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IS 6507: Sodium chromate, technical PDF

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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 6507 (1991): Sodium chromate, technical [CHD 1: Inorganic Chemicals] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” SODIUMCHROMATE,TETRAHYDRATB- SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) UDC 661’876’231 0 BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DE LHI 110002 J!fuy 1991 Price Grasp 2 lareneG cinagronI slacimehC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 03 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht lareneG cinagronI slacimehC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC muidoS etamorhc is desu ni eht erutcafunam fo dna~stnemgip as raw lairetam rof rehto muimorhc .slacimehc tI is osla desu rof noisorroc .noitibihni sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1972 and desiver ni 1982 gnidargpu eht ytirup ot 5’89 tnecrep morf 98 tnecrep as gnitsixe ni eht lanigiro standard. nI this ,noisiver owt sedarg fo muidos ,etamorhc etardyhartet evah neeb ,debircserp ,yleman tnemgip edarg and lacimehc .edarg roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( desiver .‘) ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 1991:7056 Indian Standard SODIUM CHROMATE, TETRAHYDRATE - SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE Table 1 Requirement for Sodium Chromate, Technical sihT standard sebircserp eht stnemeriuqer and ( Clause 4.2 ) eht sdohtem fo sampling and tset rof muidos ,etamorhc .etardyhartet tS Characteristic Reauirement Method of No. 7---*---r Test ( Ref to 2 SECNEREFER edarG 1 edarG 2 Cl. No. in Annex A ) ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb era yrassecen )1( )2( (3) (4) (5) stcnujda ot this standard. )i Total erutsiom 315 33.0 3-A ( eerf erutsiom dna denibmoc IS No. Title retaw ,) tnecrep 264 : 1976 cirtiN dica ( second revision ) yb ,ssam Max )ii muidoS etamorhc 98.5 97.0 A-4 265 : 1987 cirolhcordyH dica ( third ( sa dOrC,aN .) revision ) tnecrep yb ,ssam Min 323 : 1959 deifitceR tirips ( revised ) )iii etahpluS ( as 1.00 2.5 5-A Na,SOd .) tnecrep 695 : 1986 citecA dica ( third revision > yb mass, Max 1070 : 1977 retaW rof lareneg yrotarobal esu )vi sedirolhC ( sa 0.50 O-50 6-A ( second revision ) NaCl ,) tnecrep yb ,ssam Max 4905 : 1968 sdohteM rof modnar sampling NOTE - ehT stnemeriuqer rof lS .oN )ii( ot )vi( 3 GRADES era no yrd .sisab ehT lairetam shall eb fo gniwollof owt :sedarg 5.2 Marking edarG 1 - tnemgiP ,edarg and ehT sreniatnoc shall eb ylbigel and ylbiledni edarG 2 - lacimehC .edarg dekram htiw eht gniwollof :noitamrofni 4 STNEMERIUQER )a emaN and edarg fo eht ;lairetam )b noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ;erutcafunam 4.1 Description )c teN mass fo eht ;stnetnoc muidoS ,etamorhc etardyhartet shall eb ni eht )d htnoM and raey fo ;erutcafunam and mrof fo wolley ,slatsyrc tnecseuqiled and elbulos ni .retaw )e hctaB .rebmun 4.2 ehT lairetam shall ylpmoc htiw eht -eriuqer 5.2.1 ehT sreniatnoc shall eb dekram htiw eht stnem laid nwod ni elbaT 1 nehw detset -drocca gniwollof noituac :eton gni ot eht sdohtem debircserp ni xennA A. ecnerefeR ot eht tnaveler sesualc fo xennA A is ‘TOXIC - HANDLE WITH CARE’ nevig ni 1oc 5 fo eht .elbat 6 SAMPLING 5 GNIKCAP AND GNIKRAM ehT dohtem fo gniward evitatneserper samples fo eht ,lairetam rebmun fo stset ot eb demrofrep 5.1 Packing and eht airetirc rof ytimrofnoc fo eht lairetam ehT lairetam shall eb dekcap ni enelyhteylop ot eht stnemeriuqer fo this noitacificeps shall eb denil repap ro hessian bags ro dlim leets drums. as debircserp ni xennA .B 1 SI 1991:7056 ANNEX A ( Clause 4.2 and Table 1 ) METHODS OF TEST FOR SODIUM CHROMATE, TECHNICAL A-l QUALITY OF REAGENTS 3.1.4-A Dilute Sulphuric Acid - yletamixorppa 2 N. 1.l-A Unless esiwrehto ,deificeps erup slacimehc and dellitsid retaw ( ees SI 1070 : 1977 ) shall eb 2.4-A Procedure desu ni .stset ettepiP tuo 50 lm fo eht deraperp elpmas noitulos ( ees 2-A ) ni a 500 lm cirtemulov ksalf NOTE - eruP‘ ’slacimehc llahs naem slacimehc and ekam up eht emulov htiw .retaw ekaT tuo taht od ton niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluser fo .sisylana 25 lm fo eht noitulos ni a lacinoc .ksalf Add 25 lm fo etulid ciruhplus dica and 25 lm fo 2-A' suorref muinomma etahplus .noitulos etartiT PREPARATION OF SAMPLE eht ssecxe fo suorref muinomma etahplus SOLUTION noitulos against standard muissatop -namrep etanag .noitulos tcudnoC a blank noitartit htiw A-2.1 Procedure 25 lm fo suorref muinomma etahplus noitulos hgieW yletarucca tuoba 25 g fo eht lairetam ni against standard muissatop etanagnamrep rehtie acilis ro nialecrop dish and yrd ot tn,atsnoc .noitulos mass revo rehtie a small emalf using eriw ezuag ro ni an nevo at 125” h 5°C. ehT emalf shall 3.4-A Calculation eb yltneiciffus small os as ton ot wolla eht muidoS etamorhc ( as Na&rOp ,) lairetam ot teg detrups elihw .gniyrd hgieW and eton eht tcaxe mass fo eht deird elpmas and 45xVix2x),VV-,V( tnecrep yb mass = refsnart yletelpmoc ot a 500 lm cirtemulov .ksalf M Add retaw and ekam up eht emulov ot 500 lm erehw .kram sihT deraperp noitulos shall eb desu ni stset debircserp ni A-4 ot A-6. ,v = emulov ni lm fo muissatop -agnamrep etan noitulos desu ni eht blank ,noitartit A-3 TOTAL MOISTURE ( FREE MOISTURE AND COMBINED WATER ) zv = emulov ni lm fo muissatop -amrep etanagn noitulos desu ni eht ,noitartit A-3.1 Procedure N = ytilamron fo standard muissatop etanagnamrep ,noitulos and hgieW yletarucca tuoba 5 g fo eht lairetam ni rehtie acilis ro nialecrop dish fo tuoba 75 lm M = mass ni g fo eht lairetam tneserp ni eht .yticapac yrD eht stnetnoc ot tnatsnoc mass touqila fo eht .noitulos revo a small emalf using eriw ezuag ro ni an nevo at 125°C f 5°C. ehT emalf shall eb -iciffus 5-A SETAHPLUS yltne small os as ton ot wolla eht lairetam ot teg detrups elihw .gniyrd tI sekat tuoba 45 setunim A-5.1 Reagents at yrd yletelpmoc revo a emalf and tuoba 6 sruoh ni an .nevo A-5.1.1 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid - see SI : 265 : 1987. 2.3-A Calculation A-5.1.2 RectiJied Spirit - see SI 323 : 1959. latoT ,erutsiom tnecrep yb mass M( )1M A-5.1.3 Glacial Acetic Acid - see IS 695 : 1986. = - x 100 M -ixorppa A-5.1.4 Barium Chloride Solution - erehw yletam 12 tnecrep ( v/m .) mass ni g fo eht lairetam nekat rof eht M = ,tset and 5.1.5-A Dilute Hydrochloric Acid - -ixorppa yletam eno tnecrep ( v/v .) mass ni g fo eht lairetam retfa .gniyrd M, = 2.5-A Procedure 4-A SODIUM ETAMORHC etartnecnoC 200 lm fo deraperp elpmas noitulos A-4.1 Reagents ( ees 2-A ) ot tuoba 50 .lm Add 10 lm fo detartnecnoc cirolhcordyh ,dica 15 lm fo A-0.1.1 Standard Potassium Permanganate Solu- deifitcer tirips and 35 lm fo laicalg citeca .dica tion - 0’05 N. lioB rof 15 .setunim etuliD ot tuoba 200 .lm oT eht toh noitulos add 20 lm fo toh muirab A-4.1.2 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Solu tion - edirolhc noitulos ylwols htiw tnatsnoc ,gnirrits yletamixorppa ’0 1 N . ot etatipicerp eht .etahplus eunitnoC gniliob 2 1991 IS 6507 : rof 15 setunim and wolla ti ot stand rof 4 .sruoh 2.1.6-A Silver Nilrate Solution - yletamixorppa retliF eht noitulos gniniatnoc muirab etahplus 5 tnecrep ( v/m .) hguorht a derat deretnis glass elbicurc .oN G 4 ro no a hcooG elbicurc ro a retlif repap 3.1.6-A yletamixorppa 4 N. ( Whatman .oN 42 ro tnelaviuqe .) Wash htiw Dilute Nitric Acid - etulid cirolhcordyh dica llit eht etartlif is eerf morf muimorhc salts and neht htiw retaw llit ti 2.6-A erudecorP is eerf morf .sedirolhc 1.2.5LA fI eht noitartlif has neeb enod hguorht a ekaT 200 lm fo deraperp elpmas noitulos deretnis glass ,elbicurc yrd eht etatipicerp at ( ees 2-A .) ,retliF fi yna elbulosni rettam is 100 f 5°C nI esac fo hcooG ,elbicurc yrd eht .tneserp Add 20 lm fo detartnecnoc cirtin dica etatipicerp ni an nevo at a erutarepmet less and taeh eht noitulos ot tuoba 50°C. Add ot than 250°C. nehW eht noitartlif is deirrac eht toh noitulos tneiciffus emulov fo revlis tuo no a retlif ,repap etingi eht etatipicerp revo etartin noitulos ot etatipicerp sedirolhc -moc a renrub‘ ro ni eht elffum ecnanruf at 600” ot .yletelp tcetorP eht revlis edirolhc etatipicerp 700°C rof flah an .ruoh retfA this, looc and morf thgil yb gnipparw kcalb repap dnuora eht add detartnecnoc cirtin dica ( 2 spord ) and .reniatnoc looC eht noitulos and retlif hguorht yltneg taeh ot evird ffo dica .semuf nehT etingi a derat deretnis glass elbicurc .oN .4G Wash again llit tnatsnoc mass is .deniatbo eht etatipicerp tsrif htiw etulid cirtin dica and evlossid eht gnirehda revlis ,etamorhc and neht 3.5-A noitaluclaC htiw dloc .retaw yrD eht elbicurc and its stnetnoc ot tnatsnoc mass at 130 f 2°C. Sulphates ( as N&K), >, = 60.86 x M 1 tnecrep yb mass M 3.6-A noitaluclaC erehw iV1 = mass ni g fo eht ,etatipicerp and sedirolhC (as NaCl), =,40’78$ Ml mass ni g fo eht elpmas tneserp ni tnecrep yb mass M = eht .touqila erehw 6-A SEDIROLHC mass ni g fo revlis edirolhc -ipicerp Ml = 1.6-A stnegaeR ,etat and 1.1.6-A Concentrated Nitric Acid - see IS M = mass ni g eht elpmas tneserp ni eht 264 .6791: .touqila ANNEX B ( Clause 6 ) GNILPMAS FO SODIUM ,ETAMORHC LACINHCET l-B LARENEG STNEMERIUQER FO 6.l-B ehT elpmas sreniatnoc shall eb fo hcus a GNILPMAS ezis that yeht era tsomla tub ton yletelpmoc dellif htiw eht .elpmas 0.1-B nI ,gniward ,gniraperp gnirots and -ldnah gni samples, eht gniwollof snoituacerp shall eb 7.l-B hcaE elpmas reniatnoc shall eb delaes -ria .devresbo thgit retfa ,gnillif and dekram htiw lluf sliated fo sampling, eht raey fo erutcafunam and rehto 1.l-B selpmaS shall ton eb nekat tuo ni an -xe tnatropmi sralucitrap fo eht .tnemngisnoc desop .ecalp 2-B ELACS FO GNILPMAS 2.l-B ehT sampling stnemurtsni shall eb naelc and .yrd 1.2-B toL 3.1-B snoituacerP shall eb nekat ot tcetorp eht llA eht sreniatnoc acnI elgnis tnemngisnoc fo eht samples, eht lairetam gnieb ,delpmas eht sampl- lairetam drawn morf a elgnis hctab fo -cafunam gni tnemurtsni and eht sreniatnoc rof samples erut shall etutitsnoc a .tol fI a tnemngisnoc is morf suoititnevda .noitanimatnoc deralced ro nwonk ot tsisnoc fo tnereffid sehctab 4.l-B oT draw a evitatneserper ,elpmas eht -noc fo ,erutcafunam eht sreniatnoc gnignoleb ot eht stnet fo hcae reniatnoc detceles rof sampling emas hctab shall eb depuorg rehtegot and hcae shall eb dexim ylhguoroht yb elbatius .snaem hcus puorg shall etutitsnoc a etarapes .tol 5.lE ehT samples shall eb decalp ni ,elbatius 1.1.2-B selpmaS shall eb detset morf hcae tol ,naelc ,yrd and thgit-ria glass ro rehto elbatius yletarapes rof gniniatrecsa eht ytimrofnoc fo eht sreniatnoc no hcihw eht lairetam has on .noitca lairetam ot eht stnemeriuqer fo eht .noitacificeps 3 SI 1991:7056 B-2.2 ehT rebmun fo sreniatnoc )n( ot eb nesohc neht delaes thgit-ria htiw sreppots and dellebal morf a tol shall dneped no eht ezis fo eht tol htiw all eht sralucitrap fo sampling nevig )N( and shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw elbaT 2. ni .7.1-B ehT lairetam ni hcae hcus delaes elttob shall etutitsnoc an laudividni tset .elpmas esehT laudividni samples shall eb detarapes otni eerht Table 2 Number of Containers to be Selected lacitnedi sets fo samples ni hcus a yaw that hcae for Sampling tes has an laudividni tset samples -tneserper ( Clause 2.2-B ) gni hcae reniatnoc .detceles enO fo eseht eerht Lot Size Number of Containers sets shall eb rof eht ,resahcrup eht dnoces rof To be Selected eht reilppus and driht shall eb desu as eerefer .elpmas (f: G, ot3 50 3 2.3-B ehT eerefer elpmas gnitsisnoc fo eht -moc 51 ot 200 4 etisop elpmas ( ees 2.1.3-B ) and a tes fo -ividni 201 ot 400 5 dual elpmas ( 1.3-B ) shall eb dekram rof this 401 ot 650 6 esoprup and shall raeb eht seals fo eht resahcrup 651 dna evoba 7 and eht .reilppus tI shall eb tpek at a ecalp deerga ot neewteb eht resahcrup and eht reilppus and shall eb desu ni esac fo etupsid neewteb eht B-2.3 ehT sreniatnoc ot eb detceles rof sampling .owt shall eb nesohc at modnar morf eht tol and rof this esoprup modnar rebmun selbat shall eb desu ees( SI 4905 : .)8691 nI esac hcus selbat 4-B REBMUN FO STSET era ton ,elbaliava eht gniwollof erudecorp yam 1.4-B stseT rof eht noitanimreted fo muidos eb :detpoda etamorhc shall eb detcudnoc no hcae eht~fo -idni gnitratS morf yna ,reniatnoc tnuoc meht as laudiv samples gnitutitsnoc eht tes fo tset .elpmas )1 2, 3, . . . . . . , up ot r and os ,no erehw r is 2.4-B stseT rof eht gniniamer scitsiretcarahc eht largetni trap fo N/n. yrevE htr reniatnoc shall eb detcudnoc no eht etisopmoc .elpmas thus detnuoc shall eb nekat tuo llit eht -iuqer etis elpmas fo n sreniatnoc is .deniatbo 5-B AIRETIRC FOR YTIMROFNOC 3-B TSET SELPMAS AND EEREFER SELPMAS 1.5-B roF laudividnI selpmaS ehT naem and eht egnar fo eht tset stluser rof B-3.1 noitaraperP fo tseT selpmaS and eerefeR eht noitanimreted fo muidos etamorhc shall eb elpmaS detaluclac as :swollof 1.1.3-B Draw htiw an etairporppa sampling -ni naeM ( )2 = eht sum fo eht tset stluser tnemurts a small noitrop fo eht lairetam marf dedivid yb eht rebmun fo tnereffid parts fo hcae reniatnoc detceles rof eht tset ,stluser and sampling. ehT latot ytitnauq fo eht lairetam drawn morf hcae reniatnoc shall eb tneiciffus ot egnaR ( R > = eht ecnereffid neewteb eht ekam etacilpirt snoitanimreted rof all eht mumixam and eht muminim scitsiretcarahc nevig rednu 4. seulav fo eht tset .stluser 2.1.3-B ylhguorohT xim all snoitrop fo eht 1.1.5-B fI ( x - 6’0 R ) is lauqe ot ro retaerg lairetam drawn morf eht emas .reniatnoc tuo than eht muminim tnemeriuqer fo muidos -orhc fo eseht snoitrop small tub lauqe ytitnauq shall ,etam eht tol shall eb deralced ot evah deifsitas eb nekat morf hcae detceles reniatnoc and shall eht tnemeriuqer rof muidos .etamorhc eb llew dexim rehtegot os as ot mrof a etisopmoc elpmas gnihgiew ton less than 3OO~g. sihT -moc B-5.2 For Composite Samples etisop elpmas shall eb dedivid otni eerht lauqe ehT tset stluser no eht etisopmoc elpmas shall parts, eno rof eht ,resahcrup eht dnoces rof eht teem eht gnidnopserroc stnemeriuqer deificeps reilppus and eht driht ot eb desu as eerefer ni 4. .elpmas 3.5-B A tol shall eb deralced as gnimrofnoc ot 3.1.3-B ehT gniniamer noitrop fo eht lairetam this noitacificeps fi ti seifsitas eht stnemeriuqer morf hcae reniatnoc ( retfa a small ytitnauq fo eht scitsiretcarahc deificeps ni 4. dedeen rof eht noitamrof fo etisopmoc elpmas has neeb nekat tuo ) shall eb dedivid otni 4.S-B fI eht stnemeriuqer rof yna fo eht -carahc eerht lauqe parts, hcae trap gnihgiew ton less than scitsiret era ton ,tem eht tol shall eb deralced ot 10 g. esehT parts shall eb yletaidemmi -snart evah ton deifsitas eht stnemeriuqer fo this -iceps derref ot ylhguoroht deird selttob hcihw era .noitacif 4 I Standard Mark I ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau of Indian and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no Standards Act, 2986 stcudorp derevoc yb an naidnI dradnatS syevnoc eht ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo that standard rednu a llew denifed metsys fo ,noitcepsni gnitset and ytilauq lortnoc hcihw is desived and desivrepus yb SIB and detarepo yb eht -orp .recud dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof ytimrofnoc ot that standard as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards.

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