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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2541 (1991): Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete [CED 4: Building Limes and Gypsum Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” / IS 2541 :199-i srTT?h 'qT;r;i; ( TiTF$ ‘s;rfmT) Indian Standard PREPARATIONANDUSEOFLIME CONCRETE- CODEOFPRACTICE ( Second Revision ) UDC ‘666’972 : 006’76 0 BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1991 Price Group 4 gnidliuB emiL and emiL stcudorP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CED 4 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR > was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht gnidliuB emiL and emiL stcudorP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht liviC gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC emiL ,etercnoc ni etips fo its wol ,htgnerts yam eb desu ni lareves snoitautis ni ,noitcurtsnoc hcus as ni llew snoitadnuof rof yletaredom llat buildings, rednu roolf ,sehsinif rof gnillif sehcnuah revo yrnosam hcra krow and rof foor gnicarret .krow sihT standard is dednetni ot edivorp ecnadiug htiw tcepser ot noitaraperp and esu fo emil etercnoc no eht basis fo gnitsixe egdelwonk and .ecneirepxe emiL etercnoc is dnuof ot evah ynam elbarised seitreporp and segatnavda rof esu ni .noitcurtsnoc ylreporP ,deraperp detcapmoc and laid, emil etercnoc is elbarud rednu lamron .serusopxe emiL etercnoc sessessop elbaredisnoc ecnatsiser ot etahplus ,kcatta and nac eb desu ni snoitadnuof and saera ni hcihw lios niatnoc elbaredisnoc seititnauq fo elbulos etahplus ro erehw lios-bus retaw elbat is .hgih ehT tceffe fo erutarepmet snoitautculf no eht emulov egnahc is elbigilgen ni emil ,etercnoc derapmoc ot that fo erutsiom .snoitairav tI osla seogrednu elbigilgen emulov egnahc retfa gnittes and laitini .egaknirhs nI weiv fo a evisneherpmoc naidnI dradnatS gnieb elbaliava no emil etercnoc rof gnifoorpretaw tnemtaert [ see SI 3036 : 1980 edoC‘ fo ecitcarp rof gniyal emil etercnoc rof a defoorpretaw foor hsinif tsrif( snoisiver ’) ,I this noitamrofni has ton neeb derevoc ni this standard. sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1965 and yltneuqesbus desiver ni 1974. ecniS noitacilbup fo eht tsrif noisiver fo this standard, tsom fo eht derrefer standards evah neeb desiver and, as hcus ti was tlef yrassecen ot esiver this standard os as ot etadpu all eht secnerefer rof eht ecneinevnoc fo eht .sresu nI this noisiver eht lareneg stnemeriuqer gnidrager gniyal fo etercnoc evah osla neeb .deifidom roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( desiver .‘) ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. AMENDMENT NO. 3 JULY 2011 TO IS 2541 : 1991 PREPARATION AND USE OF LIME CONCRETE — CODE OF PRACTICE ( Second Revision ) (Page 1, clause 4.2) — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘Ordinary Portland cement shall conform to the 33/43/53 Grade as specified in IS 269 : 1989, IS 8112 : 1989, and IS 12269 : 1987 respectively.’ (Page 1, clause 4.3.2) — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘Pulverized fuel ash shall conform to IS 15648 : 2006.’ (Page 1, clause 4.5.3) — Substitute the following for the existing entry: ‘Pulverized fuel ash shall conform to IS 15648 : 2006.’ (Page 4, Annex A) — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘1635 : 1992 Field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty — Code of practice (second revision)’ (Page 4, Annex A) — Delete ‘3812 : 1981’ along with its title. (Page 4, Annex A) — Substitute the following for the existing entry: ‘5817 : 1992 Preparation and use of lime-pozzolana mixture concrete in buildings and roads — Code of practice (first revision)’ (Page 4, Annex A) — Insert the following at the end: ‘8112 : 1989 43 Grade ordinary Portland cement — Specification (first revision) 12269 : 1987 53 Grade ordinary Portland cement — Specification 15648 : 2006 Pulverized fuel ash for lime pozzolana mixture application’ (CED 4) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India SI 2541 : 1991 Indian Standard PREPARATIONANDUSEOFLIME CONCRETE- CODEOF PRACTICE ( Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE 4.5.3 ylF ash shall mrofnoc ot SI 3512 : 1981. sihT standard srevoc eht noitaraperp and esu 4.6 retaW fo emil etercnoc and sedulcni stnemeriuqer rof retaW desu ,rof htob gnixim and gniruc emil ,slairetam dohtem fo ,noitaraperp gniyal and ,etercnoc shall eb naelc and eerf morf suoirujni gnihsinif fo etercnoc rof tnereffid .sesoprup tnuoma fo suoireteled .rettam aeS retaw shall NOTE - Lime analozzop erutxim etercnoc evah ton eb .desu elbatroP retaw is yllareneg neeb dedulcxe morf the weiver of siht dradnats as deredisnoc yrotcafsitas rof gnixim and gniruc ti si derevoc ni SI 5817 : 1970. emil .etercnoc 2 REFERENCES 5 NGISED SNOITAREDISNOC ehT naidnI Standards detsil ni xennA A era 5.1 lareneG yrassecen tcnujda ot this standard. emiL etercnoc yam eb desu yllareneg rof eht 3 YGOLONIMRET gniwollof :snoitautis roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed )a As a gnillevel esruoc rof snoitadnuof and fo eht smret nevig ni SI 6508 : 1988 shall .ylppa rof plain etercnoc sgnitoof rof yrnosam walls and ,snmuloc 4 SLAIRETAM )b yranidrO esab etercnoc rednu ,sroolf and 4.1 emiL )c roF gnillif sehcnuah revo yrnosam hcra emiL rof esu ni emil etercnoc shall mrofnoc ot .krow SI 712 : 1984. 5.2 roF yrotcafsitas esu noitceles fo reporp 4.2 tnemeC emil etercnoc ,xim eht gniwollof noitamrofni lliw eb :yrassecen tnemeC shall mrofnoc ot eht stnemeriuqer fo 33 edarg yranidro dnaltroP tnemec deificeps ni )a Lime Concrete in Foundations - erutsioM SI 269 : 1989. noitidnoc fo eht ,edarg-bus lios-bus retaw level and noitadnuof .sdaol 4.3 cioalozzoP slairetaM )b Lime Concrete Under Floor Finishes - 4.3.1 tnruB yalc analozzop shall mrofnoc ot erutsioM noitidnoc fo eht ,edarg-bus sub- SI 1344 : 1981. lios retaw ,level epyt fo roolf hsinif and roolf .sdaol 4.3.2 ylF ash shall mrofnoc ot SI 3812 : 1981. 5.3 xiM snoitroporP 4.4 esraoC setagerggA ecnadiuG tuoba xim snoitroporp rof tnereffid esraoC etagergga rof esu ni emil etercnoc shall sesoprup is nevig ni elbaT 1. eb rehtie larutan enots etagergga gnimrofnoc ot SI 383 : 1970 ro nekorb kcirb ( tnrub yalc ) 5.4 Workability etagergga gnimrofnoc ot SI 3068 : 1986 ro rednic etagergga gnimrofnoc ot SI 2686 : 1977 esuaceB fo yrev doog retaw noitneter seitreporp gnidneped nopu eht noitautis fo esu fo emil ,ratrom ytilibakrow fo emil etercnoc ( ees elbaT 1 .) lliw yllareneg eb dnuof yrotcafsitas htiw lamron sdohtem fo gniraperp .etercnoc ytilibakroW fo emil etercnoc yam eb devorpmi rehtruf yb 4.5 eniF etagerggA gnisaercni eht noitroporp fo emil ratrom ( tub 4.5.1 Sand rof esu ni emil etercnoc shall mrofnoc this shall ton eb desaercni dnoyeb eht timil ot SI 383 : 1970. deific:ps ni elbaT 1 > and yb using llew dedarg .setagergga ehT snoitroporp dednemmocer 4.5.2 kcirB etagergga shall mrofnoc ot ni elbaT 1 lliw yllamron eb dnuof ot evig SI 3182 : 1986. yrotcafsitas elbakrow .sexim emiL etercnoc 1 IS 2541 : 3991 Table 1 Recommended Mixes for Use in Lime Concrete ( Clauses 4.4, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6.2, 7.2.1 and 7.3.1 ) Sl Situations Type of Mortar Class of Lime* Type of Maximum Proportion of Remarks No. ( AI1 Proportions as in IS 712 : Coarse Size of Mortar to by Voiume ) 1984 Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Volume ) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ’,i‘ nI -adnuof 1 :3(,emil if en A enotS ro 50 mm 1 40 ot 50 strap yllamxN -tius snoit setagergga nekorb kcirb I fo ratrom ot elba rof -dliub 1 ,emil 1 -ozzop ,B ,C ,D E -od- 50 mm i 100 strap fo sgni ton ,lairetame~;~ t etagergga -ed erom naht -ergga 1 gnidnep nopu eerht syerots etag 1 eht gnidarg fo hgih dna ni 3 ,emil 1 ,tnemec ,B ,C ,D E od- 50 mm J etagergga secalp htiw 12 enif etagergga yrd edarg-bus taht si liosbus retaw level ton w nihti 2 5 m fo -nuof noitad level )ii esaB -noc 1 ,emil 2 enif A enotS ro 50 mm 1 40 ot 50 strap elbatiuS rof eterC rednu etagergga nekorb kcirb fo ratrom ot yrd dna -elot roolf sehsinif 1 ,emil 1 -ozzop ,B ,C ,D E -od- 50 mm ( 100 strap fo ylbar tew no dnuorg cinal ,slairetam etagergga -ed sedarg-bus 1 enif etagergga gnidnep 3 ,emil 1 ,tnemec ,B ,C ,D E 50 mm nopu eht -darg 12 enif etagergga gni fo etagergga )iii gnilleveL 1 ,emil 2 enif A nekorB kcirb 20 ot 25 40 ot 50 strap - esruoc ro etagergga ro mm fo ratrom ot gninoihsuc 1 ,emil 1 -ozzop ,B ,C ,D E rednic 100 strap fo reyal rednu cinal ,lairetam etagergga roolf 1 enif etagergga 2 ,emil 1 ,tnemec ,B ,C ,D E - 12 enif etagergga 1 iv) gnilliF revo 1 $e;;; 1 -ozzop ,B ,C ,D E nekorB kcirb 25 mm 45 strap fo - secnuah fo ,lairetam ratrom ot yrnosam 1 enif etagergga 100 strap fo hcra krow t 1 : 2 -ergga J we NOTE - roF sliated fo enif ,etagergga ees 4.5. nehW* lime si desu sa ,yttup eht gninoitroporp llahs take otni tnuocca ylno eht tnelaviuqe ytitnauq fo yrd dekals .emil htiw 50 ot 75 mm slump ( ees xennA B ) lliw eb 5.6 Strength Requirement yllareneg dnuof elbatius rof uses detacidni ni 5.1. 5.6.1 ehT htgnerts fo emil etercnoc lliw dneped no eht class fo emil epyt and ezis fo esraoc 5.5 etaR of Hardening and Setting Time ,etagergga noitroporp and ytilauq fo cinalozzop slairetam desu ni ratrom rof noitaraperp fo 5.5.1 ehT gninedrah fd emil etercnoc lliw eb .etercnoc ehT ssecorp fo htgnerts tnempoleved rewols than that fo tnemec ,etercnoc tub lliw eb ni emil etercnoc is wols and yam dnetxe hguorht yrotcafsitas rof tsom fo eht lamron uses ot .sraey hcihw ti is tup ni gnidliub ,krow tpecxe erehw ylrae htgnerts is ,deriuqer hcus as ni ycnegreme 5.6.2 ehT muminim htgnerts fo emil etercnoc skrow ro ni skrow rednu yrev tew .snoitidnoc fo xim snoitroporp deificeps ni elbaT 1, nehw nI esac fo larutcurts emil etercnoc tcejbus ot detset ni ecnadrocca htiw erudecorp laid nwod ,daol hcus as ni ,snoitadnuof rehtruf -curtsnoc ni sexennA B and C shall eb 1 2mm/N fo noit shall ton eb detrats reilrae than a doirep fo evisserpmoc htgnerts at 28 syad and 2’0 2m/N fo neves syad retfa etercnoc has neeb laid and esrevsnart htgnerts at 90 .syad ehT evisserpmoc .detadilosnoc htgnerts at 90 syad is detcepxe ot esir ot 2’1 .2mm/N 5.5.2 gnitteS emit fo etercnoc lliw dreped nopu eht class fo emil desu ni eht noitaraperp fo 6 NOITARAPERP FO EMIL ETERCNOC ratrom and lliw eb .elbairav hguohT laitini tes yam rucco ni 2 ot 3 h, erehw Class A emil is 6.1 ratroM rof etercnoC ,desu eht lanif tes seod ton yllausu rucco ni less than 10 ot 12 h. gnicalP fo etercnoc and 6.1.1 nialP emil ratrom ro emil analozzop noitcapmoc shall eb detelpmoc erofeb pht laitini ratrom ro emil tnemec ratrom fo deificeps tes has detrats retfa hcihw eht etercnoc shall ton snoitroporp fo tnereffid stneidergni shall eb be .debrutsid .desu emiL shall eb desu ni eht mrof fo yrd 2 -i IS 2541 : 1991 detardyh emil ro ni eht mrof fo yttup hcihw shall NOTE - fI tnemec sah neeb desu ni eht ,xim eht etercnoc llahs eb dial ni noitisop nihtiw na-flah eb deraperp ni ecnadrocca htiw 5361SI : 1975. ruoh retfa retaw sah neeb dedda ot ti dna ehT ratrom shall eb deraperp gnidrocca ot eht detcapmoc nihtiw eno .ruoh snoitadnemmocer laid nwod ni SI 2250 : 1981. 7.2 Lime Concrete in Foundations and Under 6.2 Coarse Aggregate Floors fI esraoc etagergga sniatnoc evissecxe ,trid ti 7.2.1 ehT lios edarg-bus no hcihw etercnoc is ot shall bs dehslw and llew deniard erof:b .esu eb laid shall b$ ylreporp dettew and demmar tnruB ,yalc rednic and rehto suorop esraoc :rofeb gnitercnoc is .detrats ecnadiuG tuoba etagergga shall eb ylhguoroht dekaos and desu eht xim snoitroporp ot b= desu yam :b deniatbo ni detarutas yrd .snoitidnoc morf elbaT 1. 6.3 Mixing 7.2.2 ehT etercnoc shall b= laid ylluferac ni noitisop ( ton nworht morf a thgieh ) elihw 6.3.1 emiL etercnoc yam eb hand dexim ro a ,hserf ni sreyal ton gnideecxe 150 mm ni small hand detarepo rexim ylnr eb .desu roF ssenkciht nehw .detadilosnoc eraC shall eb regral seititnauq eht esu fo a lacinahcem rexim nekat elihw gnicalp eht etercnoc os that dluow eb .elbarised noitagerges fo etagergga selcitrap and ratrom seod ton ekat .ecalp hcaE reyal shall eb 6.3.2 Hmd Mixing ylhguoroht demmar and detadilosnoc erofeb gnideeccus sreyal is .decalp gniruD gniyal and gnixiM shall eb enod no a naelc retaw thgit ,noitadilosnoc etercnoc shall eb tpek eerf morf mroftalp fo tneiciffus ezis ot edivorp elpma noitanimatnoc yb ,sevael straw, twigs, trid and gnixim .aera ehT mroftalp shall evah thgit rehto suoireteled .srettam ,ylevitanretlA ytud esolc stnioj os that ereht is on egakael fo retaw etalp ro ecafrus srotarbiv yam eb desu rof ro ratrom hguorht meht and eht gnixim loot mrofinu and doog .noitcapmoc seod ton ekirts eht stnioj elihw ni .noitarepo 7.2.3 yvaeH sremmar shall eb desu and gnimmar ehT esraoc etagergga shall tsrif eb shall eb deunitnoc litnu a skin fo ratrom srevoc dekcats ot an neve ecafrus no eht .mroftalp eht ecafrus and yletelpmoc sedih eht etagergga emiL ratrom ( ro analozzop-emil ratrom ) ni eht ( nori sremmar gyihgiew 4h ot &5 kg and deificeps noitroporp shall neht eb ylneve daerps erorn;i; aahf 300 mc ni aera era yllareneg revo eht etagergga and eht elohw ylhguoroht yrotcafsitas .) erauqS sremmar era .dexim retaW ni just tneiciffus ytitnauq shall lufpleh ni noitadilosnoc fo .segde oN retaw eb deilppa htiw a ,relknirps ot elbane eht ratrom shall :b dedda gnirud .gnimmar erehW stnioj ot erehda ot hcae eceip fo .etagergga ehT ni eht emas reyal era ,elbadiovanu eht dne fo gnixim shall eb enod yb gninrut ti revo and revo hcae reyal shall eb depols at an elgna fo 30” and lareves ,semit litnu all eht selcitrap fo etagergga edam hguor ot erusne reporp dnob htiw wen era derevoc htiw ratrom and a etercnoc fo .etercnoc ehT ecafrus fo hcae detelpmoc reyal mrofinu ecnaraeppa and ycnetsisnoc is .deniatbo shall eb ,deretaw denehguor and denaelc yb eriw brushing ro yna rehto elbatius snaem 6.3.3 Machine Mixing erofeb eht txen reyal is laid revo .ti erehW lacitrev stnioj rucco ni an reppu and a rewol ,naelC detarutas ecafrus yrd esraoc etagergga ,reyal yeht shall eb at tsael 600 mm apart shall tsrif eb def otni eht .rexim emiL ratrom .yllatnoziroh ( ro analozzop-emil ratrom ) ni eht deificeps noitroporp shall neht eb def otni eht rexim and 7.2.4 ehT gnixim and gnimmar shall og no eht stnetnoc dexim .llew ehT deriuqer ytitnauq ylsuounitnoc nehw ecno ;detrats feiler seitrap fo tnemec shall neht eb ,dedda fi .yrassecen gnieb dedivorp ot diova .egappots sihT yam eb gnixiM shall eb deunitnoc litnu ereht is a deveihca yb gnignarra nemkrow ni eno ro erom mrofinu noitubirtsid fo eht .slairetam laniF senil ssorca eht ,etercnoc htiw a laretal raelc tnemtsujda fo ,retaw ot niatbo etercnoc fo ecaps fo ton erom than 500 mm neewteb deriuqer ,ycnetsisnoc yam eb edam yb adding nemkrow tneiciffuS ruobal and slairetam shall naelc. ,retaw fi ,yrassecen and gninrut eht eb deyolpme ot ekam up eht etercnoc stneidergni ni eht .rexim noitadnuof reyal yb ,reyal ylsuoenatlumis tuohguorht eht elohw .gnidliub nehW this is 7‘ LAYING ton ,elbacitcarp dehsinifnu sreyal fo etercnoc shall evah kaerb stnioj as debircsed ni 7.2.3. .7.1 General 7.2.5 Curing ylnO* that hcum ytitnauq fo etercnoc shall eb dexim hcihw nac eb laid ni noitisop nihtiw owt retfA eht gniyal and noitcapmoc has neeb sruoh retfa .gnixim ehT etercnoc shall ,detelpmoc etercnoc shall eb deruc rof a rehtruf ylbareferp- eb decalp ni noitisop yletaidemmi doirep fo ton less than 10 .syad roF eht tsrif retfa gnixim has neeb .detelpmoc gniyaL and 48 h ti shall eb deruc yb gnirevoc ti htiw tew noitcapmoc fo etercnoc shall eb detelpmoc hessian ro yb gnidaerps sand, ynnug bags and nihtiw ruof sruoh fo adding .retaw gniretaw yltneuqerf ni etaredom .seititnauq 3 IS 2541 : 1991 In esac fo etercnoc ni snoitadnuof on deriuqer ssenkciht and slevel ni sreyal ton krowkcirb ro yrnosam shall eb laid no etercnoc gnideecxe 100 mm ni .ssenkciht noitcapmoC rof a doirep fo at tsael neves syad retfa and gnimmar shall eb deunitnoc llit tew ratrom gniyal ro llit hcus ,doirep eht -ni-reenigne just sraeppa at eht pot ecafrus fo eht reyal egrahc sleef ti .yrassecen gnieb .detadilosnoc 7.3 Lime Concrete in Haunches of Arches 7.3.2 Curing 7.3.1 etercnoC fo elbatius xim noitroporp as ehT ecafrus shall eb ylsuounitnoc deruc rof at dednemmocer ni elbaT 1, shall eb laid ot eht tsael 21 syad as debircsed ni 7.2.5. ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. Title IS No. Titje 962 : 1989 33 edarG yranidro dnaltroP 2686 : 1977 redniC as enif setagergga rof tnemec (fourth revision ) esu is emil etercnoc (first : 1970 esraoC and enif setagergga revision ) 383 morf larutan secruos rof 3068 : 1986 nekorB kcirb ( tnrub yalc ) etercnoc ( esraoc setagergga rof esu ni second revision > emil etercnoc 712 : 1984 gnidliuB semil ( third (first revision ) 3182 : 1986 nekorB kcirb ( tnrub yalc ) revision ) enif setagergga rof esu ni 1344 : 1981 deniclaC yalc analozzop emil ratrom (first revision ) ( second revision ) 3812 : 1981 ylF ash rof esu as analozzop 1635 : 1975 edoC fo ecitcarp rof dleif and erutximda (first revision ) slaking fo gnidliub emil and 5817 : 1970 edoC fo ecitcarp rof noitaraperp fo yttup tsrif( noitaraperp and esu fo -emil revision ) analozzop erutxim etercnoc 2250 : 1981 edoC fo ecitcarp rof ni buildings and sdaor noitaraperp and esu fo 6508 : 1988 yrassolG fo smret gnitaler yrnosam sratrom ( tsrif ot gnidliub emil ( tsrif revkion ) revision ) ANNEX B ( Clauses 5.4, 5.6.2a nd C-l.1 ) METHOD OF TEST FOR DETERMINATION OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH etagergga shall neht eb devomer morf eht retaw B-l GENERAL and eht ssecxe retaw dewolla ot niard yawa yb sihT dohtem seilppa ot noisserpmoc stset no gnipeek eht etagergga rof 2 ot 3 h at moor emil etercnoc nemiceps edam ni a yrotarobal .erutarepmet erehw etarucca lortnoc fo slairetam and tset 3.2-B ehT seititnauq fo emil ,yttup etagergga snoitidnoc is .elbissop and retaw rof hcae hctab shall eb denimreted yb mass ot an ycarucca fo 1’0 .tnecrep 2-B SLAIRETAM AND GNINOITROPORP 1.2-B ehT slairetam and eht snoitroporp desu 3-B GNIXIM ETERCNOC ni making eht stset shall eb ralimis ni all 1.3-B ehT etercnoc shall eb dexim yb hand ro stcepser ot esoht ot eb deyolpme ni eht .krow ylbareferp ni a yrotarobal hctab rexim ni hcus ehT retaw tnetnoc shall eb as ylraen as -itcarp a rennam as ot diova ssol fo .retaw ehT emil ,elbac lauqe ot that ot eb desu ni eht .krow and enif etagergga shall tsrif eb dexim litnu 2.2-B slairetaM shall eb thguorb ot moor eht erutxim is mrofinu ni .ruoloc ehT esraoc erutarepmet fo 27” f 2°C erofeb gninnigeb eht etagergga shall neht eb dedda and dexim htiw .tset ehT esraoc etagergga shall eb dekaos ni eht emil and enif .etagergga retaW shall neht retaw t\f moor erutarepmet rof 24 h. ehT eb dedda and eht elohw dexim ylhguoroht rof 4

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