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IS 1698: Indigo Carmine, Food Grade PDF

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Preview IS 1698: Indigo Carmine, Food Grade

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1698 (1994): Indigo Carmine, Food Grade [FAD 8: Food Additives] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS1698:1994 (R-.-l_) ~ lfF{ffi REAFFlRMEl:\ 2008 ~ ffifi:1;r, "frg - ~ "@m ([?RT~wr ) Indian Standard INDIGO CARMINE, FOOD GRADE SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision) FirstReprintJUNE200I UDC 664.099.62:667.12.6.2 ©BlS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 PriceGroup 2 November 1994 AMENDMENTNO.1 MAY 2008 TO IS1698:1994INDIGOCARMINE,FOODGRADE SPECIFICAnON (SecondRevision) [Page1,Table I,SlNo.(iii),col3]-Substitute '0.2'for '0.4'. [Page1,Table I,SINo.(iv),coI3]-Substitute '0.2'for 'OA'. [PageI, TableI,.'IINo.(v),col3J- Substitute '1.0'for '3.0'. [PageI,Table I,SINo.(vi),co/3]-Substitute '0.5'for'I'. (FAD8) RcprographyUnit.SIS,NewDeihl,India FoodAdditivesSectionalCommittee,FAD8 FOREWORD ThisIndianStandard(SecondRevtston)wasadoptedbytheBureauofIndianStandards,afterthe draft finalizedbythe FoodAddmvesSectionalCommitteehad beenapprovedbythe FoodandAgricultural DIVISionCouncil, TIu~standardISoneoftheseries ofIndianStandardsfor ediblesyntheticcolourspermuted under the PrevenuonofFoodAdulterattonRules,1955ISSuedbytheMinistryofHealth,GovernmentofIndia.These rules, Inter-aha prescnbe: 'All food coloursincludingnaturalcolounngmatterandpermittedsynthetic food coloursand theirpreparatIonsormixturesexcludmgsaffronand curcurrunshallbesoldonly underthe BIS CcrufuauonMark' 'IndianStandardspecincauonformdigocarmrnc'wasfirst ISSUed10 1960 Itwasrevised10 1974tobnng n10tinewnhtheFAO/WHOspecrncauons ThrsstandardISbemgrevisedagaintakingintoconstderauon the tates: pubhcauon for the food colour Issued byFAO/wHO [seeFAO Food and Nutnuon Paper ,I/I(1'184)Specifuauonforrdenutyand pUrtlyoffoodcolours),thelatestspecifuauonslaiddown under FoodChemicalCodex,EECDirecuves,CanadianFoodLaws,Foodand DrugsAuofUSA Inaddiuon. dueconsiderauonhas beengiven to rndrgenousdata Inthis revision the limnsforwaterinsolublematter.combinedetherextractsanu subsidiarydyes have beenmademorestringenttoalign themwnhthe lnternauonalreqUirement\andrequirements10' heavy metalshave beenmcluded Requirements for mdigo carrnme, food grade have been prescribed under the Prevenuon vi Food AdulterattonRules. 1'155 As food coloursarc undercompulsoryBISCertifrcauon,the modifiedvaluc-, gIVen10TableIhave been referred10CCFSforadopuonunderthe Pf-A Rules While Iorrnutaungthl' standard,necessdryconsideranon has beengiven to the StandardsofWe/ghB andMeasures (Packaved Commoduies)Rules. 1'177ThestandardIShoweversubjectto restricuonsImposed underthese Rules, whereverapplicable Description CommonName- Indigocarmme Synonymr- Indrgoune,FD& CBlue No 2.CI FoodBlue I,EEC Send) No E1'2.L Blau2 Colourofth»0IPercent(mtv]SoluuonIn DtsutledW(/{er Blue ColourIndex Number(1975) - No 710)5 Cluvs IndlgOid ChennculName --DisodrumsdlLIIImdrgoune 5'y-dJsulphonlldud Empmcalformula MolecularWe/Khl - 4h6 ,6 SITU,turalFormula Solutnluy SolubleInwater SparlnglvvolubleInethanol forthe purpo,e01 deudlngwhetheraparucularreqUiremenlot thr-standardIScompliedwuh,the hndl value,observedorcalculated,cxprcwmgthe resultofatestordnaIY"ls.shall bcroundedoffInaccordance wuh IS2 1960 Rulev for roundingolfnumenwlvalues(re'lIed)' The number of"gmhwnl pld<-C'> retainedInthe roundedoffvalueshouldhethe'dmed'IhdlofIhe,peufteuvalue Inthixstandard IS1698:1994 Indian Standard INDIGO CARMINE, FOOD GRADE SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision) I SCOPE 2491:1972 Code for hygienic conditions for 1.1 This,tanllarllpre:.cribcstherequirement,and foodprocessingunits(firs!revision) themethods of sampling and testforindigocar 3 REQUIREMENTS mine,foodgrade. 2 REFERENCES 3.1 The material shall conform to the require The following Indian Standard,ale necessaryad mentsprescribedinTable1. juncts tothisstandard: 3.2 FreedomfromContaminants ISNo. TItle Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the 1070:1992 Reagent grade water (thITd material is free from mercury. copper and revisions chromiuminanyform; aromaticarnines, aromatic 1699: 1994 Methodsof samplingand lest tor nitro compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and foodcolours(secondrevlSwn) cyanides. TableLRequirementsfor IndigoCarmine (Clause3.1) 51 (:harackrisUc RequJremrnt MdhodorTrst,Refto No. (j\llnc.~-~r:~- Cla~~ Standard IS1699 1994 (1) (2) (3) (4) (~) I) Toldl dye content.corrected torsample 8~ A I..Inl'L!.-II10'" -r JUCtor 2-h.percent hy 1ll,/l.~.Mrn n) l.il"'~ondrymgat IJ-4i"C.percentbyma~", j~ o "nJ Chloride and sulphate, expressed tt... 13 sodiumS,ltJr.percentbymass,Max 14 Ill) Waler-Jn!loolublematter,percentbyruass. 04 H Max IV) Combrned ether extracts, percent by 0.4 C mass,Max v) Subsidiarydyes,percentbyrnass,Max 3.0 D vs} tsaunsulphonicacrd, percent bymass, E Max VI/) Lead,mg/kg.Max 10 15 \'111) Arsenic.rng/kg,Max 3(seeNote] is IX) Heavymel.Is.mglkg,Max 41l lb NOTE- Thevalueofarsenich..beenreferredtoCCRiforaoopuonunderthePFARules. ISl"":~ 3.3 Theproductshallbeprocessed,packed,stored 4.2.2 BISCmijicatioilMarking and distributed under hygienic conditions in TheproductmayalsobemarkedwiththeStandard licencedpremises(see)S2491:1972). Mark. 4 PACKINGANDMARKING Theuseofthe StandardMarkisgoverned 4.1 Packing bytheProvisionsoftheBureauofIndianStandards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made The materialshall be packed in glasscontainers, thereunder.Thedetailsofconditionsunderwhich polyethylene container, metal containers, or the licence for theuseof Standard Mark maybe cardboard containers suilably lined with grantedtomanufacturersor producersmaybeob polyethylene. Subject to agreement between the tainedfrom theBureauofIndianStandards. purchaserand thevendoranyothersuitablecon tainermayalsobeused. 5 SAMPLING 5.1 Representative samples of the material for 4.2 Martdn& testsshall be drawn and criteria for ascertaining 4.2.1 Eachcontainershallbelegiblyand indelibly conformitytotherequirementsofIhisspedfication markedwiththefollowing information: shall be determined according h' the method prescribedin4ofIS1699: 1994. a) Thewords 'FOODCOLOVR'; b) Commonnameofthecolour; 6 TESTS c) Chemicalnameofthecolour; d) Colourindexnumber; 6.1 Testsshallbecarriedoutasprescnbcdin0014 e) Sourcebfmanufacture; and5ofTable1. f) Dateofmanufacture; 6.2 Quality01Reagents g) Netmassingramsor kilograms; h) BalChorcodenumber;and Unlessspecifiedotherwise,purechemicalsanddis j) Anyotherrequtrementsasspecifiedunderthe tilledwater(seeIS1070: 1992)shall beemployed SlondardsofWdghlsandMMSUTes(PodUJ/i,f!d intests. Commodities} Rules, 1977/Pre"ention of Non- 'run:CkO:m:ab.'ehallmcanchermcalsthotldunul FoodAdulrermionRules, 1955. Qmwnempurtneswhichaffecttheresultsofdn.t1)'SI!'o ANNEX A [Table 1,Item (i) ] 1)Io:TI-:RMINI\T!ONOilTOTAl.DYI-:CONTI-:NT 04.-0 GENERAL A·l.3 Procedure Twomethods,spectrophotometricmethodand the Weigh accuratelyabout250mgof the dyesample titaniumtrichloridemethod,arc specified. Incase anddissolvewithammoniumacetatesolutionina of dispute, spectrophotometric method shall be 250-mlvolumetricflask;dilute thiswith the same regardedasthereferencemethod. solventto make afinal concentrationof I mgllOO mI(approximately).Findouttheopticaldensityof 04.·1 SPE<..'TROPIIOTOMJo.TRlCMJo.TIIOD this dilute solution, against ammonium acetate 04.-1.1 Apparatus solutionasblank,at610nm,inagla~cellwith IIJ.O mmlight path. Suitable specrropnotomercr with properly 04.-1.3.1 SimultaneouslyweighaccuratelyaboutZg calibratedscales for bothwavelength and optical ofthedye-sampleanddrythisinanair-ovcnat 105 density. However, a suitable spectrocolonmerne :t 1°Cfor 2hours. Calculatethe lo~of mass on may also be used after calibration against a <trying;from thisdata,calculatethedrymassufthe spectrophotometer. sample(M)inIbetinalsolutiontakenfurmeasure 1\.\.2 Reagents ment ufopticaldensity. A-1.4 Calculation 04.-1.1.1 AmmonIumAUla/I:Solution OD x ilK) ZOOmgofammoniumacetateinonehireutwater Totaldyecontentinthe - M x 4511 sample.percent (re-distilled). 2 IS1698:1"4 where A-2 TITANIUMTRICIIWRlDEM~"IIOD OD opticaldensityfound; A·1.1 Proc:edure M <bymass of the sample in 100 ml Themethodgiven in 5ofIS 1699 :1994shallbe solution;and followed.Thepercentageoftotaldyecontentshall 450 Et~lcm,610nm,forindigocarmine bedeterminedusingthefollowingcalculations: inammoniumacetatesolution. 1mlof0.1NTiO),.,0.02332gofindigocarmine. ANNEXB [Table 1,Item (iii)] DETERMINATION01<'WATERINSOLUBLEMAlTER D-} PROCEIHJRF. followedtaking2gramofsampleinsteadof4.5·5g. The method given in 7otIS1699:1994shallbe (see7.2ofIS1699:1994). ANNEXC [Table 1,Item (iv)] DETERMINATIONorCOMBINEDETHEREXTRACT C-l PROCEDURE followedtaking2gofsampleinsteadof5g(see8.4 The method given in8 of IS1699:1994shallbe ofIS1699:1994). ANNEXD [Table1,Item (v)] DETERMINATIONOFSUBSIDIARYDYECONTENT 0-1 PROCEDURE NOTES Themethodgivenin901'IS1699:1994using the 1~5,71S01DCf~SCJlilC1lloJ~~WUJ.~bluezonejustIntrout conditionsgiven belowshallbefollowed: 0(lbe: mam blue band. De not mctudc atm.Lone 111 the: M1~LlUlrycolounng matter I.ull(.~whICh arc CUI OUl .tnd Developingsolvent: No.."l mea:"uroJ. Heightofascentofsolventfront:approximate 17 :zThe15mlsonumhydrogencarbonatesotunonUM..""dInIhe em generalprocedure~replacedby15ml0.05Nhy....rochtor«.. acid10order10avoid lhe:decompocuonwhich~UU(H\aIL-d IDchgoundergoesInalkahnesrnUhOfl ANNEXE [Table 1,Item (vi)] DETERMINATION0" THEISATINSULPffONICACID E·l PRINCIPLE ";.2.2 Mlcrosyringe - Capableofuehvermg 0.2 mlwith atoleranceof ±11.002ml. E-l.l Separateisatinsulphonicacidfromindigocar minebyascendingpaperchromatographyandextract E·2.3 Spectrophotometer itfrom thepaper.Measuretheopticaldensityofthe E-3 RF.AGJo;NTS extraet at the wavelength ofmaximum absorbance around247nm,from whichcalculatethecontentof E-3.1 AtmosphereSaturatingSolvent- Water. theintermediateasapercentbymassofthesample. E·3.2 Developing Solvent - SOdium cntonde E-2 APPARATUS solution15percent. E·2.1 ChromatographTankwithAncillaryEquip E-3.3 ExtractingSolvent_. Ammoniumsulphate ment-k given under7.2.1oflS1699: 1974. solution,25percen\. IS16911:1994 E-4 PROCEDURE E-4.2 Holding the chrol1latogram under ultravioletlight,markIhetopandthebottomofthe 1<:-4.1 Markoutasheetofchromatographypaper fluorescentband. (Rfvalue ofIsaun-o-sulphonic a.'shownInFIg.2ofIS1699:1994.Apply0.2m!of acidis0.9). CuI the bandfrom Ihesheetasastrip a 1.0 percent m]v (based on lUO percent purity) and CUI an equivalentstrip from the plain sheer, aqucoussolutionofthedyeasuniformlyaspossible Extract eaeh srnp separately with 10ml of the within the confinesofthe 180 mm x 7mm rec ammonium-sulphatesolution and filter. Measure langle. holding the nozzle of the micro-syringe theopticaldensityofIheextractsat thepeaknear stcadrlyincontactwith thepaper.Allow thepaper 247:!:5nm, 10dryat room temperaturefor I 102hours,orat :'ll"Cfor:'minutesfollowedby15minutesatroom E-S CALCULAnON temperature. Mount the sheet, together with a E-S.l Isatinsuiphonicacid, =(D-d) x F plain sheet to act as a blank. in frame (C). Pour percentbymass sulucientdevelopingsolvent into the tray (D) 10 where. bnngthesurfaceof Ihe solvent about 1embelow the hase line of the chromatogramsheet. PUIthe D theopticaldensityofthe isatinsul trame(C)inposnionandreplaceIhecover.Allow phonicacidextract, Ihe"ilventtoascentIIIthefullheighIofthepapers. d the optical densitv of the cor Irunxtcrthe paper,to adryingcabmei and dryat respondingblank. and '0(,(/"C.Remove (heshect«from trame(C). F 6.0. 4

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