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IS 7074: Air cargo equipment - Interline pallets PDF

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Preview IS 7074: Air cargo equipment - Interline pallets

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 7074 (1999): Air cargo equipment - Interline pallets [TED 14: Aircraft and Space Vehicles] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” RIA OGRAC TNEMPIUQE - INTERLINE PALLETS ( Second Revision ) ICS X5.180.30 0 SIB 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH RAFAZ MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 1999 Price puorG 4 riA ograC gnildnaH lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DMH 31 LANOITAN FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) hcihw si lacitnedi htiw 0SI 1714 : 3991 riA‘ ograc tnempiuqe - enilretnI ’stellap deussi yb eht lanoitanretnI noitazinagrO for noitazidradnatS )OSI( saw detpoda yb eht uaeruB of naidnI sdradnatS no eht snoitadnemmocer of eht riA ograC gnildnaH lanoitceS eettimmoC DMH( )31 dna lavorppa of eht yvaeH lacinahceM gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT naidnI dradnatS riA‘ ograC ’stellaP SI 4707 traP( )1 lareneG stnemeriuqer saw tsrif dehsilbup ni 3791 dna saw desiver ni ,2991 dna SI 4707 traP( )2 ’gnitseT‘ saw dehsilbup ni .8791 nI redro ot ngila eseht naidnI sdradnatS htiw 0SI 1714 : ,3991 siht dnoces( )noisiver sah neeb nekat .pu After noitacilbup of siht dradnats SI 4707 traP( )2 sdnats .nwardhtiw Now ti si gnieb dehsilbup sa SI .4707 ehT txet of 0SI dradnats sah neeb devorppa for noitacilbup sa naidnI dradnatS tuohtiw .snoitaived niatreC ygolonimret dna snoitnevnoc ,era ,revewoh ton lacitnedi ot esoht desu ni naidnI .sdradnatS noitnettA si ylralucitrap nward ot eht gniwollof : )a reverehW eht sdrow lanoitanretnI‘ raeppa’dradnatS gnirrefer ot siht ,dradnats yeht dluohs eb daer sa naidnI‘ .’dradnatS )b Comma J( sah neeb desu sa a lamiced rekram elihw ni naidnI ,sdradnatS eht tnerruc ecitcarp si ot esu a tniop (.) sa a lamiced .rekram nI eht detpoda ,dradnats ecnerefer sraeppa ot niatrec lanoitanretnI sdradnatS for hcihw naidnI sdradnatS osla ehT.tsixe gnidnopserroc naidnI sdradnatS hcihw era ot eb detutitsbus ni rieht ecalp era detsil woleb gnola htiw rieht eerged of ecnelaviuqe for eht snoitide detacidni : international Standard Corresponding Indian Degree of Standard Equivalence 0SI 6114 : 6891 riA ograc tnempiuqe SI 73411 : 5891 dnuorG tnempiuqe toN tnelaviuqE - dnuorG tnempiuqe stnemeriuqer stnemeriuqer for ytilibitapmoc htiw tfarcria for ytilibitapmoc htiw tfarcria tinu tinu daol secived daol secived 0SI 0714 : 7891 riA ograc tnempiuqe SI 9858 : 4991 tfarcriA stellap - steN ot yllacinhceT - enilretnI tellap sten eruces ograc tnelaviuqE ehT denrecnoc lacinhcet eettimmoc sah deweiver eht snoisivorp of 0SI 6114 : 6891 ni noitidda ot eht gniwollof 0SI sdradnatS derrefer ni siht detpoda dradnats dna sah dediced taht yeht era elbatpecca for esu ni noitcnujnoc htiw siht dradnats : 0SI 6617 : 5891 tfarcriA -- liaR dna duts noitarugifnoc for regnessap tnempiuqe dna ograc tniartser 0SI 7908 : 3991 tfarcriA muminiM- ssenihtrowria stnemeriuqer dna tset snoitidnoc for deifitrec ria ograc tinu daol secived ( tnemesrodnE of NAS 0163 ) ,ATAI tinU daoL seciveD )DLU( lacinhceT ,launaM ht5 noitide roF eht esoprup of gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser of a tset ro ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 0691 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav ( revised)‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor off eulav dluohs eb eht emas sa taht of eht deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 7074:1999 t IS0 4171:1993 Indian Standard RIA OGRAC TNEMPIUQE - INTERLINE PALLETS ( Second Revision ) 1 scope 3 Dimensions sihT lanoitanretnI dradnatS sehsilbatse ,lanoisnemid larutcurts dna latnemnorivne stnemeriuqer for stellap desu ot tropsnart ograc ni tfarcria gnisu sten gniteem eht stnemeriuqer of 0SI 4170. 1.3 Basic pallet sizes sihT lanoitanretnI dradnatS sehsilbatse evif cisab sezis of stellap sa nevig ni elbat .1 2 Normative references ehT gniwollof sdradnats niatnoc snoisivorp ,hcihw Table 1 hguorht ecnerefer ni siht ,txet etutitsnoc snoisivorp Slzr edoc nI Pal1l sit e of siht lanoitanretnI .dradnatS At eht emit of -acilbup accordance ni ,noit eht snoitide detacidni erew .dilav llA sdradnats mm withIso8097 era tcejbus ot ,noisiver dna seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no siht lanoitanretnI dradnatS era degaruocne A 2235x3175 88 x 125 ot etagitsevni eht ytilibissop of gniylppa eht tsom -er tnec snoitide of eht sdradnats detacidni .woleb B 2 235 x 2 743 88 x 108 srebmeM of CEI dna 0SI niatniam sretsiger of -ruc K 1 534 x 1 562 60.4 x 61.5 yltner dilav lanoitanretnI .sdradnatS L 1634x3 175 60.4 x 125 M 2438x3175 96x 125 0SI ,6891:6114 Air cargo equipment - Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices. IS0 4 170:1 987,A ir &go equipment - Interline pallet nets. 2.3 Basic pallet configuration 0SI ,5891:6617 Aircraft - Rail and stud configuration for passenger equipment and cargo restraint. ehT stellap tsisnoc of owt cisab ,stnenopmoc a eroc dna egde ,sliar gnimrof na yllaitnesse talf lenap -ed IS0 8097:1993, Aircraft - Minimum airworthiness dengis ot tropsnart ograc no tfarcria smetsys dna ot requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo eb deldnah no pmar dna slanimret htiw dnuorg tinu daol devices. tnempiuqe gniteem eht sdradnats detsil ni esualc 2 sa .elbacilppa ehT tfarcria royevnoc smetsys yam eb IATA, Unit Load Devices (ULD) Technical Manual, ht5 denifed sa nevig ni .2elbat edition.‘) 1) Available from International Air Transport Association, 2000 Peel Street, Montreal, CANADA H3A 2R4 or Route de I’A&oport 33, Case Postale 672, 1215 Geneva 15, SWIRERLAND. 1 IS 7074 : 1999 IS0 4171 : 1993 ,noitcurtsnoc eht reppu dna rewol sniks llahs eb -ne Table 2 desolc yb eht egde .liar nI lla ,sesac eht ngised fo eht egde eroc/liar noitcennoc dna eht egde liar renroc Dimension noitcennoc llahs eb etauqeda ot erusne eht ytirgetni Device Characterktk mm ni fo eht ylbmessa rednu eht tcapmi dna gnigdirb sdaol detcepxe ni .ecivres llaB retemaid 4,52 1 llaB mat sisaB llab hctip 721 5 3.4 Pallet edge rails and corners tellaP mumixam gnahrevo no major sixa 263 52,41 1.3.4 Pallet edge tellaP mumixam gnahrevo no ronim sixa 452 01 ehT tellap egde liar llahs mrofnoc ot eht lanoitces -id relloR mumixam hctip no snoisnem nwohs ni erugif .1 relloR major sixa 376 5,62 system relloR mumixam hctip no 2.3.4 Seat track ronim sixa 452 01 muminiM rellor retemaid 4,52 1 ehT egde liar llahs etaroprocni a suounitnoc taes track muminiM rellor htgnel 15 2 otni eht reppu .ecafrus ehT taes track llahs evah -id snoisnem ni ecnadrocca htiw 0SI .6617 ehT taes track enilertnec noitacol si nwohs ni erugif .1 ehT cor- muminiM leehw retemaid 4,52 1 leviwS gnidnopser ten tnemhcatta snoitacol llahs eb ni ac- retsac muminiM tcatnoc htgnel 15 2 ecnadroc htiw 0SI 7908 ten/tellap .seitilibitapmoc ehT mumixaM retsac hctip 503 21 track dluohs evah snoisivorp ro/dna syaw rof retaw .gniniard 4 Construction 3.3.4 Corners ehT tellap renroc llahs evah a 36 mm f 7,21 mm 4.1 General 5,2( ni f 5,0 )ni suidar ni nalp .weiv ehT renroc llahs evah lacitrev snoisnemid sa nwohs ni erugif .1 4.1.1 Design, material and construction ehT ,ngised slairetam dna noitcurtsnoc fo eht tellap llahs eb fo tfarcria .ytilauq ehT ngised llahs eb hcus 5 Design loads otsa eziminim eht deen rof ecnanetniam dna ot esae dna eziminim eht tsoc fo ecnanetniam dna .riaper 5.1 Table of loads 4.1.2 Surfaces and edges ehT ,tellap desu ni noitcnujnoc htiw eht gnidnopserroc ,ten llahs eb elba ot troppus eht sdaol detsil ni ehT tellap secafrus dna segde llahs tneserp on elbat .3 ssenhguor or prahs segde yllaitnetop suoirujni ot per- lennos or elbail ot damage ,ograc tfarcria dna dnuorg tnempiuqe .strap Table 3 3.1.4 Bottom surface Size edoc In Maximum gross weight’) accordance bl with IS0 8997 kg ehT bottom ecafrus fo eht tellap llahs eb yllanimon talf dna ,suounitnoc A 4086 51 000 4.1.4 Load capacity, operational criteria and B 4 635 01 000 performance requirements K 1 885 3 005 L 3 571 7 000 ehT tellap ylbmessa llahs meet eht stnemeriuqer fo M 4686 51 000 sesualc 5 ot 11. 1) ehT term ”thgiew“ si desu tuohguorht siht -retnI 2.4 Pallet core lanoitan dradnatS daetsni fo eht correct lacinhcet term “mass” ni redro ot mrofnoc ot tnerruc commercial ehT tellap eroc llahs eb desolcne no lla ruof sedis yb .egasu segde .sliar fI eht tellap eroc si fo epyt-hciwdnas 2 IS 7074:1999 IS0 4171:1993 Dimensions in millimetres (inches) 28,4 (1.12) min.” I- I 1 R 3 (R 0.12) max. I I I 1 I I I R 12.7 (R 0.5) I I 15.2 (0.6) min. E 5 B 21 *) To provide clearance for verticaL restraint fittings. Figure 1 - Pallet edge 5.2 Pallet net ehT muminim eroc ssenffits rof a tellap htiw ezis edoc K llahs eb 567 N.m’/m 876( )ni/2ni*fbI htgnel/htdiw 5.2.1 ehT ten ylbmessa deriuqer ot niartser eht fo .eroc ograc no eht tellap llahs eb made ni ecnadrocca htiw esehT eroc ffits sessen era detaluclac gnisu a suludom 0SI .0714 teN tnemhcatta sgnittif llahs eb ni -noc fo yticitsale fo 86 076 N/mm2 6,99( x 5ol ,)2ni/fbI a ytimrof htiw 0SI .6617 muminim deetnaraug teehs ssenkciht fo 57,3 mm 3,2( mm rof ezis edoc K) dna eht rotcaf 1 ’Y- rof 2.2.5 ten/tellaP ,ytilibitapmoc rebmun fo ten -hcatta lanoisnemid-owt .noitaluclac tnem sgnittif dna epyt elgnis( or elbuod )duts llahs eb ni ecnadrocca htiw 0SI .7908 3.6 Temperature resistance 3.5 Design and test requirements ehT tellap ylbmessa llahs niatniam sti larutcurts dna lanoitarepo ytirgetni revo eht erutarepmet egnar ehT tellap llahs meet eht lacitirc ecnamrofrep ngised 17+otC”45- .)F”06l+otF”56-(C‘ dna tset stnemeriuqer rof ssalC II systems. eeS 0SI .7908 4.6 Protection against deterioration 6 Operational criteria llA stnenopmoc fo eht tellap eb detcetorp tsniaga -ed noitaroiret or ssol htgnerts ni ecivres eud ot -rehtaew 6.1 Impact against locks ,gni ,noisorroc noisarba or rehto sesuac erehw eht epyt fo lairetam desu seriuqer hcus .noitcetorp ehT tellap ylbmessa llahs ,dnatshtiw tuohtiw damage, na tcapmi fo a ylluf dedaol tellap gnikirts eht locks ta na tcapmi deeps fo 3.0 m/s. 7 Local indentation performance 2.6 Core stiffness 7.1 Roller test ehT muminim eroc ssenffits rof tellaBa htiw ,ezis edpc 7.1.1 ylppA a 8 009 N (2 000 )fbI daol yb leets ,rellor ,A ,B _I or M llahs eb 133 N-m jrn (2 239 ntsfbI )ni/ 15 mm (2 )ni gnol yb 4,52 mm (1 )ni retemaid sa htgnel/htdiw fo .eroc nwohs ni erugif .2 3 1s 7074: 1999 IS0 4171 : 3991 Dimensions in millimetres (inche: 090 dot4 (2 000 Lbt) Base edge (ret.) Figure 2 - Local indentation loading 7.1.2 ylppA a 8 009 N 2( 000 )fbI daol lellarap ot eht 8 Test No. 1 - Bridging and cresting esab revo na aera of l,5 mm 2,0( )ni gnol yb 8,4 mm test (surface mode) 91.0( )ni ediw no eht lacitrev face of eht egde sa nwohs ni erugif .2 1.8 General 3.1.7 ehT mumixam noitatnedni tnenamrep( )tes -la sihT tset si dednetni ot evorp eht ytiliba of eht tellap dewol ta yna noitacol of eht esab llahs eb 52,0 mm ot esrevart from eno meti of gnildnah tnempiuqe ot lO,0( )ni for eht evoba .stset rehtona nehw eht level of eht royevnoc secafrus ’era ton ni eht emas .enalp At eht tniop erehw eht tellap secnalab no eht dne of eht rehgih ,ecafrus eht eritne 2.7 11116 tset daol si detroppus yb eno wo: of .srellor 7.2.1 tcejbuS eht tellap esab ecafrus ro a -tneserper 2.8 Procedure evita noitrop foereht ot a force of 4 500 N 009( )fbI gnisu a 4,52 mm 1( )ni retemaid leets .llab daoL eht tellap ot sti mumixam ssorg thgiew ssel eht erat of eht tellap dna .ten esrevarT eht tellap no a rellor metsys elbitapmoc htiw eht muminim -eriuqer 2.2.7 erehT llahs eb on tnenamrep noitatnedni ni stnem of OSI ’26114 ssap ti ssorca a deppets noitcnuj ssecxe of 5,0 mm 20,0( .)ni htiw rehtona ralimis rellor ,metsys htiw eht lhgieh tnelaviuqE ot ATAI AHM .119 2) 4 IS 7074:1999 IS0 4171:1993 ecnereffid ta eht noitcnuj gnieb ton ssel naht 10 Test No. 3 - Upward load test 251 mm (6 .)ni operational loads With eht tniop ecnalab )gnitserc( ta eht egde fo eht rehgih ,mroftalp dloh eht tellap ni siht noitisop rof a muminim fo 5 .s 10.1 General nehT wolla eht rear dne fo eht tellap ot pord from eht sihT tset llahs eb deirrac tuo ot evorp eht ytiliba fo eht rehgih mroftalp otno eht rewol rellor .mroftalp tellap ot dnatshtiw eht mumixam lanoitarepo drawpu sdaol taht may eb decneirepxe gnirud gnildnah dna .noitatropsnart 3.8 Requirements 2.01 erudecorP nopU noitelpmoc fo eht ,tset eht tellap llahs wohs rehtien tnenamrep noitamrofed ron ytilamronba hcihw eruceS eht tellap rednu ,tset rehtegot htiw a ten lliw redner ti elbatiusnu rof .esu ehT lanoisnemid re- gniteem eht stnemeriuqer fo 0SI 0714 or ATAI -natS stnemeriuq gnitceffa ,gnildnah gniruces dna -retni drad noitacificepS 2105 ot eht tfarcria tniartser system egnahc llahs eb .deifsitas or a svstem tnelaviuae ot hcae fo esoht nwohs ni 0SI ,7968 elbacilppa ot eht tellap .noitarugifnoc ylppA a tset daol sdrawpu no eht tellap dna ten as- ylbmes lauqe ot eht mumixam ssorg thgiew ssel eht 9 TestNo.Z- Horizontal load test erat fo eht tellap sulp .ten (operational loads) 3.01 Requirements 1.9 General nopU noitelpmoc fo eht ,tset eht tellap llahs wohs rehtien latnemirted tnenamrep noitamrofed ron sihT tset si dednetni ot evorp eht ytiliba fo eht tellap ytilamronba hcihw lliw redner eht tellap elbatiusnu rof ot dnatshtiw eht mumixam lanoitarepo latnoziroh .esu ehT lanoisnemid stnemeriuqer gnitceffa ,gnildnah sdaol taht may eb decneirepxe gnirud gnildnah dna gniruces dna egnahcretni llahs eb .deifsitas .noitatropsnart 11 Execution of test 9.2 Procedure stellaP llahs eb detcejbus ot hcae fo eht stset -iceps eruceS eht tellap rednu ,tset rehtegot htiw a ten deif ni sesualc 7 ot ,01 sselnu ecnedive nac eb nwohs gniteem eht stnemeriuqer fo 0SI 0714 or ATAI -natS taht eht tcejbus tinu si tnelaviuqe ot rehto stinu hcihw drad noitacificepS 2105 ot eht tfarcria tniartser system evah performed ylirotcafsitas ni eseht .stset ehT stset or a system tnelaviuqe ot hcae fo esoht nwohs ni llahs eb made ni eht tsrif ecnatsni ni noitcnujnoc htiw 0SI ,7908 elbacilppa ot eht tellap .noitarugifnoc eht tellap ten deificeps ni 0SI .0714 ylppA a tset daol lauqe ot eht mumixam ssorg thgiew ssel eht erat fo eht tellap sulp ten yllatnoziroh ot eno edis fo eht tellap dna ten .ylbmessa ylsuoenatlumiS 12 Markings ylppa sdrawnwod na lauqe tset daol ot eht pot ecafrus fo eht .tellap taepeR eht tset htiw eht tset daol deilppa ot eht edis 1.21 Mandatory markings ralucidneprep ot eht eno detset .ylsuoiverp llA stellap ni ytimrofnoc htiw siht lanoitanretnI -natS drad llahs eb yltnenamrep marked )devargne( ta owt snoitacol no eht pot ecafrus ton more taht 4,52 mm 9.3 Requirements I‘( )ni from eht retuo egde fo eht ,tellap ylbareferp ta eht emertxe retuo .egde ehT markings llahs eb -sop nopU noitelpmoc fo eht ,tset eht tellap llahs wohs denoiti no owt sedis yllanogaid etisoppo ot eno -na rehtien latnemirted tnenamrep noitamrofed ron rehto neewteb 001 mm (4 )ni dna 003 mm 21( )ni ytilamronba hcihw lliw redner eht tellap elbatiusnu rof from eht renroc ees( .)3erugif esehT markfngs may .esu ehT lanoisnemid stnemeriuqer gnitceffa ,gnildnah yllanoitidda eb devargne no eht segde tnecajda ot eht gniruces dna egnahcretni llahs eb .deifsitas ecafrus markings.

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