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Preview IS 6613: Neutral Spirit for Alcoholic Drinks

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 6613 (2002): Neutral Spirit for Alcoholic Drinks [PCD 9: Organic Chemicals Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediates] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS6613:2002 W’1’Tfhwm \ \ u- y@iH%i-qw Ilei Ywi3TGfm!& (m 975W7) Indian Standard NEUTRAL SPIRIT FOR ALCOHOLIC DRINKS — SPECIFICATION ( First Revision) ICS67.160.10; 71.O8O.6O I 0 BIS 2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWD ELHI 110002 August 2002 Price Group 2 Alcohols and Allied Products Sectional Committee, PCD 10 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) wasadopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Alcohols and Allied Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Products Division Council. The neutral spirit for”alcoholic drinks, also known as ‘Silent spirit’ isthe principal raw material for all Indian Made Foreign Liquors ( IMFL ), such asGin, Vodka, Whisky and Brandy. The requirements of Grade 1rectified spirit covered by IS323 : 1959 ‘Rectified spirit (revised)’ are considered to be inferior, thus they fail toqualify for use inthe manufacture of alcoholic drinks. Anumber ofIndian Standards foralcoholic drinks have been prepared and their implementation islinked with the specification ofthe base material, namely neutral spirit. This standard has been prepared to ensure an optimum quality of spirit for the manufacture or blending of alcoholic drinks. This standard wasfirst published in 1972. Inthepresent revision the neutral spirit isfurther classified intodifferent types according to the raw materials from which it isbeing manufactured and the requirements have been made more stringent. Provisions for handling and storage have been incorporated. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation ofthis standard isgiven inAnnex C. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the resuh of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number ofsignificant places retained inthe rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. AMENDMENT NO. 1 MARCH 2011 TO IS 6613 : 2002 NEUTRAL SPIRIT FOR ALCOHOLIC DRINKS — SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) (Page 2, Table 1, col heading 3) — Delete the word ‘General’. (Page 2, Table 1, col 4) — Delete. [Page 2, Table 1, Sl No. (i), col 2] — Add the word ‘Max’ after ‘20/20ºC’. [Page 2, Table 1, Sl No. (x), col 3] — Substitute ‘0.5’ for ‘0.000 5’. (Page 2, clause 5.3.2) — Insert the following at the end: ‘f) Any other marking required under the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977 and any other statutory requirement.’ IS 6613:2002 Indian Standard NEUTRAL SPIRIT FOR ALCOHOLIC DRINKS — SPECIFICATION (First Revision ) 1 .3COPE asgrain neutral spirit. This standard prescribes the requirements and the 3.2.3 Similarlyprefixwill be used according to raw methods of sampling and test for neutral spirit material used for manufacture. intended for use in the manufacture of alcoholic 4 REQUIREMENTS drinks. I Thematerial shallcomplywiththerequirements given I 2 REFERENCES in Table 1 when tested according to the methods ( The following Indian Standards contain provisions, given inCO15and 6ofTable 1. which through reference in this text constitute 5 PACKING AND MARKING provisions ofthestandards. Atthetimeofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are 5.1 Packing subject to revision, and parties to agreements based 5.1.1 Thematerial shallbepacked insuch containers or this standard are encouraged to investigate the asagreed to between the purchaser and the supplier, possibility of applying the most recent editions of subject to the provisions of law inforce for the time the standards indicated below: being. IS No. Title 5.1.2 Old and rusted containers shall not be used 323:1959 Rectified spirit (revised) for storage or transportation of neutral spirit. 878:1975 Graduated measuring cylinders 5.1,3 Necessary safeguards against the risk arising (firsrtevision ) fi’omthe storage and handling of large volume of flammable liquids shall be provided, and all due 3752:1988 Methods of test for alcoholic precautions shall be taken at all times to prevent drinking (firsrtevision ) accident byfire orexplosion. 1070:1992 Reagent grad e water (third 5.1.4 Except when they are opened for the purpose revision ) of cleaning and rendering them from alcohol 3 TERMINOLOGY vapour, all containers shall be kept securely closed unless they have been thoroughly cleaned and freed For the purpose of this standard the following from alcohol vapour. definitions shall apply. 5.2 Handling and Storage ofNeutral Spirit 3.1 Neutral Spirit Neutralspiritbeingodourlessandtasteless+we should Neutral spirit is ethanol, which will only have the betaken inthe handling and storage totry to prevent characteristic taste and odour of ethanol. It is , itacquiring odour and taste tlom other materials. manufactured from molasses, grains and other I carbohydrate raw materials. Piping andtankswhicharetobeusedforneutral spirit shallbechecked carefully, andshall be drainedand 3.2 Inorder to classi~ the different types ofneutral flushed out with some neutral spirit ( which is spirit according to the raw materials used for the recycled.to distillations), prior to use. Carbon steel manufacture, the value ofthe raw material should be storage taqkamaybe usedforstorage ofneutral spirit, prefixed asfollows. provided themaindischarge valve islocated minimum 3.2.1 Molasses Neutral Spirit one inch above the bottom of the tank, to allow mst particles to accumulate inthe sump, which shall be Neutralspiritmadefkommolasseswillbecalledmolasses drainedasnecessary, atleast once ayear. neutral spirit. Stainless steel hoses shall be used where necessary. 3.2.2 Grain Neutral Spirit , Rubber or plastic hoses orgaskets maybe used, only Neutral spirit made from grain ormalt will benamed after testing foranyreaction with neutral spii’it. This -. IS6613:2002 Table 1Requirements for Neutral Spirit forAlcoholic Drinka ( Clause 4 ) S1 No. Characteristic Requirements MethodsofTest,Refto - ‘ General ForVodka’ Annex/Clause IS323 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) V Relativedensityat 20/20°C 0.80692 0.80692 — B ii) Ethanolpercent(v/vat20°C), Min 96 96 — c iii) Miscibility with water MkcibIe Miscible — D iv) Acidity asacetic acid, g/1001, absolute 1.5 1.5 — E alcohol, Mux v) Residue onevaporation,g/1001, absolute 1.5 1.5 — F alcohol, Max vi) EstersasCH3COOC2H~8/100 1,absolute 1.3 1.3 — H alcohol, Mox vii) Lead, g/100 1,absolute alcohol, Mux 0.1 0.1 . K viii) Methyl alcohol g/100 I of absolute 50 b 50 16ofIS3752 — alcohol, Mox ix) Furfhral Not detectable Not detectable — N x) Aldehyde as acetaldehyde g/1001, 0.0005 0.0005 A — absolute alcohol, Mox xi) Permanganate reaction time, in minutes, 30 30 B — absolute alcohol, Min xii) Copper ( as Cu ), g/100 1, absolute 0.002 0.002 1SofIS3752 — alcohol, Max xiii) Higher alcohol as iso-amyl alcohol, 30 30 1L2ofIS3752 — g/100 1,absolute alcohol, Max may be done by immersing shavings ofthe material Standard Mark. inajar ofneutral spirit for atleast 48h. Asample of The use of the Standard Mark is governed the spirit should then be diluted to about 20 percent v/vandcomparedvisually an d organoleptically with bythe provisions ofthe Bureau ofIndian Standardr afresh sample of the sameneutr alspirit. Ifthere is Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details ofconditions under which the somecloudiness duetohydrocarbons, orifthesample Iicenceforthew oftheStandardMarkmaybegranted has picked up a odour which is not present in the tomanufacturers orproducers maybe obtained from original, the hose or gasket should be considered the Bureau of Indian Standards. unacceptable. 6 SAMPLING 5.3 Marking Representativesamplesofthematerialshallbedrawn 5.3.1 All containers inwhich the material isstored asprescribedinAnnexAof IS323. or transported shall be marked asprescribed by law illforce from time-to-time. 7 TEST METHODS 5.3.2 Inaddition eachcontainer shalibemarked with: 7.1 Testshall beconductedaccordingtothe methods prescribed inCO14and 5of Table.1. a) Name ofthe manufacturer; b) Name of the producq 7.2 Quality ofReagent c) Product to be used for; Unlessspecifiedotherwise,purechemicalsanddistilled water (see IS 1070)shall be employed inthe test. d) Month and year of manufacture; and NOTES e) Lot or Batch number. 1 ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicels that do not 5.3.3 BIS CertlJication Marking contain impurities, which effect the result of enelysis. 2 Freshsolution should bepreparedfromtime-to-t~me The container may also be marked with the forthe analysis, which shall give correct report. IS 6613:2002 ANNEX A [Tablel, SINo. (x)] DETERMINATIONOF ALDEHYDE A-1 OUTLINE OF THEMETHOD NOTE— Freshlypreparedstarchindicatorshallbeused forthetest. Aldehyde content is determined by Iodine titration, A-3 PROCEDURE using excess of Iodine, Excess of Iodine is titrated against Sodium thiosulphate solution. Place 100ml of the material in a 500-ml flask, add 100 ml of water and excess sodium bisulphite A-2 REAGENTS solution ( quantity of Sodium bisulphite solution A-2.1 Standard Sodium Thiosulphate Solution depends onthe aldehyde contents inthe material, in (Na2S20~) routinework20mlSodiumbisulphite solution isfound quite satisfactory ) and allow it to stand for about 0.005N. 30 rein, shaking occasionally. Add excess Iodine A-2.2 Iodine Solution solution andtitrate this excess with standard sodium thiosulphate solution using starch indicator. Run a Approximately 0.05N. blank on 100mlof~aler usingthe same quantities of iodine solution and bisulphite solution aswere used A-2.3 Sodium Bisulphite Solution ( NaHSO~) or inthe control test. Sodium Meta Bisulphite A-4 CALCULATION Approximately 0.05N. NOTE—Thissolutionwillnotdeteriorateifitcontains Aldehydes (asCHJCHO ),g/100 ml=22 ( V–v)N about 10 percentalcohol;itshouldnotbeused after where one week. A-2.4 Starch indicator ~= Volume of standard sodium thiosulphate solutionrequired fortitration incontrol test, Mix about 2g of soluble starch with cold water to a v . Volume of standard sodium thiosulphate thin paste. Add about 200 mlofboiling water stirring solution required fortitration inthe blank, constantly and immediately discontinue heating. Add and about 1ml ofmercury, shake and allow the starch to stand over mercury. N= Normality of sodium thiosulphate. ANNEX B [ Table 1,S2No. (xi) 1 TEST FOR PERMANGANATE REACTION TIME B-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD B-4 PROCEDURE Permanganate reaction time isdetermined byaddition B-4.1 Clean thoroughly the graduated measuring of potassium permanganate solution and observing cylinder first with concentrated hydrochloric acid, the time for disappearance of pink colour. then with water and finally with material to betested. Place 20 mlofthe material inthe cylinder, bring the B-2 APPARATUS temperature to 15°C by placing the cylinder in cold water, add 1.0mlof standard permanganate solution B-2.1 Graduated Measuring Cylinder bymeansofa 1-mlpipette noting downthe exact time Stoppered, 100mlcapacity (see IS878). assoon asaddition isover. Mix the contents atonce and keep the cylinder at 15to 16°C and away from B-3 REAGENT bright light. B-3.1 Standard Potassium Permanganate Solution B-4.2 The material shall be taken to have satisfied the test if the pink colour does not disappear up to 0.01 N(freshly prepared). 30min. IS6613:2002 ANNEX C ( Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Alcohols andAllied Products Sectional Committee, PCD 10 Organization Reprewttative(s) CentralForensicScienceLaboratory,NewDelhi DRS. R.SINGH( Chairman ) SHRI K.S. CHABRA(Alternate 1) SHRI N. K. PRASAD(Alternate 11) All India Distillers Association, New Delhi SHRIO. P.BHATIA SHRIK. P.SINOH(Alternate ) Central Revenues Control Laboratory, New Delhi CHIEFCHEMIST DEPUTYCHIEFCHEMIST(Alternate ) Daurala Sugars, Meerut DRM. C. BARDIYA SHRIS. CHANDANA(Alternate ) Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratories, State of DIRECTOR Maharashtra, Mumbai DRM. V. GARAV(Alternate ) Directorate of Quality Assurance (Ministry of Defence ), SHRIS. S. RAO Kanpur SHRIS. C. SRIVASTAVA(Alternate ) Herdillia Chemicals Ltd, Navi Mumbai DRV.V. PAVLE SHRIR. G. PATKIE(Alternate ) Hindustan Polymers Ltd, Mumbai SHRIS. K. MAHAJAN SHRIA. K. MUKHERJEE(Alternate ) Indian Organic Chemicals Ltd, Khopoli ( Distt. Raigad ) SHRIA. A. MAJUMDAR DRK. J. DIVAKAR(Alternate ) Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of SHRIA. K. DASS Industrial Chemicals, New Delhi Mohan Meakin Ltd, Ghaziabad DR E. K. JAYANARAYANAN SHRJJITENDERMOHAN(Alternate ) National Organic Chemical Industries Limited, Mumbai DRB. V. BAPAT SHRJK. P.S. CHAUHAP(JAlternate ) National Sugar Institute (Ministry of Food and Civil DRP. K. AGRAWAL Supplies ), Kanpur DRMAHENDRAPRASAD(Alternate ) Nationai Test House, Kolkata DRY. C. NIIHAWAN SHRIP. K. CHAKRABORTY(Alternate ) organization of pharmaceutical producers of India, Delhi SHRJV.V. BODKE DRM. K. BIYANI(Alternate ) Satya Winery and Distillery Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad SHRIARVINDLINGALA DRB. K.JHA(Alternate ) Somaiya Organic ( India )Ltd, Barabanki DRS. K. SOMAJYA SHRIR. B. SRIVASTAVA(Alternate ) I State Forensic Science Laboratories, Lucknow SHRIO. P.TANEJA ,. The Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Muzaffarpur SHRIR. V. GARG SHRIR. K. BANDOPADHYAY(AAlternate ) VamOrganic Chemicals Ltd, Gajraula, (U.P. ) DRJ.C. CHAWLA DRA. AGARWAL(Ahernate ) BIS Directorate General SHRIANJANKAR,Director &Head (PCD ) [Representing Director General (Ex-o#lcio ) ] Member-Secretary SHRIH. S. SIDHU Joint Dire ctor (PCD ), BIS 4

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