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IS 1891-5: Conveyor and elevator textile belting, Part 5: Fire resistant belting for surface application PDF

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Preview IS 1891-5: Conveyor and elevator textile belting, Part 5: Fire resistant belting for surface application

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1891-5 (1993): Conveyor and elevator textile belting, Part 5: Fire resistant belting for surface application [PGD 31: Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 1981 ( Part 5 ) ; 3991 FpT Gk JFTTW FFf TF - f%bfk paTF %T*FTa t+f Vf% S!faitQ?V'$l VTrl5 Indian Standard CONVEYOR AND ELEVATOR TEXTILE BELTING -SPECIFICATION PART 5 FIRE RESISTANT BELTING FOR SURFACE APPLICATION UCD 621.867.2-052 : 620-193-5 @ BIS 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 1993 Prla Gremp4 P-- __ syelluP and stleB lanoitceS ,eettimmoC ML 09 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb syelluP and stleB lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht thgiL lacinahceM gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard is gnieb dehsilbup ni evif parts. rehtO parts :era traP 1 royevnoC and rotavele elitxet gnitleb - noitacificepS : traP 1 lareneG esoprup gnitleb htruof( revision ) traP 2 royevnoC and rotavele elitxet gnitleb - noitacificepS : traP 2 taeH tnatsiser gnitleb ( driht revision ) traP 3 royevnoC and rotavele elitxet gnitleb : traP 3 liO tnatsiser gnitleb ( second revision ) traP 4 rebbuR royevnoc and rotavele elitxet gnitleb : traP 4 cineigyH gnitleb (first revision ) ehT tnemeriuqer fo erif tnatsiser royevnoc gnitleb desu ni dnuorgrednu senim evah neeb derevoc ni SI 3181 : 1992 royevnoC‘ stleb - eriF tnatsiser royevnoc gnitleb rof dnuorgrednu senim and hcus rehto suodrazah snoitacilppa - noitacificepS ( second revision )‘. nI noitaraperp fo this standard, assistance has neeb devired morf CAN/CSA - M 422 - M 87 eriF‘ - ecnamrofreP and citats-itna stnemeriuqer rof royevnoc ’gnitleb Canadian Standards noitaicossA and 0SI 340 : 1988 royevnoC‘ stleb - emalF noitadrater - noitacificepS and tset ’dohtem lanoitanretnI noitasinagrO rof .noitazidradnatS roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 1891( Part 5 ) : 1993 Indian Standard CONVEYOR AND ELEVATOR TEXTILE BELTING - SPECIFICATION PART 5 FIRE RESISTANT BELTING FOR SURFACE APPLICATION ,ylevitanretlA a cirbaf elip yam eb yllargetni 1 SCOPE nevow htiw a dilos nevow ssacrac no rehtie eno sihT standard ( traP 5 ) srevoc eht stnemeriuqer ro htob sides, ni hcihw esac ti !lahs eb -isnoc fo erif tnatsiser citatsitna rebbur ro/dna PVC dered ot eb trap fo eht ssacrac .ssenkciht royevnoc and rotavele elitxet decrofnier gnitleb rof esu ni ecafrus snoitallatsni erehw erif sdrazah 6 FABRIC .tsixe ehT cirbaf desu shall eb edam fo rofnottoc 2 REFERENCES edimaylop ro yna rehto citehtnys lairetam ro noitanibmoc foereht ylneve and ylmrif nekow ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrassecen and eerf morf gnirutcafunam stluaf as is lamron stcnujda ot this standard: ni eht tseb gnirutcafunam .ecitcarp IS No. Title 7 COVER 1891 traP‘( 1 ) : royevnoC and rotavele elitxet 1993 noitacificepS-gnitleb : traP 1 7.1 ehT rebbur desu m eht pot and mottob lareneG esoprup gnitleb revoc fo eht gnitleb shall eb fo erif ,tnatsiser citatsitna ( SARP ) .edarg ehT eulav fo elisnet (fourth revision ) ( under print ) htgnerts and noitagnole fo rebbur revoc nehw 3400 ( traP 4 ) : sdohteM fo tset rof -inacluv devomer morf eht tleb and detset as rep eht 1987 dez srebbur : traP 4 -eleccA dohtem debircsed ni xennA B fo SI 1891 detar gniega ( second revision ) ( traP 1 ) : 1993, shall ton eb less than eht seulav nevig ni elbaT 1. 4240 : 1984 yrassolG fo sroyevnoc smret and noitinifed (first revision ) Table 1 Fire Resistant Grade Rubber Cover - 3 TERMINOLOGY Tensile Properties roF eht esoprup fo this standard eht snoitinifed nevig ni SI 4240 : 1984 shall .ylppa edarG muminiM elisneT muminiM noitagnolE htgnertS at Break )aPM( ( tnecreP ) 4 TYPES eriF tnatsiser -itna 17 350 citats ( SARF ) ehT tleb sepyt shall eb gnidrocca ot elbaT 4 ETON - erehW scitsalp ro citsalp/rebbur XVII fo SI 1891 traP( 1 ) : 1993. lairetam si desu rof eht revoc eht eulav fo elisnet htgnerts dna noitagnole at kaerb llahs eb sa deerga 5 CONSTRUCTION ot neewteb rerutcafunam dna .resahcrup 5.1 ehT gnitleb shall tsisnoc fo a ssacrac gnivah srevoc fo erif tnatsiser rebbur ro/dna PVC. ehT 7.2 nI esac fo rebbur ,revoc retfa gniega rof ssacrac shall tsisnoc rehtie fo eno ro erom seilp 72 h at 70 C”lf ni ecnadrocca htiw eht fo nevow cirbaf ro fo dilos nevow cirbaf and stnemeriuqer fo SI 3400 ( traP 4 ) : 1987 eht shall eb detangerpmi htiw erif tnatsiser rebbur elisnet htgnerts and noitagnole at kaerb fo eht ro citsalp .xim ehT elohw shall rehtie eb desuf rebbur revoc shall ton yrav morf eht lanigiro ro dezinacluv rehtegot ni a mrofinu .rennam deganu seulav yb erom than eht tnuoma -iceps deif :woleb 5.2 roF ssacrac noitcetorp ni deilp ,gnitleb reyal ro sreyal fo hsem-nepo ro droc cirbaf Change ( Percent ) ( demret as rekaerb ) yam eb decalp neewteb elisneT htgnerts + 10 eht revoc and eht ssacrac ro yam eb deddebme - 20 ni eht .revoc erehW hcus a reyal is -oprocni ,detar ti shall eb deredisnoc ot eb trap fo eht noitagnolE t- 10 revoc ssenkciht and ton detnuoc as a cirbaf .ylp -- 25 ‘IS 1891 ( Part 5 ) : 1993 - 8 ADHESION erutarepmet shall ton deecxe 325°C and eht ehT noisehda neewteb eht revoc and eht -rac gnitleb shall trap nihtiw eht 3 h tset .doirep cass and neewteb eht tnecajda seilp shall eb 9.1.2 ehT murd noitcirf tset shall eb deirrac hcus that nehw detset ni eht rennam debircsed rof eht esoprup fo lavorppa fo wen tleb -snoc ni xennA G fo SI (1981 traP 1 ) : 1993, eht ecrof .noitcurt yoneuqerF fo this tset rof seilppus deriuqer ot esuac eht noitarapes shall eb as fo an devorppa tleb noitcurtsnoc yam eb as nevig ni elbaT 2. deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht resahcrup and deredisnoc a epyt .tset Table 2 Force for Adhesion Testing 9.2 Flame Test tseT ecroF , niM .YN m/Nk( )htdiW roF hcae tes fo ruof ,se!pmas nehw detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA ,B eht egareva noitarud )i noisehdA neewteb tnecajda seilp 4.5 fo eht emalf shall ton deecxe 40 sdnoces and eht )ii noisehdA neewteb revoc dna egareva noitarud fo wolg shall ton deecxe :ssacrac 120 .sdnoces )a srevoC up ot dna gnidulcni 1.00 mm kciht oN tset 9.3 Electrical Surface Resistance Test ( Anti- )b srevoC revo 1.00 mm dna up static Test ) ot dna gnidulcui 05-l mm kciht 3.15 nehW detset ni ecnadrocca htiw xennA C, eht )c sievoC revo 1.50 mm kciht 3.50 lacirtcele ecnatsiser fo hcae fo eht segareva shall ton deecxe 300 .snrhoagem etoN - oN laudividni eulav deniatbo at eht emit fo tnemerusaem llahs eb woleb eht eulav deificeps yb 10 STANDARD MARK erom naht 0.80 m/Nk .htdiw sliateD elbaliava htiw uaeruB fo naidnI 9 FIRE RESISTANCE Standards. 9.1 Drum Friction Test 11 OTHER REQUIREMENTS -9.1.1 roF hcae tset detcudnoc ni ecnadrocca ynA rehto stnemeriuqer ton yllacificeps -nem htiw xennA A, eht gnitleb shall wohs on denoit ni this standard shall eb as debircserp ni sign fo ,emalf spark ro .wolg ehT murd SI 1891 ( traP 1 ) : 1993. ANNEX A ( Clause 9.1 ) METHOD OF TES T FOR FIRE RESISTANCE ( DRUM FRICTION TEST ) eb detceles ot evig eht murd a lanoitator deeps .A-1 TEST PIECES fo 200 & 5 .nim/ver A-l.1 Cut owt tset seceip fo eht tleb hcae 150 4.2-A ehT evird dluohs eb ylluf dedraug rof ~t2 mm ediw and yletamixorppa 1.5 ertem .gnol ytefas and ton tfel .desopxe 2-A‘ APPARATUS 5.2-A elbatiuS snaem shall eb elbaliava rof -orp gnidiv an ria tnerruc gnivah yticolev fo 2.0 f A lacipyt lareneg tnemegnarra fo murd noitcirf 1-O m/s nehw derusaem htiw eht tset eceip ni .apparatus is nwohs ni .giF 1. noitisop at a ecnatsid fo 200 mm .morf eht ecafrus fo eht .murd 1.2-A ehT murd noitcirf tset apparatus shall tsisnoc fo a leets murd fo retemaid 210 l& ,mm NOTE- ehT air tnerruc nac eb decudorp yb a rewolb naf ro morf a detarofrep epip deilppus htiw a htgnel 355 f 1 mm and ssenkciht 6.25 desserpmoc .ria nI eht rettal esac a epip 10 mm ot & 0.5 mm and sdne dluohs eb .desolc 13 mm lanretni ,retemaid detarofrep gnola eno edis 0 htiw wor fo seloh ( 0.8 mm ot 1.5 mm )retemaid dluohs eb dexif yllatnoziroh at eht kcab fo eht murd ( .i .e 2.2-A A rotom fo yletamixorppa 7.5 kW is neewteb eht pot dna mottob snoitrop fo eht tleb ) at deriuqer rof eht .tset a ecnatsid fo 600 mm morf eht murd ertnec dna ni eht emas latnoziroh enalp htiw eht wor fo seloh 3.2-A tI is dednemmocer that noissimsnart fo gnicaf eht .murd yletamixorppA 20 kPa air erusserp si deriuqer at eht .epip ehT actual air yticolev rewop ot eht gnitator murd dluohs eb yb snaem dluohs eb derusaem yb na rotemomcna dna fo niahc and .tekcops elbatiuS raeg oitar yam dluohs eb dekcehc at raluger .slavretni 2 TSET PIFCF ,‘_ --- 1271 ,_ 17LO XQRPPA _I w NOITCIRF \TNEMEGNARED/ ROF GNINOISNET TLEB ELPMAS TO FHllTARiPlviET --- t HFDROCFR rc-. .- STCAlNOC DiA lPPlI,~ Y All snoisnemid ni .sertemillim .GIF I GENERALA RRANGEMENTO F DRUM FRICTIONT ESTINGA PPARATUS, IS 1891( Part 5 ) : 1993 A-2.6 A erutarepmet gnirusaem ecived ot an elgna fo 180” dnuora eht yllatnoziroh -opsid etacidni eht ecafrus erutarepmet fo eht ,murd des leets murd and hcatta a thgiew fo 343 N gnisirpmoc. a elpuocomreht is ot eb dettif otni ( 35 kg mass ) ot eht eerf dne hanging yllacitrev eht .murd ehT pit fo eht elpuocomreht dluohs morf a ediug yellup 70 mm ni .retemaid ton eb dettif erom than 0.5 mm woleb eht -rus 2.1.3-A etatoR eht murd at 200 5f nim/ver ecaf yawdim gnola eht .murd ehT -omreht yawa morf eht pot deruces noitrop litnu eht elpuoc shall eb detcennoc ot a tuo-daer and a trahc .redrocer ehT gninoitcnuf fo eht slip tleb parts. gnir stcatnoc dluohs eb dekcehc yllacidoirep yb 3.1.3-A enimaxE eht tset eceip rof yna elbisiv gnivresbo that ereht is on egnahc ni eht -rocer signs fo emalf ro wolg gnirud .tset ded erutarepmet nehw eht apparatus is nur tuohtiw a tset .elpmas 4.11.3-4. droceR eht ecafrus erutarepmet fo murd gnirud eht .tset 3-A PROCEDURE 2.3-A gnitseT ni riA tnerruC 1.3-A tseT llitS riA in taepeR eht tset no rehtona tset eceip ni -drocca 1.1.3-A xiF eno dne fo eht tset eceip no eht ecna htiw 1.3-A using ria tnerruc as debircsed tset apparatus and pass ehr rehto dne hguorht ni ,5.2-4- ANNEX I3 ( Clause 9.2 ) DOHTEM FO TSET FOR ERIF ECNATSISER ( EMALF TSET ) l-B SELPMAS at tsael 120 mm .gnol A 1.18 mm ( 16 hsem ) lekcin muimorhc eriw ezuag thgiE samples fo gnitleb 150 93 2 mm gnoi bJ yletamixorpna 125 mm s 125 ,mm shall 12.5 if mm ,ediw and lluf ,ssenkciht shall eb eb dehcatta ot ti ni hcus a yaw that eht .deilppus ruoF samples shall eb tuc -idutignol ezuag is tuoba 6 mm wol-b eht elpmas yllan ( lellarrap ot eht warp ) and ruof samples nehw eht elpmas is decalp no redloh ylesrevsnart ( lellarap ot eht tfew .) and os that ti sdnetxe tuoba tile 50 mm dnoyeb eht dne fo eht lennahc ( ees .giF 2 2-B TNEMPIUQE rof a lacipyt tnemegnarra .) ehT elpmas ehT tnempiuqe shall edulcni eht :gniwollof shall eb enil-ni htiw eht ertnec fo eht ekatni ria .elzzon )a A 530 mm lacibuc tset .erusolcne ehT ekatni shall eb a elzzon htiw a 612-604 mm A hctaw-pots ro cirtcele remit ot erusaem .noitcuder ehT rood fo eht erusolcne eht tset .noitarud shall evah a tnerapsnart wodniw ot timrep A rorrim edisni eht tset erusolcne ot gniweiv fo eht .elpmas timrep eht nemiceps ot eb deweiv morf b) A lasrevinu uesnuB epyt renrub htiw a eht kcab hguorht eht wodniw ni eht renrub ebut gnivah an edisni retemaid fo .erusolcne 11 mm ro ,tnelaviuqe detnuom os that A emuf dooh yam eb desu revo eht appa- eht renrub nac eb decalp htaeneb eht tset ratus ro eht tsuahxe tcud yam eb -cennoc nemiceps ro dellup yawa morf ti yb snaem det yltcerid ot eht ,edistuo tub ni rehtie fo a dor gnidnetxe hguorht eht tnorf fo ,esac eht ria yticolev at eht elpmas shall eht tset .erusolcne ehT leuf rof eht eb less than 0.1 m/s. renrub shall :eb lacinhcet edarg ro retteb .enahtem 3-B PROCEDURE lc A troppus stand htiw a elpmas redloh 1.3-B ehT tset shall eb deirrac tuo no owt sets dehcatta ot ti ni hcus a yaw that eht fo ruof samples. hcaE tes shall tsisnoc fo owt mottob fo eht elpmas nac eb detsujda ot lanidutignol and owt esrevsnart samples. enO 25 mm evoba eht .renrub ehT elpmas tes shall eb detset htiw eht gniyrrac revoc edis redloh shall tsisnoc fo a depahs-V stain- fo eht gnitleb tseraen eht renrub and eht rehto less leets lennahc tuoba 6 mm kciht and tes htiw eht yellup edis tseraen eht .renrub 4 IS 1891 ( Part 5 ) : 1993 127 SQUARE NICKEL CHROMIUM 03 ST. STEEL RODS, SILVER SOLDERED _ TO EACH OTHER AND TO GAUZE /ii GAUZE ‘- SILVER SOLDERED E SMALL SCREWS TO HOLD GAUZE TO ANGLE .THlJMB SCREW CONVEYOR BELT SAMPLE 16 Y SOLID x 6 ST STEEL BLOCK 411 snoisnemid ni .sertemillim FIG.~ LACIPYT ARRANGEMENFORFLAMETEST T hcaE tset shall eb detcudnoc as :swollof renroc fo eht elpmas SI just evoba eht Dit fo eht renni enoc fo eht emalf as nwohs ehT elpmas shall eb detroppus htiw its iri .giF 3. lanidutignol sixa latnoziroh and its -snart esrev sixa denilcni at 45” ot eht latnoziroh and its pit gnidnetxe 12 I& mm dnoyeb )d ehT rood fo eht tset erusolcne shall eb desolc rof eht eritne .tset eht eriw .ezuag ehT nesnuB renrub shall eb detsujda ot )“ ehT elpmas shall eb desopxe ot eht renrub evig a yllatot eulb emag htiw an renni emalf rof 60 l& s ni llits ,ria retfa hcihw enoc 24 21 mm hgih and a erutarepmet ehr renrub shall eb delluy .yawa ehT emit fo 900 f 25°C derusaem yb a elbatius gnirud hcihw eht emalf persists retfa eht elpuocomreht deretnec just evoba eht pit renrub is dellup yawa shall eb .derusaem fo eht renni enoc fo eht .emalf ehT emit gnirud hcihw elbisiv wolg -rep ehT‘ renrub shall eb dehsup rednu eht sists retfa eht emalf no eht elpmas has elpmas os that eht pit fo eht mottob dehsiugnitxe shall osla eb .derusaem

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