sample rolls tested for water by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian absorption shall satisfythe conditions of Standards Act, 1986 and the Rulesand Regula water absorption givenin Table 3 indivi tionsmadethereunder. The details of conditions dually. under whichthe licence for the useof Standard d) For all the other characteristics men Mark may be granted to manufacturers or tioned in exceptbreakingstrength producers maybe obtained from the Bureau of and water absorption ), all the test pieces Indian Standards. 3 IS7193 : 1994 ANNEX A ( Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Water-Proofing and Damp-Proofing SectionalCommittee, CED41 Chairman PROPM.S.SHETrY No.4, Sapan Daul, Near Empress Garden, Poona-411OO1 Members Representln, CAPT ASHOK SHASTRY Osnar ChemicalPvt Ltd, HOIUblY SHRIS.K. BANERJES (Alternate) - SHRIT.CHAUDHURY NationalTest HOUle (BR), Calcutta SHRIB.MANDAL ( Alternate) DIRP.CTOR ( DESIGN) National BuildingsOrganization, NewDelhi SR.ID. C. GoeL Central Road Research Institute, NewDelhi SRRIA.K. GUPTA EnaineersIndia Ltd, NewDelhi SHltlD. MOUDQIL ( Alternate) SqRI A. K. GUPTA MetroRailway. Calcutta SHRIK. RAJOOPALAN ( Alternate) SRRIM. B. JAYAWANT SyntheticAsphalts, Bombay SRRI MOJZ S. KAODI Polyseal India EnlineeringCentre, Bombay SHRI SURENM. THAKKER( Alternate) SaRIM. X.XANCHAN Cenral Public WorksDepartment, CDO SHillK. D. NARULA ( Alternat«) Balo V•K. KANITKAR Enaineer-in-ChieC'sBranch, ArmyHeadquarters, New Delhi SHRIC. S.S.}lAO( Alternate) SRKIM. H. KHATRI OverseasWater-ProoftoaCorporation Ltd, Bombay SHRI A.BOSI( Alternate) SHRI Y. P. KAPOOR PosrocIndia Ltd. Bangalore SRRIV.NATARAJAN( Alternate) SHRI H.C. MATA! BuildinaMaterials"TechnologyPromotion Council, NewDelhi SRRI M.M. MATHAI CempireCorporation, Madras SHRIR. D. NAYAK Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Bombay SHillp. C. SRIVASTAVA ( Alternate) COLD. V. PADSALGIKAR( 'RETD) B:G. Shirke& Co, Pune SRRI R.. P.PuNJ Lloyd BitumenProductsPvt Ltd,Calcutta SRRI A.K.SEN( Alttrnate) SaRIRAVI WIO MBS BuildersASlociationofIndia, NewDelhi SHRIK. K. MADHOK( Alternatt) SHIUT. K. Roy STP Ltd, Calcutta SRaIB.B. BANERJEE( Altemat«) SHRISAMIR SUIlLAXER MC-Bauchemic(India) Ltd,Bombay SHRIJAYANT DBOOAONKAR ( Alternate) SHRIR. SARABESWAR Intejrated Water.ProofiDl Ltd, Madras Sa DEPUTYCHIB.ENOINEER PublicWorksDepartment, GovernmentofTamilNadu SUPERINTENDING ENGIN!ER ( MADRASCIRCLI)( Alternate) S8RIA.SHARI" FOP Ltd, Bombay SHRIJ.S.SHARMA Central Duildinl R.esearcbInstitute (CSIR.), Roorkee SHRI R.. S. RAWAT ( Alternate) SaRISRAMALSSNGUPTA ProjectsandDevelopmentIndia Ltd, Dhanbad SaRIU.R.. p. SINHA ( Alternate) SHaIJ. VINKATARAMAN, DirectorGeneral. BIS(Ex-ojficioM.mber) Director (CivEnll ) Secr,tary SHill J.K. PRAsAD JointDirector (CivEnl.). DIS 4

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