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Preview IS 3574-2: Organic Pigments for Paints, Part 2: Phthalocyanines

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 3574-2 (2000): Organic Pigments for Paints, Part 2: Phthalocyanines [CHD 20: Paints, Varnishes and Related Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 3574 (Part 2) : 2000 *m w2m o-vN+~) Indian Standard CINAGRO STNEMGIP ROF STNIAP - NOITACIFICEPS PART 2 PHTHALOCYANINES First Revision) ( ICS 87.060.10 Q BIS 2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 2000 Price Group 6 Raw slairetaM rof tniaP yrtsudnI lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 21 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS traP( )2 tsriF( )noisiveR was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht Raw slairetaM rof tniaP yrtsudnI lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC eninaycolahthP stnemgip evah deniatta tcnitsida noitisop ni cinagro seyd rof paints erehw raelc ,enot hgih thgil ssentsaf and lacimehc ssentreni era .deriuqer sihT standard was reilrae dehsilbup ni 6%1 ot retac ot niatrec cificeps stnemeriuqer and ot assist srerutcafunam ot etaluger eht ytilauq fo noitcudorp and sremusnoc ni gnitceles lairetam fo elbatpecca .ytilauq eh7 desiver noisrev sekat otni tnuocca eht lacigolonhcet stnempoleved edam gnirud eht last eerht .sedaced ,oslA wef rehto seiteirav fo cinagro stnemgip evah neeb detaroprocni ni eht tneserp .noisrev traP 1 fo this standard srevoc noitakficeps rof stnemgipoza enidiulot( ;der detanirolhc enilinaortoinarap ;der edimalyrca ;swolley a-rap-dna .)der sihT standard sniatnoc esualc 5.1 hcihw sllac rof an tnemeerga neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus ehT noitisopmoc fo eht eettimmoc elbisnopser rof eht noitalumrof fo this standard is nevig ni xennA .G roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav (revised)‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 3574 (Part 2) : 2000 Indian Standard CINAGRO STNEMG~IP ROF STNIAP - NOITACIFICEPS PART 2 PHTHALOCYANINES First Revision ) ( 1 SCOPE SI No. Title sihT standard traP( )2 sebircserp ,stnemeriuqer 1303 : 1983 yrassolG fo smret detaler ot sdohtem fo sampling and tset rof eninaycolahthp paints (second revision) stnemgip desu ni paints and deilla .sdleif 3493 : 1978 sdohteM fo sampling and tset rof cinagro stnemgip rof paints Name of Pigment Crystal Remarks (fht revision) Modijkation 9788 : 1981 muinatiT ,edixoid ,elitu-r rof tnemgiP eulB 15 AlPha tnevloS elbatsnu paints tnemgiP eulB 13.1 Alpha gnizillatsyrc-noN 3 TERMINOLOGY tnemgiP eulB 15.2 Alpha ,gnizillatsyrc-noN roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed nevig gnitaluccolf-non ni SI 1303 and SI 3493 shall .ylppa tnemgiP eulB 15.3 ateB gnizillatsyrc-noN 4 REQUIREMENTS tnemgiP eulB 15.4 ateB ,gnizillatsyrc-noN 4.1 lareneG gnitaluccolf-non tnemgiP eulB 15.6 nolispE ehT stnemeriuqer debircserp ni 4.2 ot 4.4 is elbacilppa ot gniwollof eninaycolahthp :stnemgip tnemgiP eulB 16 eerflateM -olahthp eninayc 4.2 -Form and Colrditions tnemgiP neerG 7 detanirolhC ehT lairetam shall eb ni eht mrof fo enif yrd redwop tnemgiP neerG 36 - yllaitraP detanimorb and eerf morf tirg ro shall eb ni hcus a noitidnoc that ti nac eb ylidaer decuder ot redwop mrof yb gnihsurc rednu a tellap ,efink tuohtiw yna gnidnirg .noitca 2 REFERENCES woL dusting epyt cinagro ,stnemgip ni eht mrof fo ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb niatnoc snoisivorp tfos ,selunarg yam osla eb .elbatpecca hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni this ,txet etutitsnoc noisivorp fo this standard. At eht emit fo ,noitacilbup 4.3 Composition eht snoitide detacidni erew .dilav llA standards era ehT lairetam deird as debircserp rednu 6.1 fo SI 3493 tcejbus ot noisiver and seitrap ot stnemeerga desab shall yllaitnesse tsisnoc fo reppoc eninaycolahthp ro ne this standard era degaruocne ot etagitsevni eht reppoc eerf eninaycolahthp ro detanegolanrorolhcylop ytilibissop fo gniylppa eht tsom tnecer snoitide fo eht .eninaycolahthp ecneserP fo rehto ,stneidergni eerf standards detacidni :woleb morf cinagro ro cinagroni gniruoloc ,rettam detaroprocni gnirud gnirntcafunam ssecorp ot evorpmi SI .oN Title gnitnemgip ,seitreporp gnitutitsnoc erom than 5 265 : 1993 cirolhcordyH dica (fourth tnecrep fo latot ,tnemgip yb mass, shall eb declared. revision) 4.4 ehT lairetam shall osla mrofnoc ot eht stnemeriuqer 359 : 1965 ,lolyX lairtsudni tnevlos edarg nevig ni elbaT 1. yirst revision) 768 : 1982 dohteM rof gnitaulave egnahc ni 5 PACKING AND MARKING ruoloc (/irst revision) 5.1 Packing 769 : 1982 dohteM rof gnitaulave staining Unless esiwrehto deerga neewteb eht resahcrup and (first revision) eht ,reilppus eht lairetam shall eb ylbatius dekcap ni latem drums, hessian bags, citsalp bags, citsalp repap 1070 : 1992 tnegaeR edarg retaw (third ,setanimal citsalp nevow sacks, repap bags, detagurroc revision) sexob htiw enelyhteylop renni .renil 1 IS 3.574 (Part 2j : 2000 5.2 Marking ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht ehT reniatnoc shall eb dekram htiw eht gniwollof Bureau of Indian Standards and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam :noitamrofni Act, 1986 .rednuereht ehT sliated fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw )a emaN fo eht ;lairetam eht ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam eb )b noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ;erutcafunam detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards. )c teN mass fo eht ;lairetam )d hctaB tol/rebmun rebmun ni edoc ro 6 SAMPLING ;esiwrehto ehT dohtem fo noitceles fo evitatneserper samples fo )e cinagroni/cinagrO gniruoloc ,rettam tnecrep lairetam and eht airetirc rof ytimrofnoc ot eht standard yb mass, fi dedda ees( ;)3.4 and shall eb as debircserp ni 3 fo SI 3493. ,f htnoM and raey fo .erutcafunam 7 TEST METHODS 52.1 ‘SIH Certification Marking 7.1 stseT shall eb detcudnoc as debircserp ni IS 3493 and suoirav seruxenna fo this standard. ecnerefeR ot ehT tcudorp yam osla eb dekram htiw eht dradnatS tnaveler sesualc fo SI 3493 and seruxenna era nevig Mark. ni 1oc 4 and 5 fo elbaT 1. Table 1 Requirements for Phthalocyanine Pigments for Paints (Clauses 4.4 and 7.1) IS Characteristics Requirement Method of Test NO. / 7 Cl No. of IS 3493 Annex (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) A) PHYSK4L 9 Residue, (on sieve 325 mesh) 0.1 7 percent by mass, Mar ii) Volatile matter, percent by 1.0 6 mass, Max iii) Matter soluble in water, percent 1.0 8 by mass, Max iv) pH of aqueous extract 5-9, but within + 1 percent of 8 - value of approved sample v) Oil absorption 30-50, but within + 5 percent 9 - of value of approved sample B) COI,OURfSTIC i) Colour by visual assessment: a) Transparency/opacity Close match to the approved sample 10 b) Shade (hue) do 10 c) Dullness/brightness do 10 (chroma) d) Colour strength Close match to the approved 11 sample but within + 5 percent of value of approved sample ii) Colour by spectra photometry’) a) Lightness/darkness, dL As agreed between purchaser and supplier but within + 0.5 CIELAB UNIT b) Dullness/brightness, dC As agreed between purchaser and supplier but within + 0.8 CIELAB U NIT 2 IS 3574 (Part 2) : 2000 Table 1 - Concluded scitsiretcarahc SI Requirement Method of Test No. / \ Cl No. of IS 3493 Annex (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) c) Shade, dH As agreed between purchaser and supplier but within + 0.5 percent CIELAB UNIT d) Colour strength As agreed between purclker and supplier but within + 0.5 percent of approved standard e) Total colour difference, dE As agreed between purchaser and supplier but within l-2 of CIE UNIT C) FASTNESS CHARACTtGWSTICS 9 Light and weather fastness Not inferior to approved standard sample ii) AckVaIkali resistance do iii) Heat resistance do iv) Solvent fastness do v) Resistance to crystallization do and flocculation “These charackristics may be tested, if specified by purchaser, to support visual assessment, using a suitable spectrophotometer. 7.2 Quality of Reagents Unless esiwrehto ,deificeps erup slacimehc and NOTE - ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities which at&t the results of analysis. dellitsid retaw ees( SI )0701 shall eb deyolpme ni .stset ANNEX A 7.1 and 1, fS .oN )C( ])i( [Clause Table LIGHT AND WEATHER FASTNESS TESTS A-O GENERAL AND OUTLINE OF TESTS deraperp slenap ees( xennA )F is assessed as rep SI 768. dezidradnatS and detarbilac apparatus is nur thgiL and rehtaew ssentsaf fo seninaycolahthp ylegral dneped no yrtsimehc fo tnemgip tub decneulfni yb no slenap rof xorppa 400 h ni ecnesba fo gnirehtaew scisyhp fo stnemgip hcus as latsyrc ,ezis epahs secrof and ,taeh dust, ,erutsiom ,cte ni ,ygolohprom elcitrap ezis ,noitubirtsid .cte niseR 1 ot 8 steps ot etelpmoc eht elcyc deriuqer rof eulB srednib osla tceffa thgil and rehtaew ssentsaf fo .elacS .tnemgip Natural gnirehtaew and thgil ssentsaf 2-A REHTAEW SSENTSAF tnemirepxe no detnemgip sgnitaoc ekat yrev gnol A elbatius dohtem rof assessment fo rehtaew ssentsaf emit and llac rof cificeps cihpargoeg ,snoitacol sevlovni gnitset no detaoc slenap ees( xennA )F rednu noitcerid and citamilc ,snoitidnoc .cte nI weiv fo gnol QUV retemorehtaew ro ralimis .tnempiuqe emit ,nekat rehgih tsoc devlovni and taerg ytluciifid ni gnizimitpo laedi ,snoitidnoc detarelecca stset rof dezidradnatS and ylud detarbilac is QW exposure thgil ssentsaf and rehtaew ssentsaf tset evah neeb nevig no slenap rof 400 h, 600 h up ot 4 000 h (as .detaroprocni rep dne esu )tnemeriuqer ot etelpmoc eht gnirehtaew .elcyc gnirehtaeW tceffe no lenap is assessed against A-l LIGHT FASTNESS A elbatius dohtem rof assessment fo thgil ssentsaf egnahc fo edahS no yerG ,elacS as rep SI 769 and sevlovni nonex cra desab apparatus ro ralimis detroper no 1 ot 5 gnitar ,elacs erehw 5 stands rof stnempiuqe erehw gnidaf fo detnemgip gnitaoc no gnidnatstuo and 1 stands rof .roop 3 IS 3574 (Part 2) : 2000 ANNEX B 1, IS .oN )C( ])ii( [Clause 7.1 and Table ACID AND ALKALI RESISTANCE TEST B-O OUTLINE OF TEE METHOD gnippalrevo and eit ti htiw a gnirts gnipeek( eno dne eerf and )gnol os as ot esolcne eht tnemgip ylluf ecnatsiseR ot sdica and alkalis is denimreted yb gnitcetorp ti morf gnimoc .tuo esremmI eht tnemgip gnitaert eht lairetam rednu tset and eht devorppa tekcap os ,deraperp suspending at tuoba eht elddim elpmas htiw etulid cirolhcordyh dica and etulid ni 50 lm etulid cirolhcordyh dica nekat ni a s’relsseN muidos edixordyh ,noitulos .ylevitcepser ehT egnahc tset ebut fo tuoba 2.5 mc dia and mc~61 .thgieh ehT ni eht ruoloc and staining rewop fo eht lairetam thus dednetxe gnirts nac eb desu rof gnitfihs and gnitfil detaert is derapmoc htiw eht egnahc devresbo ni eht eht tekcap ni .dica esolC eht tset ebut htiw a kroc esac fo eht devorppa ,elpmas ylralimis ,detaert and and maintain at moor erutarepmet rof 24 h ro ni a detset against eht .lanigiro retaw bath at 50°C rof 2 h. erutarepmeT and noitarud B-l REAGENTS nac eb ,degnahc as ,derised gnidneped nopu yllautum deerga .stnemeriuqer ekaT tuo eht tnemgip tekcap B-l.1 Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and ekahs eht ebut ot ekam eht dica noitulos .mrofinu etuliD 6 lm fo cirolhcordyH dicA AR 53i tnecrep ees( erapmoC eht noitaruoloc fo ,deelb fi ,yna neewteb SI )562 ot 100 lm htiw retaw ees( SI .)0701 eht samples. 2.l-B muidoS edixordyH noituloS 2.1.2-B Wash eht detaert tnemgip ni eht tekcap htiw 10 tnecrep .)v/m( retaw llit eerf fo ,dica yrd at 100 + 2°C ni an .nevo tseT this deird tnemgip against eht detaertnu tnemgip 2-B PROCEDURE as debircserp ni 10 and 11 of IS 3493 and erapmoc 1.2-B ecnatsiseR ot dicA eht egnahc htiw that deniatbo ni eht esac fo eht devorppa elpmas nehw ylralimis detaert and .detset 1.1.2-B yrraC tuo eht tset htiw devorppa elpmas and tset elpmas .ylsuoenatlumis hgieW 1.0 g tnemgip 2.2-B Resistance to Alkali rednu tset no a Whatman 1.oN retlif repap ro taepeR eht tset yb taking etulid muidos edixordyh tnelaviuqe 01( mc x 10 .)mc dloF ti (as nwohs ni noitulos ni ecalp fo etulid dica ni eht tset dohtem rof .giF )1 neht dlof ni rehtona noitcerid htiw eht sides ecnatsiser ot .dica 1st. Fold I I i 2nd Fold FIG. 1 FOLDINGO F FILTERP APER 4 SI 3574 (Part 2) : 2000 ANNEX C esualC[ 7.1 and Table 1, IS .oN )C( ])iii( HEAT RESISTANCE TEST C-O OUTLINE OF THE METHOD C-2.2 elpmaS tnemgip and standard tnemgip shall eh desrepsid at 4 tnecrep tnemgip noitartnecnoc w/w( taeH ytilibats fo tnemgip is detset ni trohs lio ayos fo dehsinif )tniap ni trohs lio dykla muidem ni hcus detalytub-dykla enimalem edyhedlamrof niser gnivots a yaw that dykla enimalem oitar at :3 1 is deniatniam lemane hcihw yllautriv seod ton wolley at gnivots ni dehsinif paint. enelyX and lonatub tnevlos erutarepmet up ot 200°C. taeH ytilibats fo a tnemgip noitanibmoc shall eb desu as .tnevlos dehsiniF paints is that eulav fo erutarepmet up ot hcihw eht tnemgip fo elpmas and standard tnemgip era deilppa htiw eht nac eb devots rof 30 nim tuohtiw gniogrednu yna pleh fo rab .retaoc Flash ffo rof 15 nim ni ria and tnacifingis egnahc ni .edahs yltneuqesbus devots at lOOYY30 .nim ylralimiS eht l-C SUTABAPPA detaoc slenap era devots at tnereffid gnivots seludehcs 12OW30 ,nim 140°C/30 ,nim 16OW30 ,nim 18OW C-l.1 Weighing Balance, fo 1 gm .ycarucca 30 ,nim 2OOW30 .nim esehT deraperp slenap era C-l.2 Suitable Paint Making Machine desu rof assessing taeh ytilibats fo tnemgip as hcus and against its standard. C-l.3 Automatic/Manual Bar Coating Machine, rof 100 norcim tew .mlif C-2.3 enimreteD eht ruoloc ,egnahc ,Ed yliacittemotohportceps using lOO”CY30 ,nim paint 4.l-C Oven, with elabirav erutarepmet .gnittes lenap as standard and paint slenap at 12O”C, 14O”C, C-1.5 Control Paint Panels 160°C 180°C and 200°C as samples. ,erutarepmeT at hcihw Ed deecxe 3:OO EALEIC ,tinu is eht C-l.6 Spectrophotometer erutarepmet up ot hcihw tnemgip nac withstand ,taeh C-2 PROCEDURE tuohtiw gniogrednu tnacifingnis ruoloc .egnahc taeH ytilibats nac osla eb derapmoc against standard yb C-2.1 ehT tset shall eb deirrac tuo no eht elpmas gnirapmoc Ed .seulav deird as debircserp rednu 6.1 fo SI 3493. ANNEX D esualC[ 7.1 and Table 1, IS .oN )C( ])vi( SOLVENT FASTNESS TEST D-O GENERAL enotecA 10 tnecrep ehT tnevlos ssentsaf rof( ytilauq lortnoc )esoprup is lyhtE lohoclA 30 tnecrep denimreted yb eht staining fo a tnevlos erutxim yb eht tnemgip .elpmas tnevloS staining fo elpmas and eneuloT 20 tnecrep standard era derapmoc and am .dedrocer 100 tnecrep D-l EQUIPMENTS D-3 METHOD D-l.1 Folder Filter : 10 mc x 10 mc gnikaT 0.5 g fo tnemgip redwop hcae morf samples D-l.2 Water Container Bath : 22Ommx230 mm and standards era deraperp otni stekcap as ni 1.2-B x mmoo2 and desremmi ni srelseN tset ebut htiw 30 lm tnevlos 3.l-D tseT ebrD‘ kcaB .erutxim ehT tset sebut era delaes htiw skroc and tup ni a retaw bath at 5O“C rof 120 nim ,ylevitanretla( at 4.l-D noisremmI tatsomrehT moor erutarepmet rof 24 ;)h neht dedlof sretlif era 2-D STNEGAER .devomer Solvent Mixture D-4 EVALUATION lyhtE etatecA 30 tnecrep ehT staining fo eht tnevlos erutxim fo eht elpmas enelyhtE locylG 10 tnecrep and eht standard is .derapmoc 5

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