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IS 4372: Textiles-Cloth,twill,wool khadi,dyed-Specification PDF

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Preview IS 4372: Textiles-Cloth,twill,wool khadi,dyed-Specification

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 4372 (1994): Textiles-Cloth,twill,wool khadi,dyed-Specification [TXD 8: Handloom and Khadi] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” SI 2734 : 4991 Indian Standard TEXTILES- CLOTH,TWILL, WOOL KHADI, DYED-SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) UDC 677’31’074’162’53 Q BIS 1994 . BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 3 August 1994 mooldnaH dna idahK lanoitceS ,eettimmoC XT 08 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF noisiveR ) was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the mooldnaH dna idahK lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the elitxeT noisiviD .licnuoC sihT dradnats was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1967. sihT dradnats has neeb desiver ot emocrevo seitluciffid deretnuocne yb the idahk yrtsudni ni noitatnemelpmi of the .dradnats gniwolloF are the tnatropmi segnahc deirrac tuo elihw gnisiver siht :dradnats a) secnareloT no htgnel dna htdiw as deifiton yb the tnemnrevoG of aidnI rednu Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 ( 43 of 1958 ) evah neeb adopted. )b roF gnikcehc the ytimrofnoc of the htolc ot the stnemeriuqer dial nwod ni the ,dradnats a noisivorp has neeb edam for gnitset of the selpmas ni gniliaverp cirehpsomta .snoitidnoc ,revewoH ni case of ,etupsid the selpmas llahs eb tested after gninoitidnoc ni the dradnats cirehpsomta .snoitidnoc c) ehT dradnats sedivorp for tnemeerga neewteb the reyub dna the relles htiw respect ot elbissimrep rebmun of defects ni the .htolc roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb ,dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gmdnuor off laciremun seulav ( revifed )‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 4372 : 1994 Indian Standard TEXTILES -CLOTH, TWILL, WOOL KHADI, DYED - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE ehT nelloow nray desu ni the erutcafunam of htolc llahs eb nups-dnah morf 52s ytilauq loow dna free 1.1 This dradnats sebircserp lanoitcurtsnoc sralucitrap morf erutximda of loow-non .serbif ehT etamixorppa dna other stnemeriuqer of htolc ,lliwt loow ,idabk tnuoc of warp dna weft may si nevig ni elbaT 1. .deyd 4.2 Cloth 1.2 sihT dradnats does ton yficeps the lareneg ,ecnaraeppa ,leef ,hsinif etc, of the .htolc 4.2.1 The htolc llahs eb nevow ni 2/2 lliwt .evaew 2 SECNEREFER 4.2.2 ehT htolc llahs eb ,naelc ,deruocs dna free morf grease, soap, gnillif or yna other erutximda hcihw ehT naidnI sdradnatS detsil at xennA A are yrassecen dluow evig suoititcif ,thgiew ecnatsbus or ssenmrif stcnujda ot siht .dradnats ot the .htolc 3 CIREHPSOMTA SNOITIDNOC ROF 4.2.3 ehT htolc llahs eb deyd ot shades as agreed GNITSET ot neewteb the reyub dna the .relles tseT snemiceps yam eb denoitidnoc dna tested ni the 4.2.4 ehT htolc llahs evah a dellim .hsinif gniliaverp cirehpsomta snoitidnoc for gnikcehc the ytimrofnoc of the htolc ot the .dradnats ,revewoH 4.2.5 fI deriuqer yb the ,reyub the htolc llahs eb ni case of ,etupsid the snemiceps llahs eb denoitidnoc defoorphtom ( see SI 11662 : 1986 ). dna tested ni the dradnats erehpsomta as deificeps ni the referred naidnI sdradnatS no test .sdohtem 5 STNEMERIUQER 4 ERUTCAFUNAM 5.1 lanoitcurtsnoC sralucitrap dna gnikaerb daol of the htolc llahs mrofnoc ot the stnemeriuqer deificeps 4.1 Yarn ni elbaT 1. Table 1 Constructional Particulars and Breaking Load Requirements of Cloth, Twill, Wool Khadi, Dyed ( CInrlses 4.1 and 5.1 ) tnuoC of nraY mdlsdhE md/skciP ssaM Breaking Load (for guidance only) 2mlg no 15 x 20 cm Universal Count strip in (Woollen Count*) Newton V’- c- Weft Warp tfeW (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 001 xet x 2 001 xet 811 49 574 1 083 1 080 )2/s91( )s91( elbuod ecnareloT - - 52 5+ 5? 01- 01- tnecrep dohteM - - IS 3691 : 1891 IS 4691 : 0791 IS 9691 : 5891 fo Test ro xennA B ETON - ynA esaercni ni seulav fo ,md/sdne mdiskcip ro ssam ?m/g( dnoyeb evitisop ecnarelot llahs ton eb a esuac fo noitcejer fo eht .cirbaf * erihskroY 1 IS 4372 : 1994 5.2 The htolc llahs osla mrofnoc ot the other 5.5.2 The ydotsuc of the delaes elpmas llahs eb a stnemeriuqer deificeps ni elbaT 2. rettam of roirp tnemeerga neewteb the reyub dna the .relles 5.3 Dimensions 6 GNIKRAM htgneL dna htdiw of the htolc nehw denimreted ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 1954 : 1990 llahs eb as agreed 6.1 ehT htolc llahs eb ylbatius dekram htiw the ot neewteb the reyub dna the relles or as deralced gniwollof :noitamrofni yb the relles tcejbus ot the secnarelot deifiton yb the tnemnrevoG of ,aidnI yrtsiniM of ecremmoC dna a) emaN of the ;lairetam yrtsudnI ediv noitacifitoN No. S.O. 2937 dated 20 )b htgneL )m( dna htdiw ;)mc( dna rebmetpeS 1962 deussi rednu Trade andMerchandise c) noitacidnI of the ecruos of .erutcafunam Marks Act 1958 (43 of 1958) ( see xennA C ). 6.2 BIS Certification Marking 5.4 Freedom from Defects The htolc yam osla eb dekram htiw the dradnatS Mark. 5.4.1 The htolc nehw yllausiv detcepsni llahs eb as far as elbissop free morf rojam swalf nevig ni 6.2.1 ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb xennA D. ,revewoH the rebmun of elbissimrep swalf per tinu htgnel yam eb agreed ot neewteb the reyub the snoisivorp of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act dna the .relles 1986 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT sliated of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw ecnecil for the esu of the dradnatS Mark yam he detnarg ot 5.4.2 roF sliated of the swalf denoitnem ni 5.4.1, srerutcafunam or srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf a ecnerefer yam eb edam ot SI 4125 : 1987. the uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS 5.5 Sealed Sample 7 PACKING 5.5.1 nI order ot etartsulli or yficeps the elbanimretedni sselnU esiwrehto agreed nopu yb the reyub dna the ,scitsiretcarahc hcus as lareneg ,ecnaraeppa leef dna ,relles the htolc llahs ylbareferp eb packed ni selab shade, fi a elpmas has neeb agreed nopu dna ,delaes or cases ni ytimrofnoc htiw the erudecorp dial nwod the ylppus llahs osla eb ni ytimrofnoc htiw the elpmas ni SI 32 : 1971 or SI 741 : 1971. ni hcus respects. Table 2 Other Requirements for Cloth, Twill, Wool Khadi, Dyed ( Clause 5.2 ) Chnrncte~tka Reqtdrement Method of Test (1) (2) (3) 1) Dimensional changes IS 665 : 1989 percent, Max a) Warp 2.5 b) Weft 2.0 : 2) pH value of the 5.0 to 7.5 IS 1390 1983 aqueous extract (cold method) 3) Colour fastness : a) Light 5 or better IS 686 1985 Or : IS 2454 1985 b) Washing : Test 1 IS 687 : 1979 i) Change in colour 4 or better ii) Staining on fabric 4 or better : c) Organic solvent IS 688 1988 i) Change in colour 4 or better ii) Staining on fabric 4 or better : d) Hot pressing IS 689 1988 i) Change in colour 4 or better ii) Staining on fabric 4 or better : e) Perspiration IS 971 1983 i) Change in cotour 4 or better ii) Staining on fabric 4 or better 2 I \ , SI 4372 : 1994 8 SAMPLING Table 3 Sample Size 8.1 Lot toL Size Sample Size Sub-sample Size The ytitnauq fo htolc dereviled ot eno reyub against eno hctapsed eton shall etutitsnoc a .tol (1) (2) (3) 8.2 ehT ytimrofnoc fo eht tol ot eht suoirav up to 25 3 2 stnemeriuqer deificeps ni eht standard shall eb 26 to 50 5 2 denimreted no eht basis fo stset deirrac tuo no eht 51 and above 8 3 samples detceles morf eht .tol 8.3 Unless esiwrehto ,deerga eht rebmun fo seceip 8.3.1 roF noitceles fo samples at modnar morf detceles at modnar rof noitcepsni shall eb ni ecnadrocca eht ,tol erudecorp nevig ni SI 4905 : 1968 yam eb htiw elbaT 3. .dewollof 8.4 Number of Samples and Criteria for Conformity tI shall eb as :swollof Characteristics Number of Samples Criteria for Conformity Ends, ,skcip mass, htgnel gnidroccA ot 1oc 2 fo elbaT 3 llA eht tset seceip shall teem eht htdiw and modeerf morf deificeps stnemeriuqer stcefed lanoisnemiD ,segnahc ruoloc gnidroccA ot 1oc 3 fo elbaT 3 llA eht tset seceip shall teem eht ,ssentsaf Hp eulav and deificeps stnemeriuqer gnikaerb daol ANNEX A (Cluz.ue2) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS SI No. T i tle IS No. Title 32 : 1971 edoC rof yhtrowaes gnigakcap fo 689 : 1988 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam ot toh nelloow and detsrow may and htolc ( second revision ) _ gnisserp ( first revision ) 665 : 1989 selitxeT - noitanimreteD fo 741 : 1971 edoC rof inland gnigakcap fo nelloow and detsrow may and htolc lanoisnemid segnahc fo scirbaf gniniatnoc loow on soaking in water ( tsrif revision ) ( firsf revision ) 971 : 1983 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam ot 686 : 1985 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam ot noitaripsrep ( first revision ) thgilyad ( first revision ) 1390 : 1983 Methods rof noitanimreted fo Hp eulav fo suoeuqa stcartxe fo elitxet 687 : 1979 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo slairetam ( first revision ) ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam ot washing : tseT 1 ( dnoces 1954 : 1990 noitanimreteD fo htgnel and htdiw revision ) fo nevow scirbaf - Methods ( second reyision ) 688 : 1988 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo .ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet 1963 : 1981 Methods rof noitanimreted fo sdaerht rep tinu htgnel ni nevow scirbaf materials to organic solvents (fist ( dnoces noisiver ) revision ) 5 . . SI 4372 : 1994 1964 : 1970 Methods for noitanimreted of ssentsaf of elitxet slairetam ot thgiew per erauqs ertem dna laicifitra thgil nonex( )pmal (first thgiew per raenil ertem of scirbaf revision ) ( first revision ) 4125 : 1987 yrassolG of smret gniniatrep ot 1969 : 1985 Methods for noitanimreted of defects ni scirbaf ( tsrif gnikaerb daol dna noitagnole of noisiver ) nevow elitxet scirbaf ( dnoces revision ) 4905 : 1968 Method for modnar gnilpmas 2454 : 1985 Methods for noitanimreted of ruolcc 11662 : 1986 evitavreserP tnemtaert of selitxet ANNEX B ( Table 1 ) DOHTEM ROF NOITANIMRETED FO SSAM FO CIRBAF B-l tuC ruof snemiceps of 100 mm x 100 mm morf enimreted rieht evitcelloc ssam ni gnihgiew ecnalab a .elpmas noitidnoC lla the snemiceps ni the rotaccised ot the tseraen .margillim charged htiw detarutas noitulos of muidos etartin at 27 + 2OC for a doirep of 24 .sruoh evomeR lla the snemiceps morf the rotaccised dna yletaidemmi 2-B etaluclaC ssam of cirbaf ni .”m/g ANNEX C ( Clause 5.3 ) STCARTXE MORF EHT TNEMNREVOG FO ,AIDNI YRTSINIM FO ECREMMOC DNA YRTSUDNI ( EDART DNA DESINAHCEM SRRAM ) NOITACIFITON NO. S.O. 2937, DETAD 20 REBME-lFES 1962 1. A trade noitpircsed of htgnel depmats no htdiw dedivorp that the noitairav ni htdiw worsted, nelloow dna yddohs eceip goods, the lautca at yna tniop si ton erom naht 2 tnecrep dna htgnel of the eceip llahs ton eb ssel naht depmats no egareva ton erom naht 1.5 .tnecrep .htgnel )ii ni seceip of nelloow dna yddohs eceip goods, 2. A trade noitpircsed of htdiw depmats no worsted, the depmats htdiw llahs ton eb greater or nelloow dna yddohs eceip :sdoog ssel naht the lautca htdiw dedivorp that the noitairav ni htdiw at yna tniop si ton erom )i ni seceip of worsted ,cirbaf the depmats htdiw naht 3 tnecrep dna no egareva ton erom naht llahs ton eb greater or ssel naht the lautca 2 .tnecrep SI 4372 : 1994 ANNEX D ( Clause 5.4.1 ) LIST OF MAJOR FLAWS 1) More naht eno tnecajda dne gnissim ni the 11) elbaecitoN warp or weft taolf ni the ydob ydob of the lairetam gninnur tuohguorht the of the .cirbaf eceip or erom naht three sdne gnissim at a ecalp dna gninnur revo 25 mc or yltnenimorp 12) elbaecitoN lio or other niats ni the elbaeciton elbuod dna gninnur tuohguorht the .cirbaf .eceip 13) yliO weft ni the .cirbaf 2) desserdnU slrans elbaeciton revo a htgnel gnideecxe 5 tnecrep of the htgnel of 14) yltnenimorP elbaeciton buls or ybbuls weft the .eceip or ngierof rettam hcus as ,rulb ,sgiwt ,sevael straw, etc. 3) hsamS yletinifed gnirutpur the erutxet of the .cirbaf 15) suoucipsnoC nekorb .nrettap 4) ,eloH tuc or tear other naht nip .seloh 16) yltnenimorP elbisiv tonk of warp or weft nray deit otni gnivah hard .noitcejorp 5) delkcoC hsinif gnisuac evitcefed ecnaraeppa ni erutxet of .cirbaf 17) tnenimorP egdevles defect. 6) tnenimorP llim sgir hcus as detlef sdlof dna crease decudorp gnirud .gnillim 18) tnacifingiS gnidahs or gnitsil ni scirbaf gnivah a laudarg egnahc ni enot or depth of shade 7) tnenimorP water skram lla revo the .htolc of cirbaf gnidulcxe( egdevles or redaorb gninnur lellarap ot the .)egdevles S) tfeW crack of two or erom gnissim skcip across the htdiw of the .cirbaf 19) yltnenimorP elbaeciton gnieyd defects hcus 9) tfeW rab eud ot the ecnereffid ni raw ,lairetam as ,yhctaP ykaerts or nevenu .gnieyd ,tnuoc ,tsiwt ,retsul ,ruoloc shade or kcip gnicaps of tnecajda spuorg of weft snray 20) gnilliM dna gniruocs defects hcus as excess gnitrats( .)kram or ycneicifed of revoc eud ot ecnereffid ni 10) More naht two tnecajda sdne gninnur ,lellarap ,gnillim gniruocs or .gnisiar nekorb or gnissim dna gnidnetxe dnoyeb 10 .mc 21) gnilliP or evitcefed .gnisiar 5

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