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IS 2556-6: Vitreous Sanitary Appliances (Vitreous China), Part 6: Specific Requirements of Urinals and Partition Plates PDF

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Preview IS 2556-6: Vitreous Sanitary Appliances (Vitreous China), Part 6: Specific Requirements of Urinals and Partition Plates

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2556-6 (1995): Vitreous Sanitary Appliances (Vitreous China), Part 6: Specific Requirements of Urinals and Partition Plates [CED 3: Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 2556 ( Part 6 ) : 1995 (Reaffirmed 2008) ) - ( 6 , ) Indian Standard VITREOUS SANITARY APPLIANCES ( VITREOUS CHINA) PART 6 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OFURINALS AND PARTITION PLATES ( Fourth Revision) First Reprint SEPTEMBER1999 . . UDC 696 141-2 : 666596 BIS 1995 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARD MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 June 1995 Price Group 5 Al\1ENDMENT NO. l OCTOBER 1996 'ro IS 2556 ( Part 6 ) : 1995 VITREOUS SANITARY APPLIANCES ( VITREOUS CHINA) PART 6 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF URINALS AND PARTITION PLATES {Fourtb Revision) (Secondcoverpage,Foreword.para4, line 1)- Delete tbe word 'Metal'. (Page 1, clause2, lastentry)--Substitute the Iollowing for the.existing: 'IS9140 : 1996 Methods of sampling of vitreous and fire c-lay sanitary appliances (second revt...ton ).1 ( Page 4, Fig, 4, caption ) - Substitute the following for theexisting: wrmour 'Flf,. 4 B()WLTYPE FIATBAC'K URINAL RIM' (PageR,clause 9 )- Substitute 415lJ140 : 19Yo' for'IS 9140 : 1995'. (cuo3 ) ------------_._--- Rcprography Unit. HIS. New Delhi,India AMENDMENT NO. 2 DECEMBER 1998 TO IS 2556 ( Part 6) :1995 VITREOUS SANITARY APPLIANCES (VITREOUS CHINA) PART6 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF URINALS AND PARTITION PLATES (FourthRevision) ( Page 5, Table 2 ) - Substitute the following for the explanation for legendsagainstc : 2 = 'C2 distancefromcentreofwaste outlettobackofbowl.' (Page5, Table 2)- Substitute ~e2'for ~e22), belowdimensionin mm. (PageS, Table 2,SINo.2, undercole 2)- Substitute '60Min' for '60'. 2 (PageS, Table 3, SlNo. 10, col3 )- Substitute '4J' for '0'. (CED3) ReprographyUnit,BIS, NewDelhi,India 1 Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee, CED 3 FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Sanitary Appliances and Water Pittings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Enaineerinl Division Council. This standard was first issued in 1963 and its first, second and third revisions were issued in 1967, 1974and 1979, respectively. In this revision changes found necessary in the light of the feed back made available by users and improvements made by the vitreous china sanitaryware industry have been incorporated. Attempts have been made to make it comparable with oversea. standards as a measure ofexport promotion. . Urinal. and partition platel covered under Sections I to 4 of IS 2556 ( Part 6 ) : 1979 have been combined in this revision and the nomenclature of 'half stall urinals' changed to 'Bowl urinal flat back' without Bushin. rim and 'Bowl urinal angle back' without flushing rim. Metal fittings for bowl urinals as covered under Section S and Section6 ofIS 2556 ( Part6) : 1974 are intended to be covered In a separate standard. The technical committee has recommended the use of urinals without flushing rim and over8ow in preference to urinals with rim and overflow as they are more hygienic and can be cleaned more easily. The committee has also recommended the use of 2·5 litres capacity automatic cistern for cleanability test. Connecting dimension ofbowl urinal witbout rim have been aligned with EN 80 : 1979 'Wallbung urinals without built in traps - connecting dimensions' issued by European Committee for Standardization. The committee responsible for the preparation ofthis standard is given at Annex A. For the purpose ofdeciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated. expressing the result ofa test or analysis, shall<be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 •Rules for rounding off numerical values (rn;sed)'. The number ofli.nificant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that ofthe specified value In this standard, IS 255Ci ( Part , ) : DH Indian Standard VITREOUS SANITARY APPLIANCES ( VITREOUS CHINA) PART 8 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF URINALS AND PARTITION PLATES ( Fourth Revision) ii) Bowl (flat back) without flushing rim 1 SCOPE ( see Fig. 2 ), ofsizes: This Standard ( Part 6 ) lays down the require ments for, patterns and sizes, dimensions, a) Size 1- 410 x 265 x 305 mm, and construction, finish.. inspection and marking of b) Size 2 - 590 x 37S x 390 mm. urinals and partition plates and cleanability test for urinals, made of vitreous china. iii) Bowl (angle back) with ftusbio. rim ( se« Fig- 3 ), ofsize: 2 REFERENCES 345 x 420 x 270 mm. The 1ndian Standards listed below are the iv) Bowl ( angle back) without flushing rim necessary adjuncts to this standard: ( see Fig. 4 ). ofsizes: IS No. Title a) Size 1 - 450 x 350 )( 275 mm, and 2326 : 1987 Specification for automatic b) Size 2 - 580 x 500 x 300 mm. flushing cisterns for urinals v) Squatting plate ( see Pig. S ). ofsizes: ~ 2556 ( Part 1 ) : Specification for vitreous a) Size t- 450 x 350 mm, and 1994 sanitary appliances ( vitreous b) Size 2- 600 x 350 mm. china) : Part 1General requi- ." rement. ( thirdrevision ) 4:1 Partition plates shall be oneorthe following sizes: 91..0: 1995 Method for sampling of vitreous and fire clay sanitary a) Size 1-675 x 325 x 85 mm, and appliances ( secondrnulon ) b) Size 2-825 x 4SO mm )( 100 mm. 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.3 Urinals and partition plates may be made in otherpatternsand sizeswhere10agreed between The general requirements relating to termino the manufacturer'and the purchaser. However logy, material, manufacture and defects perrormanc~ except for functional dimensions all othe; minimum thickness, tolerances, requirements as laid down in this It~ndardshall and method oftestcovered in IS 2556 ( Part 1) : be complied with. 1994 shall be complied with. 5 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES .. PATTERNS AND SIZES SF-.I 80wI pattern urinal (I•• Fi•• 1. Fil. 2, 4.1 The urinals shall be ofone of the following 18-3 and Fig. 4 ). patterns and sizes: 5.i.l Functional dimeDsions shall be u ,ivon I) Bowl ( fiat back) with flushing rim ( lee in Table J. Fil_ 1), ofsizes: 5.1.2 Connectio. dimension. shall be as given a) Size 1- 440 x 265 )( 355 mm with in Table 2. sidefixing arrangements; and NOTB - Connectilll dimenllonl are vital for tho b) Size 2 - 440 )( 265 x 31' mm with fUDOtloniq and lntercballleability oftho ',Itemand top and bottom flXinl arrangements. ,haDbeatrlotl, followed. 1 .S·Sm,n ·HOLE ON £ITH£~ .....--w SIDE OF INLETM'tID OUTLET 2HOLES,tI>6·5 195 min ONEACH H S'OE TYPE. SIDE FIXING TYPE2 TOP ANDBOTTOMFIXING NOTB- Wherea elotedcbannel witb overflow il Dot provided a domed Irating withrerforatioos Itarlina fromthe base and the crown ofwhich sball be 25mm. minimum above surfaceshal be provided which maybe iDtearal orotherwise. All dlmeo.ions in mlllimetres, Flo. 1 BoWL PATTERN UR.INAL ( FLAT BACIC) r ....--w---........ p r H T K FOR DETAILED D~MENSIONSOF WASTE OUTLET HOLE (SMFig.5) FlO. 2 BoWL UlUNAL FLAT BACE (WrrHOUT FLUSHINO Rill ) 2 IS 2556( Part , ) : 1'" . ~------p ~J~b --- 2 HOlES,.S5 min. ON EACH SIDE H 1 K _____l NOTB - Ovalityof5percenti. penni••ible on lnlet.andoutletdiameter•• All dimensions in millimetrea. FIG. 3 BoWL PATTBR.NURINAL (ANOLB BAC~) WITH FLUSH Rill J

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