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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2399 (2002): Rolling bearings - Vocabulary [PGD 13: Bearing] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” .., ** ,I? “>,“‘&, “i’s :’ 2399 - Id8 ‘2;! IS0 5593 - 1984 [n&an St&&& <1r_, cc,, ROLLING BEARINGS - VOCABULARY ( First Revision) ____ UDC 001:4 : 621-822.6 @ Coprright1 988 *--\ BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS : 1 \ s*’ MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gr 13 November 1988 _-_. -__.. IS : 2399 - 1988 UDC 4’100 : 6’228’126 IS0 5593 - 1984 Indian Standard ROLLING BEARINGS - VOCABULARY ( First Revision ) National Foreword sihT naidnI dradnatS ( tsriF noisiveR ), hcihw si lacitnedi htiw 0SI l-3955 489 gnilloR* sgniraeb - ,’yralubacoV deussi yb eht lanoitanretnI noitazinagrO rof noitazidradnatS ( 0SI ), saw detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI sdradnatS no eht noitadnemmocer fo eht gnilloR sgniraeB lanoitceS Committee dna lavorppa fo eht gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC ehT lanigiro noisrev fo siht dradnats saw dehsilbup ni .4691 ehT noisiver sah neeb made ni redro ot ezinomrah siht naidnI dradnatS htiw eht lanoitanretnI dradnatS yb noitpoda fo 0SI -3955 .4891 Wherever eht sdrow lanoitanretnI# ’dradnatS ,raeppa gnirrefer ot siht ,dradnats yeht dluohs eb daer sa naidnI# .’dradnatS lanoitiddA noitamrofnI sihT naidnI dradnatS is eht lanoitan noitatnemelpmi fo 0SI ;4891-3955 sa hcus ylno eht hsilgnE txet sah neeb .decudorper fI eht hcnerF txet si ,deriuqer ecnerefer dluohs eb made ot lanigiro 0SI .noitacilbup detpodA 91 yraurbeF 8891 @ rebmevoN ,8891 SIB Gr 31 I I UAERUB OF NAIDNI STANDARDS KANAM ,NAVAHB 9 RUDAHAB HAHS RAFAZ GRAM NEW IHLED 200011 As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank IS :2 399-1988 IS0 5593-1984 nI order rha: the various egaugnal versions fo eht yralubacoV shall eb yltneinevnoc linked, eht numbers assigned ot groups, 1 Scope arid field of application sub-groups and entries are eht same for htob languages, This lanoitanretnI dradnatS establishes a yralubacov fo terms, httw their definitions, applied in eht field fo roiling bearings dna their technology, The terms dna definitions are nevig in English dna French. 1.2.2 Organization fo na yrtne NOTE - Only terms whrch are particular ot eht tnenin$p field, or which in this field are denifed nI a particular ,yaw are included, hcaE yrtne contains na xednI number, eht term dna eht txet fo eht definition. nA yrtne yam also rnclude a eton ro/dna reference ot eno or 2 Principles and rules followed more figures in clause 4 [for elpmaxe (Figure .11.5 2.1 Organization of the Vocabulary The xedni number dna eht term are printed in bold .ecafepyt nI some entries eht term is followed yb a qualifier. A qualifier is The yralubacoV comprises detnnp in normal ecafepyt in parentheses dna indicates a direc- a) terms, with their definition, in systematic order (see evit for eht use fo eht term or a particular field fo application fo clause 3) ; eht term as denifed b) figures with xedni numbers fo tnaveler terms (see The absence fo a yllareneg accepted term tor eht concept in eht clause 4) ; egaugnal is indicated yb a row fo dots. lc alphabetical listings fo eht terms, with their xedni numbers. 2.2.2 Use of parentheses The yralubacoV can eb used in lareves syaw : - if a term is nwonk in either ,egaugnal its xedni number nI some terms a word or words printed in bold ecafepyt are is established in eht pertinent alphabetical listing dna placed neewteb parentheses. These words are part fo eht com- neht eht definition fo eht term, its tnelaviuqe in eht rehto plete term, tub yeht yam eb omitted nehw use fo eht abridged ,egaugnal dna references ot illustrations yant eb dnuof in term does ton introduce .ytiugibma clause 3 ; nI some entries eht terms are followed yb words in parentheses - a bearing, part or dimension yam eb identified in eno fo in normal .ecafepyt These words are qualifiers (see )1.2.2 dna eht figures fo clause ,4 gnivig eht xedni numbers fo eht rele- ton part fo eht term. tnav terms in clause ;3 - a required term, with definition, yam eb established directly yb means fo a search in clause .3 3.2.2 Use of [square] brackets When lareves closely related terms can eb denifed yb eht same stxet trapa from a wef words, eht terms dna their definitions are 2.2 Organization of clause 3 on terms and depuorg nI a single .yrtne The words ot eb substituted for those definitions which precede them in order ot obtain eht different meanings are placed in brackets, i.e. [ ,I nt eht same order in eht term dna The terms dna definitions are nevig in groups dna sub-groups, in eht definition. degnarra in systematic order. A two-digit serial number is assigned ot each ,puorg beginning 4.2.2 Use of italic typeface with 10 for Bearings. A term printed in italic ecafepyt in a definition or a eton is de- hcaE puorg is dedivid into sub-groups, ot each fo which is fined in rehtona yrtne fo eht .yralubacoV tI is ylno printed in assigned a 4-digit serial number, eht first owt digits being those iialic eca!epyt eht first time it occurs in each .yrtne fo eht .puorg The basic form fo each such term is included in eht alphabetical hcaE yrtne (see )1.2.2 is assigned a 6-digit xedni number, eht ,xedni where eht xednI number fo eh: corresponding yrtne is first four drgits being those fo eht sub-group. shown. 3 SI : 2399-1988 IS0 4891-3955 2.3 Organization of clause 4 on figures 01.01.06 angular contact (rolling) bearing ~~~ flgu:es are principally degnarra in eht same order as taht ira A rolling bearing with a nominal contact angle greater naht 0” wp,,ch eht terms yeht illustrate are nevig in clause .3 tub less naht W’. (Figures ,4 ,5 .7 ,01 12. 16, 17, 20, 21.27, 2% 31.1 ~a,-h eritgIf gives eht xedni numbers fo tnaveler terms. A figure yllausu shows ylno eno elpmaxe fo eht lareves gnitsixe forms fo 01.01.07 a bearing or .trap nI most cases eht figures are simplified dna rigid (rolling) bearing evael OU: yrassecennu details. A ro/ling beanng which resists misalignment neewteb eht sexa fo its raceways. (Figures 1 to 6, 8 to 14, 17 to 30.1 01.01.06 4.2 Organization of the alphabetical indexes self-aligning (rolling) bearing A rolling bearing which can accommodate angular misalign- The alphabetical sexedni include all terms, in either ,egaugnal ment and angular motion between the axes of its raceways due nevig dna denifed in clause .3 Multiple-word terms raeppa in ot eno raceway being spherical. (Figures 7, 15, 16, 31.1 alphat>erical order htob yb natural order fo words dna yb their yek words. The alfinabetical xedni refers ot eht xedni number fo eht yrtne 01 .Ol .Oa external aligning (rolling) bearing in clause 3 where eht term is .denifed A rolling bearing which can accommodate angular misalign- ment neewteb its axis dna eht sixa fo its housing by means of a spherical form on one ring or washer surface, which mates with 3 Terms and definitions a complementary seat surface in na aligning housing ring, in an aligning seat washer or in the housing. (Figure 8.) 01 Bearings 01.01.90 separable (rolling) bearing 01.01 Rolling bearings - General A rolling bearing with separable sub-units. (Figures 6, 9 to 14, 19 to 21, 24 to 26, 28 to 31 .I 01.01.01 rolling bearing A bearing operating with roiling (rather naht sliding) motion 01.01.11 neewteb eht parts supporting load dna gnivom in relation ot non-separable (rolling) bearing each .rehto tI comprises raceway members dna rolling elements A rolling bearing from which, after final manufacturing with or without means for their spacing ro/dna guiding. yaM eb assembly, neither bearing ring can be yleerf separated. (Figures designed ot support radial, laixa or combined radial dna laixa 1 ot ,5 ,7 ,8 51 ut ,71 ,22 ,32 1.72 load. (Figures 1 ot .33 ) 21.10.10 10 20.10. split (roiling) hearing single row trolling) bearing A rolling btraring with htob rings dna eht cage, if used, dedivid A rolling bearing with eno row fo rol,mg elements. (Figures 1 ot into owt semicircular pieces to facilitate mounting. (Figure 18.) 4 I 6 , 8 ot 51 I 71 , 81 I 12 ot ,42 72 b.13’dt NOTE - For a bearing with parts divided TII a :nerefftd ,rennam rof 30.10.10 .elpmaxe a gnlraeb htiw a W’o-p/ece rq 10.201 ,)XA ereht is on es!ab- double row’ (rolling) bearing ii&d trohs .mret A rolling bearing with owt rows fo rolling elements. (Figures ,5 ,7 ,61 ,02 ,52 26.) 01.01.13 40.10.10 metric (rolling) bearing multi-row (rolling) bearing A rolling bearing originally designed with boundary dimensions A roi!ing bearing with more naht owt rows fo rolling elements dna tolerances primarily in round metric units. supporting load nI eht same direction. tI is preferable ot yficeps eht number fo rows dna epyt fo bearing, for elpmaxe “four row 41.10.10 cylindrical roller radial bearing”. (Figure lg.1 metric series Irolling) bearing A rolling bearing which conforms to a metric series of an IS0 dimension plan 50.10.10 full complement (rolling) bearing A rolllr?g bearing without a cage dna in which eht sum fo eht 01.01.15 clearances neewteb eht rolling elements in each row is less than inch (rolling) bearing the diameter fo eht rolling elements dna small hguone ot evig A rclling bearing originally designed with boundary dimensions dna tolerances in imperial (inch) units. yrOtCafktaS function of eht bearing. (Figures 14, 22, 23.) 4 IS :2 399-1988 IS0 5593-l 489 10 .Ol 61, 01.02.02 inch series (roiling) bearing radial contact (rolling) bearing A ro/:ing bearing which conforms to an inch series of an ISO A radtal rolling bearing with a nomlnal contact angle fo .’0 d/Viens,on plan. (Figures 1 ot ,3 ,6 ,8 ,11 31 to ,51 ,81 ,91 ,22 23.) 01.01.17 01.02.03 open (rolling) bearing angular contact radial (rolling) bearing A roll/ng bear/q with neither seals nor shields. (Figures 1, 4 to A radial rolling bearing with a nominal contact angle greater 7. 9 to 19, 21, 24 to 31,) naht ’0 pu ot dna including .’54 (Figures ,4 ,5 ,7 .01 ,21 ,61 ,71 .02 1.12 01.01.18 sealed (rolling) bearing 01.02.04 A fo//irJg bearing which is fitted with a sea/ on eno or both insert (rolling) bearing sides. (Figures 2, 8, 20.1 A radial rolling bearing with a spherical outside surface dna na extended inner ring with a locking .ecived Primarily dednetni 91.10.10 for use in a simple epyt fo housing. (Figure 8.) shielded ,(rolling) bearing A roll,hg bearing which is fitted with a shield no eno or both sides. (Figure 3.1 01.02.05 tapered bore (rolling) bearing 10 02.10. A radial rolling bearing with na inner ring with tapered bore. capped (roliingi bearifig (Figures ,7 19.) A roll/ng bearing which is fitted with eno or owt seals, eno or owt shields or with-one seal dna eno shield. (Figures ,2 ,3 ,8 01.0206 20.) flanged (rolling) bearing A radial roiling bearing with na lanretxe radial flange no eno fo 01 12.10. its rings, yllausu eht outer ring or cup. (Figure 21.) prelubricated (rolling) bearing A rolling bearing which has neeb charged with lubricant yb eht manufacturer. 01.02.07 track roller (rolling bearing) 01 .01.22 A radial rolling bearing with a yvaeh section outer ring, in- airframe (rolling) bearing dednet for use as a roller ot roll no a track, for elpmaxe a cam A rolling bearing which, yb reason fo design or ,noitucbxe is in- track. (Figures ,22 23.) dednet for use in eht general structure fo an aircraft, including its control systems. 01.02.08 yoke type track roller (roiling bearing) 01.0123 A track roller rotljng bearing dednetni for mounting in a .ekoy instrument precision (rolling) bearing (Figure 22.) A rolling beanng which, yb reason fo design or ,noitucexe is in- dednet for use in instruments. 01.02.09 10 .01.24 stud type track roller (rolling bearing) railway axlebox (rollingi bearing A track roller rolling bearing in which eht inner member is -xe A rolling bearing which, yb reason fo design or ,noitucexe is in- dednet no eno side in eht form fo a shaft for canti!ever mount- dednet for use in yawliar .sexobelxa The most common epyt is ing fo eht bearing. (Figure 23.) radial roller bearing. (Figure 20.) 01.02.10 universal matching (rolling) bearing 01.0125 A radial rolling bearing which, nehw used rehtegot with eno or matched (rolling) bearing more similar (ymraeb selected ta random, sdleiy predeter- One fo eht rolling bearings in a matched pair or a matched mined characteristics in a paired or stack mounting. stack. 01.02 Radial bearings 01.03 Thrust bearings 01.02.01 01 B3.01 radial (rolling) bearing thrust (rolling) bearing A rolling bearing designed ot support, primarily radial load, A rolling bearing design-d ot support primarily ax/a/ load, gnlvan a nominal contact angle neewteb O” dna ’54 inclusive. gntvah a nomtrJa/ contact angle greater naht 45O pu ot dna in- Principal parts are inner ring, outer ring and rolling elements cluding 90”. Principal parts are shaft washer, housing washer with or without a cage. (Figures 1 ot 23.) anJ ro//trJg element.5 with or without a cage. (Figures 42 ot 31.) 5 is : 2399-1988 so 489 5593-l 5050.10 30.10 20 axial contact (rolling) bearing filling slot (ball) bearing evoorg ti& A beanng having a fillmg slot in one shoulder of A [hrusr ,&/?g beartng with a‘nominal contact angle of 90’ gnir 01 each permit the insertion of a larger number of balls than (Ftgures 24 to 26. 23, 30.) in a deep groove ball bearing. (Figure 5.) 01.03.03 angular contact thrust (rolling) bearing A thrust rolf/ng bearing with a nominal contac: angle greater 01.05.06 than 45O and smal!er than 90’. (Figures 27, 29, 31.) counterbored ball bearing evoorg l&b A bearing with one outer ring shwlder COmlJle~elV 01 B3.W or partly removed. (Figure 6.1 single-direction thrust (rolling) bearing tsurht A rolling beaiing intended try support axial load in one drrection only. (Figures 24, 26, 28 to 31.) 01.0507 magneto (ball1 bearing 01.03.05 A radial contact groove ball bearing with one outer ring shouf- double-direction thrust (rolling) bearing der completely removed, making this ring separable. (Figure 6.) A thrust rolling bearing intended to support axial load in both directions. (Figures 25, 27.1 01 B5.08 01.0306 three point contact (ball) bearing double row double-direction thrust (rolling) bearing A single row radial ball bearing in which, when under purely A doub+direction thrust rolling bearing having two rows of radial load, each loaded ball makes contact with one of the rolling elements, each supporting axial load in one direction raceways at two points and with the other raceway at one only. (Figure 25.) point. Under pure axial load on the bearing, each ball makes contact with each raceway at only one point. (Figure 9.) 01.04 Linear bearings 01 .a509 01.01.01 four point contact (ball) bearing linear (motion) (rolling) bearing A single row angular contact bail bearing in which, when under A rolling bearing designed for linear relative motion between its purely radial&d, each loaded ball makes contact with each of raceways in the direction of roiling. (Figures 32, 33.) the two raceways at two points. Under pure axial load on the bearing, each ball makes contact with each raceway at only one point. (Figures 10, 27.) Ol.W.02 recirculating ball [roller] linear bearing 01.0510 A linear motion rolling beanng with means for the recirculation thrust ball bearing of the balls Irollers]. (Figure 33.) A thrust rolling bearing with balls as roiling elements. (Figures 24 to 27.) 01.05 Ball bearings 01.05.11 01 SE.01 single row double-direction thrust ball bearing ball bearing A four point contact ball beanng having contact angles greater A rolling bearing with balls as rolling elements. (Figures 1 to 10, than 45O. (Figure 27.) 24 to 27, 33.) 01.05.12 01 .Q5.02 double row single-direction thrust ball bearing radial ball bearing A single-direction thrust rolling bearing having two concentric A radial rolling bearing with balls as rolling elements. (Figures 1 rows of balls, both supporting load in the same direction. to 10.) i Figure 26.) 01.05.03 01.06 Roller bearings groove ball bearing A radial ball bearing the raceways of which are grooves gen- 01.c6.01 erally wnh a cross-sectton of an arc of a circle with a radius roller bearing slightly larger than half the ball djameter. (Figures 1 to 6, 8 to ! A rolling beanng with rollers as rolling elements. (Figures 11 to 10 23. 28 to 32.) 01.05.w 01.06.M deep groove ball bearing radial roller bearing A radial ball bearing in which each ring has uninterrupted race- A radial rolling beanng wrth rollers as roiling elements. (Figures way grooves with a cross-section matching about l/3 of the 11 to 23.) ball circumference. (Figures 1 to 3, 8.) 6

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