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Preview IS 4227: Texties - Braided nylon cords for aerospace purposes

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 4227 (1998): Texties - Braided nylon cords for aerospace purposes [TXD 13: Textile Materials for Aerospace Purposes] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 4227 : 1998 ( Amalgamating IS 4437 : 1973 ) Indian Standard SELITXET - DEDIARB NOLYN CORDS ROF ECAPSOREA PURPOSES - NOITACIFICEPS ( Second Revision ) ICS 59.080.50 0 BIS 1998 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 _--. July 1998 Price Group 4 elitxeT slairetaM rof ecapsoreA sesopruP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC XT 13 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb uaeruB,eht fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht elitxeT slairetaM rof ecapsoreA sesopruP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht elitxeT noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard, hcihw was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1967 and yltneuqesbus desiver ni 1981, has neeb nekat up rof noisiver ot revoc suoirav seiteirav fo nolyn dediarb sdroc deificeps ni tnereffid snoitacificeps laid nwod yb etarellortnoC fo ytilauQ ecnarussA selitxeT and ,gnihtolC rupnaK and laireA yrevileD hcraeseR and tnempoleveD ,tnemhsilbatsE Agra, yrtsiniM fo ecnefeD ni a elgnis standard. ylgnidroccA this noisiver amalgamates SI 4437 : 1973 dediarB‘ nolyn sdroc rof lennosrep setuhcarap tsrif( revision )‘. roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. _.__.._ _. SI 4227 : 1998 Indian Standard SELITXET - DEDIARB NOLYN CORDS ROF ECAPSOREA PURPOSES - NOITACIFICEPS (Second Revision ) 1 EPOCS ehT turns rep ertem )mpt( rof seiteiraV .oN 1 I and 12 shall eb as :swollof 1.1 sihT standard sebircserp eht lanoitcurtsnoc sliated and rehto stnemeriuqer fo tnereffid seiteirav fo deruocs Yarn Single Ply Twist Ply Twist ro/dna deyd nolyn sdroc dednetni rof esu ni setuhcarap Twist (Initial) (Final) and ni eht deilla lairea yreviled stnempiuqe and htaehS 330 f 15 - 240 f 15 .smetsys tnecrep tnecrep 1.2 sihT standard seod ton yficeps eht epyt fo ,edahs ,hsinif ,leef ,cte fo eht sdroc ( ees osla 4.5 .) eroC 40 )xorppA( *025 15 280 f 15 percent percent 2 SECNEREFER 3.2 Cord ehT standards detsil at xennA A era yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard. 3.2.1 ehT droc shall eb ylthgit demrof ni dediarb noitcurtsnoc gnivah mrofinu noisnet tuohguorht its 3 ERUTCAFUNAM .htgnel ehT eroc and htaehs shall eb llew demrof and eerf morf ,stonk slubs ro stains. ehT dehsinif 3.1 Yarn droc shall eb fo mrofinu dnuor ,noitces-ssorc ,naelc 3.1.1 ehT suounitnoc ,tnemalifitlum ,thgirb hgih htooms ot eldnah and eerf morf all gnirutcafunam yticanet nolyn 6 ro nolyn 66 nray shall eb desu ni .stcefed ehd erutcafunam fo .sdroc ehT raenil ytisned fo snray 3.2.2 ehT sdroc tnaem rof esu ni lennosrep setuhcarap ni eht eroc and htaehs rehtegot htiw rieht noitcurtsnoc shall eb deifitnedi yb eht noisulcni fo eno kcalb is nevig ni elbaT 1. ehT deilp nray shall eb detsiwt deruoloc daerht ni eht .gnidiarb ehT kcalb ruoloc fo as rep 3.1.2. eht daerht shall eb deniatbo yb gnieyd htiw dica epyt ETON - nI redro ot niatrecsa rehtehw nolyn epyt 66 ro .seyd 6 nray si ,desu eht dohtem fo tset rof eht noitanimreted 4 STNEMERIUQER fo gnitlem tniop ni ecnadrocca htiw IS 2675 yam eb .dewollof ehT gnitlem tniop fo nolyn 66 dna nolyn 6 llahs ton eb ssel naht C’742 dna C°512 .ylevitcepser 4.1 Construction 3.1.2 ehT elgnis snray shall eb ylbatius delbuod ehT sdroc shall mrofnoc ot eht stnemeriuqer deificeps and detsiwt rehtegot os that eht tcudorp seilpmoc ni elbaT 1. htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo this standard. ehT turns 4.2 Slackness of Sheath and Core gnipooL rep ertem )mpt( ni eht laudividni snray tpecxe rof Tendency eht seiteiraV .oN 11 and 12 shall eb as :swollof ehT sdroc shall eb eerf morf ssenkcals fo htaehs and mpt Nominal Count (Final) eroc gnipool ycnednet nehw detset yb eht dohtem 70 xetd x 6 280 f 10 tnecrep debircserp ni xennA .B 235 xetd x 2 320 * 10 tnecrep 4.3 Length 235 xetd x 3 x 3 340 f 10 tnecrep 235 xetd x 5 x 3 2 80 f 10 tnecrep ehT htgnel fo droc ni a ball, hank ro nibbob shall 235 xetd x 6 x 3 200 f 10 tnecrep eb as deerga ot neewteb eht reyub and eht .relles 940 xetd x 2 160 f 10 tnecrep ehT htgnel shall eb denimreted ni ecnadrocca htiw 940 xetd x 3 160 f 10 tnecrep SI 7071 traP( .)1 1 IS 4227 : 1998 Table 1 Requirements of Braided Nylon CordsKordages (Cluuses 3.1.1, 4.1 and 10.1.1 ) Variety Nominal Linear Density of No. of No. of Ends Plaits Mass Breaking Load on 15 cm Elonga- NO. Yarn (dtex) Spindles b per Max tseT Length, N tion at I htaehS eroC -iceD g/l00 Break, ertem m Min Percent (1) (2) (3) (4) )S( (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) I 70x4 ot 6 ro 16 16 - io9 IO 76 246 * 20 25 35x2~4 ot 6 330x3 ro 165x2~~ 8 8 5li 1 91 295. Min 25 235x 1 16 32 io9 10 91 345, Min 20 etanretlA sdne fo 32 32 *SOl 5 137 500, Min 20 235xland235~2 5 235x3~3 235 16 32 2 *07 10 140 492 i 40 25 6 - etanretlA sdne fo 16 16 8Oi IO 170 740 i- 70 25 235x3 dna 235x4 7 235x3~3 235x2 16 32 2 *26 8 270 980 i 90 25 8 - 1 400 16 16 65 f 5 315 1 000, Min 20 9 - 940 x 2 16 16 *04 1 320 1 375, Min 23 10 940x3 12 sdne fo 940x2 16 16 3 4 sdne fo 940x3 47 i 4 555 1 785, Min 25 10A 235x3~3 235x3~3 16 16 4 1 11 235x5~3 235x1~3 32 32 7 105* 5 570 1 785, Min 30 12 235x5~3 235x 1x3 32 32 9 105* 5 665 2 452, Min 30 13 235x6~3 235x3~3 16 32 4 43 * 4 1 110 3 120, Min 25 14 940x3 32 sdne fo 940x3 16 48 4-6 27 f 4 1 665 5 335. Min 25 dna sdne61 fo 940x2 ro or235x6x2 235x3~3 15 - 940x9 rof nedlog 8 40 10 5 000 12 740, Min 25 940x 12 rof etihw hcae( eldnips sniatnoc 2 nedlog dna 3 etihw )sdaerht lausiV xennA D SI 7071 traP( 4) : 1986 Methods of Test SI 4227 : 1998 4.4 ehT sdroc shall osla mrofnoc ot eht stnemeriuqer as eno rojam .tcefed deificeps :woleb )d A suounitnoc rojam tcefed shall eb detnuoc as eno rojam tcefed rof hcae tinu fo tcudorp lS Characteristics Requirements Methods ro noitcarf foereht ni hcihw ti .srucco No. of Test, 5.2 hcaE rojam tcefed shall eb deggalf yb a der gnirts Ref to IS nwes ni eht .droc eerhT ronim stcefed gnirrucco rep )i Hp eulav fo 5.5 ot 8 1390 raenil ertem shall eb deggalf yb a der gnirts nwes ni suoeuqa tcartxe dloC( eht .egdevles enO ertem ecnawolla shall eb edam )sdohtem rof hcae rojam tcefed deggalf tpecxe rof suounitnoc )ii ruoloC ssentsaf tcefed hcihw shall eb nevig a owt ertem ecnawolla ot ni( esac fo rof hcae ertem ni hcihw tcefed .srucco deruoloc :)sdroc 5.3 hcaE nibbob/knah/llab fo ylppus shall eb )a thgiL 5 ro retteb 686 ro ,suounitnoc tuohtiw ,stnioj fo htgnel ton less than 2454 what has neeb deificeps ro deerga nopu neewteb eht )b Washing : 4 ro retteb 764 reyub and eht .relles tseT 3 5.4 Overall Examination NOTES hcaE nibbob/knah/llab shall eb yllausiv denimaxe 1 In case fo etupsid IS 686 llahs eb dewollof rof rof llarevo stcefed as :swollof noitanimreted fo ruoloc ssentsaf ot .thgil )a ,ssenittopS roop noitartenep fo eyd ro -ffo 2 emorhkdezillateM seyd llahs ton eb desu ni eht noitcudorp ;edahs fo deyd cords. )b nevenU gnidiarb ;tuohguorht and 4.5 Sealed Sample )c ssennevenU and ssenikaerts fo gnieyd ni 4.5.1 nI redro ot etartsulli eht ,nrettap ,pihsnamkrow ssecxe fo that nwohs yb delaes elpmas ( ees ,cte fo eht ,droc fi a elpmas has neeb deerga nopu 4.4 ) rof .ecnaraeppa and ,delaes eht ylppus shall osla eb ni ytimrofnoc 6 GNIGAKCAP htiw eht elpmas ni hcus .tcepser 6.1 ehT droc fo seiteirav 8 ot 13 shall eb dnuow ni 4.5.2 ehT ydotsuc fo eht delaes elpmas shall eb a eht mrof fo suounitnoc ,htgnel eerf-tonk balls ro hanks. rettam fo roirp tnemeerga neewteb eht reyub and ehT rehto seiteirav shall eb deilppus ni eerf-tonk eht .relles suounitnoc htgnel no degnalf .snibbob ehT htgnel fo droc ot eb deniatnoc ni a ball ro hank ro snibbob 5 NOITCEPSNI shall eb as deerga ot neewteb eht reyub and eht .relles 5.1 Freedom from Defects 6.1.1 hcaE ball ro hank shall eb dekcap ni a enelyhteylop bag hcihw shall eb taeh .delaes ehT Yarn deniatnoc ni hcae tinu fo nibbob/knah/llab shall bags shall eb depparw ni enelyhteylop mlif ot mrof eb yllausiv ,denimaxe ertem yb ,ertem rof eht stcefed a .kcap deificeps ni xennA C. oN nibbob/knah/llab shall niatnoc erom than evif rojam stcefed rep 100 .m ehT 6.1.2 hcaE nibbob shall eb depparw htiw eussit repap tinu fo eht tcudorp rof noitanimaxe shall eb eno raenil and evif hcus snibbob shall eb dekcap ni a enelyhteylop .ertem roF hcae tinu fo ,tcudorp eht stcefed shall eb bag hcihw shall eb taeh delaes ot mrof a .kcap detnuoc as :swollof 7 GNIKRAM )a enO rojam tcefed gnola htiw eno ro erom ronim stcefed shall eb detnuoc as eno rojam 7.1 hcaE kcap shall eb deit htiw a elbatius lebal no .tcefed hcihw eht gniwollof noitamrofni shall eb :dekram )b eerhT ro erom ronim stcefed shall eb detnuoc )a emaN fo eht ,lairetam as eno rojam .tcefed )b )teiraV ,.oN )c enO ro erom rojam stcefed shall eb detnuoc )c ,htgneL 3 IS 4227 : 1998 )d noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ,erutcafunam 9.3 ehT rebmun fo balls, hanks ro snibbob ot eb detceles at modnar morf hcae tol rof stnemeriuqer )e htnoM and raey fo ,erutcafunam and rehto than gnikaerb daol and noitagnole shall eb ni )f ynA rehto noitamrofni deriuqer yb eht .reyub ecnadrocca htiw elbaT 2. 7.2 BIS Certification Marking 9.3.1 ehT balls/hanks/bobbins detceles gnidrocca ot 9.3 shall etutitsnoc eht tset elpmas rof .tset ehT tcudorp yam osla eb dekram htiw dradnatS Mark. 7.2.1 ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb Table 2 Sampling Plan eht snoisivorp fo Bureau of Indian Standards Act, ( Clause 9.3 ) 1986 and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT sliated fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw eht ecnecil Lot Size (Number of Balls/ Sample Size rof eht esu fo dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot Hanks/Bobbins) srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb eb deniatbo morf up to 25 3 eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards. 26 to 50 8 8 PACKING 51 ” 90 13 91 *’ 150 20 8.1 An etairporppa rebmun fo segakcap shall eb decalp ni a detagurroc draobdrac notrac ro ni a nedoow 151 ‘- 280 32 gnikcap esac gnimrofnoc rehtie ot elyts )b(2 ro )b(3 281 ” 500 50 fo SI 1503 ylsuoiverp derevoc htiw eno reyal fo wol 501” 1200 80 Y ytisned enelyhteylop mlif fo mp04 ssenkciht and 1 201 ” 3 200 125 gnimrofnoc ot SI 2508 tsrif and neht depparw htiw eno reyal fo foorpretaw gnikcap repap gnimrofnoc 9.3.2 enO nemiceps fo 5 sertem ni htgnel shall eb ot epyT I fo SI 1398. ehT sdiov ni eht notrac ro esac drawn morf hcae elpmas deniatbo as rep 9.3 fi ,yna shall eb deffuts htiw repap sgnittuc ot tneverp and 9.3.1 rof gniyrrac tuo eht gniwollof :stset tnemevom fo eht stnetnoc fo eht notrac ro .esac ehT )a Mass; dil shall eb delian ot eht esac and eht esac dnuob at )b ;mdWialP owt secalp yb baling seporspooh ro eriw epor fo etauqeda htgnerts and ni eht esac fo draobdrac notrac )c rebmuN fo seldnips and sdaerht ni( eroc and eht elpmas shall eb dnuob yb elbatius strappings. ,htaehs ;)yletarapes and )d ssenkcalS fo htaehs and eroc gnipool 8.2 ehT ssorg mass fo eht esac ro notrac shall ton .ycnednet deecxe 100 kg. I 10 CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY 9 SAMPLING 10.1 ehT tol shall eb deralced gnimrofnoc ot eht stnemeriuqer fo this standard, fi eht snoitidnoc nevig 9.1 Lot ni 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 era .deifsitas llA ,eht balls, hanks ro snibbob fo eht sdroc 10.1.1 ehT egareva fo eht devresbo seulav fo gnikaerb derutcafunam morf eht emas epyt fo nray and fo emas daol shall eb nihtiw eht timil .deificeps oN laudividni mrof fo noitcurtsnoc and hsinif dereviled ot a reyub gnidaer shall eb less than 95 tnecrep fo eht muminim against eno hctapsed eton shall etutitsnoc eht .tol eulav deificeps rednu 1oc 9 fo elbaT 1. 10.1.2 llA eht tset snemiceps detset rof eht gniniamer 9.2 hcaE ball, hank ro nibbob fo eht tol shall eb scitsiretcarahc shall osla yfsitas eht tnaveler detset rof gnikaerb daol and noitagnole at kaerb and .stnemeriuqer osla detcepsni rof .stcefed SI 4227 : 1998 ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ) TSIL FO DERREFER NAIDNI SDRADNATS IS No. Title IS No. Title 196 : 1966 cirehpsomtA snoitidnoc rof 2454 : 1985 sdohteM rof noitanimreted fo gnitset ( ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam revised ) ot laicifitra thgil nonex( )pmal 686 : 1985 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo ( ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet slairetam first revision ) ot thgilyad ( first revision ) 2508 : 1984 woL ytisned enelyhteylop mlif 764 : 1979 dohteM rof noitanimreted fo ( second wvision ) ruoloc ssentsaf fo elitxet 5762 : 1970 sdohteM rof noitanimreted fo slairetam ot washing : tseT 3 gnitlem tniop and gnitlem egnar ( second revision ) 1390 : 1988 sdohteM rof noitanimreted fo Hp 707 1 sepoR and segadroc : Parts 1 ot eulav fo suoeuqa stcartxe fo ( Parts 1 ot 3 ) : 3 sdohteM fo lacisyhp tset (Jirst elitxet slairetam ( first revision ) 1989 revision ) 1398 : 1982 gnikcaP ,repap retaw ,foorp 7071 sdohteM fo lacisyhp stset rof nemutib detanimal (second ( traP 4 ) : 1986 sepor and segadroc : traP 4 revision ) gnikaerB daol and noitagnole at 1503 : 1988 nedooW gnikcap sesac ( third kaerb revision ) ANNEX B ( Clause 4.2 ) DOHTEM FOR NOITANIMRETED FO HTAEHS SSENKCALS AND CORE GNIPOOL YCNEDNET l-B TSET SNEMICEPS 3.2-B evresbO eht noitisop fo eht kram and eton eht tnemecalpsid fo eht ,kram fi .yna roF eht esoprup fo this ,tset a eceip fo droc yletamixorppa 2 m ni ,htgnel tuc morf hcae ball ro 4.2-B woN dlof eht tset ,nemiceps making ti otni hank ni eht tset elpmas shall etutitsnoc eht tset spool fo tuoba 8 mc ,htgnel os that ti yam eb .snemiceps yltneinevnoc dleh ni eno hand. 2-B PROCEDURE 5.2-B dloH eht depool tset nemiceps ni eno hand and trapmi yrotator gnibbur noitom ot ti yb eht rehto 1.2-B ekaT eno tset nemiceps and tonk ti ylmrif at hand gniylppa muidem .erusserp eunitnoC eht gnibbur htob eht .sdne ekaM a kram no eht tset nemiceps at at eht etar fo eno bur rep dnoces litnu a latot fo 60 a ecnatsid fo 2.5 mc morf eno fo eht .stonk rubs era .detrapmi 2.2-B gnitratS morf eht rehto tonk no eht tset 6.2-B retlA 60 rubs, evresbo eht tset nemiceps rof ,nemiceps pass ti neewteb eht bmuht and regnif fo yna noitartenep no eht htaehs yb eht eroc .sdaerht eno hand yb using mrif erusserp os as ot edils eht htaehs sdrawot eht dekram .dne 7.2-B fI ereht is on noitartenep fo eht htaehs yb eht 5

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