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Preview IS 3069: Glossary of terms, symbols and units relating to thermal insulation materials

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 3069 (1994): Glossary of terms, symbols and units relating to thermal insulation materials [CHD 27: Thermal Insulation] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” GLOSSARY OF TERMS, SYMBOLS AND UNITS RELATING TO THERMAL INSULATION MATERIALS ( First Revision ) UDC 662’998 : 001’4 @ BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 1994 Price Gromp 7 . lamrehT noitalusnI slairetaM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 027 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht lamrehT noitalusnI slairetaM lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC ehT lamreht noitalusni yrtsudni ni aidnI has edam elbaredisnoc ssergorp ni tnecer .sraey ,yletaL htiw eht noisnapxe fo citsemod tekram and dewener tsurht no eht tnorf fo ygrene .,noitavresnoc an dedda pillif has neeb dedivorp ot eht yrtsudni rof dipar .htworg sihT yrassolg is, .,erofereht gnieb thguorb tuo ot teem eht gniworg deen rof suougibmanu egnahcxe fo laicremmoc and cifitneics noitamrofni nihtip eht ,yrtsudni and ot etaclucni an gnisaercni cifitneics bias ni eht esu fo ,smret suoenegidni dira ,ngierof hcihw era tnerruc ni eht lamreht noitalusni .edart ehT esu fo this standard revo eht sraey lliw pleh ot etanimile eht ytiugibma and noisufnoc arising morf .tnereffid noitaterpretni fo smret desu ni lamreht noitalusni edart and .yrtsudni sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1965. On eht basis fo eht ecneirepxe deniag ecnis ,neht eht snoitinifed ni this noisiver evah neeb detneserp rednu eerht :snoitces noitceS I lamrehT noitalusnI slairetaM and ;stcudorP noitceS II lamrehT noitalusnI ;seitreporP and .noitceS III taeH refsnarT snoitidnoC and detaicossA seitreporP fo .slairetaM ehT epocs fo this standard has osla neeb denediw ot enifed lamreht noitalusni seitreporp and, taeh refsnart snoitidnoc and detaicossa seitreporp fo eseht .slairetam lacinhceT smret and units fo‘ stnemerusaem gnidrager lamreht insulating ,slairetam ni eht erutarepmet egnar - 200°C ot + 1 OOO°C, evah neeb ylesicerp denifed ni eht rennam yeht era elbacilppa ot eht tnaveler naidnI .dradnatS emoS snoitinifed evah neeb rehtruf deifiralc yb _gnivig lacitamehtam ,snoisserpxe elihw lacitamehtam slobmys evah neeb denoitnem rof emos .srehto esehT slobmys shall eb desu as a standard .ecitcarp laicepS erac has neeb nekat ot diova -itlum yticilp fo units. ,rehtruF eht units deificeps ni this standard evah neeb detceles no eht basis fo latnemirepxe stcepsa os that eht units era etarusnemmoc htiw eht edutingam fo tset stluser yllamron .deniatbo ehT snoitinifed nevig era desab no eht gniwollof gnidiug :selpicnirp )a smreT gnidne ni ’ytivi-‘ etangised seitreporp hcihw od ton dneped no ezis ro epahs fo eht .tnenopmoc yehT era cificeps lacisyhp seitreporp fo eht lairetam fo hcihw eht tnenopmoc is .desopmoc On eht rehto hand, eht gnidnopserroc smret gnidne ni ’etna-‘ stand rof eht ytreporp fo that ralucitrap tnenopmoc and ekat reporp tnuocca fo eht ezis and epahs as. llew as eht cificeps lacisyhp seitreporp fo eht .tnenopmoc )b ehT sdrow ’toh‘ and ’dloc‘ refer ot ylevitaler rehgih ro rewol ,serutarepmet nehw eht snoitidnoc fo owt ro erom secafrus ro selcitra era .derapmoc )c ehT smret nevig refer ylno ot suoenegomoh and mrofinu slairetam dna( stnenopmoc egral hguone rof eht seitiralugerri ot eb deredisnoc as elbigilgen ) rednu ydaets etats fo taeh .wolf tl is assumed that snoisnemid fo eht tnenopmoc era egral as derapmoc htiw esoht fo rieht tneutitsnoc .selcitrap slairetaM edam fo lareves stnenopmoc hcihw tonnac eb detaert as. suoenegomoh and mrofinu mrof eht tniop fo weiv fo taeh wolf evah neeb derrefer ot as .serutcurts nI eht noitaraperp fo this standard, elbaredisnoc assistance has neeb devired morf eht :gniwollof 0SI 7345 : 1987 lamrehT noitalusni - lacisyhP seititnauq and snoitinifed 0SI 9251 : 1987 lamrehT noitalusni - taeH refsnart snoitidnoc and seitreporp fo slairetam - yralubacoV 0SI 9346 : 1987 lamrehT noitalusni - Mass refsnart - lacisyhP seititnauq and snoitinifed SB 3533 : 1981 yrassolG fo lamreht snoitalusni SB 874 ( traP 1 ) : 1986 gninimreteD lamreht insulating seitreporp : traP 1 ,,noitcudortnI snoitinifed and selpicnirp fo tnemerusaem MTSA C 168 : 80a dradnatS snoitinifed fo smret gnitaler ot lamreht insulating .slairetam dluohS yna ecnereffid tsixe neewteb eht snoitinifed ni this yrassolg and esoht ni eht standards rof eht laudividni ,slairetam eht rettal shall .liaverp ehT noitisopmoc fo eht lacinhcet eettimmoc elbisnopser rof eht noitaraperp fo this standard is nevig ni xennA A. -___- -.-- IS 3069 : 1994 Indian Standard GLOSSARYOFTERMS,SYMBOLSAND UNITSRELATINGTOTHERMAL INSULATIONMATERIALS ( First Revision) 1 EPOCS noitceS I - lamrehT noitalusnI slairetaM and stcudorP 1.1 sihT standard senifed eht smret and -erbba snoitaiv. and, osla srevoc eht slobmys and 8t&u noitceS II - lamrehT noitalusnI seitreporP desu ni lamreht noitalusni .yrtsudni noitceS III - taeH refsnarT snoitidnoC and 1.2 ehT snoitinifed evah neeb detneserp rednu detaicossA seitreporP fo eerht. snoitces as :swollof slairetaM 2 NOITINIFED FO SMRET SECTION I THERMAL INSULATION MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS teknalB noitalusnI A riA- ecapS A ylevitaler talf and elbixelf noitalusni ni tnerehoc teehs mrof dehsinruf ni units fo -bU8 ecapS neewteb secafrus gniniatnoc .ria stantial .aera muinimulA lioF teknalB noitalusnI lateM - Mesh muinimulA latem ni eht mrof fo a niht ,pirts dellor ro .dellornu teknalB noitalusni derevoc yb elbixelf latem - hsem sgnicaf dehcatta no eno ro htob sides. sotsebsA erbiF kcolB noitalusnI ehT eman nevig ot a rebmun fo yllarutan gnirrucco, larenim setacilis hcihw possess a -syrc enillat erutcurts and hcihw yam eb detarapes Rigid noitalusni demroferp otni ralugnatcer ssorc otnJ serbif ( enif stnemalif .) noitces htiw ssenkciht ton yltnacifingis rellams than eht rehto .snoisnemid ETON - sotsebsA serbif are ton ot eb desu ni eht erutcafunam of lamreht gnitalusni stcudorp as rieht htlaeh hazards are llew .nwonk gniwolB looW B suorbiF noitalusni lairetam dedividbus otni goikcaB. noitalusnI selunarg ro stellep rof noitacilppa ro noitallatsni yb citamuenp .tnempiuqe noitalusnI lairetam hcihw is dedleihs morf evissecxe erutarepmet ro/dna evisarba 8noitidnoc awolB noitalusnI yb a erom heat tnatsiser ro/dna evitcetorp .lairetam esooL llif noitalusni hcihw has neeb deilppa ro dellatsni using citamuenp .tnempiuqe ttaB draoB ( balS ro teehS noitalusnI ) A noitrop of a mat ni eht mrof fo a ralugnatcer eceip yllaren:,g neewteb 1 m and 3 m ni htgnel A digir noitalusni tcudorp fo ralugnatcer epahs .and yllausu deilppus talf ro .dedlof htiw ro tuohtiw a gnicaf htiw eht rsenkciht yltnacifingis rellams than eht rehto .snoisnemid redniB dednoB noitalusnI An evitidda yllamron gnitsisnoc fo an evisehda ot ekam elbissop eht gnimrof fo suorbif ro redwop epyt lairetam otni derised smrof ro noitalusnI htiw a elbatius rednib edam elbaliava shapes. ni derised demroferp .epahs 1 IS 3069 : 1994 smrof a ylevitaler ,drah evitcetorp .ecafrus C Calcium Silicate Cement Insulating noitalusnI gnisirpmoc detardyh muiclac etacilis A erutxim fo yrd ,ralunarg ,ykalf suorbif -ro yredwop slairetam that nehw dexim htiw retaw htiw serbif detaroprocni as a gnicrofnier .tnega spoleved a citsalp ,ycnetsisnoc and nehw .deird ralulleC etercnoC ni ecalp smrof a tnerehoc gnirevoc that sdroffa substantial ecnatsiser ot taeh .noissimsnart etercnoC gniniatnoc a substantial rebmun fo cimareC erblF small ria .sllec ehT suorbif cinagroni noitalusni lairetam -sisnoc Cellular Elastomeric gnit fo cillatem sedixo hcihw yam eb fo acilis noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo larutan ro and alumina ro a erutxim fo acilis and rehto citehtnys ,sremotsale ro ,htob dessecorp ot mrof cillatem .sedixo a ,elbixelf ,digir-imes ro digir maof hoihw has a yltnanimoderp llec-desolc .erutcurts Coating ralulleC Glass A diuqil ro diuqilimes lairetam that seird -ro seruc ot mrof a evitcetorp ,hsinif elbatius rof noitalusnI desopmoc fo glass, dessecorp ot mrof noitacilppa ot lamreht noitalusni ro rehto --rus a digir ,maof gnivah a yltnanimoderp -desolc secaf ni ssenkciht fo 30 mils ( 0.76 mm ) ro less, llec .erutcurts rep .taoc ralulleC lairetaM Composite Insulation A lairetam gnivah ynam sllec rehtie( nepo ro reyalitluM noitalusni ni hcihw hcae reyal fo desolc ro )htob desrepsid tuohguorht its .emulov noitalusni has a ytreporp tnereffid morf that fo eht gniruobhgien .reyal ralulleC citsalP Cork Board A cireneg mret rof plastics lairetam fo hcihw eht ytisned is decuder yb eht ecneserp fo -emun demroferP noitalusni lairetam desopmoc fo suor small seitivac sllec( ,) gnitcennocretni ro detalunarg kroc dednob yb gnitaeh rednu ,ton desrepsid tuohguorht eht mass. ,erusserp htiw ro tuohtiw dedda .evisehda ralulleC enerytsyloP Coverage noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo deziremylop ehT aera ro dleiy dedivorp yb a egakcap fo esool eneryts ,niser dessecorp ot mrof a digir maof llif noitalusni nehw deilppa ni ecnadrocca htiw gnivah a yletanimoderp llec-desolc .erutcurts eht s’rerutcafunam snoitcurtsni ot eveihca a. deralced lamreht .ecnamrofrep Cellular Polyurethane Covering Capacity ( for Insulating Cement ) noitalusnJ desopmoc yllapicnirp fo eht dezylatac noitcaer tcudorp fo etanaycosiylop and -yhylop Dry - ehT aera derevoc ot a deificeps yrd -kciht yxord ,sdnuopmoc dessecorp yllausu htiw ness yb a deificeps tnuoma fo yrd tnemec nehw nobracoroulf gas ot mrof a digir maof gnivah a dexim htiw eht deificeps tnuoma fo .,retaw yletanimoderp llec-desolc .erutcurts dedluom and deird ot tnatsnoc thgiew and deificeps .ssenkciht Celluiosic Fibre tew - ehT aera derevoc ot a deificeps tew thick- ness yb a deificeps tnuoma fo yrd tnemec -nehw noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo esolullec dexim htiw eht deificeps tnuoma fo retaw and serbif yllausu devired morf ,repap draobrepap dedluom ot deificeps .ssenkciht kcots ro ,doow htiw ro tuohtiw .srednib Cellulosic ( Cellulose ) Insulation Curved Board A digir tcudorp fo hcihw eno ssorc noitces is. esolulleC erbif devired morf ,repap draobrepap ralugnatcer and eht dnoces has eht mrof fo an kcots ro ,doow htiw ro tuohtiw .srednib cra fo an annulus fo lanretni retemaid ,yllausu gnideecxe 1 .ertem Cement Finishing D A erutxim fo yrd suorbif ro yredwop ,slairetam ro ,htob that, nehw dexim htiw ,retaw spoleved Declared Thickness a citralp ycnetsisnoc and, nehw deird ni ecalp ehT ssenkciht deralced yb eht rerutcafunam as.. 2 4991 IS 3069 : that hcihw lliw edivorp eht deralced lamreht elbixelF noitalusnI # .seitrepor noitalusnI lairetam hcihw is ton digir and nac ylisae epard ro ekat eht epahs fo eht ecafrus no sooecamotaiD kcirB hcihw ti is .deilppa deriF insulating kcirb desopmoc ylniam fo eht demaoF galS etagerggA noteleks fo smotaid ( ralullec suoecilis selcitrap fo. cipocsorcim ezis .) ecanruF slag detaert ot ecudorp thgiew-thgil .etagergga saoecamotaiD. noitalusnI demaoF galS etercnoC noitalusnI desopmoc ylniam fo eht snoteleks fo. .smotaid Insulating etercnoc htiw demaof slag as .etagergga suoecamotaiD aciliS ecalP-ni-demaoF noitalusnI noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo suoecamotaid htrae htiw ro tuohtiw srednib and hcihw yllausu noitalusnI lairetam deyarps ro detcejni ni a sniatnoc gnicrofnier .serbif demaof diuqil etats hcihw neht sets otni a digir insulating .lairetam E G - dednapxE‘ yalC Glass erbiF thgiL thgiew ralunarg lairetam nagnivah lanretni A larenim erbif lairetam decudorp yltnanimoderp ralullec erutcurts demrof yb gnidnapxe a yalc morf netlom glass. larenim yb .taeh Glass looW dednapxE lynivyloP edirolhC A loow decudorp morf glass erbif htiw ro -htiw A citsalp lairetam htiw a yllaitnatsbus desolc llec tuo ,niser/rednib ni suoirav shapes, smrof and erutcurts desab no sremylop edam htiw lyniv sezis htiw ro tuohtiw .sgnicaf edirolhc dednapxe ot mrof a ralullec erutcurts gnitsisnoc yllaitnatsbus fo desolc .sllec detalunarG Cork noisnapxE: tnioJ ,kroC dnuorg ro dellim otni selunarg ro small .selcitrap An tnemegnarra fo a tnioj ot timrep ,tnemevom ot eveiler sesserts desuac yb noisnapxe ro detalunarG looW .noitcartnoc suorbiF lairetam dessecorp yllacinahcem ot evig F detaludom ro detalunarg .loow gnicaFl H A evitcetorp ro evitaroced ro lanoitcnuf ecafrus hgiH muucaV noitalusnI deilppa as eht tsomretuo reyal fo an insulating .metsys A delaes ecaps morf hcihw eht ria has neeb devomer ot ecudorp a wol .erusserp tleT toH ecaF noitalusnI A elbixelf ro digir-imes teehs fo nevow-non serbif dleh rehtegot yb lacinahcem snaem -htiw noitalusnI hcihw is desopxe yltcerid ot toh gases aut eht USC fo ,srednib sevisehda ro gnimrofnoc ro toh .secafrus .aidem I suorbiF snoitalusnI Insulating kcirB noitalusnI desopmoc fo yllarutan gnirrucco ro derutcafunam. .serbif A kcirb that sniatnoc a hgih emulov oitar fo ria sllec ot dilos .xirtam - gnihsiniFr tnemeC Insulating Castable yrotcarfeR .An insulating tnemec applid as eht tsomretuo reyaJ fo insulating metsys rof ,evitcetorp -oced Insulating etercnoc gniniatnoc a ylbatius dedarg ,evitar ro lanoitcnuf .esoprup insulating yrotcarfer .etagergga 3 fS 3069 : 1994 Insulating Cement ( Industrial ) Lamella Product A erutxim fo yrd suorbif and yredwop slairetam lareniM loow noitalusni ni hcihw eht &areneg that, nehw dexim htiw ,retaw spoleved a citsalp noitatneiro fo eht serbif has neeb degnarraer ot ycnetsisnoc and nehw deird ni ,ecalp smrof a eb ralucidneprep ot eht rojam .secafrus ylevitaler drah lairetam ot tcetorp .noitalusni Light Weight Aggregate Insulating Concrete etagerggA fo suorop .selunarg )a ,etercnoC gniniatnoc a substantial -rep egatnec yb emulov fo thgiewthgil -ergga Light Weight Concrete .etag ( See gnitalusni‘ ’etercnoC ) )b etercnoC edam ralullec yb noitarea ro esooL lliF noitalusnI gnimaof and yam eb deruc yb .gnivalcotua ,selunarG ,seludon redwop ro ralimis smrof fo Insulating Jacket lairetam dengised ot eb dellatsni yb hand gniruop ro gniwolb yb citamuenp .tnempiuqe An noitalusni ylbmessa desolcne ni ,cirbaf ,mlif repap ro niht latem dengised ot tif a ralucitrap Loose Wool .epahs suorbiF noitalusni ni esool mrof yllamron -htiw Insulating Plas t :r tuo a rednib ro detaocerp htiw a rednib rof laiceps .snoitacilppa retsalP gniniatnoc a thgiew-thgil .etagergga M Insulating Rope Magnesia epoR desopmoc fo larenim erbif ylesool dediarb htiw nray ro latem .eriw noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo cisab muisengam etanobrac hcihw setaroprocni -erbif J as a gnicrofnier .tnega Jacket Mastic A mrof fo gnicaf deilppa revo .noitalusni A lairetam fo ylevitaler suocsiv vcnetsisnoc that seird ro seruc ot mrof a evitcetorp ,hsinif elbat&s yam eb largetni htiw eht ,noitalusni ro dlNeif OTE deilppa - It using teehs .slairetam rof noitacilppa fo lamreht noitalusni ni -kciht sessen retaerg than 30 mils ( 67’0 mm ) rep .taoc L Lacing Wire Mat elbixelF suorbif noitalusni deilppus ni eht .mrof thgiL eguag cillatem ,eriw elgnis ro ,dnarts-itlum fo sllor ro batts, hcihw yam eb decaf tub ton desu rof gnical rehtegot tnecajda segde fo .desolcne sesserttam ro fo latem sgnirevoc ro rof gniruces insulating slairetam ot yllaitnatsbus talf .secafrus Mattress sgaL A elbixelf tcudorp gnisirpmoc an insulating lairetam decaf no eno ro htob sides ro yllatot demroferP digir slairetam rof lanidutignol -ilppa desolcne htiw ,cirbaf ,mlif ,repap eriw gnitten ro noitac ot lacirdnilyc tnempiuqe regral than esoht dednapxe latem ro ralimis gnirevoc dehctits .ot rof hcihw epip noitalusni is .elbaliava eht insulating .lairetam esehT era fo eerht :sepyt Maximum Service Temperature )a nialP lags evah a ralugnatcer ssorc noitces dengised rof esu no lacirdnilyc lessev fo ehT erutarepmet at hcihw eht lamreht 2,noitalusni hcus a retemaid that eht lags mrofnoc dellatsni at eht mumixam dednemmocer ssenkciht yltneiciffus esolc ot eht .ecafrus lliw eunitnoc ot mrofrep tuohtiw noitadarged fo yrassecen seitreporp ro noitaerc fo .sdrazah )b delleveB lags era ralimis ot plain lags tub htiw eno ro erom segde .delleveb Metal Mesh Blanket )c Radiused and delleveb lags era delleveb lags htiw devruc secaf ot tif eht ecafrus fo teknalB noitalusni derevoc yb elbixelf ::latem a lacirdnilyc .lessev hsem sgnicaf dehcatta no eno ro htob sides. 4 SI 3069 : 1994 Rlicro Porous Silica Polyethylene Foam aciliS“ redwop ni eht mrof fo suorop ,selcitrap A demaof plastics lairetam desab no ,sremylop eht serop gnivah snoisnemid elbarapmoc htiw devired ylniam morf enelyhte and gnivah a eht naem eerf path fo eht selucelom fo ria at yllaitnatsbus nepo llec .erutcurts cirehpsomta .erusserp tI yam yllanoitpo niatnoc a redwop hcihw secuder taeh refsnart yb etarnnaycosiyloP maoF .noitaidar A demaof plastics lairetam htiw yllaitnatsbus Mill Board desolc llec erutcurts desab no sremylop ni hcihw eht detaeper larutcurts units ni eht sniahc era A hguot elbixelf draob edam morf cisolullec ylniam fo eht etarunaycosi .epyt .erbif enerytsyloP citsalP maoF Mineral Fibre A digir ralullec plastics lairetam that has neeb noitalusnI desopmoc yllapicnirp fo serbif -ron dednapxe morf enerytsylop ro its .sremylopoc yllam derutcafunam morf ,kcor slag ro glass. esehT slairetam era dedivid otni owt :sepyt )a ,draoB dednapxe morf elbadnapxe -sylop Mineral Wool eneryt ,sdaeb hcihw is dedluom ot epahs ro tuc morf ylsuounitnoc ro -unitnocsid A loow decudorp morf larenim erbif htiw ro ylsuo decudorp .kcolb tuohtiw ,niser/rednib ni suoirav shapes, smrof and sezis htiw ro tuohtiw .sgnicaf )b ,draoB decudorp yb eht suounitnoc noisurtxe ,ssecorp rehtie htiw ro tuohtiw dertiM Joint larutan ecafrus skins. epiP noitalusni snoitces tuc ot tif dnuora Polyurethane Foam ,swoble sdneb ro .sgnittif A digir ralullec plastics lairetam desab no -ylop N senahteru ro etarunaycosi/enahteru .sremylop lanimoN ssenkcihT deruoP noitacilppA ehT ssenkciht desu rof ecnerefer sesoprup ni A manual dohtem ot install esool llif .noitalusni gniyficeps‘ .secnarelot gniruoP Wool P A detalunarg suorbif lairetam rof manual -ilppa etilreP‘ noitalusnI noitac ro .gniruop larutaN‘ suoecilis ero dednapxe yb taeh ot mrof Precoated Fibre a ralullec .erutcurts suorbiF noitalusni ni esool ,mrof detaocerp htiw etilreP retsalP a ,rednib gnilbane snoitacilppa ekil ,gniyarps ,gnillewort .cte retsalP gniniatnoc dednapxe etilrep .setagergga Preformed Insulation Shenolic Foam noitalusnI detacirbaf ni hcus a rennam that at A digir lonehp edyhedlamrof ralullec lairetam tsael eno ecafrus fo eht noitalusni smrofnoc ot decudorp morf eht noitasnednoc stcudorp fo eht epahs fo eht ecafrus ot eb .detalusni slonehp and ,edyhedlamrof hcus as seloser and ,scalovon rehtegot htiw srenedrah and rehto Q ,sevitidda rof ,elpmaxe ,stnatcafrus gniwolb ,stnega ,srellif .cte Quilt epiP noitalusnI A ,sserttam decaf no eno ro htob sides ro yllatot desolcne htiw ,cirbaf mlif ro ,repap dehctits ro A demroferp digir ro elbixelf tcudorp ni eht delpats at elbatius .sertnec epahs fo an annular rednilyc ro talf elbixelf tcudorp rof a epip .ecnerefmucric R “Pneumatic Application Radiation Shield ,A dohtem using ria ot install esool .noitalusni A tcudorp yllareneg ni teehs ,mrof fo wol 5

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