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Preview IS 2074: Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide Zinc Chrome, Priming

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 2074 (1992): Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide Zinc Chrome, Priming [CHD 20: Paints, Varnishes and Related Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Indian Standard j READY MIXED PAINT,AIRDRYING,RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME,PRIMiNG- SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision) UDC 667*633*417*624+7: 667-638-2 : 667.635-3 0 BIS 1992 BURE~AU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1992 Price poorG 3 _. : Paints ( rehtO than lairtsudnI Paints ) and deillA stcudorP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 020 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht Paints ( rehtO than lairtsudnI Paints ) and deillA stcudorP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1962 amalgamating SI 107 : 1952 ydaeR‘ dexim paint, brushing, der cniz-edixo ,emorhc ’gnimirp and SI 108 : 1952 ydaeR‘ dexim paint, ,gniyarps der cniz-edixo ,emorhc .’gnimirp nI eht tsrif noisiver ni 1979 stnemeriuqer rof cimorhc edirdyhna and cniz edixo tnetnoc ni eht cniz emorhc tnetnoc had neeb .dedulcni ehT lanoitpo stnemeriuqer rof gnidaerps yticapac and gnidaerps emit had neeb .deppord sihT noisiver has neeb nekat up ot yletelpmoc align ti htiw ecnefeD noitacificepS ,31-743-J ,tniaP RFU, ,gnimirP deR edixo fo ,nori cniz ,etamorhc ,lasrevinu ,citehtnys ,gniyarps/gnihsurb issued yb yrtsiniM fo ,ecnefeD yb gniyfitnauq eht seulav fo tew ,yticapo ,ssolg thgiew rep 10 ,sertil .cte roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor Ifo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 2074. : 1992 Indian Standard READY MIXED PATNT,AIRDRYING,RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME,PRIMING- SPECIFICATION (S econd Revision ) etamorhc tnetnoc shall eb denimreted as -serp 1 SCOPE debirc ni xennA :B 1.1 sihT standard sebircsem tnemeriuaer s. sdohtem fo sampling d& tset rof kht lairetam )a cniZ ,emorhc tnecrep yb - 16.0 yllaicremmoc nwonk as ydaer dexim . paint, ria mass, Min gnimrofnoc.( ,gniyrd der cniz-edixo emorhc .gnimirp ot epyT 2 fo SI 9791:15 ) hcihw shall dnopserroc 1.1.1 ehT lairetam is desu as a remirp ni eht ot cimorhc edirdyhna gnitniap metsys yllamron dewollof rof slemane stnetnoc fo muminim rof latem .secafrus tI is desu rof eht noitcetorp 6.88 tnecrep yb mass fo ,krowleets htob rednu eniram and inland -tuo and 5.84 tnecrep yb rood .snoitidnoc mass fo cniz edixo 2 REFERENCES b) derutcafunaM der sedixo fo nori ( gnimrofnoc ot The naidnI Standards detsil ni xennA A era eht Class 2 ro SI 44 : 1991 ) yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard. ro 3 TERMINOLOGY Natural der sedixo fo eht-roF esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed nori ( gnimrofnoc ot nevig ni 1s 1303 : 1983 shall .ylppa Class 3 fo SI 44 : 1991 ) 4 CLASSES ro 50 ehT lairetam shall eb deilppus ni brushing -noc A erutxim fo htob hcihw ycnetsis tub shall eb elbatius rof noitacilppa yb shall dnopserroc ot der gniyarps retfa gninniht htiw muelortep -ordyh edixo ( as aO,eF ,) -rep nobrac ,tnevlos 1451205, wol citamora edarg tnec yb mass, Min; nehw gnimrofnoc ot SI 1745 : 1978. enT llems fo eht detset as debircserp ni 6- lairetam shall ton eb elbanoitcejbo gnirud fo SI 6947 ( traP 2 ) : .noitacilppa 1975 cl elbatiuS srednetxe - redniamer 5 REQUIREMENTS ehT elitalov elcihev shall eb fo hcus -moc 5.1 Composition nortiso5p .1.2 os as ot yfsitas . _ eht ,stnemeriuqer to n ehT lairetam shall tsisnoc fo eht stneidergni this .noitacificeps dexim ni eht ,snoitroporp yb mass, deificeps :wo!eb 5.1.3 ehT noitisopmoc fo eht lairetam shall eb tcejbus ot dael noitcirtser as denifed ni IS 1303 : a> tnemgiP ( ni ecnadrocca htiw 5.1.1 ) -- 1983 and ti shall ton eb exom than eno tnecrep 5, f 5 .tnecrep desserpxe as cillatem ,dael nehw detset as rep b) sreirD -- ,redniameR ni elbatius -roporp SI 101 ( traP teS/8 5 ) ( under print ). snoit ot ecudorp a paint gniyfsitas eht 5.2 ehT lairetam shall eb elbatius rof esu htiw stnemeriuqer fo~ this standard. suoniseroelo citehtnys and desab-esolullecortin ,staocrednu ,srecafrus srellif and .seittup NOTE roF- ecnefed ,seilppus eht lairetam llahs teem na lanoitidda tnemeriuqer -nonfo elitalov ,elcihev niM 70 tnecrep yb .ssam 5.3 Freedom from Objectionable Impurities 5.1.1 ehT tnemgip desu ni eht erutcafunam fo rennihT gniniatnoc detanirolhc sdnuopmoc ro eht lairetam shall tsisnoc fo stneidergni dexim rehto secnatsbus hcihw era suoirujni ot srotarepo ni eht snoitroporp yb mass, deificeps .woleb cniZ gnirud ro retfa noitacilppa shall ton eb .desu 1 SE 2991:4702 4.5 gnidrocca ot eht sdohtem nevig ni 1oc 4 fo eht Compatibility with Thinner .elbat ehT lairetam shall eb elbatius rof gninniht htiw srenniht desu rof citehtnys paints ( ees SI 1872 : 1961 .) 5.9 Water Content 5.5 Relative Consistency fI retaw is detcepsus ot eb tneserp ni eht ,lairetam ti shall ton deecxe 5-O tnecrep nehw ehT xulffe emit morf a lluf .oN 4 droF Cup at detset as debircserp ni SI 101 traP( ceSi2 1 ) : 27 2 2°C nehw denimreted as debircserp ni 1988. 1s 101 ( traP ceS,1 5 ) : 1989, shall eb ton less than 80 and ton erom than 120 .sdnoces 6 SAMPLING 5.6 Resistance to Salt Spray nehW detset as debircserp ni 4 fo SI 101 traP( 61 6.1 evitatneserpeR samples fo eht lairetam shall eb drawn as debircserp ni SI 101 ( traP ceB1 :)1 teS 1 ) : 1988 rof a doirep fo 96 sruoh -unitnoc 1986. ,ylsuo eht paint mlif shall wohs on signs fo nwodkaerb and eht gniylrednu latem shall eb 6.2 Criteria for Conformity eerf morf .noisorroc 5.7 Resistance to Natural or Artificial Sea Water A stnemeriuqer tol shall eb fo deralcedthis standard as gnimrofnoc fi eht tset stluser ot eht ( Applicable for Marine Paints Only ) fo etisopmoc elpmas yfsitas eht stnemeriuqer nehW detset as debircserp ni xennA C, eht lenap debircserp rednu 5. de-raperp morf eht lairetam shall wohs on -mad ,ega gniretsilb ro gnikalf fo eht paint ,mlif ro 7 TESTS mlifrednu .noisorroc 7.1 stseT shall eb detcudnoc as rep eht dohtem 5.8 ehT lairetam shall osla mrofnoc ot eht derrefer ot ni 1oc 4 and 5 fo elbaT 1 and ni 5.1 stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1 nehw detset to 5.9. 1 Table Requirements for Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide, Zinc Chrome, Priming ( CZause 5.8 ) SI Characteristic Requirements Method of Test, Ref to No. ~----_----*--- -----_ SI 101 xennA )1( )2( (3) (4) (5) )i gniyrD :emit a) ecafruS yrd toN erom naht 1 2 sruoh 1 ( traP eeS/3 1 ) : 1986 - )b Hard yrd toN erom naht 12 sruoh i iii ycnetsisnoC htoomS dna mrofinu ( traP 1 ceSj 5 ) : 1989 - )iii a) hsiniF ,htoomS ttam ot gge ( traP teS/3 4 ) : 1987 - llehs ssolg )b sseneniF fo dnirg 50 traP( ceSi3 5 ) : 1987 - ,snorcim xaM )c ssolG ,seulav raluceps ( traP teS/4 4 1 : 1988 - 45O toN erom naht 30 stinu GO” toN erom naht 20 stinu )vi ruoloC That fo der edixo ( traP teS/4 2 ) : 1989 - )v ssaM ni kg/IO ,sertil niM 13’5 ( traP teS/l 7 ) : 1986 - )iv hctarcS ssendrah retfa 48 oN hctarcs sa ot wohs ( traP ceSI5 1 > : 1988 - sruoh gniyrd-ria eht erab latem )iiv emuloV sdilos 45 f 5 - D )iiiv ytilibixelF dna noisehda oN ,egamad tnemhcated ( traP ceS‘,5 2 ) : 1988 -- retfa 48 sruoh gniyrd-ria ro gnikcarc fo eht mlif )xi noitcetorP tsniaga -orroc oN sngis fo lroc noiso ( traP ceS‘,6 1 ) : 1988 - nois rednu snoitidnoc fo noitasnednoc hsalF tniop toN woleb C°03 ( traP teS/l 6 ) : 1987 Xl )ix detareleccA egarots To ssap eht tset - E ytilibats )iix gnipeeK seitreporp toN ssel naht 12 shtnom ( traP c&/6 2 ) : 1989 IS 2074 : 1992 7.2 Quality of Reagents dekcap ni latem sreniatnoc gnimrofnoc ot SI 1407 : 1980 ro SI 2552 : 1989. sselnUI esiwrehto ,deificeps erup slacimehc and dellitsid retaw ( ees 1070 : 1992 ) shall eb 8.2 Marking deyolpme ni .stset ehT sreniatnoc shall eb dekram htiw eht -woilof NOTE - eruP‘ ’slacimehc llahs naem slacimehc taht ing: niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluser fo do not )a emaN fo eht ,lairetam .sisylana )b emuloV fo eht ,lairetam 8 PACKING AND MARKING c) noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ,erutcafunam 8.1 Packing )d hctaB NO. ro tol .oN ni; edoc ro -rehto ,esiw and Unless esiwrehto deerga ot neewteb eht -rup resahc and eht ,reilppus eht paint shall eb )e htnoM and raey fo .erutcafunam ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS SI No. Title SI .oN Title :44 1991 norI edixo stnemgip rof teS 4 ) : 1988 noitceS 4 ssoLG ( l!.t‘:iil paints ( second revision ) I’ci’LSiOFt ) 51 : 1979 cniZ emorhc rof paints ( third ( traP /5 t-raP 5 lacinahceM stset no revision ) teS 1 ) : 1988 paint ,smlif noitceS 1 Hatd- 101 sdohteM fo sampling and ness tset ( third revision ) stset rof paints, sehsinrav and teS 2 ) : 1988 noitceS 2 ytilibixelF and detaler stcudorp noisehda ( third revision) traP$ /l traP 1 stseT no diuqil paints ( traP /6 traP 6 ytilibaruD stset no teS 1 ) : 1986 ( lareneg and lacisyhp ,) :)lceS 1988 paint ,smlif noitceS 1 -aruD noitceS 1 gnilpmaS ( third ytilib rednu snoitidnoc fo revision ) noitasnednoc ( third revision ) teS 3 ) : 1986 noitceS 3 noitaraperP fo teS 2 ) : 1989 noitceS 2 gnipeeK seitreporp slenap ( third revision ) ( third revision ) teS 5 ) : 989-l noitceS 5 ycnetsisnoC ( third ( traP teS/8 5 ) traP 8 stseT rof stnemgip and revision ) rehto ,sdilos noitceS 5 dae,I teS 6 ) : 1987 noitceS 6 Flash tniop ( third noitcirtser tset ( under print ) revision ) 1070 : 1992 tnegaeR edarg retaw -- -icepS teS 7 ) : 1986 noitceS 7 Mass rep net sertil noitacif ( third revision ) ( third revision ) 1303 : 1983 yrassolG fo smret gnitaler ot + traP 21 traP 2 yranimilerP -animaxe paints ( second revision ) teS 1 ) : 1988 noit and noitaraperp fo 1407 : 1980 dnuoR paint tins ( lrnoces samples rof ,gnitset noitceS 1 retaW tnetnoc (third revision) revision ) (. traP /3 traP 3 tseT no paint mlif 1745 : 1978 muelorteP nobracordyh teS 1 ) : 1986 ,noitamrof noitceS 1 gniyrD stnevlos ( second revision ) emit ( third revision ) :2781 1961 rennihT rof citehtnys paints teS 4 ) : 1987 noitceS 4 hsiniF ( third and sehsinrav rof stfarcria revision ) 2552 : 1989 leetS drums ( dezinavlag and teS 5 ) : 1987 noitceS 5 sseneniF fo dnirg dezinavlagnu ) ( third revision ) ( third revision ) 6947 sdohteM fo noitamitse fo 4 traP /4 traP 4 lacitpO stset no paint traP( )2 : 1975 etisopmoc stnemgip ni aio teS 1 ) : 1983 ,smlif noitceS 1 yticapO pastes, ydaer dexim paints ( third revision ) and slemane : traP 2 -amitsE teS 2 ) : 1989 noitceS 2 ruoloC ( third noit fo cniz ,semorhc cirref revision ) edixo and muinimula 3 TS 2074 : 1992 ANNEX B (Clause 5.1.1 ) NOITANIMRETED FO CHROMIC EDIRDYHNA AND CNIZ EDIXO O-B ENILTUO FO EHT DOHTEM adding 5 lm fo hcrats noitulos as .rotacidni etoN eht emulov fo muidos etahplusoiht noitulos desu 1.O-B cimorhC ediryhna is denimreted yb -tartit ni eht noitartit V,. gni eht enidoi detarebil morf muissatop edidoi htiw standard muidos etahplusoiht .noitulos 3.2-B retfA eht noitartit rof cimorhc ,edirdyhna cniZ edixo is denimreted ni eht emas noitulos add ainomma noitulos esiwpord litnu eht sumtil yb gnitartit eht enidoi yltneuqesbus detarebil no tset repap tsrif turns .eulb ( An ssecxe fo noitidda fo muissatop ,edinaycirref htiw ainomma ,noitulos erom than 3 ot 4 ,spord standard muidos etahplusoiht .noitulos dluohs ton eb dedda as ti is laitnesse that eht eulb sumtil dluohs nrut der htiw muinomma l-B STNEGAER ediroultib ot eb dedda .yltneuqesbus ) looC and add 2 ot 3 g fo muinomma ediroulfib and -iffus 1.l-B Dilute Sulphuric Acid - yletamixorppa tneic retaw ot ekam emulov yletamixorppa 7 N. 250 .lm ( emitemoS secart fo enidoi detarebil gnirud noitazilartuen nac eb deraelc yb eno ro 2.1-B muissatoP edidoI noituloS - ylhserf owt spord fo muidos etahplusoiht .noitulos ) ,deraperp 10 .tnecrep Add V,13 lm fo muissatop edinaycirref .noitulos ritS and wolla ot stand rof tuoba 2 .setunim l-B .3 dradnatS muidoS etahplusoihT - 0.1 N. etartiT eht detarebil enidoi htiw standard -oiht etahplus .noitulos retfA eht dne ,tniop eht 4.1-B hcratS noituloS - 0.5 .tnecrep ruoloc fo eht tset noitulos lliw eb thgirb elap .wolley-hsineerg etoN eht emulov fo muidos 5.1-B muissatoP edinaycirreF noituloS etahplusoiht noitulos desu ni eht dnoces -artit M/10, deraperp ni dloc ,retaw deretlif yldipar noit ( V, .) fI V, is less than 6 ,lm eht noitartit and tpek ni a krad .elttob ehT noitulos nac eb is ot eb detaeper htiw eht noitidda fo ( zV -+ )2 ylbatius desu rof neves syad fi tpek ni krad lm fo muissatop edinaycirref noitulos ni ecalp nehw ton ni .esu fo 3/IV .lm 6.1-B muinommA ediroulfiB ),HN( 2FH - .dilos 4.2-B fI V, is less than 2 ,lm eht noitartit is ot eb ,detaeper starting morf eht detcartxe -gip 7.1-B Sodium Hydroxide Solution -- 10 tnecrep ,tnem htiw eht noitidda fo 5 lm fo muissatop edinaycirref .noitulos ( xorppa .) 3-B NOITALUCLAC 2-B PROCEDURE 1.3-B cimorhC edirdyhna 1.2-B hgieW yletarucca tuoba 1 g fo eht -gip ( CrOs ,) tnecrep tnem ni a lm-052 rekaeb and add tuoba 100 lm yb mass = 3.334 x ,v x N fo muidos edixordyh .noitulos ritS llew yb M gnibbul htiw a glass dor and liob ylwols rof 5 setunim revo a eriw .ezuag ecalP eht ,rekaeb erehw derevoc htiw a ssalg-kcolc no a htab-retaw rof V1 = ,emulov ni ,lm fo muidos etahplusoiht tuoba ha1 an .ruoh retliF revo retlif repap noitulos desu ni eht tsrif ;noitartit ( Whatman .oN 42 ) ni a lm-005 lacinoc .ksalf Wash llew htiw toh retaw litnu eht eudiser is N 3 ytilamron fo , muidos etahplusoiht eerf morf .etamorhc looC eht etartlif ni eci noitulos ;desu and retaw and ezilartuen ti htiw etulid ciruhplus M = mass, ni g, fo eht lairetam rof’nekat .dica Add 30 lm fo etulid ciruhplus dica retfa eht .noitartit noitazilarruen and .looc nehT etamitse cimorhc edirdyhna and cniz edixo tnetnoc as nevig 2.3-B cniZ edixo ( OnZ ,) ni ,2.2-B 3.2-B and .4.2-B tnecrep yb mass = 54*21 x Vs x iV M R-2.2 refsnarT eht noitulos ot a lm-005 erehw enidoi ksalf gniniatnoc 100 lm fo retaw and V, - ,emulov ni ,lm fo etahplusoiht~muidos 20 lm fo etulid ciruhplus .dica Add 30 lm fo noitulos desu ni eht dnoces ;noitartit muissatop edidoi noitulos and wolla ot stand and rof 5 .setunim eht.etartiT detarebil enidoi htiw standard muidos etahplusoiht noitulos retfa N and M evah eht emas dnegel as .1.3-B 4 SI 2991:4702 ANNEX C ( Clause 5.7 ) TSET FOR ECNATSISER OT AES RETAW l-C SUTARAPPA muiclaC edirolhc 1.1 g 1.l-C A small reniatnoc elbapac fo gnidloh muissatoP edirolhc 0.73 g tneiciffus aes retaw rof eht noisremmi fo 75 mm muidoS etanobracib 0.2 g fo eht .lenap muidoS edimorb 0.28 g C-2 TNEGAER ,retaW dellitsid 1000 lm C-2.1 ehT larutan aes retaw dluohs eb nekat rof C-3 PROCEDURE ton less than eno toof :l\oleb eht ecafrus yb a C-3.1 eraperP a lenap fo 150 mm x 50 mm x dohtem hcihw seod ton etanimatnoc morf eht 1.25 mm dlim leets etalp as debircsed ni SI 101 ecafrus .reyal nI saera erehw ereht is -nuonorp ( traP teS/l 3 ) : 1986. retfA neves syad fo dec ladit ,noitca eht retaw dluohs eb nekat raen ,noitacilppa esremmi 75 mm fo eht lenap ni eht lluf doolf and ,dluohs ,yllaitini evah a ytinilas fo ,tnegaer rof a doirep fo neves ,syad at a -snoc ton less than 30 and a Hp fo ton less than 8.0. tant .erutarepmet C-2.2 fI larutan detanimatnocnu aes retaw is C-3.2 Reporting ton ,elbaliava a citehtnys aes retaw ot eht gniwollof noitalumrof yam eb :desu At eht dne fo eht deiliceps emit fo noisremmi evomer eht lenap and yletaidemmi swab ti muidoS edirolhc 26.5 g ylsuorogiv htiw a loow-nottoc swab dekaos ni Magnesium edirolhc 2.4 g eht paint .revomer ehimaxE eht slenap rof signs Magnesium etahplus 3.3 g fo .noisorroc ANNEX D [ Table 1, Sl No. (vii) ] NOITANIMRETED FO EMULOV SDILOS 0-D LARENEG 2-D PROCEDURE sihT dohtem is dednetni ot edivorp a measure 1.2-D yrD eht csid ni an nevo at 105°C rof 10 fo eht emulov fo yrd gnitaoc elbaniatbo morf a setunim and .looc hgieW eht csid ni .ria teL ti nevig emulov fo diuqil .gnitaoc sihT emulov eb W, grams. is deredisnoc ot eb eht tsom elbatiuqe snaem fo 2.2-D dnepsuS eht csid ni retaw and gnirapmoc eht egarevoc and eht tew mlif -kciht weigh again. teL ti eb W4 grams. ness fo eht nevig paint. 3.2-D etaluclaC eht emulov fo eht csid Y as l-D SUTARAPPA :swollof 2.l-D Analytical Balance - evitisnes ot O-1 mg. v _ w1 - Wa - 2.l-D Stainless Steel Disc d erehw 60 mm retemaid and 0.70 mm ssenkciht htiw a small eloh 2 ot 3 mm morf eht .egde A enif eriw d = ytisned fo eht retaw at moor -arepmet hcus as 1emorhc is dehcatta hguorht eht eloh .erut rof suspending eht csid ni a .diuqil 4.2-D enimreteD eht thgiew fo elitalov-non 3.1-D Weight Box tnetnoc fo eht diuqil gnitaoc lairetam yb drying a nwonk tnuoma fo paint at 1OYC rof 3 .sruoh 4.l-D Beaker - 1 .ertil teL ti eb W .smarc 5.1-D Mass per Litre Cup 5.2-D enimreteD eht cificeps ytivarg fo eht 6.l-D toH riA nevO - elbapac ot maintain paint ot eht tseraen 0.001 lm/g yb using mass 5ui f 2°C. rep ertil teL ti eb p. cup.

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