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Preview IS 15776: Polyurethane (PU) coated leather

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15776 (2008): Polyurethane (PU) coated leather [CHD 17: Leather, Tanning Materials and Allied Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15776 : 2008 Indian Standard POLYURETHANE (PU) COATED LEATHER - SPECIFICATION ICS 25.220.01;59.140.30;83.080.10 © BIS2008 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 April 2008 PriceGroup3 Leather,TanningMaterials andAllied Products Sectional Committee. CHD 17 FOREWORD This IndianStandard was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Leather, TanningMaterialsandAlliedProductsSectionalCommitteehadbeenapprovedbytheChemicalDivisionCouncil. Polyurethane (PU) coated leather is used widely in the manufacture of various leather goods items, leather footwearandleathergarmentsinviewofuniqueappearance.Additionally,leathereven withseveregraindamage cangetupgraded bypolyurethanecoating wherein the surfacedefects get masked. Polyurethane(PU)coatedleathersalsofindastrongdemandinthefashion industryand therebyhaveinternational demand. Thecomposition oftheCommitteeresponsibleforformulation ofthisstandard isgiven inAnnex D. Forthepurpose ofdeciding whether aparticularrequirementofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960'Rulesforroundingoffnumerical values(revised)'.The numberofsignificantplaces retainedinthe roundedoffvalueshould be thesame asthatofthespecified value inthis standard. IS15776:2008 Indian Standard POLYURETHANE (PU) COATED LEATHER - SPECIFICATION 1SCOPE leather shall be finished with a film of polyurethane and shall have a high gloss as agreed to between the This standard prescribes requirements. methods of purchaserand the supplier. samplingandtestforpolyurethane (PU)coatedleather. 4.2Physical and ChemicalRequirements 2REFERENCES The leather shall also conform to the requirements The following standards contain provisions, which given inTable I, when tested inaccordance with the through reference inthis textconstitute provisionsof methodsprescribed incol 4ofTable I. thisstandard.At the timeofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to 4.3Hazardous Chemicals revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility The leather shall also conform to the requirements of applying the most recent editions of the standards given inTable 2. when tested in accordance with the indicated below: methodsprescribed incol4ofTable 2. ISNo. TItle 5MARKING 576 : 1989 Leather- Glacekidforshoe uppers 5.1 The leather shall be legibly marked on the flesh - Specification. sideofeach piece with the areainsquaredecimeters, 582 :1970 Method ofchemicaltestingofleather with the following details: (first revisions a) Batch No.. 1070: 1992 Reagentgrade water (third revision} b) Date offinishing,and 1640: 1960 Glossary ofterms relating to hides, skins and leather(first revisions c) Identificationmarkorsourceofmanufacture. 5868 : 1983 Methodofsamplingforleather(first 5.2 In addition. the leather when packed inabundle, revisions shall be marked with the total area ofthe leather in 5914 : 1970 Methodsofphysicaltestingofleather thatbundleand numberoftotal piecesofleatherinthe 6191 : 1971 Methods of microbiological, colour same. fastness and microscopical tests for leather 5.3HISCertificationMarking 12659 : 1989 Method of test for measurement of The productmayalso bemarked withStandardMark. thickness of surface coating on leather 5.3.1The useoftheStandardMarkisgovernedbythe 12718: 1989 Leatherforgarments- Performance provisions of Bureau ofIndian Standards Act. 1986 requirements and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.The 14575: 1999 Determinationofpentachlorophenol details of conditions under which the licence for the (PCP)inleather-Methodoftext useofStandardMark maybegrantedtomanufacturers 14898: 2001 ECO criteria for finished leather or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Specification Indian Standards. 3TERMINOLOGY 6PACKING Forthe purposeofthis standard the definitionsgiven The leathershall be packed a~ agreed to between the inIS 1640shall apply. purchaserand the supplier. 4REQUIREMENTS 7SAMPLING 4.1General Representativesamplesofthe material shall bedrawn and tested for theirconformity with therequirements The leather shall be full-chrome or semi-chrome/ of this standard in accordance with the method of chromeretannedwith vegetable tannins/syntans.The samplingprescribed inIS5868. grainmaybesnuffed,ifrequired.Thegrain sideofth e IS15776:2008 Table 1Physical Requirementsfor PUCoated Leather (Clause 4.2) 51No. Chuacteristic Requirement MethodofTest,Refto --- ..... IS582 IS5914 IS6191 IS2659 (\) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) i) PUfimthickness, microns.Min 15 \S 12659 ii) Tensilestrength.MPa,Min 16 LP6 iii) Elongationatbreak, percent,Max 80 LP6 iv) Doubleholestitchtearstrength.Nzcm,Min 800 LP8 v) Tearstrength. Nzrnm,Min 300 LP7 vi) Flexuralendurance.Flexes.Min: a) Dry 20000 LPI9 b) Wet 10000 LP19 vii) Fastnesstorubbingafter I024revolutions.Min Greyscalerating: a) Dry 4 LF9 b) Wet 4 LF9 viii) Finishadhesion.Nrm,dry.Min 250 Annex Dof IS 12718 ix) Distentionatgraincrack,rnm,Min 7 Annex Aof (Thesoundofcrack istobeobserved IS576 insteadofvisualobservanceofcrack) x) Coldcrackresistance Nocrackat-IO"C AnnexEof IS127\8 xi) Acetone peeltest Topassthetest Annex Aof this standard xii) Hotscrapetest,at250"C Topassthetest Annex Bof thisstandard xiii) Toggletest Topass thetest Annex Cof thisstandard xiv) Solventextractablesubstance,percentby 3to8 LC 4 mass,percent') xv) Chromium(asCr20J),percentbymass,Mini) 2.0 LC 10 xvi) Watersolubles,percentbymass.Max') 3.5 LC 6 xvii) pHofaqueousextract, Min 3.5 LC 18 xviii) Differentialfigure Notgreaterthan LC 18 0.7 ')Tobecalculatedonzeropercentmoisturebasis. Table 2Freedom from HazardousChemicals (Clause4.3) 5\No. Characteristic Requirement MethodofTest,Refto (I) (2) (3) (4) i) Formaldehyde,rng/kg,Max 150 LC:3ofIS 14898 ii) Pentachlorophenol.mg/kg,Max 5 IS14575 iii) Coupledaminesreleasedfromazodyes(sumparameters),mglkg,Max 30 LC:4ofIS 14898 iv) Hexavalentchromium.mg/kg,Max 3 LC:2ofIS14898 2 IS 15776 :2008 ANNEXA (Table 1) ACETONEPEELTEST A-I PRINCIPLE the film with the help ofa knife. Gently take offthe film from the leather and peel the film up to the dry In order to check the bond strength between the PU sectionholdingthesamplebetweenthefingers.Repeat film and the leather. acetone is applied on the flesh theentire procedurefor thesecondsample. Ifthefilm sideof theleatherand thefilm is peeled off. isdetachedeasilythesample isconsideredtobefailing. A-2PROCEDURE A·3EXPRESSIONOFRESULTS Cuttwotestspecimenswith 100mmx 10mmsizeon Based on the visual examination, the results shall be both directions. Apply I ml of acetone on the flesh expressed ineitherofthe following twoterms: sideatoneend ofthe testspecimen.Place the leather onatable with PUcoated side up. Leaveitfor5min. a) Passes thetest, and Make a light vertical cut on acetone applied area of b) Fails the test. ANNEXB (Table 1) HOTSCRAPETEST B-1PRINCIPLE withthe lowersurfaceofthebitandislarger than the lowersurfaceof thebit. The test isintendedtodetermine the resistanceofthe e) A removable thermally insulated support to finish surface to mechanical damage after short-term hold the bitclearof theplatform. contact withahot surface. t) Ameansforraising thebitclearofthesupport B-2APPARATUSAND MATERIALS and bringingitinto uniformcontact with the testspecimenmountedontheplatform under B-2.1 Heat resistance tester having the following apressureof20 ±2 kPa. features: B-2.2 Scraping Tool - A blade of dimensions as a) Acopperbithaving amass of2±0.5 Nwith shown inFig. I. acircularsurface area of650 ±50 mrn?and provisionto measure temperature. B-2.3 Timer.to measurethe time tothe nearest Is. b) A metal heating block with a mass of 5.3 ±0.5 N, fitted around the verticalsides B-3PROCEDURE ofthe copper bit with provision ofa heater a) Cut a test specimen large enough to handle which can be controlled to heat the lower for the test. surfaceofthe bit toany desired temperature b) Switch on the heating source of the test uptoamaximumof 250°e. machineandwait untilthetemperatureinthe c) A temperature measuring device to measure indicatorisslightlyabove 250°Candswitch the temperature up to 250°C to the nearest offthe machine. 2°e. c) Place the leather piece on the platform with d) Alowermetalplatform, whichisself-aligning finishsidefacing upand placeanaluminium 3 IS 15776:2008 10 I 'r~~~--r----[t \ ~ lR200 \~ . 70 127 "I t V I 285 <, --l RO.3 1.5 ENLARGEDDETAIL OFSCRAPERTIP All dimensionsinmillimetres. FIG. 1SCRAPING TOOL sheet/foilover theleather. force by hand. Repeat this scraping NOTE - Aluminium sheet is used to avoid any procedureattwo moreplacesadjacenttothe stickingofthe film tothe heating bit. scraped surface. d) When thetemperaturereaches 250°C, lower g) Entiretestshouldbeconductedquicklybefore the lever so that the heating bit comes in thesurfacegetscooled. contactwith the finish on the leather. B-4REPORT e) After30± 1s,raise theplatformandquickly remove the leather from the platform and Based on the visual examination, the results shall be place iton the table. expressedineitherofthe following two terms: f) Immediately scrape the finish surface with a) Passes the test, and one stroke using the scraping tool in one direction approximately applying 9 ± 1 N b) Failsthe test. 4 IS 15776:2008 ANNEXC (Table 1) TOGGLETEST C-IPRINCIPLE thehelpofanailatregularintervals.Stretchtheleather using toggleclips and keep thestretchedleatherinan In order to check the property for resistance to cut oven maintained at 100± 2°C for 24 h. Remove the growth of the PU film, the patent leatherisaged at a stretchedleatherfrom theovenafter24handcoolitat higher temperature for a certain period and it is then room temperature. visuallyexamined. C-4 EXPRESSIONOFRESULT C-2APPARATUS Based on the visual examination of thespecimenthe C-2.1 ToggleBoard result isexpressed ineitherofthe followingterms: C-2.2 Toggle Clips a) Passes theTest- Incase thereisnocrackor C-2.3 AirOven,maintainedat 100±2°C. teargrowthorchangeincolourofthePUfilm, and C-3 PROCEDURE b) Fails the Test- In case there is acrack or tear growth or change in colour of the PU CutI()()mmx 15mmstripoftestpiecefromthesample film. of PU leather. Make few holes on the specimenwith ANNEXD (Foreword) COMMITTEECOMPOSITION Leather,TanningMaterialsandAllied ProductsSectionalCommittee,CHD 17 Organization Representativeis) Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai DIRECTOR (Chairman) DR S. SAOL'LLA (Alternate I) DR C. ML'RALIOHARAN (Alternate II) All India Skins & Hide Tanners and Merchants Association. Chennai SHRI M. SRINIVAS SHRI N. M. ZACHARIAH (Alternate) A V Thomas Leather & Allied Products Pvt Ltd. Chennai SHRI HABIB HUSSAIN SHRI K. MANIV~NNAN (Alternate) BASFIndia Ltd. Murnbai SHRI P.R. CHAUOHARI DR S. A. NAOGOUOA(Alternate) Bata India Ltd. Kolkata SHRJ S. R. RAHA SHRI S. MOITRA (Alternare) Central FootwearTraining Insutute, Chennai SHRI S. N. GANGULY SHRI S. CHAKRABORTY (Alternate) Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi SHRI T.VENUGOPAL SHRJNAYAGGARWAL (Alternate) College of LeatherTechnology. Kolkata SHRI BUODHAOEV CHAITERJEE PRoFSWAPAN KUMAR BASU (Alternate) ConsumerFederation of India. New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE Council for LeatherExports. Chennai SHRI M.M. HASHIM DRZACKRIA SAIT(Alternate) 5

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