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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 5317 (2002): Pitch-Mastic for Bridge Decking and Roads - [CED 5: Flooring, Wall Finishing and Roofing] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” 1. T %J?dhTWi’3 gmtta RiT3?Rw@+ Rf-wh–fmik (v 2-?W ) Indian Standard PITCH-MASTIC FOR BRIDGE DECKING AND ROADS — SPECIFICATION (Second Revision) ICS 93.040;93.080.20 IQBIS2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 September 2002 Price Group 3 Flooring, Wall Finishing and Roofing Sectional Committee, CED 5 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Second Revision) wasadoptedbytheBureauofIndian Standards, afterthedraft finalized by theFlooring, Wall Finishing andRoofing Sectional Committee hadbeen approved bythe Civil Engineering Division Council. Pitch-mastic hasproved tobeasuitable surfacing material forbridge decks, bus stopsand roads. The ability of pitch-mastic toabsorb shocks and vibrations, to self-heal cracks and toprevent bleeding, makes itsuitable for selection asasurfacing material. Butinplaceswhere abundant fueloildrippings areexpected, theuseofpitch- mastic as a surfacing material is not desirable. This standard was first published in 1969. In this revision, Table 1hasbeen revised inview ofbetter suitability ofharder grade bitt!men for use inpitch-mastic surfacing specially where pavement temperature exceeds 50”Cin summer months. Inthisrevisionbesidescertaineditorialchanges,theanti-skidproperties ofpitch-mastic havebeenstrengthened. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard isgiven at Amex B. For thepurpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with 1S2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (rewked)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should bethe sameasthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. p T IS 5317:2002 Indian Standard PITCH-MASTIC FOR BRIDGE DECKING AND ROADS — SPECIFICATION (Second Revision ) 1SCOPE determined in accordance with the method specified inAnnex Cof IS 1195. Thisstandardcoverstherequirements ofpitch-mastic usedasasurfacingmaterialforbridgedecksandroads. 4.3 Aggregates 2REFERENCES The aggregates shallbe ofthe following two types: The Indian Standards given at Annex A contain a) Fine aggregate, and provisions which through reference in this text, b) Coarse aggregate. constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of \ publication. the editions indicated were valid. All 4.3.1 Fine Aggregate standards are subject to revision, and parties to Thefineaggregateshallconsistsofnaturallyoccurring agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate thepossibility ofapplying themostrecent sand and crushed lime stone, or crushed hard-rock. editions of the standards indicated atAnnex A. The grading of the fine aggregates inclusive of the filler isgiven inTable 2, for guidance. 3 TERMINOLOGY Forthepurpose ofthisstandardtheterminology given Table 2 Grading of Fine Aggregate in IS 334 shall apply. sl Passing Retained orI Percent byksa 4MATERIALS No. ISSieve IS Sieve F A T Minimum Maximum 4.1 Bitumen (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Thephysicalproperties ofbitumen usedshallconform i) 75-micron - 0 5 ii) 212-micron 75-micron 10 20 tothosespecifiedinTable 1whentestedinaccordance iii) 600-microrr 212-micswr 5 35 with the method of tests specified therein. iv) 2.36 mm 600-micron o 25 Table 1Physical Properties of Bitumen 4.3.2 Coarse Aggregate .$1 Characteristic Requirement Method ofTest, The coarse aggregate shall consist of hard durable No. Ref to IS No. crushed rock having aggregate impact value of not (1) (2) (3) more than 20 and abrasion value not more than 40 i) Softening point 50-90”C 1205 when tested inaccordance with the method specified (ring and ball method) in IS 2386(Part 4). i!) Penetration at25°C in loto40 ,1203 1/100 cm iii) Ductility at27°C, Min, cm 3 1208 5MANUFACTURE AND COMPOSITION iv) Loss ofheating, percent, 1 1212 Max Themanufactureofpitch-mastic consists oftwo stages. v) Volubility incarbon 99 1216 The first stage shall be mixing of filler and fine disulphide, percent, &fin aggregates and then heating the mixture to a NOTE —Paving bitumen ofGrade S35conforming toIS73and temperature of 170 to 205”C. Required quantity of industrial bitumen ofGrade 85/25 conforming toIS702,aretwo bitumen shallbeheated to 170to 180°Candadded to typica! examples ofbinder which willsatisfy therequirements of thistable. the aggregate. They shall be mixed and cooked in mechanically agitated mixer called mastic cooker for 4.2 Filler 2 to 3 h until the materials are thoroughly mixed. The filler shall be lime stone powder passing During mixing, care shall be taken to ensure that the 75micronISSieveandshallhaveacalciumcarbonate contents in the cooker are at no time heated to a content of not less than 80 percent by weight when temperature exceeding 205”C. 1 Is 5317:2002 . 5.1.1 In cases where the material isnot required for 6 HARDNESS NUMBER immediate use, it shall be cast into blocks weighing 6.1 The pitch-mastic whose composition is given in about 25.kg. Table 3before the mixing of coarse aggregate, shall have hardness number of 60 to 80 at 25“C. 5.2 If required to be verified, the mastic block shall show on analysis a composition within the limits set 6.2After theaddition ofthecoarse aggregate asgiven in Table 3. The analysis of the pitch-mastic shall be in 5.3, the pitch-mastic composition shall have done in accordance with the method specified in hardness number between 10and 20 at 25 “C. Annex Dof IS 1195. NOTE —Therangeofhardnesnsumber Values given under 6,1 and6.2 areonly suggestive and actual hardness number desired Table 3 Composition of Pitch-Mastic maybedecided based onthe~pe binder used andthe pavement temperature. (Without Coarse Aggregates) (Clauses 5.2 and 6.1) 6.3 The hardness number shall be determined in accordance with the method specified in Annex E of SI Requirements Percent byMass IS 1195. No. ofMastic Without Coarse Aggregates 7 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY Minimum Mtzximum (1) (2) (3) (4) 7.1 During Discharge from Mixer O Bitumen 14 17 ii) Passing 75-micron IS Sieve 25 45 Three ormore separate portions ofnotmore than 5kg iii) Passing 212-micron IS Sieve and 8 18 each ofpitch-mastic shall betaken atintervals during retained on 75-micron IS Sieve thedischarge ofthemixer. The specimen shallinclude iv) Passing 600-micron 1SSieve and 4 30 retained on212-micron ISSieve portions taken atbeginning or atthe end of discharge v) Passing 236 micron IS Sieve and O 22 except incases where the practice ofreturning to the retained on 600-micron ISSieve mixer, the first and last portions discharged, is followed. Theportions shallthenbethoroughly mixed 5.3 The second stageshallconsist oftheincorporation atatemperature of 150to205“C.Themixeddischarge of the coarse aggregates. When the pitch-mastic isto shall be floated out on an iron plate with the aid of a be transported directly to the site ofwork, aquantity wooden floattoathickness notlessthan25mm. While of coarse aggregate 6 to 20 mm normal size to form still warm the specimen shall be loosened from the plate and arepresentative portions weighing not less not lessthan 30 percent andnotmore than 50percent than 5kg ifungritted (without coarse aggregate) and by mass of the final mixture shall be added and not lessthan 10kg if gritted (with coarse aggregate) thoroughly incorporated withthemastic inthecooker. shall be forwarded to the laboratory for examination The actual percentage of the coarse aggregates to be with full particulars as given in 7.3. added shall be specified according to design requirements. When the material has been cast into 7.2 Blocks blocks, these shall be reheated in the cooker to a Material in block form shall be sampled by taking temperature ofnot lessthan 170”Candnotmore than approximately equal amounts in pieces from not less 205°C and the coarse aggregate asmentioned before than 6blocks taken atrandom. The total specimen of shalibe thoroughly incorporated inthe mastic. not lessthan 5kg ifungritted and not lessthan 10kg if gritted shall be forwarded to the laboratory for 5.3.1 As an anti-skid measure, the pitch-mastic after examination with fill particulars as given in 6.3. spreading and while still hot and in plastic condition shall be covered with a layer of coarse/Carborundum 7.3 Labelling aggregate 12to20mm sizedepending onthickness of The specimen shall be adequately identified and the mastic layerattherateofabout2to 13kg/m2orabout identification shallprovide forreference toascheduIe 0.15to0.2m2per 100m2.Anti-skidpropertiesofnewly which shall be sent giving the appropriate items for laid mastic shall be ensured by running a pump the following: integrator. The coarse aggregate prior to application a) Name and address of authority giving shall be coated with 2 to 3 percent by weight of instructions for the examination to be S95or S65grade ofpaving bitumen and2to3percent carried out; tiller. Thecoarseaggregate shallberolled orotherwise b) Sample numbe~ pressed intothe surface ofmastic layer. c) Type ofmateriaI; I I F; T Is 5317:2002 d) Typeofbinder; 7.4 Criteria for Conformity e) Typeofaggregates; The pitch-mastic shall be considered as conforming o Specification with which the material is to this specification if the requirements given intended to comply; in5.2,6.1 and 6.2 are satisfied. !3) Name and location ofmixing plant 8 MARKING h) Sample taken before or after laying; j) Date of mixing, ifknown; 8.1 If cast into blocks for storage, the date of manufacture and name of the manufacturer shall be k) Date of laying, ifknown; indicated suitably. m) Date of sampling; n) Sitewhere laid; 8.2 BIS Certification Marking P) Position from which sample was taken; The pitch-mastic may also be marked with the q) Number and nominal thickness of course; Standard Mark. r) Nature of foundation; 8.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by s) Nature of surface treatment (if any); and the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards t) Test to be made, or information sought. Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made 7.3.1 To facilitate testing and interpretation of test thereunder. The details of conditions under which a results, it is essential that as much information as licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be possible shall be given tothe laboratory. grantedtomanufacturers orproducersmaybe obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. ANNEX A (Clause 2) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS ISNo. Title ISNo. Title 73:1992 Specification for paving bitumen 1205:1978 Determination of softening point (second revision) 1208:1978 Determination of ductility 334:1982 Glossaryoftermsrelatingtobitumen 1212:1978 Determination of loss on heating and tar (second revision) 1216:1978 Determinationofvolubilityincarbon 702:1998 Specification for industrial bitumen disulphide trichloroethylene (second revision) 2386 (Part 4): Methods of test for aggregates for 1195:2002 Bitumen mastic for flooring 1963 concrete: Part 4 Mechanical (third revision) properties 1203:1,978 Determination of penetration 3 IS 5317:2002 ANNEX B :, ,/ (Foreword) . COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Flooring, Wall Finishing and Roofing Sectional Cornrnittee, CED 5 ! Organization Representative(s) InPersonal Capacity (A-39/8, DDA Flats, Munirka, NewDelhi 110067) SHRIP.B.VrrAY(Chairman) AllIndiaBrick &TileManufacture Federation, New Delhi SHIUS.P.BANSAL ,,!.;:, Bhor Industries Limited, Mumbai SHSOK.L.SHAH ,, “: SHRIR.K.PATSL(Alternate) Builder’s Association ofIndi~ Mumbai SHRIW.R.TALWAR i’ SHIUPAWANTALWAR(Alternate) I Building Materials andTechnology Promotion Council, New Delhi StnuJ.SaNGWTA CEAT Limited, Hyderabad .SHFsJ.SONDRAM SHRIIhmosrtPAL (Alternate) Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SHRILAmtnuJ,uamorJ SrrraS.K.MrrrAL(Alternate) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi “CmEFENOINSSR(CSQ) Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters, NewDelhi SHtuhfKunrrmsRKAoR SmrrMAnRIVODMAHINDR(AUlternate) Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur SHRIC.S.MSHTA IndiaMeteorological Department, New Delhi SruuA.V.R K.RAO SHIUS.C.GGYAL(Alternate) InPersonal Capacity (C-474B, Sushant Lok Phase I,Gurgaon, Haryana) sHRto.P.R41RA InPersonal Capacity (5-9-1OJLJ,IstFloor, Public Garden Road, SruuMWARAU KHAN Hyderabad 50000~Andhra Pradesh) Indian Institute ofTechnology, Kharagpur Msk AHUIA Institution ofEngineers (India) Limi@ Kolkata %rop.B.VtJAY Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute, Naaik CIDSFENGINEER&DI~R Scmwwrc RESEARCHOFFICER(Alternate) Ministry ofRailways (RDSO), Lucknow Exmrrtvs ENGtNEE(PR&D-II) EXECUTIVEENGtNEE(PR8tD-1)(Alternate) Modem Tiles &Marble, New Delhi sHRIA.C.KAF’COR SHSUSUBHASHKAPOOR(Alternate) National TestHouse, Kolkata SHIOD.K.Kmnmoo SrrRIR.KAPOOR(Alternate) Prodorite Anti-Corrosives Limitedj Chennai SHRIM.ANNAMALAI DRP.SACHINDRAP(,A4fLternate) Projects &Development IndiaLimite4 Sindri DRP.K.JAISWAL SHSUA.K.PAL(Alternate) Public Works Department, Chennai SUPmnmmrmiENGtNEE(PR&D) Exsmrrvs ENGINEE(ARlternate) Rashtnya Pariyojna Nirman Nigarn Limited, New Delhi SHRIR.C.KEHRAM SHRIB.B.KANWAR(Alternate) SteelAuthority ofIndiaLimited, Ranchi %0 s.SAH SHRIRAVSIXAMN.W(Alternate) STP Limited, Kolkata SHRtT.K.ROY SHMB.B.BANERJE(EAlternate) BIS Directorate General SHtGS.K.JMN,Director andHead (Civ Engg) [Representing Director General (Ex-Oflcio)] Member Secretary SHSJR K.GUFTA Joint Director (Civ Engg), BIS (Continued onpage 5 1’1 p; -7 Is 5317:2002 (Corrtirrued~rom page 4) Bituminous Flooring, Wall Covering And Roofing Subcommittee, CED 5:5 Organization Representative(s) InPersonal Capaci~ (B-190, Sector 55,Noido 201301, UttarPradesh) SmrrR.S.SrnrKLA(Convener) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai SSSRPS.C.SIUVASTAVA SriraJ.A.JANAS(Afterrrde) Building Materials andTechnology Promotion Council, New Delhl SHTOJ.%NGLJPTA Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SrmrM.AMAM DRR.S.sRrvAsTAvA(.41ter?rate) Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi thO @XIISK$pAWMSNS ) SsssuSAIFNLWItKUMMt(Afte-) Prodorite Anti-Corrosive Limited, Chennai Sr+ruR SrssravASAN SrauM.ANNAMASA(Alternate) Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi cOLs.K.l-&mA .%rrsuwmUsmoEUKAun(Alternate) Engineers IndiaLimited, New Delhi SSUUJ.K.BHAocsMNomr SrrraS.DAS(Alternate) Hindustarr Petroleum Corporation Limitedj Mumbai SmuS.K.BIWNAGAR SSUUC.V.RAMASWAM(YAlternate) Indian 011Corporation Limited, New Delhi sHruK.v.GuswswAMv LightRoofing L}mited,Chennai SHUA.FSZEUJL~ SrnuV.SrVARU(Afternate) Lloyd Insulation (India) Prk’ate Limited, New Delhi StsruMOrSITKHMWW SmuK.K.MnnA(Aknate) S.N.Industries, New Delhi SriruD.N.ROY SrrruB.MorrM (Alternate) STPLimited, Kolkata &iraT.K.RoY Wasterwork Chemicals Private Limited, Mumbai SmuN. Vzmtm.wr SmuG.R.PARAM@SWAR(AANlternate) 5 !’!

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