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IS 6044-2: Code of Practice for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Installations, Part 2: Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Bulk Storage Installations PDF

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Preview IS 6044-2: Code of Practice for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Installations, Part 2: Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Bulk Storage Installations

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 6044-2 (2001): Code of Practice for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Installations, Part 2: Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Bulk Storage Installations [PCD 3: Petroleum, Lubricants and their Related Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 6044 (Part 2) :2001 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS STORAGE INSTALLATIONS PART 2 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC BULK STORAGE INSTALLATIONS (First Revision) ICS 75.200 0 BIS 2001 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN,9BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 February 2001 Price Group 5 Petroleum Products Sectional Committee,PCD3 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (pm 2) (First Revision) was adopted bythe Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized bythePetroleum Products Sectional CommitteehadbeenapprovedbythePetroleum, CoalandRelated Products Division Council. This code was prepared with a view to recommend basic safety requirements and practice for the design, construction and safeoperation ofstorage and ancillary facilities forLPG. Wherever these recommendations conflicts with the statutory regulations framed by the Chief Controller ofExplosives and Local Fire Brigade Authorities then the latter shallprevail. This standard was first published in 1972. In this version (first revision) scopehas been enlarged covering aerosol plant and auto LPG stations. Location ofstorage tanks and regulating equipment, fittings ofstorage tanks, filling capacity installation ofunderground tanks, pipe fittings, installation and testing, hoses pumps, compressors and meters used for LPG, transfer ofLPG from railway tank wagons and water supply havebeen modified with thelatest codesand orders. Inusing this standard, IS4576which liststhevarious typesofLPGgenerally marketed, shallbeborne inmind. Inusing’thisstandard, thestaticpressurevesselcodewhichisbeingframedbytheChiefController ofExplosives shallbeborne inmind. Inthe preparation ofthis standard, considerable assistance hasbeen derived from thefollowing publications: SafetyRecommendationsIGE/SR16LiquefiedPetroleumGases,July1968.TheInstitutionofGasEngineers, 17Grosvenor Crescent; London SWI. StorageandHandlingLiquefiedPetroleumGases,1967(N.F.P.A.)58TheNationalFireProtectionAssociation International, 60Batterymarch Street,Boston,Mass,USA. Huges(JR),StorageandHandling ofPetroleumLiquids,PracticeandLaw, 1967;CharlesGriffin&Co Ltd; 42Dnuy Lane; London W.E.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas SafetyCode,Part 9:1967, TheInstitute ofPetroleum, London. IS 6044 (Part 2): 2001 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS STORAGE INSTALLATIONS PART 2 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC BULK STORAGE INSTALLATIONS ( First Revision) 1 SCOPE ISNO. 7itle 1.1 This standard (Part 2) lays down the code of 1239 Mild steeltubes, tubulars and other practice for LPG bulk storage installations where wrought steelfittings : storagetanks over450litres watercapacitymeusedat (l% 1): 1990 Mildsteeltubes(@lb revision) commercial, industrial and domestic consumers (part2): 1992 Mildsteeltubular andotherwrought premises. steel pipe fittings ~ourth revision) 1.1.1 This standard is not intended to cover LPG 1367 Technical supply conditions for storage installations at: threaded steelfasteners: (Rut 1): 1980 Introdnctionand generalinfbrrnation a) Refineries and cylinder/container filling plants; (second revision) b) Storage at industrial or commercial premises (Rrt2) :1979 Product grades and tolerances involving tanks of individual capacity greater (secoid revision) than 130000 litreswatercapaci~, c) LPG-air distribution plarky @rt3) :1991 Mechanical properties and test methods forbolts, screws and studs d) Aerosol planty and with foilloadability (third revision) e) Auto LPG stations. 1913 General and safktyrequirements for 1.2 The maximum capacity ofanindividual tank and (Rut 1): 1978 lumillain?sPart1Tubidarfhloxescent groupoftanks atindustrial, commercial anddomestic lamps (second revision) premises shallbeasfollows: 1978:1982 Linepipe (secondrevi.rion) Premises Maximum Water Maximum Water 1979:1985 Hightestlinepipe(second revision) Capacity of Capacity of 2148:1981 Flameproof enclosures for,electrical an Individual Group of Tanks, apparatus (second revision) Tank, Litres Litres 2309:1989 Practice for the protection of Industrial 130000 260000 buildings and allied structures commercial @m 80000 against lighting— Codeofpractice (second revision) Domestic 20000 80000 2501:1995 Solid drawn — Copper tubes for 2NoRMAm REFERENCES general engineering purposes (third revision) The following Indian Standards contain provisions 2825:1%9 Codefor unfired pressure vessels which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. Atthetime ofpublication 3043:1987 Codeofpractice forearthing the editions indicated were valid. All standards are 3710:1978 Filling ratios for low pressure subject to revision, and parties to agreements based liquefiable gas(/W revision) on this standard are encouraged to investigate the 4576:1999 Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) possibility ofapplying the most recent editions ofthe (second revision) standards indicated below: 4712:1984 Forgedsteel,socket-welding fittings . ISNo. Title (first revision) 407:1981 Brass tubes for general purposes 4864: 19&8 Shell flanges for vessels and (third revision) equipment:Generalrequirements 1 IS6044 (part 2): 2001 Code of practice for liquefied prescribed under the Petroleum Rules, 1976 or as (part 1): 2000 petroleum gasstorage instalkitions: prescribed under SMPV Rules or as per distance Part 1 Commercial and industrial specitied aboveinTable 1,whichever ismore. cylinder installations @rstrevision) 3.1.7 The number of storage tanks in one storage installation shallnotexceedsix. Incasethere aremore 3 LOCATION OF STORAGE TANKSAND than one storage installations, the safety distance REGULATINGEQUIPMENT between two installations shall be the same as the 3.1 Location andSpacing distance between the tanks and the prope~ line in accordance withTable 1. 3.1.1 Storagetanksandfirststageregulatingequipment ifused, shall belocated outside ofbuildings. 3.2 Bunding 3.1.2 Eachindividual tankshallbelocatedwithrespect SinceLPGisheavierthan air,storagetank shallnotbe tothe nearest important building orgroup ofbuildings enclosed within bund walls. The accumulation of orline ofadjoining property which maybe built onin flammable liquid under LPGtanks shallbeprevented accordance with Table 1. The distances givenreferto by suitably slopping the ground. the horizontal distance in plan between the nearest 3.3 Protection point ofthe storage tank andbuilding/property line. 3.3.1 Toprevent trespassing or tampeting, the area 3.1.3 In heavily populated or congested areas the whichincludestanks,directfiredvaponrizers, pumping authority having jurisdiction may determine the need equipment and loading andunloading facilities shall for other reasonable protective methods to be taken, be enclosed by an industrial type fence at least 2 m such as,provision offire walls, etc. high alongtheperimeter ofthe safetyzone. Anyfence 3.1.4Iffire wallsaretobeprovid~ theauthorityhaving shallhaveatleasttwomeans ofexit. Gatesshall open junsdictionmay determinetheextenttowhichthesafety outwards and shall notbeself-locking. distances for above-ground tanks maybe reduced. 3.3.2 When damage to LPG systems from the LPG 3.1.5 Storage tanks shall not be installed one above tank lorry is a possibility, precautions against such the other. damage shallbetaken. 3.1.6 NoLPGtank (s)shallbelocated withinthebunded 3.3.3 Undergronndtanks shallbepmtected fromabove- enclosures of any other petroleum installation. The -groundloadingbyproviding asuitablecurbtoprevent minimum distance ofseparationbetweenLPGstorage apossibleaccidental damagetothetank anditsfittings tanks and any petroleum installation shall be as byLPGtanklony. Table1 MinimumSafetyDistances (C/auses3.l.2, 3.1.6,3.1.7 arrd7.1.10) SI LPG Storage Water Distance from Distance Between No. Capacity of Individual Building/Property Tanks, m Tank (in Litres) Line, rn [Above- Under- 1 ‘Above- Under- 1 Ground Ground Ground Ground (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) i) up to 2000 5 5 1 1.5 ii) Above 2000 andup to 10 7.5 1 1.5 10 000 iii) Above 10000 and 15 10 1.5 1.5 up to 20 000 iv) Above 20 000 and 20 15 2 0.25 dia of up to 40 000 adjscent vessel or 1.5m (Min) v) Above 40 000 and 30 15 2 0.25dia of above adjacent vessel or 1.5m (A4in) NOTE – If the aggregate water capacity of amulti-tank installation is 40000 Iitres or greater, the above minimum safety distances shall apply to the aggregate storage capacity rather than the capacity per individual storage tank. 2 IS6044 (Part 2): 2001 4 STORAGE TANKS not obstruct the free discharge ofvapour under pressure. 4.1 Design Code b) The full flow capacity ofpressure relief valves Storage tanks shall bedesigned, fabricated and tested for above-ground tanks shall be in accordance in accordance with IS 2825 or such standards aslaid with Annex A. Forunderground tanks the full down or approved by the Chief Controller of flow capacity ofpressure relief valves maybe Explosives,Government ofIndia. reduced to not less than 30 percent of the 4.2 Design Pressure prescnbedvalue inAnnex A. c) Everyreliefvalveshallincoq?matethefollowing The design pressure ofthe tank shall benot lessthan permanentmarkings: thevapour pressure ofthe particular LPGtobestored atthe highest tempemture that thecontents ofthetank ~ Manufacturer’snameandvalvetypenumbe~ may reach in semice. The maximum temperature as i) Nominal inlet md outletsizes; prescribed by the Chief Controller of Explosives, iii) Start ofdischarge pressure, and Government ofIndia, is55°Cfortank. iv) Certified discharge capacity ofair at 4.3 Fittings atmospheric pressure. 4.3.1 General d) Ifprovision is made to isolate any relief valve for testing/servicing, then the remaining relief a) Each tank shallbeprovided with the following valves connected to the tank shall provide the fittings: fill discharge capacity asperAnnex A. i) Pressure reliefvalve connected tothevapour e) Forabove-groundtanksofover4500 litreswater space— 2No. capacity and for all underground tanks, relief ii) Independent liquid vessel indicatorslgauge valves shall be fitted with extended vent pipes —2No. adequatelysupported andhaving outlets atleast iii)Pressure gaugeconnectedtotheva~ourmace 2mabovethetop ofthe tank and atleast 3.5m ifthe tank hasover2500 Iitreswat;r cap~city. above-ground level. The vent pipes shall be fittedwithloosefitting rain caps. Furthermore, eachofthesefittings shallbesuitablefor use with LPG at pressures not less than the design 4.3.3 Shut-oflandEmegency Shut-o#Valves pressure ofthe tank towhich they are fitted. a) Allliquidandvapourconnections ontiti, with b) Pipe joints over 50 mm nominal size shall be theexception ofthoseforreliefvalves, plugged weldedorflanged;joints of50mmnominal size openings, and those where the connection is orsmaller shallbewelded,flanged. notgreaterthan 1.4mm@uneter opening, shall c) A manhole, if fitted on an underground tank, have shut-off valves located at mhiimum 3 m shall be not less than 45 c m internal diameter from the shadow ofthe vessel. andshallbeintheformofane x tendednozzleof b) Allliquidandvapourconnections ontankswith sufficient length to bring the manhole cover the exception of those for relief valves and above-ground level. drainage connections of small diameter, shall d) All tank fittings ofunderground tanks shallbe have an emergency shut-off valve, such as, an on the manhole cover if the tank is equipped exce.cisflow valve, an automatically operated withmanhole. Ifthetank isnotsoequipped,the valve or a remotely controlled valve. The fittings shallbeonextended nozzles soastobe emergencyvalveshallbeinaddition totheshut- accessible atground level subjecttoprotection off valve, mentioned in (a) above, unless the under 3.3.3. valve isaremotely controlled valve which can beoperatedfromasafeareaanditisofafailsafe 4.3.2 Pressure Relief type. Emergency shut-off valves are not considered necessary where the connection to a) Relief valves shall be spring loaded and setto tank is restricted to not greater than 3 mm discharge at 100 percent and reach fill flow diameterforliquid and8mmdiameterfmvapour. conditions within 110percentofdesignpressure asrequired under 4.1. The design ofthevalves c) Where the emergency shut-off valve is of the shall be such that they cannot beinadvertently excessflowtype, itsclosing rate offlow should overloaded andthat itisnotpossible totemper bebelow thatratewhichislikelytoresultfi’oma withtheir pressure setting. Weightloadedrelief fracture ofthelineitisprotecting. valvesarenotpermissible. Reliefvalvesshallbe d) Drain connections for larger tanks shall be constructed sothat thebreakage ofanypartwill provided with a shut-offvalve which should be 3 IS 6044 (Part 2): 2001 limitedto5cmnominal size. Theshut-offvalve 4.5.4 Thedesignandconstruction offoundations shall should be provided with a length of piping bebased on the loadbearing capacity ofthe ground, terminating with asecondshut-offvalvelimited itssettlement characteristics, andthe risk offlotation. to 2.5 cm nominal size. The length ofpiping The loadings shalltake into account the static load of betweenthevalvesshouldbesuchthattheriskof the tank and its contents (product or water if water simultaneous obstruction of both valves is tested) and wind loads. minimized. Asnfticientlength ofpiping should 4.6 Painting ofAbove-Ground Tanks be prcvided downstnmm ofthe secondvalve to ensurethat dischargewillnottakeplacebeneath Tanks and their supports shall be adequately painted the tank. For smaller tanks, the shut-offvalve externally to prevent corrosion with a sun reflective shouldbelimitedto2.5cmsizeanditsoutletshould paint suchas whiteorasper colourapproved byCCE. beprovided with ascrewedplug orblank flange Alumirdum paint shall notbeusedforthis purpose. containingadrainholeofmaximum3mmsize. 4.7 Installation ofUnderground Tanks 4.4 Filling Capacity 4.7.1 Tank(s)shallbesetonRCCconcretefoundation, Themaximum quantityofLPGfilledintoanytankshall buried in amasonry pit and shallbe surrounded with beasper the licenced quantity forthevesselasissued sweetsand. WherethewatertablemaybeItigk tanks by the Chief Controller of Explosives or his shall be securely anchored or weighted to prevent representatives and shallbeasper IS3710. floating. Thebackfill material shallbefreeofrocksor other abrasive materials and shall be carefully 4.4.1 Themaximumtillingdensitiesandmrresponding consolidated. Itisrecommended that minimum 60cm maximum liquid content at 15.5°CforLPGofvarious of cover should be provided on over the top of the relative densities shallbeasgiveninAnnexBforboth tank, or any other recommendations as per CCE’S above-ground and underground tank installations. approval condition. 4.5 Foundation forAbovt+Gmund Tanks 4.7.2 Itisrecommendedthatspecialist’sadviceshould 4.5.1 Tanks shallbesupportedonconcrete,masonary, beobtainedoncorrosionprotection oftanks, including or structural steel supports. In the case of structural coatingmaterialsandapplication andwhethercathodic steel supports, these supports, excluding tank saddles protection is necessmy or application of epo~ base or supporting feet 45 cm or less in height, shall be paintasrecommendedinNFPA-58 oranyother asper encased in fire-resisting materials. The thickness of suggestion CCE’Slicensed condition. the fire-resisting material shallbeinaccordance with 4.8 Marking ofTanks Table2. Each tank shall be conspicuously and permanently 4.5.2 The designoftank supportsandtheirattachment markedtoincludethefollowing: tothe tank shallbein accordance with 4.1. a) The pressure vessel codetowhich it ismade; 4.5.3 Tank supports sha ll be designed to permit movement oftanks duetocha n ges intemperature. b) Themanufacturer’s name andserialnumbeq c) Thewatercapacity inlitres; Table 2 Material for Protection ofStructural d) Themaximum safeworkingpressure; Steel Supports e) Testpressure; and (Clause 4.5.1) o Test date. SI Protective Material Minimum 5PJPJNGVAIYESAND FI’M’INGS No. Thickness in cm (1) (2) (3) 5.1 Materhds i) Plaster: 5.1.1 All materials including non-metallic parts for (a) Vermiculite plaster 4.5 valves,seals,gaskets,anddiaphragms shallberesistant (b) Perlite plaster 4,5 to the action ofLPG under the service conditions to (c) One layer gypsum wallboard, 6.5 which they are subjected. with 5 cmperlite over 1cm gypsum board, 1.5 cm scratch 5.1.2 Cast-iron piping materials shallnotbeused. coat, and 3.5 cm brown coat 5.1.3 Seamlesssteelpipeisrecommended; Electrical ii) Concrete (completely encased) 5 resistanceweldedsteelpipenormalized throughout its iii) Brick 10 length maybeused. iv) Hollow tile (semifireproof Llhi m shale) 10 with wire mesh in horizontal joints, 5.1.%Copperorbrasspipe ortubing shallbeseamless reentrant space filled with ooncrete andshallonlybeusedforsizes 12.5mm andunder. 4 IS 6044 (Part 2): 2001 s.I.5 Steelpipe shall conform tooneofthefollowing mrpose shallbenotlessthan themaximum pressure, Indian Standard specifications: mder normal operating conditions, ofthe section of oipelinewhichtheyareprotecting. Ifpressme relieving IS1239(Rut 1),IS1978andIS1979. ievicesdischarge toatmosphere, the discharge should 5.1.6 CopperpipeshallconformtoIS2501. ~earranged inastie manner. 5.1.7 Brasspipe shallconform toIS407. 5.7.3 All pipeline system after installation shall be provedfreefrom leaks atthe following pressure orat 5.2 Pipe Thickness 1 themaximum operating pressure whichever ishigher Tobedecided asper design parameter ofthe system. (seealso 5.8). 5.3 Pipe Joints a) Vapourpipelines (upstream anddownstream at 1.5timesworkingpressure) 5.3.1Pipejoints over5cmnominal sizeshallbe welded b) Liquid pipelines (down stream) at 1.5 times orflanged. Jointsof5cmnominal sizeorsmallermay bewelded, flanged, orscrewed.” working pressure. 5.3.2 The fabrication ofpipework byI%sionwelding 5.7.4 Piping both underground and above-ground shallbe carried out. shall be protected against physical damage and corrosion. 5.4 Valves 5.8 LPG Inside Premises Valvesshall beofcaststeel. Onlyballvalves shallbe LPGin either the liquid orvapour phase shall not be used. Cast iron valves shall notbeused. pipedinside premises atpressures inexcessof 1.5kg/ 5.5 Flanges and Fittings cm2gauge. 5.5.1 Steelflanges and flanged fittings shallconform NOTE — Piping, ilttings and valves installed inside premises shall be in accordance with relevant clauses of eithertosectionIVofIS2825orIS4864. IS 6044 (Part 1). 5.5.2 Slip-onorweldedneckflangesorscrewedflanges 6 HOSES, PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, AND maybeused forsizesof5cmorsmaller. METERSUSEDFORTRANSFEROFLPG 5.5.3 Steelbutt welded fittings shallbeat least ofthe 6.1 Hoses same schedule thickness asthe pipe. 6.1.1 The design,materials, andconstruction ofhoses 5.5.4 Steel socket couplings and fittings shall be in shallbesuitableforthegradeofLPGwhichtheyareto accordance with IS4712 andmaybe either weldedor handle. Theyshallbetestedat30k@rn2 during initihl screwed type. manufacturer aod designed towithstand aminimum 5.5.5 Steelunions shallbeinaccordancewith IS1239 bursting pressure offourtimesthemaximum pressure (Part 2). They should have g round metal-to-metal theywillcany inservice. seats; gasket type unions shall no t be used. 6.1.2 Hosesshallperiodically betested for electrical 5.5.6 Plugsshallbesolidsteelplugsorsteelballplugs. continuity, thefrequency ofthe testdepending onthe Cast iron orbrass plugs shall notbe used. amount ofuse. 5.6 Bolting 6.1.3 Excess-flow valves, automatically operated valves,orremotelycontrolled valves orofquick shut- Bolting shall be supplied according to IS 1367 offcouplingstobeinstalledinpipelines towhichhoses (Parts 1to3). areconnectedtopreventdischarge ofLPGintheevent offailure ofthe hose. 5.7 Installation and Testing 6.2 Pumps, Compressors and Meters 5.7.1 Liquid andvapour pipelines shallbeinstalled so as to have adequate ‘flexibility to accommodate any 6.2.1 Thedesign,materials,andconstmetion ofpumps, settlement of tanks or other equipment, thermal compressors and meters shallbe suitable forthe type expansion, or contraction-or any other stresseswhich of LPG which is to be handled, and they shall be mayoccur inthdpipewofk system. designed for the maximum outlet pressure to which theywillbe subjectedin operation. 5.7.2 Any equipment or section ofpipeline inwhich 6.2.2 Sealsusedshallbeofthe mechanical type. liquid may betrapped, for example, between shut-off valves, shall be protected against excessivepressure 6.2.3 Positive displacement pumps and compressors caused by thermal expansion of the contents. The shallhaveaby-passorothersuitablepressurerelieving minimum setting of relief valves provided for this device against over pressure. 5

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