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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 5834-1 (1994): Electrical Timer Relays for Industrial Purposes, Part 1: Pneumatic [ETD 35: Power Systems Relays] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 5834 ( Part 1) : 1994 WmiYs mFi; Indian Standard ELECTRICALTIMERRELAYSFORINDUSTRIAL PURPOSES-SPECIFICATION PART 1 PNEUMATIC First Revision / f UDC 621.3 18-562.7 0 BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 April 1994 Price Group 6 Power metsyS syaleR lanoitceS ,eettimmoC TE 35 . DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF noisiveR ) was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft finalized yb the Power metsyS syaleR lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lacinhcetortcelE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT naidnI dradnaiS ( Part 1 ) was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1973. sihT noisiver has neeb nekatrednu ot gnirb i ti ni enil htiw SI 13947 ( Part teS/S 1 ) : 1993 WOL‘ egatlov raeghctiws dna :raeglortnoc Part 5 lortnoC tiucric secived dna gnihctiws ,stnemele noitceS 1 lacinhcetortcelE lortnoc tiucric ’secived read htiw SI 13947 ( Part 1 ) : 1993 egatlov-woL< raeghctiws dna :raeglortnoc traF 1 lareneG ’selur ecnis the syaler for lairtsudni sesoprup derevoc ni siht dradnats lliw mrofrep gnihctiws of evitcudni sdaol ekil rotcatnoc dna yaler lioc ralimis ot tolip secived derevoc ni SI 13947 ( Part teS/S I ) : 1993. lacirtcelE syaler for lairtsudni sesoprup are won gnieb ylevisnetxe desu ni suoirav seirtsudni for lortnoc dna other .sesoprup A rebmun of lairtsudni syaler for hcus sesoprup si won gnieb derutcafunam -negidni ylsuo ni .aidnI ehT rebmit syaler for lairtsudni sesoprup derevoc yb other parts of siht ,dradnats SI 5834 lacirtcelE‘ rebmit syaler for lairtsudni ,’sesoprup :era Part 2 dezirotoM remit syaler Part 3 cinortcelE remit syaler roF the esopru,p of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test, llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR& for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 5834 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 Indian Standard ELECTRICALTIMERRELAYSFORINDUSTRTAL PURPOSES- SPECIFICATION PART 1 PNEUMATIC First Revision ) ( 1 SCOPE yaled yaler ) and dezigrene ( rof eht ’ff~L yaled yaler .) sihT naidnI dradnatS ( traP 1 ) srevoc citamuenp remit syaler rof gnidivorp ylsselpets elbatsujda NOTES sesualC- dna fo SI 13947 emit yaled ot lortnoc suoirav sepyt fo lairtsudni ( traP ceS!S 1 ) : 1993 yam osla eb deilppa ot yna stiucric fo lanimon egatlov ton gnideecxe 1 000 epyt fo tcatnoc .tnemele .stlov 3.5 Number of Poles 2 REFERENCES A yaler is dellac elgnis ,elop elbuod ,elop ,cte The gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrassecen ro is detangised eno ,elop owt ,elop ,cte fi eht stcnujda ot this standard: demit tiucric fo yaler is dedivid otni eno ,elop owt ,elop ,cte detalusni morf hcae ,rehto and IS No. Title that eht selop era ro nac eb delpuoc ni hcus a 13947 egatlov-woL raeghctiws and a rennam as ot nepo ro esolc .rehtegot ( traP 1 ) : 1993 :raeglortnoc traP 1 lareneG selur 3.6 Rated Insulation Voltage 13947 egatlov-woL raeghctiws and ehT eulav V; fo egatlov assigned yb eht -unam ( traP c3e$ 1 ) : :raeglortnoc traP 5 lortnoC rerutcaf yb hcihw eht remit is detangised and tiucric secived and gnihctiws ot hcihw cirtceleid ,stset secnaraelc and egapeerc ,stnemele noitceS 1 -ortcelE secnatsid era .derrefer lacinahcem lortnoc tiucric secived 3.7 Rated Operational Voltage 3 DEFINITIONS ehT eulav U, fo egatlov assigned yb eht -unam rerutcaf ,hcihw ni noitanibmoc htiw a detar 3.0 roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht -wollof lanoitarepo ,tnerruc senimreted eht noitacilppa gni snoitinifed ni noitidda ot esoht nevig ni fo eht remit yaler and ot hcihw eht tnaveler SI 13947 ( traP teS/5 1 ) shall .ylppa stset and eht noitazilitu seirogetac era .derrefer 3.1 emiT yaleD yaleR roF esahpylop ,stiucric U, is detats as rms -tlov ega neewteb phases. A yaler esohw noitarepo ro gnitteser is -netni yllanoit .deyaled-emit ehT emit yaled fo eht NOTE - A remit yaler yam eb dengissa a rebmun fo snoitanibmoc fo detar lanoitarepo egatlov dna yaler yam eb dexif ro .elbatsujda detar lanoitarepo .tnerruc 3.2 emiT yaleD tcatnoC 3.8 Rated Control Circuit Voltage A tcatnoc dednetni ot eb desu rof gnillortnoc an lanretxe tiucric and detarepo yb eht emit A eulav U, fo egatlov no hcihw eht gnitarepo yaled .yaler and esir-erutarepmet scitsiretcarahc fo eht lortnoc tiucric era .desab 3.3 suoenatnatsnI tcatnoC NOTES A tcatnoc gnikrow ni noitcnujnoc htiw and detautca tuohtiw yna lanoitnetni emit yaled yb 1 ehT tcerroc gnitarepo snoitidnoc era desab nopu yaler and gnivres ot lortnoc noitarepo fo -ilixua a eulav fo eht lortnoc ylppus egatlov ton ssel naht 85 tnecrep fo sti detar ,eulav htiw eht tsehgih fo yra .)s(ecived lortnoc tiucric tnerruc ;gniwolf ton erom naht 110 tnecrep fo sti detar .eulav 3.4 evitareponI noitidnoC 2 ehT rerutcafunam dluohs eb deraperp ot etats eht tI is eht noitidnoc fo eht yaler and stcatnoc eulav ro seulav fo eht tnerruc nekat yb eht lortrx,c nehw eht yaler lioc is dezigrene-ed ( rof eht ’no‘ tiucric at eht detar lortnoc ylppus .egatlov IS 5834 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 lautca gnitarepo emit ni sdnoces rof 3.9 Rated Thermal Current T= ,hcae and A eulav fo tnerruc assigned yb eht rerutcafunam and detimil yb eht esir-erutarepmet as deificeps n 1 rebmun fo .snoitarepo ni 5.10. 3.18 Type Tests NOTE - It is eht mumixam eulav fo tnerruc hcihw a tcatnoc dellatsni rednu dradnats snoitidnoc fo stseT deirrac tuo ot evorp ytimrofnoc htiw eht ,ecivres nac yrrac ylsuounitnoc tuohtiw .egamad stnemeriuqer fo this .noitacificeps yehT era dednetni ot evorp lareneg ytilauq and ngised fo 3.10 Rated Operational Current a nevig epyt fo .yaler Clause fo SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993 .seilppa 3.19 enituoR stseT stseT deirrac tuo no hcae yaler ot kcehc -eriuqer NOTE - A tcatnoc tnemele yam eb dengissa a rebmun fo snoitanibmoc fo detar lanoitarepo egatlov stnem ylekil ot yrav gnirud .noitcudorp dna detar lanoitarepo .tnerruc 4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 3.11 Rated Frequency 4.1 General Clause 4.3.3 fo SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993 .seilppa 4.1.1 slairetaM dluohs eb elbatius rof eht -itrap 3.12 detaR Making yticapaC raluc .noitacilppa Clause fo SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993 -ppa 4.1.2 Parts hcihw yam eriuqer tnemecalper shall eb ylidaer elbissecca and .e.baeca1per lies. 3.13 Rated Breaking Capacity 4.2 erusolcnE Clause fo SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993 -ppa 4.2.1 ehT yaler yam eb desuoh ni a etarapes .seil erusolcne ro yam eb dedivorp ni nepo .noitucexe 3.14 On yaleD ehT epyt fo ,erusolcne fi ,dedivorp shall eb eno fo esoht derevoc yb xidneppA C fo SI 13947 nO‘ yaleD seifingis that eht gnimit doirep fo a ( traP 1 ) : 1993. emit yaled yaler is detaitini nopu noitazigrene fo its .lioc 4.2.2 ehT ,erusolcne fi ,dedivorp shall eb os degnarra that nehw ti is ,denepo eht slanimret 3.15 ffO yaleD era ylidaer .elbissecca ,eromrehtruF tneiciffus ffO‘ ’yaleD seifingis that eht gnimit doirep fo a ecaps shall eb tfel ni eht roiretni fo eht -olcne emit yaled yaler is detaitini nopu -azigrene-ed erus rof eht noitadommocca fo eht lanretxe noit fo its .lioc srotcudnoc morf rieht tniop fo yrtne otni eht serusolcne up ot eht .slanimret 3.16 emiT yaleD emiT yaled is eht emit lavretni neewteb eht 4.2.3 ehT revoc fo eht evitcetorp ,serusolcne fi noitazigrene ( rof eht ’nO‘ yaled yaler ) ro dedivorp shall eb deruces ot its esab that ti noitazigrene-ed ( rof eht ’ffO‘ yaled yaler ) fo tonnac eb yllatnedicca denesool ro dehcated eht yaler lioc and eht noitautca fo eht emit yaled gniwo ot stceffe fo noitarepo fo eht .yaler oslA .stcatnoc ti dluohs eb os deruces that ti is ton elbissop ot nepo ti tuohtiw eht esu fo ,sloot unless elbatius 3.17 taepeR ycaruccA snaem era dedivorp ot tneverp latnedicca -noc ehT taeper ycarucca fo a emit yaled yaler is eno tcat htiw evil parts. flah fo eht noitairav neewteb eht mumixam and muminim devresbo gnitarepc semit at yna -itrap 4.3 gnihtraE raluc ,gnittes dedivid yb eht naem fo all eht 4.3.1 ehT serusolcne fo ,yaler fi fo ,latem shall devresbo gnitarepo semit and eht tneitouq eb dedivorp htiw eno gnihtrae ,lanimret rof deilpitlum yb 100 and desserpxe ni smret fo detar segatlov ton gnideecxe 250 V, and owt sulp ro minus .egatnecrep etarapes gnihtrae slanimret rof detar segatlov tI is nevig yb eht gniwollof :alumrof erom than 250 V. esehT slanimret shall eb dedivorp revo and evoba all rehto snaem -ivorp ycaruccataepeR = i r[ I):- x ded rof gniruces cillatem serusolcne ( ruomra ro rehto cillatem gnirevoc ) fo gniyrrac-tnerruc .selbac 100 tnecrep 4.3.2 ehT gnihtrae slanimret shall eb ylidaer erehw elbissecca and os decalp that eht htrae -cennoc ,T - mumixam gnitarepo emit ni ,sdnoces noit fo eht yaler deniatniam nehw eht revoc ro ,T =c muminim gnitarepo emit ni ,sdnoces yna rehto elbavom trap is .devomer 2 SI 5834 ( Part 1 ) : 499I 4.3.3 ehT gnihtrae slanimret shall eb fo etauqeda 5.2 Rated Contact Circuit Voltage ,ezis eb detcetorp against noisorroc and shall eb ehT detar tcatnoc tiucric egatlov shall eb eno yllacillatem .naelc rednU on secnatsmucric shall fo eht gniwollof :seulav a elbavom latem trap fo eht erusolcne eb insula- det morf eht trap gniyrrac eht gnihtrae lanimret roF ca - 110, 240 and 415 stlov nehw eht elbavom trap is ni .ecalp roF cd - 24, 48, 110 and 220 .stlov 4.3.4 ehT gnihtrae lanimret shall eb deifitnedi 5.3 Rated Currents yb snaem fo eht lobmys 1 dekram ni a elbigel and elbiledni rennam ;0 ro tnecajda ot eht 5.3.1 ehT detar lanoitarepo stnerruc shall eb 1, 2.5, 4, 6 and 10 A. .lanimret 5.3.2 ehT detar lamreht stnerruc shall eb 1, ,5-b 4.4 Clearances and Creepage Distances 4, 6 and 10 A. See xennA G fo SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993. 5.4 Rated Frequency 4.5 Terminals ehT detar ycneuqerf shall eb eht standard -erf 4.5.1 ehT slanimret shall eb fo etauqeda .ezis ycneuq fo 50 .zH 4.5.2 lanimreT snoitcennoc shall eb hcus that srotcudnoc yam eb detcennoc yb snaem fo 5.5 Rated Mechanical Duty Class swercs ro rehto tnelaviuqe snaem os as ot erusne 5.5.1 nI tcepser fo its ecnatsiser ot lacinahcem that eht yrassecen tcatnoc erusserp is -niatniam raew a emit yaler shall eb deziretcarahc yb eht de .yltnenamr:p rebmun fo daol-on gnitarepo selcyc hcihw nac eb edam tuohtiw yna lacinahcem .eruliaf ehT 4.6 Contacts detats rebmun fo daol-on gnitarepo selcyc suoenatlumiS esu fo yllamron nepo tcatnoc and assumes on ,ecnanetniam riaper ro .tnemecalper yllamron desolc tcatnoc no eht emas elop shall 5.5.2 ehT syaler era deifissalc gnidrocca ot eb elbissimrep ylno no eht emas .ytiralop -noC elbaT 1 ni tcepser ot rieht lacinahcem ytud stcat shall eb yletelpmoc desolcne ot tneverp .sessalc ssergni fo dust and rehto hcus .stnemele -noC stcat shall eb fo snap noitca .epyt Table 1 Rated Mechanical Duty Class 4.7 Means of Time Delay Setting ( Clauses and 9.8.1 ) yaleR shall eb dedivorp htiw a elpmis msinahcem Class of No-Load Number of rof ylsselpets adjusting eht emit yaled fo eht Mechanical Operating On-Load Ope- .yaler hcuS msinahcem shall ton eriuqer eht esu Endurance Cycles rating Cycles fo yna laiceps sloot rof .gnittes ynA -tsujdaemit per Hour tnem msinahcem gniriuqer yrator noitom shall (1) (2) (3) eb os dengised that eht emit lavretni sesaercni 0’3 0‘3 x 106 30 htiw esiwkcolc noitom and sesaerced htiw -itna 601x 1 1 120 esiwkcolc .noitom noitceriD fo tnemevom fo eht emit adjusting msinahcem shall eb ylraelc 3 3 x106 300 10 x 106 1 dekram ot etacidni eht esaercni and esaerced fo 10 200 eht emit gnittes fo eht .yaler 5.6 Utilization Categories 4.8 General Operating Principle 5.6.1 noitazilitU seirogetac as nevig ni elbaT 2 lareneG gnitarepo elpicnirp fo eht citamuenp shall eb deredisnoc standard rof eht remit .syaler emit yaled syaler is nevig ni xennA A. Table 2 Utilization Categories 4.9 tI shall eb elbissop ot trevnoc syaler tuohtiw yrailixua stiucric morf nO‘ ’yaleD ot ffO‘ ’yaleD Kind of Current Category Typical epyt and eciv versa yb eht resu tuohtiw eht esu Applications fo yna laiceps sloot ro .stnenopmoc CA AC-l 1 lortnoC fo ca stengamortcele 5 SGNITAR DC 1-CD 1 lortnoC fo cd stengamortcele 5.1 Rated Operational Voltage The detar lanoitarepo egatlov shall eb eno fo 56.2 hcaE noitazilitu yrogetac is deziretcarahc eht gniwollof :seulav yb eht gniwollof owt :scitsiretcarahc roF ca -- 110, 240 and 415 stlov )a daoL ,snoitarepo and roF cd - 24, 48, 110 and 220 .stlov )b detaR making and gnikaerb .yticapac IS 5834 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 Load operations 5.8 Rating Resetting Time ehT citamuenp syaler dluohs yliranidro eb elba ehT detar gnitteser emit fo eht yaleI shall ton ot ,esolc maintain and nepo stiucric hcihw -noc eb erom than 40-O .sdnoces tain an ,tengamortcele eht citengam tiucric fo hcihw is nepo at eht emit nehw eht lautca tnerruc is edam and desolc nehw eht lautca 5.9 Mechanical Endurance tnerruc is .nekorb esehT snoitidnoc era nevig ni elbaT 3, and eht rerutcafunam shall etats eht ehT syaler shall eb elbapac fo gnimrofrep eht rebmun fo daol snoitarepo ,elbacilppa -serroc gnitarepo selcyc nevig ni 1oc 2 fo elbaT 1 at eht gnidnop ot eht ecivres snoitidnoc as nevig ni 7 detar gnihctiws ycneuqerf and rednu eht detar tuohtiw riaper ro tnemecalper fo its .stcatnoc making and gnikaerb .snoitidnoc ehT detar daol-no gnitarepo selcyc shall eb 5.10 stimiL fo esiR-erutarepmeT gnidrocca ot 1oc 3 fo elbaT 1. 5.10.1 ehT esir-erutarepmet fo eht suoirav parts, Rated making and breaking capacity nehw detset rednu eht detar snoitidnoc and ni ecnadrocca htiw 9.2, shall ton deecxe esoht ehT remit syaler stcatnoc shall evah tneiciffus nevig ni elbaT 4. ehT erutarepmet esir fo insula- making and gnikaerb yticapac os as ot teem eht det lioc ni ria shall ton deecxe eht stimil lamronba snoitidnoc hcihw yam ,esira nehw an deificeps ni elbaT 5, nehw derusaem yb noitairav tengamortcele hguohtla ,dezigrene sliaf ot .esolc fo ecnatsiser dohtem as nevig ni fo ehT snoitidnoc ot teem hcus stnemeriuqer era SI 13947 ( traP 1 ) : 1993. nevig ni elbaT 3. ehT detar makmg and -kaerb gni yticapac fo a yaler sdnopserroc ot this .ytud 5.10.2 ehT erutarepmet stimil rof eht ,rotautca ni ralucitrap rof eht parts dednetni ot eb -dnah 5.6.3 roF syaler denifed yb rieht noitazilitu del ni ,ecivres shall eb as nevig ni elbaT 4. ,yrogetac ti is ton yrassecen ot yficeps yletarapes eht detar making and gnikaerb ,yticapac and 5.10.3 ehT esir-erutarepmet stimil era desab no eseht seulav dneped yltcerid no eht noitazilitu eht noitpmussa that eht yaler shall eb detarepo yrogetac nwohs ni elbaT 3. rednu eht ecivres snoitidnoc nevig ni 7. 5.7 Rated Time Setting Range ehT esir-erutarepmet seulav shall eb derusaem ehT detar emit gnittes egnar fo eht yaler shall revo an tneibma erutarepmet ton gnideecxe eb detats yb eht .rerutcafunam 40°C. Table 3 Rated Making dna Breaking Capacities Conditions for Making and Breaking Corresponding to the Utilization Categories ( Clauses,, 5.6.3 and 9.3.1 ) dniK fo yrogetaC roF daoL noitarepO roF detaR gnikaM dna gnikaerB yticapaC tnerruC ----------c -__-----h - . -‘~ #----- .____-~-*--~--~ ~_ C_-__h___--7 ekaM -h---r Break --- -----f ekaM A ,----- r___-*__-__ Break ~ 1 u soc + + I rU +soc $- I u *??oc d $- 1 rU *soc 4 4 gnitanretlA 11-CA 10 el Ue 0’7* - le Ue s4.0 - 11 el 1’1 Ue *7’0 - 11 cI 1’1 eU -*7’0 tnerruc tceriD 1-CD 1 le Ue -- t eI eU - t 1’1 el 1’1 Ve - t 1’1 el 1’1 Ue - f tnerruc I = tnerruc ot eb edam ro ,nekorb U = egatlov erofeb ,ekam IC = detar lanoitarepo ,tnerruc Ue = detar lanoitarepo ,egatlov dna -L - = emit .tnatsnoc R ehT* rewop srotcaf detacidni era lanoitnevnoc seulav dna ylppa ylno ot eht tset stiucric hcihw etalumis eht lacirtcele scitsiretcarahc fo lioc .stiucric tI dluohs eb deton ,taht rof eht tiucric htiw rewop rotcaf 0.4 ( lamron snoitidnoc fo esu 1, tnuhs srotsiser era desu ni eht tset tiucric ot etalumis eht gnipmad tceffe fo eht ydde tnerruc sessol fo eht actual .tengamortcele rcdnUt .noitaredisnoc 4 IS 5834 ( Part 1) : I994 Table 4 Limits of Temperature-Rise (Clauses5.10.1,5.10.2and9.2.3) SI No. Type of Material and Description of Part Temerature-Rise ( Reference Ambien$Temperature : 40°C ) (1) (2) i) tcatnoC :strap a) reppoC C°54 )b revliS ro decaf-revlis detimiL ylelos yb eht ytissecen fo ton gnisuac yna egamad ot tnecajoa .strap nI siht esac fo decaf-revlis ,tcatnoc eht ytitnauq fo revlis gnicaf llahs eb hcus taht retfa gniyrrac tuo htnet-eno fo eht latot -mun reb fo snoitarepo deificeps rof eht lacinahcem ecnarudne tset ereht si llits a suounitnoc reyal fo revlis no eht .stcatnoc fI ti si ton ,os eht tcatnoc llahs eb dedrager sa reppoc .tcatnoc )c llA rehto slairetam dna deretnis slatem To eb deificeps gnidrocca ot eht seitreporp fo eht slatem desu dna detimil yb eht ytissecen fo ton -suac gni yna egamad ot tnecajda .strap )ii slanimreT rof lanretxe detalusni -cennoc *C”56 snoit )iii cillateM strap gnitca sa sgnirps ehT erutarepmet dluohs ton hcaer a eulav at hcihw eht yticitsale fo eht lairetam si .deriapmi roF erup ,reppoc siht seilpmi a latot erutarepmet ton -deecxe gni .C°57 )vi lateM strap ni tcatnoc htiw gnitalusni detimiL ylelos yb eht ytissecen fo ton gnisuac yna slairetam egamad ot eht gnitalusni slairetam )v Manual gnitarepo :snaem a) straP fo latem C°51 )b straP fo gnitalusni slairetam C°52 nehW* ti si nwonk taht eht slanimret lliw eb detcennoc ot erab srotcudnoc ro srotcudnoc detalusni htiw ssalC ,A ,E ,B F ro H slairetam ro dedivorp htiw a eveels fo hcus ,lairetam a esir-erutarepmet fo C°56 si .dettimrep sihT esir-erutarepmet si osla dewolla rof eht noitcennoc fo srotcudnoc htiw rehto gnitalusni ,slairetam dedivorp taht eht esir-erutarepmet fo eht srotcudnoc seod ton esuac yna egamad ot eht noitalusni at eht tniop erehw eht -noc srotcud teem hcae rehto ro yllatnedicca teem suoregnad .strap Table 5 Temper&we Rise Limits for detar eulav and an tneibma ria erutarepmet Insulated Coils neewteb -- 5°C ot + 45°C. esehT stimil ylppa ot cd and ca as .etairporppa ( esuaZC 5.10.1 ) ehT tuo-pord egatlov shall ton eb rehgih than 75 tnecrep ron rewol than 10 tnecrep fo detar Thermal Classification Temperature Rise Limit lortnoc ylppus egatlov U,. of Insulation Coils in Air ehT esolc and pord tuo seulav deificeps evoba (1) (2) “C era elbacilppa retfa eht slioc evah dehcaer a elbats erutarepmet gnidnopserroc ot etinifedni ssalC A 75 noitacilppa fo 100 tnecrep U,. nI eht esac fo ca ssalC E 90 ,slioc eht egatlov stimil ylppa at detar .ycneuqerf ssalC B 100 ssalC F 125 6.2 Limits of Error ssalC H 150 ehT taeper ycarucca fo eht yaler gnitarepo emit NOTE - The noitalusni noitacifissalc fo eht lioc si shall eb nihtiw &- 10 tnecrep neewteb eht tnedneped no eht esu ro noissimo fo ,gnidnob erutarepmet egnar fo -5°C ot + 45°C. gnitangerpmi ro gnitaoc ecnatsbus ni eht -cafunam erut fo slairetam ro ni eht tnemtaert fo detalusni 7 LAMRON ECIVRES SNOITIDNOC .ylbmessa roF ecnatsni sa detats ni ssalC ,E -arepmet erut yam eb desu rof noitanibmoc fo snoitalusni 7.1 Unless esiwrehto ,detats eht syaler shall eb hcihw yam eb nwohs ot eb elbapac fo gnieb detarepo at eht mumixam erutarepmet detats rof siht .ssalc elbatius rof esu rednu eht gniwollof ecivres :snoitidnoc 6 STIMIL FO NOITAREPO )a :erutarepmeT 6.1 Unless esiwrehto ,detats citamuenp-ortcele )1 ecnerefeR tneibma -met 40°C syaler shall esolc htiw yna lortnoc ylppus egatlov erutarep rof erutarepmet U, neewteb 85 tnecrep and 110 tnecrep fo its esir tnemerusaem 5

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