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Preview IS 5135-1: Hand-Rotary Duster, Part 1: Belly-Mounted Type

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 5135-1 (1994): Hand-Rotary Duster, Part 1: Belly-Mounted Type [FAD 21: Farm Implements and Machinery] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 5135 (Part1) : 1994 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR HAND-ROTARY DUSTER PART 1 BELLY-MOUNTED TYPE ( Second Revision) UDC631"348"46 e BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October1994 PriceGroup 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 NOVEMBER 1997 TO IS 5135 ( Part1) : 1994 SPECIFICATION FOR HAND-ROTARY DUSTER PART 1 BELLY-MOUNTEDTYPE (SecondRevision) (Page3,clause 7.4)- Substitutethefollowing fortheexistingclause: '7.4 When tested inaccordancewith themethod givenin!.4ofIS 12482: 1988, DOleakage ofdUSIshall occur: I) Itanyplaceifsuctionpipe isprovided,or b) It thejointofcasing and its coverjfnosuctionpipe isprovided.' (FAD59) ReJllOlrapby UBi"BIS,NewDelhi,ladia AMENDMENT NO. 2 AUGUST 2000 TO IS 5135 (PART 1) : 1994 SPECIFICATION FOR llANO ROTARY DUSTER PART 1 BELLY-MOUNTED lYPE (SecondRevision] [ Page 2, Table 1, Sl No (VII), cal 3 ] - Substitute the following for the CXI<;tIUg materials. '';ltdll\lunllnlumalloy~1IngloecnngPalsncs/DrIS!>' ( Ti\[) '\9 ) Ittprograrhy UIlII, UI,>,NtWDelhl,lnd.. Crop Protection EquipmentSectionalCommittee,FAD25 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Second Revision) wasadopted byBureau ofIndian Standards after the draft finalized by the Crop Protection Equipment Sectional Committee, had been approved by Food and AgricultureDivision Council. ThisStandardwasfirst published in 1969and revtsed in 1974.A revisionofthe standard has been taken up to incorporate certain improvements found necessary in the light of the modificationssuggested by the testing authorities and the manufacturers. The figures given in the standard are meant only for illustration.Theseshouldnotbeconsideredassuggestiveofanystandarddesign. Hand rotarydusters on the basisoftheir mountingare mainlyoftwotypes:(a) belly-mounted,and (b) shoulder-mounted. This part (Part 1) covers the requirementsofbclty-mounted typedusters while Part2 coversshouldermounted typedusters. For the purposeofdeciding whethera particularrequirementofthisstandard iscompliedwith, the final value, observed or calculated,expressing the result of a test,shall be roundedoff inaccordancewith IS2:1960'Rulesfor roundingoffnumerical values(rc\'ised)'. Thenumberofsignificant placesretained in the rounded offvalueshould be the same asthatofthe specified value in thisstandard. IS 5135 (Pan 1):l.994 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR HAND-ROTARY DUSTER PART 1 BELLY-MOUNTED TYPE ( Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE ISNo. Title 12482: 1988 Methods of test for manually 1.1 Thisstandard(Part1)prescribesmaterial,per operateddusters formance, and other requirements ofhand-rotary duster, belly-mounted type used for dustingpes 3 TERMINOLOGY ticides in powderform. 2 REFERENCES 3.0 Forthepurposeofthisstandard,thefollowing definitions in addition to those given in IS 8480 : The following Indian standards arcnecessaryad 1977shallapply(seealso Fig. 1). junctsto thisstandard: ISNo. Tille 3.1 Agitator 7201 (Part 1): Methods ofsampling for agricul A device which mechanically initiates the move 1987 tural machinery and equipment : mentofthedustwithin thehopper(see3.9). Part 1 Hand tools and hand operated /animal-drawn equip 3.2 Rest Plate ment 8480: 1977 Glossaryofterms relating to crop Acomponentto restthedustercomfortablyon the protectionequipment chestorbellyoftheoperator. ""ND51llP IML.I.'.I.'D._I El.lVcAt.TION IIDIE &!VAIION0#'AN fIG. 1 A TYPICALHAND ROTARYDUSTER, BELLY-MOUNTED1'PYE 1 IS 5135 (Part 1): 1994 3.3 Caslng 4 MATERIAU, Thestationarypartofthe fan(see3.6)whichguides 4.1 The material of construction of various air toand from the impelleroutlet. components of the dustershall beselected from 3.4 Crank col :\ofTable 1.The material should, conform to A component to helpin rotating the gear train. the relevant IndianStandard. Someofthe relevant Indian Standards are given in Annex A for 3.5 Dust Deflector guidance. Acomponenttodirectthepowdertowards thetraget. 3.6 Fan 4.2 All the metallic part~coming in contact with the pesticide should preferably be of the same A rotarydevice which propelsarr continuously. material to minimizeelectrolyticdeterioration. 3.7 Feed Control A deviceto control the feedofthe powder. 4.3 The material used for different components shall bedeclared bythemanufacturerin the manual 3.8 Feeder (see5.14). A device to feed the powder to the apcrture. 5 CONSTRUCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.9 Ilopper A container for holding the dust 5.1 Hopper 3.10 Impeller Thehoppershall haveaconcave shapedorconical The part of the fan (see 3.6) which imparts move bottom so that the .dust contained in it moves rnent to the air byvirtueofrotation, towards the feedingaperture.Ontop ofthe hopper, 3.11 Suction Pipe afiller hole ofat least DO mm in diametershallbe provided. The hole shall becovered with alid. On The pipe through which the fan sucksthe dust. the centre of the lid, a loop or other arrangement 3.12 1'Mu1Mass shall beprovided 10 lift the lid An easilyoperating The massof the duster with all its mountings and locking device may he provided to hold the lid attachments but without anydust in hopper, securely in placedunngoperation. Table I Materia" or Convtructinn01'VUl"iOllS Component (Clause 4.I ) SINo, C"mI'tlneIII "J"h-rl"t (I) (2) l}) I) lIoppcr t\lullllIlllllII,J1lo\ll-nggPI,J\IK II) llopperlid ~..Ill' ,1\tor(I) III) Lid loop '>lcciJ("II".lllIlL'J vrecl.Alunuruum.ll1oyll ngg Plasuc IV) Rc\1 pl<1IC Steell( IIgg1't.I\lIl v) (,cdrhllu,mg CI\llroll/("ll\dIl17cdvtcel/Alurnuuumalloy/l-ngg1'ld\IIC VI) Gear Slct:lfBrI1Il/L'/(,UIl rnet.rl/Nvlon VII) Agll"lor Sh:e1I.\111111UlI1I1\l,1110\il Ilgg 1'1,1,>IIL VIII) (rear,11,111 <;11'e1 L'<) Cr,1I11. Jo ") I ,Ill \hAIt dll XI) I<,cdu 1Il1rol lever G.,I',lllI/L'dvtccl/Br1\\ \11) ll.uullegllp Woodll Ilgg I'I.I\IIC r..« 'III) lol\lIlg GOllv,lIl1lCJ vtcel/Alumuuurn,lllovlLnggPlasuc \IV) I ,1Il unpeller -do- xv) (J<,\lr",lIlJ Gal\,l/lI/cd \lL'clINulIJlO/l"nJlloylSlceJ WI) Fan ~1,1I1d do- \,II) Couplinghove Br,udellru\'bclll'llgg1'ld\11l Will) Srr.rp \\o'ell\\<:bcouon/Svntheuc ~:trn ,\L\) (,a\l.cl vvnrhcuc rubberI Ibre/l'Y( u) H",.:c!<Il11p o.,tcei/("lh,lIl1/<:ll..teel \XI) CII\IIIOI1 10.1111 IlIhberll o.un pl,l\ll( UII) Deliverv 1'1pc I ngg I'I.I\IIL \"\111) Duvtdctlccror do- '-XIV1 Hopperc.I\lIlg (, I' l,1<:d"lIL'I.'I'\ItIlI1IIlIUIII 1110\ 2 IS 5135 (Part 1):1994 5.1 FeedControlDevice 5.U Straps A feed control device with locking arrangement Two straps ofsuitable length and of3.8 cm mini shall be provided to control the flow of dust mumwidthshallbeprovidedin order to helpeasy throughtheaperture.Themechanismshallbecon carriage ofthe duster. The provision for easy ad trolled bya lever from outside ofthe hopper and justment of the length of each strap shall be shall not require any tool for the operation. provided.At theoption ofthepurchasera cushion Provision of an index pointer with marking(or ofminimumof4emwide and 2em thicknessshall theapertureopeningofhopperat positionsclosed be providedwitheachstrapat leastonthatportion 1/4, 112,3/4 andfull shallbe provided. which rests on the shoulder of the operator. The 5.3 Agitator cushion, if provided, shall becovered with cotton, canvas, rexin, PVCorplastic-coated fabrics. An agitator shall be incorporated within the hop per to keep the dust agitated and to avoid the S.U.l The straps and their assembly shall cloggingoftheapertureandfor feeding thedustto withstand the test prescribed in 6.3 of IS 12482 : theaperture. 1988. 5.3.1 The agitator shall withstand the test 5.12 Bearing s.i.orrs prescribedin 12482: 1988. Thegearshaft and fan shaftshall be provided With 5.4 GearBoxand Gears bushbearingsandshallbe dust-proof. Thegear box shall beso designed as to alloweasy 5.13 TotalMass access to gears. A suitablegasket may be provided Thetotal mass ofthedustershall not exceed6 kg. to make the housing dust-proof. A stand may be provided at bottom ofthe box to prevent its dent 5.14 Manual ing. Thegears shall matecorrectlyandshall move The manual shall include technical specificauons smoothly. of the duster, material ofconstruction ofvarious S.S Crank components shown 10 the exploded VIewof the duster, instruction for operauons and mam A crank shall be fitted with the gear shaft WhICh terrance, common faults and their remedies and should function in a clockwise motion. The crank safetyprecautions. shallbe fittedwithahandgripofsufficientsize.The hand gripshallbe in easyreachofthe operator. 6 CAPACllY S.6 RestPlate 6.1 The total capacityofthe hoppershall be from 3 A rest plateshall be fitted on the duster. 0.004 to 0.006 m . The capacity shall be declared bythemanufacturer.Thetoleranceonthedeclared 5.7 Fan capacityshallbe ~ 5 percent. Thefanimpellershallbecoveredwithaleak-prooffan 7 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS casmg, Agasketmaybeused tomake thecasingleak proof. Thefanimpellersnail bestaticallybalanced, A 7.1 The fan shall be able to deliver not less than standmaybeprovidedat thebottomofthe casing, 0.3 m3ofair per minutewhen tested in accordance with the methodgiven in 5.1 ofIS 12482: 1988. 5.8 CouplingHose 7.2 Dust delivery rate shall be adjustable, Dust A flexible coupling hose shall be provided to con delivery shall be conunuous, The delivery rate at nect thefan casingoutletwith the delivery pipein maximum discharge selling shall be not less than case deliver;' pipe itself is non-tlexible. It shall be 150 g per minute when tested in accordance with connected with fan casing outlet and the delivery methodgiven in 5.2 ofIS 12482 :1988. pipewith hoseclips. 7.3 When tested in accordancewith method given 5.9 DeliveryPipe in 5.3of IS 12482: 1988, thedustershallbeableto It may be flexible orrigid type. Ifofflexible type, it throw the dust up to a minimum distance of one shall bedirectlyconnected through hose clip with metre. fan casing outlet. Ifof rigid type, it shall be con 7.4 When tested inaccordancewith methodgiven nected with coupling hose. Thedelivery pipe may in 5.4 of IS 12482 : 1988, no leakage ofdust shall be eitherin asingle pieceor in two pieces. occurat any point in duster. 5.10 Deflector 8 WORKMANSHIPAND FINISH A dust deflector integralwith the deliver;' pipeor .permanentlyfixedortightlyfittedwith thedelivery 8.1 The components of the duster shall have a pipeshall be provided. smooth finish and shall be free from pus, burrs, 3

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