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IS 2486-1: Metal fittings of insulators for overhead power lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000 V, Part 1: General requirements and tests PDF

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Preview IS 2486-1: Metal fittings of insulators for overhead power lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000 V, Part 1: General requirements and tests

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2486-1 (1993): Metal fittings of insulators for overhead power lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000 V, Part 1: General requirements and tests [ETD 6: Electrical Insulators and Accessories] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 2486 ( Part 1 ) : 1993 Indian Standard METAL FITTINGS OF INSULATORS FOR OVERHEAD POWER LINES WITH NOMINAL VOLTAGE GREATER THAN 1000 V - SPECIFICATION PART 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS Second Revision ) ( U DC 621.31565 : 621*315*1*027*5/-8 @ BIS 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1993 Price puorG 6 lacirtcelE srctaJsnI dna seirosseccA lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTE 06 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after Wds the draft dezilanif yb the lacirtcelE srotalussI dna seirosseccA lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lacinhcetortcelE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT dradnats was tsrif deussi ni 1963. ehT dradnats was tsrif desiver ni the thgil of ecneirepxe deniag no the lacinahcem dna lacirtcele tests no the spmalc dna osla ot ezilanoitar rieht test .stnemeriuqer ehT dnoces noisiver of siht dradnats has neeb deirrac tuo ot etadpu noitamrofni no the gnitset ytilicaf elbaliava ni the yrtnuoc dna osla ot r.gi1a the stnemeriuqer htiw tnerruc lanoitan dna lanoitanretni sdradnats no the .tcejbus Part 2 of siht dradnats srevoc the snoisnemid of the latem sgnittif for .srotalusni ehT lacinahcem stnemeriuqer for latem sgnittif of srotalusni are detaler ot the gniliaf daol of the .sgnittif tI ,si therefore, tfel ot the resu ot ediced the pihsnoitaler neewteb the mumixam gnikrow daol dna the deificeps muminim gniliaf daol gnikat otni tnuocca lla the secnatsmucric gninrevog the esu cf the latem .gnittif driB gcard rotalusni snip evah ton neeb dedulcni ni siht dradnats esuaceb of rieht detimil .noitacilppa tI si dednemmocer that, where ,yrassecen the emas enil nip yam eb desu htiw the drib draug .rotalusni ehT rotcudnoc earth eriw seirossecca dna sgnittif for the daehrevo enil srotcudnoc are deificeps yletarapes ni SI 2121 ( Part 1 ) : 1981 dna SI 2121 ( Part 2 ) : 1981. nI the noisiver of siht dradnats ecnatsissa has neeb devired morf SB 3288 : Part 1 : 1973 rotalusnI dna rotcudl.oc sgnittif for daehrevo power senil : Part 1 ecnamrofreP dna lareneg stnemeriuqer deussi yb hsitirB sdradnatS noitutitsnI ( KU ). roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac ,i,isserpxe * D the tluser of a test, llihs eb dednuor Ifo r.i ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav ( ehT rebmun revised )‘. of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 2486 ( traP )1 : 1993 Indian Standard METALFITTINGSOFINSULATORSFOR OVERHEADPOWERLINESWITHNOMINAL VOLTAGEGREATERTHAN lOOOV- SPECIFICATION 1 PART GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS Second Revision ) ( 1 EPOCS rotcudnoc at its rewol .dne sihT ylbmessa yllaitnesse sesirpmoc eht .gniwollof sihT standard ( traP 1 ) sevig eht lareneg stnemeriuqer and stset rof rotalusni sgnittif rof 3.4.1 Suspension Top Fitting esu no daehrevo rewop senil gnivah a lanimon egatlov retaerg than 1 000 V. A kooh ro rohcna elkcahs ro rehto gnittif rof ylbixelf suspending eht noisnepsus rotalusni 2 ECNEREFER SDRADNATS gnirts morf eht gnitroppus erutcurts rehtie yltcerid ro hguorht a .regnah ehT naidnI Standards detsil ni xennA A era yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard. 3.4.2 Suspension Clamp Adopter 3 YGOLONIMRET A gnittif rof ylbixelf gnitcennoc eht rotcudnoc roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht gniwollof noisnepsus pmalc ot eht noisnepsus rotalusni snoitinifed shall .ylppa .gnirts 3.1 gnicrA gnittiF 3.4.3 Conductor Suspension Clamp A latem gnittif ro sgnittif dehcatta ot eno ro A gnittif gnidloh eht rotcudnoc and ylbixelf htob sdne fo an rotalusni gnirts and degnarra dednepsus morf eht pmalc .retpoda ot tneverp egamad ot eht rotalusni gnirts yb a rewop .cra 3.5 noisneT rotalusnI gnirtS gnittiF 3.2 gniliaF daoL An ylbmessa fo latem parts desu htiw a gnirts rotalusni tinu ro an rotalusni gnirts dehcatta ehT tsetaerg lacinahcem daol hcihw nac eb ot a gnitroppus erutcurts and ot eruces ni deilppa ot a gnittif rednu eht debircserp noisnet a enil .rotcudnoc sihT ylbmessa snoitidnoc fo .tset yllaitnesse sesirpmoc eht .gniwollof 3.2.1 Specified Minimum Failing Load 3.5.1 Tension End Fitting The muminim gniliaf daol deificeps yb eht resahcrup ro deralced yb eht .reilppus A gnittif rof ylbixelf gnidloh eht noisnet rotalusni gnirts ot a gnitroppus .erutcurts 3.3 rotalusnI niP 3.5.2 Tension ( Anchor ) Clamp Adopter A stud passing up edisni eht latem esab fo eht enil tsop rotalusni and dednetni ot eb dexil A gnittif rof ylbixelf gnitcennoc eht rotcudnoc yldigir ot a gnitroppus .erutcurts noisnet pmalc ot eht noisnet rotalusni .gnirts 3.4 noisnepsuS rotalusnI gnirtS gnittiF 3.5.3 Conductor Tension ( Anchor ) Clamp An .ylbmessa fo latem parts desu htiw a gnirts A gnittif rof gnidloh eht rotcudnoc ni noisnet rotalusni tinu ro an rotalusni gnirts hung morf noitisop and ylbixelf detcennoc ot eht pmalc a gnitroppus erutcurts and ot yrrac a enil .retpoda I IS 2486 ( Part 1) : 1993 3.6 Ball Hook noisorroc or eb ylbatius protected tsniaga I ,noisorroc htob gnirud storage dna ni .ecivres 3.7 Socket Tongue llA suorref latem parts hcihw lliw eb exposed I ot the erehpsomta ni ,ecivres except those 3.8 Anchor Shackle edam of sselniats leets llahs eb protected yb hot pid gnizinavlag or other agreed .snaem I 3.9 Yoke Plate ehT threads of stun dna tapped seloh llahs eb ETON - cificepS tuc after gnizinavlag dna llahs eb llew delio 3.10 Ball Eye I stnemmoc are detivni or greased. llA other threads llahs eb demrof I ot enifed these parts erofeb .gnizinavlag 3..11 gnicrA snroH ( smret ). I 7 LARENEG STNEMERIUQER ROF TSET 3.12 gnidarG sgniR 7.1 epyT stseT / 3.13 sivelC eugnoT sselnU esiwrehto agreed, tests setacifitrec gnivig the etairporppa epyt test, edam no ton ssel 3.14 detsiwT elkcahS naht three sgnittif lacitnedi ni lla laitnesse J sliated htiw those ot eb ,deilppus llahs eb regarded as ecnedive of .ecnailpmoc 3.15 Lot 7.2 Acceptance Tests llA the rotalusni sgnittif of emas epyt dna ngised derutcafunam rednu ralimis snoitidnoc sselnU esiwrehto agreed neewteb the -unam of ,noitcudorp offered for ;ecnatpecca a tol rerutcaf dna resu the ecnatpecca test llahs eb yam tsisnoc of the elohw or part of the ytitnauq deirrac tuo gnidrocca ot the gnilpmaS nalP offered. nevig ni xennA .B A tol llahs tsisnoc of ylno eno epyt of sgnittif 7.3 Routine Tests derutcafunam yllaitnesse morf the emas raw erehW enituor tests are deificeps yeht llahs eb lairetam dna rednu lacitnedi .snoitidnoc deilppa ot yreve .gnittif 4 SEIROGETAC‘ FO STSET 8 NOITACIFIREV FO SNOISNEMID 4 0 stseT are dedivid otni three spuorg as nevig tI llahs eb deifirev rehtie that the test selpmas ni 4.1, 4.2 dna 4.3. sliateD of these tests are ylpmoc htiw the stnemeriuqer of Part 2 of siht nevig rednu evitcepser .sgnittif dradnats ( fi so deificeps ) or that yeht are ni ecnadrocca htiw the tnaveler ,sgniward -itrap 4..1 epyT stseT ylraluc as regards yna snoisnemid ot hcihw stseT deirrac tuo ot evorp ytimrofnoc htiw the laiceps secnarelot ylppa dna sliated affect .noitacificeps esehT are dednetni ot evorp the ytilibaegnahcretni ( for ,elpmaxe snoisnemid lareneg seitilauq dna ngised of a nevig epyt of for hcihw seguag are deificeps ). rotalusni .gnittif sselnU esiwrehto agreed the gniwollof secnarelot are dewolla no lla snoisnemid ot 4.2 Acceptance Tests hcihw laiceps secnarelot do ton :ylppa stseT deirrac tuo no selpmas nekat at modnar morf a tol for the esoprup of ecnatpecca of Dimensions Tolerance the .tol pU ot dna gnidulcni 35 mm f 0.7 mm 4.3 enituoR stseT revO 35 mm f 2 tnecrep stseT deirrac tuo no each rotalusni gnittif ot 9 NIP ROTALUSNI SGNITTIF check stnemeriuqer hcihw are ylekil ot yrav gniud .noitcudorp 9.1 Materials 5 LAJTSIV NOITANIMAXE 9.1.1 ehT degritf snip dna sduts l!ahs eb of leets gniylpmoc htiw 2 of SI 1875 : 1978 or ehT gnittif llahs eb free morf defects hcihw :nelnviuqe .dradnats dluow eb ylekil ot esuac meht ot eb -sitasnu yrotcaf ni .ecivres 9.1.2 The :lui llahs mrofnoc ot ytreporp 4.8 Df SI 1367 ( Part 6 ) : 1980. 6 NOITCETORP, TSNIAGA NOISORROC 9.1.3 roF ,gnizinavlag cniz gnimrofnoc ot edarG llA s-trap of latem sgnittif far rotalusni llahs 89nZ of SI 209 : 1979 llahs eb .desu eb rehtie yltnerehni tnatsiser ot cirehpsomta NOTE - For sliated see IS 2629 : 1966. 2 SI 2486 ( Part 1 ) : 1993 9.1.4 ehT ,selbmiht nehw desu shall eb fo noisremmi ni reppoc etahplus ) and yldnoces ,muinimula dael ro .cniz noitacifirev fo eht thgiew fo cniz rep tinu ecafrus aera ( tset yb lacimehc noitulossid .) 9.2 General Requirements ehT dnoces tset is lanoitpo and shall eb deirrac 9.2.1 ehT pins shall eb a elgnis eceip deniatbo tuo ylno fi os deerga yb eht rerutcafunam and ylbareferp yb eht ssecorp fo .gnigrof yehT eht .resahcrup shall ton eb edam yb ,gninioj ,gnidlew -knirhs gnittif ro yna rehto ssecorp morf erom than 9.4.1 ehT ytimrofinu fo cniz gnitaoc fo ?oh pid eno eceip fo .lairetam yehT shall eb fo doog dezinavlag suorref gnirts sgnittif shall eb ,hsinif eerf morf swalf and rehto .stcefed ehT denimreted ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2633 : 1986 hsinif fo eht ralloc shall eb hcus that a sharp and yfsitas eht stnemeriuqer nevig ni SI 4759 : elgna neewteb eht ralloc and eht shank is dediova 1984. dezinavlagortcelE suorref gnittif shall and that eht ralloc ro eht gnitaes ecafrus fo eb dekcehc ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 1573 : eht latem esab ni eht esac fo enil tsop insula- 1986. srot shall deb nwod yltcerroc no ot eht -ssorc mra nehw dexif ot that hguorht a eloh and 9.5 Mechanical Tests retemaid fo hcihw is 2 mm retaerg than eht retemaid fo eht shank. llA suorref parts shall 9.5.1 Insulator Pins ( All Types Except Stird eb detcetorp against noisorroc ( ees 6 .) Pins ) ehT shank fo eht rotalusni nip shall eb yldigir 9.2.2 Threads on Heads of Pin dehcatta ot eht gnitset .enihcam A digir latem ehT snoisnemid shall ylpmoc htiw esoht nevig noisnetxe eceip shall eb dehcatta tcerid ot eht ni SI 2486 ( traP 2 ) : 1989. daeh fo eht .nip A daol shall eb deilppa to eht noisnetxe eceip 25 mm evoba eht pot fo eht 9.3 Tests .nip ehT ,daol deilppa at thgir selgna ot eht sixa fo eht rotalusni ,nip shall eb desaercni ot 9.3.1 Type Tests eht deificeps muminim gniliaf daoI at a ydaets ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc eht epyt stset no .etar nehW eht deificeps muminim gniliaf rotalusni pins, studs, nuts and detaicossa daol has neeb ,dehcaer eht noitcelfed derusaem parts. at eht pot fo eht nip daeh shall ton deecxe 20 tnecrep fo eht ecnatsid fo this tniop morf eht )a modeerF morf stcefed ( ees S and ;)6 .troppus )b noitacifireV fo snoisnemid ( ees 8 and 9.2.2 ;) 9.5.2 Stud Pins )c gnizinavlaG tset ( ees 9.4 ;) ehT tset rof eht stud pins shall eb demrofrep rehtegot htiw eht enil tsop rotalusni ro elbatius )d lacinahceM stset ( ees 9.5 ;) and ,retpoda ehT stud )s(nip shall eb dehcatta ot )e lacimehC noitisopmoc tset ( ees 9.6 .) eht rotalusni htiw hcihw ti is ot eb desu ni NOTE - epyT stset ( osla ees 7.1 ) shall eb edam ecivres and dexif ot a latem tekcarb no eht yb eht rerutcafucam ro yb na deerga tnednepedni gltitset .enihcam A elbixelf eriw epor ton sseI .ytirohtua than 40 mm ni ecnerefmucric shall eb depool dnuor eht eriw-eit evoorg and shall eb dellup 9.3.2 Acceptance Tests at thgir selgna ot sixa fo eht .rotalusni ehT ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc eht ecnatpecca daol shall eb desaercni ot eht deificeps -inim :stset mum gniliaf daol at a ydaets .etar sihT daol )a noitacifireV fo snoisnemid ( ees 8 and shall ton esuac erutcarf fo eht rotalusni ro fo 9.2.2 ,) its stud. )b gnizinavlaG tset ( ees 9.4 ,) and 9.6 Chemical Composition Test )c lacinahceM stset ( ees 9.5 .) lacimehC noitisopmoc tset no eht lairetam NOTE - See 7.2 rof gnilpmas .erudecorp shall eb deirrac tuo ni ecnadrocca htiw tnaveler .noitacificeps 9.3.3 Routine Test Visual noitanimaxe nevig ni 5 shall eb eht 10 INSULATOR STRING FITTINGS enituor .tset 10.1 Materials 9.4 Galvanizing Test 10.1.1 ehT lairetam fo eht sgnittif shaI1 eb os sihT tset sesirpmoc fo tsrif noitacifirev fo eht detceles that dleiy htgnerts fo eht lairetam ytimrofinu fo eht gnitaoc fo cniz ( tset yb shall ton eb less than mumixam gnikrow .daol 3 , LS 2486 ( Part 1 ) : 1993 10.1.2 llA sgnittif tpecxe noisnepsus pmalc and 10.1.6 Cotters Pins strain pmaIc shall eb edam fo pord degrof ro tespu degrof leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) ro taeh ehT rettoc pins shall eb dedivorp htiw dlim detaert elbaellam tsac nori ( SI 2107 : 1977 ro leets talf washers ni noitidda ot split pins. SI 2108 : )7791 ro tsac nori gniniatnoc ladiorehps ro raludom etihparg gniylpmoc htiw SI 1865 : 10.1.7 gnikcoL secived rof ball and tekcos 1974 and shall eb toh deppid dezinavlag ( ees 5 .) srekcol shall eb fo rehpsohp eznorb gnimrofnoc ehT noisnepsus pmalc and strain pmalc rof ot SI 7814 : 1975 and stainless leets gnimrofnoc gninimula AAC and ACSR srotcudnoc shall eb ot SI 6603 : 1972 htiw muminim hardness fo hgih htgnerts muinimula yolla ( SI 6051 : 1970 .) 160 .VH ehT noisnemid shall mrofnoc ot ehT noitisopmoc fo eht yoIla shall eb deralced SI 2486 ( traP 3 ) : 1974. yb eht rerutcafunam gnivig ecnerefer ot eht tnaveler naidnI .dradnatS nI strain pmalc ehT split nip ot eb desu no eht rettoc nip shall noisserpmoc,( epyt ,) eht retuo eveels shall eb eb fo eznorb-rehpsohp gnimrofnoc ot SI 7814 : fo CE edarg muinimula and renni eveels fo 1975, stainless leets gnimrofnoc ot SI 5522 : dezinavlag dlim .leets 1992 ro brass gnimrofnoc ot SI 410 : 1977 htiw a muminim hardness fo 160 .VH NOTE - roF esu htiw muinimula ro leets deroc muinimula ,srotcudnoc muinimula sraenil era dedivorp rof spmalc fo slairetam rehto naht fo 10.1.8 lnsulat ro latem spac shall eb fo elbaellam muinimula .yolla tsac nori gnimrofnoc ot SI 2108 : 1977 ro rehto 10.1.3 ehT slairetam rof suoirav parts fo elbatius lairetam gnivah eht yrassecen htgnerts noisnepsus rotalusni sgnittif derevoc ni 8 fo SZ ot elbane eht etelpmoc tinu ot yfsitas eht 2486 ( traP 2 ) : 1989 shall eb as :swollof etairporppa stnemeriuqer fo this standard. )a llaB kooh degroF leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) ’)b rohcnA elkcahs and its od rettoc tlob and rettoc nip )c tekcoS eugnot degroF leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) ro taeh detaert -aellam elb tsac nori ( SI 2107 : 1977 ro SI 2108 : 1977 ) )d noisnepsuS pmalc See 10.1.2 and rettoc tlob nip and tlob-U shall eb degrof leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) and dlim leets ( SI 226 : 1975 ) ylevitcepser )e llaB eye degroF leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) )f llaB sivelc degroF leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) )g tekcoS sivelc emaS as rof )c evoba )h ekoY etalp Mild leets [ SI 1570 ( traP 2 ) : 1979 ] )j sivelC emaS as rof )c evoba )k niartS pmalc taeH detaert elbaellam tsac nori ( SI 2107 : 1977 ro SI 2108 : 1977 ,) ro hgih htgnerts muinimula yolla ( ees 10.1.2 evoba ) )m sivelC eugnot porD degrof leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) )n Sag retsujda Mild leets [ SI 1570 ( traP 2 ) : 1979 ] )p detsiwT elkcahs degroF leets ( SI 2004 : 1978 ) )q gnicrA nroh Mild leets ( SI 226 : 1975 ) )r gnidarG gnir Mild leets rab ( SI 226 : 1975 ) ro muinimula yolla ( SI 5082 : 1981 ) 10.1.4 ehT sgnittif shall eb eerf morf stcefed muinimulA and muinimula syolla shall ( ees 5 ,) noisorroc detcetorp ( ees 6 ) and shall ton eb desu rof eht erutcafunam fo rotalusni teem eht stnemeriuqer fo gnizinavlag tset .spac ( ees 9.4 .) 10.2 lareneG stnemeriuqeR 10.1.5 stuN 10.2.1 llA sgnigrof and castings shall eb fo doog hsinif and eerf morf swalf and rehto ehT stnemeriuqer nevig ni 9.1.2 shall .ylppa .stcefed ehT segde no eht edistuo fo ,sgnittif 4 IS 2486 ( Part 1) : 1993 hcus as the ,eye sivelc dna ,seloh llahs eb 10.3.3 ehT gniwollof llahs etutitsnoc epyt tests .dednuor no noisnet-non :stnenopmoc 10.2.2 llA parts of tnereffid sgnittif hcihw a) lausiV noitanimaxe ( see 5 dna 6 ), edivorp the noitcennocretni llahs eb edam hcus )b noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), that tneiciffus ecnaraelc si dedivorp at the c) lacinahceM tests ( lanoitpo ), dna noitcenifoc tniop ot erusne free tnemevom dna ETON - tseT dohtem dna sti stnemeriuqer ot eb noisnepsus of the rotalusni gnirts .ylbmessa llA yllautum agreed neewteb the rerutcafunam dna eye dna sivelc noitcennoc llahs eb free ni siht the .resahcrup rennam tub care llahs eb nekat that too hcum ecnaraelc neewteb eye dna the seugnot of the d) lacimehC noitisopmoc test ( see 9.6 ). sivelc si .dediova 10.4 ecnatpeccA stseT 10.2.3 noisnepsuS spmalc llahs eb se dengised that the effects of noitarbiv htob no the -udnoc 10.4.1 ehT gniwollof llahs etutitsnoc ecnatpecca ctor dna gnittif ,flesti are .deziminim Sharp iidar tests for :spmaIc of ,erutavruc segdir dna ,secnecserc-xe hcihw a) lausiV noitanimaxe test ( see 5 dna 6 ), thgim dael ot dezilacol erusserp no or egamad ot the ,rotcudnoc ni ecivres llahs eb .dediova )b lacimehC noitisopmoc test ( see 9.6 ), ehT pmalc llahs zimrep the rotcudnoc ot pils c) noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), erofeb the eruliaf of the rotcudnoc .srucco ehT d) lacinahceM tests ( see 11.1 ), gnittif llahs evah tneiciffus tcatnoc ecafrus ot eziminim egamad eud Gt tluaf .stnerruc e) etamitlU htgnerts test ( see 11.2), f) gnizinavlaG test ( see 9.4 ), dna 10.2.4 noisnet-noN stnioj llahs eb dengised so g) lacirtcelE ecnatsiser test for -sserpmoc that yeht teem the etairporppa test .stnemeriuqer noisnet/noi spmalc ( tcejbus ot -eerga ehT rerutcafunam llahs ligissa rated tnerruc ot a ,tnioj hcihw llahs neht eb the sisab for the tnem neewteb the rerutcafunam dna the lacirtcele test ( see ), esiwrehto the resu ) [ see 12.1.1 ( a ) 1. tnioj llahs eb tested as per 10.4.2 ecnatpeccA test no rotalusni gnirts 10.3 Type Tests :sgnittif a) lausiV noitanimaxe test ( see 5 dna 6 ), 10.3.1 ehT gniwollcf llahs etutitsnoc the epyt tests for spmalc hcihw evah passed yliufsseccus )b lacimehC noitisopmoc test ( see 9.6 ), the enituor :stset c) noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), a) lausiV noita?,imaxe ( see 5 dna 6 ), d) etamitlU htgnerts test ( see 11.2 ), dna )b noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), e) gnizinavlaG test ( see 9.4 ). c) pilS htgnerts tests ( see 11.1 ), 10.4.3 ecnatpeccA test no noisnet-non jd etamitlU htgnerts tests ( see 11.2 ), :stnenopmoc e) lacirtcelE ecnatsiser test ( for noisnet a) lausiV noitanimaxe test ( see 5 dna 6 ), spmalc ylno ) [ see 12.1.1 ( a ) 1, )b lacimehC noitisopmoc test ( see 9.6 ), f) gnitaeH elcyc test (for noisnet spmulc ylno ) [ see 12.1.1 ( b ) 1, dna c) noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), g) gnita~pGrtcele/gnizinavlaG tests ( see d) lacinahceM test ( lanoitpo ) ( tcejbus ot 9.4 ). tnemeerga neewteb the rerutcafunam dna the resu ) ( see 11.1.4 ), dna epyT-ETON stset ar: yllamron edam ecno dna sselnu esiwrehto agreed to, test setacifitrec gnivig e) gnisinavlaG test ( see 9.4 ). the stluser of epyt tests, edam no ton ssel naht three sgcittif lacitnedi ni a11 laitnesse sliated htiw 10.5 enituoR stseT esoht ot eb ,deilppus era dedrager sa ecnedive fo .ecnailpmoc 10.5.1 enituoR tests no :spmalc 10.3.2 ehT gniwollof llahs etutitsnoc epyt tests a) lausiV noitanimaxe ( see 5 dna 6 ), dna no rotalusni gnirts sgnittif except :spmalc )b lacinahceM enituor test no rotcudnoc a) lausiV noitanimaxe ( see 5 dna 6 ), noisnet ( rohcna j spmalc ylno )b noitacifireV of snoisnemid ( see 8 ), ( see 11.3 ). c) lacinahceM test ( see 11.2.2 ), d) gnizinavlaG test ( see 9.4 ), dna 10.5.2 enituoR tests no rotalusni gnirts sgnittif e) lacimehC noitisopmoc test (see 9.6 ). dna gnihtrae rotcudnoc :sgnittif 5

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