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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 16-1 (2008): Shellac, Part 1: Hand Made Shellac [CHD 23: Lac, Lac Products and Polishes] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 16(Part 1) :2008 Sf/(rf}2/ 11/..,* ~~I~-~ Indian Standard SHELLAC- SPECIFICATION PART1 HAND-MADE SHELLAC ( Fourth Revision) ICS87060.20 f; BIS 2008 BUR.EAU OF IND IAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVA:-;. ') BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG :--'"E\V DELHI 110002 October2008 PriceGnJup2 Lac,LacProductsand PolishesSectional Committee.COO23 FOREWORD This Indian Standard(Part l) (Fourth Revision) was adopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards.afterthe draft finalized b)'theLac,LacProductsand PolishesSectionalCommitteehadbeenapprovedbythe Chemical Division Council. Thisstandardforshellaccovering hand-madeshellacaswellasmachine-madeshellacwasfirstpublished in 1949. ItservedasthebasisforinitiatingworkattheleveloftheInternationalOrganizationforStandardization(ISO)and culminatedintheformulationofISOlRecoml1lendationR56Shellac in 1957. Lateron.theCorrunitteereviewedthe positioninrespectofadoptionofISOIR56Shellacbymember countriesofISOand inthefourthmeetingofIsorrC 50itwasdecided that specific proposalsforchangesInthe ISO Recommendationbeinvited. On thebasisofthe proposals receiveditwas seenthat theadoptionofISOfR56was much more satisfactoryin respectofmachine madeshellacthanofhand-madeshellac. Sincethenumberoftypesand gradesofmachine-madeshellacandhand made shellac. taken together, was far too big and caused confusion in making reference to the standard. this standardwasrevisedforthefirsttimeand splitin 1973. While Part Icovered hand-madeshellac, machine-made shellaciscoveredinPart2. The second revision wasbased on the discussions during the fourth meeting ofISOrrC 50 that the position in respectoftheadoptionofgradedesignationsforhand-madeshellacgiven inISOfR56(in linewithIS16)wasnot satisfactory. SomeproposalswereputforthbyUKandtheyledtothesubmissionofdetailedcounter-proposals by India. It was based on the Indian country-proposals which received 'substantial degree of agreement at the international level. One significant changewas that the gradedesignationsof hand-made shellac includedtile namesofgrades prevalentintrade. Thisstepnecessitatedsomechangesinthehotalcohol insolublematter limn andcolourindexlimitforGradesA.B,C,DandE. During this revisionthe requirement for non-volatile mattersolubleincold alcohol had been dropped since the requirementisappliedinpracticetowasteproductsoflaconly, The methodsforquantitativedeterminationofrosin hadalsobeendroppedsincethis typeofadulterationisnolongerinevidence.Therequirementforcolourindexis .givenasessential.ThoughthecolourindexhadbeenmadeanoptionalrequirementinISORecommendation,itwas decided that colour index should continue as an essential requirement but the purchaser and the supplier may.byagreement.judgecolourbyvisualexaminationbycomparisonwithanapprovedsample. Inviewofthedeteriorationinqualityofshellaconstorageand itsusageinfoodandpharmaceuticalindustriesthe thirdrevisionwasbroughtoutin 1991 toincorporatecertain modificationsinthestandard. Thisrevisionistakenup toupdatethestandardtomeetthepresent daychallengesbyincorporating the requirementsofHeavymetal and Lead. Forthepurpose ofdeciding whethera particularrequirementofthis standardiscompliedwith.the final value. observedorcalculated,expressingtheresultofatestoranalysis..shallberoundedoffinaccordancewithIS2:1%0 'Rules forroundingoffnumerical values(revised)'. The numberofsignificantplacesretainedilltherounded011 valueshouldbethesame asthatofthe specifiedvalue in thisstandard. IS16(Part1):2008 Indian Standard SHELLAC - SPECIFICATION PART 1 HAND-MADE SHELLAC (Fourth Revision) 1 SCOPE 5.1.1Thecorrespondencebetweenthestandardgrades and trade grades isshown below: 1.1 Thisstandard(Part I) prescribestherequirements and the method of sampling and test for hand-made 51No. Standard Grade TradeGrade shellac. a) GradeSpecial i)Kusmi buttonlac 1.2 Thelimits prescribedinthestandardare limits for ii)Kusmilemonshellac rejection. iii)Superiorlemonshellac 2 REFEREN~ b) Grade A i)Lemon No.1shellac The standards listed below contain provisions. which ii)Pure Ibuttonlac through reference in this text.constituteprovisionsof this standard. At the time ofpublication. the editions iii)Goldenshellac indicatedwerevalid.Allstandardsaresubjecttorevision iv)Lightpure buttonlac and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying c) GradeB Lemon No.2shellac the most recent editions of the standards indicated d) GradeC i)FOsuperfineshellac below: ii)Standard Ishellac ISNo. TItle iii)Yelloworangeshellac 4905:1968 Methodsfor-randomsampling e) GradeD PureTNshellac 4908:1968 Glossaryofterms used inlacindustry f) GradeE ITNshellac 6921: 1973 Methods ofsampling and test for lac 6 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS and lac products 6.1 MatterInsolubleinHotAlcohol 3 TERMINOLOGY 6.1.1 Shellacshallnotcontainmore thanthefollowing specifiedbasiclimits ofmatterinsolubleinhotalcohol. For the purposeofthis standard. the definitions given when determined byeitherof the methods prescribed inIS4908and thefollowingshallapply. in6ofIS6921. Incaseofdisputethemethod prescribed in6.2 shall be used as referee method. By agreement 3.1 Approved Sample- The sample agreed upon betweenthe purchaserand thesupplier.the basic limit betweenthe purchaserand thesupplierasthestandard may berelaxed but itshall not in any caseexceed the forcolourand general appearance. relaxedlimitprescribed inTable I. 4 FORM ANDCONDITION Table1 MatterInsolubleinHotAlcohol Shellacshallbeintheformofflakes.orsheets.orbuttons SI No. Grade Matter Insoluble in lIot Alcohol oranyotherform agreedtobetweenthepurchaserand ~__~A,- ..... {Basic Limit Relaxed Limit ' thesupplier. The colourappearanceshall beasagreed upon between the purchaserand the supplier. Percent by Percent by Mass. Max Mass. Max 5GRADFS (I) (2) (3) (4) 5.1 There shall be six grades of hand-made shellac. i) Special 0.75 1.0 namely.GradeSpecial.and Grades A. B.C. Dand E. ii) A 1.0 1.5 Further. the names ofthe grades as prevalent in trade iii) B 1.25 20 may be indicated in addition in parentheses as sho wn below: iv) C 1.5 2.5 v) D 2.5 3.5 GradeSpecial (Kusmi Lemon).andGradeB(Lemon No.2). vi) E 3.0 5.0 IS16(Part1):2008 6.2 ColourIndexorColourandAppearance Table3 AshContent (Clause7.3) 6.2.1 Thecolourindexofshellac,asdeterminedbythe methodprescribedin7ofIS6921,shallbenotinexcess 51 No. Grade Ash. Percent ofthelimitsgiveninTable2. by Mass, Max Table2ColourIndex (I) (2) (3) 51No. Grade Colour Index. Max i) Special 0.5 m ii) A 0.5 (I) (2) iii) B 0.8 i) Special 6 iv) C 1.0 ii) A 12 v) D 1.0 iii) B 15 vi) E 1.0 iv) C 18 7.4 MatterSolubleinWater v) D 25 Shellacshallcontainnotmorethan0.5percentbymass vi) E 30 ofmattersolubleinwaterand the aqueousextractshall notbeacidictomethylredor aikalinetobromothymol 6.2.2 No colouring matter be added to the material blue. The test shall be carried out according to the during processing or subsequently. The appearance methodprescribedin13oflS6921. wouldbedeterminedbythenaturalcolouringpigments 7.5 FlowTest present inlacresin. Shellac shall have a flow within the range agreed to 6.3 Rosin between the purchaser and the supplier. when tested Shellacshall notcontain any rosin. when tested bythe bythemethodprescribedin21of IS6921. methodprescribedin9ofIS6921. 7.6 HeatPolymerizationTest 6.4 OrpimentandOtherArsenicalImpurities Shellac shall satisfy a heat polymerization test within the range oftime as agreed to between the purchaser 6.4.1 Shellac shall not contain any orpiment, when and the supplier. The methodshall be thatprescribed testedbythemethodprescribedin14of IS6921except in22ofIS6921and unlessotherwise agreed,the tem when aspecified percentage isagreed to between the peratureoftestshallbe l50"C. purchaser and the supplier, in which case the determinationshall becarriedoutasprescribedin20.1 7.7 AddValue ofIS6921. Theacid valueofshellacshall be fixed. ifdesired. by agreementbetweenthe purchaserandthesupplier. The NOTE - Shellac is not expected to contain any orpiment or any other arsenical impurities but to guard against acid valueofshellac tobe used in food industryshall inadvertent contamination. when orpiment free shellac is be preferably between73 and 89 when determined by required. it shall not contain more than 2xI0" percent by the methodprescribedin16oflS6921. mass oforpiment and/or other arsenal impurities. 7.8 LeadContent 7 OPTIONALREQUIREMENTS Thelimit ofleadcontentshall be subjecttoagreement 7.0 The optional requirements given below shall be between the purchaser and the supplier and the subject to agreement between the purchaser and the percentageoflead shall be determinedby the method supplier. prescribedin16oflS6921. 7.1 VolatileMatter NOTE - 'Shellac is not expected to contain anylead. but to guard against inadvertent contamination. when lead-free Shellacshallnotcontainmorethan2.0percentbymass shellac isrequired. it shallnot contain morethan0.03 percent ofvolatilematter(moisture).asdeterminedbythemethod bymassof ~ calcu1aledas lead. prescribedin5ofIS6921. 7.9 Grit 7.2 Wax Themaximumlimitforgritcontentinshellacshallbeas agreedtobetweenthepurchaserandthesupplier. When Shellacshallnotcontainwax.inexcessof5.5percentby required.itshallbedeterminedbythemethodprescribed mass asdeterminedby the methodprescribedin11of inDofIS6921. lS6921. 7.10 IodiDeValue 7.3 Ash Themaximumlimitforiodinevalueofshellacshallbeas Shellacshall notleave.onincineration.ashinexcessof agreedtobetweenthepurchaserandthesupplier. When the limits giveninTable 3.when tested by the method required. itshall be determined by anyoneofthe two prescribedin12ofIS 6921. methodsprescribed in24ofIS6921. 2 IS 16(Part1):2008 8 PACKING AND MARKING e) Lot number or Code number to trace the lotof manufacture;and 8.1 Packing f) Bestbefore12monthsfromdateof manufacturing. The material shallbepacked asagreed tobetween the purchaserand thesupplier. 8.2.2 BIS Certification Marking 8.1.1 It isrecommendedthatthematerialbeconsumed Each package ofshellac may also bemarked withthe as early as possible after purchase; till the time it is Standard Mark. consumed, the containers shall be stored at low The useof theStandard Mark isgoverned by soc. temperaturespreferably4to theprovisions of theBureauofIndianStandardsAct. 8.2 Marking 1986and theRules andRegulations madethereunder. The details of conditions under which the licence for 8.2.1 The material shallbemarked withthefollowing the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to information: manufacturersor producers maybeobtained fromthe BureauofIndianStandards. a) Name, standard grade and trade grade (see 5.1 and5.1.1); 9 SAMPLING b) Netweight; Representativesamples of thematerial shallbedrawn andtheirconformitydeterminedinaccordancewiththe c) Indicationofthesourceofmanufacture; methodprescribed inAnnex A. d) Month and yearofmanufacture; ANNEXA (Clause 9) SAMPUNGOFSHELLAC A-I SCALEOFSAMPLING A-1.3.1 These packages shall beselected at random. Inorder toensuretherandomness ofselection.random A-l.1 Lot samplingproceduregiveninIS4905maybeadopted. All the packages ofthe shellac belonging to the same batch ofmanufacture, in asingle consignment and of A·2 PREPARATION OF TEST SAMPLE AND the same grade shall be grouped together and shall NUMBEROFTFSfS constitutealot. A-1.2 Forascertainingtheconformityofthelottothe A-2.1 Samplesshallbetakeninthemanner prescribed requirementsofthisspecification,testsshallbecarried in3oflS6921. outoneach lotseparately. A-2.1.1 Samplesshall bestored inair-tight containers A-1.3 The number ofpackages tobeselected(n) shall attemperaturenotmorethan2O'Cforperiodsuptothree depend on the lot size (N) and shall bein accordance months; ifitisintended to keep thesamplesforlonger withTable 4. period.theyshallbekeptinarefrigerator. Table4 NumberoCBagslCooWners tobeSelectedCorSampling A-2.2 NumberoCTests St Lot Size No.or Bap! A·2.2.1 Testsformatterinsolubleinhotalcohol,colour No. Containers to be index,rosin.orpimentandarsenic shallbedoneontwo Selected independent samples. N n (I) (2) (3) A-2.2.2 Testsforallothercharacteristicsshallbedone onasinglesampleonly. i) Upto 50 5 ii) 51 to 100 10 A-2.3 CriteriaforCoofonoity iii) 101 to 200 20 iv) 201 10300 30 v) 301 10400 40 The lot shall be considered as conforming to the vi) 401 andabove 50 specificationifnofailureoccursinanytest. 3 MGlPF-3Depn orBISIOJ-300Boob Bureau ofIndianStandards BIS isastatutoryinstitutionestablishedundertheBureauofIndianStandardsAct, 1986topromotcharmonious development ofthe activities ofstandardization. markingand quality certification ofgoods and attending to connectedmailersin the country. Copyrigbt BIShas thecopyrightofall itspublications.Nopartofthesepublicationsmay bereproducedinanyformwithout thepriorpermissioninwritingofBIS.Thisdocs notprecludethefreeuse.incourseofimplementingthestandard. ofnecessary details. suchas symbolsand sizes. type or gradedesignations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressedtothe Director(Publications),BIS. Reviewof IndianStandards Amendmentsare issued to standardsas thc need ariseson the basisofcomments. Standardsare also reviewed periodically;a standardalongwithamendmentsis rcaffinned when such review indicatesthat no changesare needed; ifthc review indicates that changesare needed. it is taken up for revision.UsersofIndian Standards shouldascertainthat they arc inpossessionofthe latestamendmentsoreditionby referringtothelatestissueof 'BISCatalogue'and.Standards:MonthlyAdditions'. ThisIndianStandardhasbeendevelopedfrom Doc:No.ClID23(1332). Amendments IssuedSincePublication AmendmentNo. DateofIssue TextAffected BUREAUOFINDIANSTANDARDS Headquarters: ManakBhavan,9BahadurShahZafarMarg,NewDelhi 110002 Telegrams:Manaksanstha Telephones:23230131,23233375,23239402 Website:www.bis.org.in (CommontoallOffices) R~~al(HTJces: . Telephone Central ManakBhavan,9BahadurShahZafarMarg 23237617 { NEWDEU-D 110002 23233841 Eastern i/14.CIT.SchemevnM.VI.PRoad.Kankurgachi 23378499.23378561 { KOLKATA700054 23378626.23379120 Northern SCO335-336.Sector34-ACHANDIGARH-I60022 2603843 { 260~285 Southern C.I.T.Campus.IVCrossRoad..CHENNAI600113 22541216.2254 1442 { 22542519.22542315 Western ManakaIaya.E9Mille.Marol,Andheri(East) 28329295.28327858 { MUMBAl400093 28327891.28327892 Branches: AHMEDABAD. BANGALORE.BHOPAL . BHUBANESHWAR.COIMBATORE.FARIDABAD GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PARWANOO. PATNA. PUNE. RAJKOT. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. VISAKHAPATI<:AM. Printed at Government ofIndia Press. Farrdabad

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