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IS 4474: Textile Machinery - Glossary of Terms Relating to Drafting in Spinning Machinery PDF

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Preview IS 4474: Textile Machinery - Glossary of Terms Relating to Drafting in Spinning Machinery

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 4474 (2003): Textile Machinery - Glossary of Terms Relating to Drafting in Spinning Machinery [TXD 14: Machinery for Fabric Manufacture] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 4474:2003 Ww%vm’m ml–rR@iFF?r-mdT@mw_a w-d% Wwd? ( yK%w7) Ym’7 Indian Standard TEXTILE MACHINERY— GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO DRAFTING IN SPINNING MACHINERY (First Revision) ICS 01.040.59;59.120.10 0 BIS2003 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 March 2003 Price Group 5 ““1 Spinning Preparatory, Spinning and Doubling (Twisting) Machinery Sectional Committee, TX 15 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Spinning Preparatory, Spinning and Doubling (Twisting) Machinery Sectional Committee hadbeen approved by the Textile Division Council. This standard was firstpublished in 1967with the intention ofeliminating ambiguity and confusion arising from local interpretations ofterms relating to drafting inspinning machinery. Inthis standard, thelatestdevelopments indrafting systemhavebeen incorporated tobring itinlinewiththe latest spinning systemprevailing intheindustry. Considerable assistance hasbeenderived from 1S0 2205:1975 ‘Textile machinery and accessories —Drafting arrangements for spinning machines —Terminology’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (1S0). The composition ofthe Committee responsible for the formulation ofthis standard isgiven inAnnex A. .. .*.,.... IS 4474:2003 Indian Standard TEXTILE MACHINERY— GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO DRAFTING IN SPINNING MACHINERY (First Revision) 1SCOPE roller (ordelivery roller), then second, third and fourth: The lastdrafting roller isconsidered as 1.1Thisstandardprescribesdefinitionsoftermsrelating the back roller (or feed roller). to drafting inspinning machinery. b) All the bottom rollers shall be designated with 1.1.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions Roman numerals, such as I,H,III, IV. relatingtodratling havebeengivenunderthefollowing c) Al!thetoprollers shallbedesignated byI-Iindu- sixgroups: Arabic numerals, such as 1, 2, 3, 4. In the a) Drafting system, designation of slipdrafi roller, there should.be an additional, small letter, such as a,b, c, after b) Numbering ofthe drafting rollers, the numeral designation (for example, 2a). c) Pressure devices for the drafting system, d) The drafting system should always be d) Individual parts of drafting system, represented insuchaway thatthe sliver orrove e) Length of drafting zone, and of fibres isfed from the right. t) Types of drafting systems. 2.3 Pressure Devices for the Drafting System 2 DEFINITIONS 2.3.1 Pressure byCounter Weight 2.1 Drafting System — Partofthespinningmachinery 2.3.2 Pressure bySprings for drafting a sliver or roving made out of natural or man-made fibres or a blend of natural/man-made 2.3.3 Pneumatic Pressure fibres, with or without twist between several pairs of 2.3,4 Hydraulic Pressure rollers rotating at successively increasing circum- ferential speeds. 2.3.5 Magnetic Pressure 2.1.1 Draft— Ratioofsurfacespeedofdeliveryrollers 2.3.6 Load on the Top Rollers-Load exerted on top to the surface speed of feed rolle r s. roller (single or double boss) inkg. 2.2 Numbering of the Drafting Ro llers 2.3.7 Line ofPressure— Line of contact on which the a) The rollers of a drafting system shall be pressure acts. numbered in the direction opposite to the 2.4 Individual Parts of Drafting System movement of the fibres (with the observer in front ofthedrafting rollers), firstbeing thefront 2.4.1 See Fig. 1and Fig. 2. ~— TOTALDRAFTINGFIELD ---+ ROLLER BOTTOMROLLERS(1,11,11A[NO[V) ‘LLER FIG. 1 TYPICAL4-ROLLERDRAFTINGSYSTEM 1 ,. .. ,. IS 4474:2003 FRONTCONDENSER MIODLECONOENSER ROVINGORSLIVER GUIDE (FLOATING)7 \ 7 ---- . n #!rmuN DAN — TRAVERSE BAR FOR TRAVERSE BAR “’=’ni’ ““.LEY MIDDLECONOENSER FOR ROVINGOR SLIVER FRONT CONDENSER BACK DRAFTING4- L DRAFTING ZONE 1+ ZONE ZONE . ~ TOTALDRAFTING FIELO—~ FIci.2 TYPICAL4-ROLLER,DOUBLE-APRON,2-ZONEDRAFTINGSYSTEM .- ;) ;1 2.4.2 Bottom Rollers— Fluted or knurled rollers, Recessed toprolIer—Top roller with recessto controlled and generally coupled together by screw drafi fibres lengthsgreater than the individual drafiing threads over the whole length of the machine and zones (see Fig. 3). positively driven. 2.4.5 GuidingofTopRollers— Thetoprollersareheld Front (or delivery) bottom roller— Bottom and guided either laterally or by the central arm. For roller situated atthe delivery ofthe dratling. central suspendedtoprollers, thetop armnotonly acts as a support but also as a lever for imparting the Intermediate bottom roller —Bottom roller pressure. The top roller saddles can either be f~ed or situated between the front andtheback bottom rollers. adjustable (seeFig.4and Fig. 5). Back (orfeed) bottom roller— Bottom roller 2.4.6 Traverse Bar—Bar with holes or condensers over which the roving or sliver enters the drafting. for guiding the roving or sliver fed and imparting a reciprocating movement. 2.4.3 TopRollers—Rollersplacedontopofthebottom rollers, which grip theroving orsliverbypressure and 2.4.7 Cradle— In case of apron drafting systems guide ittowards the front roller. cradles are employed for guiding the top and bottom aprons(see Fig. 6). Front (or delivety) top roller —Top roller situated atthe delivery of the drafting. 2.5 Length ofDrafting Zone— Thedistancebetween thepressure points ofanytwoadjacent pairs ofrollers, Intermediate top roller— Top roller placed whichhave different delivery, speeds. between the front and back top rollers. 2.5.1 TotalDrafiingField— The distancebetween the Slip draft roller— Top roller, whose weight is feedand delivery points ofthe drafting system. suchthat the fibres can slipone beside the other. Back (orfeed) top roller—Top roller under 2.6 Types ofDrafting Systems—The varioussystems arehere represented horizontally; positions other than which the roving orsliver enters the drafting. horizontal are possible in the actual machine. The 2.4.4 Typesof TopRollers (Single Boss orTwinBoss) drafiing system maybe inclined tothe horizontal. Fixed-boss top roller-–The top roller in 2.6.1 2-Roller Drafting —The 2 top rollers exert which the boss isfixed with respect to the axis of the pressure (seeFig. 7). roller. 2.6.2 3-Roller Drafting — The 3 top rollers exert Loose-boss top roller— The roller in which pressure (see Fig. 8). the bosscan rotate independently aboutthe axisofthe 2.6.3 4-Roller Drafting— The 4 top rollers exert arbour and of one ofthe following two types: pressure (seeFig. 9). a) With removable boss, and 2.6.44 Roller, 2-Zone Drajing—See Fig. 10. b) With non-removable boss. 2 .. IS 4474:2003 2.6.5 Multiple-Zone Drafting— Drafting system 2.6.17 Double-Apron, 4-Roller Drafting —Drathg containing several drafting zones one afler the other with 4 rows of rollers and top apron passing over top (see Fig. 11). roller 2 and long bottom apron passing over bottom roller 11,apron bar and atension pulley or cradle (see 2.6.6 3-Roller Drajiing with a Slip Drafi Roller — Fig. 23). System of drafting with 3rows ofrollers having aslip draft roller 2aonthe intermediate bottom roller 11(see 2.6.18 Double-Apron, S=Roller Drafting — Dratling Fig. 12). with 5rows of rollers and top apron passing over top roller 2 and long bottom apron passing over bottom 2.6.7 5-Roller Drafiing with Slip Draft Rollers —The roller II, apron bar and atension pulley or cradle (see front and back rollers are provided with top rollers Fig. 24). exerting pressure; but other three intermediate rollers are slip drafl rollers (seeFig. 13). 2.6.19 5-RoIler, 2Double-Apron Drajling —Draf?ing with 5rows of rollers having two top aprons passing 2.6.8 Doubie Pressure-Point Dra@ing CaIied3 on4— separately over intermediate top rollers 2 and 4 and Drafling system in which the 2 intermediate bottom two long bottom aprons passing separately over rollers are provided with only one top rol}erexerting intermediate bottom rollers 11and IV, apron bar and pressure (seeFig. 14). tension pulleys or cradles (see Fig. 25). 2.6.9 2-Double Pressure-Point Drafting— Drafiing 2.6.20 4-Roller, 2Double-Apron Drafiing —Drafting system which has one front and one back roller with with 4 rows of rollers having two top aprons passing toproller inaddition tothe lower intermediate rollers, separately. Intermediate top rolIers 2 and 4 and two ofwhich each pair of bottom rollers has only one top long bottom aprons passing separately over roller (seeFig. 15). intermediate bottom rollers 11and IV, apron bar and tension pulleys or cradles (see Fig. 26). 2.6.10 3-Roller Single-Apron Drajiing— Draftingwith 3pairsofrollerswithalongbottomapronroundbottom 2.6.21 Rotating Funnel Drafiing — The arrangement rollerII,apronbarandatensionpulleyorspring-loaded contains afeedroller and adrafting roller over both of cradle (see Fig. 16). which there aretop rollers; between the two there isa rotating fimnel and aguide plate (seeFig. 27). 2.6.11 4-Roller, Single-Apron Drafting —An alternative to 2.6.10 but with 4 rows of rollers (see 2.6.22 Gill Pins Drafling —There are3rowsofrollers Fig. }7). withslipdraftrollerandneedle shapedgillpinssituated between the fkontrollers and the intermediate rollers 2.6.12 4-Roller, Single-Apron Drafting with Several (seeFig. 28). Slip Draft Rollers —Drafting with 5 top rollers, 4 bottom rollers and longbottom apronpassing overtwo 2.6.23 Intersecting Gill Pins Drafting — There are 3 intermediate bottom rollers and a tension pulley or rowsofrollers with slip draft rollers inthe middle; the cradle and three intermediate slip draft rollers (see double setofneedle like gillpins are situated between Fig. 18). thefront and intermediate rollers (see Fig, 29). 2.6.13 4-Roller, Double-Apron Drafiing — Dratling 2.6.243 Over 4 Drafting System —The middle top with 4 rows of rollers having top apron guided by 2 pressure roller issupported ontwobottom rollers. The intermediate toprollers andlongbottom apron passing twobottom rollers arecarried inacommon cradle and over2intermediate bottom rollers andatensionpulley arenot adjustable relative to each other. Pressure bar or cradle (seeFig. 19). alsohelps inbetter fibre control (see Fig. 30). 2.6.14 Short Double-Apron Draj?ing — Drafting with 2.6.25 4 Over 3 Drajiing System— The 4th roller 3 rows of rollers having short top and bottom aprons added to the 3 roller system, has somewhat lower passing over themiddle row ofrollers and2tensors or loading. Itactsasaguidetothedelivery roller directing 1double tensor (see Fig. 20). the web in a curve around the groove roller (see Fig. 31). 2.6.15 Double-Apron, 2-RolIer Drafting (Drafting in One Zone) —Drafting with 2 rows of rollers having 2.6.265 Over 4Dra~ingSystem-Five rollers reston top apron passing overbacktoproller andlongbottom two largeandtwosmallnon-adjustable bottom rollers. apron passing over back bottom roller, apronbaranda The pressure rollers are suspended from two yokes. tension pulley or cradle (see Fig. 21). Drafiing iscarried out in field B (Break draft) and in field A (Main draft). In the main drafting field, a 2.6.16 Double-Apron Drafting (Short Top Apron and pressurebarensuresfm guidance particularly forshort Long Bottom Apron) —Drafting with 3rowsofrollers fibres. Thedrafting arrangement isaligned onacurve andtopapronpassing overtoproller 2andlongbottom resulting intheflowofmaterial from thevertical plane apron passing over bottom roller II, apron bar and a into ahorizontal (seeFig. 32). tension pulley or cradle (see Fig. 22). 3 . 1 1S 4474:2003 FIG.3 RECESSEDTOPROLLER FIG.6 CRADLE --- T =11= E4 tj - CENTRAL TOP -4 WEIGHTING DR:&T~NG F4 ARM L t; FIG.7 2-ROLLERDRAFTING FIG.4 CENTRALGUIDE ““T’NG*%a” FRONT FIG.8 3-ROLLERDRAFTING FIG.5 LATERALGUIDE + TOTALDRAFTING FIELD+ FIG.9 4-ROLLERDRAFTING 4 .. - *.A --- IS 4474:2003 3 1 + + I TOTAL DRAFTING FIELD TOTAL DRAFTING FIELD 4 FIG.10 4-ROLLER,2-ZONE DRAFTING FIG.14 DOUBLEPRESSURE-POINDTRAFTING -TOTAL DRAFTING FIELD ,—4 F TOTALDRAFTINGFIELO--l FIG. 11 MULTIPLE-ZONEDRAFTING FIG. 15 2-DOUBLEPRESSURE-POINDTRAFTING 3 * WI x$+ -@l TOTAL DRAFTING FIELD t- k- TOTAL DRAFTING FIEL~ FIG. 12 3-ROLLERDRAFTINGWITHASLIPDRAFT ROLLER FIG. 16 3-ROLLER,SINGLE-APRONDRAFTING ~— TOTALORAFTINGFIELD-~ 4 FRONT OR;;WENG 1- TOTAL DRAFTING FIELD 4 FIG.13 5-ROLLERDRAFTINGWITHASLIPDRAFT ROLLER FIG. 17 4-ROLLER,SINGLE-APRONDRAFTING 5

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