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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 5316 (1998): Ammonium carbonate [CHD 1: Inorganic Chemicals] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 5316: 1998 (~J!i!~) Indian Standard AMMONIUM CARBONATE - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) ICS 661:523 0 BIS 1998 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1998 Price Group 7 ,sdicA seilaklA dna sedilaH lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CHD 2 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS tsriF( )noisiveR was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the ,sdicA seilaklA dna sedilaH lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC muinommA etanobrac sdnif evisnetxe esu ni gnikab powders, erif srehsiugnitxe dna gnillems ;stlas for gnihsaw dna gnittafed ,snelloow ,gninnat dna gnitarapes cacao stneutitsnoc as tnadrom ni ;gnieyd ni the erutcafunam of rebbur ,selcitra niesac eulg dna niesac ;sruoloc dna as a tnegaer ni lacitylana .yrtsimehc ehT erup muinomma etanobrac (NH& CO3 si demrof no gnitaert the laicremmoc muinomma etanobrac htiw ainomma dna .sezillatsyrc tI si yrev elbulos ni water dna esopmoced otni ,ainomma nobrac edixoid dna water no .gnitaeh tI sesopmoced ni tsiom ria ot muinomma etanobracib .)30CitHN( sihT dradnats was yllanigro dehsilbup ni 1969. nI siht noisiver cirtemirolac dohtem for noitanimreted of ,sedirolhc yvaeh ,slatem phosphate, setacilis dna cirtemidibruT dohtem for noitanimreted of ruhplus evah neeb detaroprocni as na etanretla .dohtem sihT noisiver osla setaroprocni tnemdnemA No. 1 deussi ni 198 1. ehT noitisopmoc of the eettimmoc elbisnopser for the noitalumrof of siht dradnats si nevig ni xennA .C roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav (revised)‘. The rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 5316 : 1998 Indian Standard AMMONIUM CARBONATE - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE )a edarG 1 - lacitylana ,tnegaer and )b edarG 2 - .lacinhcet 1.1 This standard sebircserp eht stnemeriuqer and eht sdohtem fo sampling and tset rof muinomma 4 REQUIREMENTS ,etanobrac lacitylana tnegaer and .lacinhcet 4.1 Description 2 REFERENCES ehT lairetam shall eb ni eht mrof fo ,drah etihw 2.1 ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb niatnoc tneculsnart enillatsyrc masses ro sebuc ro .redwop tI snoisivorp hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni this ,txet shall evah gnorts odour fo ammonia, sharp etsat and etutitsnoc snoisivorp fo this naidnI .dradnatS At eht enilakla .noitcaer emit fo ,noitacilbup eht snoitide detacidni erew .dilav 4.2 ehT lairetam shall osla mrofnoc ot eht llA standards era tcejbus ot ,noisiver and seitrap ot stnemeriuqer deificeps ni elbaT 1 nehw detset ni stnemeerga desab no this standard era degaruocne ot ecnadrocca htiw eht sdohtem debircserp ni xennA A. etagitsevni eht ytilibissop fo gniylppa eht tsom tnecer snoitide fo eht standards detacidni :woleb 5 PACKING AND MARKING IS No. Title 5.1 Packing 264 : 1976 cirtiN dica dnoces( revision) edarG 1 lairetam shall eb dekcap ni ,selttob and edarG 265 : 1993 cirolhcordyH dica yburth revision) 2 lairetam shall eb dekcap ni denil-citsalp drums. ehT :0701 1992 retaW tnegaer edarg driht( revision) sreniatnoc shall eb ylthgit desolc htiw thgitria lids. 2088 : 1983 sdohteM noitanimretedfo fo cinesra 5.2 Marking dnoces( revision) ehT sreniatnoc shall eb dekram htiw eht gniwollof 3 GRADES :noitamrofni 3.1 ehT lairetam shall evah owt ,sedarg :yleman )a emaN and edarg fo eht ;lairetam Table 1 Requirements for Ammonium Carbonate )4.1.01-Adna4.1.9-A,4.1.8-A,5.1.7-A,4.1.6-A,4.1.5-A,1.2.5,2.4sesua1C( tS ,tseT No. Characteristic Requirement Method of A Ref to Cl No. in f 1 Annex A Grade I Grade 2 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) i) Assay (as NHs), percent by mass,M in 31 30 A-2 ii) Insoluble matter, percent by mass,M ax 0.005 0.005 A-3 iii) Non-volatile matter, percent by mass,M ax 0.01 0.02 A-4 iv) Chlorides (as Cl). percent by mass,M ar 0.0002 0.002 A-S v) Sulphur compounds( as SO.& percent by mass,M ar 0.002 0.005 A-6 vi) Phosphates (as PO& percent by mass,M ax 0.001 - A-l vii) Silicates (as SiOz), percent by mass,M ur o.OaI 5 - A-8 viii) Heavy metals (as Pb). percent by mass,M ax o.GOO2 0.000 5 A-9 ix) Iron (as Fe), percent by mass,M UX 0.000 1 ooo.o 5 A-IO I x) Arsenic content (as AszOs) ppm. Max 2 2 A-l 1 IS 5316: 1998 b) Name of the manufacturer and his recognized 522.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by trade-mark, if any; the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, c) Mass ’fo the material. batch number and date of 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. packing; and The details of conditions, under which the licence for d) The words PEEK‘ YLTHGIT DESOLC NI A the use of Standard Mark’may be granted to LOOC .’ECALP manufacturers or producers may be obtained morf eht naidnI Standards. Bureau of 5.2.1 lluF analytical data for the characteristics given 6 SAMPLING in Table I shall also be given on the label of the containers of Grade I material. 6.1 Representative samples of the material shall be drawn and judged for conformity to the requirements 5.2.2 The containers may also be marked with the of this specification in accordance with the procedure Standard Mark. prescribed in Annex B. ANNEX A (Clause 4.2, and Tuble )1 ANALYSIS OF AMMONIUM CARBONATE A-l QUALITY OF REAGENTS where v = volume in ml of sodium hydroxide A-l.1 Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and consumed by excess of acid, distilled water (see IS 1070) shall be used in tests. N2 = normality of sodium hydroxide NOTE - ‘Pure chcmicals’shnll mean chemicals that do not solution, cohlam Impurities which affect the results of analysis. NI = normality of hydrochloric acid, and 2-A M = mass in grams of the material taken for DETERMINATION OF AMMONIUM the test. CARBONATE A-3 DETERMINATION OF INSOLUBLE A-2.1 Apparatus MATTER A-2.1.1 Gluss-Stoppered Weighing Bottle A-3.1 Procedure A-2.2 Reagents Dissolve 50 g of the sample in 100 ml of water, heat to boiling and digest in a covered beaker on a A-2.2.1 Stundard Hydrochloric Acid - I N. steam-bath for I hour. Filter through a tared filtering crucible, wash thoroughly and dry at IO5 f 2°C. A-2.2.2 Standurd Sodium Hydroxide Solution - I N. A-3.2 Calculation A-2.2.3 Methyl Orange Indicator Solution - Dis- solve 0. I g of methyl orange in I 000 ml of water and Insoluble matter, 100 MI filter. percent by mass = -- M2 A-2.3 Procedure where Accurately weigh a glass-stoppered weighing bottle MI = mass in grams of the residue, and containing IO ml of water. Add 2.0 to 2.5 g of the M2 = mass in grams of the material taken for sample and reweigh. Measure 50 ml of 1 N the test. hydrochloric acid in a beaker, put the weighing bottle A-4 DETERMINATION OF NON-VOLATILE with the sample in it, open the stopper and wash with MATTER water. Add sufficient water to completely cover the weighing bottle and titrate the excess of acid with I N A-4.1 Procedure sodium hydroxide using methyl orange indicator. Accurately weigh about 100 g of the sample into a A-2.4 Calculation tared dish, add IO ml of water, volatilize on a steam-bath and dry for I hour at I05 f 2°C. Assay (as NH,), I .703 (50 NI - v N2) A-4.1.1 evreseR eht residue obtained after drying for percent by mass = M the test for heavy metals. 2 SI 5316 : 1998 etanaycoiht ,xelpmoc eht ytisnetni fo hcihw is A-4.2 Calculation lanoitroporp ot eht edirolhc .tnetnsc ehT ecnabrosba elitalov-noN ,rettam fo this ruoloc is derusaem at 450 mn .htgnelevaw IOOMI tnecrep yb mass = - M2 2.2.5-A Apparatus erehw ni grams fo eht ,eudiser and A- Standard laboratory apparatus MI = mass M2 = mass ni grams fo eht lairetam nekat rof A- Spectrophotometer or photocoforimeter eht .tset lm .yticapac 5-A TSET FOR SEDIROLHC A- Platinum evaporating dish, 60 3.2.5-A owT sdohtem era .debircserp dohteM A shall eb Reagents eerefer dohtem ni esac fo ,etupsid and dohteM B eht A- Ferric ammonium sulphate solution, 0.25 evitanretla .dohtem molll. A-5.1 Method A (Turbidimetric Method) evlossiD 49.02 g fo cirreF muinommA etahplus etardyhacedod ]OzH2l.&OS(&HN(eF[ ni 200 lm fo A-5.1.1 Apparatus etulid cirtin dica tuoba( 1.5 )l/lm-n and etulid ot 500 lm lm .yticapac A- Nessler cylinders - 50 htiw dellitsid .retaw 2.1.5-A Reagents Mercury (II) thiocyanate solution A- Sodium carbonate detarutaS noitulos ni etulosba lyhte .lohocla SI 264. A- Concentrated nitric acid - see Standard chloride solution yletamixorppa Silver nitrate solution - 4 tnecrep .)v/w( hgieW yletarucca 0.165 0 g fo ylsuoiverp deird ta( 500°C) and delooc muidos edirolhc lacitylana( ,)edarg 4;2.1.5-A Standard chloride solution sevlossid ni a rekaeb ni dellitsid retaw and evlossiD 1.648 g fo muidos ,edirolhc deird at 105 f ylevitatitnauq refsnart otni a eno ertil cirtemulov ,ksalf 2’C, ni retaw and etulid ot 1 000 .lm etuliD 10 lm fo etulid ot kram and xim .llew 1 lm fo this noitulos = 100 this noitulos ot 1 000 .lm enO ertilillim fo eht detulid gt.f fo Cl. noitulos sniatnoc 0.01 gm fo edirolhc (as .)lC Dilute standard chloride solution 3.1.5-A Procedure refsnarT 50 lm fo standard edirolhc noitulos evlossiD 2 g fo eht elpmas ni 25 lm fo toh ,retaw add ) otni a lm-005 cirtemulov ,ksalf etulid htiw tuoba 10 gm fo muidos etanobrac and etaropave ot dellitsid retaw ot eht kram and xim .llew 1 lm fo this ssenyrd no a .htabmaets evlossiD eht eudiser ni 20 lm noitulos = 10 pg fo Cl. fo ,retaw retlif ni a relsseN ,rednilyc and add 1 lm fo cirtin dica and 1 lm fo revlis etartin .noitulos etuliD ot Sulphuric acid solution, yletamixorppa 1 50 lm and .xim yrraC tuo a lortnoc tset using 0.4 ,lm moln. ni esac fo edarG 1 ,lairetam ro 4.0 lm ni esac fo ruoP 56 lm fo detartnecnoc ciruhplus dica otni 944 lm edarG 2 ,lairetam fo standard edirolhc noitulos ni ecalp fo dellitsid retaw ,ylwols xim and .looc fo eht elpmas eht’dna emas seititnauq fo rehto stnegaer ni eht emas latot emulov fo eht noitcaer .erutxim 4.2.5-A Procedure 4.1.5-A ehT timil debircserp ni elbaT 1 rof edarG 1 A- Calibration and edarG 2 shall eb nekat as ton gnivah neeb -xe seires fo xis lm-05 cirtemulov ,sksalf refsnart fi eht ytidibrut decudorp ni eht tset htiw eht Into a ceeded standard edirolhc noitulos ) as nevig :woleb lairetam is ton retaerg than decudorp ni eht lortnoc .stset Standard Chloride Corresponding Mass of 2.5-A Solution, lm Chloride (as Cl), kg Method B ( Calorimetric Method ) )noitasnepmoc( 0 0 A-5.2.1 Outline of the Method 2 20 4 40 ehT eudiser tfel retfa noitanimile fo selitalov fo 6 60 muinomma etanobrac is devlossid ni dellitsid retaw ot 8 80 hcihw noitidda fo cirucrem etanaycoiht and cirref 10 100 muinomma ,etahplus secudorp a ylhgih deruoloc cirref 3 IS 5316 : 1998 Add to each, 2 ml of ferric ammonium sulphate A-6 TEST FOR SULPHUR COMPOUNDS solution (A- and 2 ml of mercury thiocyanate solution (A- in that order. Dilute to mark and Two methods are prescribed. Method A shall be mix well. referee method in case of dispute and Method B the alternative method. Allow to stand for I5 minutes, transfer to the cell of spectrophotometer and measure absorbance of 450 nm A-6.1 Method A wavelength with compensation solution in reference A-6.1.1 Apparatus cell. A- Preparation of calibration graph A- Nessler cylinders - 50-ml capacity. Plot chloride content in micrograms as abscissae Vs. A-6.1.2 Reagents corresponding absorbance values as ordinates. A- Sodium carbonate A-5.2.5 Determination A- Concentrated hydrochloric acid - See A- Weigh suitable mass of ammonium IS 265. carbonate containing 50 to I50 pg of chloride (as Cl) accurately to I mg and transfer into a platinum A- Bromine water evaporating dish. Wet the sample with 20 to 30 ml of distilled water and add about IO mg of sodium Shake water with a little liquid bromine till the water carbonate, heat it on a water bath until almost dry. itself becomes reddish brown in colour and a slight Repeat wetting and heating process. Finally add a few excess of liquid bromine remains at the bottom. drops of sulphuric acid solution (A- and A- Dilute hydrochloric acid dissolve in 20-30 ml distilled water and add about IO mg of sodium carbonate. Transfer quantitatively Approximately 1 N. into a’ IOO-ml volumetric flask, make up to the mark with distilled water and mix well. A- Barium chloride solution Filter through Whatman No. 41 filterpaperanddiscard Approximately 10 percent (w/v). a small volume of initial filtrate. A- Standard sulphate solution Transfer suitable volume (25 to 40 ml) into a 50-ml volumetric flask, and 2 ml ferric ammonium sulphate Dissolve 0.148 g of ignited sodium sulphate (Na2S04) solution (A- and 2 ml of mercury thiocyanate in water and dilute to 1 000 ml. One millilitre of the solution (A- in that order, dilute to mark and solution contains 0.1 mg of sulphate (as Sod). mix well. A-6.1.3 Procedure Allow to stand for I5 minutes, transfer to the cell of the spectrophotometer and measure absorbance at 450 Dissolve 2 g of the sample in 20 ml of water, add about nm wavelength. Also determine chloride in blank 10 mg of sodium carbonate and evaporate to dryness. using same volume of distilled water as that of aliquot Dissolve the residue in a slight excess of concentrated used for test with same volume of all other reagents. hydrochloric acid, add 2 ml of bromine water and again evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 4 ml of A-5.2.6 Culcuiutions and Expression of Results water and I ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. Filter in a Nessler cylinder through a small filter, wash with two The chloride content is calculated from the formula: 2-ml portions of water, dilute to 10 ml and add I ml of Chloride (as Cl). percent by mass = M:k AoM& barium chloride solution. Dilute to 50 ml and mix. Carry out a control test in another Nessler cylinder where using 0.4 ml in case of Grade 1 material, or I .O in case MI = mass in micrograms of chloride of Grade 2 material, of standard sulphate solution in corresponding to absorbance of test place of the sample and the same quantities of another solution,. reagents in the same total volume of the reaction M? = mass in micrograms of chloride mixture. corresponding to absorbance of blank solution, and A-6.1.4 The limit prescribed in Table 1 shall be taken MO = mass in grams of ammonium carbonate as not having been exceeded if the turbidity produced in the test with the material is not greater than that in the test portion of the aliquot used for colour development. produced in the control tests. 4 IS 5316 : 1998 h-6.2 Method B (Turbidimetric Method) negligible transmission below 450 nm and above 550 nm. A-6.2.1 Outline of the Method A-6.2.5 Procedure This describes a Turbidimetric method for the determination of sulphates and is applicable when A-6’2*5J calibration sulphate content is less than 0. I percent by mass. Into each of a series of nine SO-ml one-mark volumetric flasks, place the volumes of standard A-6.2.2 Principle sulphuric acid solution (A- as shown in the Neutralization of the test portion (for alkaline salts) following table: with hydrochloric acid and-making it acidic with slight Sulphuric Acid Corresponding excess of hydrochloric acid and precipitation of Solution, ml Mass of SO4, mg sulphate as barium sulphate under well defined conditions. Measurement of turbidity using a 0 0 spectrophotometer (or photocolorimeter) at 470 nm. 5 0.5 10.0 1.0 A-6.2.3 Reugents 15.0 I.5 A- Barium chloride 20.0 2.0 25.0 2.5 A.R. Barium chloride dihydrate of uniform particle 30.0 3.0 size between 0.50 and 1.25 mm, standardized by 35.0 3.0 screening. It is essential that all preparations 40.0 4.0 concerning the determination and standardization shall be carried out using a product of the same particle To each flask, add 2 ml of sodium carbonate size distribution. solution (A- and 5 ml of hydrochloric acid A- Sodium carbonate solution, approx 0.5 solution (A-, stir, dilute to mark and mix mol/l. well. A- Turbidimetric reaction A- Hydrochloric acid solution, approx I m&l. Transfer 25.0 ml of each of the solution dxcept the first A- Hydrochloric acid solution, approx 6 to separate dry IOO-ml beaker each containing 0.15 g mol/l. barium chloride (A- Stir by hand for 1 min A- Standard sulphuric acid solution, 0.05 at the rate of2 cev/s, allow to stand for I5 min at mol/l. 27 f 2’C. Prepare approximately I mol/l solution by pouring 56 Stir by hand and transfer a sufficient quantity of each ml of concentrated sulphuric acid into 944 ml of of the solutions to a cell of the spectrophotometer and distilled water. Dilute 50 ml of th i s solution to I 000 measure the absorbance at 470 nm wavelength. Use ml in a volumetric flask which give s approximately compensation solution to adjust optical zero of 0.05 mol/l solution. Standardize this against a standard spectrophotometer. sodium carbonate solution (0.05 mol/l) prepared by A- Preparation of calibration graph dissolving A.R. Sodium carbonate dried at 260-27O’C. Plot a graph with SO4 content in mg as abscissae Vs. Dissolve 1.324 9 g in distilled water, transfer corresponding absorbance values as ordinates. It quantitatively into a 250-ml flask, make up to mark and mix well. should be noted that the calibration curve is linear only above 0.5 mg SO4. A- Standard sulphuric acid solution, 0.1 A-6.2.6 Determination sulphate per ml. A- Test portion Transfer 20.8 ml of 0.05 moln standard sulphuric acid Weigh to the nearest I mg a quantity of the test sample solution (A- into a I litre volumetric flask, of ammonium carbonatecontaining to4 mg of SO4 and dilute to mark with distilled water and mix well. one transfer into a platinum evaporating dish (A-, millilitre of this solution = 0. I mg SO,. wet the sample with 20-30 ml of distilled water and A-6.2.4 Apparatus heat on the water bath to almost dryness. Then add 5 ml of hydrochloric acid solution (A- and A- Standard laboratory apparatus 20-30 ml of distilled water and heat again on the water A- Platinum evaporating dish, @ml capacity. bath for a few minutes. A- Spectrophotometer or photoelectric Transfer into 50 ml one-mark volumetric flask, cool absorptiometer fitted with filters giving only a and make up to the mark with distilled water. If turbid, 5

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