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IS 2077: Automotive vehicles - Electric relays PDF

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Preview IS 2077: Automotive vehicles - Electric relays

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2077 (1996): Automotive vehicles - Electric relays [TED 11: Automotive Electrical Equipment] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS2077:1996 Indian Standard EVITOMOTUA SELCIHEV - CIRTCELE SYALER - NOITACIFICEPS (Second Revision ,) ICS 43.040.10 Q BIS 1996 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAKB HAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1996 Price Group 5 evitomotuA lacirtcelE tnempiuqE lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DET 1 I FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht evitomotuA lacirtcelE tnempiuqE lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht tropsnarT gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1962 and was gnirevoc nroh syaler .ylno tI was yltneuqesbus desiver ni 1988. ehT latnemnorivne stset rof syaler as elbacilppa ot evitomotua lacirtcele tnempiuqe erew dedulcni ni eht tsrif .noisiver nI this dnoces noisiver eht epocs has neeb dednapxe ot revoc eht citengamortcele syaler rof rehto stiucric hcus as spmaldaeh and rehto ralimis .seirossecca ehT gnixif ,snoisnemid gninoitisop ,senoz noitisop fo ,slanimret tekcos ,snoisnemid ,cte evah neeb dengila htiw eht gniwollof lanoitanretnI Standards: 0SI 7880 : 1984 daoR‘ selciheV - syaleR - tnemegnarrA and lanoitcnuf noitubirtta fo yaler ’slanimret 0SI 7588 : 1986 daoR‘ selciheV - syaleR and srehsalf - gnitnuoM and gninoitisop snoisnemid fo elam tabs and tekcos serutrepa rof syaler and ’srehsalf nI ,noitidda stset rof ,sesuf ssentsubor fo snoitanimret and renetsaf ,sgnitnuom noitanimatnoc ,stset cte evah neeb .dedulcni ehT eettimmoc elbisnopser rof noitaraperp fo this standard is nevig ni xennA C. roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 2077 : 1996 Indian Standard EVITOMOTUA SELCIHEV - CIRTCELE SYALER - NOITACIFICEPS (Second Revision) 1 SCOPE hcihw eht yaler stcatnoc era dengised ot yrrac ylsuounitnoc at eht lamron gnitarepo .snoitidnoc 1.1 sihT standard seificeps eht lareneg stnemeriuqer and sdohtem fo tset rof citengamortcele syaler rof esu 3.6 Rated Voltage ni evitomotua stiucric hcus as rof ,snroh spmaldaeh ehT lamron gnitarepo egatlov deificeps yb eht and rehto ralimis seirossecca using emas detar egatlov .rerutcafunam 6, 12 ro 24 stlov cd lacirtcele .metsys 3.7 Acceptance Tests 1.2 sihT seod ton revoc syaler rof retrats rotom and dilos etats epyt .syaler stseT deirrac tuo no samples nekat morf a tol rof eht esoprup fo ecnatpecca fo eht lot. 2 REFERENCES 3.8 Routine Tests ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era necessary adjuncts Tests carried out on each relay to check the ot this standard: requirements which are likely to vary during IS No. We production. 4905 : 1968 sdohteM rof modnar sampling 3.9 Type Tests Tests carried out to prove conformity with the 6236 : 1971 tceriD gnidrocer lacircele gnirusaem .noitacificeps esehT. era dednetni ot evorp eht lareneg stnemurtsni seitilauq and ngised fo a nevig epyt fo .yaler 10250 : 1982 noitacificepS rof seitireves rof 4 ERUTCAFUNAM latnemnorivne stset rof evitomotua lacirtcele tnempiuqe 4.1 ehT syaler shall eb os dengised and detcurtsnoc as ot eb yllacinahcem tsubor and eerf morf yna 3 TERMINOLOGY lanoitarepo .seitluciffid yehT shall noitcnuf ylefas and ylbailer rednu snoitidnoc fo snoitarbiv and roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht gniwollof skcohs tem htiw gnirud lamron noitallatsni and .esu snoitinifed shall .ylppa ehT syaler shall evah etauqeda ecnatsiser ot rehtaew 3.1 yaleR snoitidnoc hcus as evissecxe ,ytidimuh ,niar noisorroc and dust .ssergni An citengamortcele hctiws yllareneg desu rof etomer .lortnoc 4.2 Components ehT stnenopmoc shall eb edam fo slairetam fo 3.2 porD ffO Voltage devorppa ytilauq neewtebdeerga eht rerutcafunam and ehT mumixam egatlov at hcihw eht stcatnoc fo eht eht .resahcrup lacipyT slairetam rof eht stnenopmoc yaler shall eb denepo nehw eht deilppa egatlov is edulcni dlim steehs rof ,erutamra wol citengam yllaudarg desaerced morf eht detar egatlov ( ees 3.6 ,) evitneter epyt suorref ,eroc rehtaew/retaw foorp .revoc eht yaler stcatnoc gnieb desolc .yllaitini 4.3 Contacts 3.3 Mounting ehT stcatnoc shall eb edam fo elbatius yolla and shall eb elbapac fo gniyrrac eht tnerruc deificeps ni 7.15 The sanem fo gnixif eht .yaler tuohtiw yna .egamad 3.4 Pull On Voltage 4.4 Contact/Retract Springs The minimum voltage at which the contacts of the ehT tcarter/tcatnoc springs, shall eb tsubor ni ngised yaler shall eb desolc nehw eht deilppa egatlov is and fo yna lairetam deerga neewteb eht rerutcafunam yllaudarg desaercni morf ,orez eht yaler stcatnoc gnieb and eht .resahcrup nepo .yllaitini 4.5 redloS 3.5 Rated Current reverehW redlos is ,deyolpme ti shall ton eb roirefni ehT mumixam tnerruc deificeps yb eht rerutcafimam ot 06/04 nit dael .redlos 1 IS 2077 : 1996 4.6 sesuP 6.1.2 Positioning Zones of the Male Tabs (see .giF )2 sesuF rof lacirtcele connections shall eb non-corrosive llA gninoitisop senoz shall evah a htgnel fo 7.0 mm and shall yrrac eht ratings yeht era dednetni .rof fohtdiwadnamumixam .mumixammm51.1 4.7 Insulahng Impregnating Compounds 6.1.3 ehT lartnec noitcesretni fo eht ecnerefer enil and sixa fo yrtemmys shall eil ni eht ertnec fo eht aera Alk insulating and gnitangerpmi sdnuopmoc gnidulcni denifed yb mumixam snoisnemid fo X and Y ,sehsinrav ,sexaw lio and eht ekil shall eb elbatius rof ( ees .giF 1 .) Z is eht mumixam ecnatsid morf eht eht ralucitrap noitacilppa rof hcihw yeht era .dednetni gnitnuom .enalp rednU all lamron uses and rednu deificeps tset ,stnemeriuqer a dnuopmoc shall yletauqeda evreserp 6.1.4 snoitarugifnoC rehto than ralugnatcer era lacirtcele scitsiretcarahc fo eht noitalusni ot hcihw ti ,dettimrep dedivorp yeht eil nihtiw eht deificeps .aera is ,deilppa yb eht noisulcxe fo erutsiom ereht .morf ,revewoH ni all sesac eht edistuo ruotnoc shall eil nihtiw eht mumixam snoisnemid X and Y. 5 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH 5.1 Workmanships hall be ni ecnadrocca htiw eht tseb 6.1.5 ehT epyt fo ,gnitnuom that is, rehtie lenap‘ tnelaverp gnireenigne .ecitcarp ’gnitnuom epyt ro ’nigulp‘ epyt and eht tnemegnarra fo ,slanimret ,yleman wercs epyt ro edalb ,.epyt shall 5.2 llA eht tnerruc gniyrrac parts shall eb ylbatius eb deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht .detalportcele rehtO cillatem parts shall eb nevig .resahcrup elbatius evitcetorp .gnitaoc 6.2 stekcoS 6 GNITNUOM AND GNINOITISOP 6.1 gnitnuoM and gninoitisop tnemegnarra fo a yaler tI is dednemmocer that eht elamef srotcennoc ni eht shall eb hcus that ti yam eb elbissop rof ysae tekcos shall ton niatnoc gnitacol pins ni redro ot diova .tnemecalper roF eht evoba esoprup eht snoisnemid evissecxe withdrawal .ecrof shall eb as nevig ni .giF 1. ehT gninoitisop enoz and lanimret snoitisop era nwohs ni 2.giF and .giF 3. 7 TESTS 6.1.1 syaleR fo a ralucitrap ledom and epyt shall eb 7.1 Test Conditions ylisae .elbaegnahcretni SIXA FO YRrEYYYS MOUNTING REFERFBCE LINE r max. x 1 2 max. I_11n I All dimensions in millimetres. FIG. 1 OVERALL DIMENSIONFSO RR ELAYSA NDF LASHERS 2 IS 2077:1996 +IXIS OF YRTEMMYS I 1 t _ + - I / I m s s Q ENIL SETON 1 eh’T snoisnemid ni .giF 2 r&r ot eht gninoitisop senoz ta eht toor fo eht elam sb@ dna ot eht serutrepa ta eht gniretne .enalp 2 llA gnidnopserroc snoisnemid era osla elbacilppa fi ssel naht evif elam sbat pr~ .d@f llA snoisnemid ni .sertemillim FIG.2 LOCATIO0N~ POSITIONIZNOGN ESA NDA PERTURES epyT tnemegnarrA fo gniriW Diagram noitubirttA fo lanimreT slanimreT ( cisaB sepyT ) snoitcnuF yIlamroN tC1o.w( NC ) 5 )1 lioC )2 lioC --- yllamroN \nepO ( NO ) )3 gnihctiwS tcatnoc tupni 5) gnihctiwS tcatnoc tuptuo 3 (NO) egnahC revO tcq;tnoC (COC) ETON - rehtO lanimret &&, snoitang yam eb desu fi eht tnemegnarra dna noitubirtta fo snoitcnuf fo eht slanimret ylpmoc htiw eht .snoitacificeps .GIFI 3 ARRANGEMEONFTT HET ERMINALASN DW IRINGD IAGRAM 3 IS 2077 : 1996 7.1.1 General )a Visual ,noitanimaxe Unless esiwrehto ,deificeps eht tneibma erutarepmet )b ,snoisnemiD shall eb 15“C ot 45°C. )c ecnamrofreP ,tset 7.1.2 fI cd rewop ylppus rehto than yrettab is ,desu ti )d noitalusnI ecnatsiser ,tset shall eb ylbatius dezilibats nihtiw M. 1 V rof .tuptuo )e lluP no and pord ffo egatlov ,tset 7.1.3 llA gnirusaem stnemurtsni desu gnirud eht stset shall evah ycarucca fo at tsael .O* 1 tnecrep ( ees )f daoL ,tset SI 6236 : 1971 .) )g egatloV pord ,tset and 7.2 noitacifissalC fo stseT )h gnitarepO egatlov egnar .tset 7.2.1 Type Tests ehT rebmun fo samples rof eht ecnatpecca ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc epyt :stset stset shall eb as deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht .resahcrup ,revewoH a dednemmocer plan fo )a Visual noitanimaxe ( ees 7.3 ,) sampling is nevig ni xennA .B )b snoisnemiD ( ees 7.4 ,) 7.2.3 Routine Tests )c ecnamrofreP tset ( ees 7.5 ,) ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc eht enituor :stset )d noitalusnI ecnatsiser ( ees 7.6 ,) )a Visual ,noitanimaxe )e hgiH egatlov ( hsalf ) tset ( ees 7.7 ,) )f lluP no and pord ffo egatlov tset ( ees 7.8 ,) )b ecnamrofreP ,tset )g daoL tset ( ees 7.9 ,) )c lluP no and pord ffo egatlov ,stset and )h egatloV pord tset ( ees 7.10 ,) )d egatloV pord .tset )j gnitarepO egatlov egnar tset ( ees 7.11 ,) 7.3 lausiv noitanimaxE )k esuF gniwolb tset ( ees 7.12 ,) ehT yaler shall eb dekcehc rof lareneg pihsnamkrow ssentsuboR)m fo ,snoitanimret srenetsaf and .hsinif tI shall eb eerf morf yna tcefed that yam ees( 7.13 ,) tceffa eht lamron gninoitcnuf fo eht .yaler tI shall osla eb eerf morf suoirujni swalf and burns. )n noitanimatnoC tset ( ees 7.14 ,) )p ecnarudnE tset ( ees 7.15 ,) 7.4 lanoisnemiD keehC )q noitarbiV tset ( ees 7.16 ,) ehT yaler shall eb dekcehc rof snoisnemid as deerga to neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht .resahcrup )r yrD taeh tset ( ees 7.17 ,) s) Damp taeh ( gnilcyc ) tset ( ees 7.18 ,) 7.5 ecnamrofreP tseT )t dloC tset ( ees 7.19 ,) ehT yaler shall eb detcennoc ot an etairporppa cirtcele .daol rednU on daol ot lluf daol ,noitidnoc eht yaler )u Rapid egnahc fo erutarepmet tset ( ees 7.20 ,) shall hctiws no and ffo ni stimil dedivorp yb gnikrow )v Dust tset ( ees 7.21 ,) egnar fo ,egatlov llup no and pord ffo .egatlov ehT lioc ecnatsiser and tcatnoc egatlov pord shall eb dekcehc )w noisorroC ecnatsiser tset ( ees 7.22 ,) rof lamron gninoitcnuf at eht detar egatlov and shall )x porD tset ( ees 7.23 ,) and teem eht .stnemeriuqer )y retaW yarps tset ( ees 7.24 .) 7.6 noitalusnI ecnatsiseR tseT Criteria for approval ehT noitalusni ecnatsiser neewteb eht detalusni lanimret and eht main ydob shall eb ton less than eno evlewT samples shall eb dettimbus rof gnitset rehtegot mhogem ( 1 M Q ) nehw derusaem htiw a cd laitnetop htiw eht tnaveler data. esehT shall eb detset gnidrocca fo 500 stlov deilppa rof eno etunim at gniliaverp ot eht tset ecneuqes nevig ni xennA A. cirehpsomta erutarepmet and ytidimuh .snoitidnoc nI esac fo eruliaf ni eno ro erom epyt stset eht 7.7 High Voltage ( F’lash ) Test gnitset ytirohtua yam llac rof hserf samples ton gnideecxe eciwt eht rebmun fo eht lanigiro samples The yaler shall eb detcejbus ot a tset egatlov fo 500 V and tcejbus meht ot eht )s(tset ni hcihw eht eruliaf rms at yna tneinevnoc ycneuqerf neewteb 40 and .derucco fI ni eht taeper stset on eruliaf ,srucco eht 60 zH deilppa rof 5 sdnoces neewteb hcae fo eht stset yam eb deredisnoc ot evah neeb .deifsitas detalusni slanimret and eht ydob at gniliaverp cirehpsomta erutarepmet and ytidimuh .snoitidnoc 7.2.2 Acceptance Tests ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc eht ecnatpecca :stset 7.7.1 ehT yaler shall withstand eht tset tuohtiw gnicra 4 IS 2077 : 1996 ro erutcnup and shali yfsitas eht ecnamrofrep tset 7.14 Contamination Test ees( 7.5 .) ehT tset shall eb detcudnoc gnidrocca ot 4.9 fo 7.8 Pull on and Drop Off Voltage Test SI 10250 : 1982. At eht dne fo eht ,tset eht yaler shall pass eht stset deificeps ni 7.5, 7.9 and 7.10. 7.8.1 Pull on Voltage Test 7.15 ecnarudnE tseT retfA gnitcennoc ti ni a elbatius ,tiucric eht egatlov deilppa shall eb yllaudarg desaercni morf orez llit eht ehT tset eceip shall eb ylbatius detnuom and detarepo stcatnoc fo eht yaler era .desolc ehT devresbo egatlov rof 100 000 semit htiw a ecnatsiser daol deerga neewteb shall ton eb erom than 80 tnecrep fo eht detar egatlov eht resahcrup and eht .rerutcafunam ,ylevitanretlA an rof 6, 12 and 24 tlov .metsys evitcudni daol yam osla eb .desu ehT detar egatlov and eht gniward tnerruc era nevig :woleb 7.8.2 Drop Off Voltage Test Rated Voltage, V Load Current, A retfA gnitcennoc ti ni a ralimis yaw as ni 7.8.1 eht deilppa egatlov shall eb yllaudarg desaerced morf eht 24 18 detar egatlov llit eht stcatnoc fo eht yaler .nepo sihT 12 30 egatlov shall ton eb less than 20 tnecrep fo eht detar 6 45 egatlov rof 6, 12 and 24 tlov smetsys .ylevitcepser ehT noitarud fo hcae noitarepo shall eb eno dnoces 7.9 daoL tseT dewollof yb an slavretni fo 3 sdnoces neewteb eht tneuqesbus .snoitarepo ehT lanimret egatlov gnirud ehT rewop demusnoc yb gnizitengam gnidniw fo eht this tset shall eb 6.75, 13.5 and 27 V ni eht esac fo yaler at eht detar egatlov shall ton deecxe 3 watts. syaler gnivah detar egatlov 6, 12 and 24 V, .ylevitcepser 7.10 Voltage Drop Test At eht dne fo eht ,tset eht ,yaler retfa gnieb dewolla ot emoc ot moor ,erutarepmet shall pass eht stset deificeps ehT egatlov pord ssorca eht slanimret fo eht yaler htiw ni 7.5 and 7.10. a daol fo 20 A nehw eht detar egatlov is deilppa ot eht ,lioc shall ton :deecxe 7.16 noitarbiV tseT )a 100 mV nehw ,wen and ehT tset shall eb detcudnoc gnidrocca ot 4.1 fo SI 10250 : 1982 rednu eht gniwollof :snoitidnoc )b 200 mV retfa eht ecnarudne and latnemnorivne .stset ycneuqerF egnar 04-55-01 zH tnemecalpsiD edutilpma 0.35 mm 7.11 Operating Voltage Range Test latoT noitarud 6 h ( 2 h ni hcae )sixa ehT yaler shall etarepo ylirotcafsitas neewteb - 10°C At eht dne fo eht ,tset eht yaler shall eb denimaxe rof ot 93’C revo eht gniwollof egatlov :egnar yna ecnedive fo dama e and shall pass eht stset Rated Voltage 0perati~gdi3$ge Range deificeps ni 7.5, 7.6 an d 7.10. (dcv) 7.17 yrD taeH tseT 6 5.5 ot 7.5 ehT tset shall eb detcudnoc gnidrocca ot 4.2 fo 12 10.0 ot 15.0 SI 10250 : 1982 rednu eht gniwollof :snoitidnoc 24 22.0 ot 30.0 erutarepmeT 80 f 2°C 7.12 esuF Blowing Test noitaruD fo erusopxe 16 h ehT stcatnoc fo yaler fo yllamroN nepO ( NO ) and retfA eht noitelpmoc fo eht ,tset eht yaler shall pass yllamroN desolC ( NC ) shall eb dekcehc erofeb eht eht stset deificeps ni 7.5 and 7.10. ehT cillatem-non .tset detaR egatlov and tnerruc as deificeps ni 7.15 parts shall ton wohs yna egakaerb ro .noitamrofed shall neht eb passed hguorht stcatnoc ni seires htiw 7.18 Damp Heat ( Cycling ) Test eht elcihev esuf gnideef this .tiucric ehT yrettab shall eb eht ecruos fo ylppus rof .egatlov ehT daol gniyrrac ehT tset shall eb detcudnoc gnidrocca ot 4.3 fo detar tnerruc dluohs eb detrohs ssorca its .slanimret SI 10250 : 1982. ehT rebmun fo eht gninoitidnoc selcyc retfA gniwolb fo eht ,esuf eht yaler shall pass eht stset shall eb .neves retfA ,gninoitidnoc eht yaler shall pass deificeps ni 7.5, 7.9 and 7.10. eht stset deificeps ni 7.5, 7.6 and 7.10. 7.13 ssentsuboR fo snoitanimreT and Mounting 7.19 Cold Test Fasteners ehT tset shall eb detcudnoc gnidrocca ot 4.4 fo llA ,snoitanimret srenetsaf shall eb elba ot withstand SI 10250 : 1982 rednu eht gniwollof :snoitidnoc 100 N ecrof deilppa no etairporppa loot ro yb hand gnola eht sixa fo .slanimret revA eht ,tset eht yaler erutarepmeT 01- f 3°C shall pass eht stset deificeps ni 7.5, 7.9 and 7.10. noitaruD 2h 5

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