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Preview IS 15729: Natural gas pressure regulating and metering terminal - Code of practice

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15729 (2007): Natural gas pressure regulating and metering terminal - Code of practice [MED 17: Chemical Engineering Plants and Related Equipment] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15729:2007 Indian Standard NATURAL GAS PRESSURE REGULATING AND METERING TERMINAL — CODE OF PRACTICE ICS 75.200 (3 BIS 2007 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Febt-uary 2007 Price Group 8 Chemical Engineering Plants and Related Equipment Sectional Committee, ME 17 FOREWORD This Code was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Chemical Engineering Plants and Related Equipment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council. The transportation and distribution ofnatural gas through cross-country pipelines are the major business ofthe oil and gas companies. It was felt that pipeline supplies were rapidly being laid to feed distribution systems for various users and that there was aneed for adocument embodying recommendations to ensure the utmost reliability and continuity of supply at pressures that are acceptable to and safe for the downstream pipeline or distribution system. Assistance has been derived from lGE/TD/ 13 ‘Pressure regulating installations for transmission and distribution systems’ covering installation with inlet pressures between 0.7 to 10.0 MPa. Considering the importance of metering, regulation, data acquisition and safety of gas transmission, this Code for regulating stations has been prepared. This Code does not restrict the use of new and better techniques developed and proved in due course of time. The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given inAnnex D. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with [S2:1960 ‘RuIes for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1S 15729:2007 Indian Standard NATURAL GAS PRESSURE REGULATING AND METERING TERMINAL — CODE OF PRACTICE 1 SCOPE 3.6 Dead Time — The time taken by aslam-shut valve to sense a pressure signal. This Code covers the commissioning, operation and maintenance and safety aspects of natural gas pressure 3.7 Gas regulating and metering terminal. 3.7.1 First Family Gas — Gas of Wobbe number 24.4 This standard shall be used in conjunction with to 28.8 MJ/m3 commonly known as ‘town gas’. 1S 15677. 3.7.2 Second Family Gas — Gas of Wobbe number 2 REFERENCES 48.2 to 53.2 MJ/m3 commonly known as ‘natural gas’. The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions 3.8 Holiday — A flaw in the protective coating of a which, through reference in this text, constitute pipe or component which may expose the underlying provisions ofthis standard. Atthetime ofpublication, surface. the editions indicated were valid. All standards are 3.9 Impulse — The pressure sensed at the selected subject to revision and parties to agreements based on point inthe gas stream. this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the 3.10 Lower Flammable Limit (L~) — The standards indicated atAnnex A. concentralation of flammable gas, vapour of mist in air above which combustion can be sustained. 3 TERMINOLOGY This term may be considered equivalent to the term 3.1 Cathodic Protection (CP) — A method of ‘Lower Explosive Limit’ (LEL). protecting ametallic pipeline/structure from corrosion by making it a cathode so that direct current flows on 3.11 Non-destructive Testing (NDT) — Testing of to the pipeline/structure from the surrounding pipework and components by methods, such as electrolytic environment. radiography, ultrasonic and magnetic crack detection etc, that are not destructive. 3.2 CP Related Terminology 3.12 Pig — Adevice which can be propelled through 3.2.1 lt~sula~ing Flanges — Flanges which permit apipeline by fluid pressure, used for various purposes, mechanical continuity but break the electrical for example, cleaning, swabbing, inspection, etc. continuity. 3.13 Pig Trap — A vessel connected to the end of a 3.2.2 Isola?illg Joint — Electrically insulating section of pipeline, having abreech loading/unloading component such as monoblock insulating joint, arrangement for launching and receiving pigs. insulating flange, isolating coupling, etc, inserted between two lengths of pipeline/structure to prevent 3.14 Pressure Related Terminology electrical continuity between them. 3.14.1 Design Pressure — The design pressure should 3.3 Closing Time — The time taken by a slam-shut be higher than the maximum pressure to which the valve between commencing and completing the closing system could be subjected during operation. The value action of its internal valve element. selected as the design pressure should take account of 3.4 Creep (asApplied to Gas Control Equipment) — any foreseeable overpressure condition, particularly The minor leakage volume of gas which aregulator or where this iscoincident with adverse temperature and/ other control unit may be unable to contain in its or fatigue conditions and of the performance of any nominally closed state. overpressure protection devices in the system. 3.5 Creep (asApplied toPolymeric Material) — The 3.14.2 Maximum Working Pressure (MWP) — The phenomenon ofgrowth or displacement ofthe material maximum pressure to which apipe or component may resulting from applied stress, aging or other factors. be subjected in normal operation. 1 IS 15729:2007 3.14.3 Z'.\r/'r[.s.~/{rc-Thep ressuret o\$rllichcopponents 3.15.12 Lock-Up — The act of closure of a regulator or complete installations aresubjected for acceptance when gas demand falls to zero. purposes, 3.15.13 Wicking — Aterm used to describe the escape 3.15 ReguIato rRelate dTerminology of gas within a pressurized, fabric-reinforced rubber diaphragm when the leakage path is along the fabric 3.15.1 Rc,qr{[[{tor- A device whose function is to interstices. automatically control pressure or volume flow at a 3.15.14 Relief Valve (Relief Regulator) — A valve or selected point in a gas stream. regulator incorporated to protect a system, or a 3.15.2 Pr~'.s.sllr(R' c'gul(~tor- Aregulatorwhich nlaintains component part thereof, against excessive pressure. Its a preset constant pressure atapoint on itsoutlet. function isto vent, usually to atmosphere, when apre- determined pressure is attained. 3.15.3 Vc]l!4inttric(Cotlstatlt V[)[Lltne)Regu[utcjr —A regulator which maintains a preset constant rate of 3.16 Slam-Shut Valve — Avalve-that is designed to volume flow irrespective ofinlet pressures. close quickly in the event of an abnormal (usually excess) pressure being detected at aselected point in a 3.15.4 Mo}]itor/Active Regulation -Anarrangement gas stream. of two regulators in series whose pressure settings are stepped so as to allow one regulator (active) normally 3.17 Thermowell — Ametal pocket protruding into to control the outlet pressure and the other (monitor) the gas stream tohouse atemperature-measuring device. to assutme control in the event of failure of the active unit towards the open position. 4 PLANNING, LAYOUT AND SECURITY 3.15.5 Pilor Control — A subsidiary regulating Any natural gas pressure regulating and metering Imechanism that generally employs the pressure terminal must be designed, located, constructed and upstream of the main regulator orother control unit operated taking into consideration the safety and as a power source to exert control over the main environmental requirements of applicable legislation. regulator. 4.1 Planning 3.15.6 Size ofu Regulator — Size of the regulator is Consideration should be given to the layout and other defined asthe nominal diameter ofthe regulator’s inlet uses of the station, for example, gas storage, the need connection. for security ofthe station and anyhousing forthe natural 3.15.7 Capacity of a Regulator — The maximum gas pressure regulating and metering. volume flow which a regulator will pass at given inlet Consideration should be given to the possibility of and outlet pressure under specific gas measurement flooding and, inthe case ofanunderground installation, conditions for which the regul ator is designed whilst the Iikelihood of arising water table. maintaining stable control of that flow. 4.2 Station Location 3.15.8 Ratlgeubility of aRegulator — The ratio ofthe maximum capacity of regulator to the minimum When selecting the location for a natural gas pressure capacity. The maximum capacity can usually be regulating and metering, care should be taken to avoid obtained from the manufacturer’s catalogue, making the following: due allowance forthe specific gravity ofthe gas handled a) Proximity toresidential properties orareas that and the pressure recovery appropriate to the particular may be subject to residential development; installation. The minimum capacity isthat volume flow down to which the regulator is designed to maintain b) Proximity totall buildings where eddy currents stable control. around the building may cause problems with gas dispersal; 3.15.9 Rcpe[ttobility of Actuation — The limits of c) Positioning the natural gas pressure regulating deviation from pressure set point within which aslam- and metering beneath or close to overhead shut valve isable, repeatedly without failure, to actuate power lines; and closure from its normally open state. d) Vulnerable sites where traffic accidents, etc, 3.1 S.10 /J\tt[//~~ic fc~forfnat~ce — The transient could result in damage to the natural gas behaviour of aregulator inControlling pressure or flow pressure regulating and metering. following deviation from set-point. 4.3 Station Layout 3.15.11 Trim — A term embracing the internal flow control elements within the body of aregulator, valve 4.3.1 The area of the station should be adequate to or other control unit. accommodate the equipment and provide access for 2 IS 15729:2007 maintenance purposes andlor the location ofemergency a) Two or more high pressure inlet filters with facilities, for example, fire extinguishers. suitable valves and connections to permit NOTE — Itisdesirabletoprovidehardaccess uptoand within design throughput to be maintained with one thestation toaccommodate maintenance andemergency service unit out of action. vehicles. b) Means to avoid the entrapment of liquids in 4.3.2 An emergency exit should be provided, if the gas entering a pressure regulator and if appropriate. necessary, suitabIe provision made for their removal. 4.3.3 Vulnerable pipework or equipment should be It isparticularly important that the gas supply protected, where necessary. to valve control instruments should be tlee of 4.3.4 Any hazardous area should be taken into account liquids and dust and suitable filters/separators when determining the station boundary. shall be installed as appropriate. c) Two or more streams of pressure regulators, 4.3.5 The combustion airintake ofartygasheater orother burner equipment should be located so as to minimize each stream to contain at least one pressure any hazard arising from any source of gas leakage or regulator. For critical installation, consideration may be given for one monitor emission, forexample, from afilter, relief valve vent, etc. and one active regulator ineach stream. Where 4.3.6 Consideration should be given to: the installation is not a big gas despatch terminal, consideration may be given to the a) access for pigging operation and equipment, provision of a single stream of pressure b) minimizing noise, regulators only. c) access for maintenance activities, d) Upstream slam-shut valves shall be fitted on d) excess for fire fighting, and all streams of pressure regulators. e) gas detection. e) Installations should be designed to withstand NOTE — Where gas is not odorized, enhanced maximum inlet pressure conditions to be at arrangementsmaybeneeded,such asprominent notices metering station. Where this isnot reasonably and/or additional detection equipment. practicable, the design should include inter- 4.4 Station Security state relief valves ineach stream where more than one stage, if pressure reduction is 4.4.1 Any station should be secured against entry by involved. Such relief valves should be at least unauthorized persons. of sufficient capacity to offset the effects of 4.4.2 If a station security fence is used, equipment gas passing due to failure of regulators to ‘lock-up’ at times of no flow. should be sited at a sufficient distance from the fence to prevent interference from outside. Protection may also be afforded by providing an auxiliary trip switch for the slam-shut valve 4.4.3 Consideration should be given to the provision referred to in (d) above. of a locking device for valves, including auxiliary f) In certain circumstances failure of apressure valves located external to a natural gas pressure reduction installation to ‘lock-up’ at periods regulating and metering housing. of low flow may cause the normal working 4.4.4 Consideration should be given to installing pressure of the system into which it delivers intruder detection devices. to be exceeded, the use of a relief valve and vent of sufficient capacity to offset this 4.4.5 Where the presence of vehicular tratlic could failure to lock-up maybe considered, if the cause a hazard, the use of safety barriers should be operation of the slam-shut system is considered. unacceptable. 4.4.6 Prominent signs should be displayed, prohibiting g) It is necessary to consider whether pre- smoking and other ignition sources. heating of the gas is required to avoid unacceptably low temperature in the 4.4.7 Apermanent notice should be displayed clearly, downstream pipe network and auxiliary showing an emergency telephone number which may systems due to pressure reduction. If heaters be used by the public or others. are installed then they shall be controlled in 5 COMPONENTS OF NATURAL GAS such away as to avoid high gas temperature DESI?ATCH TERMINAL which may damage any seal, diaphragm or valve seat in equipments like regulators, The natural gas terminal shall generally include: meters, relief valves, etc. 3 IS 15729:2007 To meet the above requirement the main components c) Horizontally positioned baskets shall be of natural gas terminals are as follows: adequately supported. Baskets of cantilever design are not acceptable. a) Gas filtration system; d) All baskets/elements shall be designed to b) Gas heating system; withstand the effects of any vibration under c) Pressure regulators; all operating conditions. d) Pressure relief valves, vent and drains; The recommended differential pressure before e) Valves and actuators; cleaning or changing and the maximum differential f) Slam shut valves; pressure which the element can withstand before g) Thermowell; collapse shall be specified by the filter manufacturer h) Meter and associated piping; in the data sheet. j) Electrical system; and The filter body shall beprovided with supports k) Supervisory control and data acquisition when specified in the data sheet. In case saddle type system. supports are provided, these shall be either welded to NOTE — The applicable aspects of EN 12186 maybe used the body or of the loose clamp type. Supports shall as reference for functional requirements of gas pressure make designed displacement in either direction in regulating stations andtheir operation, maintenance andsafety addition to fill axial movement toallow for movement recommendations. of the pipework. 5.1 Gas Filtration System Vent and drain connections shallbe provided Filters, scrubbers and separators or composite units on the body of the filter. Unless otherwise specified, should be installed onthe inlet ofgas Despatch terminal different pressure tappings shall also be provided on to clean the gas to a standard required for satisfactory the body. operation of the downstream equipments. All”flangesshallbefittedsothat their bolt holes Certain filter elements shall withstand high differential are off the vertical and horizontal centre line. pressures which could be sufilcient to shut off the 5.1.2 Mechanical Design supply of gas through the installation. In some cases such conditions could not be tolerated and alternative The design pressure for the filter shall be as types of fiIters with internal components designed to desired by the buyer and same shall be stated in the collapse and/or relieve high differential pressures data sheet. may be preferred; the selection of downstream For the ambient temperature range of –20° equipment should therefore take account of the to 50”C, the lower design temperature for the choice made. determination ofimpact properties ofmetallic materials The filter shall be so designed that the desired degree shall betaken as–1O°C.For other operating temperature of filtration is achieved in the normal operating ranges, the lower design temperature shall be as stated conditions. Maximum pressure loss across the inleti by the buyer. outlet flanges of filter shall not be more than that The design pressure shall be such that during specified in process parameters of product data sheet. the hydrostatic pressure test, the design stress shall not The filter element shall be suitable for any reverse flow exceed 90 percent of the specified yield stress. of gas. Filter design shall be such that only the element 5.1.3 Manufacturing, Inspection and Tests itself shall require replacement when blocked/chocked. All flanges left for connection by others shall The end closure should be such that filter element could besquare tothe centre line ofthe vessel within 0.25 mti I-seaccessed. 100 mm of flange outside diameter. 5.1.1 The design of the filter assembly shall take into The peripheries ofthe flanges shall be machined account the following: within the following tolerances: a) Ease of replacement of basket (for example a) Up to and including 200 mm the baskets should be bolted toasupport ring). nominal size +0.5 mm b) If welded to the pressure shell, the basket b) Greater than 200 mm support ring shall be of such a design as to nominal size +1.Omm avoid shrinkage stress (for example, segment construction), with a suitable gasket The completed vessel, including the end closure, arrangement to prevent bypass. shall be pressure tested hydrostatically. 4 IS 15729:2007 5.2 Gas Heating System complete calculation shall be undertaken having regard to the composition of the gas to be ,heated and the Due to reduction in pressure across the control valve/ influence ofpressure onthe specific heats ofthe various regulator, the temperature of gas reduces, it may be constituents. necessary to Ynstall pre-heaters to avoid unacceptable low temperatures on the outlet of pressure reduction Heating ofthe gas maybe achieved by the use of heater equipment. Generally itisnot necessary to provide pre- units located inthe installation on the inlet side of the heater where differential pressure across the installation regulators. is less than 1.5 Mpa. The following forms of gas heaters maybe used: In establishing arequirement for the provision of pre- a) Water bath heaters — These consist oftubular heating of gas, the aspects to be seen areas under. elements, carrying the gas, immersed in a The ability of the downstream pipe material to retain water bath, which ismaintained atthe required satisfactory physical characteristics at any reduced constant temperature by the use of a burner temperature of operation. fitted with standard controls and safety devices to maintain the desired exit temperature inthe The possibilities of hydrate or liquid formation which gas stream. may inftuence the operation of the equipments. b) Indirect heaters — These consist of tube-in- The possibility of frost formation due to Iiozen ground shell heat exchangers located inthe gas stream, around buried outlet pipe. heated by steam from an external source, or byhot water circulated from anadjacent boiler The effectiveoperationofanygasconditioningprocess. or modular boiler unit. The number of heaters and their capacity should be The pressure-containing parts ofallheating installations determined having regard to the probability of failure subject to gas pressure shall be constructed and tested of unit occurring simultaneously with a period of in accordance with the requirements of IS 2825. Due extreme demand. If this possibility is low then the allowance for corrosion shall be made where it is provision of standby heater capacity to meet the necessary. extreme condition may not be necessary. 5.3 Pressure Regulators Consideration should be given to the reliability of the heating system in operation, taking into account its 5.3.1 Design dependence of other services. It maybe necessary to Regulator bodies, diaphragm chambers and bolting provide standby water and electricity supplies where shall be designed to withstand the maximum pressure continuous operation under all fault conditions is and temperature variations under fault conditions. Parts essential. ofthe regulator normally subject tooutlet pressure only Any polymeric and elastomeric materials used in the should where practicable, also be designed to the same installation should be capable of withstanding the standard unless provided with integral pressure relief maximum temperature that the preheat source can of adequate capacity. attain. To avoid exceeding the safe operating For inlet pressure up to 10MPa and size upto DN 400, temperature of these materials in meters or regulator pressure regulators, the applicable aspects of EN 334 valve seats it may well be necessary to limit the may be used. as reference for the constructional, maximum temperature of the preheat source. functional and testing requirements. The heater installation should be equipped with ameter Regulators should be sized on the basis of maximum and control system which minimizes the energy design flow rate coefficient with demand at minimum consumed bythe preheater. This isnormally achieved differential pressure and inlet and outlet pressure range by carefully sensing the temperature of the gas capability. The type selected should have a dynamic downstream of the regulators to control the operation performance compatible with the characteristics of the of heaters. system to be supplied; taking into account any associated metering arrangements. The chosen set-point should be as low as possible and this equipment and control system should be Wherever it is known that stream capacity is likely to designed to maintain a minimum variation from this change, consideration should be given tothe installation set-point. of regulators with adjustable rangeability. The determination ofthe heat input required should be It is desirable that a port opening indicator and scale carefully considered to meet a particular duty. The be incorporated in all main regulators. 5

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