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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 6908 (1991): asbestos cement pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainage [CED 53: Cement Matrix Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ( rfpT @hvT ) Indian Standard ASBESTOS-CEMENT PIPES AND FITkINGS FOR SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) UDC 621’643’2 [ 666’961 ] : 628’245 @ BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BA HADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 April 1991 Price Group 3 tnemeC and etercnoC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CED 2 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF noisiveR ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht tnemeC and etercnoC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht liviC gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC tnereffiD sepyt fo sotsebsa tnrmec sepip evah neeb ni esu ni this yrtnuoc rof revo 50 sraey and elbaredisnoc ecneirepxe is elbaliava ni drager ot rieht esu as retaw suppl erusserp mains and gnidliub ,sepip srettug and sgnittif rof gniyevnoc ,retaw-niar egallus orf d eht buildings ot eht eganiard and egarewes .metsys sihT standard syal nwod eht stnemeriuqer fo sotsebsa tnemec sepip and sgnittif rof egarewes and .eganiard nehW eht sepip era dednetni rof ecnayevnoc fo ylralucitrap evissergga laudiser sretaw ro ot eb laid ni ylralucitrap evissergga ,sdnuorg eht erutan fo eseht sretaw and sdnuorg shall eb deificeps dnaherofeb ot eht rerutcafunam ohw yam suggest etairporppa lairetam ro .tnemtaert sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1975. sihT noisiver has neeb deraperp htiw a weiv ot yfidom emos fo eht stnemeriuqer ni eht thgil fo ecneirepxe deniag ni eht esu fo this standard. ehT rojam segnahc ni this noisiver edulcni noitacifidom ni eht class and muminim etamitlu gnihsurc daol rof ,sepip segnahc ni eht stnemeriuqer rof straightness, esrevsnart gnihsurc htgnerts and lanidutignol gnidneb htgnerts and noitacifidom ni secnarelot no snoisnemid and ni tcepser fo airetirc rof -tpecca ,ecna sampling and .gnikram nl this noisiver eht stnemeriuqer rof sgnittif evah neeb dengila ot a taerg tnetxe htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo 0SI .dradnatS ciluardyH erusserp ,tset lanidutignol gnidneb htgnerts and dica ecnatsiser tset rof sepip evah neeb edam lanoitpo ni this .noisiver ehT drow ”erusserp-noN“ gniraeppa ni eht eltit fo eht reilrae noisrev fo standard has neeb dettimo ni this noisiver ot align eht eltit htiw eht lanoitanretni .ecitcarp nI gnisiver this standard eud egathgiew has neeb nevig ot lanoitanretni noitanidro-oc gnoma eht standards and secitcarp gniliaverp ni tnereffid seirtnuoc ni noitiddb ot gnitaler ti ot eht secitcarp ni eht dleif ni this .yrtnuoc sihT has neeb enod yb gnivired assistance morf 0SI 881 : 1980 tnemec-sotsebsA‘ ,sepip stnioj and sgnittif rof egarewes and .’eganiard ehT noitisopmoc fo eht lacinhcet eettimmoc elbisnopser rof eht noitalumrof fo this standard is nevig ni xennA A. roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht sa~me as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 6908 :1991 Indian Standard ASBESTOS-CEMENTPIPESANDFITTINGSFOR SEWERAGEANDDRAINAGE-SPECIFICATION ( First Revision j 1 EPOCS tnemec gnimrofnoc ot SI 1489 : 1976, and .retaw noitiddA fo suoecilis rellif is osla .elbissimrep sihT standard srevoc eht stnemeriuqer rof ehT erutxim shall eb eerf morf yna rehto gnidaol tnemec-sotsebsa sepip and sgnittif elbatius rof and cinagro serbif do yna slairetam elbail ot esu htiw ytivarg wolf at cirehpsomta ,erusserp esuac noitaroireted ni eht ytilauq fo .sepip dednetni rof egarewes and eganiard .snoitacilppa 3.2 lareneG ecnaraeppA and hsiniF 2 SECNEREFER 3.2.1 ehT sepip shall eb ,sselmaes tcapmoc and ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb era yrassecen ..suoenegomoh riehT lanretni ecafrus shall eb stcnujda ot this standard. raluger and .htooms fI deriuqer yb eht -rup ,resahc eht sepip yam eb detaoc yllanretni and/ IS No. 1’1 de ro yllanretxe htiw a elbatius gnitaoc tub rieht lanretni ecafrus shall niamer ralug-,r and .htooms 269 : 1989 33 ,edarg yranidro dnaltroP ehT dehsinif sepip shall eb elbapac fo gnieb tnemec (four/h revision ) ylisae tuc ro .dellird 455 : 1989 dnaltroP slag tnemec (fourth 3.2.2 ehT lanretni ecaf neewteb eht hcnarb and revision ) eht tnerap epip fo snoitcnuj shall evah a hsulf 1489 : 1976 dnaltroP analozzop tnemec and riaf .hsinif ( dnoces revision ) 3.3 noitacifissalC 5382 : 1985 rebbuR gnilaes rings rof gas mains, retaw mains and ehT sepip shall eb deifissalc gnidrocca ot rieht srewes ( first revision ) gnihsurc htgnerts as nevig ni elbaT 1. ehT 5913 : 1989 sdohteM fo tset rof sotsebsa etamitlu sdaol fo eht eerht sessalc era desab no tnemec stcudorp ( first a daol rep tinu aera fo revision) 60 2m/Nk rof class 1 1639 : 1975 sdohteM fo sampling fo 90 kN/ma rof class 2 sotsebsa tnemec stcudorp 120 2m/Nk rof class 3 8794 : 1988 Cast nori elbahcated stnioj dedivorp that on gnihsurc daol at erutpur is rof esu htiw sotsebsa tnemec less than 15 .m/Nk erusserp sepip ( rsrifIf. revision ) NOTE ehT- daol rep tinu area si eht gnihsurc daol rep ertem htgnel fo eoip dedivid yb eht 11769 senilediuG rof efas esu fo lanimon retemaid fo eht epip ni .sertem ( traP 1 ) : 1986 stcudorp gniniatnoc :sotsebsa traP 1 sotsebsA tnemec 3.4 snoisnemiD and lacirtemoeG scitsiretcarahC stcudorp 3.4.1 ehT ezis noitangised fo sepip shall eb 12081 snoitadnemmoceR rof -cip gnidrocca ot rieht lanimon lanretni retemaid ( traP 2 ) : 1987 lairot gninraw signs and desserpxe ni ,mm ecnarelot ton gnieb nekat otni yranoituacerp seciton rof .tnuocca ehT egnar fo standard lanimon lanretni sotsebsa dra stcudorp -noc sretemaid shall eb as nevig ni elbaT 1. gniniat :sotsebsa traP 2 sotsebsA and its stcudorp 2.4.3- Thickness 3 SEPIP ehT lanimon ssenkciht fo eht sepip is eht -kciht ness fo eht lerrab fo eht ,epip gnidulcxe eht 3.1 noitisopmoC denihcam .sdne ehT sepip shall eb edam morf a hguoroht and NOTES suoenegomoh erutxim fo naelc sotsebsa ,erbif 33 edarg yranidro dnaltroP tnemec gnimrofnoc 1 dradnatS lanimon sesqenkciht fo eht sepip era ton deificeps ni siht .dradnats dna eht lanimon ssenkciht ot SI 269 : 1989 ro dnaltroP slag tnemec -noc llahs mrofnoc ot eht seulav detats ni eht -unam gnimrof ot SI 455 : 1989 ro dnaltroP analozzop s’rerutcaf .eugolatac IS 6908:1991 2 ehT ssenkciht fo eht lerrab fo eht sepip yam eb s’rerutcafunam detats lanretxe retemaid and eht deifirev morf tset seceip delpmas morf esrevsnart lanimon htgnel shall eb ton retaerg than esoht gnihsurc .tset deificeps ni elbaT 2. 3 erehW epip sdne era ton ,denihcam eht ssenkciht fo eht lerrab fo eht sepip llahs eb derusaem at a ecnatsid tun ssel naht 100 mm morf eht .sdne Table 2 Permissible Deviations on Sizes Table 1 Classification of Pipes Thickness Permissible Deviations ( Clauses 3.3, 3.4.1 and 3.5.2 ) _-____-~_~*~----~_~ nO ssenkcihT nO lanretxE nO znimoN Nominal Minimum Ultimate Crushing Load gnidulcxE retemaiD at htgneL Diameter r 7__;-___h-_.. detcanEM- dehsiniF ssalC 1 ssalC -2 ssalC 3 sdnE (1) (2) (3) (4) mm m/Nk m/Nk m/Nk (1) (2) (3) (4) 100 15’0 15.0 15.0 mm mm n mm mm 125 15’0 15.0 15’0 150 15.0 15.0 17.5 DU ot dna -1,51 200 15.0 17.5 25.0 gnidulcni 10 05-+ 0f 250 13.0 22.5 30.0 revO 10, up ot dna -20 rof U U_I-* 300 17.5 27.5 35.0 gnidulcni 20 mmI 300 mm 350 21’5 31.5 41.5 revO 2O,.up ot dna 5.2- 1 :imon lan lanimon 44 0055000 2263’.55 40.0 45.03 6.5 48.5 60.05 3.5 revO gmdulcni __1>._1__1 30, ot~pu 30 cr. dna 0.3- >1 ,f“,:t* cmaid ret: retemaid 600 3306:: 53.5 700 41.5 63.5 revO 60, up ot dna 5.3- 1 lanimon ial -aid 750 45.0 67.5 gnidulcni 90 retemaid retem retaerg 008 48.5 revO 90 ;0.4- naht 850 51’0 :::3 300 mm 900 53.5 81.5 1 000 60.0 90.0 NOTES NOTES 1 reppU snoitaived no ssenkciht at denihcamnu 1 lanimoN sretemaid dna sessalc rehto naht esoht ecafrus era .eerf * deificeps ni siht elbat yam osla eb ;derutcafunam tub ni hcus sesac eht deliated snoisnemid llahs eb 2 lanretxE retemaid at eht sdne fo eht ,sepip erehw gnitnioj sgnir era ,detacol llahs eb deralced yb eht devirra at yb mutual tnemeerga neewteb eht -rup .srerutcafunam resahc dna eht .rerutcafunam 2 ehT eciohc fo ssalc fo epip si denimreted yb eht enilepip ngised reenigne ohw enola si deifilauq ot egduj eht snoitidnoc fo ,noitallatsni gniyal dna 3.4.5 Regularity of the Internal Diameter noitarepo fo eht .sepip ,revewoH ti si -dnemmocer ( Optional Test ) de taht a ssalc eb detceles hcus ,taht gnikat otni tnuocca all eht sdaol dna eht gniddeb ,detpoda eht sepip ni esu evig a rotcaf fo ytefas at gnihsurc fI ,deriuqer eht ytiraluger fo eht lanretni -aid fo at tsael 1.3. retem fo sepip fo lanimon retemaid up ot 3 lanoisaccO lanretni serusserp era elbissimda 500 mhr yam eb dekcehc yb snaem fo a erehps dedivorp taht na etauqeda rotcaf fo ytefas eb ro a ,csid fo a lairetam detceffanu yb ,retaw deniatniam ni noitaler ot eht citatsordyh tset passing yleerf ni eht .epip ehT csid shall eb erusserp nevig ni 3.5.1 dna 4.5.1. tpek ralbcidneprep ot eht sixa fo eht .epip ehT 4 750 mm dna 850 mm lanimon retemaid sepip era retemaid fo eht erehps ro eht csid shall eb less deredisnoc sa derreferp-non .sezis than eht lanimon retemaid fo eht epip yb eht gniwollof ,eulav desserpxe ni sertemillim 3.4.3 Length ( dednuor ot eht tseraen ertemillim :) ehT lanimon htgnel fo eht sepip shall -serroc dnop ot eht htgnel derusaem neewteb eht 2’5 +,O’Ol d seitimertxe rof sepip htiw plain sdne and ot eht f evitceffe htgnel rof detekcos .sepip tI dluohs erehw is eht lanimon ,retemaid desserpxe ni d ylbareferp eb ton less than: .sertemillim fI ,deriuqer eht ytiraluger fo eht lanretni retemaid fo sepip fo lanimon retemaid )a 3 m rof sepip htiw a lanimon retemaid gnideecxe 500 mm shall eb dekcehc yb -rusaem lauqe ot ro less than 200 ,mm and gni at hcae dne fo eht epip eerht sretemaid at an )b 4 m rof sepip htiw a lanimon retemaid elgna fo tuoba 60” neewteb ,meht htiw an gnideecxe 200 .mm ycarucca fo I% .mm enoN fo eht xis derusaem sretemaid shall eb rellams than that dewolla yb nI laiceps sesac retrohs sepip yam eb .deificeps noitacilppa fo eht evoba .alumrof ehT lanimon htgnel dluohs ylbareferp eb a elpitlum fo 05’0 .m 3.4.6 Straightness ( Optional Test ) 3.4.4 Dimensional Tolerances nehW sepip era detset rof straightness ni ehT elbissimrep snoitaived morf eht -unam ecnadrocca htiw etairporppa dohtem nevig ni s’rerutcaf detats ssenkciht fo eht walls, eht SI 5913 : 1989, eht noitaived morf straightness, 2 IS 6908 : 1991 desserpxe ni ,seretmillim shall ton deecxe eht ,sdneb elgna ,snoitcnuj lauqe ro lauqenu ,seet gniwollof :stimil elbuod ,stekcos seveels and saddles. mm mm 4.4 snoisnemiD and Geometrical Characteristics f j 4.4.1 ehT main snoisnemid shall eb as deificeps )a roF lanimon erob fo 100 mm 5’5 5’6 1 1 ni eht ’srerutcafunam .eugolatac ot 150 mm evisulcni 4.4.2 )b roF lanimon erob fo 200 mm 5’4 I 5’5 I Nominal Diameter ot 400 mm evisulcni ehT seires fo lanimon sretemaid fo eht sgnittif shall dnopserroc ot eht lanimon sretemaid fo )c roF larimon erob fo 450 mm 0’3 1 0’4 I eht sepip as nevig ni 3.4.1. and evoba erehw 1 = lanimon htgnel fo eht epip ni 4.4.3 Thickness .sertem ehT ssenkciht fo eht 1eFab fo eht gnittif shall eb tsaelta lauqe ot that deificeps yb eht -unam 3.5 Physical, Mechanical and Chemical rerutcaf rof eht gnidnopserroc .epip Characteristics 4.4.4 3.5.1 Hydraulic Pressure Test ( Optional Test ) Tolerances nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem noitairaV fo eht lanretni retemaid shall nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989 ot a erusserp 0.25 MPa, eb emas as rof eht gnidnopserroc .sepip eht sepip shall ton wohs yna ,erussif egakael ro ecnareloT no eht lanimon ssenkciht fo gnitaews no rieht edistuo .ecafrus eht sgnittif shall eb as :swollof 3.5.2 Transverse Crushing Strength reppU noitaived : eerF nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem rewoL noitaived : 5.1- mm nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, eht epip shall ton ETON - secnareloT no sgnittif derutcafunam morf erutcarf woleb eht etairporppa esrevsnart -hsurc sepip shall dnopserroc ot eseht fo eht sepip fo eht sdaolgni rof eht retemaid and class as nevig ni emas wall ssenkciht ( ees 3.4.4 .) elbaT 1, and shall evah a muminim esrevsnart gnihsurc stress fo N/mms. 4.5 Physical, Mechanical and Chemical 33 Cbaracteristlcs Z$~$~)Longitudinal Bending Strength ( Optional 4.5.1 Hydraulic Pressure Test ( Optional Test ) nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, sepip fo 100, 125 and nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989 ot a erusserp fo 52’0 MPa, 150 mm lanimon retemaid shall ton erutcarf eht sgnittif shall ton wohs yna ,erussif egakael woleb eht gniwollof latot gnidneb :sdaol ‘ro gnitaews no rieht edistuo .ecafrus 100 mm 8’2 kN 45.2 Transverse Crushing Strength ( Optional 125 mm 2’4 kN Test ) 150 mm 0’6 kN nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem 3.5.4 Acid Resistance Test ( Option al Test ) nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, sgnittif shall ton erutcarf nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem ro yna kcarc rednu a daol less than show nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, eht lairetam fo eht sepip 90 tnecrep fo eht latot daol detats rof eht sepip shall eb hcus that eht tnuoma fo citeca dica fo gnidnopserroc class and ,retemaid this daol dezilartuen shall ton deecxe 001’0 .*mc/g gnieb detaluclac ni noitaler ot eht htgnel fo eht sixa fo eht gnittif yllautca .dedaol 4 FITTINGS oN muminim esrevsnart gnihsurc stress is deriuqer rof .sgnittif 4.1 Composition 4.5.3 ehT sgnittif shall ylpmoc htiw eht noitisopmoc Acid Resistance Test ( Optional Test ) stnemeriuqer fo 3.1. yxopE niser ro rehto nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem elbatius lairetam yam eb desu rof gnitnioj eht nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, eht lairetam fo eht laudividni seceip fo detacirbaf .sgnittif sgnittif shall eb hcus that eht tnuoma fo citeca dica dezilartuen shall ton deecxe 001’0 .2mc/g 4.2 lareneG ecnaraeppA and bsiniF ehT sgnittif shall ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer 5 STNIOJ fo 3.2. 5.1 owT sepyt fo stnioj era yllamron dedivorp htiw sotsebsa tnemec sepip and yeht :era 4.3 noitacifissalC and sepyT sotsebsA tnemec sgnilpuoc htiw rebbur ehT sgnittif nehw dellatsni ni eht enilepip and, gnilaes rings, and ’ fi ,yrassecen dednuorrus htiw nael ,etercnoc shall eb fo tnelaviuqe htgnerts ot that fo eht b) Cast nori elbahcated stnioj htiw rebbur tnecajda .sepip ehT cisab sepyt fo sgnittif era gnilaes rings and stlob and nuts. 3 IS 6908 : 1991 5.2 ehT noitisopmoc fo sotsebsa tnemec evitatneserper ot :b tneserp elihw eht stset era gnilpuoc shall mrofnoc ot 3.1 and eht tsac nori gnieb deirrac .tuo elbahcated stnioj shall mrofnoc ot SI 8794 : 1988. 7.1.4 ehT sepip and sgnittif hcihw od ton yfsitas eht evoba stnemeriuqer shall eb .detcejer 5.3 rebbuR rings desu ni gnitnioj shall ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo SI 5382 : 1985 unless 7.2 noitcepsnI yb gnilpmaS esiwrehto deerga neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .rerutcafunam yehT shall osla eb elbatius rof 7.2.1 ehT stset detacidni ni 3.5 and 4.5 shall eb esu htiw eht epyt fo gnitnioj ecived .detceles detcudnoc no samples fo sepip and sgnittif detceles as ni 9. 5.4 ehT delbmessa tnioj shall eb elbapac fo withstanding an lanretni citatsordyh erusserp fo S’RERUTCAFUNAM ETACIFITREC 8 52’0 MPa nehw detset ni ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem nevig ni SI 5913 : 1989, neve nehw eht 8.1 ehT rerutcafunam shall yfsitas flesmih that sepip era tes at eht mumixam angular noitaived eht sepip and sgnittif mrofnoc ot eht -eriuqer detats yb eht rerutcafunam fo eht .tnioj stnem fo this standard and, fi ,deriuqer shall hsinruf a etacifitrec ot this tceTfe ot eht -rup 6 TNEDNEPEDNI GNITSET resahc ro his evitatneserper ylraelc stating eht class fo eht sepip and .sgnitttif 6.1 fI eht resahcrup ro his evitatneserper seriuqer tnednepedni ,stset eht samples shall eb nekat 9 GNILPMAS erofeb ro yletaidemmi retfa yreviled at eht noitpo fo eht resahcrup ro his evitatneserper 9.1 ehT sampling, noitcepsni and ecnatpecca and eht stset shall eb deirrac tuo ni ecnadrocca shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 7639 : 1975. htiw this standard no eht nettirw noitcurtsni fo hcaE noitcepsni tol dluohs edulcni ylno smeti eht resahcrup ro his .evitatneserper fo eht emas retemaid and eht emas class. Unless esiwrehto deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam 7 AIRETIRC FOR ECNATPECCA and eht ,resahcrup eht mumixam and muminim noitcepsni stol shall eb as :swollof 7.1 noitcepsnI fo hcaE metI fo tnemngisnoC )a 800 and 200 sepip ylevitcepser rof -aid 7.1.1 sretem up ot 100 ,mm Finish, Marking, Dimensions and Tokrances )b 400 and 100 sepip ylevitcepser rof -aid ehT ,hsinif eht ,gnikram eht snoisnemid and eht sretem morf 125 ot 250 ,mm and ecnarelot no ,sepip sgnittif and stnioj yam eb deifirev no hcae meti fo eht .tnemngisnoc )c 200 and 100 sepip ylevitcepser rof -aid sretem fo 300 mm and .evoba nI redro ot ecuder eht noitarud dna‘ eht stsoc fo eht ecnatpecca snoitarepo ni ,ecitcarp eht %01 GNIKRAM noitcepsni fo eht scitsiretcarahc edam 0.1 hcae meti fo eht tnemngisnoc map, at eht s’resahcrup 10.1 ehT sepip and sgnittif shall eb ylbigel and ,tseuqer eb decalper yb an noitcepsni yb sampl- ylbiledni dekram htiw eht gniwollof :noitamrofni .gni nI this ,esac fi eht noitcepsni stluser dnet )a s’rerutcafunaM eman ro ,kram-edart fi drawot eht noitcejer fo eht ,tol eht rerutcafunam ;yna yam ask rof 100 tnecrep noitcepsni no all smeti fo eht tnemngisnoc htiw drager ot eht gniliaf )b etaD ;erutcafunamfo .scitsiretcarahc )c lanimoN ;retemaid 7.1.2 Length Delivery Tolerances )d Class fo epip and ;sgnittif and At tsael 85 tnecrep fo eht sepip deilppus dluohs )e lairotciP gninraw sign as nevig ni SI 1208 1 eb fo lanimon htgnel ( tcejbus ot eht secnarelot ( traP 2 ) : 1987. nevig ni 3.4.4 .) ehT redniamer yam eb retrohs tub ton less than 2 .m ehT deriuqer rebmun fo 10.1.1 hcaE epip dnd gnittif yam osla eb dekram lanoitidda ,stnioj esuaceb fo ylppus fo trohs htiw eht dradnatS Mark. htgnel ,sepip shall eb deilppus yb eht -unam rerutcaf tuohtiw yna artxe .tsoc 11 SAFETY RULES SHEET 7.1.3 skroW ciluardyh erusserp ssenthgit tset ni 11.1 llA yreviled fo sotsebsa tnemec sepip and ecnadrocca wish 3.5.1 and 4.5.1 shall eb deirrac sgnittif yb eht srerutcafunam shall eb -mocca tuo yb eht .rerutcafunam ehT ,resahcrup fi deinap yb ytefas selur teehs as nevig ni SI 11769 eh os ,serised yam eb tneserp ro etuped a ( traP 1 ) : 1987. 4 IS 6908 : 1991 ANNEX A ( Foreword ) COMPOSITION OF TECHNiCAL COMMITTE% Ce tnem dna etercnoC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CED 2 Chairman Representing DR .C.H VISVESVARAYA In personal capacitp ( University of Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667 ) Members SHIU .H BHATTACHARYA assirO tnemeC ,detimiL weN ihleD DR .A .X CHATTERIEE ehT detaicossA tnemeC seinapmoC ,dtL yabmoB IRHS .S .H NAINAMARBUS ( Alternate ) FEIHC ENGINEER ( SNGISED ) lartneC cilbuP skroW ,tnemtrapeD weN ihleD GNIDNETNIREPUS ENGINEER ( S & S ) ( Alternate ) FEIHC ,REENIGNE ~V~AGAVAN MAD radraS ra’voraS Narmada m@giN ,dtL raganihdnaG .REENIGNE-GNIDKETNIREPUS QCC ( Alternate ) FEIHC ENGINEER ( ROTCERID-MUC-HCRAESER ) noitagirrI dna rewoP hcraeseR ,etutitsnI rastirmA HCRAESER RECIFFO ( CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY ) ( Alternate ) DIRECTOR .P.A gnireenignE hcraeseR ,seirotarobaL dabaredyH JOINT DIRECTOR ( Alternate ) DIRECTOR ( C & MD0 ) ( N & W ) lartneC retaW ,noissimmoC weN ihleD DY DIRECTOR ( C & MDD ) ( NW & S ) ( Alternate ) .K .H LAWGNAG dabatedyH seirtsudnI ,detimiL dabaredyH SHRI IRHS .V PATTABHI ( Alternate ) larutcurtS gnireenignE hcraeseR ertneC ( RJSC ,) SHRI V. K. GHANEKAR dabaizahG ehT aidnI stnemmoC ,dtL sardaM SHRI S. GOPINATH SHRI R. TAMII.AKARAN f Alternate ) IRHS .S .K nonnaG yelreknuD ynapmoC& ,detimiL yabmoB GUHA THAKURTA SHRI S. P. SANKARANARAYA~AN (Alternate ) DR DAHSRI DOO~AM lartneC gnidliuB hcraeseR etutitsnI ( RISC ,) eekrooR DR DM DILAHK ( Alternate ) JOINT DIRECTOR, SDRADNATS ( B & S ) ( I-BC ) ,hcraeseR sngiseD & sdradnatS noitazinagrO ( yrtsiniM JOINTDIRECTOR,STANDARDS( B S& 1 II-BC( ) (Afternate) fo syawliaR ,) wonkcuL IRHS .N .G JOSHI I . _ naidnI emuH sepiP oC .dtL yabmoB SHRI P. D. KELKAR ( Alternate ) .D .K lanoitaN tseT ,esuoH Calcutta SHRI KANUNGO ’ SHRI B. R. MEENA ( Alternate ) I.( nesraL dna orbuoT ,detimiL yabmoB SHRI P. KRBHNAMURTHY SHRI S. CHAKRAVARTHY ( Alternate ) SHRI G. .K RADMUIAM latipsoH secivreS ycnatlusnoC noitaroproC ( aidnI ) ,dtL weN ihleD IRHS .S 0. IRAGNAR ( Alternate ) .P .N ATHEM lacigoloeG yevruS fo ,aidnI Calcutta SHRI IRHS .J .S AIRANAGNAS ( Alternate ) lartneC draoB fo noitagirrI dna ,rewoP weN ihleD MEMBER SECRETARY DIRECTOR ( CIVIL ) ( Alternate ) .K EEJREHKUM sdaoR ,gniW tnemtrapeD fo ecafruS tropsnarT ( yrtsiniM SHRI M. fo tropsnarT ,) weN ihleD SHRI M. K. GHOSH ( Alternate ) DR .A .K KCILLUM lanoitaN licnuoC rof tnemeC dna gnidliuB ,slairetaM weN ihleD DR .S .C AILAWULHA ( etanretlA ) LAMRIN SINGH tnempoleveD renoissi$rmoC rof tnemeC yrtsudnI SHRI ( yrtsiniM fo yrtsudnI ) IRI-IS .S .S INALGIM ( Alternate ) s’feihC-ni-reenignE ,hcnarB ymrA sretrauqdaeH SHRI R. C. PARATE LT-Cot R. K. SINCH ( Alternate ) natsudniH baferP ,dtL weN ihleD SHRI H. S. PASRICHA lartneC daoR hcraeseR etutitsnI ( RISC ,) weN ihleD SHRI Y. R. PHULL SHRI S. S. SEEHRA ( Alternate 1 .R ti&P ’ naidnI sdaoR ,ssergnoC weN ihleD SHRI Y. SHRI .K .B THANDEVAN ( Alternate ) .M HAIAMAR sLad$urtS gnireenignE hcraeseR lertneC ( R~ISC ,) DR DR .A .G AVAHDAM OAR ( Alternate ) SHRI G. RAMDAS Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal, New Delhi sredliuB noitaicossA fo ,aidnI &bmoB REPRESENTATIVE 5

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