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Preview IS 5346: Synthetic Food Colour - Preparations and Mixtures

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 5346 (1994): Synthetic Food Colour - Preparations and Mixtures [FAD 8: Food Additives] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS5346 :1994 (Reaffirmed2004) 'J.INrf'J2/lfRClJ x:t~<1~ ~ ~- ~ 3tR filJ>fUT- ~ (<;:mT~) Indian Standard SYNTHETIC FOOD COLOUR- PREPARATIONS AND MIXTURES -SPECIFICATION ( SecondRevision) SecondRepnnt JANUARY 2006 (IncludmgAmendmentNo I) UDe 66409962 662.7493 e SiS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK SHAVAN, 9 SAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October1994 PriceGroupJ AMF.NDMF.NT NO. 1 FEBRIJARY 2005 TO IS 5346: 1994 SYNTHETIC FOOD COLOUR PREPARATiONS AND MIXTURES - SPECIFICATiON (Second Revision ) (PaNe I,clause4.4(1)I --Subsuune'Potablewater(conformmgtoIS10500_ 1991)or Packageddnnkmg watertconformmg{OIS 1454J 2004)'for 'Potable water(conformmg10IS10500 J991)' (Page 2, Table I )~Substitute 'IS1699 1995'jill 'IS 16lJ9 1974' (Page 2,clause6.1, hne4and5)- Subsutute '4 of IS 1699 1995'for '401151699 1994' ( Page 3.Annex A )- Substuutc '1699 1995 Method" of sampling and lest for food colours tsecondIn'tHUln" {or'1(,99 Il)()..j. Methods ofsampling and restfor food colours(H!COlldrevl5lOn)' (FAD8) PrunedatPrablullOffsetPress,NewDelhI-2 AMENDMENTNO.2 FEBRUARY 2007 TO IS 5346 : J994 SYNTHETICFOODCOLOUR PREPARATIONSANDMIXTURES SPECIFICAnON (SecondRevision) [Page 1.clause4.4(11»)- Substitute'Commonsalt(conforming(0IS253 : 1985)0'Iodized Salt (conforrnmgto IS 7224 1985)'for 'Ediblecommon salt(confonmngtoIS253 1985)'. (Page 3,AnnexA)- Insertthefollowmgattheappropriateplace. 'ISNo 7224 1985 SpecificationforIlXI!.Zedsalt(firstrevISIon)' (FAD8) ReprographyUnn,BIS,NewDelhi,Ind.uI AMENDMENT NO. 3 MARCH 2010 TO IS 5346 : 1994 SYNTHETIC FOOD COLOUR ― PREPARATIONS AND MIXTURES ― SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) (Page 2, clause 4.7.1) ― Substitute the following for the existing: ‘The product shall be processed, packed, stored and distributed under hygienic conditions in licensed premises as per IS 2491.’ (FAD 8) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India FoodAdditivesSectional Committee,FAD 8 FOREWORD This jndian Standard(SecondRevision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Food Additives Sectional Comrmnee had been approved by the Food and Agriculture Division Council. This Standard was first issued 10 1969. It was revised in 1975 with a view to bringing the standard up to date and to align it with the specifications for baste syntheticfood colour Issued by the FAD/WHO. In that revrsron thescopewas widened to cover syntheticfood colourmixtures, as well as suitable quality of diluents and filler materialsto be used for manufactureof syntheticfood colour preparations Requirements for mixed oxides and copper weredeleted. Thisstandard isbeing revised agam taking Into constderatron the specrficanons laid down under EEC Directives and Canadian Food Laws This revision also Incorporatesthefiveamendments Issued to the earlier revision as well as method oflest for dye content III food colour preparauons which was earlier published as IS 6120. In thrs revision, the tolerancesofestrmated totaldye content from the declaredvaluehad been reviewed Witha view to reduce these. However, on the baSISofdata collected, the tolerances JD the case ofpowderpreparanons were retained at theearlierlevels,whereas in thecase ofhqurd preparations.the negative tolerance was reduced from tbe earher value of 15 percent but the tolerance on the positive Sidewas retained at the earlier level. A limited numberofsynthetic food colours have been permitted under the Prevennon ofFood Adul teration Rules, 1955. Specifications for these basic syntbencfood colourshavealready beenissued bythe Bureau A number ofcornbmanonsofthese colours are prepared WIthor Without diluents and preser vatives so as to develop different shades. This standard specifies therequirementsofsu-chsymhenc food colour preparationsor mrxtureswhich are meant to be used for Impartingcolour In foods In the preparation of thisstandard, due considerauon has been given to the Rules prescribed by the Government of India under Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954. These rules, inter-aha prescribe: "Allfood coloursincluding natural colouring matter and permitted synthetic colours and their preparations or mixtures. excluding saffron and curcumm shall be sold only under the DISCertificationMark.' Due considerationbasalso been given 10the Standards ofWeights and Measures (Packaged Commodi ties) Rules, 1977 The standard IS, however, subject to resrncuona Imposed under these wherever applicable. Forthepurposeofdeciding whether a particularrequirement of this standard IS ccmphed with, the fina.l value, observed or calculated, expressing the result ofa testor analysis,shallbe rounded off'In accordance with IS 2: 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerrcal values trevtsedv, Thenumberof SlgOincant places retained in the rounded off value shouldbe the sameas that ofthe specified value in thrsstandard. Indian Standard SYNTHETIC FOOD COLOUR-PREPARATIONS AND MIXTURES- SPECIFICATION ( SecondRevision) 1 SCOPE vii) Tlrtaricacid(confomingtoIS880:1956) 1.1This Sqndardprescribesthe requirementsand the viii) Glycerine(conformingtnIS 1796:1986) methodsofsamplingandtest(orsyntheticfoodoorour ix) Propyleneglycol,foodgrade(confonning preperanonsandsyntheticfoodcolourmixtures. 10IS [3702,1993) 1 REFERENCES x) Acetic"cid.dilute(conformmg10IS695: 1986) TherndianStandardsgivenat AnnexAarenecessary xi) Sorbitol. food grade (mnConning 10 adjuncts10thisslandard. IS4750,1968) 3 TERMINOLOGY xii) Citricacid(conforming10IS13186:1991) .3.0For tbe puJPOSe ofthis slandatd, the following xiii) Sodium c_l'boRIII.c nd sodium hydrogen definitioIL<>shall apply. carbonate ].1ColourPnoparatiOD xiv) Lactose(conformingtoIS 1000:1989) xv) Ammonium, sodium and potassiumal A preparationcontainingoneormoreofthepemuned ginates(conformingto IS5191:1993) syntheticfoodcojoursalongwithdiluentsand/orfiller materiajsandmeanttoheusedfor impartingco!CM.I[10 xvi) Dextrins foods. xvii) Ethylacetate xviii) Starches :.1..% Mixturr xix) Diethylether A mixture oftwo or more permitted synthetic food xx) Etbanol colourswithoutdiluenlsandfillerD1.Ilerialsand meant tobeusedfor impartingcolourtofoods. xxi) Glycerol mono.diand triacetate xxii) Edibleoilsand fars 4 REQIJIREMENTS xxiii) Isopropylalcohol(conforming10IS11686: 4.1 Permittedsyntheticfoodcoloursusedinthecolour 1986) preparations or in mixtures shall conConn to tbe xxiv) Beeswax(oonfonning00IS1504:1974) relevant specifications prescribed by tbe Bureau of IndianStandards. xxv) SodiuDlandammoniumbydroxide 4': ThecolourpreparationseQuidbeeirberintheform xxvi) Lacticjldd(confonn.i0.n.g..loIS9971 :1981) of a hqwrdorpowder. Powder preparations shall be xxvif) Camgenanandgumarabic(conforming10 reasonably free from lumps and any visibleex IS6795 ,1972)(for uooely} rraneous/torelgn matter, Liquet preparations shaDbe xxvhi) Gel"i.(cooformiDg10fS5719,1970) free fromsediments. xxix) Pectin 4.3 Colourpreparauoasor mixturemaycoatampre servatives'and stabilizers pennilkd under Prevenuon 4.5TotalDy~CODteot ofPOQ(/AdulterationRules;1955. Thetotalsyntheticdyecojuem,percearby mass(mlv) 4A Onlythefollowingdiluentsorfillermatenalsshall in tbe colourpreparalion or in tbe mixture sball be bepermittedtobeused incolourpreparations: declaredonthelabelofthecontainer[see5.1.1(c)l.In i) Potable water (conformingto IS 10500 : powderprepatations tbe declared value shall be on 1991) moisture-freebasis and in case ofliquidprepaabons ii) Ediblecommonsalt(confonning10IS253: on as-in basis. When delf:rmioed by the method 1985) prescribed in Annex B,the tolal dye ccetemshallbe iH) Sugar(Confomting10IS 1679;(960) wJlhinthetolerancelimitsgivenbelowonrbedeclared value: IV) Dextrose monohydrate(conforming10 IS 874,1992) a) Liquidpreparanoes +15percent v) Liquidglurose(oonfonningloIS8n:1974) - 5percent Vi) Sodium sulphate(confonning10IS255 : b) Solidpreparanoes :t7.5 percent 1982) 4-'ThelimilsofIllJPUritiesst..J11bea.r;;giveninTable1. ISS346:1994 1lobIo1Umlloror.......rtues (C""""4.6 ) SINo. MethodofTa:1,Ref IDClauleoC IS.09:197.. (I) (2) (3) (4) WaterInsoIllblematter,peroenlbyIIUlSS 1.0 7 (ondryb8sis),Mitt il) l.e8d(81Ph),mglkg,MlU. 10 IS .. iii) Arsenic(asIv.),mglkg,Max 3.0 IS ) Heavymetals,mglkg,Mru 40 16 4.7 FrNdo..hiliCObia.-IIIaab g) Netmass ingorkg.orlim:orml; PrecautionssblllbetakentoeasurethatlbcDUllerialis b) BatchorcodeDumber, free (romme[CUry~ooppcrandchromiuminanyfotm; j) Expiry dale in case of liquid synthetic food aromaticamines,aromaticnitrocompounds,aroRlllic colour pteparatlons or mixtures containing hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, 2 indigocereune.and napblbyl eaunebenzsdme, amino-4-dipbenyl k) Any otberrequirementsasspecifiedundertbe (xenylaminc)ortheirderivativesand cyanides. StandardsofWetglusf11IdMeasures(Packaged 4.7.1 The productshall be procr.ssed. packed, stored Commoditia)Rules, 1977/PrevemwnofFood and distributed under hygienicconditions Inlicenced AdulJ.eratlO1lRu.les, 1955. preauses (seeIS2491:1972). S.:z.zSISCertifICotionMarlring 5 PACKINGANDMARKING The product may also be marked with tbe Sraodanl 5.1 Packing Mark. The use.oftheStandald Malkisgovernedby The material shall be packed jn glass, mr:laf or theprovisionsofthe Bureau ofIndianStandardsAct, polyethylene containers, or Clrdboard containers 1986and IbeRulesand Regulationsmaddbereunder. suuably linedwith polyethyleneoranyothersuitable The details ofconditionsunderwhicb Ihelicence for containersasagreedtobetweenthe purcbaserandtbe tbeuseofStandardMarkmaybegrantedto maoufac. seller mrers orproducersmay be obtainedfrom IheBureau NOTE - Preparations conranung indigo carmme are ofIndianStandards. known 10 cerenorare dunng storage Manufacturers should,therefore,takeprealulloru.mtllelrIormulancn 6 SAMPLING andpackmg 6.1 Representative samples oftbe material for tests S.z Marking shallbedrawnandcriteriaforascertauuegconformity 10 the requiremems of this specificationsOOIl be 5.2.J Each oontllincr shall be legibly and indelibly determinedaccording10themelbodprescribedin4of markedwith tbe followmgraformation: IS1699, 1994 a) Thewords'SyntheticFoodColourPreparation' 7 TESTS or'SynlbelicfoodColourMixture", b) The names and colour indn, number of the 7.1 Testsshall be carried oulasprescnbedincol 4of various food colours and names of other in Table1. gredient..usedintbe preparattcn; '7~ QoaIltyofReagents c) Percentageoftotalsymheucdyecontent(4.5); Unless specified otberwee, pure cbeancals aud dis d) Listofingredients10descendingorderofcom liltedwater(seeIS1070:1992)sballbeemployedin postnon; tests. c) Sourceofmanufacture; NOTE- 'PurernemlC:als'shall mean chemicalsthat 00 f) Dale ofmenufacnne; nOIcontainnnpunneswtudleffecttheresultsofanalysis. 2

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